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As evidenced by embryological studies, certain tropical tree species can reproduce asexually via seed; however, it has generally been assumed that such apomictic reproduction is facultative. Here I report the existence of a population of the lowland Malaysian rain forest tree Garcinia scortechinii King that consists entirely of pistillate individuals (40 female trees and no male trees recorded within a 25-ha area). This constitutes the first documented observation of a geographically segregated, obligately asexual population among wild tropical trees. Six additional Garcinia species showed a trend toward female bias relative to other dioecious tree species studied, an observation that is consistent with facultative apomixis. The more surprising result for G. scortechinii runs counter to the generalization that obligate apomicts occur only in environments in which the absence of competitors might enable persistence of taxa that lack genetic recombination through mixis.  相似文献   

Unusually high levels of genetic differentiation are often observed between populations of Daphnia (Crustacea: Cladocera) and other cladocerans. Selection and departure from migration–mutation–drift equilibrium have been invoked to explain this fact. However, the null model of neutral genes at equilibrium has not been explicitly stated. Using a simple island model that takes into account the main characteristics of the cyclical parthenogenetic life‐cycle, we show that a high level of differentiation can be obtained for neutral genes at equilibrium if the migration rate during the asexual phase is low and the effective size over the season is reduced, or if mating within clones is common. Recurrent population bottlenecks have a large effect on differentiation and the time to reach equilibrium. Such fluctuating clonal dynamics could be brought about by limitations in the number of clones that hatch and establish themselves each season, or by random associations between neutral and selected genes, as previously suggested in the literature.  相似文献   

The Red Queen hypothesis predicts that sex should be more common in populations heavily infested with parasites, than in those without. This hypothesis was investigated in the aquatic snail Melanoides tuberculata, in which both sexual and parthenogenetic individuals exist in natural populations, and some populations are heavily infested by trematodes. The presence of fertile males and the higher genetic diversity of bisexual populations are indicative of sexual reproduction. We compared sites in 1990, 1999, and 2001, and we looked for a positive correlation between male and parasite frequencies. Male frequency was not correlated with the frequency of individuals infected by trematodes. This lack of correlation was reconfirmed in a retrospective power analysis. In a period of 9 years, male frequencies decreased but infection levels increased. These results do not support the Red Queen hypothesis. In samples with high male frequency the number of embryos was low, perhaps indicating that males may have a negative effect on embryo numbers. This effect of males on fitness could perhaps suggest that the cost of sex is fewer embryos. The reduction in embryo numbers may also represent a trade-off between mating and egg production costs.  相似文献   

Aim Increasing our understanding of the effects of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and determining the location of refugia requires studies on widely distributed species with dense sampling of populations. We have reconstructed the biogeographic history of Clitarchus hookeri (White), a widespread species of New Zealand stick insect that exhibits geographic parthenogenesis, using phylogeographic analysis and ecological niche modelling. Location New Zealand. Methods We used DNA sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships among haplotypes from C. hookeri and two undescribed Clitarchus species. We also used distribution data from our own field surveys and museum records to reconstruct the geographic distribution of C. hookeri during the present and the LGM, using ecological niche modelling. Results The ecological niche models showed that the geographic distribution of C. hookeri has expanded dramatically since the LGM. Our model predicted large areas of suitable LGM habitat in upper North Island, and small patches along the east coast of South Island. The phylogeographic analysis shows that populations in the northern half of North Island contain much higher levels of genetic variation than those from southern North Island and South Island, and is congruent with the ecological niche model. The distribution of bisexual populations is also non-random, with males completely absent from South Island and very rare in southern North Island. Main conclusions During the LGM C. hookeri was most likely restricted to several refugia in upper North Island and one or more smaller refugia along the east coast of South Island. The unisexual populations predominate in post-glacial landscapes and are clearly favoured in the recolonization of such areas. Our study exemplifies the utility of integrating ecological niche modelling and phylogeographic analysis.  相似文献   

Craig Moritz 《Genetica》1993,90(2-3):269-280
TheHeteronotia binoei complex includes several cryptic species of sexually reproducing lizards and parthenogenetic lineages derived from them. This paper synthesizes analyses of distribution and variation of allozymes, chromosomes, mitochondrial DNA and ribosomal DNA genes in order to make inferences about the origins of the parthenogenetic lineages, the extent and source of their genetic diversity, their current and historical biogeography and their ecological properties. The parthenogens appear to have arisen recently (relative to geographic differentiation within the sexual taxa) via episodes of repetitive hybridization between two of the sexual taxa. These events probably occurred within one or two small geographic areas of western Australia, after which some of the parthenogenetic lineages rapidly expanded their ranges to central Australia. The parthenogenetic form has extraordinarily high genetic diversity, mostly derived from the repetitive origins, but with some contribution from mutation and biased gene conversion/recombination being apparent. The rapid and extensive range expansion of the parthenogenetic lineages from western to central Australia attests to the short-term success of this reproductive strategy, in this case perhaps reinforced by the parthenogenetic females having higher fecundity than their smaller sexual relatives. However, the parthenogens are orders of magnitude more susceptible to infection by ectoparasitic mites, suggesting that they could be at a long-term disadvantage. The detailed characterization of this system provides a basis for critical evaluation of hypotheses about the evolutionary advantage of sexual reproduction derived from broad comparative studies.  相似文献   

