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探讨不同秸秆还田量和氮肥量配施对辽西北半干旱区玉米田土壤CO2排放的影响,可为固碳减排和黑土地保护计划的实施提供理论支撑。本试验主区设置3个秸秆还田水平,分别为3000(S1)、6000(S2)和9000 kg·hm-2(S3,秸秆全量还田);副区设置3个氮肥施用水平,分别为105(N1)、210(N2,常规施氮量)和420 kg N·hm-2(N3),另设置不施氮肥不添加秸秆的对照处理(CK),共10个处理。采集定位试验4年后玉米田间土壤,通过培养试验,探究不同处理对玉米田土壤CO2排放的影响及CO2排放与土壤溶解性有机碳(DOC)和微生物生物量碳(MBC)的关系。结果表明: 秸秆还田和氮肥施用均会促进玉米田土壤CO2排放,并随秸秆还田量和施氮量的增加而显著增加,其中氮肥施用是促进玉米田土壤CO2排放的最主要因素;秸秆还田与氮肥配施通过促进微生物生物量增加并加剧DOC消耗来促进玉米田土壤CO2排放;MBC和DOC含量显著刺激玉米田土壤CO2排放,且主要受两者培养前期含量的影响。从保障秸秆还田培肥地力同时减少CO2排放的角度考虑,210 kg N·hm-2常规施氮量与6000 kg·hm-2秸秆还田配合施用(N2S2)是本试验条件下辽西北半干旱区最有潜力的田间施肥模式。  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to investigate CH4 emissions from a sandy paddy soil as influenced by rice cultivars and atmospheric CO2 elevation. The experiment with two CO2 levels, 370 μL L−1 (ambient) and 570 μL L−1 (elevated), was performed in a climatron, located at the National Institute for Agro‐Environmental Sciences, Tsukuba, Japan. Four rice cultivars were tested in this experiment, including IR65598, IR72, Dular and Koshihikari. Tiller number, root length and grain yield were clearly larger under elevated CO2 than under ambient CO2. IR72 and Dular showed significantly higher tiller number, root length and grain yield than Koshihikari and IR65598. Average daily CH4 fluxes under elevated CO2 were significantly larger by 10.9–23.8% than those under ambient CO2, and varied with the cultivars in the sequence Dular ≧ IR72>IR65598 ≧ Koshihikari. Dissolved organic C (DOC) content in the soil was obviously higher under elevated CO2 than under ambient CO2 and differed among the cultivars, in the sequence IR72>Dular>Koshihikari>IR65598. The differences in average daily CH4 fluxes between CO2 levels and among the cultivars were related to different root exudation as DOC content, root length and tiller number. This study indicated that Koshihikari should be a potential cultivar for mitigating CH4 emission and simultaneously keeping stable grain yield, because this cultivar emitted lowest CH4 emission and produced medium grain yield.  相似文献   

Quantification of rhizodeposition (root exudates and root turnover) represents a major challenge for understanding the links between above‐ground assimilation and below‐ground anoxic decomposition of organic carbon in rice paddy ecosystems. Free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) fumigating depleted 13CO2 in rice paddy resulted in a smaller 13C/12C ratio in plant‐assimilated carbon, providing a unique measure by which we partitioned the sources of decomposed gases (CO2 and CH4) into current‐season photosynthates (new C) and soil organic matter (old C). In addition, we imposed a soil‐warming treatment nested within the CO2 treatments to assess whether the carbon source was sensitive to warming. Compared with the ambient CO2 treatment, the FACE treatment decreased the 13C/12C ratio not only in the rice‐plant carbon but also in the soil CO2 and CH4. The estimated new C contribution to dissolved CO2 was minor (ca. 20%) at the tillering stage, increased with rice growth and was about 50% from the panicle‐formation stage onwards. For CH4, the contribution of new C was greater than for heterotrophic CO2 production; ca. 40–60% of season‐total CH4 production originated from new C with a tendency toward even larger new C contribution with soil warming, presumably because enhanced root decay provided substrates for greater CH4 production. The results suggest a fast and close coupling between photosynthesis and anoxic decomposition in soil, and further indicate a positive feedback of global warming by enhanced CH4 emission through greater rhizodeposition.  相似文献   

