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Conservation programs that release captive-bred individuals into the wild to mix with naturally produced individuals are an increasingly common method of supporting or enhancing weak or reduced populations that otherwise may not be self-sustaining. Captive and supportive breeding can be important conservation tools for species with small or declining populations; however, in the case of hatcheries producing salmonid fishes, detailed evaluation of spawning programs is rare. We examined variation in reproductive success, measured by adult offspring production, from three parental generations of hatchery-bred steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using an exclusion-based method of genetic parentage assignment. Reproductive success varied greatly among individuals (especially males) and was correlated with fecundity and maternal spawning date. Estimates of egg to smolt survival for the population as a whole among years ranged from 64% to 95%, marine survival ranged from 0.32% to 2.30%, and the number of adults produced per female ranged from 0 to 18 and the number of adults produced per male ranged from 0 to 32. The effective number of breeders ranged from 11% to 31% of the census population size for that brood year. These ratios fell within estimates from estimates of Ne/N in chinook (O. tshawytscha) and rainbow trout (O. mykiss) hatchery populations.  相似文献   

Lebas NR 《Molecular ecology》2001,10(1):193-203
It is now evident that the genetic mating system can be very different to the observed mating system. However, it is less well known what makes particular individuals more (or less) successful than expected from the observed system. In this study the observed territorial structure of a field population of the agamid lizard, Ctenophorus ornatus, was compared with the mating system as evidenced by microsatellite parentage assignment. This study also investigated whether any male traits predicted reproductive success. Sixty-five per cent of clutches were sired at least partially by a male other than the main territory-holding male and 35% of clutches were sired by a male with no overlap of the female's territory. Multiple paternity was moderately frequent at 25% of clutches. Male chest patch size predicted territory size and the number of females in the territory, but did not predict reproductive success. Instead, male head depth and body size were independently related to the number of offspring sired. As male head depth also predicted the number of females in a territory, these males are likely to be gaining increased reproductive success as a consequence of the higher number of females in their territories. Larger body size males, however, did not have a greater number of females in their territory and instead had more extra-territorial copulations. Whether these extra-territorial copulations are due to female choice or success in male competition is unknown.  相似文献   

The basis for our knowledge of brain evolution in vertebrates rests heavily on empirical evidence from comparative studies at the species level. However, little is still known about the natural levels of variation and the evolutionary causes of differences in brain size and brain structure within‐species, even though selection at this level is an important initial generator of macroevolutionary patterns across species. Here, we examine how early life‐history decisions and sex are related to brain size and brain structure in wild populations using the existing natural variation in mating strategies among wild brown trout (Salmo trutta). By comparing the brains of precocious fish that remain in the river and sexually mature at a small size with those of migratory fish that migrate to the sea and sexually mature at a much larger size, we show, for the first time in any vertebrate, strong differences in relative brain size and brain structure across mating strategies. Precocious fish have larger brain size (when controlling for body size) but migratory fish have a larger cerebellum, the structure in charge of motor coordination. Moreover, we demonstrate sex‐specific differences in brain structure as female precocious fish have a larger brain than male precocious fish while males of both strategies have a larger telencephalon, the cognitive control centre, than females. The differences in brain size and structure across mating strategies and sexes thus suggest the possibility for fine scale adaptive evolution of the vertebrate brain in relation to different life histories.  相似文献   

