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To select elite materials, the growth traits of 32 Betula platyphylla clones at three separated northern sites in Northeast China were investigated and analyzed. The results showed that there were significant differences among all variation sources in the different investigated traits (P <0.01). Except for the carbon contents, all the coefficients of phenotypic variation of the other investigated traits were higher than 10%. The repeatability of different traits ranged from 0.760 to 0.998. Correlation analysis showed that tree height were significantly correlated with diameter at breast height, but neither was significantly correlated with leaf traits nor element contents. Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analysis showed that genotype, environment and genotype × environment interactions were significantly different in diameter at breast height, which indicated that environment had a significant effect on genotype. Comprehensive assessment results showed that three clones with high and stable diameters at breast height were selected, and the genetic gains of diameter at breast height on sites Maoershan, Qingan, and Yongji were 21.24%, 20.58%, and 38.65%, respectively. The results could provide a theoretical basis for elite clone selection in B. platyphylla and other broad leaved species.  相似文献   

Fifteen Trichoderma isolates were tested for their antagonistic ability against Lasiodiplodia theobromae. Trichoderma harzianum exhibited the greatest inhibition in dual culture. Microscopic investigation demonstrated direct parasitism and coiling of T. harzianum and T. viride around hyphae of L. theobromae, causing swollen, deformed, shortened, or rounded cells of the pathogen. Granulation of cytoplasm and disintegration of the hyphal walls of L. theobromae also were noted in dual culture. Trichoderma viride reduced rotting by 29.07 to 65.06% in artificially inoculated banana fruits. Treatment of banana fruits with T. viride 4 h prior to inoculation with L. theobromae provided better protection than simultaneous application or treatment 4 h after inoculation.  相似文献   

The sampling of fish from the artisanal fleet operating with surface lines off north‐eastern Brazil was carried out between 1998 and 2000. Generalized linear models (GLMs) were used to standardize mean abundance indices using catch and fishing effort data on dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus and to identify abundance trends in time and space, using 1215 surface line deployments. A standard relative abundance index (catch per unit effort, CPUE) was estimated for the most frequent vessels used in the sets, employing factors and coefficients generated in the GLMs. According to the models, C. hippurus catches are affected by the operating characteristics and power of different fishing vessels. These differences highlight the need for standardization of catch and effort data for artisanal fisheries. The highest mean abundance values for C. hippurus were off the state of Rio Grande do Norte, with an increasing tendency in areas with greater depths and more distant from the coast, reaching maximal values in areas whose depths range from 200 to 500 m. The highest mean abundance values occurred between April and June. The higher estimated abundance of C. hippurus in this period off the state of Rio Grande do Norte and within the 200–500 m depth range may be related to a migration pattern of food sources, as its main prey, the flying fish Hirundichthys affinis, uses floating algae as refuge and to deposit its pelagic eggs.  相似文献   

Recôncavo Baiano is an area favourable for the occurrence of citrus greasy spot (CGS) (Mycosphaerella citri), but there has been no study of this pathosystem in Brazil. This work aimed to characterise the temporal patterns of CGS‐induced defoliation in sweet orange cultivars ‘Bahia’ (Washington Navel) and ‘Pêra’. Temperature, rainfall and relative humidity were recorded, as well as weekly defoliation (fallen leaves/canopy m2 or m3). Considering the mean of fallen leaves per canopy m2, and mean canopy area, the total annual defoliation was estimated to be around 32 000 leaves per plant for ‘Bahia’ and 18 500 for ‘Pêra’ sweet orange. Spectral density analysis showed that defoliation has a 5‐week‐long main cycle for both cultivars. The proportion of symptomatic fallen leaves was never below 0.97. The monthly number of fallen leaves per canopy area was positively correlated with the mean CGS incidence on leaves. Defoliation was significant, resulting in a low leaf density throughout the year. Many defoliation cycles and the very high proportion of symptomatic fallen leaves assure a constant inoculum supply. Based on these results, CGS cannot be considered a minor disease, at least in Recôncavo Baiano.  相似文献   

