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A model of maize stomatal behaviour has been developed, in which stomatal conductance is linked to the concentration of abscisic acid ([ABA]) in the xylem sap, with a sensitivity dependent upon the leaf water potential (Ψ1). It was tested against two alternative hypotheses, namely that stomatal sensitivity to xylem [ABA] would be linked to the leaf-to-air vapour pressure difference (VPD), or to the flux of ABA into the leaf. Stomatal conductance (gs) was studied: (1) in field-grown plants whose xylem [ABA] and Ψ1 depended on soil water status and evaporative demand; (2) in field-grown plants fed with ABA solutions such that xylem [ABA] was artificially raised, thereby decreasing gs and increasing Ψ1 and leaf-to-air VPD; and (3) in ABA-fed detached leaves exposed to varying evaporative demands, but with a constant and high Ψ1. The same relationships between gs, xylem [ABA] and Ψ1, showing lower stomatal sensitivity to [ABA] at high Ψ1, applied whether variations in xylem [ABA] were due to natural increase or to feeding, and whether variations in Ψ1, were due to changes in evaporative demand or to the increased Ψ1 observed in ABA-fed plants. Conversely, neither the leaf-to-air VPD nor the ABA flux into the leaf accounted for the observed changes in stomatal sensitivity to xylem [ABA]. The model, using parameters calculated from previous field data and the detached-leaf data, was tested against the observations of both ABA-fed and droughted plants in the field. It accounted with reasonable accuracy for changes in gs (r2 ranging from 0.77 to 0.81). These results support the view that modelling of stomatal behaviour requires consideration of both chemical and hydraulic aspects of root-to-shoot communication.  相似文献   

Stomatal response to leaf water status was experimentally manipulated by pressurizing the soil and roots of potted common bean plants enclosed in a custom‐built root pressure chamber. Gas exchange was monitored using a whole‐plant cuvette and plant water status using in situ leaf psychrometry. Bean plants re‐opened their stomata upon pressurization, but the extent of re‐opening was strongly dependent on the time of day when the soil was pressurized, with maximum re‐opening in the morning hours and limited re‐opening in the afternoon. Neither leaf nor xylem abscisic acid concentrations could explain the reduced response to pressurization in the afternoon. The significance of this phenomenon is discussed in the context of circadian rhythms and of other recent findings on the ‘apparent feed‐forward response’ of the stomata of some species to vapour pressure deficit.  相似文献   

Stomatal responsiveness to vapour pressure deficit (VPD) results in continuous regulation of daytime gas‐exchange directly influencing leaf water status and carbon gain. Current models can reasonably predict steady‐state stomatal conductance (gs) to changes in VPD but the gs dynamics between steady‐states are poorly known. Here, we used a diverse sample of conifers and ferns to show that leaf hydraulic architecture, in particular leaf capacitance, has a major role in determining the gs response time to perturbations in VPD. By using simultaneous measurements of liquid and vapour fluxes into and out of leaves, the in situ fluctuations in leaf water balance were calculated and appeared to be closely tracked by changes in gs thus supporting a passive model of stomatal control. Indeed, good agreement was found between observed and predicted gs when using a hydropassive model based on hydraulic traits. We contend that a simple passive hydraulic control of stomata in response to changes in leaf water status provides for efficient stomatal responses to VPD in ferns and conifers, leading to closure rates as fast or faster than those seen in most angiosperms.  相似文献   

Turgor pressure provides a sensitive indicator for irrigation scheduling. Leaf turgor pressure of Musa acuminate was measured by using the so‐called leaf patch clamp pressure probe, i.e. by application of an external, magnetically generated and constantly retained clamp pressure to a leaf patch and determination of the attenuated output pressure Pp that is highly correlated with the turgor pressure. Real‐time recording of Pp values was made using wireless telemetric transmitters, which send the data to a receiver base station where data are logged and transferred to a GPRS modem linked to an Internet server. Probes functioned over several months under field and laboratory conditions without damage to the leaf patch. Measurements showed that the magnetic‐based probe could monitor very sensitively changes in turgor pressure induced by changes in microclimate (temperature, relative humidity, irradiation and wind) and irrigation. Irrigation effects could clearly be distinguished from environmental effects. Interestingly, oscillations in stomatal aperture, which occurred frequently below turgor pressures of 100 kPa towards noon at high transpiration or at high wind speed, were reflected in the Pp values. The period of pressure oscillations was comparable with the period of oscillations in transpiration and photosynthesis. Multiple probe readings on individual leaves and/or on several leaves over the entire height of the plants further emphasised the great impact of this non‐invasive turgor pressure sensor system for elucidating the dynamics of short‐ and long‐distance water transport in higher plants.  相似文献   

