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In Poland, distribution of non-native pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus (Centrarchidae) is strictly limited to the Oder river basin, where it was introduced in the early 20th century. Recently, several populations have been found in waterbodies adjacent to the Oder, particularly in its lower reaches. In this study, we compare the genetic relatedness of populations in the Oder basin with other European populations using nuclear (microsatellite) and mitochondrial (partial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I; cox1) markers. Microsatellite analysis indicated that four populations in the lower Oder form a separate cluster, while one in the middle Oder clustered with Danubian populations, from where probably having been introduced. Microsatellite data suggested that the lower Oder populations differ from other non-native European populations, making it impossible to estimate the source of introduction. Nevertheless, analysis of cox1 indicated that Oder pumpkinseeds belong to the same haplotype as the vast majority of European populations. Parasitological examination confirmed the presence of two North American species, the monogenean Onchocleidus dispar and trematode Posthodiplostomum centrarchi, in the lower Oder, both previously unknown in the region. Fifteen other parasite species were acquired, including glochidia of invasive Sinanodonta woodiana. In the middle Oder, parasite infection was more limited. Fish from the Gryfino Canal, considered one of the most invasive populations in Europe, showed the highest parasite abundance and diversity, and the highest somatic condition and growth rate due to warm water released from the Dolna Odra power plant. Our results highlight significant differences in somatic condition and parasite infection in long-established non-native pumpkinseed populations in the same river system, reflecting mainly environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The pumpkinseed, Lepomis gibbosus, a centrarchid fish native to eastern North America, was introduced into Europe at the end of the 19th century. Lepomis gibbosus now represents one of the most successful of introduced fish species, having spread widely throughout many European countries. In this study, we collected monogenean parasites of L. gibbosus from four sites in the Danube River Basin. We recorded four monogenean species: Gyrodactylus sp., probably acquired in the area of introduction, and Onchocleidus similis, O. dispar and Actinocleidus recurvatus, species introduced together with their host. Onchocleidus similis dominated the parasite community at all sampling sites. Actinocleidus recurvatus has only been reported from southern Europe to date and, therefore, this is the first report of A. recurvatus from Central Europe and the Danube River Basin. We observed high morphological variability in both anchor pairs of A. recurvatus. Only in O. similis was there a positive correlation observed between haptor metric traits and fish host length. Differences in metric traits between native and introduced O. similis populations may reflect a difference in fish host size, the introduced fish host achieving a smaller size than fish from native populations. A detailed analysis of microhabitat distribution indicated a preference for the second gill arch for both dominant species O. similis and A. recurvatus, with dissimilar site segregation.  相似文献   

Morphological plasticity can influence adaptive divergence when it affects fitness components such as foraging performance. We induced morphological variation in pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) ecomorphs and tested for effects on foraging performance. Young-of-year pumpkinseed sunfish from littoral and pelagic lake habitats were reared each on a 'specialist diet' representing their native habitat-specific prey, or a 'generalist diet' reflecting a combination of native and non-native prey. Specialist and generalist diets, respectively, induced divergent and intermediate body forms. Specialists had the highest capture success on their native prey whereas generalist forms were inferior. Specialists faced trade-offs across prey types. However, pelagic specialists also had the highest intake rate on both prey types suggesting that foraging trade-offs are relaxed when prey are abundant. This increases the likelihood of a resource polymorphism because the specialized pelagic form can be favoured by directional selection when prey are abundant and by diversifying selection when prey resources are restricted.  相似文献   

Sunfish specimens (genus Lepomis) collected from Pinehurst Lake, Ontario, Canada, were identified as bluegill (L. macrochirus), pumpkinseed (L. gibbosus) and their hybrids. Hybridization was studied on the basis of the constants of cross-sectional allometry as, to the best of our knowledge, no attempt has ever been made to study hybridization quantitatively from the relative growth aspect. Two sets of data---one on the pair Y1/X (head length/standard length) and the other on the pair Y2/X (body depth/standard length)--- were analysed, with the following objectives: (i)A statistical method of analysing hybrid index based on cross-sectional allometry was first presented and then Y1/X-data analysed by this method, and (ii)data Y2/X were analysed to show that in some particular situations analysis for hybridization by methods other than the hybrid index appraoch may be more appropriate. Results of the analyses were discussed.  相似文献   

