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Questions: Fire appears to affect both replacement patterns and coexistence of Araucaria araucanaNothofagus pumilio forests in the Andean Araucarian region of south‐central Chile. A quantitative assessment of coexistence in the absence of recent fires, however, is lacking. In this study, we considered the life‐history attributes, time of recruitment and spatial pattern of individuals of both tree species to address the following questions. How regular has recruitment of both species been in time? Is there any temporal niche differentiation? Are the two species positively or negatively associated in space and, if so, at what scale and for what age and size classes? Is there any spatial niche differentiation? Location: Andean Araucarian region of Chile, Villarrica National Park (39°35′S, 71°31′W; 1300 m a.s.l.). Methods: We stem‐mapped and cored a total of 1073 trees in a 1ha plot in a late‐successional post‐fire stand to examine spatiotemporal patterns of establishment. We used semivariogram modelling and the pair‐correlation function to distinguish between regeneration modes and describe species interactions. Results: The two species differ in their regeneration mode: whereas A. araucana appeared to recruit more continuously in time and space, episodic pulses of establishment were dominant for N. pumilio. At small scales, younger ageclass stems of A. araucana were randomly distributed, while older ageclass stems were aggregated. This was in contrast to common patterns for temperate tree species, including N. pumilio, following processes of self‐thinning. Younger age classes of A. araucana were distributed independently of older trees of both species, but younger age classes of N. pumilio had a negative association with older conspecifics at scales similar to crown diameter. Conclusions: In the absence of recent fires, it is likely that A. araucana would dominate the stand alone, given its greater shade tolerance, greater longevity and continuous recruitment. However, while canopy closure is still incomplete, the shade‐intolerant N. pumilio will be able to recruit in those open areas after seed masting and will coexist with A. araucana.  相似文献   

Identifying habitat or nesting microhabitat variables associated with high levels of nest success is important to understand nest site preferences and bird–habitat relationships. Little is known about cavity availability and nest site requirements of cavity nesters in southern hemisphere temperate forests, although nest site limitation is suggested. Here we ask which characteristics are selected by the Austral parakeet (Enicognathus ferrugineus) for nesting in Araucaria araucana–Nothofagus pumilio forest in Argentine Patagonia. We compared nest plot and tree characteristics with unused plots and trees among areas of different A. araucana–N. pumilio density. We also examine whether nest plot and tree use and selection, and the associated consequences for fitness of Austral parakeets are spatially related to forest composition. Austral parakeets showed selectivity for nests at different spatial scales, consistently choosing isolated live and large trees with particular nest features in a non‐random way from available cavities. Mixed A. araucana–N. pumilio forests are ideal habitat for the Austral parakeets of northern Patagonia, offering numerous potential cavities, mainly in N. pumilio. We argue that Austral parakeet reproduction and fitness is currently very unlikely to be limited by cavity availability, although this situation may be rapidly changing. Natural and human disturbances are modifying south temperate forests with even‐aged mid‐successional stands replacing old growth forests. Cavity nesting species use and need old growth forests, due to the abundance of cavities in large trees and the abundance of larvae in old wood. Neither of the latter resources is sufficiently abundant in mid‐successional forests, increasing the vulnerability and threatening the survival of the Austral.  相似文献   