As only females contribute directly to population growth, sexual females investing equally in sons and daughters experience a two-fold cost relative to asexuals producing only daughters. Typically, researchers have focused on benefits of sex that can counter this 'cost of males' and thus explain its predominance. Here, we instead ask whether asexuals might also pay a cost of males by quantifying the rate of son production in 45 experimental populations ('lineages') founded by obligately asexual female Potamopyrgus antipodarum. This New Zealand snail is a powerful model for studying sex because phenotypically similar sexual and asexual forms often coexist, allowing direct comparisons between sexuals and asexuals. After 2 years of culture, 23 of the 45 lineages had produced males, demonstrating that asexual P. antipodarum can make sons. We used maximum-likelihood analysis of a model of male production in which only some lineages can produce males to estimate that ~50% of lineages have the ability to produce males and that ~5% of the offspring of male-producing lineages are male. Lineages producing males in the first year of the experiment were more likely to make males in the second, suggesting that some asexual lineages might pay a cost of males relative to other asexual lineages. Finally, we used a simple deterministic model of population dynamics to evaluate how male production affects the rate of invasion of an asexual lineage into a sexual population, and found that the estimated rate of male production by asexual P. antipodarum is too low to influence invasion dynamics.  相似文献   

Abstract A sexual reproduction is thought to doom organisms to extinction due to mutation accumulation and parasite exploitation. Theoretical models suggest that parthenogens may escape the negative effects of conspecific and biological enemiecs through escape in space. Through intensive sequencing of a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and a nuclear intron locus in sexual and pathenogenetic freshwater snails (Campelom), I examine three questionss: (1) Are sexual mtDNA lineage more restricted geographically than parthenogenetic mtDNA lineages? (2) Are independent pathenogenetic lineages shorter lived than sexual lineages? (3) Do pathenogens have higher intraindividual nuclear sequence diversity and form well‐differentiated monophyletic groups as expected under the Meselson effect? Geographic ranges of parthenogenetic lineages are significantly larger than geographic ranges of sexual lineages. Based on coalescence times under different deographic assumptions, asexual lineages are short lived, but there is variation in clonal ages. Although alternative explanations exit, these results suggest that asexual lineages may persist in the short term through dispersal, and that various constraints may cause geographic restriction of sexual lineagess. Both allotriploid and diploid Campleloma parthenogens have significantly higher allelic divergence within individuals, but show limited nuclear sequence divergence from sexual ancestors. In contrast to previous allozyme evidence for nonhybrid origins of diploid Campeloma parthenogens, cryptic hybridization may account for elevated heterozygosity.  相似文献   

Rogers SM  Vamosi SM 《Molecular ecology》2010,19(23):5086-5089
All‐female ‘species’ of fish have been shown to be great models in ecological and evolutionary studies because of the insights they can provide into the origin and evolution of asexuality, the ecology of hybrids, associations between genotype and environment, and the maintenance of sex. Gynogenetic organisms that evolved from sexual ancestors, and combine the disadvantageous traits from sexuality and asexuality, have long baffled evolutionary biologists trying to understand their origin and persistence with their sympatric sexual counterparts. In this issue, a new study using an integrated molecular phylogenetic and classical genetic approach has uncovered compelling evidence regarding the obscure asexual origin of the Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa. By performing an extensive phylogeographic analysis, Stöck et al. (2010) provide evidence that the Amazon molly arose only once within its history, with monophyly being strongly supported by mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite analyses. This result, combined with an elaborate failed attempt to resynthesize the lineage, suggests that vertebrate gynogens such as the Amazon molly are not rare because they are at a disadvantage to their sexual counterparts, but because the genomic conditions under which they arise are rare. Organisms that apparently combine the disadvantages of both sexuality and asexuality remain difficult to understand from both an ecological and an evolutionary perspective, and Stöck et al. (2010) highlight several outstanding important questions. Nonetheless, given that we now have a better knowledge of the origin and history of this unique ‘species’, this should allow researchers to better understand how these frozen F1’s can persist amidst the masterpiece of nature.  相似文献   

