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Demographic parameters and status assessments for L. ehrenbergii, L. lentjan, P. sordidus and R. sarba in the southern Arabian Gulf were established using a combination of size frequency, biological and size‐at‐age data. Defined structural increments consisting of alternating translucent and opaque bands in transverse sections of sagittal otoliths were validated as annuli. The maximum age estimates ranged from 5 years for R. sarba to 14 years for P. sordidus. Growth trajectories were significantly different between sexes for L. ehrenbergii and L. lentjan with females achieving a larger asymptotic size than males. Estimates of fishing mortality rates were less than the target (FSB40) and limit (FSB30) biological reference points for L. ehrenbergii, L. lentjan and P. sordidus indicating that these species were exploited within sustainable limits. Conversely, R. sarba was found to be heavily overexploited and recruitment overfishing may have occurred as the fishing mortality rate was considerably greater than the limit reference point and the relative spawner biomass per recruit was 6.4% of the theoretical unexploited level. Due to restrictions in the available data set, the presented results require confirmation from specific studies on natural mortalities and from growth estimates based on more extended size spectra, avoiding any size selective sampling method.  相似文献   

The life history of Dules auriga, a small hermaphrodite serranid species inhabiting deep waters and a frequent component of the discarded catch of bottom trawling in southern Brazil, was studied to assess the fishery effects on the stock through the estimation of the remaining spawning‐potential ratio. Sampling was conducted throughout a year and included specimens to determine sex, maturity and age. Age was validated by the edge type and marginal‐increment analysis. The oldest and the largest individuals were 9 years and 195 mm total length. Growth parameters fitted to the von Bertalanffy equation were L = 178·34 mm, k = 0·641 year?1 and t0 = ?0·341 years. Length and age at first maturity were 140·72 mm and 2 years, respectively. The reproductive season was throughout the austral spring and summer. The assessment of the effects of fishing showed that it may have resulted in a loss of 50% of the spawning potential. This loss may be higher when taking into account the uncertainty in the life‐history parameters and could be considered of concern for the population. Fast growth, moderate longevity, long spawning season, small size and age at maturity make D. auriga relatively resilient to the removal of biomass by fishing. When considering the uncertainty, however, the losses of the spawning potential have been severely reducing the population resilience in the face of ecosystem changes.  相似文献   

Reproductive variables are provided for batoids regularly taken as by‐catch in the east coast otter‐trawl fishery on the inner‐mid continental shelf off the south‐east and central coasts of Queensland, Australia. Total length at maturity (LT50 and 95% c.i .) for the eastern shovelnose ray Aptychotrema rostrata was 639·5 mm (617·6–663·4 mm) for females and 597·3 mm (551·4–648·6 mm) for males. Litter size (n = 9) ranged from nine to 20 (mean ± s.e. = 15·1 ± 1·2). This species exhibited a positive litter size–maternal size relationship. Disc width at maturity (WD50 and 95% c.i .) for the common stingaree Trygonoptera testacea was 162·7 mm (155·8–168·5 mm) for females and 145·9 mm (140·2–150·2 mm) for males. Gravid T. testacea (n = 6) each carried a single egg in the one functional (left) uterus. Disc width at maturity (WD50 and 95% c.i .) for the Kapala stingaree Urolophus kapalensis was 153·7 mm (145·1–160·4 mm) for females and 155·2 mm (149·1–159·1 mm) for males. Gravid U. kapalensis (n = 16) each carried a single egg or embryo in the one functional (left) uterus. A single female yellowback stingaree Urolophus sufflavus carried an embryo in each uterus. A global review of the litter sizes of shovelnose rays (Rhinobatidae) and stingarees (Urolophidae) is provided.  相似文献   

This research represents the first age‐based demographic assessment of pearl perch, Glaucosoma scapulare (Ramsay, 1881), a highly valued species endemic to coastal waters off central eastern Australia. The study was conducted across the species' distribution that encompasses two state jurisdictions (Queensland in the north and New South Wales in the south) using data collected approximately 10 years apart in each state. Estimates of age were made by counting annuli (validated using marginal increment ratios) in sectioned sagittal otoliths. The maximum estimated age was 19 years. Pearl perch attained approx. 12 cm fork length (FL) after one year, 21 cm FL after 2 years and 29 cm FL after 3 years. Fish from the southern end of the species' distribution grew significantly more slowly than those from the northern part of its range. Commercial landings in the north were characterized by greater proportions of larger (>40 cm FL) and older (>6 years) fish than those in the south, with landings mainly of fish between 3 and 6 years of age. The observed variations in age‐based demographics of pearl perch highlight the need for a better understanding of patterns of movement and reproduction in developing a model of population dynamics and life‐history for this important species. There is a clear need for further, concurrent, age‐based studies on pearl perch in the northern and southern parts of its distribution to support the conclusions of the present study based on data collected a decade apart.  相似文献   

