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Cellot  Bernard  Juget  Jacques 《Hydrobiologia》1998,389(1-3):183-191
In the framework of a macroinvertebrate drift study, the oligochaete community was analysed over one year (1989) at six sites located in a partly impounded reach of the Upper Rhône River (France). Drift composition between sites was somewhat affected by the environmental conditions. These differences were caused by significant deviations in drift rates (P < 0.05) of endobenthic oligochaetes and non-swimming Naididae. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) among the swimming Naididae. As the latter strongly dominated, global spatial differences in the drift were weak. Temporal changes constituted the main source of variability in drifting oligochaetes. Life cycles and reproductive ecology of four major swimming Naidid species, Nais elinguis, Stylaria lacustris, Nais christinae, and Nais barbata, explained most of the drift structure over the year. Hydrological fluctuations also affected drift structure, both for swimming and non-swimming species. Taxon richness and relative abundance in the drift were very similar to those obtained in the river benthos from a reference reach previously studied. There was a lack of stygobiont and stygophilous species that are frequent in area of groundwater seepage. Biological and environmental implications of oligochaete drift are stressed. The drift phenomenon is appropriated to provide ecological informations on oligochaete communities in fast flowing and deep, large rivers.  相似文献   

Cells in the reproductive state seem to act like small signal generators and emit radiation which is detectable by small polarizable particles nearby in a medium of suitable osmolarity, but very low conductivity. Evidence for this was seen upon using mouse sarcoma (ascites) cells, and by comparing rapidly dividing mouse "L" fibroblasts with confluent ones. Reproducing cells attracted many more highly polarizable BaTiO3 particles than they did of the much less polarizable BaSO4 (dielectric constants 4000 and 11, respectively).This preferential attraction of certain cells for highly polarizable small particles is interpreted as due in large measure to the action of dielectrophoresis on a very small scale.evoked by the presence of nonuniform electric fields of cellular origin acting upon the nearby neutral, polarizable particles.a process called microdielectrophoresis. Consideration of the conductive nature of the surrounding medium forces the conclusion that the cell-generated fields must be oscillatory in nature and have a frequency in the order of a megaherz. These observations recall predictions made earlier by Szent-Györgyi on cellular electronic processes, and by Fröhlich on the possibility of Bose-Einstein condensations to a single quantum state of oscillatory ferroelectric character, due to cooperative long-range interactions among dipolar features of cells. The persistence of oscillatory energy in the lower modes is reminiscent of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem.  相似文献   

Potamodromous fishes require safe migration routes between spawning, feeding and wintering habitats to complete their life cycle. As knowledge on asp migrations is restricted, this work investigated the movements of adult asp tagged with acoustic transmitters for 3 years in the large Peipsi-Emajõgi-Võrtsjärv lake–river system, Estonia, which is free of migration barriers. Asp showed complex migration patterns, moving between and within different waterbodies (lakes, river, tributaries) in all seasons, but with a tendency to repeat habitat use patterns between years. Lakes were mainly used for feeding during spring and summer (after spawning 65% of the fish migrated to Lake Peipsi), and more so by large fish. The majority (80–96%) of the fish spent the winter in the rivers, mostly close to their subsequent spawning area. Spawning areas were in swift-flowing waters in tributaries and the main river. The results indicate that asp may benefit from an extensive and diverse complex of habitats, and any migration barrier during any season may restrict the natural habitat use by asp. Maintenance and restoration of habitat heterogeneity and connectivity is critical to protect behaviourally diverse fish populations and increase resilience in rivers negatively impacted by various human activities.  相似文献   

Some species of copepods are sensitive to water quality oscillations from natural or anthropogenic causes. Information on basic ecological attributes such as abundance can be helpful in the context of hydric resources monitoring. Our study analyzed if the abundance of 22 copepod species of the second largest basin of South America was more associated with variables oscillating by natural or anthropic causes, contrasting among oligotrophic, mesotrophic, and eutrophic reservoirs. Our aim was to identify and understand the abundance of species with potential to monitor water quality in large scale assessments. Potential bioindicators would have different abundances in eutrophic, mesotrophic and oligotrophic sites and would not oscillate according to natural characteristics of reservoirs (water temperature, air temperature, and depth). Two species were sensitive to eutrophication and were not related to natural characteristics of reservoirs, that is, they were suitable for biomonitoring the La Plata Basin. Thermocyclops minutus negatively responded to eutrophication, while Acanthocyclops robustus responded positively. Additional exploratory analyses identified that Copepod abundance was related to total phosphorus, chlorophyll-a concentration, water transparency, total suspended matter, and depth. Metacyclops mendocinus, Acanthocyclops robustus, Mesocyclops meridianus, Mesocyclops ogunnus, and Thermocyclops decipiens were abundant in eutrophic reservoirs, and Thermocyclops minutus, and Thermocyclops inversus were associated with higher water transparency, typically oligo/mesotrophic reservoirs. Overall, we found that cyclopoids are highly affected by eutrophication, and species abundance could be used to monitor reservoirs and anticipate potential impacts on water quality in large-scale biomonitoring schemes.  相似文献   

