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Spider orb webs are dynamic, energy absorbing nets whose ability to intercept prey is dependent on both the mechnical properties of web design and the material properties of web silks. Variation in web designs reflects variation in spider web spinning behaviours and variation in web silks reflects variation in spider metabolic processes. Therefore, natural selection may affect web function (or prey capture) through two independent and alternative pathways. In this paper, I examine the ways in which architectural and material properties, singly and in concert, influence the ability of webs to absorb insect impact energy. These findings are evaluated in the context of the evolution of diverse aerial webs. Orb webs range along a continuum from high to low energy absorbing. No single feature of web architecture characterizes the amount of energy webs can absorb, but suites of characters indicate web function. In general, webs that intercept heavy and fast flying prey (high energy absorbing webs) are large, built by large spiders, suspended under high tension and characterized by a ratio of radii to spiral turns per web greater than one. In contrast, webs that intercept light and slow flying prey (low energy absorbing webs) are suspended under low tension, are small and are characterized by radial to spiral turn ratios that are less than one. The data suggest that for spiders building high energy absorbing webs, the orb architecture contributes much to web energy absorption. In contrast, for spiders that build low energy absorbing webs, orb architecture contributes little to enhance web energy absorption. Small or slow flying insects can be intercepted by web silks regardless of web design. Although there exists variation in the material properties of silk collected from high and low energy absorbing webs, only the diameter of web fibres varies predictably with silk energy absorption. Web fibre diameter and hence the amount of energy absorbed by web silks is an isometric function of spider size. The significance of these results lies in the apparent absence of selective advantage of orb architecture to low energy absorbing webs and the evolutionary trend to small spiders that build them. Where high energy absorption is not an exacting feature of web design, web architecture should not be tightly constrained to the orb. Assuming the primitive araneoid web design is the orb web, I propose that the evolution of alternative web building behaviours is a consequence of the general, phyletic trend to small size among araneoids. Araneoids that build webs of other than orb designs are able to use new habitats and resources not available to their ancestors.  相似文献   

Many spiders use silk to construct webs that must function for days at a time, whereas many other species renew their webs daily. The mechanical properties of spider silk can change after spinning under environmental stress, which could influence web function. We hypothesize that spiders spinning longer‐lasting webs produce silks composed of proteins that are more resistant to environmental stresses. The major ampullate (MA) silks of orb web spiders are principally composed of a combination of two proteins (spidroins) called MaSp1 and MaSp2. We expected spider MA silks dominated by MaSp1 to have the greatest resistance to post‐spin property change because they have high concentrations of stable crystalline β‐sheets. Some orb web spiders that spin three‐dimensional orb webs, such as Cyrtophora, have MA silks that are predominantly composed of MaSp1. Hence, we expected that the construction of three‐dimensional orb webs might also coincide with MA silk resistance to post‐spin property change. Alternatively, the degree of post‐spin mechanical property changes in different spider silks may be explained by factors within the spider's ecosystem, such as exposure to solar radiation. We exposed the MA silks of ten spider species from five genera (Nephila, Cyclosa, Leucauge, Cyrtophora, and Argiope) to ecologically high temperatures and low humidity for 4 weeks, and compared the mechanical properties of these silks with unexposed silks. Using species pairs enabled us to assess the influence of web dimensionality and MaSp composition both with and without phylogenetic influences being accounted for. We found neither the MaSp composition nor the three‐dimensionality of the orb web to be associated with the degree of post‐spin mechanical property changes in MA silk. The MA silks in Leucauge spp. are dominated by MaSp2, which we found to have the least resistance to post‐spin property change. The MA silk in Argiope spp. is also dominated by MaSp2, but has high resistance to post‐spin property change. The ancestry of Argiope is unresolved, but it is largely a tropical genus inhabiting hot, open regions that present similar stressors to silk as those of our experiment. Ecological factors thus appear to influence the vulnerability of orb web spider MA silks to post‐spin property change. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 580–588.  相似文献   

