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A dense aggregation of the roundnose grenadier Coryphaenoides rupestris was observed with a towed camera at a depth of 1500 m in the Rockall Trough during September. The density of fish was 100 times greater than other sites. Within the aggregation the fish showed directional alignment, rapid swimming actions, mid‐water swimming and social interactions similar to those associated with spawning in other Gadiformes.  相似文献   

Validation of the ageing of deep-water fish is difficult and there are only a few instances where the rings on the otoliths have been shown to be laid down annually. Roundnose grenadier have been fished commercially in the North Atlantic since the 1960s and the adult fish have frequently been aged by counting the rings in otoliths or scales. All the ageing was done on the assumption that the rings in the otoliths or scales were annual. Between 1975 and 1992, the Scottish Association for Marine Science carried out seasonal trawling surveys in the Rockall Trough using a fine-meshed trawl, and collected otoliths from a wide size range of roundnose grenadier. An examination of the growing edge of otoliths from juvenile fish from these collections suggests that the rings in the otoliths are laid down annually. The broader, opaque zones which represent the growth phase were dominant between September and March. The thinner, hyaline zones were dominant between April and July. The apparent delay in the growth phase compared with most shallow-water species is discussed in relation to the availability of mesopelagic prey.  相似文献   

We developed polymerase chain reaction primers for eight dinucleotide microsatellite loci in the marine deep sea fish, roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris). All markers were obtained from a partial genomic DNA library, and characterized in 90 unrelated individuals from one putative population sampled on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The number of alleles ranged from two to 61 with an average of 21 per locus. The observed heterozygosity levels ranged from 0.301 to 0.987 with an average of 0.672. Several of the markers amplified multiple alleles from either the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) or the deep-sea fish roughhead grenadier (Macrourus berglax).  相似文献   

We isolated nine new microsatellites for the deep-sea fish Coryphaenoides rupestris. These loci are highly polymorphic, with allele number ranging from 14 to 42 and heterozygosity ranging from 0.647 to 0.965. Four of these loci also amplified in C. brevibarbis.  相似文献   

Despite the deep sea being the largest habitat on Earth, there are just 77 population genetic studies of invertebrates (115 species) inhabiting non‐chemosynthetic ecosystems on the deep‐sea floor (below 200 m depth). We review and synthesize the results of these papers. Studies reveal levels of genetic diversity comparable to shallow‐water species. Generally, populations at similar depths were well connected over 100s–1,000s km, but studies that sampled across depth ranges reveal population structure at much smaller scales (100s–1,000s m) consistent with isolation by adaptation across environmental gradients, or the existence of physical barriers to connectivity with depth. Few studies were ocean‐wide (under 4%), and 48% were Atlantic‐focused. There is strong emphasis on megafauna and commercial species with research into meiofauna, “ecosystem engineers” and other ecologically important species lacking. Only nine papers account for ~50% of the planet's surface (depths below 3,500 m). Just two species were studied below 5,000 m, a quarter of Earth's seafloor. Most studies used single‐locus mitochondrial genes revealing a common pattern of non‐neutrality, consistent with demographic instability or selective sweeps; similar to deep‐sea hydrothermal vent fauna. The absence of a clear difference between vent and non‐vent could signify that demographic instability is common in the deep sea, or that selective sweeps render single‐locus mitochondrial studies demographically uninformative. The number of population genetics studies to date is miniscule in relation to the size of the deep sea. The paucity of studies constrains meta‐analyses where broad inferences about deep‐sea ecology could be made.  相似文献   

