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1. Invasive species with global distributions encounter unique environmental and biotic variables that can greatly affect the magnitude of their impact. The European woodwasp, Sirex noctilio Fabricius, is a prime example that has invaded climatically and ecologically distinct ecosystems across the Southern Hemisphere and, more recently, North America. 2. Northeastern North America presents a unique set of conditions, including pine host species, native parasitoids, a diverse assemblage of native co‐colonising insects, and fungal associates of these co‐colonisers. In North America, S. noctilio attacks both a naturalised ancestral host (Pinus sylvestris L.) from Europe and a naïve native host (P. resinosa). A large assemblage of insects and their associated bluestaining ophiostomatoid fungi colonise these pines. Competition between S. noctilio and this group is a hypothesised mechanism of biotic resistance in the invaded region of North America, possibly via superior resource capture abilities or alteration of host tissue by bluestain fungi. 3. Investigating these ecological interactions is challenging because they manifest deep in the xylem tissue. To overcome this, 30 experimentally stressed trees were systematically dissected with an electric log splitter to investigate the effects of bluestain fungi and tree factors on S. noctilio development and parasitism by native hymenopterans. 4. Body size and colonisation density were affected by pine species, with S. noctilio being 25% larger and densities three‐fold greater in P. sylvestris than P. resinosa. Survivorship was slightly negatively correlated with the proportional volume of bluestain infection. Interestingly, rhyssine (Rhyssa and Megarhyssa spp.) parasitism responded positively to greater S. noctilio density, but there was no density relationship with Ibalia leucospoides ensiger parasitism. Pine host species appears to play a strong role in S. noctilio development, which is important considering uninvaded regions of North America have a diversity of pine species that likely vary in their susceptibility to this woodborer.  相似文献   

The study of temporal interactions between native insects and alien invaders can be facilitated by the ability to forecast adult emergence. We used field‐collected adult emergence data of Sirex noctilio Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Siricidae), a woodwasp native of Eurasia that has recently invaded northeastern North America, and Sirex nigricornis Fabricius, a woodwasp native to North America, to develop and test cumulative degree‐day (CDD) models. Five data sets were collected each in Ontario, Canada (S. noctilio) and Louisiana, USA (S. nigricornis) over 4 years; three data sets were used to develop models and two were used to test them. Males and females of each species were modelled separately. After testing several potential temperatures, chosen thresholds for CDD were 0 °C lower threshold and 25 °C upper threshold for both Sirex spp. We used a three‐parameter Gompertz growth function to model Sirex spp. emergence against CDD. Models predicted 10% emergence of S. noctilio in Ontario after 1 239 and 1 280 CDD, for males (start date = 1 April; R2 = 0.91) and females (start date = 1 April; R2 = 0.86), respectively. Models predicted 10% emergence of S. nigricornis in Louisiana after 3 980 and 5 016 CDD, for males (start date = 1 May; R2 = 0.83) and females (start date = 1 March; R2 = 0.73), respectively. Cumulative degree‐day models predicted 10 and 90% emergence of woodwasp populations with less error (1–13%) than they did 50% emergence (5–27%). For both Sirex spp., male emergence began a few days before and concluded at about the same time as that of females. In southern Ontario, models predict that S. noctilio adults will be in flight between 1 015 and 2 430 CDD (1 April start date for CDD; from early‐July until mid‐September). In Louisiana, models predict that S. nigricornis adults will be in flight between 3 854 and 4 700 CDD (1 May start date for CDD; from early‐October until late‐November).  相似文献   

