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Several recent studies have mapped out the characters of spermiogenesis within several species of squamates. Many of these data have shown both conserved and possibly apomorphic morphological traits that could be important in future phylogenetic analysis within Reptilia. There, however, has not been a recent study that compares spermiogenesis and its similarities or differences between two species of reptile that reside in the same genus. Thus, the present analysis details the changes to spermiogenesis in Sceloporus variabilis and then compares spermatid morphologies to that of Sceloporus bicanthalis. Many of the morphological changes that the spermatids undergo in these two species are similar or conserved, which is similar to what has been reported in other squamates. There are six main character differences that can be observed during the development of the spermatids between these two sceloporid lizards. They include the presence (S. variabilis) or absence (S. bicanthalis) of a mitochondrial/endoplasmic reticulum complex near the Golgi apparatus during acrosome development, a shallow (S. variabilis) or deep (S. bicanthalis) nuclear indentation that accommodates the acrosomal vesicle, filamentous (S. variabilis) or granular (S. bicanthalis) chromatin condensation, no spiraling (S. variabilis) or spiraling (S. bicanthalis) of chromatin during condensation, absence (S. variabilis) or presence (S. bicanthalis) of the longitudinal manchette microtubules, and the lack of (S. variabilis) or presence (S. bicanthalis) of nuclear lacunae. This is the first study that compares spermiogenic ultrastructural characters between species within the same genus. The significance of the six character differences between two distantly related species within Sceloporus is still unknown, but these data do suggest that spermiogenesis might be a good model to study the hypothesis that spermatid ontogeny is species specific. J. Morphol. 275:258–268, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Although the events of spermiogenesis are commonly studied in amniotes, the amount of research available for Squamata is lacking. Many studies have described the morphological characteristics of mature spermatozoa in squamates, but few detail the ultrastructural changes that occur during spermiogenesis. This study's purpose is to gain a better understanding of the subcellular events of spermatid development within the Imbricate Alligator Lizard, Barisia imbricata. The morphological data presented here represent the first complete ultrastructural study of spermiogenesis within the family Anguidae. Samples of testes from four specimens collected on the northwest side of the Nevado de Toluca, México, were prepared using standard techniques for transmission electron microscopy. Many of the ultrastructural changes occurring during spermiogenesis within B. imbricata are similar to that of other squamates (i.e., early acrosome formation, chromatin condensation, flagella formation, annulus present, and a prominent manchette). However, there are a few unique characteristics within B. imbricata spermatids that to date have not been described during spermiogenesis in other squamates. For example, penetration of the acrosomal granule into the subacrosomal space to form the basal plate of the perforatorium during round spermatid development, the clover‐shaped morphology of the developing nuclear fossa of the flagellum, and the bulbous shape to the perforatorium are all unique to the Imbricate Alligator Lizard. These anatomical character differences may be valuable nontraditional data that along with more traditional matrices (such as DNA sequences and gross morphological data) may help elucidate phylogenetic relationships, which are historically considered controversial within Squamata. J. Morphol., 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Testicular samples were collected to describe the ultrastructure of spermiogenisis in Alligator mississipiensis (American Alligator). Spermiogenesis commences with an acrosome vesicle forming from Golgi transport vesicles. An acrosome granule forms during vesicle contact with the nucleus, and remains posterior until mid to late elongation when it diffuses uniformly throughout the acrosomal lumen. The nucleus has uniform diffuse chromatin with small indices of heterochromatin, and the condensation of DNA is granular. The subacrosome space develops early, enlarges during elongation, and accumulates a thick layer of dark staining granules. Once the acrosome has completed its development, the nucleus of the early elongating spermatid becomes associated with the cell membrane flattening the acrosome vesicle on the apical surface of the nucleus, which aids in the migration of the acrosomal shoulders laterally. One endonuclear canal is present where the perforatorium resides. A prominent longitudinal manchette is associated with the nuclei of late elongating spermatids, and less numerous circular microtubules are observed close to the acrosome complex. The microtubule doublets of the midpiece axoneme are surrounded by a layer of dense staining granular material. The mitochondria of the midpiece abut the proximal centriole resulting in a very short neck region, and possess tubular cristae internally and concentric layers of cristae superficially. A fibrous sheath surrounds only the axoneme of the principal piece. Characters not previously described during spermiogenesis in any other amniote are observed and include (1) an endoplasmic reticulum cap during early acrosome development, (2) a concentric ring of endoplasmic reticulum around the nucleus of early to middle elongating spermatids, (3) a band of endoplasmic reticulum around the acrosome complex of late developing elongate spermatids, and (4) midpiece mitochondria that have both tubular and concentric layers of cristae. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although the events of spermiogenesis are commonly studied in amniotes, the amount of research available for lizards (Sauria) is lacking. Many studies have described the morphological characteristics of mature spermatozoa in lizards, but few detail the ultrastructural changes that occur during spermiogenesis. The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of the subcellular events of spermiogenesis within the temperate ground skink (Scincella laterale). The morphological data presented here represent the first complete ultrastructural study of spermiogenesis within the Scincidae clade. Samples of testes from 20 specimens were prepared using standard techniques for transmission electron microscopy. Many of the ultrastructural changes occurring during spermiogenesis within the ground skink are similar to that of other saurians. However, there were a few unique characteristics that to date have not been described during spermiogenesis in other lizards. For example, during early round spermatid development within the ground skink testis, proacrosomal granules begin to form within the acrosomal vesicle before making contact with the apex of the nucleus. Also, a prominent microtubular manchette develops during spermiogenesis; however, the circular component of the manchete is absent in this species of skink. This developmental difference in manchette formation may lead to the more robust and straight mature spermatozoa that are common within the Scincidae family. These anatomical character differences may be valuable nontraditional sources that along with more traditional sources (i.e., mitochondrial DNA) may help elucidate phylogenetic relationships, which are historically considered controversial at best, among species within Scincidae and Sauria.  相似文献   

