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The activities of four mitochondrial enzymes were studied in four stages of ripening tomato fruit. The highest enzyme activity was recorded for malate dehydrogenase followed by cytochrome c oxidase. Succinate dehydrogenase and NADH oxidase levels were low and could only be determined in the green stage of the fruit. However, peaks of various enzyme activities coincided in identical mitochondrial fractions on the sucrose density gradient. Moreover, the levels of malate dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase were constant during the ripening process while the other two enzymes, succinate dehydrogenase and NADH oxidase, declined. This might indicate that mitochondria retain some of their essential functions through the ripening process.  相似文献   

Calcium in plant senescence and fruit ripening   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
Abstract. Calcium has long been associated with regulation of the ripening process of fruit and post-harvest storage life. Specifically, maintenance of relatively high calcium concentrations in fruit tissue results in a slower rate of ripening, as seen in lower respiration rates, reduced ethylene production, and slower softening of fruit flesh. There are also some specific fruit disorders such as bitter pit, which can be prevented if sufficient calcium is present. Senescence of other plant tissues such as leaves and flowers has also been shown to be retarded by the application of calcium.
Work leading to the above information is reviewed and discussed in the context of what is currently known of cellular regulation of calcium in plants. The major sites for the action of calcium in senescence and ripening are suggested to be in membrane structure and function, and in cell wall structure. Although high external concentrations of calcium are an advantage in reducing the rate of senescence or ripening, it is emphasized that normal cell function requires the maintenance of low concentrations of free calcium in the cell cytosol. It is suggested that one possible feature of senescence is a breakdown in such cellular regulation.  相似文献   

The amount of tomato fruit β-fructofuranosidase extractable from the cell walls during ripening parallelled the changes in activity of the enzyme. Using the techniques of radioimmunoassay, double immunodiffusion analysis and immunotitration, no differences in immunological properties of β-fructofuranosidase between the various stages of fruit ripening were detected.  相似文献   

The lipid composition of tomato fruit and its mitochondrial fraction were examined at various stages of fruit ripeness. Phosphatidyl choline, phosphatidyl ethanolamine, monogalactosyl diglyceride, digalactosyl diglyceride and phosphatidyl inositol were found to be the major lipids of tomato pericarp at all stages of ripeness. Mitochondrial lipids resembled those of the parent tissue except for the absence of monogalactosyl diglyceride and a greater percentage of diphosphatidyl glycerol and phosphatidic acid. Changes in the lipid-protein ratio of mitochondria were noted with ripening.  相似文献   

Fruits are an important part of a healthy diet. They provide essential vitamins and minerals, and their consumption is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and certain cancers. These important plant products can, however, be expensive to purchase, may be of disappointing quality and often have a short shelf life. A major challenge for crop improvement in fleshy fruit species is the enhancement of their health‐promoting attributes while improving quality and reducing postharvest waste. To achieve these aims, a sound mechanistic understanding of the processes involved in fruit development and ripening is needed. In recent years, substantial insights have been made into the mechanistic basis of ethylene biosynthesis, perception and signalling and the identity of master regulators of ripening that operate upstream of, or in concert with a regulatory pathway mediated by this plant hormone. The role of other plant hormones in the ripening process has, however, remained elusive, and the links between regulators and downstream processes are still poorly understood. In this review, we focus on tomato as a model for fleshy fruit and provide an overview of the molecular circuits known to be involved in ripening, especially those controlling pigment accumulation and texture changes. We then discuss how this information can be used to understand ripening in other fleshy fruit‐bearing species. Recent developments in comparative genomics and systems biology approaches are discussed. The potential role of epigenetic changes in generating useful variation is highlighted along with opportunities for enhancing the level of metabolites that have a beneficial effect on human health.  相似文献   