We examined polymorphism at seven microsatellite loci in 4023 brown trout (Salmo trutta) collected from 32 tributaries to the Limfjord, Denmark (approximately 200 km) and from two hatcheries used for stocking. Populations differ in their estimated sizes and stocking histories. Mean individual inbreeding coefficients do not differ among locations within rivers. Relatedness varies between sites within rivers indicating varied local dynamics at a very small geographical scale. Relatedness is sometimes lower than expected among an equal number of simulated individuals with randomized genotypes, suggesting structure within locations. Five per cent of the genetic variance is distributed among rivers (F(ST) = 0.049), but in the western, less heavily stocked, area of the Limfjord a higher proportion of the genetic variance is distributed among rivers than among locations within rivers. The reverse is true of the eastern, more heavily stocked, area of the Limfjord. Here, a higher proportion of the genetic variance is distributed among locations within rivers than among rivers. Assignment tests reveal that the majority of trout (mean 77% of all fish) are more probably of local origin than hatchery origin but this proportion varies regionally, with rivers in the western area of the Limfjord showing a relatively high (mean 88%) and those in the eastern area showing a relatively low (mean 72%) proportion of locally assigned trout. These results can be interpreted as reflecting stocking impact. Also, the proportion of locally assigned trout correlates with the populations' stocking histories, with rivers presently subjected to stocking (hatchery trout) showing low (mean approximately 0.73), and rivers where stocking was discontinued showing high (mean approximately 0.84) proportions of local fish, probably reflecting lower survival of hatchery than of wild trout. There is evidence for isolation by distance at a large geographical scale when individual river populations are pooled into nine geographical regions but not at a small geographical scale when populations are considered individually. We reject the null hypothesis that stocking has had no impact on population structure but the relatively high proportion of locally assigned trout in populations where stocking with domestic fish no longer takes place suggests limited long-term success of stocking.  相似文献   

An analysis of Robertsonian polymorphism and variation in the number of active NORs has been carried out in several populations of brown trout (Salmo trutta) from Northwestern Spain. The karyotype of this species appears to be soundly established, and essentially no variation has been found in chromosome number. Interindividual and interpopulation variation in arm number was detected, with figures ranging between 100 and 102 among individuals, and between 100.10 and 100.80 among populations. This variation in arm number is solely attributable to the polymorphism of the short arm of the main NOR-bearing pair 11, which can appear from acrocentric to metacentric in different individuals. Most populations analyzed showed the standard distribution of active NORs previously observed in this species. The Miño drainage basin, and specially the Chamoso population, showed a multi-chromosomal distribution of active NORs, with several new locations, always telomeric. In most cases no concordance was observed between previously detected rDNA sites in S. trutta and the new Ag-NOR locations. This fact suggests a transposition mechanism rather than an activation of silent rDNA sites to explain this multichromosomal NOR pattern.  相似文献   

Male northern water snakes (Nerodia sipedon) have high variancein reproductive success relative to females. We used DNA-basedpaternity analyses from a 3-year study of two marsh populationsof water snakes to investigate the factors that contributeto variation in male success. Male traits investigated includedbody size, condition, tail length, home range size, activityduring the mating season, and genetic profile (genetic similarityto females, heterozygosity, and genetic variability [d2]).We successfully assigned > 80% of offspring to sires froma sample of 811 offspring from 45 litters. Male reproductivesuccess did not vary significantly with body size, tail length,condition, home range size, or the number of microsatelliteloci at which males were heterozygous, nor with other featuresof their genetic profiles. However, we found evidence of positive assortative mating by size in the marsh in which receptive femaleswere not spatially clumped. Also, males that were most activeduring the mating season were more successful, particularlywhere females were not clumped. We failed to find evidenceof selection acting on male size through variance in reproductivesuccess, indicating that sexual selection does not have an important influence on sexual size dimorphism in this species(males are smaller than females). We propose that males aresmaller than females because the lack of advantage to largesize allows males to adopt a low-energy, low-growth strategythat reduces their risk of predation outside the mating season.  相似文献   