Poplar genotypes differ in transpiration efficiency (TE) at leaf and whole‐plant level under similar conditions. We tested whether atmospheric vapour pressure deficit (VPD) affected TE to the same extent across genotypes. Six Populus nigra genotypes were grown under two VPD. We recorded (1) 13C content in soluble sugars; (2) 18O enrichment in leaf water; (3) leaf‐level gas exchange; and (4) whole‐plant biomass accumulation and water use. Whole‐plant and intrinsic leaf TE and 13C content in soluble sugars differed significantly among genotypes. Stomatal conductance contributed more to these differences than net CO2 assimilation rate. VPD increased water use and reduced whole‐plant TE. It increased intrinsic leaf‐level TE due to a decline in stomatal conductance. It also promoted higher 18O enrichment in leaf water. VPD had no genotype‐specific effect. We detected a deviation in the relationship between 13C in leaf sugars and 13C predicted from gas exchange and the standard discrimination model. This may be partly due to genotypic differences in mesophyll conductance, and to its lack of sensitivity to VPD. Leaf‐level 13C discrimination was a powerful predictor of the genetic variability of whole‐plant TE irrespective of VPD during growth.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the concept of isohydry or anisohydry, which describes the link between soil water potential (ΨS), leaf water potential (ΨL), and stomatal conductance (gs), has soared in popularity. However, its utility has recently been questioned, and a surprising lack of coordination between the dynamics of ΨL and gs across biomes has been reported. Here, we offer a more expanded view of the isohydricity concept that considers effects of vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and leaf area index (AL) on the apparent sensitivities of ΨL and gs to drought. After validating the model with tree‐ and ecosystem‐scale data, we find that within a site, isohydricity is a strong predictor of limitations to stomatal function, though variation in VPD and leaf area, among other factors, can challenge its diagnosis. Across sites, the theory predicts that the degree of isohydricity is a good predictor of the sensitivity of gs to declining soil water in the absence of confounding effects from other drivers. However, if VPD effects are significant, they alone are sufficient to decouple the dynamics of ΨL and gs entirely. We conclude with a set of practical recommendations for future applications of the isohydricity framework within and across sites.  相似文献   

Abstract. Stomatal conductance, leaf water potential, soil water potential and concentration of abscisic acid (ABA) in the xylem sap were measured on maize plants growing in the field, in two treatments with contrasting soil structures. Soil compaction affected the stomatal conductance, but this effect was no longer observed if the soil water potential was increased by irrigation. Differences in leaf water potential did not account for the differences in conductance between treatments. Conversely, the relationship between stomatal conductance and concentration of ABA in the xylem sap was consistent during the experiment. The proposed interpretation is that stomatal conductance was controlled by the root water potential via an ABA message. Control of the stomatal conductance by the leaf water potential or by an effect of mechanical stress on the roots is unlikely.  相似文献   