I investigated the nest association of pumpkinseeds and golden shiners in an upstate New York pond. Golden shiners spawned in about one-third of pumpkinseed nests. Field observations indicate that golden shiners preferred to spawn in nests of male pumpkinseeds that attracted conspecific females, and avoided nests of pumpkinseeds that failed to do so. Golden shiners did not spawn in any of the nests that I kept clean experimentally after abandonment by male pumpkinseeds, suggesting that a clean nest without a guarding pumpkinseed is not enough to attract shiners to spawn. In field experiments, shiner eggs that were placed away from pumpkinseed nests suffered significantly higher losses to predation than those in the nests. This indicates that golden shiners benefit from spawning in pumpkinseed nests through the protection of their young by the host pumpkinseed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Growth responses and accumulation of N and P were studied in two pygmy south-west Australian species of Drosera following supplementary feeding of arthropods (collembolans, Hypogastrura vernalis and fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster) and/or a balanced mineral nutrient supplement (N as nitrate) via the roots. One feeding experiment used glasshouse-raised germlings from vegetative propagules (gemmae) of the perennial Drosera closterostigma, the other three (two on D. closterostigma and one on the annual D. glanduligera) involved natural populations engaging in natural captures of indigenous prey. All experiments recorded highly significant increases in plant dry matter, N and P (all plant age groups) and in reproductive performance (adult plants only) from artificial feeding of arthropods, but no apparent benefits from minerals alone or additive effects of minerals above that due to insects. Unresponsiveness to mineral nutrients was suggested to relate to inability of the species to use nitrate, while up to three-fold growth and nutrient uptake response to insects indicated that growth of natural populations might be severely limited by inadequate catches of prey. It is concluded that the highly nutrient-poor conditions typical of the habitat of pygmy species of Drosera may have promoted marked specialization towards carnivory and an attendant decline in ability to utilize soil-derived sources of nutrients.  相似文献   

Many of the sunfishes (Centrarchidae) hybridize in natural systems, yet little is known about the interactions among hybridizing individuals in nature. We used allozyme electrophoresis to identify interspecific hybrids between bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and pumpkinseed (L. gibbosus) in Lake Opinicon, Ontario, and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to identify the maternal parentage of those individuals. All 44 individuals collected and identified electrophoreti-cally as F1 hybrids had a pumpkinseed mtDNA haplotype, indicating that hybridization between these species in Lake Opinicon is asymmetrical; F1 hybrids result only from matings between female pumpkinseed and male bluegill.  相似文献   

Summary Adaptive variation can exist at a variety of scales in biological systems, including among species, among local populations of a single species and among individuals within a single population. Trophic or resource polymorphisms in fishes are a good example of the lowest level of this hierarchy. In lakes without bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus), pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) can be trophically polymorphic, including a planktivorous limnetic form found in the pelagic habitat, in addition to the usual benthic form found in the littoral zone. In this paper we examine the degree to which morphological differences between the two forms are caused by genetic differences versus phenotypic plasticity. Adults from pelagic and littoral sites in Paradox Lake, NY, were bred separately and their progeny were raised in cages both in the open water and shallow water habitats of an artificial pond. The experimental design permitted two tests of genetic differences between the breeding stocks (in open and shallow water cages, respectively) and two tests of phenotypic plasticity (in the limnetic and benthic offspring, respectively). Limnetic progeny were more fusiform than benthic progeny raised in the same habitat. In addition, progeny of both stocks displayed limnetic-type characteristics when raised in the open water and benthic-type characteristics in the shallow water. Thus, genetic differences and phenotypic plasticity both contributed to the trophic polymorphism. Phenotypic plasticity and genetic differentiation accounted for 53 and 14%, respectively, of the variation in morphology. This study addresses the nature of subtle phenotypic differences among individuals from a single population that is embedded within a complex community, a condition that is likely to be the norm for most natural populations, as opposed to very large differences that have evolved in relatively few populations that reside in species-poor environments.  相似文献   

