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Breakdown of self-incompatibility increases opportunities for both self-fertilization and interspecific hybridization, although the latter is dependent on the extent of competition between heterospecific and conspecific pollen. We investigate the mating system and pollination biology of five phylogenetically closely related species within a distylous species complex in Hedyotis L. (Rubiaceae) in southern China. The complex comprises Hedyotis acutangula Champ. ex Benth., Hedyotis shiuyingiae T.Chen, Hedyotis vachellii (Hook. & Arn.) Kuntze, and two putative hybrid species, Hedyotis bodinieri (H.Lév.) Chun and Hedyotis loganioides Benth., hypothesized to result from interbreeding between these species. We test the hypothesis that the breakdown of self- and interspecific incompatibilities in sympatric Hedyotis species might allow interspecific hybridization in natural populations. We assessed the extent of self- and interspecific incompatibility in sympatric populations, including investigations of spontaneous and artificial self-pollination, geitonogamy, inter- and intramorph xenogamy. Artificial interspecific crosses were undertaken between H. acutangula, H. shiuyingiae, and H. bodinieri, between H. acutangula and H. vachellii, and between H. acutangula and H. loganioides. Hedyotis acutangula is demonstrated to be self- and interspecific compatible, whereas H. vachellii, H. bodinieri, and H. loganioides are self-compatible and interspecific incompatible; H. shiuyingiae, in contrast, is strictly self- and interspecific incompatible. Comparisons of pollen tube growth rates in hybridizing species-pairs revealed that heterospecific pollen of H. shiuyingiae, H. vachellii, and H. bodinieri can compete with conspecific self-pollen of H. acutangula. Our study therefore indicates that the breakdown of self-incompatibility directly and indirectly facilitates interspecific hybridization and provides a platform for better understanding evolutionary directionality in Hedyotis.  相似文献   

Rubiaceae contains the largest number of distylous species in the Angiosperms, but the evolution and control of distyly is poorly understood in this group. Atypical distylous populations and species have been described in this family and associated with disturbance, pollination failure and impaired reproductive success. Some of these atypical taxa belong to Psychotria, the largest genus in the family. In the present study, we investigate the pollination and breeding biology of Psychotria carthagenensis Jacq., a widely distributed species that has been described as typically distylous. Fieldwork was carried out mainly at the Panga Ecological Station, in Uberlândia, MG, Brazil. We carried out phenological observations, floral biology studies and hand pollination experiments within the Panga Ecological Station population. We complemented these data with herbarium and field surveys from elsewhere in Brazil. The studied population bloomed at the beginning of the rains (September–December). The main pollinators were Bombus and small Halictidae bees. The Panga Ecological Station population presented pin‐monomorphism with only two thrum individuals in more than 100 flowering individuals surveyed. Hand pollinations at the Panga Ecological Station showed self‐compatibility and intramorph compatibility. Typical distyly and isoplethy were found in other areas and both morphs appeared in herbarium material. However, pin‐monomorphism was also observed elsewhere in Brazil. Typical distyly, pin‐monomorphism and homostyly observed concurrently in Brazilian populations of P. carthagenensis indicate that alternative reproductive strategies, probably favoring selfing, appear to have developed independently in this species.  相似文献   