松树蜂与其共生真菌的互利共生关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李大鹏  石娟  骆有庆 《昆虫学报》2015,58(9):1019-1029
松树蜂Sirex noctilio Fabricius是一种重要的国际林业检疫性害虫,主要危害针叶树,原产欧亚大陆和北非。近100多年来,先后入侵大洋洲(新西兰和澳大利亚)、南美洲(乌拉圭、阿根廷、巴西和智利)、北美洲(加拿大和美国),以及南非。2013年8月,在中国黑龙江省内首次发现松树蜂,目前发现其主要危害樟子松。松树蜂能与一种淀粉韧革菌属Amylostereum的真菌Amylostereum areolatum(Fr.)Boidin形成严格的互利共生关系,该虫除直接钻蛀树木外,还能通过产卵行为将自身毒素腺体分泌的毒素和体内共生真菌随同虫卵一起注入寄主树木体内,形成"虫-毒-菌"3个致害因子相互协作的特殊危害方式,加速树势的衰弱并造成寄主树木死亡。本文就国内外松树蜂与其共生菌互利共生关系的研究进行了综述,分别从结构与功能的层次上对其互利共生关系进行了梳理和总结,重点阐释了松树蜂与共生菌的营养共生关系,松树蜂携带传播共生菌的机制,共生菌的种群遗传学以及松树蜂毒素和共生菌在危害寄主树木时的协同关系等。以期为开展关于松树蜂的专项研究提供一些合理的建议,同时为积极有效地防控该害虫提供科学依据。  相似文献   

1 Sirex noctilio has resulted in one of the most damaging biological invasions of pine forestry in the southern hemisphere. 2 An intensive, integrated control programme has been developed for this pest and is generally considered very successful. However, a critical comparison of S. noctilio infestations and control efforts throughout the southern hemisphere reveals that control has not been uniformly effective. Of particular concern is the apparently unexplained variability in establishment and success of biological control agents, including various parasitic wasps and the parasitic nematode Deladenus siricidicola. 3 An overlooked aspect in the establishment of the biological control interventions for S. noctilio is the potential influence of genetic bottlenecks on the ability of the agents to adapt to different environments and different populations of S. noctilio. 4 Despite established biological control agents, stress in forests caused by silvicultural practices or the environment will predispose trees to heavy infestation. Unfortunately, improved silvicultural practices are not always economically feasible and environmental changes are often unavoidable. 5 Sirex noctilio continues to pose a serious threat to pine forestry in many areas. Despite extensive earlier research into a single integrated control for S. noctilio, it is important to recognize that such a strategy will probably require significant local adaptation in new areas of infestation and over time.  相似文献   

Shifting flowering phenology with rising temperatures is occurring worldwide, but the rarity of co‐occurring long‐term observational and temperature records has hindered the evaluation of phenological responsiveness in many species and across large spatial scales. We used herbarium specimens combined with historic temperature data to examine the impact of climate change on flowering trends in 141 species collected across 116,000 km2 in north‐central North America. On average, date of maximum flowering advanced 2.4 days °C−1, although species‐specific responses varied from − 13.5 to + 7.3 days °C−1. Plant functional types exhibited distinct patterns of phenological responsiveness with significant differences between native and introduced species, among flowering seasons, and between wind‐ and biotically pollinated species. This study is the first to assess large‐scale patterns of phenological responsiveness with broad species representation and is an important step towards understanding current and future impacts of climate change on species performance and biodiversity.  相似文献   

Resource quality can have direct or indirect effects on female oviposition choice, offspring growth and survival, and ultimately on body size and sex ratio. We examined these patterns in Sirex noctilio Fabricus, the globally invasive European pine woodwasp, in South African Pinus patula plantations. We studied how tree position as well as natural variation in biotic and abiotic factors influenced sex‐specific density, larval size, tunnel length, male proportion, and survival across development. Twenty infested trees divided into top, middle, and bottom sections were sampled at three time points during larval development. We measured moisture content, bluestain fungal colonization, and co‐occurring insect density and counted, measured, and sexed all immature wasps. A subset of larval tunnels was measured to assess tunnel length and resource use efficiency (tunnel length as a function of immature wasp size). Wasp density increased from the bottoms to the tops of trees for both males and females. However, the largest individuals and the longest tunnels were found in bottom sections. Male bias was strong (~10:1) and likewise differed among sections, with the highest proportion in the middle and top sections. Sex ratios became more strongly male biased due to high female mortality, especially in top and middle sections. Biotic and abiotic factors such as colonization by Diplodia sapinea, weevil (Pissodes sp.) density, and wood moisture explained modest residual variation in our primary mixed effects models (0%–22%). These findings contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of sex‐specific resource quality for S. noctilio and of how variation in key biotic and abiotic factors can influence body size, sex ratio, and survival in this economically important woodwasp.  相似文献   

