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We used phylogenetic and ecological information to study the evolution of host‐plant specialization and colour polymorphism in the genus Timema, which comprises 14 species of walking‐sticks that are subject to strong selection for cryptic coloration on their host‐plants. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that this genus consists of three main lineages. Two of the lineages include highly generalized basal species and relatively specialized distal species, and one of the lineages comprises four specialized species. We tested for phylogenetic conservatism in the traits studied via randomizing host‐plant use, and the four basic Timema colour patterns, across the tips of the phylogeny, and determining if the observed number of inferred changes was significantly low compared to the distribution of numbers of inferred changes expected under the null model. This analysis showed that (1) host‐plant use has evolved nonrandomly, such that more closely related species tend to use similar sets of hosts and (2) colour pattern evolution exhibits considerable lability. Inference of ancestral states using maximum parsimony, under four models for the relative ease of gain and loss of plant hosts or colour morphs, showed that (1) for all models with gains of host‐plants even marginally more difficult than losses, and for most optimizations with gains and losses equally difficult, the ancestral Timema were generalized, feeding on the chaparral plants Ceanothus and Adenostoma and possibly other taxa, and (2) for all models with gains of colour morphs more difficult than losses, the ancestral Timema were polymorphic for colour pattern. Generation of null distributions of inferred ancestral states showed that the maximum‐parsimony inference of host‐plant generalization was most robust for the most speciose of the three main Timema lineages. Ancestral states were also inferred using maximum likelihood, after recoding host‐plant use and colour polymorphism as dichotomous characters. Likelihood analyses provided some support for inference of generalization in host‐plant use at ancestral nodes of the two lineages exhibiting mixtures of generalists and specialists, although levels of uncertainty were high. By contrast, likelihood analysis did not estimate ancestral colour morph patterns with any confidence, due to inferred rates of change that were high with respect to speciation rates. Information from biogeography, floristic history and the timing of diversification of the genus are compatible with patterns of inferred ancestral host‐plant use. Diversification in the genus Timema appears to engender three main processes: (1) increased specialization via loss of host‐plants, (2) retention of the same, single, host‐plant and (3) shifts to novel hosts to which lineages were ‘preadapted’ in colour pattern. Our evidence suggests that the radiation of this genus has involved multiple evolutionary transitions from individual‐level specialization (multiple‐niche polymorphism) to population‐level and species‐level specialization. Ecological studies of Timema suggest that such transitions are driven by diversifying selection for crypsis. This paper provides the first phylogeny‐based evidence for the macroevolutionary importance of predation by generalist natural enemies in the evolution of specialization.  相似文献   

Males of Microsepsis eberhardi and M. armillata use their genitalic surstyli to rhythmically squeeze the female's abdomen with stereotyped movements during copulation. Squeezing movements did not begin until intromission had occurred and, contrary to predictions of the conflict-of-interest hypothesis for genitalic evolution, did not overcome morphological or behavioral female resistance. Contrary to predictions of the lock-and-key hypothesis, female morphology was uniform in the two species and could not mechanically exclude the genitalia of either species of male. The complex pattern of squeezing movements differed between the two species as predicted by the sexual selection hypothesis for genitalic evolution. Also, evolutionarily derived muscles and pseudoarticulations in the male's genitalic surstyli facilitated one type of movement, whose patterns were especially distinct. The data support the hypothesis that the male surstyli evolved to function as courtship devices.  相似文献   

Courtship behaviours may provide a more reliable means of identifying reproductively isolated taxa than traits such as morphology or many genetic markers. Here we describe the courtship songs of the Drosophila willistoni sibling species group, which consists of several species and subspecies. We find that song pattern is species-specific, despite significant differences among strains within species. D. paulistorum has the most variable song pattern, which reflects this species' traditional subdivision into semispecies. All the other species could be unambiguously identified by song. The major differences among these species was in the interpulse interval, as has been found in other studies of fly song. However, the interpulse intervals of the species studied here were often multimodal. This was partly due to the presence of multiple song types within the courtship repertoire, but it also reflected changes in interpulse interval within a song type by some males. Unusually, some species had distinctively patterned variation in interpulse interval. Song must have evolved rapidly within the species complex, probably due to sexual selection.  相似文献   

