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CBF/DREB是一类植物中特有的转录因子,在植物抵抗逆境胁迫过程中发挥重要功能。本研究从陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.)Coker 312中克隆获得1个棉花CBF/DREB基因,命名为Gh CBF2,该基因编码一个由216个氨基酸组成的CBF蛋白。序列分析结果显示,Gh CBF2与其他植物的CBF蛋白类似,含有AP2转录因子典型的保守结构域。干旱或高盐胁迫处理明显增加了Gh CBF2基因的表达量。亚细胞定位分析结果发现Gh CBF2定位在细胞核中。将Gh CBF2基因构建到由35S启动子调控的植物表达载体p MD上并转化拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana L.),结果表明,在干旱和盐胁迫条件下,过量表达Gh CBF2基因拟南芥的成活率显著高于野生型,并且游离脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量也高于野生型,说明转Gh CBF2基因提高了拟南芥的耐盐抗旱能力。采用实时荧光定量PCR方法分析胁迫相关标记基因COR15A、RD29A和ERD6的表达情况,结果显示转基因株系中的表达量显著高于野生型,说明Gh CBF2参与调控拟南芥干旱和盐胁迫相关基因的表达。  相似文献   

The onset of leaf senescence is controlled by leaf age and ethylene can promote leaf senescence within a specific age window. We exploited the interaction between leaf age and ethylene and isolated mutants with altered leaf senescence that are named as onset of leaf death (old) mutants. Early leaf senescence mutants representing three genetic loci were selected and their senescence syndromes were characterised using phenotypical, physiological and molecular markers. old1 is represented by three recessive alleles and displayed earlier senescence both in air and upon ethylene exposure. The etiolated old1 seedlings exhibited a hypersensitive triple response. old2 is a dominant trait and the mutant plants were indistinguishable from the wild-type when grown in air but showed an earlier senescence syndrome upon ethylene treatment. old3 is a semi-dominant trait and its earlier onset of senescence is independent of ethylene treatment. Analyses of the chlorophyll degradation, ion leakage and SAG expression showed that leaf senescence was advanced in ethylene-treated old2 plants and in both air-grown and ethylene-treated old1 and old3 plants. Epistatic analysis indicated that OLD1 might act downstream of OLD2 and upstream of OLD3 and mediate the interaction between leaf age and ethylene. A genetic model was proposed that links the three OLD genes and ethylene into a regulatory pathway controlling the onset of leaf senescence.  相似文献   

高连静  张竞秋 《西北植物学报》2007,27(11):2354-2359
拟南芥中CBF(C-repeat binding factor)转录因子在抗寒性方面起重要作用,低温可诱导CBF转录因子的表达。CBF转录因子能够特异结合启动子中含有CRT/DRE(C-repeat/dehydration responsive element)的顺式元件,激活COR等基因的表达,从而增强植株抗寒能力,对调控逆境诱导基因的表达具有非常重要的作用。对CBF转录因子的结构特点、功能、表达调控以及与CBF相关的其它低温调节途径进行了综述,为提高植物综合抗逆性的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

利用聚合酶链式反应技术(PCR)从拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)植株中扩增出CBF1和CBF4基因,并将其连接到pGEM-Tvector载体上。PCR和酶切鉴定后进行基因测序,结果表明所克隆的CBF1和CBF4基因序列与GenBank中基因序列同源性分别可达99.84%和99.41%,说明这两个片段确为拟南芥CBF1和CBF4基因。  相似文献   

ARABIDOPSIS A-FIFTEEN (AAF) encodes a plastid protein and was originally identified as a SENESCENCE-ASSOCIATED GENE. Previously, we found that overexpression of AAF (AAF-OX) in Arabidopsis led to accumulated reactive oxygen species and promoted leaf senescence induced by oxidative stress, which was suppressed by a null mutant, ein2-5, in ethylene response pathway. Whether AAF function is involved in ethylene biosynthesis and/or the response pathway remained unknown. Here we show that neither overexpression (AAF-OX) nor a null mutant (aaf-KO) of AAF generates a higher level of ethylene than the wild type and display a typical triple-response phenotype in etiolated seedlings treated with 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC). Nevertheless, ein2-5 suppresses the phenotypes of early flowering and age-dependent leaf senescence in AAF-OX plants. We reveal that a functional ethylene response is essential for AAF function in leaf senescence and floral induction, but AAF is unlikely a regulatory component integral to the ethylene pathway.  相似文献   

蛋白磷酸酶催化的蛋白质可逆磷酸化反应是叶片衰老的关键环节。该研究筛选并克隆了1个新的参与水稻(Oryza sativa)叶片衰老调控的PP2C基因OsSAPP3。研究表明, OsSAPP3的启动子在ProOsSAPP3-GUS转基因拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)的莲座叶中有活性, 并且活性以依赖叶龄方式增加。利用CaMV 35S启动子驱动组成型异源过表达OsSAPP3导致转基因拟南芥无法正常生长。用可诱导型启动子GVG系统驱动OsSAPP3异源过表达导致转基因拟南芥出现莲座叶变小、数量增加、叶片早衰及抽薹开花提前等早衰表型。外源诱导OsSAPP3基因异源过表达后, 利用实时荧光定量PCR检测到SAG12WRKY6NAC2等衰老标志基因显著上调表达。研究结果表明, OsSAPP3是参与水稻叶片衰老的正向调控因子。  相似文献   