Understanding the pathways and impacts of non-native species is important for helping prevent new introductions and invasions. This is frequently challenging in regions where human activities continue to promote new introductions, such as in Brazil, where aquaculture and sport fishing are mainly dependent on non-native fishes. Here, the non-native fish diversity of the Paranapanema River basin of the Upper Paraná River ecoregion, Brazil, was quantified fully for the first time. This river has been subject to considerable alteration through hydroelectric dam construction and concomitant development of aquaculture and sport fishing. Through compilation of a non-native fish inventory by literature review, with complementary records from recent field studies, analyses were completed on the timings of introduction, and the taxonomy, origin and introduction vectors of the non-native fishes. A total of 47 non-native fishes are now present across the basin. Of these, 24 invaded from the Lower Paraná River following construction of Itaipu Dam that connected previously unconnected fish assemblages. Activities including fish stocking, aquaculture and sport angling continue to result in new introductions. Discounting Itaipu invasions, the introduction rate between 1950 and 2014 was approximately one new introduction every 3 years. Introduced fish were mainly of the Cichlidae and Characidae families; most species were from other South American ecoregions, but fishes of African, Asian, North American and Central American origin were also present. These introductions have substantially modified the river’s fish fauna; when coupled with altered lentic conditions caused by impoundment, this suggests that the river’s native fishes are increasingly threatened.  相似文献   

Environmental Biology of Fishes - Decreasing river flows and increasing water temperatures during the summer have been associated with holding behavior by pre-spawning Pacific lamprey Entosphenus...  相似文献   

The changes in both physical and chemical properties of interstitial water were investigated within a large gravel bar to determine if the parafluvial zone was a hotspot for nutrient transformations in a lowland eutrophic river, the Doubs (Eastern France). Interstitial water was sampled in 30 piezometers along five transects across the gravel bar, surface water was sampled in main and chute channels. Five campaigns of sampling were performed among summer and winter. In both interstitial and surface samples, water chemistry (electrical conductivity, pH, chloride, dissolved oxygen concentrations—DO) and nutrient concentrations (nitrate—NO3 , ammonium—NH4 +, soluble reactive phosphorus—SRP, dissolved organic carbon—DOC) were measured. Moreover, temperature, water level, sediment grain size distribution and total bacterial abundance were assessed along a flowpath through a lateral gravel bar of the Doubs River. Measurements of water table elevation in the bar, main and chute channels indicated that the parafluvial flowpath was perpendicular to the main channel. Very low changes in chloride concentration and electrical conductivity showed minor groundwater input along the flowpath. The parafluvial zone was 0.9 m thick under the mean piezometric level, hydraulic gradients along the flowpath were 0.3%, and the discharge of interstitial water through the bar calculated at low flow was 40.6 m3 day−1. Most changes in interstitial nutrients occurred during the warm season, suggesting that biotic mechanisms occurred. Along the flowpath, DO, DOC, and bacterial abundance declined, while phosphate increased. Temporal trends of nitrate were less clear, exhibiting a slight increase during spring (organic matter biodegradation) and a decrease during summer (denitrification). Using the parafluvial discharge and nutrient concentrations of water infiltrating into and seeping from the gravel bar, the retention capacity of the bar was 171 gC day−1 for DOC and 48.3 gN day−1 for nitrate. Phosphate production ranged from 0.65 to 2.3 gP day−1. These values were low compared to the nutrient fluxes in the river Doubs, suggesting a minimal local impact of the parafluvial zone in regulating of river pollution. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to use the analysis of surface water chemistry to understand vegetation succession pathways in terrestrializing polyhumic lakes. We hypothesized that Sphagnum mire development was accompanied by a decrease in the mineral content in water. A total of 111 vegetation plots along 23 transects were analysed in 11 lakes and adjacent peat lands in the Wigry National Park (NE Poland). The vegetation of the lake-mire systems forms distinct zones: (1) nymphaeid-, bladderwort- and bryophyte-dominated aquatic vegetation; (2) sedge-dominated edge of the Sphagnumcarpet; (3) quaking, extremely poor fen with various Cyperaceae; (4) non-quaking, Eriophorum vaginatum-dominated bog-like vegetation and (5) pine woodland. Surface water corrected conductivity (ECcorr.), pH, COD-KMnO4 and Ca2+, Mg2+, Fetot. and SiO2 were measured along the transects. The environmental gradients best explaining the observed pattern were pH (with the highest values in the lake and the lowest in the bog-like vegetation) and COD-KMnO4 (showing an inverse direction). At least in some Sphagnum-mires conditions were more minerotrophic than in the lakes. The process of humic lake overgrowing by Sphagnum-mires in NE Poland results in pine woodlands on mineralised peat. The climate conditions in NE Poland, combined with evapotranspiration accelerated by encroaching trees, do not seem to support the development of ombrotrophic bogs.  相似文献   