To date multiple studies exist that examine the morphology of spermatozoa. However, there are limited numbers of data detailing the ontogenic characters of spermiogenesis within squamates. Testicular tissues were collected from Cottonmouths (Agkistrodon piscivorus) and tissues from spermiogenically active months were analyzed ultrastructurally to detail the cellular changes that occur during spermiogenesis. The major events of spermiogenesis (acrosome formation, nuclear elongation/DNA condensation, and flagellar development) resemble that of other squamates; however, specific ultrastructural differences can be observed between Cottonmouths and other squamates studied to date. During acrosome formation vesicles from the Golgi apparatus fuse at the apical surface of the nuclear membrane prior to making nuclear contact. At this stage, the acrosome granule can be observed in a centralized location within the vesicle. As elongation commences the acrosome complex becomes highly compartmentalized and migrates laterally along the nucleus. Parallel and circum‐cylindrical microtubules (components of the manchette) are observed with parallel microtubules outnumbering the circum‐cylindrical microtubules. Flagella, displaying the conserved 9 + 2 microtubule arrangement, sit in nuclear fossae that have electron lucent shoulders juxtaposed on either side of the spermatids basal plates. This study aims to provide developmental characters for squamates in the subfamily Crotalinae, family Viperidae, which may be useful for histopathological studies on spermatogenesis in semi‐aquatic species exposed to pesticides. Furthermore, these data in the near future may provide morphological characters for spermiogenesis that can be added to morphological data matrices that may be used in phylogenetic analyses. J. Morphol. 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Among prey-naive Anolis lineatopus from Jamaica, individuals reject ants most commonly, crickets less commonly, and waxmoth larvae almost never. This study investigates the individual differences in the mechanism underlying prey perception in two of many ethotypes found, i.e., cricket-rejectors and cricket-acceptors. In one experiment artificially coloured live waxmoth larvae, crickets and ants were presented, in another experiment crickets and waxmoth larvae were moved passively with different speeds. Ethotypes differ in their evaluation of the interaction of prey key stimuli. Cricket-rejectors and cricket-acceptors differ in their responses to both crickets and waxmoth larvae that were either unicoloured yellow or black, but not in their responses to two types of ants of either colouration. Both ethotypes also differ in their preferences for artificially moved crickets and waxmoth larvae as a function of the interaction of prey type and velocity. In all but two prey items there is interaction in the perceptual pathways concerned. The first presentation in ontogeny of an ant inhibits attack on a cricket presented the next day. Some results suggest that ethotypes differ but gradually in their evaluation of stimuli presented, with cricket-rejectors having a higher threshold for attack. However, other results suggest that cricket-rejectors evaluate certain prey in a way qualitatively different from that of acceptors. At present there is little evidence for an understanding of the ethotypic differences of prey selection at a neural level, probably because neuroethologists have failed to look at individual differences of prey recognition; this failure is discussed in some detail.  相似文献   


