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The ratites have stimulated much debate as to how such large flightless birds came to be distributed across the southern continents, and whether they are a monophyletic group or are composed of unrelated lineages that independently lost the power of flight. Hypotheses regarding the relationships among taxa differ for morphological and molecular data sets, thus hindering attempts to test whether plate tectonic events can explain ratite biogeography. Here, we present the complete mitochondrial DNA genomes of two extinct moas from New Zealand, along with those of five extant ratites (the lesser rhea, the ostrich, the great spotted kiwi, the emu and the southern cassowary and two tinamous from different genera. The non-stationary base composition in these sequences violates the assumptions of most tree-building methods. When this bias is corrected using neighbour-joining with log-determinant distances and non-homogeneous maximum likelihood, the ratites are found to be monophlyletic, with moas basal, as in morphological trees. The avian sequences also violate a molecular clock, so we applied a non-parametric rate smoothing algorithm, which minimizes ancestor-descendant local rate changes, to date nodes in the tree. Using this method, most of the major ratite lineages fit the vicariance biogeography hypothesis, the exceptions being the ostrich and the kiwi, which require dispersal to explain their present distribution.  相似文献   

The galaxiid fishes exhibit a gondwanan distribution. We use mitochondrial DNA sequences to test conflicting vicariant and dispersal biogeographic hypotheses regarding the Southern Hemisphere range of this freshwater group. Although phylogenetic resolution of cytochrome b and 16S rRNA sequences is largely limited to more recent divergences, our data indicate that the radiation can be interpreted as several relatively recent dispersal events superimposed on an ancient gondwanan radiation. Genetic relationships contradict the findings of recent morphological analyses of galaxioid fishes. In particular, we examine several hypotheses regarding phylogenetic placement of the enigmatic Lepidogalaxias. Although most workers consider Lepidogalaxias to be an unusual scaled member of the Southern Hemisphere galaxioids, it has also been suggested that this species is related to the Northern Hemisphere esocoids. Our data strongly suggest that this species is not a galaxiid, and the alternative hypothesized esocoid relationship cannot be rejected. The species-rich genus Galaxias is shown to be polyphyletic and the generic taxonomy of the Galaxiinae is reassessed in the light of phylogenetic relationships. Juvenile saltwater-tolerance is phylogenetically distributed throughout the Galaxiinae, and the loss of this migratory phase may be a major cause of speciation.  相似文献   

All methods currently employed in cladistic biogeography usually give contrasting results and are theoretically disputed. In two overlooked papers, Hovenkamp (1997, 2001 ) strongly criticized methods currently used by biogeographers and proposed two other methods. However, his criticisms have remained unanswered and his methods rarely applied. I used three different data sets to show the superiority of Hovenkamp's methods. Both methods proposed by Hovenkamp do not suffer from the unrealistic assumptions that underlie other methods commonly used in cladistic biogeography. The method proposed in 2001 is more powerful than the previous method published in 1997, because it does not use a priori assumptions about the areas involved. However, the method proposed in 1997 may be a valid alternative for large data sets.
© The Willi Hennig Society 2007.  相似文献   

The desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria) has been an important agricultural pest at least since biblical times. Although the ecology, physiology and behaviour of this insect species have been well characterized, its biogeographical origins and evolutionary history are more obscure. Schistocerca gregaria occurs throughout Africa, the Middle East and Western Asia, but all other species in the genus Schistocerca are found in the New World. Because S. gregaria has the capacity for extreme long-distance movement associated with swarming behaviour, dispersal may have played an important role in determining current distribution patterns. Some authors have argued that S. gregaria is the product of an eastward trans-Atlantic dispersal from North America to Africa; others consider it more likely that the New World taxa are the product of westward dispersal from Africa. Here, we present a mitochondrial DNA phylogeny of Schistocerca species that supports the monophyly of New World species (including the Galapagos endemic Halmenus) relative to S. gregaria. In concert with observed patterns of molecular divergence, and in contrast to previous morphological studies, our analysis indicates a single trans-Atlantic flight from Africa to South America, followed by extensive speciation and ecological divergence in the New World.  相似文献   