喀斯特地区土壤表层CO2释放通量的影响因素Ⅰ:规律   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
测定了贵州喀斯特地区土壤表层CO2释放通量,同时还测定了土壤微生物生物量碳以及土壤可溶性有机质含量和土壤湿度。研究表明,贵州喀斯特地区全年土壤表层CO2释放通量与温度变化呈正相关关系,与土壤微生物生物量碳呈负相关关系;当温度>20℃时,土壤表层CO2释放通量与土壤湿度呈正相关,与土壤可溶性有机碳含量呈负相关。  相似文献   

Increased plant biomass is observed in terrestrial systems due to rising levels of atmospheric CO2, but responses of marine macroalgae to CO2 enrichment are unclear. The 200% increase in CO2 by 2100 is predicted to enhance the productivity of fleshy macroalgae that acquire inorganic carbon solely as CO2 (non‐carbon dioxide‐concentrating mechanism [CCM] species—i.e., species without a carbon dioxide‐concentrating mechanism), whereas those that additionally uptake bicarbonate (CCM species) are predicted to respond neutrally or positively depending on their affinity for bicarbonate. Previous studies, however, show that fleshy macroalgae exhibit a broad variety of responses to CO2 enrichment and the underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. This physiological study compared the responses of a CCM species (Lomentaria australis) with a non‐CCM species (Craspedocarpus ramentaceus) to CO2 enrichment with regards to growth, net photosynthesis, and biochemistry. Contrary to expectations, there was no enrichment effect for the non‐CCM species, whereas the CCM species had a twofold greater growth rate, likely driven by a downregulation of the energetically costly CCM(s). This saved energy was invested into new growth rather than storage lipids and fatty acids. In addition, we conducted a comprehensive literature synthesis to examine the extent to which the growth and photosynthetic responses of fleshy macroalgae to elevated CO2 are related to their carbon acquisition strategies. Findings highlight that the responses of macroalgae to CO2 enrichment cannot be inferred solely from their carbon uptake strategy, and targeted physiological experiments on a wider range of species are needed to better predict responses of macroalgae to future oceanic change.  相似文献   

Continued current emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) by human activities will increase global atmospheric CO2 and CH4 concentrations and surface temperature significantly. Fields of paddy rice, the most important form of anthropogenic wetlands, account for about 9% of anthropogenic sources of CH4. Elevated atmospheric CO2 may enhance CH4 production in rice paddies, potentially reinforcing the increase in atmospheric CH4. However, what is not known is whether and how elevated CO2 influences CH4 consumption under anoxic soil conditions in rice paddies, as the net emission of CH4 is a balance of methanogenesis and methanotrophy. In this study, we used a long-term free-air CO2 enrichment experiment to examine the impact of elevated CO2 on the transformation of CH4 in a paddy rice agroecosystem. We demonstrate that elevated CO2 substantially increased anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) coupled to manganese and/or iron oxides reduction in the calcareous paddy soil. We further show that elevated CO2 may stimulate the growth and metabolism of Candidatus Methanoperedens nitroreducens, which is actively involved in catalyzing AOM when coupled to metal reduction, mainly through enhancing the availability of soil CH4. These findings suggest that a thorough evaluation of climate-carbon cycle feedbacks may need to consider the coupling of methane and metal cycles in natural and agricultural wetlands under future climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