River systems around the world are subject to various perturbations, including the colonization and spread of non‐native species in riparian zones. Riparian resource managers are commonly engaged in efforts to control problematic non‐native species and restore native habitats. In western North America, small Eurasian trees or shrubs in the genus Tamarix occupy hundreds of thousands of hectares of riparian lands, and are the targets of substantial and costly control efforts and associated restoration activities. Still, significant information gaps exist regarding approaches used in control and restoration efforts and their effects on riparian ecosystems. In this special section of papers, eight articles address various aspects of control and restoration associated with Tamarix spp. These include articles focused on planning restoration and revegetation; a synthetic analysis of past restoration efforts; and several specific research endeavors examining plant responses, water use, and various wildlife responses (including birds, butterflies, and lizards). These articles represent important additions to the Tamarix spp. literature and contain many lessons and insights that should be transferable to other analogous situations in river systems globally.  相似文献   

The Uruguay River starts in Serra do Mar in Brazil runs through the Paranense forest and flows southward through grassland and savannas. It has a continuous gallery forest of 750 km from the southern border of the Paranense forest to the river mouth. The gallery forest extends for 100 km more along the Río de la Plata. 125 (68.7%) of the 182 species of forest birds recorded in the southern Paranense forest penetrate into the gallery forest of the Uruguay River and only 13 (7.1%) reach the end of the gallery forest (Punta Lara). The number of bird species is inversely correlated (r2 = 0.942) with distance and the slope of the regression is 58.10. This means a decline in diversity with 32% of species lost per unit distance. A hundred and eighty forest tree species were recorded in the southern Paranense forest, of which 113 (62.8%) penetrate into the gallery forest of the Uruguay River, and 28 (15.6%) reach Punta Lara. The number of tree species is inversely correlated (r2 = 0.976) with distance and the slope of the regression is ?45.62. This means a decline in diversity with 25% of species lost per unit distance. The Uruguay River enables the dispersal of many species of forest birds and trees from the rain forest, but species richness tends to decrease with increased distance from the source area. A clear association pattern was found for birds between size, diet, habitat use and distance reached into the gallery forest. Species of smaller body size, granivores, insectivores and those that use both the interior and exterior parts of the gallery forest advanced noticeably further along the river than larger species, carnivores, nectarivores or frugivores, and those that frequent only a part of the forest. Similarly, a clear association between dispersal mechanism, water dependence and distance reached into the gallery forest was found for trees. Species with vegetative reproduction, zoochorous species and riparian species advanced markedly longer distances along the river than, anemochorous species and non‐riparian species.  相似文献   

Sirex noctilio F. (Hymenoptera: Siricidae) is an invasive woodwasp, currently established in northeastern North America. In other regions of the world, stressed trap trees are used to monitor populations of S. noctilio and to provide inoculation points for the biological control nematode Deladenus siricidicola Bedding. However, the operational use of trap trees for S. noctilio in North America may be compromised by the large community of native organisms that inhabit stressed and dying pine trees. Common bark beetles such as Ips pini (Say) and Ips grandicollis (Eichhoff) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) could potentially compete with S. noctilio and associates for resources on trap trees, possibly reducing the efficacy of trap trees as habitats for the woodwasp. In an attempt to develop a technology to mitigate this potential issue, three common semiochemical interruptants--conophthorin, green leaf volatile mix, and verbenone--were tested for effectiveness in reducing arrivals of I. pini and I. grandicollis on trap trees treated with herbicides in northeastern United States. In addition, the effects of these compounds were determined independently with pheromone-baited multiple-funnel traps. None of the interruptants reduced numbers of I. pini or I. grandicollis either arriving on trap trees or caught in pheromone-baited traps. However, verbenone increased catches of I. grandicollis in traps baited with its pheromone, ipsenol. The mix of green leaf volatiles reduced catches of a native ambrosia beetle, Gnathotrichus materiarius (Fitch), whereas verbenone reduced trap catches of an exotic ambrosia beetle, Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford). Catches of X. germanus in traps adjacent to trap trees were enhanced with conophthorin.  相似文献   