The Pearl River Estuary is the largest estuary in South China and plays a considerable role in the local fisheries economy, yet little is known about the current state of fish assemblage in this ecosystem. To quantify spatial‐seasonal variations, environmental influences, and trends over the past three decades of the fish assemblage in the Pearl River Estuary, we sampled 11 sites seasonally from December 2013 to September 2016. Throughout the study, 285 species from 88 families and 195 genera were collected. There were obvious spatial and seasonal variations of the fish assemblage in terms of the dominant species, species richness, and composition of ecological types. Mouth distance, NH4+ N, chlorophyll‐a, flow, DO, salinity and water transparency were the main variables influencing the spatial‐temporal dynamic of fishes within the estuarine systems. Compared with the record of 330 species in the 1980s, the number of fish species in the Pearl River Estuary has declined by 45 fish species. The Jaccard's similarity of fish composition between the historical investigation (the 1980's) and the present investigation (2013–2016) was 0.62, with 95 species undiscovered and 50 species increased in the present study compared to the 1980s, indicating the assemblage structure has obviously changed. However, in term of ecological guilds, there was no significant difference in the composition of all the selected ecological traits between these two periods. Anthropogenic activities including overfishing, introducing alien fish, dam construction and pollution were considered the main disturbance on fish composition over the past three decades. We conclude that there existed pronounced spatiotemporal changes of fish assemblages, which arises from the compounding effects of environmental factors and anthropogenic activities. These findings are beneficial to understanding and developing suitable conservation strategies for the management and protection of fish resources in the Pearl River Estuary.  相似文献   

Tractable space‐time point processes models are needed in various fields. For example in weed science for gaining biological knowledge, for prediction of weed development in order to optimize local treatments with herbicides or in epidemiology for prediction of the risk of a disease. Motivated by the spatio‐temporal point patterns for two weed species, we propose a spatio‐temporal Cox model with intensity based on gamma random fields. The model is an extension of Neyman–Scott and shot‐noise Cox processes to the space‐time domain and it allows spatial and temporal inhomogeneity. We use the weed example to give a first intuitive interpretation of the model and then show how the model is constructed more rigorously and how to estimate the parameters. The weed data are analysed using the proposed model, and both spatially and temporally the model shows a good fit to the data using classical goodness‐of‐fit tests.  相似文献   

Murundus are earth mounds widespread in most landscapes in the semi‐arid region of Brazil. Evidence obtained from predictive modelling has suggested a termite origin for these structures, opening up new opportunities for further research. Distribution of densely packed murundus at larger spatial scales is most related to climatic regime and soil nutrient availability. However, factors and processes underlying their distribution and density at smaller spatial scales are not yet fully understood. In this study, we adopted an approach based on mapping point data using high‐resolution satellite imagery, multi‐scale second‐order analysis and general linear models to examine the fine‐scale spatial distribution and density of murundus. Our results suggest that the distribution of those structures within densely packed areas is regulated by more than one process acting or interacting across multiple spatial scales. All densely packed murundus showed a significant regular distribution at the distance scale of up to 50 m radially and a completely random distribution across all other upper distance scales. We interpret the regular pattern as a result of competition for foraging territories between different termite colonies during the process formation of densely packed murundus. The random pattern at larger distance scales (above 50 m radially) can be attributed to habitat selection preferences by termite species builders of murundus mediated by local environmental resources and conditions (i.e. availability of food resources and nesting and open habitat), which would be randomly distributed in space. Thus, at finer spatial scales murundus distributions are associated with biotic interactions acting on an abiotic template. On the basis of significant linear correlations, we suggest that the density of murundus is strongly related to local temperature regime with soil‐type influencing its effect on the murundus densities. Our findings provide novel evidences that mound‐building termites are involved in the formation of murundus in the semi‐arid region of Brazil.  相似文献   