In a mature temperate forest in Hofstetten, Switzerland, deciduous tree canopies were subjected to a free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) for a period of 8 years. The effect of this treatment on the availability of nitrogen (N) in the soil was assessed along three transects across the experimental area, one under Fagus sylvatica, one under Quercus robur and Q. petraea and one under Carpinus betulus. Nitrate, ammonium and dissolved organic N (DON) were analysed in soil solution obtained with suction cups. Nitrate and ammonium were also captured in buried ion‐exchange resin bags. These parameters were related to the local intensity of the FACE treatment as measured from the 13C depletion of dissolved inorganic carbon in the soil solution. Over the 8 years of experiment, the CO2 enrichment reduced DON concentrations, did not affect ammonium, but induced higher nitrate concentrations, both in soil solution and resin bags. In the nitrate captured in the resin bags, the natural abundance of the isotope 15N increased strongly. This indicates that the CO2 enrichment accelerated net nitrification, probably as an effect of the higher soil moisture resulting from the reduced transpiration of the CO2‐enriched trees. It is also possible that N mineralization was enhanced by root exudates (priming effect) or that the uptake of inorganic N by these trees decreased slightly as the result of a reduced N demand for fine‐root growth. In this mature deciduous forest, we did not observe any progressive N limitation due to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations; on the contrary, we observed an enhanced N availability over the 8 years of our measurements. This may, together with the global warming projected, exacerbate problems related to N saturation and nitrate leaching, although it is uncertain how long the observed trends will last in the future.  相似文献   

Free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments have demonstrated increased plant productivity in response to elevated (e)CO2, with the magnitude of responses related to soil nutrient status. Whilst understanding nutrient constraints on productivity responses to eCO2 is crucial for predicting carbon uptake and storage, very little is known about how eCO2 affects nutrient cycling in phosphorus (P)‐limited ecosystems. Our study investigates eCO2 effects on soil N and P dynamics at the EucFACE experiment in Western Sydney over an 18‐month period. Three ambient and three eCO2 (+150 ppm) FACE rings were installed in a P‐limited, mature Cumberland Plain Eucalyptus woodland. Levels of plant accessible nutrients, evaluated using ion exchange resins, were increased under eCO2, compared to ambient, for nitrate (+93%), ammonium (+12%) and phosphate (+54%). There was a strong seasonality to responses, particularly for phosphate, resulting in a relatively greater stimulation in available P, compared to N, under eCO2 in spring and summer. eCO2 was also associated with faster nutrient turnover rates in the first six months of the experiment, with higher N (+175%) and P (+211%) mineralization rates compared to ambient rings, although this difference did not persist. Seasonally dependant effects of eCO2 were seen for concentrations of dissolved organic carbon in soil solution (+31%), and there was also a reduction in bulk soil pH (‐0.18 units) observed under eCO2. These results demonstrate that CO2 fertilization increases nutrient availability – particularly for phosphate – in P‐limited soils, likely via increased plant belowground investment in labile carbon and associated enhancement of microbial turnover of organic matter and mobilization of chemically bound P. Early evidence suggests that there is the potential for the observed increases in P availability to support increased ecosystem C‐accumulation under future predicted CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

开放式空气CO2浓度增高条件下旱地土壤气体CO2浓度廓线测定   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:19  
设计了一套适合于FACE(free airCO2 enrichment)平台的旱地土壤气体CO2 浓度廓线测定方法 ,并将其应用于田间实验 .在江苏省无锡市郊区具有太湖地区典型水稻土的稻麦轮作农田 ,对FACE和对照麦田以及裸土 0~ 30cm土层的土壤气体CO2 浓度廓线进行了观测研究 .结果表明 ,所采用的方法满足进行旱地农田土壤气体CO2 浓度廓线研究的要求 ;在 0~ 30cm土层中 ,上层土壤气体中的CO2 向上垂直扩散要比下层土壤快 ;在作物旺盛生长期 ,大气CO2 浓度升高 2 0 0± 4 0 μmol·mol-1使 0~ 30cm土层的土壤气体CO2 浓度显著提高 14 %± 5 % (t 检验P <0 .0 0 1) .  相似文献   

