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Ramageoptera platycephala gen. et sp. nov., a new protopristocerine wasp, is described and figured from a female individual preserved in mid-Cretaceous amber from Tanai, northern Myanmar. Ramageoptera platycephala gen. et sp. nov. shows most of the known characters used to circumscribe the extinct subfamily Protopristocerinae, and highlights the putative status of stem-Pristocerinae that may occupy the Protopristocerinae. Ramageoptera platycephala gen. et sp. nov. is unique among the Protopristocerinae, at least, for possessing a flat and square shaped head; eyes glabrous and small; mandibles with four conspicuous sharp teeth; antenna with short scape; forewing with Rs + M vein absent; vein M straight; cell 2R1 distally opened; cell 1Cu closed, sub-equal to R cell; cell 2Cu open.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2018,17(6):351-356
Fossils belonging to Ripidiinae are rare. Here, we describe and figure a remarkable new genus and species of Ripidiinae, Protoripidius burmiticus gen. et sp. nov., from the Upper Cretaceous amber of Myanmar. Protoripidius can be placed in the extant subfamily Ripidiinae based on the widely separated and abbreviated elytra (in male), unfolded hind wings, simple claws and the absence of tibial spurs. Protoripidius bears many transitional features shedding new light on the relationships of the two extant tribes of Ripidiinae. The discovery also highlights the palaeodiversity of the subfamily Ripidiinae in the mid-Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The diversity of praeaulacid wasps in Kachin amber is relatively poorly documented. Here, a new genus and species of praeaulacid wasp are described and illustrated from the mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber as Archeogastrinus kachinensis gen. et sp. nov., and placed in the subfamily Praeaulacinae. This new genus is distinguishable from the other Praeaulacidae because of its particular tibial spurs formula 1-2-2; its forewings with a long and thin pterostigma, a 1-M longer than 1-Rs, a 1-Rs longer than its distance to pterostigma, a crossvein 2r-rs aligned (or nearly) with 2rs-m and originating near the middle of pterostigma, a 2rs-m present, a cell 3rm long, a 1cu-a postfurcal to 1-M, a vein 2-M distinct; its hind wings cu-a reaching Cu distad M + Cu fork; and its metasoma with a first segment petiole-like (i.e., long and thin) and ventrally inflated in its distal half. The position of the genus Mesevania is briefly discussed, as well as the validity of the genus Paleosyncrasis, both described from the mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber.  相似文献   

The Upper Cenomanian cover of the Palaeozoic Mouthoumet Massif (southern Corbières, Aude, France), on the southern flank of the Bézu anticline, shows accumulations of large platy corals. However, while being already presented in stratigraphic, palaeoecological and sedimentological contexts, these organisms have not been the subject of a palaeontological study. The coral fauna encompasses 16 species of the families Leptophylliidae, Microsolenidae, and Siderastraeidae and is here presented in detail.  相似文献   

The Cenomanian Smail Marl Formation in the Bellezma and Aures mountains of northeastern Algeria is well exposed and rich in macroinvertebrates, including cephalopods. Twenty-five ammonite species and two nautiloid species from the Thénièt El Manchar, Djebel Metrassi and Djebel Bouarif sections are described and seven assemblage zones proposed as provisional working units: Mantelliceras mantelli–Sharpeiceras laticlavium Assemblage Zone (lower Cenomanian), Mantelliceras dixoni Assemblage Zone (uppermost lower Cenomanian), Cunningtoniceras inerme Assemblage Zone (lower middle Cenomanian), Acanthoceras rhotomagense and Acanthoceras cf. rhotomagense Assemblage Zone (middle middle Cenomanian), Acanthoceras amphibolum Assemblage Zone (upper middle Cenomanian), Acanthoceras jukesbrownei Assemblage Zone (uppermost middle Cenomanian), and Neolobites vibrayeanus Assemblage Zone (lower upper Cenomanian). The lower Cenomanian Mantelliceras mantelli–Sharpeiceras laticlavium Zone is subdivided into the Submantelliceras aumalense, Sharpeiceras schlueteri and Mantelliceras saxbii subzones. The base of the middle Cenomanian is marked by the disappearance of species of Mantelliceras and the appearance of the scleractinian coral Aspidiscus cristatus (Lamarck, 1801), associated with Cunningtoniceras inerme (Pervinquière, 1907). The middle Cenomanian contains abundant A. cristatus and species of Acanthoceras, i.e., A. cf. rhotomagense (Defrance in Brongniart, 1822), A. jukesbrownei (Spath, 1926) and A. amphibolum Morrow, 1935. An ammonite zonal scheme is then applied to the Cenomanian exposed in the Bellezma-Aures mountains located on the southern Tethys margin in Algeria.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(6):589-597
Examination of fossil ant specimens from various private and institutional German collections of Baltic amber has revealed a new genus and species of Myrmicinae, described here as Thanacomyrmex hoffeinsorum gen. et sp. nov. The new worker morphotype shares some similarities with the coeval extinct genus Parameranoplus Wheeler, also from Baltic amber, and the extant genera Pristomyrmex Mayr and Acanthomyrmex Emery, suggesting placement of the new fossil in the Myrmecina genus-group within the tribe Crematogastrini. The new genus highlights the tremendous diversity of ants that evolved in the Palaeogene European forests and composed the first major radiation of crown-group ants.  相似文献   

