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The evolutionary consequences of changes in the complex life cycles of parasites are not limited to the traits that directly affect transmission. For instance, mating systems that are altered due to precocious sexual maturation in what is typically regarded as an intermediate host may impact opportunities for outcrossing. In turn, reproductive traits may evolve to optimize sex allocation. Here, we test the hypothesis that sex allocation evolved toward a more female‐biased function in populations of the hermaphroditic digenean trematode Alloglossidium progeneticum that can precociously reproduce in their second hosts. In these precocious populations, parasites are forced to self‐fertilize as they remain encysted in their second hosts. In contrast, parasites in obligate three‐host populations have more opportunities to outcross in their third host. We found strong support that in populations with precocious development, allocation to male resources was greatly reduced. We also identified a potential phenotypically plastic response in a body size sex allocation relationship that may be driven by the competition for mates. These results emphasize how changes in life cycle patterns that alter mating systems can impact the evolution of reproductive traits in parasites.  相似文献   

Teder, T., Tammaru, T. and Pedmanson, R. 1999. Patterns of host use in solitary parasitoids (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae): field evidence from a homogeneous habitat. - Ecography 22: 79-86.
We detected a significant inter- and intraspecific host preference on the level of individual host use in a system, in which three moth species (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), feeding on a cattail Typha latifolia , are parasitized by three solitary parasitoid species (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). The biology of the host species is similar but they exhibit remarkable inter- and intraspecific variance in body size. All the parasitoid species preferred the largest host species in this system whereas other host species were used only occasionally. We found that parasitoids which emerged from females of the preferred host species were larger than those which developed in males of the same species. Accordingly, two of the parasitoid species had a significant within-host-species preference: females of the largest moth species were used more often than males. No dependence of the preference pattern on host density was found. This pattern of host use is discussed in the light of the switching theory and the optimal host selection theory. Our results indicate that non-random host use by parasitoids may have significant effects on host populations and communities, and forms a potential selective factor against large body size in herbivorous insects. Unlike the majority of ichneumonid wasps, these three parasitoid species have no remarkable female-biased sexual size dimorphism, in accordance with the predictions of Charnov's sex allocation theory for this case, we did not observe any significant host quality dependent biases in sex allocation: there was no association between host sex and parasitoid sex, neither did parasitoid sex ratio differ between years with different host quality.  相似文献   

Models based on sex allocation theory predict that when the fitness gains from larger size differ between male and female offspring, mothers should produce the sex that will offer the greatest investment return. Behavioral studies on parasitoid wasps have confirmed predictions of models, which additionally have practical implications because of their relevance in biological control. We investigated how a parasitoid attacking a scale insect matches theoretical model predictions in a 2-year field study. As predicted by Charnov's host quality model, mothers laid female eggs in hosts above a threshold size. This threshold was absolute, i.e. independent of the host size distribution, independently of the sampling site and date. Further laboratory assays confirmed field results for at least one parasitoid generation and, moreover, excluded the possibility that the observed behavior was a consequence of immature mortality. By comparing the characteristics of our system with others, we hypothesize that this short-term absolute threshold might be favored in polyphagous parasitoids that attack multivoltine hosts. We propose three measures to mitigate the negative implications of this sex allocation behavior in classical and augmentative biological control programs.  相似文献   

Previous studies on sex allocation in simultaneous hermaphrodites have typically focused either on evolutionary or one-time, ontogenetic optimization of sex allocation, ignoring variation within an individual's lifetime. Here, we study whether hermaphrodites also possess facultative sex allocation, that is, a phenotypic flexibility, allowing them to distribute resources to either sex in an opportunistic way during their adult lifetime. We used the simultaneously hermaphroditic free-living flatworm Macrostomum lignano and raised individuals in pairs and groups of eight worms (further called octets) until sexual maturity was reached and sex allocation for the current conditions was expected to be set. Treatment groups were subsequently transferred to the alternative group size, that is, from pairs to octets or from octets to pairs, and compared to two control groups, which were transferred without changing group size. The results show that worms in treatment groups responded as expected by the local mate competition theory for simultaneous hermaphrodites: increasing group size resulted in a shift toward a more male-biased sex allocation and vice versa. These findings reveal that sex allocation in these animals is not fixed during ontogeny, but remains flexible after maturation. We argue that phenotypically flexible sex allocation in hermaphroditic animals may help us to understand the evolution and ecology of hermaphroditism.  相似文献   