Rising atmospheric [CO2], ca, is expected to affect stomatal regulation of leaf gas‐exchange of woody plants, thus influencing energy fluxes as well as carbon (C), water, and nutrient cycling of forests. Researchers have proposed various strategies for stomatal regulation of leaf gas‐exchange that include maintaining a constant leaf internal [CO2], ci, a constant drawdown in CO2 (ca ? ci), and a constant ci/ca. These strategies can result in drastically different consequences for leaf gas‐exchange. The accuracy of Earth systems models depends in part on assumptions about generalizable patterns in leaf gas‐exchange responses to varying ca. The concept of optimal stomatal behavior, exemplified by woody plants shifting along a continuum of these strategies, provides a unifying framework for understanding leaf gas‐exchange responses to ca. To assess leaf gas‐exchange regulation strategies, we analyzed patterns in ci inferred from studies reporting C stable isotope ratios (δ13C) or photosynthetic discrimination (?) in woody angiosperms and gymnosperms that grew across a range of ca spanning at least 100 ppm. Our results suggest that much of the ca‐induced changes in ci/ca occurred across ca spanning 200 to 400 ppm. These patterns imply that ca ? ci will eventually approach a constant level at high ca because assimilation rates will reach a maximum and stomatal conductance of each species should be constrained to some minimum level. These analyses are not consistent with canalization toward any single strategy, particularly maintaining a constant ci. Rather, the results are consistent with the existence of a broadly conserved pattern of stomatal optimization in woody angiosperms and gymnosperms. This results in trees being profligate water users at low ca, when additional water loss is small for each unit of C gain, and increasingly water‐conservative at high ca, when photosystems are saturated and water loss is large for each unit C gain.  相似文献   

Ana Rey 《Global Change Biology》2015,21(5):1752-1761
Widespread recognition of the importance of soil CO2 efflux as a major source of CO2 to the atmosphere has led to active research. A large soil respiration database and recent reviews have compiled data, methods, and current challenges. This study highlights some deficiencies for a proper understanding of soil CO2 efflux focusing on processes of soil CO2 production and transport that have not received enough attention in the current soil respiration literature. It has mostly been assumed that soil CO2 efflux is the result of biological processes (i.e. soil respiration), but recent studies demonstrate that pedochemical and geological processes, such as geothermal and volcanic CO2 degassing, are potentially important in some areas. Besides the microbial decomposition of litter, solar radiation is responsible for photodegradation or photochemical degradation of litter. Diffusion is considered to be the main mechanism of CO2 transport in the soil, but changes in atmospheric pressure and thermal convection may also be important mechanisms driving soil CO2 efflux greater than diffusion under certain conditions. Lateral fluxes of carbon as dissolved organic and inorganic carbon occur and may cause an underestimation of soil CO2 efflux. Traditionally soil CO2 efflux has been measured with accumulation chambers assuming that the main transport mechanism is diffusion. New techniques are available such as improved automated chambers, CO2 concentration profiles and isotopic techniques that may help to elucidate the sources of carbon from soils. We need to develop specific and standardized methods for different CO2 sources to quantify this flux on a global scale. Biogeochemical models should include biological and non‐biological CO2 production processes before we can predict the response of soil CO2 efflux to climate change. Improving our understanding of the processes involved in soil CO2 efflux should be a research priority given the importance of this flux in the global carbon budget.  相似文献   

Using the free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) techniques, we carried out a 3‐year mono‐factorial experiment in temperate paddy rice fields of Japan (1998–2000) and a 3‐year multifactorial experiment in subtropical paddy rice fields in the Yangtze River delta in China (2001–2003), to investigate the methane (CH4) emissions in response to an elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (200±40 mmol mol?1 higher than that in the ambient atmosphere). No significant effect of the elevated CO2 upon seasonal accumulative CH4 emissions was observed in the first rice season, but significant stimulatory effects (CH4 increase ranging from 38% to 188%, with a mean of 88%) were observed in the second and third rice seasons in the fields with or without organic matter addition. The stimulatory effects of the elevated CO2 upon seasonal accumulative CH4 emissions were negatively correlated with the addition rates of decomposable organic carbon (P<0.05), but positively with the rates of nitrogen fertilizers applied in either the current rice season (P<0.05) or the whole year (P<0.01). Six mechanisms were proposed to explain collectively the observations. Soil nitrogen availability was identified as an important regulator. The effect of soil nitrogen availability on the observed relation between elevated CO2 and CH4 emission can be explained by (a) modifying the C/N ratio of the plant residues formed in the previous growing season(s); (b) changing the inhibitory effect of high C/N ratio on plant residue decomposition in the current growing season; and (c) altering the stimulatory effects of CO2 enrichment upon plant growth, as well as nitrogen uptake in the current growing season. This study implies that the concurrent enrichment of reactive nitrogen in the global ecosystems may accelerate the increase of atmospheric methane by initiating a stimulatory effect of the ongoing dramatic atmospheric CO2 enrichment upon methane emissions from nitrogen‐poor paddy rice ecosystems and further amplifying the existing stimulatory effect in nitrogen‐rich paddy rice ecosystems.  相似文献   

