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Many autoimmune conditions are believed to result from chronic inflammation as a consequence of the interaction of genetic and environmental factors in susceptible individuals. One common feature in some autoimmune diseases is the decrease in terminal galactosylation of the constant region N-glycan of the total plasma immunoglobulin. To determine whether a similar pattern is characteristic for the autoimmune disorder myositis, we analyzed the antibody subclass specific glycosylation in patients with myositis, their asymptomatic siblings, and healthy unrelated age- and sex-matched controls. The antibody subclass specific glycosylation was determined from the LC-MS analyses of the IgG glycopeptides generated by trypsin digestion of the antibody heavy chain. The glycosylation profiles of the IgG subclasses were determined relative to the total abundance of all glycoforms. We found elevated amounts of glycoforms lacking terminal galactose in myositis patients. Pairwise statistical analyses reveals that galactosylation is statistically different between the myositis patients and control groups. Furthermore, the trend analysis for glycosylation indicates a pattern of decreasing galactosylation in the order controls ≥ siblings ≥ myositis patients, suggesting the existence of a genetic, immune-related predisposition in the group of asymptomatic siblings that can be detected before the onset of clinical symptoms at the level of plasma proteins.  相似文献   

Dong G  Callegari E  Gloeckner CJ  Ueffing M  Wang H 《Proteomics》2012,12(12):2060-2064
Huntington's disease (HD) is caused by a CAG triplet repeat expansion in exon 1 of the Huntingtin (Htt) gene, encoding an abnormal expanded polyglutamine (polyQ) tract that confers toxicity to the mutant Htt (mHtt) protein. Recent data suggest that posttranslational modifications of mHtt modulate its cytotoxicity. To further understand the cytotoxic mechanisms of mHtt, we have generated HEK293 cell models stably expressing Strep- and FLAG-tagged Htt containing either 19Q (wild-type Htt), 55Q (mHtt), or 94Q (mHtt) repeats. Following tandem affinity purification, the tagged Htt and associated proteins were subjected to tandem mass spectrometry or 2D nano-LC tandem mass spectrometry and several novel modification sites of mHtt containing 55Q or 94Q were identified. These were phosphorylation sites located at Ser431 and Ser432, and ubiquitination site located at Lys444. The two phosphorylation sites were confirmed by Western blot analysis using phosphorylation site-specific antibodies. In addition, prevention of phosphorylation at the two serine sites altered mHtt toxicity and accumulation. These modifications of mHtt may provide novel therapeutic targets for effective treatment of the disorder.  相似文献   

Huntingtin (Htt) is a protein with a polyglutamine stretch in the N-terminus and expansion of the polyglutamine stretch causes Huntington's disease (HD). Htt is a multiple domain protein whose function has not been well characterized. Previous reports have shown, however, that post-translational modifications of Htt such as phosphorylation and acetylation modulate mutant Htt toxicity, localization, and vesicular trafficking. Lysine acetylation of Htt is of particular importance in HD as this modification regulates disease progression and toxicity. Treatment of mouse models with histone deacetylase inhibitors ameliorates HD-like symptoms and alterations in acetylation of Htt promotes clearance of the protein. Given the importance of acetylation in HD and other diseases, we focused on the systematic identification of lysine acetylation sites in Htt23Q (1-612) in a cell culture model using mass spectrometry. Myc-tagged Htt23Q (1-612) overexpressed in the HEK 293T cell line was immunoprecipitated, separated by SDS-PAGE, digested and subjected to high performance liquid chromatography tandem MS analysis. Five lysine acetylation sites were identified, including three novel sites Lys-178, Lys-236, Lys-345 and two previously described sites Lys-9 and Lys-444. Antibodies specific to three of the Htt acetylation sites were produced and confirmed the acetylation sites in Htt. A multiple reaction monitoring MS assay was developed to compare quantitatively the Lys-178 acetylation level between wild-type Htt23Q and mutant Htt148Q (1-612). This report represents the first comprehensive mapping of lysine acetylation sites in N-terminal region of Htt.  相似文献   