Bathymodiolinae are giant mussels that were discovered at hydrothermal vents and harboring chemosynthetic symbionts. Due to their close phylogenetic relationship with seep species and tiny mussels from organic substrates, it was hypothesized that they gradually evolved from shallow to deeper environments, and specialized in decaying organic remains, then in seeps, and finally colonized deep‐sea vents. Here, we present a multigene phylogeny that reveals that most of the genera are polyphyletic and/or paraphyletic. The robustness of the phylogeny allows us to revise the genus‐level classification. Organic remains are robustly supported as the ancestral habitat for Bathymodiolinae. However, rather than a single step toward colonization of vents and seeps, recurrent habitat shifts from organic substrates to vents and seeps occurred during evolution, and never the reverse. This new phylogenetic framework challenges the gradualist scenarios “from shallow to deep.” Mussels from organic remains tolerate a large range of ecological conditions and display a spectacular species diversity contrary to vent mussels, although such habitats are yet underexplored compared to vents and seeps. Overall, our data suggest that for deep‐sea mussels, the high specialization to vent habitats provides ecological success in this harsh habitat but also brings the lineage to a kind of evolutionary dead end.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the mechanisms limiting connectivity and gene flow in deep‐sea ecosystems is scarce, especially for deep‐sea sharks. The Portuguese dogfish (Centroscymnus coelolepis) is a globally distributed and near threatened deep‐sea shark. C. coelolepis population structure was studied using 11 nuclear microsatellite markers and a 497‐bp fragment from the mtDNA control region. High levels of genetic homogeneity across the Atlantic (ΦST = ?0.0091, FST = 0.0024, > 0.05) were found suggesting one large population unit at this basin. The low levels of genetic divergence between Atlantic and Australia (ΦST = 0.0744, < 0.01; FST = 0.0015, > 0.05) further suggested that this species may be able to maintain some degree of genetic connectivity even across ocean basins. In contrast, sharks from the Mediterranean Sea exhibited marked genetic differentiation from all other localities studied (ΦST = 0.3808, FST = 0.1149, < 0.001). This finding suggests that the shallow depth of the Strait of Gibraltar acts as a barrier to dispersal and that isolation and genetic drift may have had an important role shaping the Mediterranean shark population over time. Analyses of life history traits allowed the direct comparison among regions providing a complete characterization of this shark's populations. Sharks from the Mediterranean had markedly smaller adult body size and size at maturity compared to Atlantic and Pacific individuals. Together, these results suggest the existence of an isolated and unique population of C. coelolepis inhabiting the Mediterranean that most likely became separated from the Atlantic in the late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Understanding patterns of reproduction, dispersal and recruitment in deep‐sea communities is increasingly important with the need to manage resource extraction and conserve species diversity. Glass sponges are usually found in deep water (>1000 m) worldwide but form kilometre‐long reefs on the continental shelf of British Columbia and Alaska that are under threat from trawling and resource exploration. Due to their deep‐water habitat, larvae have not yet been found and the level of genetic connectivity between reefs and nonreef communities is unknown. The genetic structure of Aphrocallistes vastus, the primary reef‐building species in the Strait of Georgia (SoG) British Columbia, was studied using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Pairwise comparisons of multilocus genotypes were used to assess whether sexual reproduction is common. Structure was examined 1) between individuals in reefs, 2) between reefs and 3) between sites in and outside the SoG. Sixty‐seven SNPs were genotyped in 91 samples from areas in and around the SoG, including four sponge reefs and nearby nonreef sites. The results show that sponge reefs are formed through sexual reproduction. Within a reef and across the SoG basin, the genetic distance between individuals does not vary with geographic distance (r = ?0.005 to 0.014), but populations within the SoG basin are genetically distinct from populations in Barkley Sound, on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Population structure was seen across all sample sites (global FST = 0.248), especially between SoG and non‐SoG locations (average pairwise FST = 0.251). Our results suggest that genetic mixing occurs across sponge reefs via larvae that disperse widely.  相似文献   

Using light microscopy, we examined the retina of benthopelagic fish Nezumia sclerorhynchus. Although the retina is typical of other vertebrates, having three nuclear and two synaptic layers, it presents some features associated with the animal's deep‐sea habitat. A stratum argenteum containing iridescent crystals is located in the choroid. The pigment cell layer shows bulky cells filled with melanin granules but without the typical apical processes. The visual cells, consisting of a big population of rods, are arranged in several banks. No cones were observed. The outer segments are very long and cylindrical, and the inner segments are constituted by a small ellipsoid at the proximal end. The outer nuclear layer contains several rows of oval nuclei, and the spherules in the outer plexiform layer have less regular outlines than nuclei. The inner retina is characterized by very large horizontal cells, and presumable bipolar and amacrine cells separated by large spaces that are occupied by neuronal processes. Finally, the low density of ganglion cells produces a thin nerve fibre layer. The results of this study suggest that the retina of Nezumia sclerorhyncus exhibits high visual sensitivity and that vision is a sense that plays an important role in its behaviour.  相似文献   