The potential application of DNA barcodes of plastid (matK, trnH–psbA, petD, and rbcL) and nuclear (internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of rDNA) DNA regions was investigated for 25 Hedyotis taxa. The ITS showed the best species discrimination by resolving 23 of the species as exclusive lineages with no shared alleles between any of the 24 distinct species (H. assimilis and H. mellii are not supported as distinct species based on our molecular and morphological data). Conversely, rbcL performed the worst and only resolved 10 of the species as exclusive lineages, and 10 species with shared alleles. Using ITS has the advantage of high PCR amplification success and it provides good intra- and interspecific variation distribution patterns. The most powerful plastid markers were petD and trnH–psbA, but we could amplify and sequence trnH–psbA for only 83% of the accessions sampled. Combination of ITS and petD performed extremely well, with all 24 of the distinct species resolved as exclusive lineages and no shared alleles between any of the distinct species. We therefore recommend ITS, or a combination of ITS and petD, as the standard DNA barcode in Hedyotis, but acknowledge that there are no shared alleles between distinct species for matK and rbcL combined.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Distyly has been hypothesized to promote cross-pollination by reducing intrafloral and geitonogamous self-pollination, and enhancing intermorph pollination. Distylous plants typically display both reciprocal herkogamy and a heteromorphic incompatibility system, which allows mating only between morphs. Distyly and its pollination consequences were examined in two Pentanisia species with long-tubed flowers which are pollinated almost exclusively by butterflies. METHODS: Anther and stigma heights were measured to quantify reciprocal herkogamy. The type of incompatibility system was determined by observing pollen tubes and seed production following controlled hand pollination. Pollen loads on pollinators and stigmas were also examined to assess the efficiency of intermorph pollen flow. KEY RESULTS: Pentanisia prunelloides and P. angustifolia exhibit reciprocal herkogamy and a host of ancillary dimorphisms, including pollen colour, exine sculpturing, stigmatic papilla shape and floral-tube pubescence. Controlled hand-pollinations revealed the presence of a strong heteromorphic incompatibility system in both species. The site of incompatibility differed between the morphs; intramorph pollen tubes were blocked in the style of the short-styled morph and on the stigmatic surface of the long-styled morph. Butterflies carried pollen from the short- and long-styled morphs primarily on their head and proboscis, respectively. Natural pollination resulted in a higher proportion of pollen transfer from long- to short-styled plants than vice versa. Nevertheless, fruit set did not differ between morphs. CONCLUSIONS: Both Pentanisia species are fully distylous. Reciprocal herkogamy results in pollen from the two morphs being carried on different locations on pollinators' bodies, which in turn promotes intermorph pollination. Intramorph pollination does not result in fertilization, because of an effective heteromorphic incompatibility system.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Microsatellite primers were developed for a heterostylous herb, Hedyotis chrysotricha to investigate the effect of habitat fragmentation on its genetic diversity and population structure. ? Methods and Results: Twelve primer sets were developed and their polymorphisms were tested on 47 individuals from two island populations of H. chrysotricha in Thousand Island Lake of China. The number of alleles per locus ranged from five to 10, with an average of seven alleles. Expected heterozygosity per locus ranged from 0.284 to 0.821 and observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.191 to 0.851. ? Conclusions: We showed that all of the 12 microsatellite markers developed for H. chrysotricha are polymorphic within populations, which should provide a powerful tool for assessing population structure and genetic diversity across fragmented and continuous populations, and for studying the genetic effects of habitat fragmentation on this species.  相似文献   

The potential application of DNA barcodes of plastid (matK, trnH-psbA, petD, and rbcL) and nuclear (internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of rDNA) DNA regions was investigated for 25 Hedyotis taxa. The ITS showed the best species discrimination by resolving 23 of the species as exclusive lineages with no shared alleles between any of the 24 distinct species (H. Assimilis and H. Mellii are not supported as distinct species based on our molecular and morphological data). Conversely, rbcL performed the worst and only resolved 10 of the species as exclusive lineages, and 10 species with shared alleles. Using ITS has the advantage of high PCR amplification success and it provides good intra- and interspecific variation distribution patterns. The most powerful plastid markers were petD and trnH-psbA, but we could amplify and sequence trnH-psbA for only 83% of the accessions sampled. Combination of ITS and petD performed extremely well, with all 24 of the distinct species resolved as exclusive lineages and no shared alleles between any of the distinct species. We therefore recommend ITS, or a combination of ITS and petD, as the standard DNA barcode in Hedyotis, but acknowledge that there are no shared alleles between distinct species for marK and rbcL combined.  相似文献   