1. The bottom‐up factors that determine parasitoid host use are an important area of research in insect ecology. Host size is likely to be a primary cue for foraging parasitoids due to its potential influence on offspring development time, the risk of multiparasitism, and host immunocompetence. Host size is mediated in part by host‐plant traits that influence herbivore growth and potentially affect a herbivore's quality as a host for parasitoids. 2. Here, we tested how caterpillar host size and host plant species influence adult fly parasitoid size and whether host size influences wasp parasitoid sex allocation. We measured the hind tibia lengths and determined the sex of wasp and fly parasitoids reared from 11 common host species of polyphagous caterpillars (Limacodidae) that were in turn reared on foliage of seven different host plant species. 3. We also tested how host caterpillar species, host caterpillar size, and host and parasitoid phenology affect how the parasitoid community partitions host resources. We found evidence that parasitoids primarily partition their shared hosts based on size, but not by host species or phenology. One index of specialisation (d′) supports our observation that these parasitoids are quite generalised within the Limacodidae. In general, wasps were reared from caterpillars collected in early instars, while flies were reared from caterpillars collected in late instars. Furthermore, for at least one species of solitary wasp, host size influenced sex allocation of offspring by ovipositing females. 4. Host‐plant quality indirectly affected the size attained by a tachinid fly parasitoid through its direct effects on the size and performance of the caterpillar host. The host plants that resulted in the highest caterpillar host performance in the absence of enemies also yielded the largest parasitoid flies, which suggests that host plant quality can cascade up to influence the third trophic level.  相似文献   

We tested several assumptions and predictions of host-quality-dependent sex allocation theory (Charnov et al. 1981) with data obtained for the parasitoid Metaphycus stanleyi Compere on its host, brown soft scale (Coccus hesperidum L.), in a California citrus grove and in the laboratory. Scales ceased growing after parasitization by M.?stanleyi. Thus, M. stanleyi may gauge host quality (=size) at oviposition. Host size positively influenced adult parasitoid size, and parasitoid size in turn influenced adult longevity of M. stanleyi. However, parasitoid fitness gains with host size and adult size were similar in males versus females. Sex allocation to individual hosts by M. stanleyi depended on host size; females consistently emerged from larger hosts than males. Host size was important in a relative sense; the mean host sizes of females versus males, and of solitary versus gregarious parasitoids varied with the available host size distribution. The offspring sex ratio of M. stanleyi reflected the available host size distribution; the sex ratio of emerging parasitoids varied with the available host size distribution. We did not detect a “critical host size” below which males emerged, and above which females emerged; rather, only females emerged from hosts in the upper size range, and a variable ratio of males and females emerged from hosts in the lower size range. We conclude that the sex ratio of field populations of M.?stanleyi is driven largely by the available size distribution of C. hesperidum. In addition, we tested predictions resulting from theoretical analyses of sex allocation in autoparasitoids with data obtained on Coccophagus semicircularis (Förster) parasitizing brown soft scale in the field. The sex ratio of C. semicircularis was consistently and strongly female biased (ca. 90% females). Based on available theoretical analyses, we suggest that this sex ratio pattern may have resulted from a very low encounter rate of secondary hosts coupled with a strong time limitation in C. semicircularis females. This explanation was the most plausible given constraints stemming from the detection of secondary hosts, their variable location within primary hosts, and their handling times. Finally, the size of hosts which yielded single versus multiple parasitoids, and the sizes of these parasitoids, were compared. These comparisons suggested that: (1) M. stanleyi females gauge host sizes precisely, and in terms of female offspring; thus a fitness penalty is not incurred by females which share a host, while males benefit from sharing a host, and; (2) instances where multiple C. semicircularis emerged from a single host were probably the result of parasitism by different females, or during different encounters by a single female.  相似文献   

The genetic variation of sex ratio and sex allocation were examined in a series of half-sib analyses on the sex ratio of braconid parasitoid wasp Heterospilus prosopidis populations collected in Hawaii and Arizona. The mean threshold value and the range of the threshold for change in the sex of offspring in response to resource quality (host size) were determined. Estimates of the narrow-sense heritability (h2) of sex ratio at a specific host size ranged from 0.185 to 0.315, and those of the sex changing point (threshold value) ranged from 0.220 to 0.342. The coefficient of variation (CV(A)) of sex ratio was significantly larger than CV(A) of body weight. We discuss factors that maintained the significant additive genetic variation of sex ratio.  相似文献   

