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Francesco Abbate Maria Cristina Guerrera Mauro Cavallaro Giuseppe Montalbano Antonino Germanà Maria Levanti 《Tissue & cell》2017,49(6):633-637
Swordfish (Xiphias gladius L. 1758) is a predatory and migratory fish. Its characteristic feature is a flat and sharp upper jaw forming a “sword”. The adaptation of vertebrates, including fish, to their environment is strictly related to the capacity of feeding and is carried out by often severe modifications of the anatomy of the buccal cavity, especially of the tongue. The aim of this study is, using light and scanning electron microscopy and considering that no data are so far available about the morphology of the tongue in this species, to analyse the anatomical characteristics of the tongue, especially its dorsal surface. The tongue shows a triangular shape and an apex, a body and a root. By SEM the presence of several small denticles and filiform papillae on the latero-ventral body was demonstrated while no taste buds or other sensitive structures are observed. LM shows a squamous stratified epithelium, becoming simple cuboidal around the denticles. Therefore this study could add further data to the knowledges of the fish oral cavity morphology supporting the hypothesis that the modifications and evolution of the tongue anatomy are, also in fish, related to the environment and especially to the feeding habits. 相似文献
Feeding habits of the Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus (L. 1758), in the central Mediterranean Sea (Strait of Messina) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Pietro Battaglia Franco Andaloro Pierpaolo Consoli Valentina Esposito Danilo Malara Simona Musolino Cristina Pedà Teresa Romeo 《Helgoland Marine Research》2013,67(1):97-107
The study of feeding habits of the Atlantic bluefin tuna was carried out in 123 specimens, ranging from 115 to 222 cm fork length (FL) and collected during spring seasons of 2010 and 2011 in the central Mediterranean Sea (Strait of Messina). The analysis of stomach contents allowed us to identify 91 taxa of prey items, mainly belonging to Teleostea (54), Cephalopoda (20) and Crustacea (13). The percentage of index of relative abundance (IRI) shows the highest values for the myctophid Hygophum benoiti (%IRI = 22.854) and the stomiid Chauliodus sloani (%IRI = 15.124), followed by the oegopsid squid Illex coindetii (%IRI = 14.316). The broad spectrum of prey items could suggest a generalist behavior of this predator, with several species that occasionally occurs in its diet. However, if prey are grouped into food categories, the importance of mesopelagic and benthopelagic fishes can be appreciated (54.41 % of %IRI). The assessment of the hypothetical foraging rhythm of the Atlantic bluefin tuna highlighted that its feeding activity is concentrated on diel migrating fauna during night and on larger preys upon daylight. The predation on the high-energetic food as mesopelagic and bathypelagic fishes during the pre-spawning and the spawning period may bring an energetic advantage in tuna metabolism and gonadal maturation 相似文献
The sailfish and swordfish are known as the fastest sea animals, reaching their maximum speeds of around 100 km/h. In the present study, we investigate the hydrodynamic characteristics of these fishes in their cruise speeds of about 1 body length per second. We install a taxidermy specimen of each fish in a wind tunnel, and measure the drag on its body and boundary-layer velocity above its body surface at the Reynolds number corresponding to its cruising condition. The drag coefficients of the sailfish and swordfish based on the free-stream velocity and their wetted areas are measured to be 0.0075 and 0.0091, respectively, at their cruising conditions. These drag coefficients are very low and comparable to those of tuna and pike and smaller than those of dogfish and small-size trout. On the other hand, the long bill is one of the most distinguished features of these fishes from other fishes, and we study its role on the ability of drag modification. The drag on the fish without the bill or with an artificially-made shorter one is slightly smaller than that with the original bill, indicating that the bill itself does not contribute to any drag reduction at its cruise speed. From the velocity measurement near the body surface, we find that at the cruise speed flow separation does not occur over the whole body even without the bill, and the boundary layer flow is affected only at the anterior part of the body by the bill. 相似文献
B. Busalacchi T. Bottari D. Giordano A. Profeta P. Rinelli 《Helgoland Marine Research》2014,68(4):491-501