Gene flow is expected to limit adaptive divergence, but the ecological and behavioural factors that govern gene flow are still poorly understood, particularly at the earliest stages of population divergence. Reduced gene flow through mate choice (sexual isolation) can evolve even under conditions of subtle population divergence if intermediate phenotypes have reduced fitness. We indirectly tested the hypothesis that mate choice has evolved between coexisting littoral and pelagic ecotypes of polyphenic pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) that have diverged in morphology and resource use and where intermediate phenotypes have reduced performance. We assessed the ecotype of nesting males and females using stable isotope estimates of diet and a divergent male morphological trait, oral jaw width. We found positive assortative mating between ecotypes in a common spawning habitat along exposed lake shorelines, but contrary to expectations, assortative mating was variably expressed between two sampling years. Although the factors that influence variable assortative mating remain unclear, our results are consistent with mate choice being expressed by ecotypes. Despite being variably expressed, mate choice will reduce gene flow between ecotypes and could contribute to further adaptive divergence depending on its frequency and strength in the population. Our findings add to a growing body of evidence indicating mate choice behaviour can be a plastic trait, an idea that should be more explicitly considered in empirical studies of mate choice as well as conceptual frameworks of mate choice evolution and adaptive divergence.  相似文献   

To evaluate the potential invasiveness of pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus introduced to northwestern European inland waters, growth and reproduction traits were examined in ten populations along a trajectory spanning northwestern Europe (Norway, England, Holland, Belgium and France) and evaluated in light of published dataset from Europe. In the 848 pumpkinseed captured, maximum age was 3–4 years, with a sex ratio near unity in all but one population. Significant variations with increasing latitude were observed in adult growth (age 2–3 increment in total length, TL) and mean age at maturity (A M), with non-significant variations observed in juvenile growth (TL at age 2), sex ratio and gonado-somatic index. As observed elsewhere in Europe, mean A M decreased significantly with increasing TL at age 2. Using this relationship, which has been proposed elsewhere as a potential predictive model of pumpkinseed invasiveness, eight of the ten populations could be provisionally categorized as ‘non-invasive’ (five populations), ‘transitional’ (one population) and ‘potentially invasive’ (two populations), with two populations not categorized due to insufficient data. Based on the available knowledge on each population, the relationship between juvenile growth and age at maturity appeared to predict reasonably the status of pumpkinseed in northwestern Europe and its applicability to other species should be tested.  相似文献   

Conventional staining, differential banding, and in situ hybridization with both ribosomal and telomeric probes to mitotic chromosomes of Gymnopleurus sturmi (Scarabaeoidea : Scarabaeidae) are described. The karyotype is distinguished by a pericentric inversion polymorphism in chromosome 3, which is either acrocentric or subtelocentric. Silver staining (Ag-NOR) and chromomycin A3 (CMA3), failed to study the detection of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs), due to the extensive silver and CMA3 stainability of all GC-rich heterochromatin. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) using a Paracentrotus lividus (Echinodermata) rDNA probe mapped the ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA). FISH with the all-human telomeric sequences (TTAGGG)n revealed a lack of homology between the telomeric probe and the telomeres of G. sturmi. This suggests that the telomeric hesanucleotide (TTAGGG)n is not so conserved within eukaryotes as it has been hypothesized.  相似文献   

Life-history reactions of a pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus population in north-eastern France exposed to heated waters were studied. The study was conducted from 2001 to 2003 in an artificial reservoir, adjacent to a nuclear power plant, in which water temperatures are cool in winter (8·2–12·4° C) and rise early in spring (April: 14·7° C) nearly 5° C and 3° C over the temperature of its tributary, respectively. Fast growth among young-of-the-year, precocious maturity and short life span were observed, in contrast to related studies. The short life span appeared to be the price paid for early maturity in breeding fish, which suffered high mortality rates just after their first reproduction.  相似文献   