为鉴定Opsin3(OPN3)的糖基化位点,通过使用衣霉素(tunicamycin)以及N-糖酰胺酶F(PNGase F)处理发现OPN3存在糖基化修饰;通过预测以及蛋白质氨基酸位点点突变鉴定OPN3的糖基化位点;利用SNAP标签蛋白构建了SNAP-Opsin3(SNAP-OPN3)重组蛋白,使用SNAP-OPN3重组蛋白进行糖基化修饰对OPN3功能影响的研究。在表达SNAP-OPN3重组蛋白后,使用SNAP-tag的反应底物SNAP-Surface;549以及SNAP-Cell;OregonGreen;通过荧光共聚焦显微镜观察OPN3以及OPN3糖基化位点突变体是否能够成熟转运至细胞膜。结果表明,OPN3的N82位点为OPN3的糖基化位点;SNAP标签不影响OPN3功能的正常发挥;使用SNAP反应底物可以清楚地观察到糖基化位点突变的OPN3不能正常转运至细胞膜。本研究首次鉴定了OPN3的糖基化位点,并构建了SNAP-OPN3重组蛋白,发现SNAP标签并不影响OPN3的成熟转运,并利用SNAP底物验证了糖基化修饰影响OPN3蛋白的成熟转运。  相似文献   

Protein glycation in biological systems occurs predominantly on lysine, arginine and N-terminal residues of proteins. Major quantitative glycation adducts are found at mean extents of modification of 1–5 mol percent of proteins. These are glucose-derived fructosamine on lysine and N-terminal residues of proteins, methylglyoxal-derived hydroimidazolone on arginine residues and Nε-carboxymethyl-lysine residues mainly formed by the oxidative degradation of fructosamine. Total glycation adducts of different types are quantified by stable isotopic dilution analysis liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in multiple reaction monitoring mode. Metabolism of glycated proteins is followed by LC-MS/MS of glycation free adducts as minor components of the amino acid metabolome. Glycated proteins and sites of modification within them – amino acid residues modified by the glycating agent moiety - are identified and quantified by label-free and stable isotope labelling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) high resolution mass spectrometry. Sites of glycation by glucose and methylglyoxal in selected proteins are listed. Key issues in applying proteomics techniques to analysis of glycated proteins are: (i) avoiding compromise of analysis by formation, loss and relocation of glycation adducts in pre-analytic processing; (ii) specificity of immunoaffinity enrichment procedures, (iii) maximizing protein sequence coverage in mass spectrometric analysis for detection of glycation sites, and (iv) development of bioinformatics tools for prediction of protein glycation sites. Protein glycation studies have important applications in biology, ageing and translational medicine – particularly on studies of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, renal failure, neurological disorders and cancer. Mass spectrometric analysis of glycated proteins has yet to find widespread use clinically. Future use in health screening, disease diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring, and drug and functional food development is expected. A protocol for high resolution mass spectrometry proteomics of glycated proteins is given.  相似文献   

Yoder AR  Stone MD  Griffin TJ  Potter LR 《Biochemistry》2010,49(47):10137-10145
Guanylyl cyclase A and B (GC-A and GC-B) are transmembrane guanylyl cyclase receptors that mediate the physiologic effects of natriuretic peptides. Some sites of phosphorylation are known for rat GC-A and GC-B, but no phosphorylation site information is available for the human homologues. Here, we used mass spectrometry to identify phosphorylation sites in GC-A and GC-B from both species. Tryptic digests of receptors purified from HEK293 cells were separated and analyzed by nLC-MS-MS. Seven sites of phosphorylation were identified in rat GC-A (S497, T500, S502, S506, S510, T513, and S487), and all of these sites except S510 and T513 were observed in human GC-A. Six phosphorylation sites were identified in rat GC-B (S513, T516, S518, S523, S526, and T529), and all six sites were also identified in human GC-B. Five sites are identical between GC-A and GC-B. S487 in GC-A and T529 in GC-B are novel, uncharacterized sites. Substitution of alanine for S487 did not affect initial ligand-dependent GC-A activity, but a glutamate substitution reduced activity 20%. Similar levels of ANP-dependent desensitization were observed for the wild-type, S487A, and S487E forms of GC-A. Substitution of glutamate or alanine for T529 increased or decreased ligand-dependent cyclase activity of GC-B, respectively, and T529E increased cyclase activity in a GC-B mutant containing glutamates for all five previously identified sites as well. In conclusion, we identified and characterized new phosphorylation sites in GC-A and GC-B and provide the first evidence of phosphorylation sites within human guanylyl cyclases.  相似文献   