Drosophila santomea Lachaise & Harry, which is endemic to the African island of São Tomé, and its sibling D. yakuba Burla comprise a new model system of speciation. They are morphologically distinguishable only by slight differences in the male genitalia and body coloration. As a previously undescribed difference, the aedeagus of D. yakuba bears a pair of stout spines (the ventral branches of the basal processes (VB)), instead of the paired humps found in D. santomea. Here, we show that this difference works as a lock‐and‐key isolating mechanism between the siblings. During conspecific copulation, D. yakuba females receive the spines in a pair of pocket‐shaped structures, which are protected by hardened plates, in the genitalia. The females of D. santomea, which lack such pockets, are wounded by the spines of the VB when mated with D. yakuba males. This genital mismatching resulted in leakage of the ejaculate, making 80% of the matings infertile and causing a prolonged struggle to separate pairs glued together by the ejaculate.  相似文献   

Herbivorous insects represent one of the most successful animal radiations known. They occupy a wide range of niches, feed on a great variety of plants, and are species rich; yet the factors that influence their diversification are poorly understood. Host breadth is often cited as a major factor influencing diversification, and, according to the Oscillation Hypothesis, shifts from generalist to specialist feeding states increase the diversification rate for a clade. We explored the relationship between host breadth and diversification within the Nymphalidae (Lepidoptera) and explicitly tested predictions of the Oscillation Hypothesis. We found strong evidence of diversification rate heterogeneity, but no difference in host breadth between clades with a higher diversification rate compared to their sisters. We also found some clades exhibited phylogenetic nonindependence in host breadth and these clades had lower host plant turnover than expected by chance, suggesting host breadth is evolutionarily constrained. Finally, we found that transitions among host breadth categories varied, but the likelihood of reductions in host breadth was greater than that of increases. Our results indicate host breadth is decoupled from diversification rate within the Nymphalidae, and that constraints on diet breadth might play an important role in the evolution of herbivorous insects.  相似文献   

Quantifying the relative contribution of multiple isolation barriers to gene flow between recently diverged species is essential for understanding speciation processes. In parapatric populations, local adaptation is thought to be a major contributor to the evolution of reproductive isolation. However, extrinsic postzygotic barriers assessed in reciprocal transplant experiments are often neglected in empirical assessments of multiple isolation barriers. We analyzed multiple isolation barriers between two closely related species of the plant genus Dianthus, a genus characterized by the most rapid species diversification in plants reported so far. Although D. carthusianorum L. and D. sylvestris Wulf. can easily be hybridized in crossing experiments, natural hybrids are rare. We found that in parapatry, pollinator‐mediated prezygotic reproductive isolation barriers are important for both D. carthusianorum (0.761) and D. sylvestris (0.468). In contrast to D. carthusianorum, high hybrid viability in D. sylvestris (–0.491) was counteracted by strong extrinsic postzygotic isolation (0.900). Our study highlights the importance of including reciprocal transplant experiments for documenting extrinsic postzygotic isolation and demonstrates clearly divergent strategies and hence asymmetric pre‐ and postzygotic reproductive isolation between closely related species. It also suggests that pollinator‐mediated and ecological isolation could have interacted in synergistic ways, further stimulating rapid speciation in Dianthus.  相似文献   