Ecosystem models play a crucial role in understanding and evaluating the combined impacts of rising atmospheric CO2 concentration and changing climate on terrestrial ecosystems. However, we are not aware of any studies where the capacity of models to simulate intra‐ and inter‐annual variation in responses to elevated CO2 has been tested against long‐term experimental data. Here we tested how well the ecosystem model APSIM/AgPasture was able to simulate the results from a free air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) experiment on grazed pasture. At this FACE site, during 11 years of CO2 enrichment, a wide range in annual plant production response to CO2 (?6 to +28%) was observed. As well as running the full model, which includes three plant CO2 response functions (plant photosynthesis, nitrogen (N) demand and stomatal conductance), we also tested the influence of these three functions on model predictions. Model/data comparisons showed that: (i) overall the model over‐predicted the mean annual plant production response to CO2 (18.5% cf 13.1%) largely because years with small or negative responses to CO2 were not well simulated; (ii) in general seasonal and inter‐annual variation in plant production responses to elevated CO2 were well represented by the model; (iii) the observed CO2 enhancement in overall mean legume content was well simulated but year‐to‐year variation in legume content was poorly captured by the model; (iv) the best fit of the model to the data required all three CO2 response functions to be invoked; (v) using actual legume content and reduced N fixation rate under elevated CO2 in the model provided the best fit to the experimental data. We conclude that in temperate grasslands the N dynamics (particularly the legume content and N fixation activity) play a critical role in pasture production responses to elevated CO2, and are processes for model improvement.  相似文献   

Three- and four-year-old potted, greenhouse-grown cedar seedlings were subjected to two different watering regimes: half received full water supply and the other half was submitted to moderate drought (50% of the full water supply). Height growth was the greatest for C. atlantica and the most-limited for C. brevifolia in the well-watered set. However, in the dry set, height growth was less affected by drought conditions for C. brevifolia than for C. atlantica. Cedrus libani gave intermediate results for both watering regimes. Moderate drought provoked a decrease in osmotic potential at full leaf turgor and a long-lasting osmotic adjustment. When irrigation was withheld completely to induce severe soil drying, gas exchange decreased and then stopped at predawn water potentials of −3.0 MPa for C. brevifolia, between −2.6 and −2.8 MPa for C. libani, and at −2.4 MPa for C. atlantica, irrespective of watering regime. For all species, the dry set showed lower net photosynthesis (A) and stomatal conductance (g s) than the plants in the well-watered set. A and g s responded to variations in atmospheric water-vapour pressure deficit (VPD). As VPD increased, A and g s decreased, and this trend was proportionate to initial values at low VPD, but remained independent of previous watering treatments, plant water status or species. To conclude, C. brevifolia appears to be a species with limited growth potential but strong soil drought tolerance whereas C. atlantica has strong growth potential when an adequate water supply is available but is more sensitive to soil drought. C. libani shows an intermediate behaviour for growth and drought tolerance.  相似文献   

To characterise the stomata of six temperate deciduous tree species, sets of stomatal sensitivities to all the most important environmental factors were measured. To compare the importance of abscisic acid (ABA) in the different stomatal responses, the effect of exogenous ABA on all the stomatal sensitivities was determined.Almost all the stomatal sensitivities: the sensitivity to a decrease in leaf water potential, air humidity, CO2 concentration ([CO2]) and light intensity, and to an increase in [CO2] and light intensity were the highest in the slow-growing species, and the lowest in the fast-growing species. Drought increased the sensitivity to the environmental changes that induce a decrease in the stomatal conductance, and decreased the sensitivity to the changes that induce an increase in this conductance. The sensitivities of the slow-growers were most strongly affected by drought and ABA. Therefore the success of the slow-growers in their ecological niches can be based on the highly sensitive and strictly regulated responses of their stomata. The fast-growers had the highest sensitivity to an increase in leaf water potential and this sensitivity was sharply reduced by drought and ABA. Thus, the dominance of the trees in riparian areas can be based on the ability of their stomata to quickly reach high conductance in well-watered conditions and to efficiently decrease this rate during drought.Stomatal sensitivities to the hydraulic environmental factors (water potentials in plant and air) had higher values in well-watered trees and a more pronounced response to drought than the sensitivities to the photosynthetic environmental factors ([CO2] and light intensity). Thus, the hydraulic factors most likely prevail over the photosynthetic factors in determining stomatal conductance in these species.In response to exogenous ABA, the rates of stomatal closure, following a decrease in air humidity and light intensity, and an increase in [CO2], were accelerated. Stomatal opening following an increase in air humidity and light intensity and a decrease in [CO2] was replaced by slow closing. The rate of stomatal opening following an increase in leaf water potential was reduced. As the sensitivities to changes in light were modified less by the ABA than the other stomatal sensitivities, the prediction of stomatal responses on the basis of the sensitivity to light alone should be excluded in stomatal models.  相似文献   

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