A synthetic analysis of the distribution, abundance and some biological traits of the common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus) was performed. Data were gathered in 15 experimental bottom trawl surveys carried out off the southern Tyrrhenian Sea from 1994 to 2008. A total of 2,166 P. erythrinus were found in the investigated area, with a preference for the upper continental shelf (10–100 m). The highest persistence was recorded in the trawl-banned areas. The sex ratio Sr = F/(F + M) ranged between 0.60 and 0.96 (overall 0.78). The size at which 50 % of the individuals were mature was 157 and 170 mm total length for females and males, respectively. The length–weight relationship for all individuals was described by the following parameters: a = 0.016 and b = 2.905. Growth was evaluated (sexes combined) by applying length-based methods; up to eight significant modal components were evidenced. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters for the whole population were estimated at L ∞ = 454 mm, K = 0.08 and t 0 = ?2.57. The present results are in agreement with the information available for the other Mediterranean stocks suggesting common biological features. 相似文献
Ariana Trujillo-Olvera Sofía Ortega-García Arturo Tripp-Valdez Ofelia Escobar-Sánchez Tatiana A. Acosta-Pachón 《Hydrobiologia》2018,821(1):173-190
Most of the studies carried out in the past on economically important fish species rely on single species approach. Ecosystem dynamics are characterized by complex interaction among species, sharing common habitat needs and thus forming characteristic assemblages. The analysis of spatio-temporal variability of fish community, coupled to the analysis of spatial indices, provides a synthetic view of the fish community status evidencing, if any, the way a community changes. Such considerations drive also to the development of ecosystem-based fishery management paradigm. In the present study changes in pelagic fish community structure in an upwelling ecosystem of the central Mediterranean Sea during the last 10 years was analysed, by focusing the attention on the five most abundant small pelagic species: Engraulis encrasicolus, Sardina pilchardus, Sardinella aurita, Trachurus trachurus and Boops boops. Our results evidenced a quite stable community structure, characterized by spatial occupation strongly driven by ecosystem characteristics and modulated according to specie-specific behaviour. Obtained results lead us to hypothesize that the observed stability of community could be linked to the presence of different environments leading to efficient space partitioning and resources utilization among species. 相似文献
M. Sinopoli C. Pipitone S. Campagnuolo D. Campo L. Castriota E. Mostarda F. Andaloro 《Zeitschrift fur angewandte Ichthyologie》2004,20(4):310-313
The diet of juvenile bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) caught 2 to 8 miles off NE Sicily was investigated in order to improve knowledge of the species’ early life history. From 1998 to 2000, 107 specimens ranging from 63 to 495 mm (total length) were fished between July and November. Fishes were caught by trolling line or purse seine in a Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) area 2 to 8 miles offshore and as by‐catch of the purse‐seine sardine fishery 2 to 4 miles offshore. Most frequently found items in the T. thynnus stomachs were fishes (84.5%), crustaceans (54.6%) and cephalopods (50.5%). The largest contribution in weight was provided by cephalopods (47.3%) and fishes (46.5%), while the most abundant items were fishes (51%), cephalopods (27.2%) and crustaceans (21.1%). These results suggest that young‐of‐the‐year tuna have an essentially piscivorous diet, although invertebrate prey provide a substantial contribution to the food array. Prey show little relationship with FADs, although one prey species (blue runner, Caranx crysos) is associated with FADs in the Mediterranean. 相似文献
A total of 1527 specimens of poor cod, Trisopterus minutus, was collected by trawl fishing between April 2001 and March 2002 from the ?zmir Bay (Middle Aegean Sea). Fish size ranged from 10.6 cm total length (TL, minimum) in September to 24.8 cm TL in April. Of the sampled population 53% were males and 41% females (sex ratio female : male = 1 : 1.3). Length–weight relationships were determined for males, females and combined sexes as W = 0.007L3.16, W = 0.009L3.04 and W = 0.007L3.14 respectively. 相似文献
P. Battaglia L. Castriota P. Consoli M. Falautano T. Romeo F. Andaloro 《Zeitschrift fur angewandte Ichthyologie》2010,26(3):410-415
Age and growth of pearly razorfish Xyrichtys novacula (Labridae) were determined in specimens caught on sandy bottoms by surrounding nets and lines (depth range 5–30 m) between January 2000 and December 2002. The study location was in the central Mediterranean Sea. For this purpose the annual growth increments (annuli) in sagittae were analysed. A total of 470 individuals of X. novacula, ranging from 49 to 200 mm TL (total length), were examined. Conversion between total length and standard length was calculated and represented by the relationship: . Edge analysis on otoliths was carried out to validate seasonality deposition. Seven age‐classes were determined from 0+ to 6+. The linear relationship between maximum otolith length (OL) and TL was summarized in the equation . The estimated parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth function were L = 175.05 mm, k = 0.80 year?1, t0 =?0.73 years and the growth performance index calculated as (Φ = 2.39). The length–weight relationship W = 0.0139 TL2.9326 described an isometric growth for the species in this area. 相似文献
