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The trunk canal of fishes is contained within a series of lateral line (LL) scales. To categorise LL scale structural types, and determine their distribution, an analysis of original data was undertaken using light and scanning electron microscopy in combination with a literature survey from over 1,000 species representative of most orders of bony fishes. Our categorisation of LL scales is based on the relationship between the tube, or ossified trunk canal segment, and associated scale. Tubular‐Scalar LL scales consist of a distinguishable tube and elasmoid scale in scale pockets. Four types occur only in species with elasmoid scales. Integrated LL scales do not develop in scale pockets, and their tube is enclosed or extended by a non‐elasmoid scale or spines. Integrated 1 and 2 LL scales co‐occur with ganoid and calcidermoid scales, and Integrated 3 LL scales occur when common scales are absent or elasmoid. Tubular LL scales are tubes only, occurring mainly in scaleless species or with calcidermoid and elasmoid scales. Non‐Tubular LL scales are composed only of a scale, co‐occurring mainly with cycloid scales. There is consistency of LL scale type in many orders, families and genera and the presence of different types within taxa can be meaningful.  相似文献   

Red scale, Aonidiella aurantii Maskell (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), has a contagious distribution among fruit and among trees largely due to the fact that most young settle on the same fruit as their mothers. The pattern of distribution and degree of dispersion of red scale within various sets of contiguous citrus trees in several orchards were recorded each autumn for 4 years. Changes in density and site occupancy within trees and within contiguous groups of trees were made to assess the strength of any link between populations and their dynamics on different trees. Aonidiella aurantii was found to have a very clumped distribution whereby trees with a level of scale infestation well above average for their block could be adjacent to trees with few or no detectable scale. However, patches of high density on a given tree usually did not recur for more than 2 years but were replaced with above average infestations on other trees. The stability of the red scale populations varied from block to block. Some blocks had few or no infested trees over the study period whereas others had widely fluctuating levels of infestation. Dispersion coefficients at ‘within tree’ and ‘within block’ levels were similar. Theoretical and statistical models of the relation of average scale levels to the percentage of fruit or trees infested were less precise than they are for other pests because of high variation of clumping intensity of scale within any block.  相似文献   

Kuželová  Ilona  Chytrý  Milan 《Plant Ecology》2004,173(2):247-257
Interspecific associations detected in phytosociological data sets sampled in local areas can reflect locally specific combinations of environmental factors and may thus differ from the interspecific associations existing on a regional scale. As a result, vegetation units derived from numerical classifications of local data sets can accurately reflect local environmental gradients, but their boundaries or spectra of diagnostic species must be frequently adjusted when transferred to the regional scale. Local vegetation classifications can be useful for some purposes, but regional classifications are superior, as they facilitate communication among the researchers from different areas. We demonstrated changes in interspecific associations between regional and local scale, using a data set of 14 589 relevés of herbaceous vegetation of the Czech Republic, and 16 local subsets of this national data set. We focused on sociological species groups, derived statistically in the national data set. Changes in coherence of these groups when applied to the local data sets were described on the basis of statistical association between the relevés containing some species of these groups and the species belonging vs. not belonging to these groups. The results were summarized using the principal components analysis (PCA). In addition, relevé data sets were compared with respect to presence/absence of sociological species groups, using the principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). The results of PCA and PCoA were compared by Procrustean analysis. Local data sets differed from the national data set to different extent. The national data set was more remote to the local data sets if the analysis focused on the coherence of species group rather than on presence/absence. The species groups from the national data set retained most of their coherence in low-altitude hilly landscapes with thermophilous flora, i.e., the most diverse landscape type of the Czech Republic. On the other hand, many species groups from the national data set could not be recognized in mountainous areas or flat lowlands. These results suggest that interspecific associations existing on regional scale are best reproduced in those local areas which have a high habitat heterogeneity or which have a central position along the major gradients existing on regional scale.  相似文献   