Tropical tephritids are ideally suited for studies on population divergence and speciation because they include species groups undergoing rapid radiation, in which morphologically cryptic species and sister species are abundant. The fraterculus species group in the Neotropical genus Anastrepha is a case in point, as it is composed of a complex of up to seven A. fraterculus morphotypes proposed to be cryptic species. Here, we document pre‐ and post‐zygotic barriers to gene flow among adults of the Mexican A. fraterculus morphotype and three populations (Argentina, Brazil, and Peru) belonging to two separate morphotypes (Brazilian 1 and Peruvian). We unveiled three forms of pre‐zygotic reproductive isolation resulting in strong assortative mating. In field cages, free‐ranging male and female A. fraterculus displayed a strong tendency to form couples with members of the opposite sex belonging to their own morphotype, suggesting that male pheromone emission, courtship displays, or both intervene in shaping female choice before actual contact and coupling. In addition, males and females of the Peruvian morphotype became receptive and mated significantly later than adults of the Mexican and Brazilian 1 morphotypes. After contact, Mexican females exhibited greater mating discrimination than males when facing adults of the opposite sex belonging to either the Peruvian or the Brazilian 1 morphotype as evidenced by vigorous resistance to penetration once they had been forcefully mounted by heterotypic males. Forced copulations resulted in production of F1 hybrids that were either less viable (and partially fertile) than parental crosses or even sterile. Our results suggest that the Mexican morphotype is a distinct biological entity and that pre‐zygotic reproductive isolation through divergence in courtship or male‐produced pheromone and other mechanisms appear to evolve faster than post‐zygotic isolation in the fraterculus species group.  相似文献   

Divergent habitat preferences can contribute to speciation, as has been observed for host-plant preferences in phytophagous insects. Geographic variation in host preference can provide insight into the causes of preference evolution. For example, selection against maladaptive host-switching occurs only when multiple hosts are available in the local environment and can result in greater divergence in regions with multiple vs. a single host. Conversely, costs of finding a suitable host can select for preference even in populations using a single host. Some populations of Timema cristinae occur in regions with only one host-plant species present (in allopatry, surrounded by unsuitable hosts) whereas others occur in regions with two host-plant species adjacent to one another (in parapatry). Here, we use host choice and reciprocal-rearing experiments to document genetic divergence in host preference among 33 populations of T. cristinae. Populations feeding on Ceanothus exhibited a stronger preference for Ceanothus than did populations feeding on Adenostoma. Both allopatric and parapatric pairs of populations using the different hosts exhibited divergent host preferences, but the degree of divergence tended to be greater between allopatric pairs. Thus, gene flow between parapatric populations apparently constrains divergence. Host preferences led to levels of premating isolation between populations using alternate hosts that were comparable in magnitude to previously documented premating isolation caused by natural and sexual selection against migrants between hosts. Our findings demonstrate how gene flow and different forms of selection interact to determine the magnitude of reproductive isolation observed in nature.  相似文献   

A central question in evolutionary biology concerns the accumulation of reproductive barriers during speciation. However, separating the reproductive barriers that have led to speciation from those that have secondarily accumulated (i.e. after initial divergence) is a widely recognized problem. Ideal candidate species for overcoming this problem are young species, where time for additional barriers to accrue has been limited. In the present study, we add to previous studies investigating the strength of reproductive barriers between the parapatric damselflies Ischnura elegans and Ischnura graellsii by quantifying seven prezygotic barriers between the allopatric pairs of I. elegans and Ischnura genei, as well as I. graellsii and I. genei. Specifically, we measured four premating (temporal, sexual, mechanical I, and mechanical II) and three postmating (oviposition success, fecundity, and fertility) barriers using experimental approaches and, for first time, we investigated the mechanisms causing mechanical isolation, which is the strongest reproductive barrier in ischnurans. The findings of the present study support the notion that premating barriers are generally strong and contribute significantly to total reproductive isolation in young lineages (65–98%), although they never solely lead to complete isolation. Asymmetry was generally stronger in premating than in postmating barriers, and was driven mostly through asymmetry in mechanical isolation, which is caused by morphological divergence of secondary sexual appendages. We found that barriers act multiplicatively in all species combinations tested, with the exception of sexual isolation, which was not detected. Our results are consistent with a recent allopatric speciation scenario driven by differences in male anal appendages, either impeding copulation or affecting female preferences. Taken together, the results from this and previous studies in diverse odonate genera suggest that premating barriers have evolved rapidly in ischnuran damselflies and, although reproductive isolation in ischnurans is more commonly the result of several barriers acting together, morphological divergence of secondary sexual appendages appears to be a common factor facilitating premating isolation in this group. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 485–496.  相似文献   

