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The objective of this study was to determine if black bears are induced ovulators. We conducted a single experiment with two replicates; each replicate was divided into two arms: females exposed to male bears and females without male exposure. We used laparoscopy to examine ovaries for corpora lutea and measured serum progesterone concentrations. Six of the seven isolated females failed to ovulate, while seven of the eight females exposed to males produced one to four corpora lutea. Furthermore, isolated females had significantly lower progesterone concentrations than females exposed to males. Thus, our data suggest that the American black bear is an induced ovulator. These results may aid biologists in their efforts to reproduce ursids in controlled environments.  相似文献   

Evidence that Enzyme Polymorphisms are not Selectively Neutral   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
THE discovery of large amounts of electrophoretically-detectable genetic variation within natural populations has aroused considerable interest in the factors maintaining so much polymorphism. It has been proposed that these allozyme polymorphisms reflect the action of random processes1–6, the polymorphic variation being of little or no selective significance. Alternative hypotheses have suggested that these polymorphisms may be maintained by a balance of selective forces7–10.  相似文献   

In this study we tested the hypothesis that functional erythrocyte-type glucose transporters (GLUT1) exist as oligomeric complexes by expressing chimeric transporter proteins in Chinese hamster ovary cells harboring endogenous GLUT1 transporters. The chimeric transporters were GLUT1-4c, in which the 29 C-terminal residues of human GLUT1 were replaced by the 30 C-terminal residues of rat skeletal muscle glucose transporter (GLUT4), and GLUT1n-4, containing the N-terminal 199 residues of GLUT1 and the 294 C-terminal residues of GLUT4. Endogenous GLUT1 was quantitatively co-immunoprecipitated by using an anti-GLUT4 C-terminal peptide antibody from detergent extracts of Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing either of the chimeric proteins, as detected by immunoblotting the precipitates with an anti-GLUT1 C-terminal peptide antiserum. No co-immunoprecipitation of native GLUT1 with native GLUT4 from extracts of 3T3-L1 adipocytes, which contain both these transporters, was observed with the same antibody. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that GLUT1 transporters exist as homodimers or higher order oligomers and that a major determinant of oligomerization is located within the first 199 residues of GLUT1.  相似文献   

Bryozoans, or moss animals, are small colonial organisms that possess a suspension-feeding apparatus called a lophophore. Traditionally, this "phylum" has been grouped with brachiopods and phoronids because of the feeding structure. Available molecular and morphological data refute this notion of a monophyletic "Lophophorata." Alternative hypotheses place bryozoans either at the base of the Lophotrochozoa or basal to the Lophotrochozoa/Ecdysozoa split. Surprisingly, the only molecular data bearing on this issue are from the 18S nuclear ribosomal gene. Here we report the results of a Hox gene survey using degenerate polymerase chain reaction primers in a gymnolaemate bryozoan, Bugula turrita. Putative orthologs to both the Post2 and the Lox5 genes were found, suggesting that bryozoans are not a basal protostome group but closely allied to other lophotrochozoan taxa. We also found the first definitive evidence of two Deformed/Hox4 class genes in a nonvertebrate animal.  相似文献   

Specific collagenase from the culture media of various rabbit tissues and cells exists in active and latent forms. Latent collagenase is most effectively activated with 4-aminophenylmercuric acetate, a thiol-blocking reagent, strongly suggesting that latent forms are enzyme-inhibitor complexes. A collagenase inhibitor from bone cultures, which may be closely related to the inhibitor of such latent enzyme complexes, was partially characterized.  相似文献   