The interactions between herbivorous insects and their host plants are expected to be influenced by changing climates. Modern oaks provide an excellent system to examine this assumption because their interactions with herbivores occur over broad climatic and spatial scales, they vary in their defensive and nutritional investment in leaves by being deciduous or evergreen, and their insect herbivores range from generalists to highly specialized feeders. In this study, we surveyed leaf-litter samples of four oak species along an elevation gradient, from coastal northern California, USA, to the upper montane woodlands of the Sierra Nevada, to examine the relationship between climatic factors (mean annual temperature and precipitation) and oak herbivory levels at multiple scales; across all oak species pooled, between evergreen and deciduous species and within species.Overall, temperature and precipitation did not appear to have a significant effect on most measures of total herbivore damage (percent leaves damaged per tree, percent leaf area removed and average number of feeding damage marks per leaf) and the strongest predictor of herbivore damage overall was the identity of the host species. However, increases in precipitation were correlated with an increase in the actual leaf area removed, and specialized insects, such as those that make leaf mines and galls, were the most sensitive to differences in precipitation levels. This suggests that the effects of changing climate on some plant–insect interactions is less likely to result in broad scale increases in damage with increasing temperatures or changing precipitation levels, but is rather more likely to be dependent on the type of herbivore (specialist vs. generalist) and the scale (species vs. community) over which the effect is examined.  相似文献   

Farmers in Africa have long adapted to climatic and other risks by diversifying their farming activities. Using a multi‐scale approach, we explore the relationship between farming diversity and food security and the diversification potential of African agriculture and its limits on the household and continental scale. On the household scale, we use agricultural surveys from more than 28,000 households located in 18 African countries. In a next step, we use the relationship between rainfall, rainfall variability, and farming diversity to determine the available diversification options for farmers on the continental scale. On the household scale, we show that households with greater farming diversity are more successful in meeting their consumption needs, but only up to a certain level of diversity per ha cropland and more often if food can be purchased from off‐farm income or income from farm sales. More diverse farming systems can contribute to household food security; however, the relationship is influenced by other factors, for example, the market orientation of a household, livestock ownership, nonagricultural employment opportunities, and available land resources. On the continental scale, the greatest opportunities for diversification of food crops, cash crops, and livestock are located in areas with 500–1,000 mm annual rainfall and 17%–22% rainfall variability. Forty‐three percent of the African cropland lacks these opportunities at present which may hamper the ability of agricultural systems to respond to climate change. While sustainable intensification practices that increase yields have received most attention to date, our study suggests that a shift in the research and policy paradigm toward agricultural diversification options may be necessary.  相似文献   

In parasites that strongly rely on a host for dispersal, geographic barriers that act on the host will simultaneously influence parasite distribution as well. If their association persists over macroevolutionary time it may result in congruent phylogenetic and phylogeographic patterns due to shared geographic histories. Here, we investigated the level of congruent evolutionary history at a regional and global scale in a highly specialised parasite taxon infecting hosts with limited dispersal abilities: the microsporidians Dictyocoela spp. and their amphipod hosts. Dictyocoela can be transmitted both vertically and horizontally and is the most common microsporidian genus occurring in amphipods in Eurasia. However, little is known about its distribution elsewhere. We started by conducting molecular screening to detect microsporidian parasites in endemic amphipod species in New Zealand; based on phylogenetic analyses, we identified nine species‐level microsporidian taxa including six belonging to Dictyocoela. With a distance‐based cophylogenetic analysis at the regional scale, we identified overall congruent phylogenies between Paracalliope, the most common New Zealand freshwater amphipod taxon, and their Dictyocoela parasites. Also, hosts and parasites showed similar phylogeographic patterns suggesting shared biogeographic histories. Similarly, at a global scale, phylogenies of amphipod hosts and their Dictyocoela parasites showed broadly congruent phylogenies. The observed patterns may have resulted from covicariance and/or codispersal, suggesting that the intimate association between amphipods and Dictyocoela may have persisted over macroevolutionary time. We highlight that shared biogeographic histories could play a role in the codiversification of hosts and parasites at a macroevolutionary scale.  相似文献   

