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Ecological speciation plays a primary role in driving species divergence and adaptation. Oryza rufipogon and Oryza nivara are two incipient species at the early stage of speciation with distinct differences in morphology, life history traits and habitat preference, and therefore provide a unique model for the study of ecological speciation. However, the population genetic structure of the ancestral O. rufipogon has been controversial despite substantial study, and the origin of the derivative O. nivara remains unclear. Here, based on sequences of 10 nuclear and two chloroplast loci from 26 wild populations across the entire geographic ranges of the two species, we conducted comprehensive analyses using population genetics, phylogeography and species distribution modelling (SDM) approaches. In addition to supporting the two previously reported major subdivisions, we detected four genetically distinct groups within O. rufipogon and found no correlation between the genetic groups and either species identity or geographical regions. The SDM clearly showed substantial change in the distribution range of O. rufipogon in history, demonstrating that the repeated extinction and colonization of local populations due to multiple glacial–interglacial cycles during the Quaternary was most likely the main factor shaping the confounding population genetic structure of O. rufipogon. Moreover, we found significant differences between the two species in climate preferences, suggestive of an important role for climatic factors in the adaptation, persistence and expansion of O. nivara. Finally, based on the genetic pattern and dynamics of the O. nivara populations, we hypothesize that O. nivara might have independently originated multiple times from different O. rufipogon populations.  相似文献   

Aegilops tauschii (Coss.) Schmal. (2n=2x=14, DD) (syn. A. squarrosa L.; Triticum tauschii) is well known as the D-genome donor of bread wheat (T. aestivum, 2n=6x=42, AABBDD). Because of conserved synteny, a high-density map of the A. tauschii genome will be useful for breeding and genetics within the tribe Triticeae which besides bread wheat also includes barley and rye. We have placed 249 new loci onto a high-density integrated cytological and genetic map of A. tauschii for a total of 732 loci making it one of the most extensive maps produced to date for the Triticeae species. Of the mapped loci, 160 are defense-related genes. The retrotransposon marker system recently developed for cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) was successfully applied to A. tauschii with the placement of 80 retrotransposon loci onto the map. A total of 50 microsatellite and ISSR loci were also added. Most of the retrotransposon loci, resistance (R), and defense-response (DR) genes are organized into clusters: retrotransposon clusters in the pericentromeric regions, R and DR gene clusters in distal/telomeric regions. Markers are non-randomly distributed with low density in the pericentromeric regions and marker clusters in the distal regions. A significant correlation between the physical density of markers (number of markers mapped to the chromosome segment/physical length of the same segment in m) and recombination rate (genetic length of a chromosome segment/physical length of the same segment in m) was demonstrated. Discrete regions of negative or positive interference (an excess or deficiency of crossovers in adjacent intervals relative to the expected rates on the assumption of no interference) was observed in most of the chromosomes. Surprisingly, pericentromeric regions showed negative interference. Islands with negative, positive and/or no interference were present in interstitial and distal regions. Most of the positive interference was restricted to the long arms. The model of chromosome structure and function in cereals with large genomes that emerges from these studies is discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that influence population differentiation in temperate taxa can be difficult because the signatures of both historic and contemporary demographics are often reflected in population genetic patterns. Fortunately, analyses based on coalescent theory can help untangle the relative influence of these historic and contemporary factors. Common murres (Uria aalge) are vagile seabirds that breed in the boreal and low arctic waters of the Northern Hemisphere. Previous analyses revealed that Atlantic and Pacific populations are genetically distinct; however, less is known about population genetic structure within ocean basins. We employed the mitochondrial control region, four microsatellite loci and four intron loci to investigate population genetic structure throughout the range of common murres. As in previous studies, we found that Atlantic and Pacific populations diverged during the Pleistocene and do not currently exchange migrants. Therefore, Atlantic and Pacific murre populations can be used as natural replicates to test mechanisms of population differentiation. While we found little population genetic structure within the Pacific, we detected significant east–west structuring among Atlantic colonies. The degree that population genetic structure reflected contemporary population demographics also differed between ocean basins. Specifically, while the low levels of population differentiation in the Pacific are at least partially due to high levels of contemporary gene flow, the east–west structuring of populations within the Atlantic appears to be the result of historic fragmentation of populations rather than restricted contemporary gene flow. The contrasting results in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans highlight the necessity of carefully considering multilocus nonequilibrium population genetic approaches when reconstructing the demographic history of temperate Northern Hemisphere taxa.  相似文献   