Effect of diazocyclopentadiene on tomato ripening   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Diazocyclopentadiene (DACP) in the presence of fluorescent light delayed ripening of tomato fruits treated at the mature green (no visible red) stage. At 25 °C, ripening was delayed 10 days if DACP [185 µl/1 (gas)] was added as a single treatment and longer if DACP was added intermittently at 5-day intervals. The addition of 1000 µl/1 ethylene following DACP and light treatment did not hasten ripening. Little ripening delay was noted for fruit + DACP held in darkness. Tomatoes covered with aluminum foil so as to exclude light but not light-activated DACP, showed ripening inhibition. Apparently, the light-activated product from DACP is stable long enough to diffuse into fruit held in darkness. After an initial inhibition, ethylene production was greatly increased in tomatoes treated with DACP. Tomatoes with or without DACP treatment were held either in air or 5% O2/95% N2 for 12 days then treated with ethylene. Treatment with 5% O2 alone delayed ripening when compared to air alone, however, both groups reached 80% red color by 18 days. DACP treated fruit, whether held in air or 5% O2, still were green after 18 days and only approached 80% red color after approximately 27 days. Thus, 5% oxygen did not appear to slow the reversal of DACP inhibition of ripening.  相似文献   

Mature green tomato fruit (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) of cv. Rutgers and the line Alcobaca-red were vacuum infiltrated with solutions of polyamines, their precursors and metabolites, and other compounds which might affect ripening and/or storage duration. Putrescine (1,4-diaminobutane), spermidine, spermine, diaminopropane, -aminobutyric acid and methionine were found to increase the storage life of these fruit after vacuum infiltration of the test compounds and storage of fruit in darkness. Polyamines probably play a role in the normal ripening/overripening process and may prove commercially valuable in the extension of fruit shelf life.The use of polyamines and related compounds in prolongation of the storage or shelf life of fruit is the subject of U.S. patent No. 4,957,757 (1990) awarded to the Cornell University Research Foundation.  相似文献   

陆旺金  张昭其 《生命科学》1999,11(3):132-134
对延缓番茄果实成熟的热处理、反义RNA技术及气调技术(高CO2/低O2,100%N2)等方法进行了阐述,并从分子水平上(包括与乙烯生成有关及无关的蛋白质的合成、基因表达等方面)探讨了这些方法延缓果实成熟的机理。  相似文献   

Iso-accepting forms of tRNAmet, tRNAleu, tRNAlys, and tRNAtyr were isolated from combined walls and septa of tomato fruits at 5 consecutive stages of ethylene induced ripening. Changes in the relative amount of some tRNAleu and tRNAlys were discerned 10hr after exposure to ethylene. Individual patterns of change for each of several iso-acceptor tRNAs were evident throughout the ripening sequence. Maximal changes were: tRNAlys, ?66.3%; tRNAleu, ?24.8%; and tRNAmet, +26.7%.  相似文献   

The carbon dioxide and ethylene concentrations in tomato fruit ( Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Castelmart) and their stage of ripeness (characteristic external color changes) were periodically measured in fruit attached to and detached from the plant. An external collection apparatus was attached to the surface of individual tomato fruit to permit non-destructive sampling of internal gases. The concentration of carbon dioxide and ethylene in the collection apparatus reached 95% of the concentration in the fruit after 8 h. Gas samples were collected every 24 h. A characteristic climacteric surge in carbon dioxide (2-fold) and ethylene (10-fold) concentration occurred coincident with ripening of detached tomato fruit. Fruit attached to the plant exhibited a climacteric rise in ethylene (20-fold) concentration during ripening, but only a linear increase in carbon dioxide concentration. The carbon dioxide concentration increases in attached fruit during ripening, but the increase is a continuation of the linear increase seen in both attached and detached fruit before ripening and does not exhibit the characteristic pattern normally associated with ripening climacteric fruit. In tomato fruit, it appears that a respiratory climacteric per se, which has been considered intrinsic to the ripening of certain fruit, may not be necessary for the ripening of "climacteric" fruit at all, but instead may be an artifact of using harvested fruit.  相似文献   