Zhu X  Borchers C  Bienstock RJ  Tomer KB 《Biochemistry》2000,39(37):11194-11204
An analytical approach is reported for the characterization of the specific glycans found on highly glycosylated proteins based on a combination of specific proteolysis and deglycosylation combined with two different mass spectrometric approaches, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry, and nanoelectrospray mass spectrometry/tandem mass spectrometry using a hybrid quadrupole-time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometer. The high resolution and mass accuracy of the mass spectrometric data obtained on the hybrid instrument combined with the high parent mass capabilities are shown to be extremely useful in the site-specific assignment of heterogeneous glycans. Using this methodology, 25 of 26 consensus glycosylation sites on HIV-1(SF2) gp120, expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells, could be assigned. Good correlations between the relative abundances of members of heterogeneous series in the matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectra and the nanoelectrospray mass spectra were observed, indicating that the mass spectrometric data reflected the actual abundances of the members of the series. These data were incorporated with molecular modeling based on the solved structure of a mutant truncated, highly deglycosylated gp120 to propose a structural model for the completely glycosylated form.  相似文献   

Transthyretin (TTR, or prealbumin) is a tetrameric protein found in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid. Its major role is to transport thyroid hormones (thyroxin-T4) and retinol (through association with retinol-binding protein). TTR has been studied extensively due to the great number of point mutations that result in sequence heterogeneity. Many of these variants are associated with pathological conditions that result in extracellular deposition of amyloid fibers in tissues. In this work, we have developed a rapid mass spectrometric immunoassay for determination and quantification of TTR and its variants from human serum and plasma samples. The assay was fully characterized in terms of its precision, linearity and recovery characteristics. The new assay was also compared with a conventional TTR ELISA. Furthermore, we have applied the optimized method to analyze TTR and its modifications in 44 human plasma samples, and in the process optimized a method for TTR proteolytic digestion and identification of point mutations.  相似文献   

Hamster sarcoma virus (HSV) transformation of Nil-8 fibroblasts is associated with an increase in the average size of N-acetyllactosamine (complex) type N-linked glycans due to an increase in both the average number of branches/chain and in the fraction of N-linked glycans containing poly(GlcNAc(beta 1,3) Gal-(beta 1,4)) (polylactosaminylglycan) chains. Analysis of glycopeptides from the envelope glycoproteins of Sindbis virus and vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) grown in Nil-8 and Nil/HSV cells indicated that the transformation-associated shift to larger N-linked oligosaccharides selectively affects some glycosylation sites far more than others. Glycosylation of the Sindbis virus glycoproteins and of Asn-179 of VSV G was similar in Nil-8 and Nil/HSV cells; oligosaccharide processing generally did not proceed beyond the biantennary complex stage. In contrast, Asn-336 of VSV G carried primarily biantennary complex glycans in Nil-8-grown virus (ratio, triantennary, and larger to biantennary complex glycans (tri+/bi) = 0.5) but more highly branched structures in Nil/HSV-grown virus (tri+/bi = 8.1). All of the triantennary or larger oligosaccharides from Asn-336 of Nil/HSV-grown VSV G bound to leukoagglutinating phytohemagglutinin-agarose, indicating the presence of a branch attached to the Man3GlcNAc2 core via a beta 1,6-linked GlcNAc residue and suggesting that increased UDP-GlcNAc:alpha-D-mannoside beta 1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyl transferase V (GlcNAc transferase V) activity accompanied transformation. At least 20% of these leukoagglutinating phytohemagglutinin-binding oligosaccharides were sensitive to an enzyme specific for polylactosaminylglycan chains, Escherichia freundii endo-beta-galactosidase.  相似文献   

