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Screening of 10 000 Arabidopsis transgenic lines carrying a gene-trap (GUS) construct has been undertaken to identify markers of seed germination. One of these lines showed GUS activity restricted to the endosperm, at the micropylar end of the germinating seed. The genomic DNA flanking the T-DNA insert was cloned by walking PCR and the insertion was shown to be located 70 bp upstream of a 2285 bp open reading frame (AtEPR1) sharing strong similarities with extensins. The AtEPR1 open reading frame consists of 40 proline-rich repeats and is expressed in both wild-type and mutant lines. The expression of the AtEPR1 gene appears to be under positive control of gibberellic acid, but is not downregulated by abscisic acid during seed germination. No expression was detected in organs other than endosperm during seed germination. The putative role of AtEPR1 is discussed in the light of its specific expression in relation to seed germination.  相似文献   

应用酵母双杂交方法筛选到与糖皮质激素受体(GR)结合的蛋白JAB1,进一步验证JAB1与GR的结合作用并证明其对GR的影响.构建与Gal4-BD融合表达的载体pGBKT7-GR LBD,与构建于pACT2载体上的人骨髓cDNA文库杂交,在SD/-Ade/-His/-Leu/-Trp选择培养板上培养,经X-α-gal检测,阳性克隆片段插入pGEM®-T Vector 载体,测序,再经酵母双杂交和GST pull down蛋白质结合实验验证其结合作用,应用反映GR转录活性的CAT报告基因检测JAB1对GR的调节活性.结果在人骨髓cDNA文库中,筛选到42个X-α-gal检测变蓝且含有pACT2质粒序列的克隆,其中有5个克隆的序列皆为Jun活性区结合蛋白JAB1的一部分.酵母双杂交和蛋白质结合实验表明,JAB1与COS7真核表达的GR-LBD在体外有结合作用.JAB1加强GR转录激活的能力.  相似文献   

The OZF (ZNF146) protein is a 33 kDa Kruppel protein, composed solely of 10 zinc finger motifs. It is overexpressed in the majority of pancreatic cancers and in more than 80% of colorectal cancers. We found an interaction between OZF and the telomeric hRap1 protein with a yeast two-hybrid screen. hRap1 (TERF2IP) is an ortholog of the yeast telomeric protein, scRap1 originally identified as a regulator of telomere length. In HeLa cells, it interacts with TRF2, a telomere repeat binding factor whose inactivation causes a dysregulation of telomere length and structure. Immunoprecipitation with anti-hRap1 antibodies in conditions that allow the purification of proteins associated with hRap1, demonstrated that OZF binds to hRap1 in HeLa cells. Using deletion mutants, we mapped the interacting domain of each protein. The three zinc fingers at the C-terminus of OZF interact with a region of hRap1 located downstream of the coil domain. It involves a stretch of at least 25 amino acids at the C-terminus of hRap1 that interact with TRF2. This suggests that OZF overexpression in tumours may alter the balance between hRap1 and other telomeric proteins and therefore that OZF function may be linked to telomere regulation.  相似文献   

Seed development depends on coordination among embryo, endosperm and seed coat. Endosperm undergoes nuclear division soon after fertilization, whereas embryo remains quiescent for a while. Such a developmental sequence is of great importance for proper seed development. However, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Recent results on the cellular domain- and stage-specific expression of invertase genes in cotton and Arabidopsis revealed that cell wall invertase may positively and specifically regulate nuclear division of endosperm after fertilization, thereby playing a role in determining the sequential development of endosperm and embryo, probably through glucose signaling.  相似文献   

Cereal endosperm represents the most important source of the world’s food; nevertheless, the molecular mechanisms underlying cell and tissue differentiation in cereal grains remain poorly understood. Endosperm cellularization commences at the maternal–filial intersection of grains and generates endosperm transfer cells (ETCs), a cell type with a prominent anatomy optimized for efficient nutrient transport. Barley HISTIDINE KINASE1 (HvHK1) was identified as a receptor component with spatially restricted expression in the syncytial endosperm where ETCs emerge. Here, we demonstrate its function in ETC fate acquisition using RNA interference‐mediated downregulation of HvHK1. Repression of HvHK1 impairs cell specification in the central ETC region and the development of transfer cell morphology, and consecutively defects differentiation of adjacent endosperm tissues. Coinciding with reduced expression of HvHK1, disturbed cell plate formation and fusion were observed at the initiation of endosperm cellularization, revealing that HvHK1 triggers initial cytokinesis of ETCs. Cell‐type‐specific RNA sequencing confirmed loss of transfer cell identity, compromised cell wall biogenesis and reduced transport capacities in aberrant cells and elucidated two‐component signaling and hormone pathways that are mediated by HvHK1. Gene regulatory network modeling was used to specify the direct targets of HvHK1; this predicted non‐canonical auxin signaling elements as the main regulatory links governing cellularization of ETCs, potentially through interaction with type‐B response regulators. This work provides clues to previously unknown molecular mechanisms directing ETC specification, a process with fundamental impact on grain yield in cereals.  相似文献   