A rare archaic beetle, Mallecupes qingqingae gen. et sp. n., (Insecta: Coleoptera: Archostemata: Cupedidae) is described from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. It shows affinity with Paracupes found in South America today and ‘Paracupes’ found in North America during the Cretaceous. Archostemata are diverse in Burmese amber.  相似文献   

The Mid. Cenomanian terebratulid brachiopod Sellithyris cenomanensis Gaspard, 1982 displays preserved residual colour patterns as pale radial bandings. A parallel is made with the common Triassic Coenothyris vulgaris (Schlotheim, 1820) and some extant species. The colour pattern is unequal comparing the dorsal and ventral valves of one specimen, and in the representatives of a sampled population. This ornamentation, not easily detected, is highlighted using ultraviolet (UV) light. Considerations concerning the pigments involved, their function and at least their alteration over time are tentatively analysed.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(5):443-454
Two fossil localities are reported on the “LGV SEA” railroad from the Lower Cenomanian of Jaunay-Clan (JC), near Poitiers, western France. The laminated mudstones yielded plant fossils including ferns (Cladophlebis, Osmundophyllum, Ruffordia goeppertii, Sphenopteris), conifers (Brachyphyllum, Dammarophyllum, Pagiophyllum), and terrestrial and aquatic freshwater angiosperms (Eucalyptolaurus depreii, Ploufolia). They are associated with a coleopteran insect that shows systematic affinities to the modern subfamily Chrysomelinae (Chrysomelidae). This assemblage suggests connections with arborescent vegetation growing in calm freshwater environment. Brackish to marine invertebrates also occur and include a dakoticancroid crab (Brachyura, Podotremata, Dakoticancroidea) and a few bivalves (Brachidontes). They suggest brackish episodes during pond sedimentation in a coastal environment. Lastly, vertebrates are represented by an isolated feather.  相似文献   

This is the first report of Cotesia scotti (Valerio and Whitfield) comb. nov. in Brazil, attacking larvae of the black armyworm, Spodoptera cosmioides, and the southern armyworm, S. eridania. The moth larvae were found respectively, infesting a protected cropping of organic tomato in Hidrolândia, Goiás, Brazil, and a transgenic soybean crop in São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brazil. Biological, molecular and morphological characters were used to confirm the identity of the specimens. Parasitoid identification presented a challenge since the species has most diagnostic characters of the genus Cotesia Cameron, but few in the poorly defined genus Parapanteles Ashmead. Based on morphological and molecular evidence, we transfer Parapanteles scotti to the genus Cotesia. The new combination is discussed by comparison with morphologically similar species and available molecular data.  相似文献   

In the eastern Saharan Atlas, particularly in the northern area of Tebessa Province (NE Algeria), the widely outcropping Cenomanian strata display a highly diversified macrofauna, among which bivalves are prominently represented. Twenty-eight bivalve species are here reported for the first time from the Cenomanian of Hameimat Massifs. Based on the stratigraphic distribution of these bivalves, five bivalve zones were recognized, i.e., Costagyra olisiponensis - Gyrostrea delettrei, Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum - Exogyra conica, Ceratostreon flabellatum, Ilymatogyra africana, and Pycnodonte vesicularis vesiculosa - Rastellum carinatum zones. Correlation to the ammonite biozones of the same region as follows: the Costagyra olisiponensis - Gyrostrea delettrei and the Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum - Exogyra conica zones occur respectively in the Sharpeiceras schlueteri and Mantelliceras saxbii subzones of the lower Cenomanian Mantelliceras mantelli Zone. The Ceratostreon flabellatum Zone is correlated with the middle Cenomanian Acanthoceras rhotomagense Zone. The Ilymatogyra africana Zone is correlated with the upper Cenomanian Calycoceras naviculare and the Metoicoceras geslinianum zones. Finally, the Pycnodonte vesicularis vesiculosa - Rastellum carinatum Zone represents the uppermost Cenomanian. Detailed analysis of biometrical and morphological features of these bivalve specimens provides the most reliable tool within the scope of palaeo-environmental reconstitution and the many palaeo-ecological variables that had driven the development and distribution of these macro-invertebrates. Comparison of these new data to those of adjacent south Tethyian areas supports the homogeneity of the Cenomanian bivalve faunas. Such an affinity underlines more vividly the favorable marine communications and currents driving the geographic dispersal of these bivalves during the Cenomanian.  相似文献   