The monophyletic genus Wolffiella (Lemnaceae) comprises 10 species divided taxonomically into three sections. Relative to other genera of Lemnaceae, Wolffiella has a restricted range, with species distributed in warm temperate to tropical areas of Africa and the Americas, with only one species occurring in both areas. Sequence data from coding (rbcL and matK) and non‐coding (trnK and rpl16 introns) regions of cpDNA were analyzed phylogenetically to resolve relationships within Wolffiella, and these results were compared to earlier allozyme and morphological studies. Allozymes, cpDNA and morphology all supported the recognition of three sections. Relationships among species were similar in most respects between the allozyme and cpDNA trees, as well as among the different plastid partitions. In Wolffiella, both non‐synonymous and synonymous substitutions were greater in matK than in rbcL, as observed in other taxa. The synonymous substitution rate in matK was similar to the substitution rate of the non‐coding regions. All partitions, including coding regions, exhibited some homoplasy. Biogeographical reconstructions from a combination of cpDNA partitions indicated that Wolffiella originated in Africa with early movement to and radiation in the Americas. The one species found in both Africa and the Americas, W. welwitschii, likely originated in the Americas and subsequently dispersed to Africa. Using the SOWH test, the cpDNA data could reject two alternative biogeographical hypotheses suggested from analyses of morphological and allozyme data. The present distribution of Wolffiella can be explained by two major dispersal events and this contrasts with the more complex species distributions in other Lemnaceae genera. Limited dispersal in Wolffiella relative to other Lemnaceae genera may be due to more recent origins of species, lower dispersibility and poorer colonizing ability. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 79 , 565–576.  相似文献   

The biogeography of Gunnera L.: vicariance and dispersal   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Aim The genus Gunnera is distributed in South America, Africa and the Australasian region, a few species reaching Hawaii and southern Mexico in the North. A cladogram was used to (1) discuss the biogeography of Gunnera and (2) subsequently compare this biogeographical pattern with the geological history of continents and the patterns reported for other Southern Hemisphere organisms. Location Africa, northern South America, southern South America, Tasmania, New Zealand, New Guinea/Malaya, Hawaii, North America, Antarctica. Methods A phylogenetic analysis of twenty‐six species of Gunnera combining morphological characters and new as well as published sequences of the ITS region, rbcL and the rps16 intron, was used to interpret the biogeographical patterns in Gunnera. Vicariance was applied in the first place and dispersal was only assumed as a second best explanation. Results The Uruguayan/Brazilian Gunnera herteri Osten (subgenus Ostenigunnera Mattfeld) is sister to the rest of the genus, followed sequentially upwards by the African G. perpensa L. (subgenus Gunnera), in turn sister to all other, American and Australasian, species. These are divided into two clades, one containing American/Hawaiian species, the other containing all Australasian species. Within the Australasian clade, G. macrophylla Blume (subgenus Pseudogunnera Schindler), occurring in New Guinea and Malaya, is sister to a clade including the species from New Zealand and Tasmania (subgenus Milligania Schindler). The southern South American subgenus Misandra Schindler is sister to a clade containing the remaining American, as well as the Hawaiian species (subgenus Panke Schindler). Within subgenus Panke, G. mexicana Brandegee, the only North American species in the genus, is sister to a clade wherein the Hawaiian species are basal to all south and central American taxa. Main conclusions According to the cladogram, South America appears in two places, suggesting an historical explanation for northern South America to be separate from southern South America. Following a well‐known biogeographical pattern of vicariance, Africa is the sister area to the combined southern South America/Australasian clade. Within the Australasian clade, New Zealand is more closely related to New Guinea/Malaya than to southern South America, a pattern found in other plant cladograms, contradictory to some of the patterns supported by animal clades and by the geological hypothesis, respectively. The position of the Tasmanian G. cordifolia, nested within the New Zealand clade indicates dispersal of this species to Tasmania. The position of G. mexicana, the only North American species, as sister to the remaining species of subgenus Panke together with the subsequent sister relation between Hawaii and southern South America, may reflect a North American origin of Panke and a recolonization of South America from the north. This is in agreement with the early North American fossil record of Gunnera and the apparent young age of the South American clade.  相似文献   