The mobility hypothesis could explain the evolution of female‐biased size dimorphism if males with a smaller body size and longer legs have an advantage in scramble competition for mates. This hypothesis is tested by performing a selection analysis in the wild on Micrarchus hystriculeus (Westwood) (Phasmatodea), a sexually size dimorphic stick insect endemic to New Zealand. This analysis examined the form and strength of sexual selection on body size, leg lengths (front, mid and hind), and clasper size (a genitalic trait), and also quantified the degree of phenotypic variation and the allometric scaling pattern of these traits. By contrast to the mobility hypothesis, three lines of evidence were found to support significant stabilizing sexual selection on male hind leg length: a significant nonlinear selection gradient, negative static allometry, and a low degree of phenotypic variation. Hind leg length might be under stabilizing selection in males if having average‐sized legs facilitates female mounting or improves a male's ability to achieve the appropriate copulation position. As predicted, a negative allometric scaling pattern and low phenotypic variation of clasper size is suggestive of stabilizing selection and supports the ‘one‐size‐fits‐all’ hypothesis. Opposite to males, the mid and hind leg lengths of females showed positive static allometry. Relatively longer mid and hind leg lengths in larger females might benefit individuals via the better support of their larger abdomens. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 471–484.  相似文献   

Tragopogon comprises approximately 150 described species distributed throughout Eurasia from Ireland and the UK to India and China with a few species in North Africa. Most of the species diversity is found in Eastern Europe to Western Asia. Previous phylogenetic analyses identified several major clades, generally corresponding to recognized taxonomic sections, although relationships both among these clades and among species within clades remain largely unresolved. These patterns are consistent with rapid diversification following the origin of Tragopogon, and this study addresses the timing and rate of diversification in Tragopogon. Using BEAST to simultaneously estimate a phylogeny and divergence times, we estimate the age of a major split and subsequent rapid divergence within Tragopogon to be ~2.6 Ma (and 1.7–5.4 Ma using various clock estimates). Based on the age estimates obtained with BEAST (HPD 1.7–5.4 Ma) for the origin of crown group Tragopogon and 200 estimated species (to accommodate a large number of cryptic species), the diversification rate of Tragopogon is approximately 0.84–2.71 species/Myr for the crown group, assuming low levels of extinction. This estimate is comparable in rate to a rapid Eurasian radiation in Dianthus (0.66–3.89 species/Myr), which occurs in the same or similar habitats. Using available data, we show that subclades of various plant taxa that occur in the same semi‐arid habitats of Eurasia also represent rapid radiations occurring during roughly the same window of time (1.7–5.4 Ma), suggesting similar causal events. However, not all species‐rich plant genera from the same habitats diverged at the same time, or at the same tempo. Radiations of several other clades in this same habitat (e.g. Campanula, Knautia, Scabiosa) occurred at earlier dates (45–4.28 Ma). Existing phylogenetic data and diversification estimates therefore indicate that, although some elements of these semi‐arid communities radiated during the Plio‐Pleistocene period, other clades sharing the same habitat appear to have diversified earlier.  相似文献   

Understanding speciation requires the identification of traits that cause reproductive isolation. This remains a major challenge since it is difficult to determine which of the many divergent traits actually caused speciation. To overcome this difficulty, we studied the sexual cue traits and behaviors associated with rapid speciation between EA and WN sympatric behavioral races of Drosophila athabasca that diverged only 16,000–20,000 years ago. First, we found that sexual isolation was essentially complete and driven primarily by divergent female mating preferences. To determine the target of female mate choice, we found that, unlike cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs), male courtship song is highly divergent between EA and WN in both allopatry and sympatry and is not affected by latitudinal variation. We then used pheromone rub‐off experiments to show no effect of CHCs on divergent female mate choice. In contrast, both male song differences and male mating success in hybrids exhibited a large X‐effect and playback song experiments confirmed that male courtship song is indeed the target of sexual isolation. These results show that a single secondary sexual trait is a major driver of speciation and suggest that we may be overestimating the number of traits involved in speciation when we study older taxa.  相似文献   