1 Thirty extracts of wood and bark of hardwood trees from Eastern North America were examined for insect growth‐reducing activity in a bioassay with European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, and an antifeedant bioassay with the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae. 2 Nine of the bark extracts and four of the wood extracts showed significant growth reducing effects at 0.5% in meridic diets, whereas only two bark extracts and one wood extract showed significant antifeedant effect at the same concentration. 3 Slower growing tree species were more biologically active than fast growing ones. Isolation of the bioactive compounds in one of the active species, Prunus serotina, showed that naringenin, its derivative methoxynaringenin, and eriodictyol were responsible for the antifeedant effects.  相似文献   

Aim To reconstruct historical naturalization trends of exotic vascular plants in Quebec and Massachusetts, two regions that experienced fluctuations in their herbarium specimen collection efforts. We hypothesized that the observed trends are linked to the collection effort and that they differ according to the motive for plant introduction. Methods A checklist of naturalized exotic plant taxa for Quebec, including oldest proof of naturalization and motive for introduction, was built from herbaria, journals, dissertations, theses, bulletins, websites and unpublished records. For Massachusetts, we used the checklist of Sorrie (2005; Rhodora, 107 , 284–329). The collection effort was estimated from a pool of species with specimens from the five largest Quebec herbaria and from the Harvard University Herbarium. Results Naturalization trends of exotic plants in Quebec are similar to those observed in Massachusetts. A large part of the plants naturalized in the 17th, 18th or 19th centuries, with very little naturalization during the last 30–90 years. In general, there is a significant statistical link between herbarium specimen collection effort and the discovery of new naturalized plant taxa. Very few utilitarian plants naturalized in either region during the 20th century. In Quebec, a high number of ornamental plants naturalized during the last 100 years. Main conclusions The link between herbarium specimen collection effort and the discovery of new naturalized plants is real, although not as straightforward as it seems. Our analysis suggests that at least part of the decline in the number of new naturalized exotic plants observed in Quebec and Massachusetts during the last 30–90 years is a direct consequence of the low interest for traditional floristic studies. However, the possibility of a real decline cannot be ruled out. We nevertheless provide here one of the first pieces of evidence of the potential consequences of the decline of local plant collection for environmental management and especially for early detection systems of new invaders.  相似文献   

Buschini, M.L.T. and Fajardo, S. 2009. Biology of the solitary wasp Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) agamemnon Richards 1934 (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) in trap‐nests. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 91 : 426–432. Some Trypoxylon species build their nests in preexisting tubular cavities like hollow stems and beetle borings in branches. Study of the biology of these insects is relatively easy because the females of these wasps nest with enormous success in trap‐nests. The aim of this study was to investigate the abundance, seasonality and life‐history of Trypoxylon agamemnon. For capture of these insects, trap‐nests were installed in the Parque Municipal das Araucárias in araucaria forest, grassland and swamp, from December, 2001 to December, 2005. Two hundred and ninety seven nests were obtained. They were constructed more often during the summer (from December to April). The nests were built only in araucaria forest and consisted of a linear series of cells, divided by mud partitions, whose number varied from 1 to 7. Normally they have only one vestibular cell. The inner cells had been provisioned, usually with spiders of Anyphaenidae family. Sex‐ratio was strongly female biased. Its main natural enemies included Chrysididae, Ichneumonidae and Tachinidae.  相似文献   