Dermatan sulfate (DS) chains are variants of chondroitin sulfate (CS) that are expressed in mammalian extracellular matrices and are particularly prevalent in skin. DS has been implicated in varied biological processes including wound repair, infection, cardiovascular disease, tumorigenesis, and fibrosis. The biological activities of DS have been attributed to its high content of IdoA(alpha1-3)GalNAc4S(beta1-4) disaccharide units. Mature CS/DS chains consist of blocks with high and low GlcA/IdoA ratios, and sulfation may occur at the 4- and/or 6-position of GalNAc and 2-position of IdoA. Traditional methods for the analysis of CS/DS chains involve differential digestion with specific chondroitinases followed by steps of chromatographic isolation of the products and di-saccharide analysis on the individual fraction. This work reports the use of tandem mass spectrometry to determine the patterns of sulfation and epimerization of CS/DS oligosaccharides in a single step. The approach is first validated and then applied to a series of skin DS samples and to decorins from three different tissues. DS samples ranged from 74 to 99% of CSB-like repeats, using this approach. Decorin samples ranged from 30% CSB-like repeats for those samples from articular cartilage to 75% for those from sclera. These values agree with known levels of glucuronyl C5-epimerase in these tissues.  相似文献   

A mass spectrometer with a special inlet was used to directly monitor the products evolved when hydroxylamine-treated chloroplasts were exposed to short saturating light flashes. We found that: 1. Molecular dinitrogen was the sole product of hydroxylamine photooxidation, and was formed in an amount equal to twice the O2 evolved during H2O photooxidation. 2. This reaction was driven by Photosystem II, and did not involve Photo-system I-generated superoxide or peroxide. 3. In the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea, N2 was evolved only on the first flash. These results suggested that N2 was formed by the combination of two single-electron oxidation products of hydroxylamine.  相似文献   

Protein post-translational modifications (PTMs), such as glycosylation and phosphorylation, are crucial for various signaling and regulatory events, and are therefore an important objective of proteomics research. We describe here a protocol for isotope-coded glycosylation site-specific tagging (IGOT), a method for the large-scale identification of N-linked glycoproteins from complex biological samples. The steps of this approach are: (1) lectin column-mediated affinity capture of glycopeptides generated by protease digestion of protein mixtures; (2) purification of the enriched glycopeptides by hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HIC); (3) peptide-N-glycanase-mediated incorporation of a stable isotope tag, 18O18O, specifically at the N-glycosylation site; and (4) identification of 18O-tagged peptides by liquid chromatography-coupled mass spectrometry (LC/MS)-based proteomics technology. The application of this protocol to the characterization of N-linked glycoproteins from crude extracts of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans or mouse liver provides a list of hundreds to a thousand glycoproteins and their sites of glycosylation within a week.  相似文献   

A new computer program, GlycoX, was developed to aid in the determination of the glycosylation sites and oligosaccharide heterogeneity in glycoproteins. After digestion with the nonspecific protease, each glycan at a specific glycosylation site contains a small peptide tag that identifies the location of the glycan. GlycoX was developed in MATLAB requiring the entry of the exact masses of the glycopeptide and the glycan spectra in the form of a mass-intensity table and taking advantage of the accurate mass capability of the mass analyzer, in this case a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT ICR) mass spectrometer. This program computes not only the glycosylation site but also the composition of the glycans at each site. Several glycoproteins were used to determine the efficacy of GlycoX. These glycoproteins range from the simple, with one site of glycosylation, to the more complex, with multiple (three) sites of glycosylation. The results obtained using the computer program were the same as those determined manually. Model glycoproteins yielded the correct results, and new glycoproteins with unknown glycosylation were examined with the site of glycosylation and the corresponding glycans determined. Furthermore, other functions in GlycoX, including an auto-isotope filter to identify monoisotopic peaks and an oligosaccharide calculator to obtain the oligosaccharide composition, are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Kang SU  Heo S  Lubec G 《Proteomics》2011,11(11):2171-2181
The brain GABAA receptor (GABAAR) is a key element of signaling and neural transmission in health and disease. Recently, complete sequence analysis of the recombinant GABAAR has been reported, separation and mass spectrometrical (MS) characterisation from tissue, however, has not been published so far. Hippocampi were homogenised, put on a sucrose gradient 10–69% and the layer from 10 to 20% was used for extraction of membrane proteins by a solution of Triton X‐100, 1.5 M aminocaproic acid in the presence of 0.3 M Bis‐Tris. This mixture was subsequently loaded onto blue native PAGE (BN‐PAGE) with subsequent analysis on denaturing gel systems. Spots from the 3‐DE electrophoretic run were stained with Colloidal Coomassie Brilliant Blue, and spots with an apparent molecular weight between 40 and 60 kDa were picked and in‐gel digested with trypsin, chymotrypsin and subtilisin. The resulting peptides were analysed by nano‐LC‐ESI‐MS/MS (ion trap) and protein identification was carried out using MASCOT searches. In addition, known GABAAR‐specific MS information taken from own previous studies was used for searches of GABAAR subunits. β‐1, β‐2 and β‐3, θ and ρ‐1 subunits were detected and six novel phosphorylation sites were observed and verified by phosphatase treatment. The method used herein enables identification of several GABAAR subunits from mouse hippocampus along with phosphorylations of β‐1 (T227, Y230), β‐2 (Y215, T439) and β‐3 (T282, S406) subunits. The procedure forms the basis for GABAAR studies at the protein chemical rather than at the immunochemical level in health and disease.  相似文献   