We used mitochondrial and nuclear genetic markers to investigate population structure of common bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, around the main Hawaiian Islands. Though broadly distributed throughout the world's oceans, bottlenose dolphins are known to form small populations in coastal waters. Recent photo‐identification data suggest the same is true in Hawaiian waters. We found genetic differentiation among (mtDNA ΦST= 0.014–0.141, microsatellite FST= 0.019–0.050) and low dispersal rates between (0.17–5.77 dispersers per generation) the main Hawaiian Island groups. Our results are consistent with movement rates estimated from photo‐identification data and suggest that each island group supports a demographically independent population. Inclusion in our analyses of samples collected near Palmyra Atoll provided evidence that the Hawaiian Islands are also occasionally visited by members of a genetically distinct, pelagic population. Two of our samples exhibited evidence of partial ancestry from Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphins (T. aduncus), a species not known to inhabit the Hawaiian Archipelago. Our findings have important implications for the management of Hawaiian bottlenose dolphins and raise concerns about the vulnerability to human impacts of pelagic species in island ecosystems.  相似文献   

Genetic population structure throughout the Caribbean Basin for one of the most common and widespread reef fish species, the bicolour damselfish Stegastes partitus was examined using microsatellite DNA markers. Spatial autocorrelation analysis showed a significant positive correlation between genetic and geographic distance (isolation by distance) over distances <1000 km, suggesting that populations are connected genetically but probably not demographically, i.e. over shorter time scales. A difference in spatial patterns of populations in the eastern v. the western Caribbean also raises the probability of an important role for meso-scale oceanographic features and landscape complexity within the same species. A comparison of S. partitus population structure and life-history traits with those of two other species of Caribbean reef fish studied earlier showed the findings to be concordant with a common hypothesis that shorter pelagic larval dispersal periods are associated with smaller larval dispersal scales.  相似文献   

The match between functional trait variation in communities and environmental gradients is maintained by three processes: phenotypic plasticity and genetic differentiation (intraspecific processes), and species turnover (interspecific). Recently, evidence has emerged suggesting that intraspecific variation might have a potentially large role in driving functional community composition and response to environmental change. However, empirical evidence quantifying the respective importance of phenotypic plasticity and genetic differentiation relative to species turnover is still lacking. We performed a reciprocal transplant experiment using a common herbaceous plant species (Oxalis montana) among low‐, mid‐, and high‐elevation sites to first quantify the contributions of plasticity and genetic differentiation in driving intraspecific variation in three traits: height, specific leaf area, and leaf area. We next compared the contributions of these intraspecific drivers of community trait–environment matching to that of species turnover, which had been previously assessed along the same elevational gradient. Plasticity was the dominant driver of intraspecific trait variation across elevation in all traits, with only a small contribution of genetic differentiation among populations. Local adaptation was not detected to a major extent along the gradient. Fitness components were greatest in O. montana plants with trait values closest to the local community‐weighted means, thus supporting the common assumption that community‐weighted mean trait values represent selective optima. Our results suggest that community‐level trait responses to ongoing climate change should be mostly mediated by species turnover, even at the small spatial scale of our study, with an especially small contribution of evolutionary adaptation within species.  相似文献   

Population genetic studies in nonmodel organisms are often hampered by a lack of reference genomes that are essential for whole‐genome resequencing. In the light of this, genotyping methods have been developed to effectively eliminate the need for a reference genome, such as genotyping by sequencing or restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RAD‐seq). However, what remains relatively poorly studied is how accurately these methods capture both average and variation in genetic diversity across an organism's genome. In this issue of Molecular Ecology Resources, Dutoit et al. (2016) use whole‐genome resequencing data from the collard flycatcher to assess what factors drive heterogeneity in nucleotide diversity across the genome. Using these data, they then simulate how well different sequencing designs, including RAD sequencing, could capture most of the variation in genetic diversity. They conclude that for evolutionary and conservation‐related studies focused on the estimating genomic diversity, researchers should emphasize the number of loci analysed over the number of individuals sequenced.  相似文献   

Immune‐receptor genes of the adaptive immune system, such as the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), are involved in recognizing specific pathogens and are known to have high rates of adaptive evolution, presumably as a consequence of rapid co‐evolution between hosts and pathogens. In contrast, many ‘mediating’ genes of the immune system do not interact directly with specific pathogens and are involved in signalling (e.g. cytokines) or controlling immune cell growth. As a consequence, we might expect stronger selection at immune‐receptor than mediating genes, but these two types of genes have not been compared directly in wild populations. Here, we tested the hypothesis that selection differs between MHC (class I and II) and mediating genes by comparing levels of population differentiation across the range of greater prairie‐chickens (Tympanuchus cupido). As predicted, there was stronger population differentiation and isolation by distance at immune receptor (MHC) than at either mediating genes or neutral microsatellites, suggesting a stronger role of local adaptation at the MHC. In contrast, mediating genes displayed weaker differentiation between populations than neutral microsatellites, consistent with selection favouring similar alleles across populations for mediating genes. In addition to selection, drift also had a stronger effect on immune receptor (MHC) than mediating genes as indicated by the stronger decline of MHC variation in relation to population size. This is the first study in the wild to show that the effects of selection and drift on immune genes vary across populations depending on their functional role.  相似文献   