We present a likelihood-based statistical method for examining the pattern or rate of evolution of reproductive isolation. The method uses large empirical datasets to estimate, for a given clade, the average duration of two phases in the divergence of populations. The first phase is a lag phase and refers to the period during which lineages diverge but no detectable reproductive isolation evolves. The second is an accumulation phase, referring to the period during which the magnitude of reproductive isolation between diverging lineages increases. The pattern of evolution is inferred from the relative durations of these two phases. Results of analyses of postzygotic isolation data indicate significant differences among taxa in the pattern of evolution of postzygotic isolation that are consistent with predictions based on genetic differences among these groups. We also examine whether the evolution of postzygotic isolation is best explained by either of two models for the rate of accumulation: a linear model or a quadratic function as may be suggested by recent studies. Our analysis indicates that the appropriateness of either model varies among taxa.  相似文献   

The tenet that ecological opportunity drives adaptive diversification has been central to theories of speciation since Darwin, yet no widely accepted definition or mechanistic framework for the concept currently exists. We propose a definition for ecological opportunity that provides an explicit mechanism for its action. In our formulation, ecological opportunity refers to environmental conditions that both permit the persistence of a lineage within a community, as well as generate divergent natural selection within that lineage. Thus, ecological opportunity arises from two fundamental elements: (1) niche availability, the ability of a population with a phenotype previously absent from a community to persist within that community and (2) niche discordance, the diversifying selection generated by the adaptive mismatch between a population's niche‐related traits and the newly encountered ecological conditions. Evolutionary response to ecological opportunity is primarily governed by (1) spatiotemporal structure of ecological opportunity, which influences dynamics of selection and development of reproductive isolation and (2) diversification potential, the biological properties of a lineage that determine its capacity to diversify. Diversification under ecological opportunity proceeds as an increase in niche breadth, development of intraspecific ecotypes, speciation, and additional cycles of diversification that may themselves be triggered by speciation. Extensive ecological opportunity may exist in depauperate communities, but it is unclear whether ecological opportunity abates in species‐rich communities. Because ecological opportunity should generally increase during times of rapid and multifarious environmental change, human activities may currently be generating elevated ecological opportunity – but so far little work has directly addressed this topic. Our framework highlights the need for greater synthesis of community ecology and evolutionary biology, unifying the four major components of the concept of ecological opportunity.  相似文献   

We evaluated whether Batesian mimicry promotes early‐stage reproductive isolation. Many Batesian mimics occur not only in sympatry with their model (as expected), but also in allopatry. As a consequence of local adaptation within both sympatry (where mimetic traits are favored) and allopatry (where nonmimetic traits are favored), divergent, predator‐mediated natural selection should disfavor immigrants between these selective environments as well as any between‐environment hybrids. This selection might form the basis for both pre‐ and postmating isolation, respectively. We tested for such selection in a snake mimicry complex by placing clay replicas of sympatric, allopatric, or hybrid phenotypes in both sympatry and allopatry and measuring predation attempts. As predicted, replicas with immigrant phenotypes were disfavored in both selective environments. Replicas with hybrid phenotypes were also disfavored, but only in a region of sympatry where previous studies have detected strong selection favoring precise mimicry. By fostering immigrant inviability and ecologically dependent selection against hybrids (at least in some habitats), Batesian mimicry might therefore promote reproductive isolation. Thus, although Batesian mimicry has long been viewed as a mechanism for convergent evolution, it might play an underappreciated role in fueling divergent evolution and possibly even the evolution of reproductive isolation and speciation.  相似文献   