Recent studies demonstrated that orb‐weaving spiders may alter web architectures, the amount of silk in webs, or the protein composition of silks in response to variation in amount or type of prey. In this study, we conducted food manipulations to examine three mechanisms by which orb‐weaving spiders may adjust the performance of webs to variation in prey by altering the architectures of webs, making structural changes to the diameters of silk threads, and manipulating the material properties or amino acid composition of silk fibers. We fed Nephila pilipes two different types of prey, crickets or flies, and then compared orb structure and the chemical and physical properties of major ampullate (MA) silk between groups. Prey type did not affect orb structures in N. pilipes, except for mesh size. However, MA silk diameter and the stiffness of orbs constructed by spiders fed crickets were significantly greater than for the fly group. MA fibers forcibly silked from N. pilipes fed crickets was significantly thicker, but less stiff, than silk from spiders fed flies. Spiders in the cricket treatment also produced MA silk with slightly, but statistically significantly, more serine than silk from spiders in the fly treatment. Percentages of other major amino acids (proline, glycine, and glutamine) did not differ between treatments. This study demonstrated that orb‐weaving spiders can simultaneously alter some structural and material properties of MA silk, as well as the physical characteristics of webs, in response to different types of prey.  相似文献   

Spider silk is renowned for its high tensile strength, extensibility and toughness. However, the variability of these material properties has largely been ignored, especially at the intra-specific level. Yet, this variation could help us understand the function of spider webs. It may also point to the mechanisms used by spiders to control their silk production, which could be exploited to expand the potential range of applications for silk. In this study, we focus on variation of silk properties within different regions of cobwebs spun by the common house spider, Achaearanea tepidariorum. The cobweb is composed of supporting threads that function to maintain the web shape and hold spiders and prey, and of sticky gumfooted threads that adhere to insects during prey capture. Overall, structural properties, especially thread diameter, are more variable than intrinsic material properties, which may reflect past directional selection on certain silk performance. Supporting threads are thicker and able to bear higher loads, both before deforming permanently and before breaking, compared with sticky gumfooted threads. This may facilitate the function of supporting threads through sustained periods of time. In contrast, sticky gumfooted threads are more elastic, which may reduce the forces that prey apply to webs and allow them to contact multiple sticky capture threads. Therefore, our study suggests that spiders actively modify silk material properties during spinning in ways that enhance web function.  相似文献   

Many spiders depend upon webs to capture prey. Web function results from architecture and mechanical performance of the silk. We hypothesized that the common house spider, Achaearanea tepidariorum, would alter the mechanical performance of its cobweb in response to different prey by varying the structural and material properties of its silk. We fed spiders either large, high kinetic energy crickets or small, low kinetic energy pillbugs for 1 week and then examined their freshly spun silk. We separated mechanical performance into structural and material effects. We measured both types of properties for silk threads collected directly from cobwebs to test for "tuning" of silk performance to different aspects of prey capture. We compared silk from two different functional regions of the cobweb-sticky gumfooted threads that adhere directly to prey and supporting threads that maintain web integrity. Supporting threads from cricket-fed spiders were stiffer and tougher than supporting threads from pillbug-fed spiders. Both types of silk from cricket-fed spiders broke at higher loads than silk from pillbug-fed spiders. We explain this variation using a simple model of forces exerted by prey and spiders on single threads and propose potential mechanisms for this change in material properties. Two alternative, nonexclusive, hypotheses are suggested by our data. Spiders may tune silk to different types of prey by spinning threads that are able to hold prey without deforming permanently. Alternatively, as spider's body mass differed dramatically between the two feeding regimes, spiders may tune silk to their own body mass.  相似文献   