The role of ethylene in plant development is mostly inferred from its exogenous application. The usage of mutants affecting ethylene biosynthesis proffers a better alternative to decipher its role. In tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), 1-aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid synthase2 (ACS2) is a key enzyme regulating ripening-specific ethylene biosynthesis. We characterised two contrasting acs2 mutants; acs2-1 overproduces ethylene, has higher ACS activity, and has increased protein levels, while acs2-2 is an ethylene underproducer, displays lower ACS activity, and has lower protein levels than wild type. Consistent with high/low ethylene emission, the mutants show opposite phenotypes, physiological responses, and metabolomic profiles compared with the wild type. The acs2-1 mutant shows early seed germination, faster leaf senescence, and accelerated fruit ripening. Conversely, acs2-2 has delayed seed germination, slower leaf senescence, and prolonged fruit ripening. The phytohormone profiles of mutants were mostly opposite in the leaves and fruits. The faster/slower senescence of acs2-1/acs2-2 leaves correlated with the endogenous ethylene/zeatin ratio. The genetic analysis showed that the metabolite profiles of respective mutants co-segregated with the homozygous mutant progeny. Our results uncover that besides ripening, ACS2 participates in the vegetative and reproductive development of tomato. The distinct influence of ethylene on phytohormone profiles indicates the intertwining of ethylene action with other phytohormones in regulating plant development.  相似文献   

The entire senescence period, including ripening, is characterized in cherry tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. var. cerasiforme Alef.) by two successive changes in overall polar lipid content. The rise in respiration of the fruit in the climacteric phase is accompanied by a large increase in lipids, notably phospholipids, such as phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidic acid. This suggests the coexistence of anabolic and catabolic processes in this first period. At the degreening stage of the fruit, decreased levels of monogalactosyldiacylglycerol and the disappearance of trigalactosyldiacylglycerol may indicate some degradation of the chloroplast compartment. Following a respiratory upsurge, a sudden breakdown of total lipids occurs concomitantly with maximal ethylene production. This breakdown is essentially caused by a parallel decrease in the amounts of phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidic acid and also phosphatidylglycerol. However, in the cherry tomato, lipid peroxidation, evaluated by alteration of fatty acid distribution, seems insufficient to account for the ethylene peak.  相似文献   

Ethylene and polyamine metabolism, both sharing a common precursor, S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), were investigated during detached tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. nothovar F1 Lorena) fruit ripening. Putrescine (PUT) was found to be the major polyamine in the fruits, always over 100 nmols/g FW, while spermidine (SPD) was between 7% and 3% of the level of PUT. Spermine (SPM) was not detected at any stage of ripening. The level of PUT and SPD, did not change significantly during ripening in spite of the almost continuous synthesis of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), the ethylene precursor, and only at the last stage of ripening was a drastic decrease in SPD content observed. The results obtained show that the onset of ACC synthesis and its accumulation within the tissue is not a consequence of a decrease in SPD synthesis.  相似文献   

Locular pressure was monitored during ripening of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) fruit and the anatomy of the endocarp surface examined using scanning electron microscopy. The manometric pressure of the locule tissue increased from 0 in mature-green fruit to 10 to 50 Pa at the turning or pink stages, and then subsided in ripe fruit. Nonclimacteric fruit containing the ripening inhibitor (rin) mutation showed a similar pattern of internal pressure accumulation during senescence. Build-up of locular tissue pressure occurred in fruit ripening, on or off the plant, as well as in fruit with different susceptibility to cuticle cracking. Apertures ranging from 18-31 μm in width and 33-41 μm in length, with densities ranging from 6.7 to 47.9 apertures · mm−2 were observed in the endocarp of mature-green fruit. These apertures were progressively occluded during early ripening and were absent in late ripening fruit. Aperture occlusion might result in reduced gas exchange between the locule and external fruit atmosphere, resulting in modification of the locular gas composition.  相似文献   

Control and manipulation of gene expression during tomato fruit ripening   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Ripening is a complex developmental process involving changes in the biochemistry, physiology and gene expression of the fruit. It is an active process characterised by changes in all cellular compartments. cDNA cloning has been used as an approach to analyse changes in gene expression during fruit ripening. This has revealed that several genes are switched on specifically during fruit ripening, including one encoding polygalacturonase (PG), a major cell wall protein. These cDNA clones have been used to study the expression of the genes in normal and ripening mutant fruits, and under environmental stress conditions.The PG gene has been isolated and it has been demonstrated that 1450 bases 5 of the coding region are sufficient for the tissue- and development-specific expression of a bacterial marker gene in transgenic tomatoes. Antisense RNA techniques have been developed to generate novel mutant tomatoes in which the biochemical function of this enzyme and its involvement in fruit softening has been tested.  相似文献   

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