The most widely used scale for assessing food liking or disliking is the 9‐pt hedonic scale. Unfortunately, this affective scale suffers from problems related to unequal scale intervals and the underuse of end categories, which results in a reduced ability to differentiate among extremely well liked or extremely disliked foods. Magnitude estimation avoids these problems while enabling ratio statements to be made about the data. However, it does not provide absolute ratings of liking/disliking and can be difficult for some consumers to use. We report here on the development of a labeled affective magnitude scale (LAM) scale that has advantages over both the 9‐pt hedonic scale and magnitude estimation. Forty‐four semantic labels were scaled for their affective meaning by subjects using modulus‐free magnitude estimation. The geometric mean magnitude estimates obtained for each semantic label were used to construct a series of labeled affective magnitude scales by spacing the labels along a visual analogue scale according to their obtained semantic values. Reliability and sensitivity studies were conducted to assess the effects of alternative semantic and numeric labels. The results of these studies led to the choice of a scale format that uses verbal labels that are consistent with the 9‐pt hedonic scale. The labeled affective magnitude (LAM) scale was compared to the hedonic scale and magnitude estimation in several food preference and acceptability tests. The LAM was shown to have equal reliability and sensitivity to the hedonic scale, provided somewhat greater discrimination among highly liked foods, and resulted in data that were similar to magnitude estimation in terms of the obtained ratios among rated stimuli. The LAM scale was also judged by consumers to be as easy to use as the 9‐pt hedonic scale and significantly less difficult than magnitude estimation.  相似文献   

Random asymmetry, that is the coexistence of left‐ and right‐sided (or ‐handed) individuals within a population, is a particular case of natural variation; what triggers and maintains such dimorphisms remains unknown in most cases. Here, we report a field‐based cage experiment in the scale‐eating Tanganyikan cichlid Perissodus microlepis, which occurs in two morphs in nature: left‐skewed and right‐skewed individuals with respect to mouth orientation. Using underwater cages stocked with scale‐eaters and natural prey fish, we first confirm that, under semi‐natural conditions, left‐skewed scale‐eaters preferentially attack the right flank of their prey, whereas right‐skewed individuals feed predominantly from the left side. We then demonstrate that scale‐eaters have a higher probability for successful attacks when kept in dimorphic experimental populations (left‐ and right‐skewed morphs together) as compared to monomorphic populations (left‐ or right‐skewed morphs), most likely because prey fishes fail to accustom to strikes from both sides. The significantly increased probability for attacks appears to be the selective agent responsible for the evolution and maintenance of mouth dimorphism in P. microlepis, lending further support to the hypothesis that negative frequency‐dependent selection is the stabilizing force balancing the mouth dimorphism at quasi‐equal ratios in scale‐eating cichlids.  相似文献   

To measure the experienced burden by informal carers (N = 2.444), a 15-item Mokken scale has been developed. This concerns an extended version of the EDIZ ("Ervaren druk door Informele zorg"); several items refer to the pressure of time brought by the combination of labour and care and the consequences for the health of the informal carers are added to the EDIZ. We call this new scale the EDIZ-plus; it concerns a reliable one-dimensional and hierarchical scale which extends from o (no burden) to maximum 15 (severe burden). First, the burden manifests itself in feelings of responsibility of the carer, followed by having difficulty with combining work and family tasks and ultimately exceeding all limits due to too many obligations. In most cases this last group does not only deal with conflicts at home or at work and a decline in their own health, they also experience all other problems in the scale. The presumed limit for overburdening is enclosed by the proposition 'caring put too much pressure on me'. This is a score on the EDIZ-plus of nine or higher. Furthermore, the scale has proved to be usable for several population groups, such as carers of partners and children, parents/parents-in-law and carers of different patient populations (people with dementia, mental disability or a chronic disease). The EDIZ-plus is not only suitable because of its reasonable psychometric qualities, but also because of the usability in different populations.  相似文献   

One of the greatest terrestrial radiations is the diversification of the flowering plants (Angiospermae) in the Cretaceous period. Early angiosperms appear to have been limited to disturbed, aquatic or extremely dry sites, suggesting that they were suppressed in most other places by the gymnosperms that still dominated the plant world. However, fossil evidence suggests that by the end of the Cretaceous the angiosperms had spectacularly taken over the dominant position from the gymnosperms around the globe. Here, we suggest an ecological explanation for their escape from their subordinate position relative to gymnosperms and ferns. We propose that angiosperms due to their higher growth rates profit more rapidly from increased nutrient supply than gymnosperms, whereas at the same time angiosperms promote soil nutrient release by producing litter that is more easily decomposed. This positive feedback may have resulted in a runaway process once angiosperms had reached a certain abundance. Evidence for the possibility of such a critical transition to angiosperm dominance comes from recent work on large scale vegetation shifts, linking long-term field observations, large scale experiments and the use of simulation models.  相似文献   