Orb-weaving spiders depend upon their two-dimensional silk traps to stop insects in mid flight. While the silks used to construct orb webs must be extremely tough to absorb the tremendous kinetic energy of insect prey, webs must also minimize the return of that energy to prey to prevent insects from bouncing out of oscillating webs. We therefore predict that the damping capacity of major ampullate spider silk, which forms the supporting frames and radial threads of orb webs, should be evolutionarily conserved among orb-weaving spiders. We test this prediction by comparing silk from six diverse species of orb spiders. Silk was taken directly from the radii of orb webs and a Nano Bionix test system was used either to sequentially extend the silk to 25% strain in 5% increments while relaxing it fully between each cycle, or to pull virgin silk samples to 15% strain. Damping capacity was then calculated as the percent difference in loading and unloading energies. Damping capacity increased after yield for all species and typically ranged from 40 to 50% within each cycle for sequentially pulled silk and from 50 to 70% for virgin samples. Lower damping at smaller strains may allow orb webs to withstand minor perturbations from wind and small prey while still retaining the ability to capture large insects. The similarity in damping capacity of silk from the radii spun by diverse spiders highlights the importance of energy absorption by silk for orb-weaving spiders.  相似文献   

The silk spinning apparatus in the crab spider, Misumenops tricuspidatus was studied with the field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and the main microstructural characteristics of the silk glands are presented. In spite of the fact that the crab spiders do not spin webs to trap a prey, they also have silk apparatus even though the functions are not fully defined. The crab spider, Misumenops tricuspidatus possesses only three types of silk glands which connected through the typical spinning tubes on the spinnerets. The spinning apparatus of Misumenops closely corresponds to that of wandering spiders such as jumping spiders or wolf spiders except some local variations. Anterior spinnerets comprise 2 pairs of the ampullates and 48 (±5) pairs of pyriform glands. Another 2 pairs of ampullate glands and nearly 20 (±3) pairs of aciniform glands were connected on the middle spinnerets. Additional 50 (±5) pairs of the aciniform glands were connected on the posterior spinnerets. The aggregate glands and the flagelliform glands which have the function of sticky capture thread production in orb‐web spiders as well as the tubuliform glands for cocoon production in females were not developed at both sexes of this spider, characteristically.  相似文献   

An uloborid spider (Oclonoba sybotides constructs two types of web which are distinguished by linear or spiral stabilimenta. Food-deprived spiders tend to construct webs with spiral stabilimenta and food-satiated spiders tend to construct webs with linear stabilimenta. I experimentally examined the influence of web type on the speed of a spider's response to small and large flies. The results indicated that web type rather than the spiders' energetic condition influences the response speed to small or large Drosophila flies. I also examined whether thread tension affects the response speed of spiders by increasing the tension of the radial threads. The results showed that spiders on an expanded web responded to small prey as quickly as spiders on webs with spiral stabilimenta. The tension of the radial threads may be regulated by the degree of distortion of the radial threads at the hub. O. sybotides seems to construct orb webs which induce different responses for smaller, less-profitable prey according to its energetic state. The spider appears to increase the tension of the radial threads so that it can sense smaller prey better when hungry.  相似文献   

Spider webs are made of silk, the properties of which ensure remarkable efficiency at capturing prey. However, remaining on, or near, the web exposes the resident spiders to many potential predators, such as ants. Surprisingly, ants are rarely reported foraging on the webs of orb-weaving spiders, despite the formidable capacity of ants to subdue prey and repel enemies, the diversity and abundance of orb-web spiders, and the nutritional value of the web and resident spider. We explain this paradox by reporting a novel property of the silk produced by the orb-web spider Nephila antipodiana (Walckenaer). These spiders deposit on the silk a pyrrolidine alkaloid (2-pyrrolidinone) that provides protection from ant invasion. Furthermore, the ontogenetic change in the production of 2-pyrrolidinone suggests that this compound represents an adaptive response to the threat of natural enemies, rather than a simple by-product of silk synthesis: while 2-pyrrolidinone occurs on the silk threads produced by adult and large juvenile spiders, it is absent on threads produced by small juvenile spiders, whose threads are sufficiently thin to be inaccessible to ants.  相似文献   



Interspecific coevolution is well described, but we know significantly less about how multiple traits coevolve within a species, particularly between behavioral traits and biomechanical properties of animals'' “extended phenotypes”. In orb weaving spiders, coevolution of spider behavior with ecological and physical traits of their webs is expected. Darwin''s bark spider (Caerostris darwini) bridges large water bodies, building the largest known orb webs utilizing the toughest known silk. Here, we examine C. darwini web building behaviors to establish how bridge lines are formed over water. We also test the prediction that this spider''s unique web ecology and architecture coevolved with new web building behaviors.