Aim In this study we examine fire history (i.e. c. 500 yr bp to present) of AraucariaNothofagus forests in the Andes cordillera of Chile. This is the first fire history developed from tree rings for an AraucariaNothofagus forest landscape. Location The fire history was determined for the Quillelhue watershed on the north side of Lanin volcano in Villarrica National Park, Chile. The long‐lived Araucaria araucana was commonly associated with Nothofagus pumilio and N. antarctica in more mesic and drier sites respectively. Methods Based on a combination of fire‐scar proxy records and forest stand ages, we reconstructed fire frequency, severity, and the spatial extent of burned areas for an c. 4000 ha study area. We used a composite fire chronology for the purpose of determining centennial‐scale changes in fire regimes and comparing the pre‐settlement (pre‐1883) and post‐settlement fire regimes. In addition, we contrasted Araucaria and Nothofagus species as fire‐scar recorders. Results In the study area, we dated a total of 144 fire‐scarred trees, representing 46 fire years from ad 1446 to the present. For the period from ad 1696 to 2000, using fire dates from Araucaria and Nothofagus species, the composite mean fire interval varied from 7 years for all fires to 62 years for widespread events (i.e. years in which ≥ 25% of recorder trees were scarred). Sensitivity to fire was different for Araucaria and Nothofagus species. More than 98% of the fires recorded by Nothofagus species occurred during the 1900s. The lack of evidence for older fire dates (pre‐1900) in Nothofagus species was due to their shorter longevity and greater susceptibility to being killed by more severe fires. Whereas the thin‐barked N. pumilio and N. antarctica are often destroyed in catastrophic fire events, large and thick‐barked Araucaria trees typically survive. The spatial extent of fires ranged from small patchy events to those that burned more than 40% of the entire landscape (c. > 1500 ha). Main conclusions Fire is the most important disturbance shaping the AraucariaNothofagus landscape in the Araucarian region. The forest landscape has been shaped by a mixed‐severity fire regime that includes surface and crown fires. High‐severity widespread events were relatively infrequent (e.g. 1827, 1909 and 1944) and primarily affected tall AraucariaN. pumilio forests and woodlands dominated by AraucariaN. antarctica. Although there is abundant evidence of the impact of Euro‐Chilean settlers on the area, the relative influence of this settlement on the temporal pattern of fire could only be tentatively established due to the relatively small number of pre‐1900 fire dates. An apparent increase in fire occurrence is evident in the fire record during Euro‐Chilean settlement (post‐1880s) compared with the Native American era, but it may also be the result of the destruction of evidence of older fires by more recent stand‐devastating fires (e.g. 1909 and 1944). Overall, the severe and widespread fires that burned in AraucariaNothofagus forests of this region in 2002, previously interpreted as an ecological novelty, are within the range of the historic fire regimes that have shaped this forested landscape.  相似文献   

Summary The concentration and influx of charcoal in a 210Pb-dated sediment core were used to investigate the recent fire history of Jibbon Lagoon in Royal National Park, NSW. Fire events of the recent (historic) past were compared to this record in an attempt to test its sensitivity. Recent fire events were not always reflected in the charcoal results. Nonetheless it can be concluded that since about AD 1930 the area has been characterized by a relatively high frequency of fires. The analysed sediments of the pre-European period contained a low concentration of charcoal, and only one large conflagration appears to have occurred in approximately the last 1600 years. How Aboriginal people used fire in this landscape is still uncertain. However, it is possible that they did not regularly burn the landscape, or if they did, it was in such a way that the delivery of charcoal to the lagoon was minimal. This study thus suggests that the idea of the ubiquitous use of fire by Aboriginal people should be further, and critically, analysed.  相似文献   

For the past century, woody plants have increased in grasslands and savannas worldwide. Woody encroachment may significantly alter ecosystem functioning including fire regimes, herbivore carrying capacity, biodiversity and carbon storage capacity. Traditionally, increases in woody cover and density have been ascribed to changes in the disturbance regime (fire and herbivores) or rainfall. Increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations may also contribute, by increasing growth rates of trees relative to grasses. This hypothesis is still heavily debated because usually potential CO2 effects are confounded by changes in land use (disturbance regime). Here we analyse changes in woody density in fire experiments at three sites in South African savannas where the disturbance regime (fire and herbivores) was kept constant for 30 and 50 years. If global drivers had significant effects on woody plants, we would expect significant increases in tree densities and biomass over time under the constant disturbance regime. Woody density remained constant in a semiarid savanna but tripled in a mesic savanna between the 1970s and 1990s. At the third site, a semiarid savanna near the southern limits of the biome, tree density doubled from the mid 1990s to 2010. Interpretation of the causes is confounded by population recovery after clearing, but aerial photograph analysis on adjacent non‐cleared areas showed an accompanying 48% increase in woody cover. Increased CO2 concentrations are consistent with increased woody density while other global drivers (rainfall) remained constant over the duration of the experiments. The absence of a response in one semiarid savanna could be explained by a smaller carbon sink capacity of the dominant species, which would therefore benefit less from increased CO2. Understanding how savannas and grasslands respond to increased CO2 and identifying the causes of woody encroachment are essential for the successful management of these systems.  相似文献   