In the River Lobos-Ucero and its tributary the River Avión-Milanos (Duero basin, Old Castile, Central Spain), two limestone streams fed by aquifers, the population of brown trout, as compared with the populations of other European streams, shows a high growth rate, high condition coefficients, short life-span and early age at first maturity. Gonad cycle was also studied. Size distributions of unshed eggs exhibit a dynamic activity with a bi-modal distribution from June onwards, spawning occurred in the last days of November. Fecundity (F) can be predicted from trout length (L, mm) according to the equation: F= –646.47+5.6167 · L. Numbers and standing crop of trout range from 18 to 3903 ind. ha–1 and 3.6 to 452.9 Kg ha–1, reaching higher values in the sites close to the aquifers. Egg production had values of 22.4 and 18.0 eggs m–2 in the Rivers Ucero and Avión-Milanos respectively. Some factors suggested as regulators of these demographical characteristics are discussed in the light of recent literature.  相似文献   

Hansen MM 《Molecular ecology》2002,11(6):1003-1015
Indigenous salmonid fish gene pools are affected by domesticated conspecifics, derived from aquaculture escapes and deliberate releases. Variability was examined at nine microsatellite loci in order to assess the long-term impact of stocking domesticated trout in two brown trout populations. The study was based on analysis of two historical samples (1945-56), represented by old scale collections, and seven contemporary samples (1986-2000). In one population historical and contemporary samples were remarkably genetically similar despite more than a decade of intense stocking. Estimation of admixture proportions showed a small genetic contribution from domesticated trout (approximately 6%), and individual admixture analysis demonstrated a majority of nonadmixed individuals. The expected genetic contribution by domesticated trout was 64%, assessed from the number of stocked trout and assuming equal survival and reproductive performance of wild and domesticated trout. This demonstrates poor performance and low fitness of domesticated trout in the wild. In another population there was a strong genetic contribution from domesticated trout (between 57% and 88% in different samples), both in samples from a broodstock thought to represent the indigenous population and in a sample of wild spawners. Survival of domesticated trout and admixture with indigenous fish in the broodstock and subsequent stocking into the river, combined with a low population size of native trout relative to the number of stocked trout, could explain the observed introgression. Few nonadmixed individuals remained in the introgressed population, and I discuss how individual admixture analysis can be used to identify and conserve nonintrogressed remains of the population.  相似文献   

We examined the long-term temporal (1910s to 1990s) genetic variation at eight microsatellite DNA loci in brown trout (Salmo trutta L) collected from five anadromous populations in Denmark to assess the long-term stability of genetic composition and to estimate effective population sizes (Ne). Contemporary and historical samples consisted of tissue and archived scales, respectively. Pairwise thetaST estimates, a hierarchical analysis of molecular variance (amova) and multidimensional scaling analysis of pairwise genetic distances between samples revealed much closer genetic relationships among temporal samples from the same populations than among samples from different populations. Estimates of Ne, using a likelihood-based implementation of the temporal method, revealed Ne >or= 500 in two of three populations for which we have historical data. A third population in a small (3 km) river showed Ne >or= 300. Assuming a stepping-stone model of gene flow we considered the relative roles of gene flow, random genetic drift and selection to assess the possibilities for local adaptation. The requirements for local adaptation were fulfilled, but only adaptations resulting from strong selection were expected to occur at the level of individual populations. Adaptations resulting from weak selection were more likely to occur on a regional basis, i.e. encompassing several populations. Ne appears to have declined recently in at least one of the studied populations, and the documented recent declines of many other anadromous brown trout populations may affect the persistence of local adaptation.  相似文献   

Nine brown trout (27.9–42.8 cm FL, 234–995 g) from the Aisne stream (Belgian Ardenne) were tagged with surgically implanted radio transmitters, and their activity patterns were studied at 10-min intervals during twenty-six 24-h cycles from October 1995 to May 1997. The duration and intensity of activity were mainly proportional to water temperature and day length but some differences appeared between individuals. The daily home range in summer was also 3.2 times longer than in winter, and was exploited 2.5 times more intensively. At all seasons, trout were most active at dusk, and seasonal variations in diel patterns consisted mainly in a progressive shift from more crepuscular activity in autumn and winter to more homogenous and intensive activity during spring and summer, but still with a predominance of activity at dusk. This relative consistency of activity rhythm throughout the year was interpreted within the context of foraging risk and efficiency, in view of the scarcity of predators in the Aisne stream, and of drifting macroinvertebrates being consistently more abundant at dusk at all times of the year. However, activity patterns varied substantially between individuals living in different microhabitats, including when fish were investigated on the same day. This suggests that activity patterns are also subordinated to local factors such as habitat structure or abundance of drifting prey.  相似文献   