The evidence for the contribution of soil warming to changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations and carbon stocks of temperate forest ecosystems is equivocal. Here, we use data from a beech/oak forest on concentrations and stable isotope ratios of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), phosphate buffer-extractable organic carbon, soil organic carbon (SOC), respiration and microbial gross assimilation of N to show that respired soil carbon originated from DOC. However, the respiration was not dependent on the DOC concentration but exceeded the daily DOC pool three to four times, suggesting that DOC was turned over several times per day. A mass flow model helped to calculate that a maximum of 40% of the daily DOC production was derived from SOC and to demonstrate that degradation of SOC is limiting respiration of DOC. The carbon flow model on SOC, DOC, microbial C mobilization/immobilization and respiration is linked by temperature-dependent microbial and enzyme activity to global warming effects of CO2 emitted to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Rising air temperatures are projected to reduce rice yield and quality, whereas increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations ([CO2]) can increase grain yield. For irrigated rice, ponded water is an important temperature environment, but few open‐field evaluations are available on the combined effects of temperature and [CO2], which limits our ability to predict future rice production. We conducted free‐air CO2 enrichment and soil and water warming experiments, for three growing seasons to determine the yield and quality response to elevated [CO2] (+200 μmol mol?1, E‐[CO2]) and soil and water temperatures (+2 °C, E‐T). E‐[CO2] significantly increased biomass and grain yield by approximately 14% averaged over 3 years, mainly because of increased panicle and spikelet density. E‐T significantly increased biomass but had no significant effect on the grain yield. E‐T decreased days from transplanting to heading by approximately 1%, but days to the maximum tiller number (MTN) stage were reduced by approximately 8%, which limited the panicle density and therefore sink capacity. On the other hand, E‐[CO2] increased days to the MTN stage by approximately 4%, leading to a greater number of tillers. Grain appearance quality was decreased by both treatments, but E‐[CO2] showed a much larger effect than did E‐T. The significant decrease in undamaged grains (UDG) by E‐[CO2] was mainly the result of an increased percentage of white‐base grains (WBSG), which were negatively correlated with grain protein content. A significant decrease in grain protein content by E‐[CO2] accounted in part for the increased WBSG. The dependence of WBSG on grain protein content, however, was different among years; the slope and intercept of the relationship were positively correlated with a heat dose above 26 °C. Year‐to‐year variation in the response of grain appearance quality demonstrated that E‐[CO2] and rising air temperatures synergistically reduce grain appearance quality of rice.  相似文献   

盐分和底物对黄河三角洲区土壤有机碳分解与转化的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
土壤盐碱化能抑制微生物活性,影响土壤有机碳的分解与转化。本研究以黄河三角洲盐碱耕地为研究对象,采用室内恒温培养法,设置3个NaCl盐分梯度(S1:0.1%;S2:0.5%;S3:0.9%),通过在土壤中添加不同底物(CK:不添加底物;N:添加氮;C:添加碳;C N:添加碳 氮),研究该土壤释放CO2–C量、土壤微生物生物量碳(SMBC)、土壤微生物呼吸商(qCO2)及溶解性有机碳(DOC)对盐分和底物的响应。结果表明:在45 d的培养期内,CK、N处理中S1盐分土壤释放CO2–C量最高,S2和S3明显低于S1,降低幅度分别为18.3%–23.7%和24.3%–39.8%。C、C N处理中3个盐分土壤释放CO2–C量差异较小,特别是在C N处理中,3个盐分土壤释放CO2–C差异不显著。4个底物处理中,SMBC均在S1和S2盐分中含量较高,S3盐分最低。与CK相比,N处理并不能提高SMBC含量,C、C N处理可明显提高SMBC,但S1和S2盐分土壤提高的幅度(80.4%–80.5%、58.0%–58.7%)明显高于S3(68.9% 、49.7%)。4个底物处理中,qCO2均在S1盐分土壤中最高,C、C N处理可明显提高qCO2。CK、N处理中3个盐分土壤DOC差异不显著,C、C N处理中S3盐分土壤DOC较高。说明在无碳源输入条件下,增加盐分含量能明显抑制土壤释放CO2量。添加碳源后,盐分含量对土壤释放CO2的影响变小。微生物对碳源和盐分胁迫的响应较快,添加碳源能明显提高微生物数量及其活性。但较高盐分(含盐量>0.5%)可明显降低土壤微生物活性及对外源碳的利用率,导致较高盐分SMBC及qCO2较低而DOC较高。  相似文献   