Mountain gorillas, the largest extant primates, subsist almost entirely on plant matter. Moreover, their diet includes a substantial amount of structural material, such as bark and stems, which other primates tend to avoid. Accordingly, the robust masticatory apparatus of gorillas may be adaptive to this presumably tough diet; however, quantitative information on this subject is lacking. In this study the fracture toughness of mountain gorilla foods was examined for the first time. Samples of 44 food plants from Bwindi-Impenetrable National Park (BINP) and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park (MGNP) were tested. These parks are inhabited by two gorilla populations that regarded by some as being distinct at the subspecific taxonomic level. Although food toughness did not differ between the two populations, both diets contained tough items. Tree barks were the toughest food items (varying from 0.23 to 8.2 kJ/m2), followed by shrub barks, pith, and stems. The toughness of leaves and fruit was negligible compared to that of bark. The toughness of bamboo was low in comparison to the toughest food items. Accordingly, the prominent toughness of bark, pith, and stems may be key factors in the evolution of orofacial robusticity in mountain gorillas.  相似文献   

G. D. COOK 《Austral ecology》1994,19(4):359-365
Abstract The nutrient loads contained in the grassy fuel before fires, and of ash subsequently, were compared to determine the fluxes of macronutrients, copper and zinc during fires at Kapalga in Kakadu National Park. The fluxes were estimated in three vegetation types: forest, woodland and open woodland. The magnitudes of the fluxes were greatest in the forest community where grassy fuel loads were highest at about 6.3 t ha?1. In these sites, 54–94% of all measured nutrients in the fuel were transferred to the atmosphere during the fires. For each nutrient, the proportion transferred to the atmosphere as entrained ash was calculated by assuming that calcium was not volatilized during the fires. If the transfer of entrained ash represents local redistribution only, then rainfall accession and the deposition of these particu-lates should replace most of the losses of all nutrients except nitrogen (N). Estimated rates of biological fixation of N appear to be insufficient to replace the annual losses of N. It is therefore concluded that a regime of annual fires that completely burn the available grassy fuel would deplete N reserves in these savannas, unless there are other sources of biologically fixed N, which are unknown at present.  相似文献   

Large disturbances such as the 1988 Yellowstone fires produce considerable spatial heterogeneity in ecosystem processes across landscapes, in part by affecting vegetation structure. However, the persistence of this heterogeneity with time since disturbance, and thus the role of large disturbances in shaping the heterogeneity of ecosystem processes over large spatial and temporal scales, remains unclear. Such an inquiry requires that variability as well as mean conditions of forest structure and growth be examined if changes are to be projected for heterogeneous postdisturbance landscapes. We studied a chronosequence of unburned, mature lodgepole pine stands (stand ages ranging from 50 to 300 or more years) to examine the variability in stand density, leaf-area index (LAI), and stem growth [basal area increment (BAI), a surrogate for aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP)] with stand age, the relationships between these factors, and how these factors were related to stand and site characteristics. Variation in LAI and BAI was explained primarily by differences in stand density and age (r2=0.51 for both LAI and BAI), and both LAI and BAI were most variable in the youngest age class [coefficient of variation (CV), 38% and 41% for LAI and BAI]. The relationship between LAI or BAI and stand density was significantly weaker (r2 < 0.20) at stand ages characterized by canopy closure (50–175 years), suggesting that stand structure and production are closely linked. Thus, the spatial variability of stand production, which is initially very high following large fires in this landscape, is detectable for over a century before successional changes in forest structure greatly affect the initial postdisturbance landscape pattern of stand production. Given the recent focus on spatial heterogeneity of ecosystem processes across large landscapes, projecting changes in postdisturbance patterns of stand production has very strong significance for ecosystem science.  相似文献   