Previous hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships among Nearctic toads (Bufonidae) and their congeners suggest contradictory biogeographic histories. These hypotheses argue that the Nearctic Bufo are: (1) a polyphyletic assemblage resulting from multiple colonizations from Africa; (2) a paraphyletic assemblage resulting from a single colonization event from South America with subsequent dispersal into Eurasia; or (3) a monophyletic group derived from the Neotropics. We obtained approximately 2.5 kb of mitochondrial DNA sequence data for the 12S, 16S, and intervening valine tRNA gene from 82 individuals representing 56 species and used parametric bootstrapping to test hypotheses of the biogeographic history of the Nearctic Bufo. We find that the Nearctic species of Bufo are monophyletic and nested within a large clade of New World Bufo to the exclusion of Eurasian and African taxa. This suggests that Nearctic Bufo result from a single colonization from the Neotropics. More generally, we demonstrate the utility of parametric bootstrapping for testing alternative biogeographic hypotheses. Through parametric bootstrapping, we refute several previously published biogeographic hypotheses regarding Bufo. These previous studies may have been influenced by homoplasy in osteological characters. Given the Neotropical origin for Nearctic Bufo, we examine current distributional patterns to assess whether the Nearctic-Neotropical boundary is a broad transition zone or a narrow boundary. We also survey fossil and paleogeographic evidence to examine potential Tertiary and Cretaceous dispersal routes, including the Paleocene Isthmian Link, the Antillean and Aves Ridges, and the current Central American Land Bridge, that may have allowed colonization of the Nearctic.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Pooideae, one of the largest subfamilies of grasses, has been intensively studied during the past years. To investigate the early evolutionary splits in Pooideae we used a broad sample of genera with uncertain placement, some of which have not been studied in molecular phylogenetics before, complemented by representatives from other lineages of this subfamily. Morphological, cytogenetic and biogeographical analyses were added to the molecular sequence work on chloroplast matK–3’trnK and nuclear ITS. According to chloroplast DNA data, a new and well-supported lineage was identified among the early branches. It consisted of Phaenosperma and a larger group of genera encompassing Anisopogon, Danthoniastrum, Duthiea, Metcalfia, Pseudodanthonia (inclusion resting on ITS and morphology), Sinochasea and Stephanachne. Based on structural characters we suggest to keep Phaenosperma under the monotypic tribe Phaenospermateae and to accommodate the other genera under a new tribe Duthieeae, which is morphologically well-defined by synapomorphic spikelet features. Megalachne and Podophorus were not part of the early diverging Pooideae lineages but belong to the Aveneae/Poeae complex. Morphological characteristics of Duthieeae are discussed with respect especially to Stipeae and reveal consistent differences between both tribes. The genera of Duthieeae and the major lineages of Stipeae are keyed. A cytogenetic survey of exemplary taxa corroborates high chromosome base numbers as prevailing within the early diverging lineages of Pooideae, but chromosome sizes are more highly varied than previously reported. Ecogeographical analyses point to warm and humid conditions as the ancestral bioclimatic niche of Phaenosperma and Duthieeae, whereas adaptation to cold and drought occurred only in a part of Duthieeae but was obviously less successful than in the widespread and much more species-rich tribe Stipeae. The distribution of Duthieeae with species-poor or monotypic genera in mountains of the northern hemisphere and Anisopogon as an outlier in Australia suggests relict character.  相似文献   

Willi Hennig's (Beitr. Ent. 1960, 10, 15) Die Dipteren-Fauna von Neuseeland als systematisches und tiergeographisches Problem applied a phylogenetic approach to examine the distributional patterns exhibited by the Diptera of New Zealand. Hennig showed how phylogenetic trees may be used to infer dispersal, based on the progression and deviation rules, and also discussed the existence of vicariance patterns. The most important author who applied Hennig's phylogenetic biogeography was Lars Brundin, when analysing the phylogenetic relationships of two taxa of Chironomidae (Diptera) and using them to examine the biogeographic relationships of Australia, New Zealand, South America and South Africa. The relevance of Brundin's contribution was noted by several authors, as it began the cladistic or vicariance approach to biogeography, that implies the discovery of vicariance events shared by different monophyletic groups. Both phylogenetic and cladistic biogeography have a place in contemporary biogeography, the former for analysing taxon biogeography and the latter when addressing Earth or biota biogeography. The recent use of the term “phylogenetic biogeography” to refer to a posteriori methods of cladistic biogeography is erroneous and should be avoided.  相似文献   