In addition to their impact on natural habitats, invasive alien plants can have a significant negative effect on agricultural systems and cause economic losses. Flood‐irrigated orchards in the Mediterranean Basin are vulnerable to the invasion of alien weeds, primarily because of the traditional management practices used in the orchards, which are characterized by high soil moisture during the dry summer period, nutrient availability and high levels of disturbance. This study sought to determine whether their biological traits can explain the success of alien weed species. To answer this question, 408 floristic relevés were conducted in 136 flood‐irrigated orchards on the Plains of Lleida (Catalonia, NE of Spain). Richness and cover of native and alien weeds were compared. Furthermore, a set of biological traits were compared between successful and non‐successful weeds for the whole data and separately between native and alien weeds using logistic regression and classification trees. In flood‐irrigated orchards, alien species covered most of their area, even though the richness of alien species was lower than that of the native species. The most important species were C4 species with seeds dispersed by water, and on the other hand, rosulate and caespitose‐reptant hemicryptophytes with long flowering period. Most of these traits fitted with those of the invasive alien weeds, which were mostly C4 species with seeds dispersed by water. Perennial life form characterized successful native weeds. In this study, we discuss how the traditional management of flood irrigation in fruit‐tree orchards favours invasive alien weeds that have specific traits, acting as a reservoir for the spread of alien weeds into other crops and surrounding riparian habitats. We also propose changing management practices in order to avoid the selection of alien weeds and to promote native species.  相似文献   

The invasive grasses Bromus rubens and Bromus tectorum are responsible for widespread damage to semiarid biomes of western North America. Bromus. tectorum dominates higher and more northern landscapes than its sister species B. rubens, which is a severe invader in the Mojave desert region of the American Southwest. To assess climate thresholds controlling their distinct geographic ranges, we evaluated the winter cold tolerance of B. tectorum and B. rubens. Freezing tolerance thresholds were determined using electrolyte leakage and whole‐plant mortality. The responses of the two species to winter cold and artificial freezing treatments were similar in 2007–2008 and 2009–2010. When grown at minimum temperatures of 10 °C, plants of both species had cold tolerance thresholds near ?10 °C, while plants acclimated to a daily minimum of ?10 to ?30 °C survived temperatures down to ?31 °C. In the winter of 2010–2011, a sudden severe cold event on December 9, 2010 killed all B. rubens populations, while B. tectorum was not harmed; all tested plants were 7–8 weeks old. Controlled acclimation experiments demonstrated that 8‐week‐old plants of B. rubens had a slower acclimation rate to subzero temperatures than B. tectorum and could not survive a rapid temperature drop from 1 to ?14 °C. Four‐month‐old B. rubens populations were as cold tolerant as B. tectorum. Our results show that severe and sudden freeze events in late autumn can kill young plants of B. rubens but not B. tectorum. Such events could exclude B. rubens from the relatively cold, Intermountain steppe biome of western North America where B. tectorum predominates.  相似文献   

Abstract Ants play an important role in Australian biodiversity and environmental impact assessments, with pitfall-trapping being the principal sampling method. However, the relationship between trap diameter and ant species catch has not been investigated in the context of survey design. Using four different trap diameters, each at a density of one trap per 100 m2, the present study asks three questions: (i) given an equal number of traps, do traps with larger diameters catch more species than smaller-diameter traps?; (ii) do traps with small diameters bias against large or rare species?; (iii) for equal area of the trap mouth, do small but more numerous traps catch more species than fewer but large traps? A total of 84 species were sampled within the 1600 m2 study site, with numbers of species for trap diameters of: 18mm (46 species), 42mm (56 species), 86mm (62 species) and 135mm (64 species). At equal trap density, 18 mm traps caught significantly fewer species than larger traps. Traps of 86 mm and 135mm were no more efficient than 42mm traps. Only 86mm and 135mm traps caught all species > 10mm in length (6 species). For equal area of the trap mouth, small traps were more efficient than large traps. Differences in the catch of the different-sized traps were due primarily to different capture rates of the rare species (40 species): 18mm traps caught 25% of rare species, 42 mm caught 41%, 86 mm caught 44% and 135 mm caught 52%. The role of rare ant species in environmental impact studies is discussed.  相似文献   

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