Bark damage resulting from elephant feeding is common in African savanna trees with subsequent interactions with fire, insects, and other pathogens often resulting in tree mortality. Yet, surprisingly little is known about how savanna trees respond to bark damage. We addressed this by investigating how the inner bark of marula (Sclerocarya birrea), a widespread tree species favoured by elephants, recovers after bark damage. We used a long‐term fire experiment in the Kruger National Park to measure bark recovery with and without fire. At 24 months post‐damage, mean wound closure was 98, 92, and 72%, respectively, in annual and biennial burns and fire‐exclusion treatments. Fire exclusion resulted in higher rates of ant colonization of bark wounds, and such ant colonization resulted in significantly lower bark recovery. We also investigated how ten common savanna tree species respond to bark damage and tested for relationships between bark damage, bark recovery, and bark traits while accounting for phylogeny. We found phylogenetic signal in bark dry matter content, bark N and bark P, but not in bark thickness. Bark recovery and damage was highest in species which had thick moist inner bark and low wood densities (Anacardiaceae), intermediate in species which had moderate inner bark thickness and wood densities (Fabaceae) and lowest in species which had thin inner bark and high wood densities (Combretaceae). Elephants prefer species with thick, moist inner bark, traits that also appear to result in faster recovery rates.  相似文献   

Aim This study appraises historical fire regimes for Californian mixed‐conifer forests of the Sierra San Pedro Mártir (SSPM). The SSPM represents the last remaining mixed‐conifer forest along the Pacific coast still subject to uncontrolled, periodic ground fire. Location The SSPM is a north–south trending fault bound range, centred on 31°N latitude, 100 km SE of Ensenada, Baja California. Methods We surveyed forests for composition, population structure, and historical dynamics both spatially and temporally over the past 65 years using repeat aerial photographs and ground sampling. Fire perimeter history was reconstructed based on time‐series aerial photographs dating from 1942 to 1991 and interpretable back to 1925. A total of 256 1‐ha sites randomly selected from aerial photographs were examined along a chronosequence for density and cover of canopy trees, density of snags and downed logs, and cover of non‐conifer trees and shrubs. Twenty‐four stands were sampled on‐the‐ground by a point‐centred quarter method which yielded data on tree density, basal area, frequency, importance value, and shrub and herb cover. Results Forests experience moderately intense understory fires that range in size to 6400 ha, as well as numerous smaller, low intensity burns with low cumulative spatial extent. SSPM forests average 25–45% cover and 65–145 trees per ha. Sapling densities were two to three times that of overstory trees. Size‐age distributions of trees ≥ 4 cm dbh indicate multi‐age stands with steady‐state dynamics. Stands are similar to Californian mixed conifer forests prior to the imposition of fire suppression policy. Livestock grazing does not appear to be suppressing conifer regeneration. Main conclusions Our spatially‐based reconstruction shows the open forest structure in SSPM to be a product of infrequent, intense surface fires with fire rotation periods of 52 years, rather than frequent, low intensity fires at intervals of 4–20 years proposed from California fire‐scar dendrochronology (FSD) studies. Ground fires in SSPM were intense enough to kill pole‐size trees and a significant number of overstory trees. We attribute long fire intervals to the gradual build‐up of subcontinuous shrub cover, conifer recruitment and litter accumulation. Differences from photo interpretation and FSD estimates are due to assumptions made with respect to site‐based (point) sampling of fire, and nonfractal fire intensities along fire size frequency distributions. Fire return intervals determined by FSD give undue importance to local burns which collectively use up little fuel, cover little area, and have little demographic impact on forests.  相似文献   

Aim Fire is a key agent in savanna systems, yet the capacity to predict fine‐grained population phenomena under variable fire regime conditions at landscape scales is a daunting challenge. Given mounting evidence for significant impacts of fire on vulnerable biodiversity elements in north Australian savannas over recent decades, we assess: (1) the trajectory of fire‐sensitive vegetation elements within a particularly biodiverse savanna mosaic based on long‐term monitoring and spatial modelling; (2) the broader implications for northern Australia; and (3) the applicability of the methodological approach to other fire‐prone settings. Location Arnhem Plateau, northern Australia. Methods We apply data from long‐term vegetation monitoring plots included within Kakadu National Park to derive statistical models describing the responses of structure and floristic attributes to 15 years of ambient (non‐experimental) fire regime treatments. For a broader 28,000 km2 region, we apply significant models to spatial assessment of the effects of modern fire regimes (1995–2009) on diagnostic closed forest, savanna and shrubland heath attributes. Results Significant models included the effects of severe fires on large stems of the closed forest dominant Allosyncarpia ternata, stem densities of the widespread savanna coniferous obligate seeder Callitris intratropica, and fire frequency and related fire interval parameters on numbers of obligate seeder taxa characteristic of shrubland heaths. No significant relationships were observed between fire regime and eucalypt and non‐eucalypt adult tree components of savanna. Spatial application of significant models illustrates that more than half of the regional closed forest perimeters, savanna and shrubland habitats experienced deleterious fire regimes over the study period, except in very dissected terrain. Main conclusions While north Australia’s relatively unmodified mesic savannas may appear structurally intact and healthy, this study provides compelling evidence that fire‐sensitive vegetation elements embedded within the savanna mosaic are in decline under present‐day fire regimes. These observations have broader implications for analogous savanna mosaics across northern Australia, and support complementary findings of the contributory role of fire regimes in the demise of small mammal fauna. The methodological approach has application in other fire‐prone settings, but is reliant on significant long‐term infrastructure resourcing.  相似文献   