Dark, that is, nonphototrophic, microbial CO2 fixation occurs in a large range of soils. However, it is still not known whether dark microbial CO2 fixation substantially contributes to the C balance of soils and what factors control this process. Therefore, the objective of this study was to quantitate dark microbial CO2 fixation in temperate forest soils, to determine the relationship between the soil CO2 concentration and dark microbial CO2 fixation, and to estimate the relative contribution of different microbial groups to dark CO2 fixation. For this purpose, we conducted a 13C‐CO2 labeling experiment. We found that the rates of dark microbial CO2 fixation were positively correlated with the CO2 concentration in all soils. Dark microbial CO2 fixation amounted to up to 320 µg C kg?1 soil day?1 in the Ah horizon. The fixation rates were 2.8–8.9 times higher in the Ah horizon than in the Bw1 horizon. Although the rates of dark microbial fixation were small compared to the respiration rate (1.2%–3.9% of the respiration rate), our findings suggest that organic matter formed by microorganisms from CO2 contributes to the soil organic matter pool, especially given that microbial detritus is more stable in soil than plant detritus. Phospholipid fatty acid analyses indicated that CO2 was mostly fixed by gram‐positive bacteria, and not by fungi. In conclusion, our study shows that the dark microbial CO2 fixation rate in temperate forest soils increases in periods of high CO2 concentrations, that dark microbial CO2 fixation is mostly accomplished by gram‐positive bacteria, and that dark microbial CO2 fixation contributes to the formation of soil organic matter.  相似文献   

The anthropogenic rise in atmospheric CO2 is expected to impact carbon (C) fluxes not only at ecosystem level but also at the global scale by altering C cycle processes in soils. At the Swiss Canopy Crane (SCC), we examined how 7 years of free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) affected soil CO2 dynamics in a ca. 100‐year‐old mixed deciduous forest. The use of 13C‐depleted CO2 for canopy enrichment allowed us to trace the flow of recently fixed C. In the 7th year of growth at ~550 ppm CO2, soil respiratory CO2 consisted of 39% labelled C. During the growing season, soil air CO2 concentration was significantly enhanced under CO2‐exposed trees. However, elevated CO2 failed to stimulate cumulative soil respiration (Rs) over the growing season. We found periodic reductions as well as increases in instantaneous rates of Rs in response to elevated CO2, depending on soil temperature and soil volumetric water content (VWC; significant three‐way interaction). During wet periods, soil water savings under CO2‐enriched trees led to excessive VWC (>45%) that suppressed Rs. Elevated CO2 stimulated Rs only when VWC was ≤40% and concurrent soil temperature was high (>15 °C). Seasonal Q10 estimates of Rs were significantly lower under elevated (Q10=3.30) compared with ambient CO2 (Q10=3.97). However, this effect disappeared when three consecutive sampling dates of extremely high VWC were disregarded. This suggests that elevated CO2 affected Q10 mainly indirectly through changes in VWC. Fine root respiration did not differ significantly between treatments but soil microbial biomass (Cmic) increased by 14% under elevated CO2 (marginally significant). Our findings do not indicate enhanced soil C emissions in such stands under future atmospheric CO2. It remains to be shown whether C losses via leaching of dissolved organic or inorganic C (DOC, DIC) help to balance the C budget in this forest.  相似文献   

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