Outbreeding confers an evolutionary advantage, and flowering plants have evolved a variety of contrivances for its maximization. However, neither fruit set nor seed set is realized to its fullest potential for a variety of reasons. The causes of low flower to fruit and seed to ovule ratios were investigated in naturally occurring bael trees (Aegle marmelos) at two sites for three seasons. The study established that the mass effect of synchronized flowering attracted a variety of insect pollinators to the generalist flowers; Apis dorsata was the most efficient pollinator. The seed to ovule ratio was low despite high natural pollination efficiency (c. 2400 pollen per stigma). Although pollination‐induced structural and histochemical changes in the style allowed many (9.5 ± 2.1) pollen tubes to grow, only cross‐pollen tubes could grow through the style. Gametophytic self‐incompatibility, manifested in the stylar zone, resulted in a significantly slower growth rate of self‐pollen tubes. The occurrence of obligate self‐incompatibility, coupled with increased self‐pollen deposition (geitonogamy), caused a significant number of flowers to abort. Fruit retention in the trees declined from 40% to 12% as a result of abortion of fruits at different stages of development. The number of mature fruits on a tree was negatively correlated (r = ?0.82) with their size. It is inferred that low natural fecundity in A. marmelos is primarily a result of obligate self‐incompatibility and strong post‐fertilization maternal regulation of allocation of resources to the developing fruits. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 172 , 572–585.  相似文献   

耳草属(茜草科)植物的两个新种=Two new species of the genus Hedyotis (Rubiaceae) from China[刊,中]/ 王 瑞 江(中国科学院华南植物研究所 广州 510650),邢 福 武//植物分类学报.—2002,41(1).—85~88 摘要:描述了国产耳草属(茜草科)植物的两个新种,启无耳草Hedyotis wangii R. J. Wang和崖州耳草H. yazhouensis F. W. Xing et R. J. Wang。  相似文献   

  • Breeding systems of plants determine their reliance on pollinators and ability to produce seeds following self‐pollination. Self‐sterility, where ovules that are penetrated by self‐pollen tubes that do not develop into seeds, is usually considered to represent either a system of late‐acting self‐incompatibility or strong early inbreeding depression. Importantly, it can lead to impaired female function through ovule or seed discounting when stigmas receive mixtures of self and cross pollen, unless cross pollen is able to reach the ovary ahead of self pollen (‘prepotency’). Self‐sterility associated with ovule penetration by self‐pollen tubes appears to be widespread among the Amaryllidaceae.
  • We tested for self‐sterility in three Cyrtanthus species – C. contractus, C. ventricosus and C. mackenii – by means of controlled hand‐pollination experiments. To determine the growth rates and frequency of ovule penetration by self‐ versus cross‐pollen tubes, we used fluorescence microscopy to examine flowers of C. contractus harvested 24, 48 and 72 h after pollination, in conjunction with a novel method of processing these images digitally. To test the potential for ovule discounting (loss of cross‐fertilisation opportunities when ovules are disabled by self‐pollination), we pollinated flowers of C. contractus and C. mackenii with mixtures of self‐ and cross pollen.
  • We recorded full self‐sterility for C. contractus and C. ventricosus, and partial self‐sterility for C. mackenii. In C. contractus, we found no differences in the growth rates of self‐ and cross‐pollen tubes, nor in the proportions of ovules penetrated by self‐ and cross‐pollen tubes. In this species, seed set was depressed (relative to cross‐pollinated controls) when flowers received a mixture of self and cross pollen, but this was not the case for C. mackenii.
  • These results reveal variation in breeding systems among Cyrtanthus species and highlight the potential for gender conflict in self‐sterile species in which ovules are penetrated and disabled by pollen tubes from self pollen.

