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Mottled spinefoot Siganus fuscescens and white-spotted spinefoot Siganus canaliculatus are two similar species that differ subtly in colouration and morphology. Three major mtDNA clades were identified for these species, but individuals were clustered by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) according to geography rather than morphology, suggesting that the colour morphs are interbreeding.  相似文献   

Fifty individuals of the endemic Alpine salamander, Salamandra atra, representing 13 populations throughout the range of the two currently recognized subspecies, atra and aurorae, were examined for sequence variation in a large portion (1050 bp) of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. We revealed a large number of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes (10). Interpopulation sequence divergence was very low, ranging from 0 to 3.1%. The relationships among haplotypes were poorly resolved. The divergence time estimate between several mtDNA haplotypes suggested a pre-Pleistocene differentiation approximately 3 million years ago. Moreover, the impact of the Pleistocene glaciations on the phylogeographical patterns appears to have been secondary, although a somewhat reduced genetic variability was found in populations living in areas that were directly affected by the glaciation.  相似文献   

This study investigates the genetic structure and phylogeography of a broadcast spawning bivalve mollusc, Pinctada maxima, throughout the Indo‐West Pacific and northern Australia. DNA sequence variation of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene was analysed in 367 individuals sampled from nine populations across the Indo‐West Pacific. Hierarchical AMOVA indicated strong genetic structuring amongst populations (ΦST = 0.372, P < 0.001); however, sequence divergence between the 47 haplotypes detected was low (maximum 1.8% difference) and no deep phylogenetic divergence was observed. Results suggest the presence of genetic barriers isolating populations of the South China Sea and central Indonesian regions, which, in turn, show patterns of historical separation from northern Australian regions. In P. maxima, historical vicariance during Pleistocene low sea levels is likely to have restricted planktonic larval transport, causing genetic differentiation amongst populations. However, low genetic differentiation is observed where strong ocean currents are present and is most likely due to contemporary larval transport along these pathways. Geographical association with haplotype distributions may indicate signs of early lineage sorting arising from historical population separations, yet an absence of divergent phylogenetic clades related to geography could be the consequence of periodic pulses of high genetic exchange. We compare our results with previous microsatellite DNA analysis of these P. maxima populations, and discuss implications for future conservation management of this species. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 107 , 632–646.  相似文献   

The fire-bellied toads Bombina bombina and Bombina variegata, interbreed in a long, narrow zone maintained by a balance between selection and dispersal. Hybridization takes place between local, genetically differentiated groups. To quantify divergence between these groups and reconstruct their history and demography, we analysed nucleotide variation at the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1096 bp) in 364 individuals from 156 sites representing the entire range of both species. Three distinct clades with high sequence divergence (K2P = 8-11%) were distinguished. One clade grouped B. bombina haplotypes; the two other clades grouped B. variegata haplotypes. One B. variegata clade included only Carpathian individuals; the other represented B. variegata from the southwestern parts of its distribution: Southern and Western Europe (Balkano-Western lineage), Apennines, and the Rhodope Mountains. Differentiation between the Carpathian and Balkano-Western lineages, K2P approximately 8%, approached interspecific divergence. Deep divergence among European Bombina lineages suggests their preglacial origin, and implies long and largely independent evolutionary histories of the species. Multiple glacial refugia were identified in the lowlands adjoining the Black Sea, in the Carpathians, in the Balkans, and in the Apennines. The results of the nested clade and demographic analyses suggest drastic reductions of population sizes during the last glacial period, and significant demographic growth related to postglacial colonization. Inferred history, supported by fossil evidence, demonstrates that Bombina ranges underwent repeated contractions and expansions. Geographical concordance between morphology, allozymes, and mtDNA shows that previous episodes of interspecific hybridization have left no detectable mtDNA introgression. Either the admixed populations went extinct, or selection against hybrids hindered mtDNA gene flow in ancient hybrid zones.  相似文献   