 气候变化对陆地生态系统的影响及其反馈是全球变化研究的焦点之一。本文利用1951~2000年的气温、降水等气候资料、1982~2000年的NOAA/AVHRR遥感数据和1951~2000年北京春季物候的代表性指标——山桃(Prunus davidiana)始花的物候数据,分析了在年际和年内时间尺度上北京地区各气候参量与植被变化之间的关系。结果显示:植物生长与温度之间的关系远比其与降水之间的关系密切;各气候参量和植被生长状况之间的关系因时间尺度而不同。1)月际水平上,具有显著生态学意义的气候指标对植被生长状况的影响更明显。2)温度与NDVI指标的相互作用最大为零时滞:年际水平上,影响时效约为1年;月际水平上,约为1个月。3)植物物候期与温度之间的关系远比其与降水之间的关系密切。年际尺度上,气候参量和植物物候期的相互作用是同时的,其中气温的影响时效为2年;月际尺度上,实际温度和植物物候期的相互作用时效约为1个月。  相似文献   

1. Freshwater unionid mussels are a highly imperilled group. Their dispersal abilities depend on the availability and the movement of host fish on which their parasitic mussel larvae develop. 2. We examined the relationship between the dispersal abilities of unionid mussels and their conservation status on a regional (SW Ontario) scale and their distribution and abundance on a catchment scale (Sydenham River, SW Ontario) by determining host specificity and estimating the dispersal abilities of mussels on fish from a review of the literature. 3. On the regional scale, we found that mussels with the most precarious conservation status relied on host fish with short movement distances, whereas vulnerable and more secure mussel species had host fish with 2–3 orders of magnitude larger movement distances. We were not able to detect a clear pattern on the catchment scale. 4. Our results suggest that limited dispersal by host fish affects the abundance and distribution of unionid mussels and ultimately their conservation status on a regional scale. Information on dispersal limitations because of differences in host fish communities should be included in conservation and management decisions to ensure connectivity and maintain functioning mussel metacommunities.  相似文献   

Endozoochory varies with ecological scale and context   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several studies on endozoochory have established large herbivores as important for seed dispersal, yet no studies have evaluated how endozoochory is dependent on ecological scale and context. Here we address effects of reindeer density on endozoochory in a hierarchical, multi-scale study, encompassing several ecological contexts.
We found reindeer density effects on endozoochory to vary with spatial scale. Higher reindeer densities at the level of landscape areas, as indexed through faeces abundance, were related to both less species and lower abundance of emerging plants from faeces. In contrast, there was no effect of higher reindeer densities at the level of herding districts (i.e. large scale assemblages of landscapes). Lack of consistency between scales reflects ecological hierarchy, indicating that reindeer density effects on endozoochory best matches at the scale of landscapes.
Pasture seed plant composition was only partly an important ecological factor. That is, ericoid species, the dominating plants in the pastures, were also the most abundant seed plants found to emerge from the faeces. However, most herbaceous seed plant species in the pastures were not emerging from the faeces and the few that emerged were positively related to the site fertility and altitude of the pasture.
Studies addressing endozoochory of ruminants are typically concerned with seed plants, whereas in this study we also found indications of that diaspores of ferns are viable after passing the digestive tract of large herbivores. Vascular spore plants were even more abundant in the faeces than were vascular seed plants.
Results from this study demonstrate that reindeer may counteract a potentially negative impact on seed limitation from their grazing by returning viable seeds in their faeces. However, in Finnmark, northern Norway, this effect is only marginal, relates only to a very few species and individuals and shows ecological scale and context dependence.  相似文献   