  • 1 Understanding the spatio‐temporal dynamics of insects in agroecosystems is crucial when developing effective management strategies that emphasize the biological control of pests.
  • 2 Wild populations of Trichogramma Westwood egg parasitoids are utilized for the biological suppression of the potentially resistant pest species Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) in Bt‐transgenic cotton Gossypium hirsutum L. crops in the Ord River Irrigation Area (ORIA), Western Australia, Australia.
  • 3 Extensive, spatially‐stratified sampling during a season of relatively high Trichogramma abundance found that spatial patterns of pest egg parasitism in the ORIA tend toward heterogeneity, and do not necessarily coincide with host spatio‐temporal dynamics. Both patterns of host egg density and mean rates of parasitism are not good indicators of parasitoid spatio‐temporal dynamics in ORIA cotton crops.
  • 4 Parasitism rates can be significantly higher within the middle strata of the cotton plant canopy before complete canopy closure, despite a similar number of host eggs being available elsewhere in the plant.
  • 5 Spatial variation in egg parasitism by Trichogramma in Bt‐transgenic cotton is evident at the between‐field, within‐field and within‐plant scale, and is not solely driven by host spatial dynamics. These factors should be considered when estimating Trichogramma impact on pest species during biological control and spatio‐temporal studies of host‐parasitoid interactions in general.

Abstract Spatial and temporal patterns of abundance of animals and plants must be quantified before models to explain distributions can be developed. These patterns also provide essential data for measuring potential effects of environmental disturbances. Studies in many different habitats have shown that most organisms, particularly invertebrates, have highly variable and interactive patterns of abundance, with much variability at the smallest temporal and spatial scales. Intertidal boulder fields in New South Wales, Australia, support a diverse fauna, many species of which are relatively rare. These habitats are commonly found near rock‐platforms and in sheltered estuaries and are subjected to many human disturbances. Although there have been a few studies on the fauna in boulder fields, none has documented variability of the assemblage using multivariate and univariate techniques and most studies have not incorporated different spatial and temporal scales. This study quantifies spatial variation at three scales (metres, tens of metres alongshore and tens of metres upshore) and temporal variation at two scales (3 months and 2 years) of the assemblage of molluscs and echinoderms in a sheltered boulder field subjected to little natural or human disturbance. Multivariate analyses revealed that each site contained a distinct assemblage, mainly due to the relative abundances of a few species. Most species, those generally only found under boulders and common, widespread species, had considerable spatial variability in abundances, with more than 90% measured at the smallest scale, that is metre to metre within a site. Changes in abundances over 3 months or 2 years varied among species and sites in unpredictable ways. These data show that sampling designs to measure impacts on these fauna will need to be complex and must incorporate a number of spatial and temporal scales if they are to be able to detect impact against such a variable background.  相似文献   

At the local scale, spatial aggregations in ant distribution are often thought to be driven by competitive interactions among dominant ant species, although niche preferences and habitat heterogeneity might also lead to patchiness. Nevertheless, competitive interactions might be particularly important in agroecosystems that are structurally more homogeneous than natural habitats. The spatial patterns of ants in two Australian vineyards were investigated by intensive pitfall trapping to examine if non‐random patterns occur and whether these might be the result of competitive species interactions as well as the influence of woody vegetation adjacent to the vineyards. Null model analyses suggested competitive species interactions within ant assemblages that might have been driven by numerically dominant species, even though both positive and negative associations between these were found. Consistent spatial aggregations indicated significant spatial overlap in distributions of some species. Such overlap suggests that potential coexistence might be attributed to temporal partitioning or differences in foraging strategies. The presence of woody vegetation had a marked influence on ant assemblage structure and competitive interactions, and might facilitate coexistence by increasing resource heterogeneity. The implications of these findings for sampling strategies and ecological processes within vineyards are discussed.  相似文献   