Host specificity and host selection by insect parasitoids are hypothesized to be correlated with suitability of the hosts for parasitoid development. The present study investigates the correlation between host suitability and earlier studied host-finding behaviour of two closely related braconid larval parasitoid species, the generalist Cotesia glomerata (L.) and the specialist C. rubecula (Marshall) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). We compared the capability of both parasitoid species to parasitize and develop in three Pieris host species, i.e. P. brassicae (L.), P. rapae (L.) and P. napi (L.) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). In laboratory experiments, we measured the effect of host species on fitness parameters such as survival, development, sex ratio and size of parasitoid progeny. The results show that C. glomerata is capable of developing in the three host species, with significant differences in parasitoid survival, clutch size and adult weight among Pieris species. The host range for development was more restricted for C. rubecula. Although C. rubecula is physiologically able to develop in P. brassicae larvae, parasitoid fitness is negatively affected by this host species, compared to its most regular host, P. rapae. A comparison of the present data on host suitability with earlier studies on host-searching behaviour suggests that the host-foraging behaviour of both parasitoid species not only leads to selection of the most suitable host species for parasitoid development, but also plays a significant role in shaping parasitoid host range.  相似文献   

Age, growth and reproduction of rock gurnard in the Saronikos Gulf (Greece) were studied. Otoliths from 638 specimens (sex combined) were read for age determination. The body length-otolith radius relationship was found linear (L = -18.0 + 4.99 xR; where L = fish length in mm, R = otolith radius 20 X). The life span of females seemed to be longer than that of males, indicating a differential mortality with sex. The growth was lower than that in the Catalane Sea. The maximum age of fish collected was VIII and the maximum fork length estimated by von Bertalanffy equation was 356 mm. Weight increased as the 3.054252 power or the length. Reproduction was observed to take place between winter and early spring and occasionally in early winter. Males began to mature after completion of the second year and the females after the third. The exploitation rate was rather high, which suggests that the rock gurnard stock was overfished in Saronikos Gulf. The male to female ratio was usually 1:1.  相似文献   

Larissamya comta gen. n., sp. n., is described from Kuwait Bay, northern Arabian Gulf. The hinge is identical to that seen in Kurtiella and Montacutona but the spined dorsal margin is unique. Anatomically Larissamya differs from Kurtiella in retaining both gill demibranchs and from both Kurtiella and Montacutona in having greatly unequal adductor muscles. Co-occurrence and density data suggest that L. comta may be associated with the ophuroid Amphiura fasciata.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:ECCB79FC-6EB2-4693-B1D4A014CB17C6D8  相似文献   

Abstract Age‐stage, two‐sex life tables of the melon fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tephritidae), reared on cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), sponge gourd (Luffa cylindrica Roem) and a carrot medium (mashed Daucus carota L. mixed with sucrose and yeast hydrolysate) were constructed under laboratory conditions at 25 ± 1°C, 65%± 0.5% relative humidity, and a photoperiod 12 : 12 h (L : D). The intrinsic rates of increase of B. cucurbitae were 0.144 6, 0.141 2 and 0.068 8 days on cucumber, sponge gourd, and carrot medium, respectively. The highest net reproduction rate was 172 offspring per fly reared on sponge gourd. The mean generation times of B. cucurbitae ranged from 34 days reared on cucumber to 56 days reared on carrot medium. The life history raw data was analyzed using the traditional female age‐specific life table and compared to results obtained using the age‐stage, two‐sex life table. When the age‐specific female life table is applied to an age‐stage‐structured two‐sex population, survival and fecundity curves will be improperly manipulated due to an inability to include variation in preadult development time. We discussed different interpretations of the relationship between the net reproductive rate and the intrinsic rate of increase to clarify possible misunderstanding in the literature.  相似文献   

Between February 2015 and 2016, samples of the Indo‐Pacific goldspotted spinefoot Siganus punctatus were taken from local fish markets, feeding sites and nursery grounds on the main island of Pohnpei, Micronesia, to ascertain sexual pattern, reproductive seasonality, age, growth and mortality. Microscopic examinations of gonads identified two seasonal peaks in reproduction: February to May and September to December, with evidence of some spawning activity in most months. Ripe females were observed 4 days on either side of the new moon. Females first matured at c. 180 mm fork length (LF) and 1 year of age, which coincides with their entry into the fishery. Ninety five per cent of individuals were less than 3 years and the oldest fish were 8 years. To examine the species vulnerability to fishing, a tag‐and‐recapture study was conducted over 4 months in 2015 in a locally managed marine area and at an unprotected site. Findings suggest high residency and high vulnerability to fishing at shallow‐water feeding sites and restricted migration overall. The placement of marine protected areas within critical habitat appears to be an effective conservation strategy for this species, particularly when combined with gear and seasonal market restrictions during vulnerable life‐history phases.  相似文献   