The stages of spermiogenesis in Myobia murismusculi were investigated on the basis of ultrastructural analysis of both the testes and the female organs: receptaculum seminis and seminal duct. The walls of the testes consist of a thin epithelial layer. Germ and secretory cells lie free in the lumen of the testes. In the early stages of differentiation, both cell types represent clusters of sister cells joined by intercellular bridges. Each secretory cell contains prominent RER and Golgi complex, which produce single dense granule. Growing gradually the granule fills the whole volume of the cell's cytoplasm. Mature secretory cells disintegrate and the secretory product discharges into the testicular lumen. The germ cells are represented by the early, the intermediate and the late spermatids as well as the immature sperm (prospermia). Neither spermatogonia nor meiotic figures were observed in adult males. As spermiogenesis starts, numerous narrow invaginations of the outer membrane (peripheral channels) develop on the cell surface. They form a wide circumferential network connected to pinocytotic vesicles. Owing to the secretory activity of the Golgi complex, a large acrosomal granule is formed in the early spermatids. A long acrosomal filament runs along the intranuclear canal. Nuclear material condenses and forms two spherical bodies of different electron density. The lighter one can be observed until the stage of the late spermatids, when the nuclear envelope almost completely disappears. The electron-dense nuclear body transforms into a definite chromatin body, which is observed in the mature sperm as a cup-shaped structure. The late spermatids are characterized by the presence of a large electronlucent vacuole, which seems to be unique for the process of spermiogenesis in Actinedida. After the spermia enter the female genital tract, the peripheral channels disappear as well as the vacuole. The cells form long amoeboid arms with a special microtubular layer underneath the plasma membrane. The chromatin body is encircled by a large acrosomal granule of complex shape provided by long extensions running deep into the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm contains no organelles except for a group of unmodified mitochondria in the post-nuclear region. The main characteristics of the Myobia spermiogenesis are discussed with regard to other actinedid mites.  相似文献   

A previous study (von Brockhusen -Holzer & Curio 1990) had led to the major conclusion that prey-naive Anolis lineatopus hatchlings differ in terms of a “hard-wired” perceptual mechanism underlying the recognition of cricket prey. We reconsider here one result leading to that conclusion since it rested on negative evidence in one treatment group as compared to another. A newly applied discriminant analysis utilizing the complete prey rejection/acceptance data of individuals in the two treatment groups, i.e. cricket-rejectors and prefed cricket-acceptors, again permits the repudiation of a motivation-based alternative hypothesis explaining the rejector-acceptor dichotomy. Thereby we reconfirm the original hypothesis of a “hard-wired”, preprogrammed polyethism underlying prey recognition.  相似文献   

