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Fusarium wilt is one of the most serious diseases affecting cotton. However, the pathogenesis and mechanism by which Fusarium oxysporum overcomes plant defence responses are unclear. Here, a new group D mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) gene, GhMPK20, was identified and functionally analysed in cotton. GhMPK20 expression was significantly induced by F. oxysporum. Virus‐induced gene silencing (VIGS) of GhMPK20 in cotton increased the tolerance to F. oxysporum, whereas ectopic GhMPK20 overexpression in Nicotiana benthamiana reduced F. oxysporum resistance via disruption of the salicylic acid (SA)‐mediated defence pathway. More importantly, an F. oxysporum‐induced MAPK cascade pathway composed of GhMKK4, GhMPK20 and GhWRKY40 was identified. VIGS of GhMKK4 and GhWRKY40 also enhanced F. oxysporum resistance in cotton, and the function of GhMKK4–GhMPK20 was shown to be essential for F. oxysporum‐induced GhWRKY40 expression. Together, our results indicate that the GhMKK4–GhMPK20–GhWRKY40 cascade in cotton plays an important role in the pathogenesis of F. oxysporum. This research broadens our knowledge of the negative role of the MAPK cascade in disease resistance in cotton and provides an important scientific basis for the formulation of Fusarium wilt prevention strategies.  相似文献   

Low‐temperature stress during microspore development alters cellular organization in rice anthers. The major cellular damage includes unusual starch accumulation in the plastids of the endothecium in postmeiotic anthers, abnormal vacuolation and hypertrophy of the tapetum, premature callose (1,3‐β‐glucan) breakdown and lack of normal pollen wall formation. These cellular lesions arise from damage to critical biochemical processes that include sugar metabolism in the anthers and its use by the microspores. Failure of utilization of the callose breakdown product and other microspore wall components like sporopollenin can also be considered as critical. In recent years, considerable progress has been made in the understanding of major biochemical processes including the expression of critical genes that are sensitive to low temperature in rice and cause male sterility. This paper combines a discussion of cellular organization and associated biochemical processes that are sensitive to low temperatures and provides an overview of the potential mechanisms of low‐temperature‐induced male sterility in rice.  相似文献   

Although germin-like proteins (GLPs) have been demonstrated to participate in plant biotic stress responses, their specific functions in rice disease resistance are still largely unknown. Here, we report the identification and characterization of OsGLP3-7, a member of the GLP family in rice. Expression of OsGLP3-7 was significantly induced by pathogen infection, jasmonic acid (JA) treatment, and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) treatment. OsGLP3-7 was highly expressed in leaves and sublocalized in the cytoplasm. Overexpression of OsGLP3-7 increased plant resistance to leaf blast, panicle blast, and bacterial blight, whereas disease resistance in OsGLP3-7 RNAi silenced plants was remarkably compromised, suggesting this gene is a positive regulator of disease resistance in rice. Further analysis showed that OsGLP3-7 has superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and can influence the accumulation of H2O2 in transgenic plants. Many genes involved in JA and phytoalexin biosynthesis were strongly induced, accompanied with elevated levels of JA and phytoalexins in OsGLP3-7-overexpressing plants, while expression of these genes was significantly suppressed and the levels of JA and phytoalexins were reduced in OsGLP3-7 RNAi plants compared with control plants, both before and after pathogen inoculation. Moreover, we showed that OsGLP3-7-dependent phytoalexin accumulation may, at least partially, be attributed to the elevated JA levels observed after pathogen infection. Taken together, our results indicate that OsGLP3-7 positively regulates rice disease resistance by activating JA and phytoalexin metabolic pathways, thus providing novel insights into the disease resistance mechanisms conferred by GLPs in rice.  相似文献   

The DEAD-box RNA helicase family comprise enzymes that participate in every aspect of RNA metabolism, associated with a diverse range of cellular functions including response to abiotic stress. In the present study, we report on the identification of a new DEAD-box helicase ATP-binding protein (OsABP) from rice which is upregulated in response e to multiple abiotic stress treatments  including NaCl, dehydration, ABA, blue and red light. It possesses an ORF of 2772 nt, encoding a protein of 923 aa, which contains the DEAD and helicase C-terminal domains, along with the nine conserved motifs specific to DEAD-box helicases. The in silico putative interaction with other proteins showed that OsABP interacts with proteins involved in RNA metabolism, signal transduction or stress response. These results imply that OsABP might perform important functions in the cellular response to specific abiotic stress.  相似文献   