In spite of several classification attempts among taxa of the genus Lepus, phylogenetic relationships still remain poorly understood. Here, we present molecular genetic evidence that may resolve some of the current incongruities in the phylogeny of the leporids. The complete mitochondrial cytb, 12S genes, and parts of ND4 and control region fragments were sequenced to examine phylogenetic relationships among Chinese hare taxa and other leporids throughout the World using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian phylogenetic reconstruction approaches. Using reconstructed phylogenies, we observed that the Chinese hare is not a single monophyletic group as originally thought. Instead, the data infers that the genus Lepus is monophyletic with three unique species groups: North American, Eurasian, and African. Ancestral area analysis indicated that ancestral Lepus arose in North America and then dispersed into Eurasia via the Bering Land Bridge eventually extending to Africa. Brooks Parsimony analysis showed that dispersal events followed by subsequent speciation have occurred in other geographic areas as well and resulted in the rapid radiation and speciation of Lepus. A Bayesian relaxed molecular clock approach based on the continuous autocorrelation of evolutionary rates along branches estimated the divergence time between the three major groups within Lepus. The genus appears to have arisen approximately 10.76 MYA (+/-0.86 MYA), with most speciation events occurring during the Pliocene epoch (5.65+/-1.15 MYA approximately 1.12 +/- 0.47 MYA).  相似文献   

Patterns of avian diversification in southern Asia are poorly understood due to the limited number of phylogenetic and biogeographic studies of endemic groups, mainly due to the dearth of recent tissue samples and a historical taxonomic bias underestimating avifaunal diversity. A systematic analysis of the endemic genus Pteruthius, the shrike-babblers, was undertaken in order to identify basal diagnosable taxa, analyze their phylogenetic relationships, and uncover patterns of diversification within southern Asia. Traditionally considered to be 5 species, a total of 19 distinct taxa of Pteruthius are diagnosable by fixed characters under the phylogenetic species concept-almost a four-fold increase in recognized diversity. Molecular phylogenetic analyses (85% of samples were from museum specimens) recovered a robust phylogeny that was largely congruent using parsimony, likelihood, and bayesian. Initial divergences in each major clade occurred in the early to mid-Pliocene, while the remaining majority of diversification events occurred in the Pleistocene. Within Pteruthius, timings of species divergences across similar geographic regions correspond to both single and multiple Earth history events, illustrating the complexities of continental diversification. A novel biogeographic pattern of species in peripheral areas (Java, W Himalayas, S Vietnam, Assam/Burma) diverging first from those in the core-mainland areas (E Himalayas, Yunnan, N Thailand, Indochina, Malay Peninsula) was uncovered.  相似文献   

CarlaAnn  Hass 《Journal of Zoology》1991,225(4):525-561
This study investigated the phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic history of West Indian geckos belonging to the genus Sphaerodactylus through an analysis of protein variation. Two techniques were used: sequential starch gel electrophoresis of 15 slow-evolving loci and microcomplement fixation of albumin. The relationships obtained were used to revise the classification of this genus. Two major groups (subsections) occur in the West Indies. The sputator subsection, centred in the Greater Antilles, is composed of three series: cinereus, sputator and argus . The fantasticus subsection, restricted to the Lesser Antilles, includes only the fantasticus series.
Three antibodies ( argus, asterulus and copei ) were used to investigate albumin evolution and estimate times of divergence within Sphaerodactylus . Using the albumin clock calibration derived from other groups, the West Indian Sphaerodactylus had diverged from other sphaerodactylines by approximately 27 million years before present (mybp). Therefore, fragmentation of the Proto-Antilles (60 mybp) apparently did not play a role in the group's evolution. The present distribution of West Indian Sphaerodactylus resulted from dispersal. Hispaniola probably was the centre of Sphaerodactylus diversity and the source of colonists for other islands. Certain features of Sphaerodactylus ecology and physiology make them likely candidates for dispersal. In contrast to the West Indian species of Anolis and Eleutherodactylus , few exampies of morphological convergence are found in Sphaerodactylus . Allopatric speciation, perhaps due to climatic changes in the Pliocene and Pleistocene, is suggested as the primary mechanism of species formation in West Indian Sphaerodactylus .  相似文献   