We investigated sex allocation in the Neotropical ant Allomerus octoarticulatus var. demerarae . Because Allomerus is a plant symbiont, we could make geographically extensive collections of complete colonies and of foundresses in saplings, allowing us to estimate not only population- and colony-level sex allocation but also colony resource levels and the relatednesses of competing ant foundresses. This species exhibits a strongly split sex ratio, with 80% of mature colonies producing ≥90% of one sex or the other. Our genetic analyses (DNA microsatellites) reveal that Allomerus has a breeding system characterized by almost complete monogyny and a low frequency of polyandry. Contrary to theoretical explanations, we find no difference in worker relatedness asymmetries between female- and male-specialist colonies. Furthermore, no clear link was found between colony sex allocation and life history traits such as the number of mates per queen, or colony size, resource level, or fecundity. We also failed to find significant support for male production by workers, infection by Wolbachia , local resource competition, or local mate competition. We are left with the possibility that Allomerus exhibits split sex ratios because of the evolution of alternative biasing strategies in queens or workers, as recently proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

Models of sex‐allocation conflict are central to evolutionary biology but have mostly assumed static decisions, where resource allocation strategies are constant over colony lifespan. Here, we develop a model to study how the evolution of dynamic resource allocation strategies is affected by the queen‐worker conflict in annual eusocial insects. We demonstrate that the time of dispersal of sexuals affects the sex‐allocation ratio through sexual selection on males. Furthermore, our model provides three predictions that depart from established results of classic static allocation models. First, we find that the queen wins the sex‐allocation conflict, while the workers determine the maximum colony size and colony productivity. Second, male‐biased sex allocation and protandry evolve if sexuals disperse directly after eclosion. Third, when workers are more related to new queens, then the proportional investment into queens is expected to be lower, which results from the interacting effect of sexual selection (selecting for protandry) and sex‐allocation conflict (selecting for earlier switch to producing sexuals). Overall, we find that colony ontogeny crucially affects the outcome of sex‐allocation conflict because of the evolution of distinct colony growth phases, which decouples how queens and workers affect allocation decisions and can result in asymmetric control.  相似文献   

Artificial neural networks: fundamentals, computing, design, and application   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are relatively new computational tools that have found extensive utilization in solving many complex real-world problems. The attractiveness of ANNs comes from their remarkable information processing characteristics pertinent mainly to nonlinearity, high parallelism, fault and noise tolerance, and learning and generalization capabilities. This paper aims to familiarize the reader with ANN-based computing (neurocomputing) and to serve as a useful companion practical guide and toolkit for the ANNs modeler along the course of ANN project development. The history of the evolution of neurocomputing and its relation to the field of neurobiology is briefly discussed. ANNs are compared to both expert systems and statistical regression and their advantages and limitations are outlined. A bird's eye review of the various types of ANNs and the related learning rules is presented, with special emphasis on backpropagation (BP) ANNs theory and design. A generalized methodology for developing successful ANNs projects from conceptualization, to design, to implementation, is described. The most common problems that BPANNs developers face during training are summarized in conjunction with possible causes and remedies. Finally, as a practical application, BPANNs were used to model the microbial growth curves of S. flexneri. The developed model was reasonably accurate in simulating both training and test time-dependent growth curves as affected by temperature and pH.  相似文献   

Hermaphroditic organisms are key models in sex allocation research, yet the developmental processes by which hermaphrodite sex allocation can evolve remain largely unknown. Here we use experimental evolution of hermaphrodite‐male (androdioecious) Caenorhabditis elegans populations to quantify the developmental changes underlying adaptive shifts in hermaphrodite sex allocation. We show that the experimental evolution of increased early‐life self‐fertility occurred through modification of a suite of developmental traits: increased self‐sperm production, accelerated oogenesis and ovulation, and increased embryo retention. The experimental evolution of increased self‐sperm production delayed entry into oogenesis—as expected, given the sequentially coupled production of self‐spermatogenesis and oogenesis. Surprisingly, however, delayed oogenesis onset did not delay reproductive maturity, nor did it trade‐off with gamete or embryo size. Comparing developmental time dynamics of germline and soma indicates that the evolution of increased sperm production did not delay reproductive maturity due to a globally accelerated larval development during the period of self‐spermatogenesis. Overall, heterochrony in gametogenesis and soma can explain adaptive shifts in hermaphrodite sex allocation.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory predicts an influence of mating group size on sex allocation in simultaneous hermaphrodites. We experimentally manipulated the social situation during reproduction in a simultaneous hermaphrodite parasite, the tapeworm Schistocephalus solidus, by placing worms as singles, pairs or triplets into an in vitro system that replaces the final host. We then determined the reproductive allocation patterns after 24 h (i.e. before the start of egg release) and after 72 h (i.e. around the peak of egg release rate) using stereology. After 24 h, sex allocation strongly depended on worm volume (which is determined in the second intermediate host), but was not significantly affected by the social situation experienced during reproduction. After 72 h, worms in groups had less vesicular sperm (i.e. sperm to be used in future inseminations) than singles. They also stored significantly more received sperm in their seminal receptacles than singles, suggesting that more sperm had been transferred in groups. Moreover, worms in triplets stored significantly more received sperm than worms in pairs, suggesting that they either mated more often and/or transferred more sperm per mating. This suggests a behavioural response to the increased risk of sperm competition in triplets. We further discuss the relative importance of sex allocation decisions at different life‐history stages.  相似文献   