Baydemir NA 《Folia biologica》2011,59(1-2):31-34
In this study, conventionally stained, C- and Ag-NOR banded karyotypes of Rattus rattus from Central Anatolia are presented. The karyotype of the specimens from Ankara and (Cankiri provinces consist of 2n = 38, NF = 60 and NFa = 58 while the karyotype of Kirikkale specimens consist of 2n = 38 and NFa = 59 due to a heteromorphic autosome pair. The X is a large to medium sized acrocentric and the Y chromosome is a small acrocentric in all examined specimens. Constitutive heterochromatin is located in the centromeric regions of all pairs of autosomes and the X chromosome. Nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) are located only in 3 autosome pairs. 相似文献
Larval development and spawning of Citharus linguatula (Linnaeus, 1758) in the western Mediterranean
Larval development from the early stages to metamorphosis ofthe Pleuronectiform Citharus linguatula is described and illustratedfor the first time; until now only its eggs and newly hatchedlarvae were known. The specimens used in this study were collectedon plankton samples taken from the Catalan continental shelf(western Mediterranean) on two surveys made in September andOctober 1983. The descnption of larval development includesmorphological and morphometnc characters and pigmentation. Relationshipsbetween various parts of the body and standard length duringdevelopment are also considered. Information of their seasonaland spatial distribution along the studied area is provided. 相似文献
The stomach contents of 196 razorfish ( Xyrichthys novacula ), collected in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Ponza Island, Italy) between July and December 1994, were examined in order to assess the diet and to analyse size-related dietary variation of the species. The diet of X. novacula showed a strict relationship with well-sorted fine sand (SFBC) benthic species, mostly Mollusca and Echinodermata, as pointed out by the analysis at the specific level of the stomach contents. Mollusca Pelecipoda, essentially Acanthocardium tuberculatum and Echinodermata, with Echinocardium cordatum , made up 90% of the volume of prey of X. novacula. Mysidacea and Gastropoda were frequent but volumetrically less important. The study showed that male and female X. novacula were not effectively segregated by trophic dimension in the study area. The niche overlap between males and females in prey composition was pronounced, as evidenced by the significantly high values of Schoener's index with larger males that showed a greater tendency towards predation of large prey. The increment in length (L.I.) in males, despite a decrease in the percentage body weight increment (B.W.I.), could represent the result of a male reproductive feature: the lack of sperm competition allows the males much more energy to devote to growth than do that of the females of this species. 相似文献
Samples were collected from 407 fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus , at four North Atlantic and one Mediterranean Sea summer feeding area as well as the Sea of Cortez in the Pacific Ocean. For each sample, the sex, the sequence of the first 288 nucleotides of the mitochondrial (mt) control region and the genotype at six microsatellite loci were determined. A significant degree of divergence was detected at all nuclear and mt loci between North Atlantic/Mediterranean Sea and the Sea of Cortez. However, the divergence time estimated from the mt sequences was substantially lower than the time elapsed since the rise of the Panama Isthmus, suggesting occasional gene flow between the North Pacific and North Atlantic ocean after the separation of the two oceans. Within the North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, significant levels of heterogeneity were observed in the mtDNA between the Mediterranean Sea, the eastern (Spain) and the western (the Gulf of Maine and the Gulf of St Lawrence) North Atlantic. Samples collected off West Greenland and Iceland could not be unequivocally assigned to either of the two areas. The homogeneity tests performed using the nuclear data revealed significant levels of divergence only between the Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of St Lawrence or West Greenland. In conclusion, our results suggest the existence of several recently diverged populations in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, possibly with some limited gene flow between adjacent populations, a population structure which is consistent with earlier population models proposed by Kellogg, Ingebrigtsen, and Sergeant. 相似文献