Brown JL  Knowles LL 《Molecular ecology》2012,21(15):3757-3775
A central goal of phylogeography is to identify and characterize the processes underlying divergence. One of the biggest impediments currently faced is how to capture the spatiotemporal dynamic under which a species evolved. Here, we described an approach that couples species distribution models (SDMs), demographic and genetic models in a spatiotemporally explicit manner. Analyses of American Pika (Ochotona princeps) from the sky islands of the central Rocky Mountains of North America are used to provide insights into key questions about integrative approaches in landscape genetics, population genetics and phylogeography. This includes (i) general issues surrounding the conversion of time-specific SDMs into simple continuous, dynamic landscapes from past to current, (ii) the utility of SDMs to inform demographic models with deme-specific carrying capacities and migration potentials as well as (iii) the contribution of the temporal dynamic of colonization history in shaping genetic patterns of contemporary populations. Our results support that the inclusion of a spatiotemporal dynamic is an important factor when studying the impact of distributional shifts on patterns of genetic data. Our results also demonstrate the utility of SDMs to generate species-specific predictions about patterns of genetic variation that account for varying degrees of habitat specialization and life history characteristics of taxa. Nevertheless, the results highlight some key issues when converting SDMs for use in demographic models. Because the transformations have direct effects on the genetic consequence of population expansion by prescribing how habitat heterogeneity and spatiotemporal variation is related to the species-specific demographic model, it is important to consider alternative transformations when studying the genetic consequences of distributional shifts.  相似文献   

Tegeticula maculata is one of the most ancient and morphologically variable lineages within the yucca moths, yet has apparently undergone little diversification in comparison with much younger yucca moth lineages that have rapidly diversified. A phylogeographic approach was used to determine the number of independent lineages within T. maculata and to examine whether these patterns corresponded with morphological differences between its subspecies maculata and extranea. Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequence variation indicated that the two subspecies are in separate clades, but there was also an equally deep split within subspecies maculata. There was no evidence for gene flow among regions and there was considerable substructure within clades. The phylogeographic structure of moth populations among and within subspecies can be explained in part by historical biogeographic boundaries and increasingly patchy postglacial distribution of the exclusive host plant, Hesperoyucca whipplei. Local specialization and co-adaptation would be possible in the absence of apparent gene flow, yet gross morphological divergence is limited to the very old split between the subspecies. Sorting of ancient mitochondrial lineages followed by local genetic differentiation may explain the pattern of high genetic structure with limited speciation.  相似文献   

The multimammate rat Mastomys huberti is a Sahelian species restricted to West Africa. Throughout its distribution area, the species is associated with humid habitats, flood plains and ponds, which make its current distribution highly fragmented. Knowing that humid and dry climatic phases regularly alternated along the Quaternary in West Africa, it can be postulated that the evolutionary history of the species and its genetic variation largely reflect these climatic oscillations. We used mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of M. huberti populations across the totality of the species' geographical range (Mali, Senegal, Guinea and Mauritania). We found that cytochrome b sequence variation is partitioned into four divergent clades (mean Kimura 2-parameter genetic distances varying from 0.57 to 3.08%) corresponding to distinct geographical regions. We dated the separation events of these clades between 0.93 and 0.17 million years ago, suggesting that M. huberti history was strongly influenced by the Quaternary climatic variations and related hydrographic network changes. Relationships between lineages and the partitioning of genetic diversity suggest the occurrence of two refuges along the Atlantic coast during arid periods. Moreover, the species' current range results from a stepwise colonization from west to east. M. huberti colonized recently the Inner Delta of Niger River in Mali, probably during a humid episode some 0.6 million years ago. Demographically stable and highly diversified populations were found in South Senegal and Guinea while populations in North Senegal and in Mali experienced low numbers followed by a demographic expansion during the African Humid Period (c. 14 800-5500 bp). During the last arid period (c. 23 000-18 000 years ago), Malian populations found refuge in the northern parts of the Inner Delta of the Niger River, then expended to the southern parts of the delta and along the course of the Niger River downstream Tombouctou. More recently, M. huberti would have rapidly expanded into irrigated areas along the Senegal River and along the Canal du Sahel, Mali, reflecting the invasive and the pest character of this species.  相似文献   