The burrowing polymitarcyid mayfly Ephoron shigae is a geographically parthenogenetic species. Interestingly, the distributions of the bisexual and unisexual populations overlap broadly in their respective geographic ranges. In this mayfly, obligatory diploid thelytoky appears within unisexual populations. In the present study, we examined the potential for parthenogenesis or the parthenogenetic ability of females in a bisexual population aiming to understand the emergence of unisexual populations. The results obtained revealed that females in the examined bisexual populations showed a potential for diploid thelytoky as also seen in the unisexual populations, although, in females from bisexual populations, the development success rates of their unfertilized eggs were considerably lower than those of virgin females from unisexual populations. In the three bisexual reproducing species (Ephemera japonica, Ephemera strigata, and Ephemera orientalis) in the closely‐related family Ephemeridae, diploid thelytoky (i.e. tychoparthenogenesis; < 3%) was also observed. However, in this case, the parthenogenetic development success rates of unfertilized eggs were significantly lower than those of virgin females in the bisexual (Hino‐yosui Irrigation Canal) population of E. shigae. Accordingly, we suggest that parthenogenetic ability (i.e. tychoparthenogenesis or facultative parthenogenesis) in bisexual populations of E. shigae may facilitate the evolutionary transition to unisexual populations with fully obligatory parthenogenesis. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 326–334.  相似文献   

In this study, two parthenogenetic events within a family of the whitespotted bambooshark Chiloscyllium plagiosum are reported. A captive female produced multiple parthenogens. Unexpectedly, a single specimen of a total of nine parthenogens displayed external claspers characterizing the male sex in chondrichthyans. Upon dissection, internal sexual organs of this specimen were malformed or absent; however, the presence of claspers in this study challenges the as yet assumed sex determination system in this shark species. Even more remarkable was that one of the female parthenogens reproduced asexually again producing viable offspring. As far as is known, this is the first genetically confirmed evidence for second‐generation facultative parthenogenesis in vertebrates. These results support the evolutionary significance of parthenogenesis as an alternative to sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Certain types of asexual reproduction lead to loss of complementation, that is unmasking of recessive deleterious alleles. A theoretical measure of this loss is calculated for apomixis, automixis and endomitosis in the cases of diploidy and polyploidy. The effect of the consequent unmasking of deleterious recessive mutations on fitness is also calculated. Results show that, depending on the number of lethal equivalents and on the frequency of recombination, the cost produced by loss of complementation after few generations of asexual reproduction may be greater than the two-fold cost of meiosis. Maintaining complementation may, therefore, provide a general short-term advantage for sexual reproduction. Apomixis can replace sexual reproduction under a wide range of parameters only if it is associated with triploidy or tetraploidy, which is consistent with our knowledge of the distribution of apomixis.  相似文献   

Asexual lineages can grow at a faster rate than sexual lineages. Why then is sexual reproduction so widespread? Much empirical evidence supports the Red Queen hypothesis. Under this hypothesis, coevolving parasites favour sexual reproduction by adapting to infect common asexual clones and driving them down in frequency. One limitation, however, seems to challenge the generality of the Red Queen: in theoretical models, parasites must be very virulent to maintain sex. Moreover, experiments show virulence to be unstable, readily shifting in response to environmental conditions. Does variation in virulence further limit the ability of coevolving parasites to maintain sex? To address this question, we simulated temporal variation in virulence and evaluated the outcome of competition between sexual and asexual females. We found that variation in virulence did not limit the ability of coevolving parasites to maintain sex. In fact, relatively high variation in virulence promoted parasite‐mediated maintenance of sex. With sufficient variation, sexual females persisted even when mean virulence fell well below the threshold virulence required to maintain sex under constant conditions. We conclude that natural variation in virulence does not limit the relevance of the Red Queen hypothesis for natural populations; on the contrary, it could expand the range of conditions over which coevolving parasites can maintain sex.  相似文献   

Geographic parthenogenesis is a distribution pattern, in which parthenogenetic populations tend to live in marginal habitats, at higher latitudes and altitudes and island‐like habitats compared with the sexual forms. The facultatively parthenogenetic ant Platythyrea punctata is thought to exhibit this general pattern throughout its wide range in Central America and the Caribbean Islands. Workers of P. punctata from the Caribbean produce diploid female offspring from unfertilized eggs by thelytokous parthenogenesis, and mated females and males are rare. In contrast, workers in one colony from Costa Rica were incapable of thelytoky; instead mated workers produced all female offspring. Because sample sizes were very low in former studies, we here use microsatellite markers and explicit tests of thelytoky to examine the population genetic structure of ancestral and derived populations of P. punctata throughout the Caribbean and Central America. Populations from the Caribbean islands were fully capable of parthenogenesis, and population genetic signatures indicate that this is the predominant mode of reproduction, although males are occasionally produced. In contrast, the northernmost population on the mainland (Texas) showed signatures of sexual reproduction, and individuals were incapable of reproduction by thelytoky. Contrary to expectations from a geographic parthenogenesis distribution pattern, most parts of the mainland populations were found to be facultatively thelytokous, with population genetic signatures of both sexual and parthenogenetic reproduction.  相似文献   