We observed C. darwini in its natural habitat and filmed web building. We observed 90 web building events, and compared web building behaviors to other species of orb web spiders.


Caerostris darwini uses a unique set of behaviors, some unknown in other spiders, to construct its enormous webs. First, the spiders release unusually large amounts of bridging silk into the air, which is then carried downwind, across the water body, establishing bridge lines. Second, the spiders perform almost no web site exploration. Third, they construct the orb capture area below the initial bridge line. In contrast to all known orb-weavers, the web hub is therefore not part of the initial bridge line but is instead built de novo. Fourth, the orb contains two types of radial threads, with those in the upper half of the web doubled. These unique behaviors result in a giant, yet rather simplified web. Our results continue to build evidence for the coevolution of behavioral (web building), ecological (web microhabitat) and biomaterial (silk biomechanics) traits that combined allow C. darwini to occupy a unique niche among spiders.  相似文献   

Although phylogenetic studies have shown covariation between the properties of spider major ampullate (MA) silk and web building, both spider webs and silks are highly plastic so we cannot be sure whether these traits functionally covary or just vary across environments that the spiders occupy. As MaSp2‐like proteins provide MA silk with greater extensibility, their presence is considered necessary for spider webs to effectively capture prey. Wolf spiders (Lycosidae) are predominantly non‐web building, but a select few species build webs. We accordingly collected MA silk from two web‐building and six non‐web‐building species found in semirural ecosystems in Uruguay to test whether the presence of MaSp2‐like proteins (indicated by amino acid composition, silk mechanical properties and silk nanostructures) was associated with web building across the group. The web‐building and non‐web‐building species were from disparate subfamilies so we estimated a genetic phylogeny to perform appropriate comparisons. For all of the properties measured, we found differences between web‐building and non‐web‐building species. A phylogenetic regression model confirmed that web building and not phylogenetic inertia influences silk properties. Our study definitively showed an ecological influence over spider silk properties. We expect that the presence of the MaSp2‐like proteins and the subsequent nanostructures improves the mechanical performance of silks within the webs. Our study furthers our understanding of spider web and silk co‐evolution and the ecological implications of spider silk properties.  相似文献   

Both the uloborid Philoponella vicina and the araneid Gasteracantha cancriformis spiders sometimes placed silk stabilimenta on non-orb "resting webs" that consisted of only one or a few lines. These webs completely lacked sticky silk, so their stabilimenta could not function to attract prey. Some non-orbs were built by spiders when their orb webs are damaged. These observations contradict the prey attraction camouflage hypothesis for stabilimentum function, but are compatible with the spider camouflage and web advertisement to avoid web destruction hypotheses.  相似文献   

Evolutionary convergence of phenotypic traits provides evidence for their functional success. The origin of the orb web was a critical event in the diversification of spiders that facilitated a spectacular radiation of approximately 12 000 species and promoted the evolution of novel web types. How the orb web evolved from ancestral web types, and how many times orb‐like architectures evolved in spiders, has been debated for a long time. The little known spider genus Fecenia (Psechridae) constructs a web that resembles the archetypical orb web, but morphological data suggest that Psechridae (Psechrus + Fecenia) does not belong in Orbiculariae, the ‘true orb weavers’, but to the ‘retrolateral tibial apophysis (RTA) clade’ consisting mostly of wandering spiders, but also including spiders building less regular webs. Yet, the data are sparse and no molecular phylogenetic study has estimated Fecenia's exact position in the tree of life. Adding new data to sequences pulled from GenBank, we reconstruct a phylogeny of Entelegynae and phylogenetically test the monophyly and placement of Psechridae, and in doing so, the alternative hypotheses of monophyletic origin of the orb web and the pseudo‐orb versus their independent origins, a potentially spectacular case of behavioural convergence. We also discuss the implications of our results for Entelegynae systematics. Our results firmly place a monophyletic Psechridae within the RTA clade, phylogenetically distant from true orb weavers. The architectural similarities of the orb and the pseudo‐orb are therefore clearly convergent, as also suggested by detailed comparisons of these two web types, as well as the spiders' web‐building behaviours and ontogenetic development. The convergence of Fecenia webs with true orbs provides a remarkable opportunity to investigate how these complex sets of traits may have interacted during the evolution of the orb.  相似文献   