The proximal mechanisms leading to monandry have been little studied in most insect orders, including Hymenoptera. In the parasitoid wasp Spalangia endius, mated females are less attractive (less often mounted) than virgins and are unreceptive (unlikely to allow copulation). Which aspects of mating are responsible was tested by observing male responses toward females whose mating had been interrupted at various stages. All females were allowed to receive precopulatory courtship and to open their genital aperture to copulate. Then some were interrupted before copulation, some after copulation but before postcopulatory courtship, and some were allowed to complete postcopulatory courtship. Females that had copulated were not less attractive than females that had not. In contrast, females that had received postcopulatory courtship were clearly both less attractive and less receptive. Thus, postcopulatory courtship functions as extended mate guarding, by making the female less attractive and less receptive to subsequent males even after the original male is no longer present. The effect of postcopulatory courtship on female attractiveness was persistent but imperfect: when males were presented sequentially to mated females, most but not all males retreated without mounting, and a female could repulse more than twenty males in succession.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(5):463-472
Late Cretaceous amber from La Garnache (France, Vendée) contains filamentous networks that have all the characteristics of spider webs. Using methods of classic and confocal microscopy, the web architecture and the thread structure are described. The geometry of the webs preserved in amber is presented in 3D imaging. Unlike most of the spider webs identified in amber, there are no regular radiating webs growing in two dimensions characteristic of the well-known orb web. A number of the characters would correspond to the apparently irregular organization of cob-type web or sheet web. By using confocal microscopy, we can highlight the preserved autofluorescence of spider silk proteins and new characters are proposed to identify the spider webs or fragments of webs in amber.  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2013,67(3):166-172
Estimates of the dispersal range of a recently introduced biocontrol agent in its new environment are vital to understanding its relative searching capacity, and to foresee the maximum area that could be covered in a release event. In New Zealand, the solitary endoparasitoid Cotesia urabae Austin and Allen (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) was first released in January 2011 as a biological control agent for the gum leaf skeletoniser, Uraba lugens Walker (Lepidoptera: Nolidae). The objective of this study was to utilize an experimental approach to quantify the dispersal behavior of one generation of C. urabae. In our experiment, which used sentinel larvae as target hosts, parasitoids dispersed up to 20 m away from the release point but parasitism was highest within 5 m of the release site. A high level of parasitism was observed at the release tree (87.6%) which suggests that most of the females released may have stayed there. According to the dispersal model developed from the data collected, Cotesia would be able to disperse up to 53 m in one release event. In addition, significant differences were found between the different directions tested for dispersal, showing a clear downwind effect on dispersal suggesting that wind has a direct effect on the dispersal behavior of C. urabae in the field.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2020,44(4):216-230
For decades, thyroid scintigraphy (TS) has been considered an interesting tool, especially in the field of hyperthyroidism. In recent years, TS has rapidly gained importance since it provides unique molecular information that cannot be obtained by any other modality. In fact, despite a limited 6 mm spatial resolution, it can highlight molecular and histo-functional changes that characterize most thyroid function disorders. However, to become such a powerful molecular image, the TS must be quantified. How much iodine is taken-up characterizes the Uptake (Up), while where iodine distributes characterizes the Spatial Targeting (ST). Methodology, results and limits of the thyroid Uptake are presented, including suppressed tests. Methods to determine the anatomical thyroid volume are revisited with special focus on planar scintigraphy. Recent developments in quantification make the 123I-TS a new molecular imaging procedure. Since 123I targets the sodium iodide symporter (NIS) and tracks the whole organification process, we derived a fundamental linear relationship between the TSH and the precocious (120–240 min) Uptake (p123IUp). This relationship indicates whether the 123I input follows the physiological TSH stimulation or is predictive of a non TSH-suppressible function, whatever the imaging pattern. This allows identification of toxic or compensated (TSH > 0.1 mU/L) Thyroid Functional Autonomy (TFA), even at baseline. Spatial Targeting, measured with the aid of computational algorithms, provides a reproducible Spatial Targeting Index (STI). This allows estimating a functional thyroid volume, that is likely more informative than the anatomical one. Most aspects of TS quantification and the interest to compare the structure (mostly MultiParametric US) and the function (molecular 123I-TS) are presented.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(5):509-515
Two new bethylid wasps, one Scleroderminae Paleoscleroderma lamarrei gen. et sp. n. and one Pristocerinae Pristocera alaini sp. n., are described from the Lowermost Eocene amber of Oise (France). Together with the Bethylinae and the three Epyrinae already described from the same amber, they show that this family was already very diverse during the Lower Paleogene.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(8):927-940
Although the pika from the Moldovan Kalfa locality (early MN10) — representing the oldest European record of Ochotoninae (the clade derived from Bellatona) — is of crucial importance to understand the earliest history of Ochotona, its taxonomy has remained unclear until now. The paper fills the gap by providing a detailed revision of the type material from Kalfa, originally referred to Proochotona kalfense. The analysis is supported by a direct comparison with type materials of Proochotona eximia, Bellatonoides eroli, and Ochotona ozansoyi, the important early ochotonines of the peri-Paratethyan area. The genus Proochotona is regarded here as a junior subjective synonym of Ochotona. The specie kalfense is confirmed to be valid, undoubtedly belonging to the genus Ochotona. It demonstrates an occurrence of a surprisingly advanced p3 phenotype already present in the pre-Turolian of Europe. At the Holoarctic scale, a detailed synoptic survey and discussion of the fossil record, taxonomy, and phylogeny of the oldest representatives of Ochotoninae are provided.  相似文献   