Phylogeographical studies are typically based on haplotype data, occasionally on nuclear markers such as microsatellites, but rarely combine both. This is unfortunate because the use of markers with contrasting modes of inheritance and rates of evolution might provide a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of a species' history. Here we present a detailed study of the phylogeography of the greater horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum , using 1098 bp of the mitochondrial ND2 gene from 45 localities from across its Palaearctic range to infer population history. In addition, we re-analysed a large microsatellite data set available for this species and compared the results of both markers to infer population relationships and the historical processes influencing them. We show that mtDNA, the most popular marker in phylogeography studies, yielded a misleading result, and would have led us to conclude erroneously that a single expansion had taken place in Europe. Only by combining the mitochondrial and microsatellite data sets are we able to reconstruct the species' history and show two colonization events in Europe, one before the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and one after it. Combining markers also revealed the importance of Asia Minor as an ancient refugium for this species and a source population for the expansion of the greater horseshoe bat into Europe before the LGM.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the common ragworm Hediste diversicolor (Polychaeta: Nereididae) revealed a marked genetic fragmentation across its distribution and the occurrence of sibling taxa in the Baltic Sea. These results suggested that the phylogeographic patterns of H. diversicolor could reflect interactions between cryptic differentiation and multiple colonization events. This study aims to describe the large-scale genetic structuring of H. diversicolor and to trace the phylogeographic origins of the genetic types described in the Baltic Sea. Samples of H. diversicolor (2 <  n  < 28) were collected at 16 locations across the NE Atlantic coasts of Europe and Morocco and in the Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Seas and sequenced at two mitochondrial gene fragments (COI and cyt b , 345 and 290 bp, respectively). Bayesian analyses revealed deep phylogeographic splits yielding three main clades corresponding to populations (i) from the NE Atlantic coasts (from Germany to Morocco) and from part of the Western Mediterranean, (ii) from the Mediterranean Sea, and (iii) from the Black and Caspian Seas. These clades are further divided in well-supported subclades including populations from different regions of NE Atlantic and Mediterranean (i.e. Portugal/Morocco, Western Mediterranean, Adriatic Sea). The Baltic Sea comprises three sympatric lineages sharing a common evolutionary history with populations from NE Atlantic, Western Mediterranean and Black/Caspian Seas, respectively. Hence, the current patterns of genetic structuring of H. diversicolor appear as the result of allopatric isolation, multiple colonization events and possible adaptation to local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

In order to contribute to the debate about southern glacial refugia used by temperate species and more northern refugia used by boreal or cold-temperate species, we examined the phylogeography of a widespread snake species (Vipera berus) inhabiting Europe up to the Arctic Circle. The analysis of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation in 1043 bp of the cytochrome b gene and in 918 bp of the noncoding control region was performed with phylogenetic approaches. Our results suggest that both the duplicated control region and cytochrome b evolve at a similar rate in this species. Phylogenetic analysis showed that V. berus is divided into three major mitochondrial lineages, probably resulting from an Italian, a Balkan and a Northern (from France to Russia) refugial area in Eastern Europe, near the Carpathian Mountains. In addition, the Northern clade presents an important substructure, suggesting two sequential colonization events in Europe. First, the continent was colonized from the three main refugial areas mentioned above during the Lower-Mid Pleistocene. Second, recolonization of most of Europe most likely originated from several refugia located outside of the Mediterranean peninsulas (Carpathian region, east of the Carpathians, France and possibly Hungary) during the Mid-Late Pleistocene, while populations within the Italian and Balkan Peninsulas fluctuated only slightly in distribution range, with larger lowland populations during glacial times and with refugial mountain populations during interglacials, as in the present time. The phylogeographical structure revealed in our study suggests complex recolonization dynamics of the European continent by V. berus, characterized by latitudinal as well as altitudinal range shifts, driven by both climatic changes and competition with related species.  相似文献   

To investigate the origin and maintenance of the genetic discontinuity between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations of the common sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) we analysed the genetic variation at a fragment of mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence for 18 population samples. The result were also compared with new or previously published microsatellite data. Seven mitochondrial haplotypes and an average nucleotidic divergence of 0.02 between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations that matches a Pleistocene allopatric isolation were found. The frequency variation at the cytochrome b locus was many times greater between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations (theta(C) = 0.67) than at microsatellite loci (theta(N)= 0.02). The examination of the different evolutionary forces at play suggests that a sex-biased hybrid breakdown is a likely explanation for part of the observed discrepancy between mitochondrial and nuclear loci. In addition, an analysis is made of the correlation between microsatellite loci points towards the possible existence of a hybrid zone in samples from the Alboran Sea.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic patterns of intraspecific variation can provide insights into the population-level processes responsible for speciation and yield information useful for conservation purposes. To examine phylogeography and population structure in a migratory passerine bird at both continental and regional geographical scales, we analysed 344 bp of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequence from 155 yellow warblers (Dendroica petechia) collected from seven locations across Canada and from Alaska. There is a major subdivision between eastern (Manitoba to Newfoundland) and western (Alaska and British Columbia) populations which appears to have developed during the recent Pleistocene. Some localities within these two regions also differ significantly in their genetic composition, suggesting further subdivision on a regional geographical scale. Eastern and western birds form distinct phylogeographic entities and the clustering of all western haplotypes with two eastern haplotypes suggests that the western haplotypes may be derived from an eastern lineage. Analyses based on coalescent models support this explanation for the origin of western haplotypes. These results are consistent with important features of Mengel's model of warbler diversification. From a conservation perspective they also suggest that individual populations of migrant birds may form demographically isolated management units on a smaller scale than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