Drought is a major abiotic stress that affects the development and growth of most plants, and limits crop yield worldwide. Although the response of plants to drought has been well documented, much less is known about how plants respond to the water recovery process, namely rehydration. Here, we describe the spatio‐temporal response of plant reproductive organs to rehydration using rose flowers as an experimental system. We found that rehydration triggered rapid and transient ethylene production in the gynoecia. This ethylene burst serves as a signal to ensure water recovery in flowers, and promotes flower opening by influencing the expression of a set of rehydration‐responsive genes. An in‐gel kinase assay suggested that the rehydration‐induced ethylene burst resulted from transient accumulation of RhACS1/2 proteins in gynoecia. Meanwhile, RhMPK6, a rose homolog of Arabidopsis thaliana MPK6, is rapidly activated by rehydration within 0.5 h. Furthermore, RhMPK6 was able to phosphorylate RhACS1 but not RhACS2 in vitro. Application of the kinase inhibitor K252a suppressed RhACS1 accumulation and rehydration‐induced ethylene production in gynoecia, and the protein phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid had the opposite effect, confirming that accumulation of RhACS1 was phosphorylation‐dependent. Finally, silencing of RhMPK6 significantly reduced ethylene production in gynoecia when flowers were subjected to rehydration. Taken together, our results suggest that temporal‐ and spatial‐specific activation of an RhMPK6‐RhACS1 cascade is responsible for rehydration‐induced ethylene production in gynoecia, and that the resulting ethylene‐mediated signaling pathway is a key factor in flower rehydration.  相似文献   

  • Salt stress negatively affects growth and development of plants. However, it is hypothesized that plant growth‐promoting endophytic bacteria can greatly alleviate the adverse effects of salinity and can promote growth and development of plants. In the present research, we aimed to isolate endophytic bacteria from halotolerant plants and evaluate their capacity for promoting crop plant growth.
  • The bacterial endophytes were isolated from selected plants inhabiting sand dunes at Pohang beach, screened for plant growth‐promoting traits and applied to rice seedlings under salt stress (NaCl; 150 mm ).
  • Out of 59 endophytic bacterial isolates, only six isolates, i.e. Curtobacterium oceanosedimentum SAK1, Curtobacterium luteum SAK2, Enterobacter ludwigii SAK5, Bacillus cereus SA1, Micrococcus yunnanensis SA2, Enterobacter tabaci SA3, resulted in a significant increase in the growth of Waito‐C rice. The cultural filtrates of bacterial endophytes were tested for phytohormones, including indole‐3‐acetic acid, gibberellins and organic acids. Inoculation of the selected strains considerably reduced the amount of endogenous ABA in rice plants under NaCl stress, however, they increased GSH and sugar content. Similarly, these strains augmented the expression of flavin monooxygenase (OsYUCCA1) and auxin efflux carrier (OsPIN1) genes under salt stress.
  • In conclusion, the pragmatic application of the above selected bacterial strains alleviated the adverse effects of NaCl stress and enhanced rice growth attributes by producing various phytohormones.

Many studies have documented habitat cascades where two co‐occurring habitat‐forming species control biodiversity. However, more than two habitat‐formers could theoretically co‐occur. We here documented a sixth‐level habitat cascade from the Avon‐Heathcote Estuary, New Zealand, by correlating counts of attached inhabitants to the size and accumulated biomass of their biogenic hosts. These data revealed predictable sequences of habitat‐formation (=attachment space). First, the bivalve Austrovenus provided habitat for green seaweeds (Ulva) that provided habitat for trochid snails in a typical estuarine habitat cascade. However, the trochids also provided habitat for the nonnative bryozoan Conopeum that provided habitat for the red seaweed Gigartina that provided habitat for more trochids, thereby resetting the sequence of the habitat cascade, theoretically in perpetuity. Austrovenus is here the basal habitat‐former that controls this “long” cascade. The strength of facilitation increased with seaweed frond size, accumulated seaweed biomass, accumulated shell biomass but less with shell size. We also found that Ulva attached to all habitat‐formers, trochids attached to Ulva and Gigartina, and Conopeum and Gigartina predominately attached to trochids. These “affinities” for different habitat‐forming species probably reflect species‐specific traits of juveniles and adults. Finally, manipulative experiments confirmed that the amount of seaweed and trochids was important and consistent regulators of the habitat cascade in different estuarine environments. We also interpreted this cascade as a habitat‐formation network that describes the likelihood of an inhabitant being found attached to a specific habitat‐former. We conclude that the strength of the cascade increased with the amount of higher‐order habitat‐formers, with differences in form and function between higher and lower‐order habitat‐formers, and with the affinity of inhabitants for higher‐order habitat‐formers. We suggest that long habitat cascades are common where species traits allow for physical attachment to other species, such as in marine benthic systems and old forest.  相似文献   