Do changes in rainfall patterns affect semiarid annual plant communities?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Question: Climate change models forecast a reduction in annual precipitation and more extreme events (less rainy days and longer drought periods between rainfall events), which may have profound effects on terrestrial ecosystems. Plant growth, population and community dynamics in dry environments are likely to be affected by these changes since productivity is already limited by water availability. We tested the effects of reduced precipitation and fewer rain events on three semiarid plant communities dominated by annual species. Location: Three semiarid plant communities from Almería province (SE Spain). Methods: Rain‐out shelters were set up in each community and watering quantity and frequency were manipulated from autumn to early summer. Plant productivity, cover and diversity were measured at the end of the experimental period. Results: We found that a 50% reduction in watering reduced productivity, plant cover and diversity in all three communities. However, neither the 25% reduction in watering nor changes in the frequency of watering events affected these parameters. Conclusions: The lack of response to small reductions in water could be due to the identity and resistance of the plant communities involved, which are adapted to rainfall variability characteristic of arid environments. Therefore, a rainfall reduction of 25% or less may not affect these plant communities in the short term, although higher reductions or long‐term changes in water availability would probably reduce productivity and diversity in these communities.  相似文献   

Understanding factors that influence population connectivity and the spatial distribution of genetic variation is a major goal in molecular ecology. Improvements in the availability of high-resolution geographic data have made it increasingly possible to quantify the effects of landscape features on dispersal and genetic structure. However, most studies examining such landscape effects have been conducted at very fine (e.g. landscape genetics) or broad (e.g. phylogeography) spatial scales. Thus, the extent to which processes operating at fine spatial scales are linked to patterns at larger scales remains unclear. Here, we test whether factors impacting wood frog dispersal at fine spatial scales are correlated with genetic structure at regional scales. Using recently developed methods borrowed from electrical circuit theory, we generated landscape resistance matrices among wood frog populations in eastern North America based on slope, a wetness index, land cover and absolute barriers to wood frog dispersal. We then determined whether these matrices are correlated with genetic structure based on six microsatellite markers and whether such correlations outperform a landscape-free model of isolation by resistance. We observed significant genetic structure at regional spatial scales. However, topography and landscape variables associated with the intervening habitat between sites provide little explanation for patterns of genetic structure. Instead, absolute dispersal barriers appear to be the best predictor of regional genetic structure in this species. Our results suggest that landscape variables that influence dispersal, microhabitat selection and population structure at fine spatial scales do not necessarily explain patterns of genetic structure at broader scales.  相似文献   