Abstract Seasonal changes of weather and fuels in the wet-dry tropics are dramatic; fires follow suit. In this paper, we examine quantitatively rainfall, evaporation, wind, temperature and humidity information, and indices derived from them, for Kapalga Research Station and nearby Jabiru in World Heritage Kakadu National Park, Northern Australia. At Kapalga, the average annual rainfall of about 1200mm mostly falls during a 6 month wet season. Grasses, green in the wet, begin to desiccate during the early dry season. Perennial grasses cure more slowly than the annuals, and grasses in drainages cure later than those on ridges. Fire weather is usually most severe in September-October (late dry season) and least severe in January-February (late wet season). As the dry season progresses to its peak, daily wind patterns change, daily maximum temperatures increase to an average of 36°C, dew points drop to a minimum, and soil moisture is severely depleted. In the early dry season (cf. later), fires have a greater tendency to go out at night compared with later perhaps because winds then are calmer, fuels are more discontinuous, and relights from burning logs are less likely to occur. Fire weather in the north of Australia appears less severe than that in the southeast of the continent where socially disastrous fires occur periodically.  相似文献   

Abstract Araucaria laubenfelsii Corbasson and Araucaria montana Brongn et Gris are emergent conifers in maquis and forest communities which are subjected to a combination of fire and cyclonic disturbances. Both species are able to survive fire once stems reach a critical size, but most seedlings and saplings are killed. Both species were found to be clumped at most spatial scales for both saplings and trees in maquis, probably resulting from a combination of patchy fire and a limited ability to disperse seeds. Comparisons of burned and unburned A. montana sites suggest that clumping increases only slightly after fire. The degree of clumping in the A. laubenfelsii sites, suggested that fire disturbances may occur relatively frequently in the region. Cyclonic disturbances are infrequent but may result in blow‐down of large individuals within both maquis and forest. All of the individuals blown‐down during the study had been previously fire‐scarred. Around tree blow‐downs, seedling and sapling densities can be high. This likely reflects both the low dispersability of Araucaria seeds and enhanced moisture from the shading of the adult, when it was alive. Disturbance by fire and wind play an important role in the regeneration dynamics and spatial pattern of these species in maquis in New Caledonia.  相似文献   

Baobab size class distributions were surveyed in the Limpopo National Park (LNP), Mozambique, and the Kruger National Park (KNP), South Africa. There are very few elephants in the LNP and the baobab population there had a reverse J-shaped size class distribution with many small baobabs. In contrast, the elephant-impacted baobab population of KNP displayed a mono-modal size-class distribution, with a lack in recruitment. Within KNP, elephant impact (percentage bark stripped up to the height of 3 m) decreased with increasing rockiness and slope steepness. We interpret this to suggest that steep rocky slopes are inaccessible to elephants and therefore these sites may act as a refuge for baobabs. In such inaccessible areas, the baobab population has a similar size-class distribution to that of the populations in the LNP. However, these baobab refugia are restricted in the northern KNP landscape and are therefore probably not large enough to sustain a viable baobab population.  相似文献   