Aim The biogeographical patterns and drivers of diversity on oceanic islands in the tropical South Pacific (TSP) are synthesized. We use published studies to determine present patterns of diversity on TSP islands, the likely sources of the biota on these islands and how the islands were colonized. We also investigate the effect of extinctions. Location We focus on oceanic islands in the TSP. Methods We review available literature and published molecular studies. Results Examples of typical island features (e.g. gigantism, flightlessness, gender dimorphism) are common, as are adaptive radiations. Diversity decreases with increasing isolation from mainland sources and with decreasing size and age of archipelagos, corresponding well with island biogeographical expectations. Molecular studies support New Guinea/Malesia, New Caledonia and Australia as major source areas for the Pacific biota. Numerous studies support dispersal‐based scenarios, either over several 100 km (long‐distance dispersal) or over shorter distances by island‐hopping (stepping stones) and transport by human means (hitch‐hiking). Only one vicariance explanation, the eastward drift of continental fragments (shuttles) that may have contributed biota to Fiji from New Caledonia, is supported by some geological evidence, although there is no evidence for the transport of taxa on shuttle fragments. Another vicariance explanation, the existence of a major continental landmass in the Pacific within the last 100 Myr (Atlantis theory), receives little support and appears unlikely. Extinction of lineages in source areas and persistence in the TSP has probably occurred many times and has resulted in misinterpretation of biogeographical data. Main conclusions Malesia has long been considered the major source region for the biota of oceanic islands in the TSP because of shared taxa and high species diversity. However, recent molecular studies have produced compelling support for New Caledonia and Australia as alternative important source areas. They also show dispersal events, and not vicariance, to have been the major contributors to the current biota of the TSP. Past extinction events can obscure interpretations of diversity patterns.  相似文献   

Guo YY  Luo YB  Liu ZJ  Wang XQ 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e38788
Intercontinental disjunctions between tropical regions, which harbor two-thirds of the flowering plants, have drawn great interest from biologists and biogeographers. Most previous studies on these distribution patterns focused on woody plants, and paid little attention to herbs. The Orchidaceae is one of the largest families of angiosperms, with a herbaceous habit and a high species diversity in the Tropics. Here we investigate the evolutionary and biogeographical history of the slipper orchids, which represents a monophyletic subfamily (Cypripedioideae) of the orchid family and comprises five genera that are disjunctly distributed in tropical to temperate regions. A relatively well-resolved and highly supported phylogeny of slipper orchids was reconstructed based on sequence analyses of six maternally inherited chloroplast and two low-copy nuclear genes (LFY and ACO). We found that the genus Cypripedium with a wide distribution in the northern temperate and subtropical zones diverged first, followed by Selenipedium endemic to South America, and finally conduplicate-leaved genera in the Tropics. Mexipedium and Phragmipedium from the neotropics are most closely related, and form a clade sister to Paphiopedilum from tropical Asia. According to molecular clock estimates, the genus Selenipedium originated in Palaeocene, while the most recent common ancestor of conduplicate-leaved slipper orchids could be dated back to the Eocene. Ancestral area reconstruction indicates that vicariance is responsible for the disjunct distribution of conduplicate slipper orchids in palaeotropical and neotropical regions. Our study sheds some light on mechanisms underlying generic and species diversification in the orchid family and tropical disjunctions of herbaceous plant groups. In addition, we suggest that the biogeographical study should sample both regional endemics and their widespread relatives.  相似文献   