The spatial epidemiology of Bluetongue virus (BTV) at the landscape level relates to the fine‐scale distribution and dispersal capacities of its vectors, midges belonging to the genus Culicoides Latreille (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Although many previous researches have carried out Culicoides sampling on farms, little is known of the fine‐scale distribution of Culicoides in the landscape immediately surrounding farms. The aim of this study was to gain a better understanding of Culicoides populations at increasing distances from typical dairy farms in north‐west Europe, through the use of eight Onderstepoort‐type black‐light traps positioned along linear transects departing from farms, going through pastures and entering woodlands. A total of 16 902 Culicoides were collected in autumn 2008 and spring 2009. The majority were females, of which more than 97% were recognized as potential vectors. In pastures, we found decreasing numbers of female Culicoides as a function of the distance to the farm. This pattern was modelled by leptokurtic models, with parameters depending on season and species. By contrast, the low number of male Culicoides caught were homogeneously distributed along the transects. When transects entered woodlands, we found a higher abundance of Culicoides than expected considering the distance of the sampling sites to the farm, although this varied according to species.  相似文献   

We tested the hypotheses that: (i) reproductive Geonoma brevispatha, an understorey clonal palm endemic to South American swamps, is most abundant in more brightly lit microsites but the abundance of juveniles is not responsive to light availability, (ii) the species is restricted to the transitional zones between flooded and well-drained microsites, (iii) if hypotheses (i) and/or (ii) are accepted, the microhabitat specialization they represent should be reflected in the spatial distribution of the individuals at distinct scales. The study was carried out in a swamp forest in south-eastern Brazil. Soil moisture was autocorrelated at distances up to approximately 1m, reflecting a fine-scale microtopographic pattern of flooded pits and channels delimited by drier mounds. The first hypothesis was rejected, but the second hypothesis was accepted. No genets occurred on flooded microsites. A juvenile emergence experiment showed that seeds were unable to develop into juveniles under flooded conditions, but canopy openness did not influence the number of juveniles emerging. The third hypothesis was accepted. Individual genets were randomly distributed at scales corresponding to soil moisture patches, but were aggregated at larger scales. Juvenile genets were positively associated with reproducer genets. Our results indicate that palms may specialize on narrow parts of moisture gradients in swamp forests, and that this specialization can exclude them from even subtly distinct microhabitats.  相似文献   