Plateau uprisings and climatic oscillations are considered to have caused extensive allopatric divergences that account for the rich species diversity of the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau (QTP). However, secondary contact during range shifts in the Quaternary glacial cycles or inter‐uplift stages may have restored the gene flow between species and so counteracted these divergences, particularly in rapidly‐adapting dominant elements. We tested this hypothesis by determining the phylogeographical history of Dasiphora (Rosaceae), a genus of two species that are widely distributed on the QTP and co‐exist in numerous localities. We sequenced two chloroplast DNA fragments (rbcL, trnT‐L) for 559 individuals from 87 populations. Bayesian methods were used to identify phylogenetic relationships and to estimate divergence times. Demographic histories were inferred using neutrality tests, mismatch distribution analysis, and coalescent simulation. A total of 112 haplotypes that clustered into three major groups were identified. The formation of these groups and their subgroups was dated to between the Pliocene and the late Pleistocene. In addition, we found that some groups underwent multiple extensive expansions. Species‐specific haplotypes were identified for each species, although these haplotypes phylogenetically intermixed. These results suggest that recent plateau uplifts and climatic oscillations might have caused the deep divergences observed within this genus. However, later range expansions probably blurred these divergences and possible species boundaries. Our results shed new light on the complex evolutionary history of the QTP alpine plants. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 777–788.  相似文献   

In the early 1800s, the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) was probably extirpated from Switzerland, due to overhunting and deforestation. After a federal law was enacted in 1875 to protect lactating females and young, and limiting the hunting season, the roe deer successfully recovered and recolonized Switzerland. In this study, we use mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA markers to investigate the recolonization and assess contemporary genetic structure in relation to broad topographic features, in order to understand underlying ecological processes, inform future roe deer management strategies, and explore the opportunity for development of forensic traceability tools. The results concerning the recolonization origin support natural, multidirectional immigration from neighboring countries. We further demonstrate that there is evidence of weak genetic differentiation within Switzerland among topographic regions. Finally, we conclude that the genetic data support the recognition of a single roe deer management unit within Switzerland, within which there is a potential for broad‐scale geographic origin assignment using nuclear markers to support law enforcement.  相似文献   

Aim To test hypotheses that: (1) late Pleistocene low sea‐level shorelines (rather than current shorelines) define patterns of genetic variation among mammals on oceanic Philippine islands; (2) species‐specific ecological attributes, especially forest fidelity and vagility, determine the extent to which common genetic patterns are exhibited among a set of species; (3) populations show reduced within‐population variation on small, isolated oceanic islands; (4) populations tend to be most highly differentiated on small, isolated islands; and (5) to assess the extent to which patterns of genetic differentiation among multiple species are determined by interactions of ecological traits and geological/geographic conditions. Location The Philippine Islands, a large group of oceanic islands in Southeast (SE) Asia with unusually high levels of endemism among mammals. Methods Starch‐gel electrophoresis of protein allozymes of six species of small fruit bats (Chiroptera, Pteropodidae) and one rodent (Rodentia, Muridae). Results Genetic distances between populations within all species are not correlated with distances between present‐day shorelines, but are positively correlated with distances between shorelines during the last Pleistocene period of low sea level; relatively little intraspecific variation was found within these ‘Pleistocene islands’. Island area and isolation of oceanic populations have only slight effects on standing genetic variation within populations, but populations on some isolated islands have heightened levels of genetic differentiation, and reduced levels of gene flow, relative to other islands. Species associated with disturbed habitat (all of which fly readily across open habitats) show more genetic variation within populations than species associated with primary rain forest (all of which avoid flying out from beneath forest canopy). Species associated with disturbed habitats, which tend to be widely distributed in SE Asia, also show higher rates of gene flow and less differentiation between populations than species associated with rain forest, which tend to be Philippine endemic species. One rain forest bat has levels of gene flow and heterozygosity similar to the forest‐living rodent in our study. Main conclusions The maximum limits of Philippine islands that were reached during Pleistocene periods of low sea level define areas of relative genetic homogeneity, whereas even narrow sea channels between adjacent but permanently isolated oceanic islands are associated with most genetic variation within the species. Moreover, the distance between ‘Pleistocene islands’ is correlated with the extent of genetic distances within species. The structure of genetic variation is strongly influenced by the ecology of the species, predominantly as a result of their varying levels of vagility and ability to tolerate open (non‐forested) habitat. Readily available information on ecology (habitat association and vagility) and geological circumstances (presence or absence of Pleistocene land‐bridges between islands, and distance between oceanic islands during periods of low sea level) are combined to produce a simple predictive model of likely patterns of genetic differentiation (and hence speciation) among these mammals, and probably among other organisms, in oceanic archipelagos.  相似文献   