Ethylene and gibberellins (GAs) control similar developmental processes in plants. The role of ethylene is at least in part to regulate the accumulation of DELLA proteins, key regulators of plant growth, which suppress the GA response. To expand our knowledge of ethylene-GA crosstalk and to reveal how the modulation of the ethylene and GA pathways affects global plant growth, the gibberellin-insensitive (gai), ethylene-overproducing 2-1 (eto2-1) double mutant, which has decreased GA signalling (resulting from gai) and increased ethylene biosynthesis (resulting from eto2-1), was characterized. Both single mutations resulted in reduced elongation growth. The double mutant showed synergistic responses in root and shoot growth, in induction of floral transition, and in inflorescence length, showing that crosstalk between the two pathways occurs in different plant organs throughout development. Furthermore, the altered ethylene-GA interactions affected root-shoot communication, as evidenced by an enhanced shoot:root ratio in the double mutant. When compared with both single mutants and the wild type, double mutants had enhanced content of active GA(4) at both the seedling and the rosette stages, and, unlike the gai mutant, they were sensitive to GA treatment. Finally, it was shown that synergistic responses in the double mutant were not caused by elevated ethylene biosynthesis but that, in the light, enhanced sensitivity to ethylene may, at least in part, be responsible for the observed phenotype.  相似文献   

The nitric oxide (NO)-deficient mutant nos1/noa1 exhibited an early leaf senescence phenotype. ETHY-LENE INSENSITIVE 2 (EIN2) was previously reported to function as a positive regulator of ethylene-induced senescence. The aim of this study was to address the question of how NO interacts with ethylene to regulate leaf senescence by characterizing the double mutant ein2-1 nos1/noa1 (Arabidopsis thaliana). Double mutant analysis revealed that the nos1/noa1-mediated, dark-induced early senescence phenotype was suppressed by mutations in EIN2, suggesting that EIN2 is involved in nitric oxide signaling in the regulation of leaf senescence. The results showed that chlorophyll degradation in the double mutant leaves was significantly delayed. In addition, nos1/noa1-mediated impairment in photochemical efficiency and integrity of thylakoid membranes was reverted by EIN2 mutations. The rapid upregulation of the known senescence marker genes in the nos1/noa1 mutant was severely inhibited in the double mutant during leaf senescence. Interestingly, the response of dark-grown nos1/noa1 mutant seedlings to ethylene was similar to that of wild type seedlings. Taken together, our findings suggest that EIN2 is involved in the regulation of early leaf senescence caused by NO deficiency, but NO deficiency caused by NOS1/NOA1 mutations does not affect ethylene signaling.  相似文献   

郝岗平  吴忠义  曹鸣庆  黄丛林  杨清 《遗传学报》2004,31(12):1415-1425
以生长于不同气候条件下的17个拟南芥核心生态型为材料,分析了它们的抗旱转录因子CBF4基因区域的序列多态性。结果表明:拟南芥CBF4基因区域具有高密度的单核苷酸多态性(SNP)和插入缺失(Indel),多态性频率为每35.8bp一个SNP,每143bp一个Indel,基因非编码区的多态性是编码区的4倍;在编码区,SNP的频率为每96.4bp一个SNP,其中发现25av、203av和244av 3个生态型CBF4基因区域1034位(以Gen—Bank登录号AB015478序列第19696位的核苷酸为1)碱基变化:G←→T,引起第205位氨基酸变化:gly←→val。核苷酸多样性统计分析显示,该基因内部大范围内存在连锁不平衡(linkage disequilibrium,LD),5’端非编码区有一个重组。与拟南芥等的研究结果类似,选择压力对不同的区域作用不同。3’端非编码区核苷酸多样性程度最高,是平衡性选择的结果,编码区核苷酸变化符合中性突变假说,而5’端非编码区是自然选择作用的靶位点。  相似文献   

Ethylene signaling in Arabidopsis begins with a family of five ethylene receptors that regulate the activity of the Raf-like kinase, CTR1. Recent work to identify novel factors required for modulating ethylene signaling resulted in the isolation of enhanced ethylene response 1 (eer1), a mutant that displays both increased sensitivity and increased amplitude of response to ethylene. Molecular cloning of eer1 reveals that its mutant phenotype results from a loss-of-function mutation in the previously characterized RCN1, one of three PP2A A regulatory subunits in Arabidopsis. Our analysis shows that neither RCN1 expression nor PP2A activity is regulated by ethylene. Instead, we found that Arabidopsis PP2A-1C, a PP2A catalytic subunit previously characterized as interacting with RCN1, associates strongly with the kinase domain of CTR1 in vitro. This likely represents a role for PP2A in modulation of CTR1 activity because an in vitro kinase assay did not reveal phosphorylation of either RCN1 or PP2A-1C by CTR1, indicating that neither of them is a substrate for CTR1. PP2A activity is required for Ras-dependent activation of mammalian Raf, with reductions in PP2A activity significantly compromising the effectiveness of this mechanism. Our genetic and biochemical results suggest that a similar requirement for PP2A activity exists for ethylene signaling, with loss-of-function mutations affecting PP2A activity possibly reducing the effectiveness of CTR1 activation, thus lowering the threshold required for manifestation of ethylene response.  相似文献   

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