Aims Twentieth‐century climate, the spatial pattern of tree establishment and positive feedback influence upper tree line ecotones. Here, I investigate how these factors interact to gain a more holistic understanding of how broad‐scale abiotic and local‐scale site conditions regulate tree establishment within upper tree line ecotones. Location A latitudinal gradient (c. 35–45° N) in the US Rocky Mountains. Study sites (n= 22) were located in the Bighorn (BH), Medicine Bow (MB), Front Range (FR) and Sangre de Cristo (SDC) mountain ranges. Methods Dendroecological techniques were used to reconstruct tree establishment dates that were compared with 20th‐century climate data using correlation and regime shift analyses. Spatial patterns of tree establishment were analysed by Ripley's K and used to determine local‐scale interactions capable of ameliorating broad‐scale climate inputs through positive feedback. Results Significant correlations (P < 0.01) between tree establishment and climate were confined to the FR, where a positive correlation was found with summer (June–August) and cool season (November–April) temperature range (Tmax?Tmin). These trees were almost exclusively situated in a random spatial pattern. Similar patterns exist in the BH, yet their establishment was contingent on the availability of local shelter in the lee of boulders. Trees in the MB and SDC were primarily clustered in space and had no significant correlations with climate. Considerable lag times exist between regime shift changes in climate towards more favourable growing conditions and corresponding shifts in tree establishment in all mountain ranges except the FR, where synchronous shifts occurred in the early 1950s. Main conclusions These results suggest that the influence of broad‐scale climate on upper tree line dynamics is contingent on the local‐scale spatial patterns of tree establishment and related influences of positive feedback. This research has important implications for understanding how vegetation communities will respond to global climate change.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In 1995, Mycobacterium bovis, the causative bacterium of bovine tuberculosis (bTB), was detected in 5 beef cattle operations in Alcona County, Michigan, USA. In accordance with Federal law, the operations were depopulated to prevent the spread of bTB. Subsequent wildlife surveillance programs identified high prevalence of M. bovis in mesocarnivores, including raccoons (Procyon lotor), which suggested that raccoons may be complicit in vectoring the pathogen among livestock operations. Our goal was to develop an empirical basis for generating hypotheses about the likelihood for raccoons to mediate the transmission of bTB to livestock. We found intersexual differences in scale-dependent resource selection and probability of spatial interaction that, under certain circumstances, may form the foundation for a sex-bias in disease transmission. Spatial dispersion of mixed-forest patches facilitated overlap of adjacent males, whereas female overlap zones included pastures. Within overlap zones, probabilities of interaction for male-male and male-female dyads were greater than for female-female dyads, although we documented an elevated likelihood of spatial interaction between raccoons and livestock around cattle-feeding troughs and water sources, regardless of sex. Partial regressions generated by linear models indicated that distance between nearest-neighbor mixed-forest patches explained most of this observed variation. These results supported our prediction that forest patches juxtaposed with anthropogenic features fostered social tolerance between males and, thus, facilitated spatial interaction and exploitation of anthropogenic features. In raccoons, sex and landscape composition influenced pathogen transmission potential. We suggest that livestock producers locate livestock feeding and watering features away from forest patches to mitigate future outbreaks of bTB in endemic areas.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal patterns of insect damage in relation to aflatoxin contamination in a corn field with plants of uniform genetic background are not well understood. After previous examination of spatial patterns of insect damage and aflatoxin in pre‐harvest corn fields, we further examined both spatial and temporal patterns of cob‐ and kernel‐feeding insect damage, and aflatoxin level with two samplings at pre‐harvest in 2008 and 2009. The feeding damage by each of the ear/kernel‐feeding insects (i.e., corn earworm/fall armyworm damage on the silk/cob, and discoloration of corn kernels by stink bugs) and maize weevil population were assessed at each grid point with five ears. Sampling data showed a field edge effect in both insect damage and aflatoxin contamination in both years. Maize weevils tended toward an aggregated distribution more frequently than either corn earworm or stink bug damage in both years. The frequency of detecting aggregated distribution for aflatoxin level was less than any of the insect damage assessments. Stink bug damage and maize weevil number were more closely associated with aflatoxin level than was corn earworm damage. In addition, the indices of spatial–temporal association (χ) demonstrated that the number of maize weevils was associated between the first (4 weeks pre‐harvest) and second (1 week pre‐harvest) samplings in both years on all fields. In contrast, corn earworm damage between the first and second samplings from the field on the Belflower Farm, and aflatoxin level and corn earworm damage from the field on the Lang Farm were dissociated in 2009.  相似文献   

Several triatomine species aggregate over conspecific faeces. In some domestic species, this behaviour might help individuals to find their refuges because faeces are usually deposited around such places. In the present study, the defaecation behaviour of the triatomine bug Rhodnius prolixus Stål (Heteroptera: Reduviidae) is described in detail, including the temporal pattern of aggregation of nymphs with different nutritional status to faeces of different post‐deposition times. First, using an experimental arena, the spatial distribution of faecal deposition spots released by nymphs, in relation to the position of a refuge, is recorded. The results show that a high density of faeces is deposited inside the refuge, and few and distant spots, in relation to the position of the refuge, are dropped outside. Second, whether the aggregation behaviour of nymphs is altered by the time elapsed from deposition of the faeces, and by the nutritional status of the insects, is determined. The post‐deposition time of the faeces strongly modulates the aggregation response of the insects. Differences in aggregation between fed and unfed insects are only marginally significant; however, different temporal windows of aggregation according to the post‐deposition times of the faeces are demonstrated between bugs of different nutritional status. The results are discussed with respect to the relevance of the aggregation signal in relation to the characteristics of the natural refuges used by R. prolixus.  相似文献   

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