蜘蛛位置对成功捕获猎物和球型网图案的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
静坐在球型网的中心,蜘蛛可能遭受天敌的攻击并暴露在不利的天气条件下,如风和雨。然而,栖居于网的中心使蜘蛛比隐藏在隐蔽场所中的蜘蛛能更迅速地察觉并捕获猎物,这是因为猎物的位置仅能被位于网中心的蜘蛛所确定。对在隐蔽场所中的蜘蛛而言,提高对猎物捕获率的方式之一是尽量减少隐蔽所与网中心的距离。而且,网中心与隐蔽所之间较短的距离使蜘蛛能更迅速地逃离危险境况。我使用既在网中心、又在隐蔽场所的硬类肥蛛(Larinioides sclopetarius Clerck),来检验这两种行为如何影响对猎物的捕获成功率。隐藏在隐蔽场所中的蜘蛛更经常忽略猎物,使猎物也有比较多的逃离机会,这样,与在网中心的蜘蛛相比,猎物的损失率就更高。另外,研究了隐蔽场所的位置对球型网图案的影响。在大多数球型网中,网中心上方的区域比网下方小,丝也比较少,形成了结构不对称的网;隐蔽场所通常在网的上方。当隐蔽场所的位置在实验中被倒转时,就形成了非典型的球型网。最后,L.sclopetarius建造的网有很突出的边缘非对称性,与隐蔽场所相邻的区域面积较小,而远离隐蔽场所的区域面积较大,这也可解释为减少了隐蔽场所和网中心之间的距离[动物学报50(4):559-565.2004]。  相似文献   

Spinning an elastic ribbon of spider silk   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Sicarid spider Loxosceles laeta spins broad but very thin ribbons of elastic silk that it uses to form a retreat and to capture prey. A structural investigation into this spider's silk and spinning apparatus shows that these ribbons are spun from a gland homologous to the major ampullate gland of orb web spiders. The Loxosceles gland is constructed from the same basic parts (separate transverse zones in the gland, a duct and spigot) as other spider silk glands but construction details are highly specialized. These differences are thought to relate to different ways of spinning silk in the two groups of spiders. Loxosceles uses conventional die extrusion, feeding a liquid dope (spinning solution) to the slit-like die to form a flat ribbon, while orb web spiders use an extrusion process in which the silk dope is processed in an elongated duct to produce a cylindrical thread. This is achieved by the combination of an initial internal draw down, well inside the duct, and a final draw down, after the silk has left the spigot. The spinning mechanism in Loxosceles may be more ancestral.  相似文献   

The cribellum is an oval spinning field whose spigots produce silk fibrils that form the outer surfaces of the primitive prey capture threads found in aerial spider webs. A comparison of the cribella and cribellar capture threads of 13 species of spiders representing seven families (Amaurobiidae, Desidae, Dictynidae, Filistatidae, Neolanidae, Oecobiidae, and Uloboridae) confirms that the stickness of a cribellar thread is directly related to the number of spigots on a spider's cribellum. This comparison also demonstrates that the origin of orb-weaving spiders from ancestors that constructed less highly organized webs was associated with increases in both the weight-specific number of cribellum spigots and the weight-specific stickiness of cribellar prey capture threads. In contrast to other cribellate spiders, the number of cribellum spigots of orb-weaving species of the family Uloboridae scales to spider mass. Thus, the origin of orb-weaving spiders involved not only behavioural changes that stylized and restricted the placement of cribellar threads, but also included morphological changes that increased the stickiness of these capture threads by endowing them with more cribellar fibrils.  相似文献   