Prochilodus magdalenae is an endemic freshwater fish that occurs in the Magdalena, Sinú and Atrato hydrographic basins. It has an important economic role and is a food resource for the artisanal fishing communities. Its socioeconomic importance contrasts with the current status of its fisheries, where stocks are being depleted. Considering its importance and lack of information on its genetic structure, we used seven microsatellite markers to assess the genetic structure of wild populations of P. magdalenae. The genetic diversity was assessed and the population genetic structure was estimated through Fst, analysis of molecular variance and Bayesian analysis. A total of 290 alleles were found in all loci throughout all population. The high polymorphism contrasts with the levels of observed heterozygosity (Ho = 0.276), which are the lowest values recorded for the family. We found three populations of bocachico coexisting throughout the studied system, contradicting the hypothesis that freshwater migratory fish form panmictic populations. These results on the genetic structure of P. magdalenae constitute tools for a better understanding of the behavior and biology of this species, contributing to fish management and conservation programs.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a critical driver of gene flow, with important consequences for population genetic structure, social interactions and other biological processes. Limited dispersal may result in kin‐structured populations in which kin selection may operate, but it may also increase the risk of kin competition and inbreeding. Here, we use a combination of long‐term field data and molecular genetics to examine dispersal patterns and their consequences for the population genetics of a highly social bird, the sociable weaver (Philetairus socius), which exhibits cooperation at various levels of sociality from nuclear family groups to its unique communal nests. Using 20 years of data, involving capture of 6508 birds and 3151 recaptures at 48 colonies, we found that both sexes exhibit philopatry and that any dispersal occurs over relatively short distances. Dispersal is female‐biased, with females dispersing earlier, further, and to less closely related destination colonies than males. Genotyping data from 30 colonies showed that this pattern of dispersal is reflected by fine‐scale genetic structure for both sexes, revealed by isolation by distance in terms of genetic relatedness and significant genetic variance among colonies. Both relationships were stronger among males than females. Crucially, significant relatedness extended beyond the level of the colony for both sexes. Such fine‐scale population genetic structure may have played an important role in the evolution of cooperative behaviour in this species, but it may also result in a significant inbreeding risk, against which female‐biased dispersal alone is unlikely to be an effective strategy.  相似文献   

Endangered species are grouped into genetically discrete populations to direct conservation efforts. Mitochondrial control region (mtCR) haplotypes are used to elucidate deep divergences between populations, as compared to nuclear microsatellites that can detect recent structuring. When prior populations are unknown, it is useful to subject microsatellite data to clustering and/or ordination population inference. Olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) are the most abundant sea turtle, yet few studies have characterized olive ridley population structure. Recently, clustering results of olive ridleys in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean suggested weak structuring (FST = 0.02) between Mexico and Central America. We analyzed mtCR haplotypes, new microsatellite genotypes from Costa Rica, and preexisting microsatellite genotypes from olive ridleys across the Eastern Tropical Pacific, to further explore population structuring in this region. We subjected inferred populations to multiple analyses to explore the mechanisms behind their structuring. We found 10 mtCR haplotypes from 60 turtles nesting at three sites in Costa Rica, but did not detect divergence between Costa Rican sites, or between Central America and Mexico. In Costa Rica, clustering suggested one population with no structuring, but ordination suggested four cryptic clusters with moderate structuring (FST = 0.08, p < .001). Across the Eastern Tropical Pacific, ordination suggested nine cryptic clusters with moderate structuring (FST = 0.103, p < .001) that largely corresponded to Mexican and Central American populations. All ordination clusters displayed significant internal relatedness relative to global relatedness (p < .001) and contained numerous sibling pairs. This suggests that broadly dispersed family lineages have proliferated in Eastern Tropical Pacific olive ridleys and corroborates previous work showing basin‐wide connectivity and shallow population structure in this region. The existence of broadly dispersed kin in Eastern Tropical Pacific olive ridleys has implications for management of olive ridleys in this region, and adds to our understanding of sea turtle ecology and life history, particularly in light of the natal‐homing paradigm.  相似文献   