Many laboratory speciation experiments have raised allopatric populations in different environments to determine whether reproductive isolation evolves as a byproduct of adaptation (a form of ecological speciation). Few, however, have addressed the evolution of both pre‐ and postmating isolation or investigated the conditions affecting the process. We present results of an evolution experiment in which 12 lines of Drosophila melanogaster were derived from a common population and then independently evolved for more than 57 generations under alternative selection treatments. Six “desiccation” populations had access to food and water removed during a period of their adult lives generating strong desiccation selection, and six “starvation” populations had access to food but not water removed for the same period, generating a mild starvation stress. Substantial divergence of cuticular hydrocarbons occurred between the desiccation and starvation populations, key traits that have been implicated in sexual isolation in Drosophila. Despite this divergence, there was no detectable premating isolation between desiccation and starvation populations and postmating isolation was asymmetrical: the fitness of F1 hybrids was reduced in the desiccation but not the starvation environment. This asymmetry was likely caused by the absence of divergent selection: adaptation to desiccation appears to have come at no cost to performance in the starvation environment. Novel environments are thought to promote the evolution of reproductive isolation. Understanding the conditions that favor or hamper this remains a key challenge for speciation research.  相似文献   

Competition‐driven evolution of habitat isolation is an important mechanism of ecological speciation but empirical support for this process is often indirect. We examined how an on‐going displacement of pied flycatchers from their preferred breeding habitat by collared flycatchers in a young secondary contact zone is associated with (a) access to an important food resource (caterpillar larvae), (b) immigration of pied flycatchers in relation to habitat quality, and (c) the risk of hybridization in relation to habitat quality. Over the past 12 years, the estimated access to caterpillar larvae biomass in the habitat surrounding the nests of pied flycatchers has decreased by a fifth due to shifted establishment possibilities, especially for immigrants. However, breeding in the high quality habitat has become associated with such a high risk of hybridization for pied flycatchers that overall selection currently favors pied flycatchers that were forced to immigrate into the poorer habitats (despite lower access to preferred food items). Our results show that competition‐driven habitat segregation can lead to fast habitat isolation, which per se caused an opportunity for selection to act in favor of future “voluntarily” altered immigration patterns and possibly strengthened habitat isolation through reinforcement.  相似文献   

Species coexistence involves the evolution of reproductive barriers opposing gene flow. Heliconius butterflies display colorful patterns affecting mate choice and survival through warning signaling and mimicry. These patterns are called “magic traits” for speciation because divergent natural selection may promote mimicry shifts in pattern whose role as mating cue facilitates reproductive isolation. By contrast, between comimetic species, natural selection promotes pattern convergence. We addressed whether visual convergence interferes with reproductive isolation by testing for sexual isolation between two closely related species with similar patterns, H. timareta thelxinoe and H. melpomene amaryllis. Experiments with models confirmed visual attraction based on wing phenotype, leading to indiscriminate approach. Nevertheless, mate choice experiments showed assortative mating. Monitoring male behavior toward live females revealed asymmetry in male preference, H. melpomene males courting both species equally while H. timareta males strongly preferred conspecifics. Experiments with hybrid males suggested an important genetic component for such asymmetry. Behavioral observations support a key role for short‐distance cues in determining male choice in H. timareta. Scents extracts from wings and genitalia revealed interspecific divergence in chemical signatures, and hybrid female scent composition was significantly associated with courtship intensity by H. timareta males, providing candidate chemical mating cues involved in sexual isolation.  相似文献   

Mammalian hybrids often show abnormal growth, indicating that developmental inviability may play an important role in mammalian speciation. Yet, it is unclear if this recurrent phenotype reflects a common genetic basis. Here, we describe extreme parent‐of‐origin‐dependent growth in hybrids from crosses between two species of dwarf hamsters, Phodopus campbelli and Phodopus sungorus. One cross type resulted in massive placental and embryonic overgrowth, severe developmental defects, and maternal death. Embryos from the reciprocal cross were viable and normal sized, but adult hybrid males were relatively small. These effects are strikingly similar to patterns from several other mammalian hybrids. Using comparative sequence data from dwarf hamsters and several other hybridizing mammals, we argue that extreme hybrid growth can contribute to reproductive isolation during the early stages of species divergence. Next, we tested if abnormal growth in hybrid hamsters was associated with disrupted genomic imprinting. We found no association between imprinting status at several candidate genes and hybrid growth, though two interacting genes involved in embryonic growth did show reduced expression in overgrown hybrids. Collectively, our study indicates that growth‐related hybrid inviability may play an important role in mammalian speciation but that the genetic underpinnings of these phenotypes remain unresolved.  相似文献   

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