Most spider threads are on the micrometre and sub-micrometre scale. Yet, there are some spiders that spin true nano-scale fibres such as the cribellate orb spider, Uloborus plumipes. Here, we analyse the highly specialized capture silk-spinning system of this spider and compare it with the silk extrusion systems of the more standard spider dragline threads. The cribellar silk extrusion system consists of tiny, morphologically basic glands each terminating through exceptionally long and narrow ducts in uniquely shaped silk outlets. Depending on spider size, hundreds to thousands of these outlet spigots cover the cribellum, a phylogenetically ancient spinning plate. We present details on the unique functional design of the cribellate gland–duct–spigot system and discuss design requirements for its specialist fibrils. The spinning of fibres on the nano-scale seems to have been facilitated by the evolution of a highly specialist way of direct spinning, which differs from the aqua-melt silk extrusion set-up more typical for other spiders.  相似文献   

Abstract The potential costs and benefits of foraging in aggregations are examined for the orb-spinning spider Gasteracantha minax. Web-site tenacity is low in this species; individuals frequently move among sites, thereby joining aggregations of different sizes. Female spiders in aggregations suffered lower predation rates and attracted more males than their solitary counterparts. However, aggregated eggsacs, probably produced by females in aggregations, experienced higher rates of parasitism than solitary eggsacs. We found no evidence of higher prey capture success rates among spiders in aggregations. However, we demonstrate a novel way in which spiders can increase their foraging efficiency by decreasing silk investment. A spider spinning a web within an existing aggregation can attach the support threads of its web to those of other webs, thereby exploiting the silk produced by other spiders.  相似文献   

We examined the webs of Linyphia triangularis (Clerck) and Microlinyphia pusilla (Sundevall) using light and scanning electronic microscopic techniques and compared them with the better known orb‐webs. The linyphiid sheet‐web consists of an unordered meshwork of fibres of different thicknesses. The sheet is connected to the scaffolding by means of attachment discs. Thin threads with globules, which appear similar to the viscid silk droplets of orb‐webs, are present in most webs examined. Webs of M. pusilla had a higher density of these globules than did webs of L. triangularis. Webs of both species possess five types of thread connections and contain no aqueous glue for prey capture. Instead, unlike orb‐webs, the sticky substances produced by the linyphiid aggregate glands cement the different layers and threads of the sheet by drying up after being produced. Due to their function, sheet webs may not require viscid silk, thereby leading to a more economic web. The assumption made in most previous studies, that the globules in linyphiid webs have the same properties and function as viscid silk in orb‐webs, is unfounded.  相似文献   

Spiders and their silk are an excellent system for connecting the properties of biological materials to organismal ecology. Orb-weaving spiders spin sticky capture threads that are moderately strong but exceptionally extensible, resulting in fibers that can absorb remarkable amounts of energy. These tough fibers are thought to be adapted for arresting flying insects. Using tensile testing, we ask whether patterns can be discerned in the evolution of silk material properties and the ecological uses of spider capture fibers. Here, we present a large comparative data set that allows examination of capture silk properties across orb-weaving spider species. We find that material properties vary greatly across species. Notably, extensibility, strength, and toughness all vary approximately sixfold across species. These material differences, along with variation in fiber size, dictate that the mechanical performance of capture threads, the energy and force required to break fibers, varies by more than an order of magnitude across species. Furthermore, some material and mechanical properties are evolutionarily correlated. For example, species that spin small diameter fibers tend to have tougher silk, suggesting compensation to maintain breaking energy. There is also a negative correlation between strength and extensibility across species, indicating a potential evolutionary trade-off. The different properties of these capture silks should lead to differences in the performance of orb webs during prey capture and help to define feeding niches in spiders.  相似文献   

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