Self‐incompatibility (SI) is the main mechanism that favors outcrossing in plants. By limiting compatible matings, SI interferes in fruit production and breeding of new cultivars. In the Oleeae tribe (Oleaceae), an unusual diallelic SI system (DSI) has been proposed for three distantly related species including the olive (Olea europaea), but empirical evidence has remained controversial for this latter. The olive domestication is a complex process with multiple origins. As a consequence, the mixing of S‐alleles from two distinct taxa, the possible artificial selection of self‐compatible mutants and the large phenological variation of blooming may constitute obstacles for deciphering SI in olive. Here, we investigate cross‐genotype compatibilities in the Saharan wild olive (O. e. subsp. laperrinei). As this taxon was geographically isolated for thousands of years, SI should not be affected by human selection. A population of 37 mature individuals maintained in a collection was investigated. Several embryos per mother were genotyped with microsatellites in order to identify compatible fathers that contributed to fertilization. While the pollination was limited by distance inside the collection, our results strongly support the DSI hypothesis, and all individuals were assigned to two incompatibility groups (G1 and G2). No self‐fertilization was observed in our conditions. In contrast, crosses between full or half siblings were frequent (ca. 45%), which is likely due to a nonrandom assortment of related trees in the collection. Finally, implications of our results for orchard management and the conservation of olive genetic resources are discussed.  相似文献   

绣球茜的二型花柱及其传粉生物学初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次对绣球茜(Dunnia sinensis Tutch)的花药和柱头高度、花粉和柱头形态,以及人工辅助授粉的结实情况等进行了研究.结果表明:绣球茜在同一居群中同时具有长花柱(Pin 型)和短花柱(Thrum)两种花型,长花柱植株的柱头和雄蕊高分别为9.61±0.36 mm和6.79±0.38 mm,短花柱则为6.11±0.56 mm和8.96±0.59 mm,表现出互补式雌雄异位的花部特征.通过人工辅助授粉,两种花型植株的自交和同型植株间异交都不结实,仅在型间异交方能正常结实,说明绣球茜中存在极强的自交不亲和和型内不亲和现象.在花粉与柱头形态方面:长柱型花的单花花粉量(38555.6±6258.4)显著地小于短柱型花(52145.45±8924.5)(t=4.009,P<0.01),长柱花和短柱型花的胚珠数分别为38.73±1.85和39.1±2.25(t=-4.13,P>0.01);长柱型花花粉粒的大小(极径21.27±0.70 μm)显著地小于短柱花(21.92±0.79μm)类型(t=3.890,P<0.01),而柱头乳突大小长柱类型要大于短柱类型,表现出明显的二型性.研究结果表明绣球茜是一种典型的二型花柱植物.此外,对其传粉昆虫及昆虫访花行为的观察表明,蝶类(青风蝶属Graphium)和蜂类(熊蜂Bombus sp.和木蜂Xylocopa magnifica Smith)为绣球茜的主要访花昆虫和传粉昆虫,它们能够在两种不同花型植株之间有效地传粉.  相似文献   

异型花柱是一种受遗传因素控制的花型多态性现象,包括二型花柱和三型花柱两种类型.本文以茜草科艳丽耳草(Hedyotis pulcherrima)为实验材料,通过对其野外居群的花型、花部形态及花粉特征等观察,发现艳丽耳草野外居群同时存在长花柱型花和短花柱型花,长/短花柱型花的数量比例为1∶1.两型花具有精确的交互式雌雄异位特征,并且该特征与花冠长度相关性显著.长/短花柱型花的柱头裂片长度、花粉大小及淀粉含量等具有二型性.花粉体外培养时花粉萌发率及花粉管生长速率无显著性差异.人工授粉后,艳丽耳草长/短花柱型花型间异交花粉管生长形态正常,授粉24 h后花粉管均已进入子房.而长/短花柱型花在自交及型内异交下均表现为不亲和,花粉管生长停止于柱头,花粉管顶端累积胼胝质并膨大.艳丽耳草没有无融合生殖现象,型间人工辅助异交授粉结实率为100%,显著高于自然结实率.本研究结果表明,艳丽耳草是典型的二型花柱植物,并具有异型自交不亲和系统.  相似文献   