Through a series of kinetic studies involving the inactivation effects of diisopropylfluorophosphate, an affinity label that modifies the active site serine residue involved in the mechanism of action, it has been firmly established that carboxypeptidase P (CPP) requires a serine residue for catalytic activity. The essential kinetic parameters were determined to be 1.33 mM for the apparent dissociation constant with a limiting half-life of inactivation of 20.1 min. Structural elucidation of the primary amino acid sequence surrounding the essential serine, and comparing that with the reactive site of carboxypeptidase Y (CPY), revealed a significant degree of homology at the active site between these two enzymes. These regions, however, were quite divergent from other known serine proteases, leading to the speculation that these serine exopeptidases may comprise a unique family in the overall classification of serine proteases. It was established that CPY could be inactivated with either of the classic histidine affinity labels tosylphenylalanylchloromethyl ketone (TPCK) or carbobenzoxyphenylalanylchloromethyl ketone (ZPCK) with Ki's of 1.2 and 12.8 microM, respectively. This is in marked contrast to CPP, which was unaffected by saturating levels of the known histidine affinity labels, TPCK, tosyllysylchloromethyl ketone, or ZPCK. This point may be a significant element in differentiating specificity among these two serine proteases. Further investigation into the structural nature of CPP revealed that it is a glycoprotein with a single site of carbohydrate attachment. In addition, the carbohydrate moiety itself appears to contribute 1217 Da to the overall molecular weight and it is characterized as an asparagine linked high mannose type. This is significantly different from CPY with its four sites of carbohydrate attachment contributing approximately 17% to its molecular weight.  相似文献   

Synapsins are synaptic vesicle-associated phosphoproteins that play a major role in the fine regulation of neurotransmitter release. In Drosophila, synapsins are required for complex behavior including learning and memory. Synapsin isoforms were immunoprecipitated from homogenates of wild-type Drosophila heads using monoclonal antibody 3C11. Synapsin null mutants (Syn(97)) served as negative controls. The eluted proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE and visualized by silver staining. Gel pieces picked from five bands specific for wild type were analyzed by nano-LC-ESI-MS/MS following multienzyme digestion (trypsin, chymotrypsin, AspN, subtilisin, pepsin, and proteinase K). The protein was unambiguously identified with high sequence coverage (90.83%). A number of sequence conflicts were observed and the N-terminal amino acid was identified as methionine rather than leucine expected from the cDNA sequence. Several peptides from the larger isoform demonstrated that the in-frame UAG stop codon at position 582 which separates two large open reading frames is read through by tRNAs for lysine. Seven novel phosphorylation sites in Drosophila synapsin were identified at Thr-86, Ser-87, Ser-464, Thr-466, Ser-538, Ser-961, and Tyr-982 and verified by phosphatase treatment. No phosphorylation was observed at the conserved PKA/CaM kinase-I/IV site (RRFS, edited to RGFS) in domain A or a potential PKA site near domain E.  相似文献   

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