Amino acid restriction is among promising potential cancer treatment strategies. However, cancer cells employ a multitude of mechanisms to mount resistance to amino acid restriction, which impede the latter’s clinical development. Here we show that MAPK signaling activation in asparagine‐restricted melanoma cells impairs GSK3‐β‐mediated c‐MYC degradation. In turn, elevated c‐MYC supports ATF4 translational induction by enhancing the expression of the amino acid transporter SLC7A5, increasing the uptake of essential amino acids, and the subsequent maintenance of mTORC1 activity in asparagine‐restricted melanoma cells. Blocking the MAPK‐c‐MYC‐SLC7A5 signaling axis cooperates with asparagine restriction to effectively suppress melanoma cell proliferation. This work reveals a previously unknown axis of cancer cell adaptation to asparagine restriction and informs mechanisms that may be targeted for enhanced therapeutic efficacy of asparagine limiting strategies.  相似文献   

Despite being mutated in cancer and RASopathies, the role of the activation segment (AS) has not been addressed for B‐Raf signaling in vivo. Here, we generated a conditional knock‐in mouse allowing the expression of the B‐RafAVKA mutant in which the AS phosphoacceptor sites T599 and S602 are replaced by alanine residues. Surprisingly, despite producing a kinase‐impaired protein, the BrafAVKA allele does not phenocopy the lethality of Braf‐knockout or paradoxically acting knock‐in alleles. However, BrafAVKA mice display abnormalities in the hematopoietic system, a distinct facial morphology, reduced ERK pathway activity in the brain, and an abnormal gait. This phenotype suggests that maximum B‐Raf activity is required for the proper development, function, and maintenance of certain cell populations. By establishing conditional murine embryonic fibroblast cultures, we further show that MEK/ERK phosphorylation and the immediate early gene response toward growth factors are impaired in the presence of B‐RafAVKA. Importantly, alanine substitution of T599/S602 impairs the transformation potential of oncogenic non‐V600E B‐Raf mutants and a fusion protein, suggesting that blocking their phosphorylation could represent an alternative strategy to ATP‐competitive inhibitors.  相似文献   

以稻米品质温度敏感型的早籼稻品种嘉早935为材料,利用人工气候箱控温试验和实时荧光定量PCR技术,探讨了不同灌浆温度(日均温分别为22和32 ℃)处理下胚乳淀粉分支酶(SBE)、淀粉去分支酶(DBE)和淀粉合酶(SS)的10个同工型基因(sbe1、sbe3、sbe4、pul、isa1、isa2、isa3、Wx、sss1和sss2a)的相对表达量差异及动态变化特征.结果表明: 淀粉合成相关功能基因对水稻灌浆期高温胁迫的响应表达方式存在明显差异,而且因同工型的类型而不同.在高温处理下,sbe1和sbe3的相对表达量显著下降,二者属于SBE类基因中对高温胁迫较敏感的主要同工型;DBE基因中,pul属于高表达的同工型,而且其对高温胁迫响应比isa1、isa2和isa3敏感;在Wx、sss1和sss2a中,sss2a的相对表达量显著低于sss1和Wx, 但sss2a和sss1对高温胁迫响应比Wx敏感,因此二者可能也是高温胁迫对胚乳淀粉结构进行调控的重要位点,尤其在水稻灌浆的中后期发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