Bioluminescent organs that provide ventral camouflage are common among fishes in the meso‐bathypelagic zones of the deep sea. However, the anatomical structures that have been modified to produce light vary substantially among different groups of fishes. Although the anatomical structure and evolutionary derivation of some of these organs have been well studied, the light organs of the naked barracudinas have received little scientific attention. This study describes the anatomy and evolution of bioluminescent organs in the Lestidiidae (naked barracudinas) in the context of a new phylogeny of barracudinas and closely related alepisauroid fishes. Gross and histological examination of bioluminescent organs or homologous structures from preserved museum specimens indicate that the ventral light organ is derived from hepatopancreatic tissue and that the antorbital spot in Lestrolepis is, in fact, a second dermal light organ. In the context of the phylogeny generated from DNA‐sequence data from eight gene fragments (7 nuclear and 1 mitochondrial), a complex liver with a narrow ventral strand running along the ventral midline evolves first in the Lestidiidae. The ventral hepatopancreatic tissue later evolves into a ventral bioluminescent organ in the ancestor of Lestidium and Lestrolepis with the lineage leading to the genus Lestrolepis evolving a dermal antorbital bioluminescent organ, likely for light‐intensity matching. This is the first described hepatopancreatic bioluminescent organ in fishes. J. Morphol. 276:310–318, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The deep sea is one of the most extensive ecosystems on earth. Organisms living there survive in an extremely harsh environment, and their mitochondrial energy metabolism might be a result of evolution. As one of the most important organelles, mitochondria generate energy through energy metabolism and play an important role in almost all biological activities. In this study, the mitogenome of a deep‐sea sea anemone (Bolocera sp.) was sequenced and characterized. Like other metazoans, it contained 13 energy pathway protein‐coding genes and two ribosomal RNAs. However, it also exhibited some unique features: just two transfer RNA genes, two group I introns, two transposon‐like noncanonical open reading frames (ORFs), and a control region‐like (CR‐like) element. All of the mitochondrial genes were coded by the same strand (the H‐strand). The genetic order and orientation were identical to those of most sequenced actiniarians. Phylogenetic analyses showed that this species was closely related to Bolocera tuediae. Positive selection analysis showed that three residues (31 L and 42 N in ATP6, 570 S in ND5) of Bolocera sp. were positively selected sites. By comparing these features with those of shallow sea anemone species, we deduced that these novel gene features may influence the activity of mitochondrial genes. This study may provide some clues regarding the adaptation of Bolocera sp. to the deep‐sea environment.  相似文献   

A cladistic analysis of 23 extant species of the deep‐sea pedunculate cirripede family Scalpellidae was undertaken, based on 61 shell plate characters, and taking the Jurassic–Cretaceous scalpellomorph genus Cretiscalpellum as an out‐group. The consensus tree shows progressive morphological change from basal to more derived taxa, but a derived group is marked by major morphological innovation, including 27 character state changes that permit subdivision of the family into two sharply demarcated clades – the more basal group is here placed within a redefined Scalpellinae (Arcoscalpellum, A rcuatoscalpellum gen. nov. , D iotascalpellum gen. nov. , Graviscalpellum, R egioscalpellum gen. nov. , and Scalpellum), and a more derived group named A migdoscalpellinae subfam. nov. that shows numerous progressive trends in morphology, permitting the recognition of three genera (Amigdoscalpellum, Catherinum, and Weltnerium). The phylogeny is independently supported by a recently published multiple DNA marker‐based molecular phylogeny. The more basal Scalpellinae appeared in the Aptian (Early Cretaceous, 120 Mya), and derived Amigdoscalpellinae were already present by the Campanian (Late Cretaceous, 78 Mya), represented by C atherinum anglicum sp. nov. and Amigdoscalpellum bellulum from the UK Chalk. Specialized receptacles to accommodate dwarf males in the apical interior of the scutum evolved at least three times during the history of the scalpellids. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Roughhead grenadier Macrourus berglax were collected during the Flemish Cap bottom survey (1991–2001, NAFO division 3M, depth of 200–720 m) and on commercial vessels (1998–2000, NAFO divisions 3L, M and N, depth of 700–1700 m). The abundance of roughhead grenadier, as well as their average size, increased with depth. Age and length composition of the catches showed clear differences between the sexes. The proportion of males in the catch declined in the larger length classes and there were no males in the largest length classes (25 cm). There were differences in the growth trajectories of the two sexes; both sexes grew similarly up to 9 years, but the male growth was slower thereafter. The pre-anal fin length at first maturity ( L PA50) for roughhead grenadier females was 28·5 cm, whilst the age at 50% maturity was 15–16 years. Individual total fecundity varied between 8522 and 61 844 oocytes. Macrourus berglax had a prolonged life cycle and multi-aged population structure, with differences in growth and mortality between males and females, slow maturation and low fecundity.  相似文献   