We studied spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis in Adalia decempunctata (L), a beetle of the Coccinellidae family. The spermatocyte exhibits two centrioles which elongate to form a pair of primary cilia. A novel structure, appearing in cross sections as a dense droplet, is observed near the long centriole during spermiogenesis, and is soon accompanied by a procentriole (PCL). PCL structure consists of singlet microtubules, a central tubule and an incomplete cartwheel. The PCL persists until the end of spermiogenesis, when it vanishes together with the dense droplet. The sperm has an exceptionally long basal body and the nucleus is disposed parallel to the flagellar components, a peculiar trait shared by other species of the coccinellid group. The presence of a procentriole suggested by the use of antibodies is discussed.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis in Castrada cristatispina begins with the formation of a zone of differentiation containing two centrioles with associated striated rootlets and an intercentriolar body between them. The centrioles give rise to two parallel, free flagella of the Trepaxonemata 9 + '1' pattern, growing out in opposite directions. Spermatids undergo a latero-ventral rotation of the flagella and a subsequent disto-proximal rotation of centrioles, and a distal cytoplasmic projection appears. The former rotation involves the compression of a row of microtubules and allows the recognition of a ventral side and a dorsal side. At the end of the differentiation, the centrioles and cortical microtubules lie parallel to the sperm axis. The modifications of the intercentriolar body and the migration of the nucleus and the centrioles toward the distal projection are described. The mature spermatozoon of C. cristatispina is filiform, tapered at both ends and shares several features with the other Rhabdocoela gametes. Nevertheless, the posterior extremity is capped by an electron-dense material. A gradient between mitochondria and dense bodies exists along the sperm axis. This study has enable us a phylogenetic approach of the Rhabdocoela through a comparison of the ultrastructural features of C. cristatispina with the other Rhabdocoela taxa. We propose the disto-proximal rotation of centrioles as a synapomorphy of the Rhabdocoela.  相似文献   

The spermiogenesis and the sperm ultrastructure of several species of Coniopterygidae have been examined. The spermatozoa consist of a three-layered acrosome, an elongated elliptical nucleus, a long flagellum provided with a 9+9+3 axoneme and two mitochondrial derivatives. No accessory bodies were observed. The axoneme exhibits accessory microtubules provided with 13, rather than 16, protofilaments in their tubular wall; the intertubular material is reduced and distributed differently from that observed in other Neuropterida. Sperm axoneme organization supports the isolated position of the family previously proposed on the basis of morphological data.  相似文献   

BackgroundKnowledge of spermiogenesis in reptiles, especially in lizards, is very limited. Lizards found in Arabian deserts have not been considered for detailed studies due to many reasons and the paucity of these animals. Therefore, we designed a study on the differentiation and morphogenesis of spermiogenesis, at an ultrastructural level, in a rare lizard species, Scincus scincus.ResultsThe spermiogenesis process includes the development of an acrosomal vesicle, aggregation of acrosomal granules, formation of subacrosomal nuclear space, and nuclear elongation. A role for manchette microtubules was described in nuclear shaping and organelle movement. During head differentiation, the fine granular chromatin of the early spermatid is gradually replaced by highly condensed contents in a process called chromatin condensation. Furthermore, ultrastructural features of sperm tail differentiation in S. scincus were described in detail. The commencement was with caudal migration toward centrioles, insertion of the proximal centriole in the nuclear fossa, and extension of the distal centrioles to form the microtubular axoneme. Subsequently, tail differentiation consists of the enlargement of neck portion, middle piece, the main and end pieces.ConclusionsThis study aids in the understanding of different aspects of spermiogenesis in the lizard family and unfurls evolutionary links within and outside reptiles.  相似文献   


Ultrastructural and immunocytochemical studies were carried out in the tail region of spermatids and spermatozoa of the phytophagous bugs, Acrosternum aseadum and Euchistus heros. The axoneme presented a 9+9+2 microtubule pattern and bridges occurred between axonemal microtubules 1, 5, and mitochondrial derivatives. Two paracrystalline structures, embedded in an amorphous matrix, were observed in the mitochondrial derivatives. The axonemal microtubules contained alpha, acetylated and tyrosinated tubulin. Cytoplasmic microtubules contained alpha, beta and gamma tubulin. Moreover, the gamma tubulin was detected near the electron dense rod, an element associated with the centriole, suggesting that this structure may be a microtubule organizing center.  相似文献   