Ferreras-Romero  Manuel 《Hydrobiologia》1997,345(2-3):109-116
The life history of Boyeria irene is inferred fromsize-frequency analyses of sweep-net samples taken during fiveyears in a permanent stream in the Sierra Morena Mountains.There the species is apparently mainly semivoltine, although a fewlarvae require three years to complete development. The instardistribution during winter is that of a summer species (sensuCorbet, 1954). Metamorphosis is confined to spring and thereis a long flying season. Similarities between B. ireneand congeneric species in North America are discussed.  相似文献   

The pace‐of‐life syndrome (POLS) hypothesis means that animal behavior is correlated with life history strategies. Studies have reported that the free‐running period of the circadian rhythm (length of the period) is correlated with life history strategies in some animals. Although the length of the circadian rhythm may be associated with the POLS hypothesis, few studies have investigated the relationships among animal behavior, life history traits, and circadian rhythm. We tested the POLS hypothesis in the assassin bug, Amphibolus venator, which shows individual variation in locomotor activity. We found higher repeatability of differences in locomotor activity between individuals. Moreover, we found a trade‐off between locomotor activity and developmental period such that active individuals developed faster. However, locomotor activity was not correlated with the length of the circadian rhythm in Avenator. Therefore, this study suggests that the length of the circadian rhythm in Avenator does not support the POLS hypothesis.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships (LWRs) of 139 coral reef and pelagic fish species (representing 34 fish families) were calculated based on 3806 individuals measured at local fish markets near the Davao Gulf in the southern Philippines during weekly visits between March 2009 and July 2011, as well as in June 2012. Fishes were caught with a variety of fishing methods, corroborated by abrasions and injuries. Forty‐seven of 139 LWRs were firstly reported and new to science. The mean slope b of the LWRs was 3.035, indicating that the majority of studied species followed isometric growth. Standard length – total length relationships were calculated for all measured fish species. Additionally, standard length – fork length relationships are presented for 108 species. Moreover, fifteen new records of maximum fish length and weight are reported.  相似文献   

美国白蛾Hyphantria cunea原产于北美地区,1979年首次在我国辽宁省丹东地区发现,目前已扩散至江苏省南京市等地区,并有进一步扩散的趋势。由于其寄主范围广,适应能力强,危害严重,因此给我国林业生产造成了重大损失。美国白蛾1~4龄幼虫常聚集危害,4龄后开始破网分散危害。本文旨在探明幼虫密度变化对其生活史参数的影响,为解析美国白蛾种群动态变化规律提供科学依据。于温度25℃±1℃和光周期16 L∶8 D条件下,设置5头、10头、20头、40头和80头幼虫/容器5个密度处理组,待幼虫化蛹和成虫羽化后,分别检测幼虫龄期与成活率、蛹的体型(体长和体宽)与体重及成活率、成虫体型(成虫头幅宽度、前翅长度和后足腿节长度)与寿命及繁殖力等生活史参数。结果表明,幼虫密度增加缩短了幼虫发育历期,同时降低了幼虫成活率。幼虫密度增加对蛹重、蛹长、雌蛹宽度及蛹成活率有明显的负效应,但对雄蛹宽度无显著影响。幼虫密度增加对雌虫头幅宽度、雌虫繁殖力、成虫寿命与卵直径具明显负面影响,对雄虫头幅宽度与雌虫前翅长度无显著影响,对成虫后足腿节长度、雄虫前翅长度则具正面影响。因此,本研究表明幼虫密度对美国白蛾不同阶段的生活史参数具调控作用,其中幼虫密度增加对幼虫成活率、蛹的体型与体重及成活率、雌虫繁殖力与卵直径及成虫寿命的负面影响对其种群适合度可能是不利的;然而,成虫对幼虫密度增加会采取一定的适应策略,高密度条件下羽化的成虫具较长的后足腿节与前翅长度以提高其迁移扩散半径,有助于减轻子代种内竞争压力,进而提高种群适合度。  相似文献   