枣树(Ziziphus jujube Mill)是中国北方的一种重要经济林木。日本龟蜡蚧(Ceroplastes japonicus Green)是枣园的一种破坏性天敌。研究了外源茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)处理和日本龟蜡蚧雌成虫危害后与对照健康枣树相比挥发物的变化。枣树挥发物的收集采用顶空收集法,并使用气相色谱/质谱联用仪(GC/MS)来分析收集到的挥发物的化学成分。结果显示:MeJA处理的和蚧虫危害的枣树挥发物的化学组分在种类和含量上与对照相比都有所改变。其中MeJA处理的枣树样本中检测到22种挥发物,总挥发量为37347 ng/h;蚧虫危害的枣树样本中检测到24种挥发物,总挥发量为54292 ng/h;而健康的对照枣树挥发物中只检测到14种化合物,总挥发量也仅为18611 ng/h。经SPSS软件分析,MeJA处理部分和对照部分,日本龟蜡蚧危害部分和对照部分这两组之间都达到差异显著水平。在上述挥发物成分中,萜烯类、醇类、酯类的增加量在植物诱导化学防御方面具有重要意义,这些化合物通常被认为是与吸引天敌昆虫相关的组分。  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation in 20 hierarchically sampled populations of wild barley was analyzed with quantitative traits, allozymes and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs), and compared for three marker types at two hierarchical levels. Regional subdivision for both molecular markers was much lower than for quantitative traits. For both allozymes and RAPDs, most loci exhibited minor or no regional differentiation, and the relatively high overall estimates of the latter were due to several loci with exceptionally high regional differentiation. The allozyme- and RAPD-specific patterns of differentiation were concordant in general with one another, but not with quantitative trait differentiation. Divergent selection on quantitative traits inferred from very high regional Q(ST) was in full agreement with our previous results obtained from a test of local adaptation and multilevel selection analysis. In contrast, most variation in allozyme and RAPD variation was neutral, although several allozyme loci and RAPD markers were exceptional in their levels of regional differentiation. However, it is not possible to answer the question whether these exceptional loci are directly involved in the response to selection pressure or merely linked to the selected loci. The fact that Q(ST) and F(ST) did not differ at the population scale, that is, within regions, but differed at the regional scale, for which local adaptation has been previously shown, implies that comparison of the level of subdivision in quantitative traits, as compared with molecular markers, is indicative of adaptive population differentiation only when sampling is carried out at the appropriate scale.  相似文献   

Will Cresswell 《Ibis》2014,156(3):493-510
In most long‐distance migratory birds, juveniles migrate without their parents and so are likely to lack detailed knowledge of where to go. This suggests the potential for stochasticity to affect their choice of wintering area at a large scale (> 1000 km). Adults, in contrast, may re‐use non‐breeding sites that promote their survival, so removing uncertainty from their subsequent migrations. I review the evidence for large‐scale stochastic juvenile site selection followed by adult site fidelity, and then develop a ‘serial‐residency’ hypothesis based on these two traits as a framework to explain both the migratory connectivity and the population dynamics of migrant birds and how these are affected by environmental change. Juvenile stochasticity is apparent in the age‐dependent effects of weather or experimental displacement on the outcome of migration and in the very wide variation in the destinations of individuals originating from the same area. Adults have been shown to be very faithful to their wintering grounds and even to staging sites. The serial residency hypothesis predicts that migrants that show these two traits will rely on an individually unique but fixed series of temporally and spatially linked sites to complete their annual cycle. As a consequence, migratory connectivity will be apparent at a very small scale for individuals, but only at a large scale for a population, and juveniles are predicted to occur more often at less suitable sites than adults, so that survival will be lower for juveniles. Migratory connectivity will arise only through spatial and temporal autocorrelation with local environmental constraints, particularly on passage, and the distribution and age structure of the population may reflect past environmental constraints. At least some juveniles will discover suitable habitat that they may re‐use as adults, thus promoting overall population‐level resilience to environmental change, and suggesting value in site‐based conservation. However, because migratory connectivity only acts on a large scale, any population of migrants will contain individuals that encounter a change in suitability somewhere in their non‐breeding range, so affecting average survival. Differences in population trends will therefore reflect variation in local breeding output added to average survival from wintering and staging areas. The latter is likely to be declining given increasing levels of environmental degradation throughout Africa. Large‐scale migratory connectivity also has implications for the evolutionary ecology of migrants, generally because this is likely to lead to selection for generalist traits.  相似文献   