A simple immunological assay was developed as an alternative to the dissection/visualization method for detecting the presence of the parasitoid, Microctonus aethiopoides Loan, in the alfalfa weevil, Hypera postica (Gyllenhal). The dot-blot assay was validated using laboratory-reared and field-collected adult weevils of known parasitization status. The dot-blot assay was also used to estimate the developmental stage of the parasitoid within parasitized adult hosts. The assay results can be used to forecast parasitoid emergence dates and estimate the parasitism rate of M. aethiopoides in alfalfa weevil populations.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2020,44(4):250-260
131I therapy (RIT) in benign thyroid diseases is the oldest and most currently used application of internal radiotherapy. With the new molecular 123I-TS images one may identify 15 presentations that can benefit from RIT. With three groups of activity determination corresponding to a dozen approaching protocols, several judgmental criteria (eu-, hypo-, hyperthyroidism, relapses etc.) and varying timeframes to assess the success, a “best method of activity calculation” makes little sense. Four clinical objectives must be first identified (goal): antitoxic (euthyroidism), ablative (hypothyroidism), reductive (to reduce a targeted volume) and preventive (to prevent progression from compensated to overt hyperthyroidism) 131I-RIT. A dose response relationship as regards the target volume reduction is firmly established in the short term (1-year) and explains the clinical outcome in Thyroid Functional Autonomy (TFA). In Grave's disease (GD), other factors may interfere that make the long-term function less predictable. Pharmacological modulators of 131I-RIT such as antithyroid drugs (ATDs) and LT3 must be skillfully handled. ATDs interfere with iodine kinetics, enhance the heterogeneity of the spatial dose deposition and diminish the accuracy of absorbed dose deposition, especially when using poorly controlled dosimetric approaches. Short LT3 administration suppresses TSH that allows direct targeting of the autonomously functioning thyroid tissue. The three main groups and variants of activity calculation are presented in detail. Calculating the activity allows a 50% average reduction in the 131I administered dose. Medical strategy should favour the informed patient's choice, after excluding the rare medical causes prompting discussion of an ablative approach. In TFA, low occurrence of hypothyroidism is the rule provided the treatment be given with a TSH < 0.1 mU/L, spontaneously or after LT3 suppression (compensated variety). In GD a long-term remission is rare (< 30%) and should be thoroughly discussed since it leads to euthyroidism in approximately 50% after a 12-year follow-up. Depending on the etiology (GD/TFA) and the 4 clinical goals, 131I RIT planning is presented with optional choice of a patient adapted method of activity calculation and appropriate management of pharmacological modulators.  相似文献   

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