Populus tremuloides is the widest‐ranging tree species in North America and an ecologically important component of mesic forest ecosystems displaced by the Pleistocene glaciations. Using phylogeographic analyses of genome‐wide SNPs (34,796 SNPs, 183 individuals) and ecological niche modeling, we inferred population structure, ploidy levels, admixture, and Pleistocene range dynamics of P. tremuloides, and tested several historical biogeographical hypotheses. We found three genetic lineages located mainly in coastal–Cascades (cluster 1), east‐slope Cascades–Sierra Nevadas–Northern Rockies (cluster 2), and U.S. Rocky Mountains through southern Canadian (cluster 3) regions of the P. tremuloides range, with tree graph relationships of the form ((cluster 1, cluster 2), cluster 3). Populations consisted mainly of diploids (86%) but also small numbers of triploids (12%) and tetraploids (1%), and ploidy did not adversely affect our genetic inferences. The main vector of admixture was from cluster 3 into cluster 2, with the admixture zone trending northwest through the Rocky Mountains along a recognized phenotypic cline (Utah to Idaho). Clusters 1 and 2 provided strong support for the “stable‐edge hypothesis” that unglaciated southwestern populations persisted in situ since the last glaciation. By contrast, despite a lack of clinal genetic variation, cluster 3 exhibited “trailing‐edge” dynamics from niche suitability predictions signifying complete northward postglacial expansion. Results were also consistent with the “inland dispersal hypothesis” predicting postglacial assembly of Pacific Northwestern forest ecosystems, but rejected the hypothesis that Pacific‐coastal populations were colonized during outburst flooding from glacial Lake Missoula. Overall, congruent patterns between our phylogeographic and ecological niche modeling results and fossil pollen data demonstrate complex mixtures of stable‐edge, refugial locations, and postglacial expansion within P. tremuloides. These findings confirm and refine previous genetic studies, while strongly supporting a distinct Pacific‐coastal genetic lineage of quaking aspen.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial origins and evolution of the genus Eranthis have not been previously studied. We investigated the speciation and establishment histories of four Eranthis species: Eranthis byunsanensis, E. pungdoensis, E. stellata, and E. pinnatifida. The sampling localities were Korea, Japan, Jilin in China, and the area near Vladivostok in Primorskiy, Russia. We used 12 chloroplast microsatellite loci (n = 935 individuals) and two chloroplast noncoding regions (rpl16 intron, petLpsbE intergenic spacer; n = 33 individuals). The genetic diversity, genetic structure, phylogenetic relationships of the four species were analyzed, and their ancestral areas were reconstructed. The high genetic diversity of the Jeju island population of E. byunsanensis and Russian populations of E. stellata indicated these species’ northward and southward dispersal, respectively. The genetic structure analyses suggest that the populations in these four species have limited geographical structure, except for the Chinese E. stellata population (SCP). The phylogenetic analyses suggest that E. byunsanensis and E. pinnatifida are sister species and that Chinese SCP may not belong to E. stellata. The ancestral area reconstruction revealed that the most recent common ancestor of the four species existed in the current Chinese habitat of E. stellata. This study shows that E. byunsanensis and E. pinnatifida originated from a southern Eranthis species and speciated into their current forms near Jeju island and near western regions of Japan, respectively, during the Miocene. E. stellata may have dispersed southward on and near the Korean peninsula, though its specific origin remains unclear. Interestingly, the Chinese E. stellata population SCP suggests that the Chinese population might be most ancient among all the four Eranthis species. E. pungdoensis may have allopatrically speciated from E. byunsanensis during the Holocene. The Korean peninsula and the surrounding areas can be considered interesting regions which provide the opportunity to observe both northern‐ and southern‐sourced Eranthis species.  相似文献   

We developed microsatellite loci for the southern pine beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis). Twelve microsatellite loci were identified. Eight loci were polymorphic and sufficiently variable in 62 individuals (expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.707 to 0.880) to investigate population structure. All loci conformed to HWE except Dfr‐14, which showed heterozygote excess, and no two loci deviated from linkage equilibrium. The loci were tested for cross‐species amplification in four species of Dendroctonus (D. valens, D. terebrans, D. brevicomis, and D. ponderosae). Seven loci were polymorphic in at least one of the species tested.  相似文献   

Understanding how wild immune variation covaries with other traits can reveal how costs and trade‐offs shape immune evolution in the wild. Divergent life history strategies may increase or alleviate immune costs, helping shape immune variation in a consistent, testable way. Contrasting hypotheses suggest that shorter life histories may alleviate costs by offsetting them against increased mortality, or increase the effect of costs if immune responses are traded off against development or reproduction. We investigated the evolutionary relationship between life history and immune responses within an island radiation of three‐spined stickleback, with discrete populations of varying life histories and parasitism. We sampled two short‐lived, two long‐lived and an anadromous population using qPCR to quantify current immune profile and RAD‐seq data to study the distribution of immune variants within our assay genes and across the genome. Short‐lived populations exhibited significantly increased expression of all assay genes, which was accompanied by a strong association with population‐level variation in local alleles and divergence in a gene that may be involved in complement pathways. In addition, divergence around the eda gene in anadromous fish is likely associated with increased inflammation. A wider analysis of 15 populations across the island revealed that immune genes across the genome show evidence of having diverged alongside life history strategies. Parasitism and reproductive investment were also important sources of variation for expression, highlighting the caution required when assaying immune responses in the wild. These results provide strong, gene‐based support for current hypotheses linking life history and immune variation across multiple populations of a vertebrate model.  相似文献   

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