Samples of mating and non-mating animals from a natural population of the estuarine isopod Sphaeroma rugicauda showed no evidence of assortative mating or sexual selection for the three genotypes at the phosphoglucose isomerase locus.  相似文献   

Census (N(C)) and effective population size (N(e)) were estimated for a lake-resident population of brown trout Salmo trutta as 576 and 63, respectively. The point estimate of the ratio of effective to census population size (N(e):N(C)) for this population is 0.11 with a range of 0.06-0.26, suggesting that N(e):N(C) ratio for lake-resident populations agree more with estimates for fishes with anadromous life histories than the small ratios observed in many marine fishes.  相似文献   

We have examined the fitness consequences of random and potentially non-random matings within two populations taken from inside, and two from outside a hybrid zone in Chorthippus parallelus. When given the opportunity to mate non-randomly, females from all populations laid egg pods more quickly than females obliged to mate at random. A range of fitness parameters measured on the offspring did not show increased fitness following potential non-random mating for any population. However, in non-hybrid populations, the sons of non-randomly mated females had about twice the mating success of the sons of those females forced to mate at random, suggesting the existence of heritable variation for male reproductive success. Hybrid dysfunction did not occur amongst the offspring of randomly mated hybrid females, demonstrating that the lack of dysfunction within these populations is not due to the evolution of assortative mating within them.  相似文献   

Shang H  Luo YB  Bai WN 《Molecular ecology》2012,21(15):3869-3878
Populations of Acer species often contain more than three sex phenotypes with complex sexual polymorphism including duodichogamy, protandry and protogyny. We identified the mechanisms that maintain sexual polymorphism in Acer pictum subsp. mono, a temperate tree from northern China, by investigating maternal mating patterns and male reproductive success. We used paternity analyses to estimate rates of outcrossing and disassortative mating, as well as male outcrossed siring success, in a population of A. pictum subsp. mono with uneven sex phenotype ratios (duodichogamous 69.1%, protandrous 19.6%, protogynous 11.3%). We used a pollen‐transfer model to investigate whether the unequal ratios of sex phenotypes could be explained by the observed patterns of mating. Most progeny resulted from outcrossing, particularly disassortative among the sex phenotypes. Although the duodichogamous phenotype showed a significant amount of intraphenotypic mating, the frequency did not exceed that of disassortative mating. We detected no significant differences in male outcrossed siring success among the sex phenotypes. The pollen‐transfer model demonstrated that sex phenotype ratios could be maintained by the observed mating pattern in the population. Our results indicate that disassortative mating among the sex phenotypes can maintain sexual polymorphism in A. pictum subsp. mono and that ratios biased towards duodichogamy can result from frequent intraphenotypic mating in this phenotype.  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary study was made of brown trout Salmo trutta in the Borne River, a typical fast-flowing mountain stream in the Northern French Alps, in the geographical range of the Mediterranean lineages (ML). Information on (1) the proportion of stocked fluoro-marked fish in the angling harvest, (2) the introgression of introduced DNA microsatellite alleles into the native gene pool and (3) the demography of the population in situ in autumn revealed two contrasting populations separated by a physical barrier to upstream migration. A native S. trutta population ( c . 10 000 adults) lives downstream of the barrier and is characterized by a large frequency of ML alleles (82–97%) and high densities (43–55 fish 100 m−2). This population is maintained predominantly by natural recruitment of juveniles (51–82%). In contrast, the upstream population is characterized by a large frequency of Atlantic lineage (AL) alleles (78–100%) and low densities (1–2 fish 100 m−2) and appears to be maintained by restocking (90–100%). The origins of these sharply contrasting populations appear to reflect isolation by an impassable barrier, catastrophic flooding, a downstream gradient in water quality, stocking and fishing pressure. The native downstream population has been resilient to large sudden floods and to intensive stockings of domesticated AL fish. The results of this study justify a shift in management towards conservation and rehabilitation of the native population.  相似文献   