Sweet cherry is a self‐incompatible fruit tree species in the Rosaceae. As other species in the family, sweet cherry exhibits S‐RNase‐based gametophytic self‐incompatibility. This mechanism is genetically determined by the S‐locus that encodes the pollen and pistil determinants, SFB and S‐RNase, respectively. Several self‐compatible sweet cherry genotypes have been described and most of them have mutations at the S‐locus leading to self‐compatibility. However, ‘Cristobalina’ sweet cherry is self‐compatible due to a mutation in a pollen function modifier that is not linked to the S‐locus. To investigate the physiology of self‐compatibility in this cultivar, S‐locus segregation in crosses involving ‘Cristobalina’ pollen, and pollen tube growth in self‐ and cross‐pollinations, were studied. In the crosses with genotypes sharing only one S‐haplotype, the non‐self S‐haplotype was inherited more frequently than the self S‐haplotype. Pollen tube growth studies revealed that the time to travel the whole length of the style was longer for self‐pollen tubes than for cross‐pollen tubes. Together, these results suggest that ‘Cristobalina’ pollen tube growth is slower after self‐pollination than after cross‐pollination. This reproductive strategy would allow self‐fertilisation in the absence of compatible pollen but would promote cross‐fertilisation if cross‐compatible pollen is available, a possible case of cryptic self‐incompatibility. This bet‐hedging strategy might be advantageous for an ecotype that is native to the mountains of the Spanish Mediterranean coast, in the geographical limits of the distribution of this species. ‘Cristobalina’ blooming takes place very early in the season when mating possibilities are scarce and, consequently, self‐compatibility may be the only possibility for this genotype to produce offspring.  相似文献   

Documenting the floral biology of species throughout the Rubiaceae family is of particular interest since heterostyly and dioecy may have evolved more than once in this large family. Unfortunately many species in several tropical regions remain unstudied. The purpose of this paper is to describe the floral biology, the nature of self-incompatibility, morph ratios, and fecundity in natural populations of Gaertnera vaginata, a small tree endemic to the island of La Reunion in the Indian Ocean. Measurements of floral characters in populations across the entire distribution of this species showed that G. vaginata exhibits a reciprocal stigma height and anther height dimorphism characteristic of a distylous species. Pollen grain size and corolla tube length are consistently greater in short-styled plants and long-styled plants produce more pollen per flower. Controlled pollinations in a natural population showed that 25% of the short-styled plants gave at least one fruit on intramorph (illegitimate) pollination, whereas no long-styled plants set fruit on illegitimate pollination. In total, 19.4% of illegitimate pollinations produced fruit on short-styled plants. No self-pollination gave fruit on either morph and between-morph pollinations produced 92.2 and 92.8% for short and long-styled plants, respectively. Overall, short-styled plants were significantly more abundant than long-styled plants. Short-styled plants outnumbered long-styled plants in 16 of the 19 populations. In three of these populations the morph ratio was significantly different from 1:1. In two natural populations, fruit set was significantly higher on long-styled plants, although the number of seeds per fruit was not significantly different between the two morphs. The possible effect of variation in the strength of heteromorphic incompatibility on observed variation in morph abundance and the possible causes for the variation in fruit set are discussed.  相似文献   