The claw of lizards is largely composed of beta‐keratins, also referred to as keratin‐associated beta‐proteins. Recently, we have reported that the genome of the lizard Anolis carolinensis contains alpha keratin genes homologous to hair keratins typical of hairs and claws of mammals. Molecular and immunohistochemical studies demonstrated that two hair keratin homologs named hard acid keratin 1 (HA1) and hard basic keratin 1 (HB1) are expressed in keratinocytes forming the claws of A. carolinensis. Here, we extended the immunocytochemical localization of the novel reptilian keratins to the ultrastructural level. After sectioning, claws were subjected to immunogold labeling using antibodies against HA1, HB1, and, for comparison, beta‐keratins. Electron microscopy showed that the randomly organized network of tonofilaments in basal and suprabasal keratinocytes becomes organized in long and parallel bundles of keratin in precorneous layers, resembling cortical cells of hairs. Entering the cornified part of the claw, the elongated corneous cells fuse and accumulate corneous material. HA1 and HB1 are absent in the basal layer and lower spinosus layers of the claw and are expressed in the upper and precorneous layers, including the elongating corneocytes. The labeling for alpha‐keratin was loosely associated with filament structures forming the fibrous framework of the claws. The ultrastructural distribution pattern of hard alpha‐keratins resembled that of beta‐keratins, which is compatible with the hypothesis of an interaction during claw morphogenesis. The data on the ultrastructural localization of hair keratin homologs facilitate a comparison of lizard claws and mammalian hard epidermal appendages containing hair keratins. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis in the lizard, Iguana iguana, was studied by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. During this process, structures such as the acrosomal complex in the spermatid head and the axonemal complex in the mid and principal pieces of the flagellum are formed. The nuclear content is initially compacted into thick, longitudinal chromatin filaments. Nuclear shape is determined by further compaction and by the manchette, a layer of microtubules surrounding the head. The acrosomal complex originates from Golgi vesicles and the interaction between the proacrosomal vesicle and the nucleus. The midpiece consists of a pair of centrioles, surrounded by a fibrous sheath and rings of simple and modified mitochondria. The centrioles sustain the axoneme that appears at the end of the midpiece. The axoneme extends throughout the principal piece of the flagellum with the 9 + 2 pattern, still surrounded by the fibrous sheath. In the endpiece, the axoneme continues, surrounded only by the plasma membrane. In the lumen of seminiferous tubules, immature spermatozoa retain abundant residual cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Little is known regarding the ultrastructure of the genus Fallisia (Apicomplexa: Haemosporina: Garniidae). This report describes the fine structure of some developmental stages of Fallisia audaciosa that infect neutrophils in the peripheral blood of the Amazonian lizard Plica umbra (Reptilia: Iguanidae). The parasites lie within a parasitophorous vacuole and exhibit the basic structures of members of the Apicomplexa, such as the pellicle and the cytostome. Invaginations of the inner membrane complex were seen in the gametocytes and may be concerned with nutrition. The meronts were irregularly shaped before division, a feature unusual among members of the Apicomplexa. The unusual presence of a parasitic protozoan within neutrophils, in some way interfering with or modulating the microbicidal activity of such cells, is discussed.  相似文献   

Yoneva, A., Georgieva, K., Mizinska, Y., Nikolov, P. N., Georgiev, B. B. and Stoitsova, S. R. 2010. Ultrastructure of spermiogenesis and mature spermatozoon of Anonchotaenia globata (von Linstow, 1879) (Cestoda, Cyclophyllidea, Paruterinidae). — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 91 : 184–192 The ultrastructure of spermiogenesis and of the spermatozoon of a species of the family Paruterinidae is described for the first time. The spermiogenesis of Anonchotaenia globata starts with the formation of a differentiation zone with two centrioles associated with thin striated roots. One of the centrioles gives rise to a free flagellum followed by a slight flagellar rotation and a proximodistal fusion of the flagellum with the cytoplasmic protrusion. This pattern corresponds to Type III spermiogenesis in cestodes. The spermatozoon consists of five distinct regions. The anterior extremity possesses an apical cone and a single helically coiled crested body. The cortical microtubules are spirally arranged. The axoneme is surrounded by a periaxonemal sheath and a thin layer of cytoplasm filled with electron‐dense granules in Regions I–V. The periaxonemal sheath is connected with the peripheral microtubules by transverse intracytoplasmic walls in Regions III and IV. The nucleus is spirally coiled around the axoneme. Anonchotaenia globata differs from Dilepididae (where paruterinids have previously been classified) in the type of spermiogenesis, the lack of glycogen inclusions and the presence of intracytoplasmic walls. The pattern of spermiogenesis is similar to that in Metadilepididae and Taeniidae, which are considered phylogenetically close to Paruterinidae.  相似文献   

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