H. Mao  X. Wang  Y. Fan  D. Cheng  K. Chen  S. Liu  S. Xi  L. Wan  X. Li  J. Ren 《Animal genetics》2019,50(5):475-483
Ten indigenous chicken breeds were originally distributed in Jiangxi Province, China, and they define a critical component of Chinese chicken genetic resources. We have investigated the population genetics of seven Jiangxi chicken breeds using 600K chicken BeadChip SNP data. To provide a genome‐wide perspective for the population structure of all 10 Jiangxi chicken breeds, we herein genotyped 78 additional individuals from the seven breeds and 63 chickens from three uninvestigated breeds—Yugan Black (YG), Nancheng Black (NC) and Wanzai Yellow using 55K chicken SNP arrays. We then explored merged data of 17 101 SNPs from 235 individuals to infer the population structure of the 10 breeds. We showed that NC and YG are two regional populations of the same breed, as individuals from the two populations clustered together to form a branch separate from the other breeds in the neighbor‐joining tree, they always grouped together in multidimensional principal component analyses and they displayed an identical pattern of ancestral lineage composition. Hence, NC and YG should be considered a single breed in the state‐supported conservation scheme. Moreover, we conducted a genome scan for signatures of selection for black plumage. bayescan and hapflk analyses of two contrasting groups (three black‐feathered breeds vs. six non‐black‐feathered breeds) consistently detected 25 putative regions under selection. Nine pigmentation‐ associated genes (DCT, SLC24A5, SLC30A4, MYO5A, CYP19A1, NADK2, SLC45A2, GNAQ and DCP2) reside within these regions, and these genes are interesting candidates for black plumage and provide a starting point for further identification of causative mutations for black feathers in chicken.  相似文献   

Based on a phylogenetic analysis of undescribed taxa within the Forcipulatacea, a new family of deep‐sea forcipulatacean starfishes, Paulasteriidae fam. nov., is described from deep‐sea settings. Paulasterias tyleri gen. et sp. nov. was observed at recently documented hydrothermal vents on the East Scotia Ridge, Southern Ocean. A second species, Paulasterias mcclaini gen. et sp. nov. was observed in deep‐sea settings in the North Pacific, more distant from hydrothermal vents. Both species are multi‐armed (with between six and eight arms), with a fleshy body wall, and a poorly developed or absent adoral carina. Here, we include discussions of pedicellariae morphology, feeding biology, and classification. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Numerous deep‐sea species have apparent widespread and discontinuous distributions. Many of these are important foundation species, structuring hard‐bottom benthic ecosystems. Theoretically, differences in the genetic composition of their populations vary geographically and with depth. Previous studies have examined the genetic diversity of some of these taxa in a regional context, suggesting that genetic differentiation does not occur at scales of discrete features such as seamounts or canyons, but at larger scales (e.g. ocean basins). However, to date, few studies have evaluated such diversity throughout the known distribution of a putative deep‐sea species. We utilized sequences from seven mitochondrial gene regions and nuclear genetic variants of the deep‐sea coral Paragorgia arborea in a phylogeographic context to examine the global patterns of genetic variation and their possible correlation with the spatial variables of geographic position and depth. We also examined the compatibility of this morphospecies with the genealogical‐phylospecies concept by examining specimens collected worldwide. We show that the morphospecies P. arborea can be defined as a genealogical‐phylospecies, in contrast to the hypothesis that P. arborea represents a cryptic species complex. Genetic variation is correlated with geographic location at the basin‐scale level, but not with depth. Additionally, we present a phylogeographic hypothesis in which P. arborea originates from the North Pacific, followed by colonization of the Southern Hemisphere prior to migration to the North Atlantic. This hypothesis is consistent with the latest ocean circulation model for the Miocene.  相似文献   

The population structure of benthic marine organisms is of central relevance to the conservation and management of these often threatened species, as well as to the accurate understanding of their ecological and evolutionary dynamics. A growing body of evidence suggests that marine populations can be structured over short distances despite theoretically high dispersal potential. Yet the proposed mechanisms governing this structure vary, and existing empirical population genetic evidence is of insufficient taxonomic and geographic scope to allow for strong general inferences. Here, we describe the range‐wide population genetic structure of an ecologically important Caribbean octocoral, Gorgonia ventalina. Genetic differentiation was positively correlated with geographic distance and negatively correlated with oceanographically modelled dispersal probability throughout the range. Although we observed admixture across hundreds of kilometres, estimated dispersal was low, and populations were differentiated across distances <2 km. These results suggest that populations of G. ventalina may be evolutionarily coupled via gene flow but are largely demographically independent. Observed patterns of differentiation corroborate biogeographic breaks found in other taxa (e.g. an east/west divide near Puerto Rico), and also identify population divides not discussed in previous studies (e.g. the Yucatan Channel). High genotypic diversity and absence of clonemates indicate that sex is the primary reproductive mode for G. ventalina. A comparative analysis of the population structure of G. ventalina and its dinoflagellate symbiont, Symbiodinium, indicates that the dispersal of these symbiotic partners is not coupled, and symbiont transmission occurs horizontally.  相似文献   

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