Evidence is given that odour compounds of diatoms serve as potential repellents for crustacean grazers. Novel repellent-test and odour-test apparatus allowed the determination of repellent activity of diatom derived compounds, activated by freezing and thawing or mechanical disintegration, and pure compounds, respectively. Epilithic diatom biofilms when activated, produced odour compounds that were determined by GC–MS to be polyunsaturated aldehydes (PUA). 2(E),4(Z),7(Z)-Decatrienal and 2(E),4(Z)-octadienal were the major compounds, and 2(E),4(Z)-heptadienal was a minor compound. These PUA were each accompanied by small amounts of the E,E-isomers in positions 2 and 4. 2(E),4(E),7(Z)-Decatrienal was the most active repellent tested and exhibited a RC50 value (indicating the concentration of a compound necessary for a 50% reduction of swimming crustaceans in the assay vial) of 3.5 μM in a defined water column. Quantitative analyses showed that upon activation diatom biofilms produced large amounts of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) of which only a minor part was degraded to PUA. The major part of EPA was retained in the cells whilst the major part of PUA was released into the surrounding water. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that diatoms damaged by grazers develop free EPA in the cells that is toxic to grazers, and release PUA into the water that serve as warning signals to grazers. Diatoms and other phytoplankton species, that have the capacity to form these compounds, might benefit from such a reaction because the producers live in colonies or assemblages and the death of one cell liberates a cloud of repellent compounds into the water which reduces the grazing pressure on the remaining cells. Such activated defence reactions may help explain food selection and avoidance in freshwater and marine ecosystems.  相似文献   



Humans and non-human animals share an approximate non-verbal system for representing and comparing numerosities that has no upper limit and for which accuracy is dependent on the numerical ratio. Current evidence indicates that the mechanism for keeping track of individual objects can also be used for numerical purposes; if so, its accuracy will be independent of numerical ratio, but its capacity is limited to the number of items that can be tracked, about four. There is, however, growing controversy as to whether two separate number systems are present in other vertebrate species.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study, we compared the ability of undergraduate students and guppies to discriminate the same numerical ratios, both within and beyond the small number range. In both students and fish the performance was ratio-independent for the numbers 1–4, while it steadily increased with numerical distance when larger numbers were presented.


Our results suggest that two distinct systems underlie quantity discrimination in both humans and fish, implying that the building blocks of uniquely human mathematical abilities may be evolutionarily ancient, dating back to before the divergence of bony fish and tetrapod lineages.  相似文献   

Evidence that rice and other cereals are ancient aneuploids   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
Detailed analyses of the genomes of several model organisms revealed that large-scale gene or even entire-genome duplications have played prominent roles in the evolutionary history of many eukaryotes. Recently, strong evidence has been presented that the genomic structure of the dicotyledonous model plant species Arabidopsis is the result of multiple rounds of entire-genome duplications. Here, we analyze the genome of the monocotyledonous model plant species rice, for which a draft of the genomic sequence was published recently. We show that a substantial fraction of all rice genes ( approximately 15%) are found in duplicated segments. Dating of these block duplications, their nonuniform distribution over the different rice chromosomes, and comparison with the duplication history of Arabidopsis suggest that rice is not an ancient polyploid, as suggested previously, but an ancient aneuploid that has experienced the duplication of one-or a large part of one-chromosome in its evolutionary past, approximately 70 million years ago. This date predates the divergence of most of the cereals, and relative dating by phylogenetic analysis shows that this duplication event is shared by most if not all of them.  相似文献   

Six forms of helospectin (a vasoactive intestinal peptide analogue) were purified from the venom of the Heloderma horridum lizard. Their identification was performed by combining sequencing by automated Edman degradation and electrospray mass spectrometry analysis on the complete peptides and their tryptic fragments. The products resulting from the action of an O-glycosidase were also analysed. Two forms were identified as the previously named Hs1 and Hs2 of 38 and 37 amino-acid residues, respectively. Two forms corresponded to Hs1 and Hs2 O-glycosylated by a N-acetylhexosamine-hexose motif attached to the Ser32 residue. Two other forms were not completely characterized but might correspond to the O-glycosylated forms bearing a phosphate or a sulfate group. The glycosylation did not affect the capacity of the helospectins to recognize and to activate the human and the rat VPAC1 and VPAC2 receptors.  相似文献   

Abstract. Rotifera and Acanthocephala are generally regarded as separate phyla sharing a basal position among triploblast protostomes. This paper presents the first molecular phylogenetic examination of the relationship of Acanthocephala to all three rotifer classes, Seisonidea, Monogononta, and Bdelloidea. Inclusion of Acanthocephala within Rotifera, probably as a sister-taxon to a clade composed of Bdelloidea and Monogononta (the Eurotatoria), is strongly supported by both parsimony and distance methods, using a region of the nuclear coding gene hsp82. Previous molecular evidence for the inclusion of Acanthocephala in the Rotifera suggested that Acanthocephala is a sister-taxon of Bdelloidea, forming the clade Lemniscea. No support is found for this clade, and evidence is presented that the monogonont rotifer used in those analyses, Brachionus plicatilis , may be evolving in an anomalous manner.  相似文献   