鸟类鸣声行为对其物种分化和新种形成影响   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
鸟声和鸟类的形态特征一样,具有物种的特异性,在鸟类分类和野外识别方面是有意义的,从生物种的基本概念出发,新种的形成有赖于两个亲缘种群间不能相互婚配和繁殖隔离的产生。鸟类主要的有关特征是在配对形成过程中的听觉和视觉特征,如果出现鸣声特征的差异,而且这种差异已经超出了种间“语言通讯”的变化范围,那么它就有可能与群内其它异笥无法配对,从而被排除到该种群或种的范围之外,然而鸣禽的鸣唱有时在不同种群间变化很大,而在同一种群内比较稳定,从而形成种群的方言,在方言种群之间,如果长期隔离,就会在种群之间形成障碍乃至遗传上的隔离,从而使种群间失去了相互配偶的机会,新的亚种或种可能由此形成,文章最后假设出了基于鸣声行为的鸟类新种形成机理图解。  相似文献   

To increase product yields and to ensure consistent product quality, key issues of industrial fermentations, process optimization and scale up are aimed at maintaining optimum and homogenous reaction conditions minimizing microbial stress exposure and enhancing metabolic accuracy. For each individual product, process and facility, suitable strategies have to be elaborated by a comprehensive and detailed process characterization, identification of the most relevant process parameters influencing product yield and quality and their establishment as scale-up parameters to be kept constant as far as possible. Physical variables, which can only be restrictedly kept constant as single parameters, may be combined with other pertinent parameters to appropriate mathematical groups or dimensionless terms. Process characterization is preferably based on real-time or near real-time data collected by in situ and on-line measurements and may be facilitated by supportive approaches and tools like neural network based chemometric data analysis and modelling, clarification of the mixing and stream conditions through computational fluid dynamics and scale-down simulations. However, as fermentation facilities usually are not strictly designed according to scale-up criteria and the process conditions in the culture vessels thus may differ significantly and since any strategy and model can only insufficiently consider and reflect the highly complex interdependence and mutual interaction of fermentation parameters, successful scale up in most cases is not the result of a conclusive and straight-lined experimental strategy, but rather will be the outcome of a separate process development and optimization on each scale. This article gives an overview on the problems typically coming along with fermentation process optimization and scale up, and presents currently applied scale-up strategies while considering future technologies, with emphasis on Escherichia coli as one of the most commonly fermented organisms.  相似文献   

The recalcitrance of lignocellulosic biomass poses a major challenge for its sustainable and cost-effective utilization. Therefore, an efficient pretreatment is decisive for processes based on lignocellulose. A green and energy-efficient pretreatment could be the dissolution of lignocellulose in ionic liquids. Several ionic liquids were identified earlier which are capable to dissolve (ligno-)cellulose. However, due to their multitude and high costs, a high-throughput screening on small scale is essential for the determination of the most efficient ionic liquid. In this contribution two high-throughput systems are presented based on extinction or scattered light measurements. Quasi-continuous dissolution profiles allow a direct comparison of up to 96 ionic liquids per experiment in terms of their dissolution kinetics. The screening results indicate that among the ionic liquids tested EMIM Ac is the most efficient for dissolving cellulose. Moreover, it was observed that AMIM Cl is the most effective ionic liquid for dissolving wood chips.  相似文献   

In Britain, the distribution of a few bat species appears to have declined over the past century. Generally, the documentary evidence is sparse, but improving knowledge of how bats exploit their roost and foraging habitats, combined with investigations into their prey selection suggests causes that will have affected them. Reduction in insect diversity and abundance resulting from much less grazed pasture and the loss of over 300000 km of hedgerow is considered to have had the most impact on bats. In addition, loss of, or damage to, roosts is known to have had deleterious consequences. Large scale management of landscape to create shelter and an abundance of insects is considered necessary if bat populations, especially of die rarest species, are to flourish.  相似文献   

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