Scapania undulata is an aquatic dioicous liverwort growing in shallow streams in boreal to subtropical zones. We studied the expressed sex ratio, sex‐specific differences in shoot architecture and possible trade‐off between sexual and asexual reproduction in ten populations of S. undulata by surveying 100 plots in ten streams in southern Finland. The expressed sex ratio was male biased, in contrast with the sex ratio in most dioicous bryophytes. It was also highly variable between the streams, but individual plots frequently comprised shoots from only one sex. The overproduction of males might be a strategy to overcome sperm dilution and ensure fertilization over longer distances in water. No size differences between females and males were detected, but they differed in branching patterns. Evidence for a higher cost of sexual reproduction in females than males can be seen from the following: the male‐biased sex ratio; low number of sex‐expressing female shoots in female‐only plots; no co‐occurrence of gemmae and female sex organs on a single branch, and no more than one sexual branch per female shoot. In contrast, high gemma production of male and female sex‐expressing shoots indicates a minimal trade‐off between sexual and asexual reproduction. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 175 , 229–241.  相似文献   

Here, I propose a new hypothesis: sex originated from an archaic gene transfer process among prebiotic bubbles without the prerequisite for reproduction. This de‐coupling from reproduction might make the thorny problem of accounting for the evolution of sex, despite the apparent advantages of parthenogenicity, more tractable.  相似文献   

The outcome of competition between different reproductive strategies within a single species can be used to infer selective advantage of the winning strategy. Where multiple populations have independently lost or gained sexual reproduction it is possible to investigate whether the advantage is contingent on local conditions. In the New Zealand stick insect Clitarchus hookeri, three populations are distinguished by recent change in reproductive strategy and we determine their likely origins. One parthenogenetic population has established in the United Kingdom and we provide evidence that sexual reproduction has been lost in this population. We identify the sexual population from which the parthenogenetic population was derived, but show that the UK females have a post‐mating barrier to fertilisation. We also demonstrate that two sexual populations have recently arisen in New Zealand within the natural range of the mtDNA lineage that otherwise characterizes parthenogenesis in this species. We infer independent origins of males at these two locations using microsatellite genotypes. In one population, a mixture of local and nonlocal alleles suggested males were the result of invasion. Males in another population were most probably the result of loss of an X chromosome that produced a male phenotype in situ. Two successful switches in reproductive strategy suggest local competitive advantage for outcrossing over parthenogenetic reproduction. Clitarchus hookeri provides remarkable evidence of repeated and rapid changes in reproductive strategy, with competitive outcomes dependent on local conditions.  相似文献   

Why and how sexual reproduction is maintained in natural populations, the so‐called “queen of problems,” is a key unanswered question in evolutionary biology. Recent efforts to solve the problem of sex have often emphasized results generated from laboratory settings. Here, we use a survey of representative “sex in the wild” literature to review and synthesize the outcomes of empirical studies focused on natural populations. Especially notable results included relatively strong support for mechanisms involving niche differentiation and a near absence of attention to adaptive evolution. Support for a major role of parasites is largely confined to a single study system, and only three systems contribute most of the support for mutation accumulation hypotheses. This evidence for taxon specificity suggests that outcomes of particular studies should not be more broadly extrapolated without extreme caution. We conclude by suggesting steps forward, highlighting tests of niche differentiation mechanisms in both laboratory and nature, and empirical evaluation of adaptive evolution‐focused hypotheses in the wild. We also emphasize the value of leveraging the growing body of genomic resources for nonmodel taxa to address whether the clearance of harmful mutations and spread of beneficial variants in natural populations proceeds as expected under various hypotheses for sex.  相似文献   

半夏的繁殖生物学研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
对“泰半夏”(Pinelliaternata(Thunb.)Breit.)的块茎和珠芽栽培观察结果表明:(1)不同繁殖体的叶形和珠芽所发生的变化与实验用的播种材料有关,珠芽发生频率与叶形变化呈正相关;(2)半夏倒苗既是对不利环境条件的一种适应,也是一种有效的无性繁殖方式;(3)半夏有性繁殖是属于同株异花传粉类型,但与无性繁殖相比,有性繁殖在种质繁衍上仅起着次要作用。  相似文献   

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