The plant sucrose nonfermenting kinase 1 (SnRK1) kinases play the central roles in the processes of energy balance, hormone perception, stress resistance, metabolism, growth, and development. However, the functions of these kinases are still elusive. In this study, we used GsSnRK1 of wild soybean as bait to perform library‐scale screens by the means of yeast two‐hybrid to identify its interacting proteins. The putative interactions were verified by yeast retransformation and β‐galactosidase assays, and the selected interactions were further confirmed in planta by bimolecular fluorescence complementation and biochemical Co‐IP assays. Protein phosphorylation analyses were carried out by phos‐tag assay and anti‐phospho‐(Ser/Thr) substrate antibodies. Finally, we obtained 24 GsSnRK1 interactors and several putative substrates that can be categorized into SnRK1 regulatory β subunit, protein modification, biotic and abiotic stress‐related, hormone perception and signalling, gene expression regulation, water and nitrogen transport, metabolism, and unknown proteins. Intriguingly, we first discovered that GsSnRK1 interacted with and phosphorylated the components of soybean nodulation and symbiotic nitrogen fixation. The interactions and potential functions of GsSnRK1 and its associated proteins were extensively discussed and analysed. This work provides plausible clues to elucidate the novel functions of SnRK1 in response to variable environmental, metabolic, and physiological requirements.  相似文献   

In flowering plants, double fertilization of the female gametes, the egg and the central cell, initiates seed development to give rise to a diploid embryo and the triploid endosperm. In the absence of fertilization, the FERTILIZATION‐INDEPENDENT SEED Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (FIS‐PRC2) represses this developmental process by histone methylation of certain target genes. The FERTILIZATION‐INDEPENDENT SEED (FIS) class genes MEDEA (MEA) and FERTILIZATIONINDEPENDENT ENDOSPERM (FIE) encode two of the core components of this complex. In addition, DNA methylation establishes and maintains the repression of gene activity, for instance via DNA METHYLTRANSFERASE1 (MET1), which maintains methylation of symmetric CpG residues. Here, we demonstrate that Arabidopsis MET1 interacts with MEA in vitro and in a yeast two‐hybrid assay, similar to the previously identified interaction of the mammalian homologues DNMT1 and EZH2. MET1 and MEA share overlapping expression patterns in reproductive tissues before and after fertilization, a prerequisite for an interaction in vivo. Importantly, a much higher percentage of central cells initiate endosperm development in the absence of fertilization in mea‐1/MEA; met1‐3/MET1 as compared to mea‐1/MEA mutant plants. In addition, DNA methylation at the PHERES1 and MEA loci, imprinted target genes of the FIS‐PRC2, was affected in the mea‐1 mutant compared with wild‐type embryos. In conclusion, our data suggest a mechanistic link between two major epigenetic pathways involved in histone and DNA methylation in plants by physical interaction of MET1 with the FIS‐PRC2 core component MEA. This concerted action is relevant for the repression of seed development in the absence of fertilization.  相似文献   

Summary Comparison of endosperm storage protein sub units from single seeds of 19 Solanum species was done by isoelectric focusing. Species-specific profiles of the subunits were evident and species relationships within a taxonomic series could be delineated. The identification of both intraspecific and interspecific hybrid seed may be possible from Solin IEF subunit profiles. The glutelin nature of the protein was unusual for a dicotyledon genus. We named this major endosperm protein complex Solin. Solin was found in developing seeds with embryos at the heart stage, 16 to 18 days after pollination. Seeds excised at the globular stage responded to the addition of ABA and synthesized Solin. This is the first report of the induction of seed protein in endosperm cells of Solanum.Scientific journal series article No. 14703 of the Minnesota Experiment Station  相似文献   

AtRGP (AT4G17080, Arabidopsis thaliana reduction in growth and productivity) contains two N-terminal transmembrane helices and seven membrane occupation and recognition nexus motifs at its C-terminus, and associates with phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinase. To elucidate the function of AtRGP, we employed mutant plants to analyze gene expression, plant phenotypes, protein localization, structure and function of the chloroplast, and freezing tolerance. Overexpression of AtRGP increased growth rate, hypocotyl elongation, leaf size, seed production, photosynthetic rate, and freezing tolerance, and promoted chloroplast organization and stacking of grana. By contrast, Atrgp null mutants exhibited a smaller plant size, reduced seed production, photosynthetic rate, and freezing tolerance, and displayed abnormal chloroplast organization with insufficient stacking of grana. Considering these data, we postulate that AtRGP may bind transiently to the chloroplast envelope and interact with other proteins under certain conditions, thereby regulating cellular processes involved in growth and abiotic stress responses.  相似文献   

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