In this study we investigate the evolutionary relationships of Scolopendra cingulata (Latreille, 1829) within insular Greece. Our main goal is to infer the time frame of the differentiation of the species in the study area. In this regard, sequence data originating from three mitochondrial genes are used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of 47 insular populations of S. cingulata from the Aegean archipelago. Within the phylogenetic framework and by implementing a relaxed molecular clock methodology, we infer the time estimates of separations of the S. cingulata lineages. The results of the phylogenetic analysis support the presence of three distinct S. cingulata groups in the region. The first group accommodates populations from the eastern Aegean islands, and is closely related to the second group that hosts mainly populations of northern and central Cyclades. The third group is composed of insular populations originating from southern Cyclades. Different temporal splitting scenarios have been evaluated. Based on the scenario strongly supported by the data, we propose a biogeographical scenario that could account for the contemporary distribution of the species' lineages. The splitting events of S. cingulata are estimated to have occurred within the late Miocene. The historical events of the last 13.77 Myr have shaped, through a series of mostly vicariant and dispersal incidents, the present‐day biogeographical pattern of the species. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 507–521.  相似文献   

Gyrodactylus konovalovi is an ectoparasite on the Amur minnow (Rhynchocypris lagowskii) that is widely distributed in the cold fresh waters of East Asia. In the present study, the phylogeography and demographic history of G. konovalovi and the distribution of its host in the Qinling Mountains are examined. A total of 79 individual parasites was sequenced for a 528 bp region of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 (ND5) gene, and 25 haplotypes were obtained. The substitution rate (dN/dS) was 0.068 and indicated purifying selection. Haplotype diversity (h) and nucleotide diversity (π) varied widely in the Qinling Mountains. Phylogenetic trees based on Bayesian inference (BI), maximum likelihood (ML), and maximum parsimony (MP) methods and network analysis revealed that all haplotypes were consistently well‐supported in three different lineages, indicating a significant geographic distribution pattern. There was a significant positive correlation between genetic differentiation (Fst) and geographic distance. The results of mismatch distribution, neutrality test and Bayesian skyline plot analyses showed that whole populations underwent population contraction during the Pleistocene. Based on the molecular clock calibration, the most common ancestor was estimated to have emerged in the middle Pleistocene. Our study suggests for the first time that a clearly phylogeography of G. konovalovi was shaped by geological events and climate fluctuations, such as orogenesis, drainage capture changes, and vicariance, during the Pleistocene in the Qinling Mountains.  相似文献   

Plethodon elongatus and P. stormi (Caudata: Plethodontidae) are Pacific Northwest endemic species which occur in northwestern California and southwestern Oregon. Studies on these salamanders have resulted in differing taxonomic conclusions, but the underlying historical hypotheses, at both inter- and intraspecific levels, have never been examined in a molecular framework. Here, representatives of 81 populations from throughout the range of both taxa are sequenced. Portions of three mitochondrial protein-coding genes (cytochrome b, NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4, and ATPase 6) were sequenced. Four haplotype groups with nonoverlapping geographical ranges were recovered in separate and combined analyses of the data. One clade corresponds to the distribution of P. stormi, while the remaining three comprise P. elongatus. Phylogenetic relationships among haplotype groups differ in separate analyses of the genes but converge on a well-supported topology, with P. elongatus and P. stormi as monophyletic sister taxa, in combined Maximum Parsimony and Maximum Likelihood analyses. Population genetic analyses of mismatch distributions and Tajima's D-statistic are consistent with range expansion for the largest clade within P. elongatus, covering the northern two-thirds of the species range. In contrast, the P. stormi haplotype clade and the P. elongatus clade from the southern third of the species range may have been relatively stable. Morphological boundaries between P. elongatus and P. stormi are largely congruent with mitochondrial DNA breaks and continued treatment as sister taxa is supported. Although mitochondrial DNA haplotype groups may reflect historical separation within P. elongatus, genetic barriers are incongruent with intraspecific patterns of morphological variation.  相似文献   

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