Synopsis The influence of available food resources on growth and patterns of reproduction was studied in two populations of pumpkinseed sunfish in adjacent lakes in southeastern Ontario. Ideally, mature individuals should be long-lived, attain a large size, and maintain a high reproductive effort. However, rarely are environmental conditions ideal and compromises are necessary. In the present study, there were smaller quantities of preferred prey items (gastropods), and total benthos available in one lake. Pumpkinseed in this population ate less in general, and were smaller in body size in the older age classes. These fish matured at a younger age and a smaller size than individuals in the other lake studied, and in populations in this geographic area reported in the literature. In addition, the relationships of both fecundity and ovary weight to total weight were different between lakes. Mean ovary weight, ripe egg size and lifetime fecundity were less in the population of small-bodies fish. Variation in patterns of reproduction between populations suggests that fish may be able to fine-tune responses to local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

External morphology of native Canadian (River Otonabee, Looncall Lake) and non‐native Slovak (River Danube) pumpkinseed was examined using both triple regression analysis (distance‐based measurements) and geometrical analysis (coordinate‐based measurements) within an ontogenetical aspect. In general, the results from the geometrical analysis comply with those from the triple regression analysis. The smallest pumpkinseed (predominantly juveniles) differed significantly from the largest pumpkinseed (predominantly adults) in all the three populations. The major difference was that adults had a deeper body and larger belly area than juveniles, which is probably associated with more space for gonads in mature fish. Developmental patterns and external morphology in pumpkinseed from the River Otonabee seemed to be closer to pumpkinseed from the Danube than to those from Lake Looncall. This suggests that, in the pumpkinseed examined, ontogenetic changes in external shape depend on environmental conditions (epigenetical information) rather than on geographical and/or genetical isolation. Further examination of early development, fecundity, number of spawning acts per season, parental care, egg size, age at maturation, etc., will follow to test this hypothesis.  相似文献   

A karyotype analysis using several staining techniques was carried out on the North American lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens. The chromosome number was found to be 2n = 262 +/- 6. A representative karyotype of 264 chromosomes was composed of 134 meta- and submetacentrics, 70 telo- and acrocentrics, and 60 microchromosomes. The constitutive heterochromatin, revealed by C banding, was localized in various positions on several chromosomes, including microchromosomes. The signals of fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with a HindIII satellite DNA probe were visible as centromeric heterochromatin blocks on 48 chromosomes. The telomeric repeat (TTAGGG)n detected by FISH was localized at both ends of all chromosomes and two chromosomes were entirely marked. Fluorescent staining with GC-specific chromomycin A3 showed recognizable fluorescent regions, whereas a more uniform base composition was revealed by the AT-specific 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). After silver staining, the active nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) were detected on 12 chromosomes. FISH with the 5S probe showed four signals on four small chromosomes. Our data suggest that A. fulvescens is a tetraploid species.  相似文献   

Introduced pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus sampled from four habitat zones (fluvial pelagic, fluvial littoral, lacustrine pelagic and lacustrine littoral) in three Portuguese reservoirs were used to test the hypotheses that habitats with the least similar characteristics will show the most differentiation, and that morphological differences will relate to functional adaptations to flow and trophic habitats. Results from discriminant function analysis and ANCOVA showed that there were significant differences in external morphology in pumpkinseed captured from the four habitat zones in all three reservoirs. Littoral and pelagic differentiation was stronger than fluvial and lacustrine differentiation in all of the reservoirs, and the most significant variable that differentiated pumpkinseed from the littoral and pelagic habitats was body depth. The illustration of external morphological differentiation in pumpkinseed along both habitat dimensions demonstrates the high degree of morphological plasticity of this introduced species.  相似文献   

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