The cell surface of the parasitic protozoan Leishmania mexicana is coated by glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored glycoproteins, a GPI-anchored lipophosphoglycan and a class of free GPI glycolipids. To investigate whether the anchor or free GPIs are required for parasite growth we cloned the L.mexicana gene for dolichol-phosphate-mannose synthase (DPMS) and attempted to create DPMS knockout mutants by targeted gene deletion. DPMS catalyzes the formation of dolichol-phosphate mannose, the sugar donor for all mannose additions in the biosynthesis of both the anchor and free GPIs, except for a alpha1-3-linked mannose residue that is added exclusively to the free GPIs and lipophosphoglycan anchor precursors. The requirement for dolichol-phosphate-mannose in other glycosylation pathways in L.mexicana is minimal. Deletion of both alleles of the DPMS gene (lmdpms) consistently resulted in amplification of the lmdpms chromosomal locus unless the promastigotes were first transfected with an episomal copy of lmdpms, indicating that lmdpms, and possibly GPI biosynthesis, is essential for parasite growth. As evidence presented in this and previous studies indicates that neither GPI-anchored glycoproteins nor lipophosphoglycan are required for growth of cultured parasites, it is possible that the abundant and functionally uncharacterized free GPIs are essential membrane components.  相似文献   

A series of mutants were constructed to investigate the amino-acid residues responsible for the synergism in substrate binding of arginine kinase (AK). AK contains a pair of highly conserved amino acids (Y75 and P272) that form a hydrogen bond. In the locust (Locusta migratoria manilensis) AK, mutants in two highly conserved sites can cause pronounced loss of activity, conformational changes and distinct substrate synergism alteration. The Y75F and Y75D mutants showed strong synergism (Kd/Km=6.2-13.4), while in single mutants, P272G and P272R, and a double mutant, Y75F/P272G, the synergism was almost completely lost (Kd/Km=1.1-1.4). Another double mutant, Y75D/P272R, had characteristics similar to those of the wild-type enzyme. All these results suggest that the amino-acid residues 75 and 272 play an important role in regulating the synergism in substrate binding of AK. Fluorescence spectra showed that all mutants except Y75D/P272R displayed a red shift to different degrees. All the results provided direct evidence that there is a subtle relationship between the synergism in substrate binding and the conformational change.  相似文献   

Mutations in genes encoding presenilins (PS1 and PS2) cosegregate with the majority of early onset cases of familial Alzheimer's disease. PS1 and PS2 are polytopic membrane proteins that undergo endoproteolytic cleavage to generate stable NH2- and COOH-terminal derivatives (NTF and CTF, respectively). Several lines of evidence suggest that the endoproteolytic derivatives are likely the functional units of PS in vivo. In the present report, we examine the disposition of PS NTF and CTF assemblies in stable mouse N2a neuroblastoma cell lines expressing human PS polypeptides. We show that exogenous expression of PS1 NTFs neither assemble with endogenous CTF nor exhibit dominant negative inhibitory effects on the endogenous PS1 cleavage and the accumulation of derivatives. In cells co-expressing PS1 and PS2, PS1- and PS2-derived fragments do not form mixed assemblies. In contrast, cells expressing a chimeric PS1/PS2 polypeptide form stable PS1 NTF-PS2 CTF assemblies. Moreover, expression of chimeric PS1/PS2 polypeptides harboring a familial early onset AD-linked mutation (M146L) elevates the production of Abeta42 peptides. Our results provide evidence that assembly of structural domains contained within NH2- and COOH-terminal regions of PS occur prior to endoproteolytic cleavage.  相似文献   

Summary From the analyses of families, populations, and somatic cell hybrids it could be concluded that the S-formylglutathione hydrolase (FGH) and esterase D (ESD) polymorphisms are identical.  相似文献   

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