The weedy relative of cultivated rice, red rice, can invade and severely infest rice fields, as reported by rice farmers throughout the world. Because of its close genetic relationship to commercial rice, red rice has proven difficult to control. Clearfield (Cl) varieties, which are resistant to the inhibiting herbicides in the chemical group AHAS (acetohydroxyacid synthase), provide a highly efficient opportunity to control red rice infestations. In order to reduce the risk of herbicide resistance spreading from cultivated rice to red rice, stewardship guidelines are regularly released. In Italy, the cultivation of Cl cultivars started in 2006. In 2010, surveillance of the possible escape of herbicide resistance was carried out; 168 red rice plants were sampled in 16 fields from six locations containing Cl and traditional cultivars. A first subsample of 119 plants was analysed after herbicide treatment and the resistance was found in 62 plants. Of these 119 plants, 78 plants were randomly selected and analysed at the level of the AHAS gene to search for the Cl mutation determining the resistant genotype: the Cl mutation was present in all the resistant plants. Nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite markers revealed a high correlation between genetic similarity and herbicide resistance. The results clearly show that Cl herbicide‐resistant red rice plants are present in the field, having genetic relationships with the Cl variety. Finding plants homozygous for the mutation suggests that the crossing event occurred relatively recently and that these plants are in the F2 or later generations. These observations raise the possibility that Cl red rice is already within the cultivated rice seed supply.  相似文献   

The significant positive correlation between ghrelin and iron and hepcidin levels in the plasma of children with iron deficiency anemia prompted us to hypothesize that ghrelin may affect iron metabolism. Here, we investigated the effects of fasting or ghrelin on the expression of hepcidin, ferroportin 1 (Fpn1), transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1), ferritin light chain (Ft‐L) proteins, and ghrelin, and also hormone secretagogue receptor 1 alpha (GHSR1α) and ghrelin O‐acyltransferase (GOAT) mRNAs in the spleen and/or macrophage. We demonstrated that fasting induces a significant increase in the expression of ghrelin, GHSR1α, GOAT, and hepcidin mRNAs, as well as Ft‐L and Fpn1 but not TfR1 proteins in the spleens of mice in vivo. Similar to the effects of fasting on the spleen, ghrelin induced a significant increase in the expression of Ft‐L and Fpn1 but not TfR1 proteins in macrophages in vitro. In addition, ghrelin was found to induce a significant enhancement in phosphorylation of ERK as well as translocation of pERK from the cytosol to nuclei. Furthermore, the increased pERK and Fpn1 induced by ghrelin was demonstrated to be preventable by pre‐treatment with either GHSR1α antagonist or pERK inhibitor. Our findings support the hypothesis that fasting upregulates Fpn1 expression, probably via a ghrelin/GHSR/MAPK signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens is an economically important pest on rice plants. In this study, the higher population density and yellow‐ripe stage of rice plants were used to construct adverse survival conditions (ASC) against BPH nymphs. Simultaneously, the low population density and tillering stage of rice plants were used to establish a suitable survival condition (SSC) as a control. Solexa/Illumina sequencing was used to identify genes of BPH nymphs responding to ASC. Significantly longer duration development of BPH nymphs and significantly lower brachypterous ratio of BPH adults were observed by ASC compared with SSC. A total of 2 544 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were obtained and analyzed by BLASTx, Gene Ontology and KEGG Orthology. Gene ontology analysis revealed that the DEGs were mainly involved in categories of cell, cell part, cellular process, binding, catalytic, organelle and metabolic processes. 1 138 DEGs having enzyme commission numbers were assigned to different metabolic pathways. The largest clusters were neurodegenerative diseases (137, 12.0%), followed by carbohydrate metabolism (113, 9.9%), amino acid metabolism (94, 8.3%), nucleotide metabolism (76, 6.7%), energy metabolism (64, 5.6%), translation (60, 5.3%), lipid metabolism (58, 5.1%), and folding, sorting and degradation (52, 4.6%). Expressing profile of 11 DEGs during eight nymphal developmental stages of BPH were analyzed by quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction. The 11 genes exhibited differential expression between ASC and SSC during at least one developmental stage. The DEGs identified in this study provide molecular proof of how BPH reconfigures its gene expression profile to adapt to overcrowding and low‐quality hosts.  相似文献   

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