Although ovipositing insects may predominantly use resources that lead to high offspring quality, exceptions to this rule have considerably aided understanding of oviposition decisions. We report the frequency of host species use by a solitary facultative hyperparasitoid, Brachymeria subrugosa Blanchard (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae). In our samples, the wasp attacks the large pupae of the moth Gonioterma indecora Zeller (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae), as well as the considerably smaller, and rarer, pupae of two of its other parasitoids. Consistent with conditional sex allocation models, the wasp produced mainly female offspring on the largest (moth) host, an unbiased sex ratio on the middle‐sized (parasitoid) host, and only males on the smallest (parasitoid) host. Adult offspring size was correlated with the size of the host attacked. These features strongly suggest that the two smaller, primary parasitoid, hosts produce lower‐quality offspring. Despite being more common, the proportion of hosts from which parasitoids emerged was lowest (14%) on the largest host species, and highest on the rarer middle‐sized (34%) and smallest (30%) hosts. This suggests that costs or constraints on attacking high‐quality primary hosts may be a selective force favouring the evolution of hyperparasitism.  相似文献   

Several aphid species exhibit female-biased sex allocation. Local mate competition (LMC) has been postulated to be the evolutionary factor of the female-biased sex allocation. We estimated individual sex allocation in the eriosomatine aphid Prociphilus oriens and explained the observed pattern of sex allocation based on a hypothesis other than LMC. On the basis of the relationship between maternal body size and brood size, we estimated the cost of producing a female to be 1.85 times the cost of producing a male. The population-wide allocation to males was 22–24 %. Winged mothers exhibited a large variation in the number of male and female embryos they had, including 23–30 % of winged mothers producing only female embryos. There was polymorphism in the sex-ratio expression. Thus, the constant male hypothesis assuming LMC was not supported. Winged mothers that produced an all-female brood contained larger female embryos than did mothers that produced a bisexual brood. Previous studies have indicated that a large sexual female produces a single large egg, which hatches into a first-instar larva containing a larger amount of gonads. Thus, in eriosomatine aphids, maternal investment in daughters directly affects the potential fecundity of granddaughters, whereas investment in sons does not. We propose a hypothesis that higher fitness returns from maternal investment in daughters than in sons may have primarily led to the evolution of highly female-biased sex allocation in P. oriens.  相似文献   

Summary Many parasitoid wasps are known to adjust sex ratio in response to either local mate competition (LMC) or host quality. Nevertheless, few studies have investigated the combined effects of these two factors on sex allocation. The sex allocation pattern inLariophagus distinguendus, a parasitoid of granary weevil larvae, is contrasted to the expectations of Werren's (1984) model combining LMC and host quality. Several predictions of the model are confirmed, but others are not. Sex ratio on both large and small hosts declines with proportion of small hosts attacked in a manner consistent with the model. However, when only one host size is parasitized, sex ratio is not independent of that host size, as predicted by the model. Various possibilities for the deviation between expected and observed are discussed. A partial LMC/host quality model is developed which allows for some matings outside the natal patch, and predictions of this model conform more closely to the pattern observed inL. distinguendus. Finally, the application of parasitoid studies to basic questions in evolutionary ecology is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Sex allocation in hermaphrodites can be affected by spatial and temporal variation in resources, especially in plants where size-dependent gender modification is commonplace. The evolution of sex allocation will depend on the relative importance of genetic and environmental factors governing patterns of investment in female and male function. In wind-pollinated plants, theoretical models predict a positive relation between size and male investment because of the fitness advantages associated with more effective pollen dispersal. Theory also predicts that the timing and allocation to each sex function should depend on available resources. We grew maternal half-sibling families of annual, wind-pollinated, Ambrosia artemisiifolia in sun and shade treatments to investigate these predictions. There was significant genetic variation for female and male flower production in both sun and shade treatments. Size-dependent sex allocation occurred in the direction predicted by theory, with male flower production increasing more rapidly in larger plants. The timing of sex function also varied, with significant genetic variation for dichogamy within environments and plasticity of this trait between environments. Protandry was expressed more commonly in the sun and protogyny in the shade. The occurrence of dynamic sex allocation with changing size and experimental treatment indicates the potential for adaptive responses under different ecological conditions.  相似文献   