The light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) shows high intraspecific variability in morphological, physiological, demographic and behavioural characters. To gain insight into the extent of adaptation and evolutionary changes in response to environmental heterogeneity in this species, quantitative genetic analyses of life‐history variation were conducted for two natural populations under two thermal conditions (23°C and 28°C). Paternal half‐sib heritability and genetic correlation in six life‐history traits (i.e. development time, adult body weight, adult lifespan, age at first reproduction, the number of eggs laid during the first 5 days after emergence, and total fecundity) were compared. Significant heritabilities were shown consistently in development time; this is also true for adult body weight, except for the Canberra population at 23°C. However, neither population differences nor the effect of temperature were statistically detectable for any of these heritabilities, confirming the genetically determined flexibility. Positive genetic correlations between development time and adult body weight, and negative genetic correlations between the number of eggs laid during the first 5 days and adult lifespan were present for these populations at both temperatures, indicating the presence of genetic constraints. Pairwise comparisons of genetic correlations revealed the heterogeneity of the two populations and across temperatures. These results suggest that the structure of genetic covariance might have changed significantly during the divergence of natural populations and in response to the alteration of environmental conditions in E. postvittana.  相似文献   

Organisms commonly experience significant spatiotemporal variation in their environments. In response to such heterogeneity, different mechanisms may act that enhance ecological performance locally. However, depending on the nature of the mechanism involved, the consequences for populations may differ greatly. Building on a previous model that investigated the conditions under which different adaptive mechanisms (co)evolve, this study compares the ecological and evolutionary population consequences of three very different responses to environmental heterogeneity: matching habitat choice (directed gene flow), adaptive plasticity (associated with random gene flow), and divergent natural selection. Using individual‐based simulations, we show that matching habitat choice can have a greater adaptive potential than plasticity or natural selection: it allows for local adaptation while protecting genetic polymorphism despite global mating or strong environmental changes. Our simulations further reveal that increasing environmental fluctuations and unpredictability generally favor the emergence of specialist genotypes but that matching habitat choice is better at preventing local maladaptation by individuals. This confirms that matching habitat choice can speed up the genetic divergence among populations, cause indirect assortative mating via spatial clustering, and hence even facilitate sympatric speciation. This study highlights the potential importance of directed dispersal in local adaptation and speciation, stresses the difficulty of deriving its operation from nonexperimental observational data alone, and helps define a set of ecological conditions which should favor its emergence and subsequent detection in nature.  相似文献   

A drastic decline has occurred in the size of the Uganda elephant population in the last 40 years, exacerbated by two main factors; an increase in the size of the human population and poaching for ivory. One of the attendant consequences of such a decline is a reduction in the amount of genetic diversity in the surviving populations due to increased effects of random genetic drift. Information about the amount of genetic variation within and between the remaining populations is vital for their future conservation and management. The genetic structure of the African elephant in Uganda was examined using nucleotide variation of mitochondrial control region sequences and four nuclear microsatellite loci in 72 individuals from three localities. Eleven mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes were observed, nine of which were geographically localized. We found significant genetic differentiation between the three populations at the mitochondrial locus while three out of the four microsatellite loci differentiated KV and QE, one locus differentiated KV and MF and no loci differentiated MF and QE. Expected heterozygosity at the four loci varied between 0.51 and 0.84 while nucleotide diversity at the mitochondrial locus was 1.4%. Incongruent patterns of genetic variation within and between populations were revealed by the two genetic systems, and we have explained these in terms of the differences in the effective population sizes of the two genomes and male-biased gene flow between populations.  相似文献   

Patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation among five wild and four hatchery populations of Atlantic salmon in the Baltic Sea were assessed based on eight assumedly neutral microsatellite loci and six gene-associated markers, including four expressed sequence tag (EST) linked and two major histocompatibility complex (MHC) linked tandem repeat markers (micro- and mini-satellites). The coalescent simulations based on the method of Beaumont and Nichols (1996, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. B – Biol. Sci., 263, 1619–1626) indicated that two loci (MHCIIα and Ssa171, with the lowest and highest overall FST estimates, respectively) exhibited significant departures (P<0.05) from the neutral expectations. Another coalescent-based test for selective neutrality (Vitalis et al. 2001, Genetics, 158, 1811–1823) further supported the outlier status of the Ssa171 microsatellite locus but not of the MHCIIα linked minisatellite. In addition, actin related protein linked microsatellite locus was identified with this test as an outlier in six pairwise population comparisons. All genetic diversity estimates revealed more genetic variation in hatchery stocks than in the small wild salmon populations from the Gulf of Finland. However, the wild populations possessed alleles at gene-associated markers (e.g. MHCI and IGF) not found in the hatchery stocks, which together with moderate genetic differentiation and distinctive environmental conditions justifies the special conservation measures for the last remaining native salmon populations in the Gulf of Finland.  相似文献   

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