1. Generalist fish species are recognised as important couplers of benthic and pelagic food‐web compartments in lakes. However, interspecific niche segregation and individual specialisation may limit the potential for generalistic feeding behaviour. 2. We studied summer habitat use, stomach contents and stable isotopic compositions of the generalist feeder Arctic charr coexisting with its common resource competitor brown trout in five subarctic lakes in northern Norway to reveal population‐level and individual‐level niche plasticity. 3. Charr and trout showed partial niche segregation in all five lakes. Charr used all habitat types and a wide variety of invertebrate prey including zooplankton, whereas trout fed mainly on insects in the littoral zone. Hence, charr showed a higher potential to promote habitat and food‐web coupling compared to littoral‐dwelling trout. 4. The level of niche segregation between charr and trout and between pelagic‐caught and littoral‐caught charr depended on the prevailing patterns of interspecific and intraspecific resource competition. The two fish species had partially overlapping trophic niches in one lake where charr numerically dominated the fish community, whereas the most segregated niches occurred in lakes where trout were more abundant. 5. In general, pelagic‐caught charr had substantially narrower dietary and isotopic niches and relied less on littoral carbon sources compared to littoral‐caught conspecifics that included generalist as well as specialised benthivorous and planktivorous individuals. Despite the partially specialised planktivorous niche and thus reduced potential of pelagic‐dwelling charr to promote benthic–pelagic coupling, the isotopic compositions of both charr subpopulations suggested a significant reliance on both littoral and pelagic carbon sources in all five study lakes. 6. Our study demonstrates that both interspecific niche segregation between and individual trophic specialisation within generalist fish species can constrain food‐web coupling and alter energy mobilisation to top consumers in subarctic lakes. Nevertheless, pelagic and littoral habitats and food‐web compartments may still be highly integrated due to the potentially plastic foraging behaviour of top consumers.  相似文献   

Variance in reproductive success is a primary determinant of genetically effective population size (Ne), and thus has important implications for the role of genetic drift in the evolutionary dynamics of animal taxa characterized by polygynous mating systems. Here we report the results of a study designed to test the hypothesis that polygynous mating results in significantly reduced Ne in an age-structured population. This hypothesis was tested in a natural population of a harem-forming fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae), in western India. The influence of the mating system on the ratio of variance Ne to adult census number (N) was assessed using a mathematical model designed for age-structured populations that incorporated demographic and genetic data. Male mating success was assessed by means of direct and indirect paternity analysis using 10-locus microsatellite genotypes of adults and progeny from two consecutive breeding periods (n = 431 individually marked bats). Combined results from both analyses were used to infer the effective number of male parents in each breeding period. The relative proportion of successfully reproducing males and the size distribution of paternal sibships comprising each offspring cohort revealed an extremely high within-season variance in male mating success (up to 9.2 times higher than Poisson expectation). The resultant estimate of Ne/N for the C. sphinx study population was 0.42. As a result of polygynous mating, the predicted rate of drift (1/2Ne per generation) was 17.6% higher than expected from a Poisson distribution of male mating success. However, the estimated Ne/N was well within the 0.25-0.75 range expected for age-structured populations under normal demographic conditions. The life-history schedule of C. sphinx is characterized by a disproportionately short sexual maturation period scaled to adult life span. Consequently, the influence of polygynous mating on Ne/N is mitigated by the extensive overlap of generations. In C. sphinx, turnover of breeding males between seasons ensures a broader sampling of the adult male gamete pool than expected from the variance in mating success within a single breeding period.  相似文献   

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