Wild G  West SA 《The American naturalist》2007,170(5):E112-E128
Tests of sex allocation theory in vertebrates are usually based on verbal arguments. However, the operation of multiple selective forces can complicate verbal arguments, possibly making them misleading. We construct an inclusive fitness model for the evolution of condition-dependent brood sex ratio adjustment in response to two leading explanations for sex ratio evolution in vertebrates: the effect of maternal quality on the fitness of male and female offspring (the Trivers-Willard hypothesis [TWH]) and local resource competition (LRC) between females. We show (1) the population sex ratio can be either unbiased or biased in either direction (toward either males or females); (2) brood sex ratio adjustment can be biased in either direction, with high-quality females biasing reproductive investment toward production of sons (as predicted by the TWH) or production of daughters (opposite to predictions of the TWH); and (3) selection can favor gradual sex ratio adjustment, with both sons and daughters being produced by both high- and low-quality mothers. Despite these complications, clear a priori predictions can be made for how the population sex ratio and the conditional sex ratio adjustment of broods should vary across populations or species, and within populations, across individuals of different quality.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is considered a potent evolutionary force in all sexually reproducing organisms, but direct tests in terms of experimental evolution of sexual traits are still lacking for simultaneously hermaphroditic animals. Here, we tested how evolution under enforced monogamy affected a suite of reproductive traits (including testis area, sex allocation, genital morphology, sperm morphology and mating behaviour) in the outcrossing hermaphroditic flatworm Macrostomum lignano, using an assay that also allowed the assessment of phenotypically plastic responses to group size. The experiment comprised 32 independent selection lines that evolved under either monogamy or polygamy for 20 generations. While we did not observe an evolutionary shift in sex allocation, we detected effects of the selection regime for two male morphological traits. Specifically, worms evolving under enforced monogamy had a distinct shape of the male copulatory organ and produced sperm with shorter appendages. Many traits that did not evolve under enforced monogamy showed phenotypic plasticity in response to group size. Notably, individuals that grew up in larger groups had a more male‐biased sex allocation and produced slightly longer sperm than individuals raised in pairs. We conclude that, in this flatworm, enforced monogamy induced moderate evolutionary but substantial phenotypically plastic responses.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the predictions of local mate competition (LMC), host quality (HQ) and operational sex ratio (OSR) models, using a non-arrhenotokous parasitic mite, Hemisarcoptes coccophagus (Astigmata: Hemisarcoptidae). The life-history pattern of this mite meets the assumptions of these sex allocation models. Mating group size (LMC model), HQ and OSR affected the sex allocation of H. coccophagus females. Only young mite females adjusted the sex ratio of their progenies according to the predictions of LMC and HQ models; the sex allocation of old females was contrary to these predictions. We explain these patterns by the dynamic nature of the mite's population structure. When parents are young, their population distribution is patchy and progeny matings are local; hence sex allocation is in accordance with LMC theory. When parents become older, their populations shift towards panmixis; factors which had operated previously no longer exist. Consequently, females adjust the sex ratio of late progenies so that it can compensate for the earlier sex allocation, in order to make their total sex ratio unbiased, as expected in panmictic populations. Our data, expressed as the cumulative sex ratio, support this hypothesis.  相似文献   

We analyzed the relationship among host size, superparasitism and sex-ratio in mass reared Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Individual host pupae of Anastrepha ludens (Diptera: Tephritidae) were measured (length and width), and the number of oviposition scars per pupa was used as a reliable indicator of superparasitism. The probability of an emerging parasitoid being a female was positively associated with the number of oviposition scars on the host cuticle, but not with the host size. The number of scars per host pupae from which females emerged was slightly but significantly higher than in those pupae giving raise to males. In D. longicaudata, the influence of host size on sex allocation decisions of individual females seems to be overridden by the level of superparasitism, which itself was positively correlated with pupa length. This suggests that larger pupae could experience a higher number of ovipositions than their smaller counterparts, and that a high level of superparasitism may conduct to a female biased sex ratio. We discuss the relevance of these findings which could provide new elements (e.g., the manipulation of superparasitism) for optimizing the mass rearing of this parasitoid.  相似文献   

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