  • Mixed cross and self‐pollen load on the stigma (mixed pollination) of species with late‐acting self‐incompatibility system (LSI) can lead to self‐fertilized seed production. This “cryptic self‐fertility” may allow selfed seedling development in species otherwise largely self‐sterile. Our aims were to check if mixed pollinations would lead to fruit set in LSI Adenocalymma peregrinum, and test for evidence of early‐acting inbreeding depression in putative selfed seeds from mixed pollinations.
  • Experimental pollinations were carried out in a natural population. Fruit and seed set from self‐, cross and mixed pollinations were analysed. Further germination tests were carried out for the seeds obtained from treatments.
  • Our results confirm self‐incompatibility, and fruit set from cross‐pollinations was three‐fold that from mixed pollinations. This low fruit set in mixed pollinations is most likely due to a greater number of self‐ than cross‐fertilized ovules, which promotes LSI action and pistil abortion. Likewise, higher percentage of empty seeds in surviving fruits from mixed pollinations compared with cross‐pollinations is probably due to ovule discounting caused by self‐fertilization. Moreover, germinability of seeds with developed embryos was lower in fruits from mixed than from cross‐pollinations, and the non‐viable seeds from mixed pollinations showed one‐third of the mass of those from cross‐pollinations.
  • The great number of empty seeds, lower germinability, lower mass of non‐viable seeds, and higher variation in seed mass distribution in mixed pollinations, strongly suggests early‐acing inbreeding depression in putative selfed seeds. In this sense, LSI and inbreeding depression acting together probably constrain self‐fertilized seedling establishment in A. peregrinum.

The self‐incompatibility (SI) response occurs widely in flowering plants as a means of preventing self‐fertilization. In these self/non‐self discrimination systems, plant pistils reject self or genetically related pollen. In the Solanaceae, Plantaginaceae and Rosaceae, pistil‐secreted S‐RNases enter the pollen tube and function as cytotoxins to specifically arrest self‐pollen tube growth. Recent studies have revealed that the S‐locus F‐box (SLF) protein controls the pollen expression of SI in these families. However, the precise role of SLF remains largely unknown. Here we report that PhSSK1 (Petunia hybrida SLF‐interacting Skp1‐like1), an equivalent of AhSSK1 of Antirrhinum hispanicum, is expressed specifically in pollen and acts as an adaptor in an SCF(Skp1‐Cullin1‐F‐box)SLF complex, indicating that this pollen‐specific SSK1‐SLF interaction occurs in both Petunia and Antirrhinum, two species from the Solanaceae and Plantaginaceae, respectively. Substantial reduction of PhSSK1 in pollen reduced cross‐pollen compatibility (CPC) in the S‐RNase‐based SI response, suggesting that the pollen S determinant contributes to inhibiting rather than protecting the S‐RNase activity, at least in solanaceous plants. Furthermore, our results provide an example that a specific Skp1‐like protein other than the known conserved ones can be recruited into a canonical SCF complex as an adaptor.  相似文献   

Distyly rarely occurs on oceanic islands. Indeed, this form of polymorphism is absent on the Hawaiian Islands and in New Zealand. However, Psychotria homalosperma (Rubiaceae), which is endemic to the oceanic Bonin Islands of Japan, was presumed to maintain a distylous breeding system and floral morphology. We investigated the floral and reproductive characteristics of this species and examined incompatibility in self- and intramorph pollination. Psychotria homalosperma is morphologically and functionally distylous, based on findings with the examined populations, but its stigma and anther heights are not exactly reciprocal between the two morphs. This is the second example of distyly among the flora from the Bonin Islands, the other being the endemic P. boninensis. Both of these distylous species contrast with the Hawaiian Psychotria species, which have already become dioecious. The flowers of the long (L)-styled (pin) morph of the Bonin Islands plants are completely self- and intramorph incompatible, while the flowers of the short (S)-styled (thrum) morphs are partially intramorph compatible. The S-styled morph was more abundant in the examined populations from three islands of the archipelago, probably due to the existence of partial S–S intramorph compatibility.  相似文献   

Abstract: The breeding system of Luehea grandiflora (Tiliaceae‐Malvaceae s.l.) was investigated using hand pollinations and fluorescence microscopy studies of pollen tube growth. Although selfed flowers persisted for some 10 days, our study indicates that L. grandiflora is self‐incompatible, with self pollen tube inhibition in the upper style, as occurs in many taxa with homomorphic, gametophytic self‐incompatibility (GSI). L. grandiflora is only the second species reported within the Malvales with homomorphic stylar inhibition. This result is discussed within the context of a report for self‐compatibility in this species, and we also consider the phylogenetic implications for the occurrence of GSI in the family Malvaceae s.l.  相似文献   

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