Coarse woody debris (CWD) is an important element driving ecological processes, strengthening ecosystem resilience and for biodiversity within forest ecosystems. However, the abundance and distribution of CWD and their relation to natural and human factors are poorly known in southern South America. In this work we studied the density and volume of CWD types in NothofagusAraucaria stands in northern Patagonia (Neuquén – Argentina) and relationships with forest composition and structure. We also studied their relationships with fire history, topography and human‐related variables. Twenty‐three stands with Nothofagus pumilio, Nothofagus antarctica and/or Araucaria araucana were sampled to estimate quantities of logs, snags and dead branches using the planar‐intersect method. CWD density and volume in these forests were moderate and varied across the landscape with a spatial pattern determined by biotic, abiotic and human use–related variables. Mean CWD volume was 52.9 m3 ha?1 (range: 1.6–143.7) and significantly varied among forest types and watersheds. CWD was positively related to dbh, tree height and slope, but negatively related to tree density. CWD was clearly influenced by composition and structural characteristics of stands, where the tree species traits had an important role. As well, the observed amount and type of CWD, whereby most of the stands showed low levels of old (pre‐disturbance) logs/snags and poor new inputs of deadwood, may be explained by fire frequency. Firewood gathering and livestock grazing negatively affected deadwood stocks and topography counteracts this effect by limiting human access. Fire disturbance history, windthrow and dieback pulses produced by insect outbreaks and human access seemed to be the main causes that best explained CWD spatial distribution and abundance patterns in north‐western Patagonian forests.  相似文献   

Models of vegetation dynamics framed as testable hypotheses provide powerful tools for predicting vegetation change in response to contemporary disturbances or climate change. Synthesizing existing information and applying new data, we develop a conceptual model of vegetation states and transitions for the previously overlooked woodlands dominated by obligate‐seeder eucalypts of dry to semi‐arid south‐western Australia. These comprise the largest extant temperate woodland globally, are uniquely dominated by a high diversity of obligate‐seeder eucalypts (55 taxa), but are under threat from wildfire. Our conceptual model incorporates four critical ecological processes that also distinguish obligate‐seeder woodlands from temperate woodlands dominated by resprouting eucalypts: (i) a lack of well‐protected epicormic buds results in major disturbances (prominently fire) being stand‐replacing. The pre‐disturbance tree cohort is killed, followed by dense post‐disturbance recruitment from seed shed from a serotinous seed bank; (ii) competition between saplings leads to self‐thinning over a multi‐century timeframe, with surviving individuals having great longevity (regularly >400 years); (iii) multiple processes limit recruitment in the absence of stand‐replacement disturbances, leading to frequent single‐cohort stands. However, unlike the few other obligate‐seeder eucalypt communities, trickle recruitment in very long‐unburnt stands can facilitate indefinite community persistence in the absence of stand‐replacement disturbances; and (iv) discontinuous fuels, relatively low understorey flammability (low grass and often high chenopod cover) and topographic barriers to fire (salt lakes) allow mature woodlands to persist for centuries without burning. Notably though, evidence suggests that flammability peaks at intermediate times since fire, establishing a ‘flammability bottleneck’ (or landscape fire trap) through which regenerating woodlands must pass. Our model provides a framework to support management to conserve obligate‐seeder eucalypt woodlands. Research into reasons for exceptional tree heights relative to ecosystem productivity, the evolution of diverse and dominant obligate‐seeder eucalypts, the paucity of grass, and the recent spatial distribution of fires, will further inform conservation management.  相似文献   

Abstract Despite its small size, New Caledonia has a flora which includes 43 endemic species of conifer. This study examines the stand structure of the New Caledonian conifer, Araucaria laubenfelsii Corbasson, a species which occurs on ukramafic soils as an emergent tree in rainforest and in an unusual structural association with maquis vegetation. Fire and cyclone blow-down are the primary disturbances in the maquis, but fire is infrequent in the rainforests which is evident from the low proportion of fire scarred trees. Preliminary results show abundant seedlings and saplings of A. laubenfelsii both in maquis and forest. Size class distributions of individuals suggest that the species is continuously regenerating in the maquis and immature forests. Variability in the stand structure in maquis communities reflects the probable patchy nature of disturbance from small-scale fires and blow-down from tropical cyclones. In mature forests, Nothofagus codonandra (Baillon) Steenis is the dominant canopy species and ‘other tree species’ are continuously regenerating, while the size class distributions and basal area of A. laubenfelsii suggest that there is, at present, limited regeneration of this species. Tree ring counts indicate that individuals in forest areas grow at a slower rate than those in maquis, but attain greater age, probably as a result of greater protection from fire.  相似文献   

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