Dating nodes on molecular phylogenies: a critique of molecular biogeography   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Taxa have been dated using three methods: equating their age with the age of the oldest known fossil, with the age of strata the taxa are endemic to, and with the age of paleogeographic events. All three methods have been adopted as methods of dating nodes in molecular phylogenies. The first method has been the most popular, but both this and the second method involve serious difficulties. Studies often, correctly, introduce oldest known fossils as providing minimum ages for divergences. However, in the actual analyses these ages, and ages derived from them, are often treated as absolute ages and earlier geological events are deemed irrelevant to the phylogeny. In fact, only younger geological events can be irrelevant. Studies correlating the age of nodes with age of volcanic islands often overlook the fact that these islands have been produced at subduction zones or hot spots where small, individually ephemeral islands are constantly being produced and disappearing, and a metapopulation can survive indefinitely. Correlating the age of taxa with that of associated paleogeographic events is probably the most promising method but has often been used in a simplistic way, for example in assuming that all divergence across the Isthmus of Panama dates to its final rise. Most workers now agree that a global molecular clock does not exist, and that rates can change between lineages and within a lineage over time. New methods of estimating branch lengths do not assume a strict clock, but the number of models for molecular evolution is then effectively infinite. Problems with calibrating the nodes, as well as with substitution models, mean that phylogeography's claim to be able to test between vicariance and dispersal is not justified. © The Willi Hennig Society 2005.  相似文献   

Abstract. The historical biogeography of sturgeons is explored using information from palaeogeography, palaeontology and phylogenetic interrelationships. The integration of information from these diverse sources indicates that sturgeons reached a wide Laurasian distribution in the Cretaceous and Tertiary by freshwater and coastal dispersal routes across land connections and along newly forming continental margins. The fossil record also suggests a considerable degree of morphological stasis and also supports an estuarine habit, and perhaps diadromy, as an old and conserved life history trait. While a ‘centre of origin’ for sturgeons remains elusive, phylogenetic relationships indicate that diversification appears to have been associated with fragmentation of biota, and of landmasses and basins, by late Tertiary geological and climatic phenomena, such as orogeny and unequal glaciation over North America, the desiccation of central Asia and alteration of its drainages, and the formation of discrete Ponto-Caspian basins by the fragmentation of the Paratethys. Amphi-oceanic distributions of certain species (Acipenser medirostris Ayres) and sister taxa (e.g. A. oxyrhynchus Mitchill and A. sturio L.) are explained by coastal dispersal and subsequent vicariance by geological (sea-floor spreading and development of new continental margins) and climatic (Pliocene cooling) changes during the Tertiary. An hypothesis is developed for the relationships of the North American sturgeons and their potential relationships with the Siberian sturgeon A. baeri. Late Tertiary climatic and geological phenomena are hypothesized as mediators of vicariance and subsequent diversification of these acipenserids. It appears that although acipenserids are a geologically old group, the historical biogeography of surviving lineages is best explained by more recent geological and climatic changes.  相似文献   

About 25 years ago, a revolution began in evolutionary studies of seed-free vascular plants. Whereas common wisdom and laboratory-based observations had averred that minute spores and inbreeding of individual bisexual gametophytes diminished barriers to long distance migration, genetic analyses of sporophyte populations demonstrated outcrossing breeding systems that required two spores for each successful migration event. After those population-based discoveries, the processes controlling biogeographic patterns of ferns appeared to resemble those of seed plants, and vicariance took on renewed significance. More recently, data from DNA sequencing predicted that some of the most diverse extant fern families originatedafter the isolation of major land masses, and these new hypotheses also demanded fresh consideration of biogeographic assumptions. The Polypodiaceae yield phylogenetic insights through integration of DNA sequence analysis and biogeography. New evidence shows separate yet simultaneous radiations in the New and Old Worlds. By combining sequence data, vicariance, and a reassessment of morphological features, new family and generic boundaries are obtained. Contributors to this symposium discovered similar patterns in the systematics and biogeography of the seed-free vascular plants they studied. Although long distance migration remains an important factor in explaining fern distributions, local and recent radiations that result in species complexes are also significant in explaining fern biogeography.  相似文献   

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