The effects of potentially toxic metals on ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi and their higher plant hosts are examined in this review. Investigations at a species and community level have revealed wide inter- and intraspecific variation in sensitivity to metals. Adaptive and constitutive mechanisms of ECM tolerance are proposed and discussed in relation to proven tolerance mechanisms in bacteria, yeasts and plants. Problems with methodology and research priorities are highlighted. These include the need for a detailed understanding of the genetic basis of tolerance in the ECM symbiosis, and for studies of ECM community dynamics in polluted sites.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal dynamics of macroinvertebrate communities have usually been linked to several environmental and anthropic factors. The aim of this study is to elucidate how important are these factors in structuring macroinvertebrate communities from temperate regions. Regarding the macroinvertebrate number of taxa, the Habitat Template Model, the Dynamic Equilibrium Hypothesis and the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis will be tested in order to know how important the diversity of instream elements and the hydrological disturbance frequency are in defining the macroinvertebrate taxonomic richness. Thus, the structure and composition of macroinvertebrate communities were analysed in nine sites of the Pas River basin, a temperate Atlantic basin in northern Spain, during winter, spring, summer and autumn 2005, together with water physicochemical and environmental characteristics. Macroinvertebrate abundance increased downstream and during summer, probably favoured by lower hydraulic stress and water organic enrichment. As predicts the Habitat Template Model, the macroinvertebrate number of taxa was related to habitat heterogeneity. However, no clear relationship amongst macroinvertebrate richness and water quality was found. The macroinvertebrate taxonomic richness did not correspond exactly with the Dynamic Equilibrium Hypothesis and the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis because it was relatively high in the absence of hydrological disturbances (summer). Thus, disturbance events may play a secondary role in determining the seasonal dynamic of the number of taxa. However, hydrological disturbances can be considered the most important factors explaining the seasonal pattern of macroinvertebrate abundance. On the other hand, spatial patterns of macroinvertebrate community structure and composition were mainly determined by resource availability, hydraulic conditions, habitat heterogeneity and human alterations, whilst hydrological predictability and resource availability might play a major role in determining seasonal dynamics.  相似文献   

The breakdown of species integrity was studied in three sympatricSatyrium (Orchidaceae) species at a site in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Hybrids with intermediate morphology were identified using multivariate analysis.Satyrium erectum ×S. bicorne andS. erectum ×S. coriifolium hybrids were common, while only oneS. bicorne ×S. coriifolium hybrid was found (a new record). Reciprocal artificial crossing experiments confirmed that genetic compatibility exists between all three species. However, the species have different pollinators: moths inS. bicorne, bees inS. erectum and sunbirds inS. coriifolium. Pollinators, rather than genetic factors, therefore, appear to be responsible for reproductive isolation between these species. Breakdown in pollinator specificity results in interspecific pollen transfer and the formation of hybrids. Overlap in floral signals, including nocturnal scent in bothS. erectum andS. bicorne, and bright coloration in bothS. erectum andS. coriifolium, facilitates the formation of hybrids between these species pairs. The brown, scented flowers ofS. bicorne, on the other hand, share no obvious floral signals with the bright orange, unscented flowers ofS. coriifolium, accounting for the rarity of hybrids between this species pair. Differences in floral morphology also result in mechanical isolation between these two species. Since the three species are sympatric in a very small part of their geographic ranges, it is unlikely that avoidance of hybridization has been an important selective factor in the evolution of specialized pollination systems.  相似文献   

The plasmodesmal (PD) network in the cambial zone of Arabidopsis thaliana hypocotyls was analysed using electron microscopy and dye-coupling studies and compared to those of internodes of Populus nigra and Solanum lycopersicum. In all species, PD densities and frequencies undergo alterations in topologically successive cambial walls reflecting species-specific patterns of PD degradation and PD insertion during cell development. Longitudinal PD fission is responsible for an abrupt increment of PD numbers in specific walls of the youngest derivatives at the xylem and/or phloem side. Here, PDs seem to mediate positional signalling to control tissue fate and early cell determination. PD numbers at all cambial interfaces of A. thaliana correspond to those of the herbaceous tomato, but are higher with the woody poplar. This suggests a positive correlation between PD frequencies and the rapidity of cell division activity. Photoactivated green fluorescent protein (26 kDa) did not diffuse through cambial PDs of A. thaliana. This is in keeping with the common size exclusion limit (SEL) of 8–10 kDa observed for PDs at the youngest interfaces of tomato and poplar which may mediate diffusive exchange of developmental signals of equal molecular size. The regular growth patterns in internodal cambial zones of poplar and tomato result from synchronized cell division activity of neighbouring initials. A. thaliana hypocotyls have an irregular mode of secondary growth. Here, signalling through PDs in misaligned radial walls between non-homologous derivatives may control tissue development. The observed organizational differences between the cambia cast doubts on the suitability of A. thaliana as a model plant for cambial research.  相似文献   

Chronic helminthiasis is recognized as a significant factor in cancer development in humans. However, the mechanisms by which helminths initiate and promote malignant transformation of host cells are still not understood fully. Human helminthiasis can cause genetic instability and affect inter- and intracellular communication, ultimately leading to tumour development through inflammation, modulation of the host immune system, and secretion of soluble factors that interact with host cells.  相似文献   

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