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Democratic engagement is a multi-faceted phenomenon that embraces citizens' involvement with electoral politics, their participation in ‘conventional’ extra-parliamentary political activity, their satisfaction with democracy and trust in state institutions, and their rejection of the use of violence for political ends. Evidence from the 2010 BES and EMBES shows that there are important variations in patterns of democratic engagement across Britain's different ethnic-minority groups and across generations. Overall, ethnic-minority engagement is at a similar level to and moved by the same general factors that influence the political dispositions of whites. However, minority democratic engagement is also strongly affected by a set of distinctive ethnic-minority perceptions and experiences, associated particularly with discrimination and patterns of minority and majority cultural engagement. Second-generation minorities who grew up in Britain are less, rather than more, likely to be engaged.  相似文献   

The dark side     
Petsko GA 《Genome biology》2000,1(3):comment1003.1-comment10032

The induction of brown-like adipocyte development in white adipose tissue (WAT) confers numerous metabolic benefits by decreasing adiposity and increasing energy expenditure. Therefore, WAT browning has gained considerable attention for its potential to reverse obesity and its associated co-morbidities. However, this perspective has been tainted by recent studies identifying the detrimental effects of inducing WAT browning. This review aims to highlight the adverse outcomes of both overactive and underactive browning activity, the harmful side effects of browning agents, as well as the molecular brake-switch system that has been proposed to regulate this process. Developing novel strategies that both sustain the metabolic improvements of WAT browning and attenuate the related adverse side effects is therefore essential for unlocking the therapeutic potential of browning agents in the treatment of metabolic diseases.  相似文献   

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mediates energy metabolism and feeding behavior. As a neurotrophin, BDNF promotes neuronal differentiation, survival during early development, adult neurogenesis, and neural plasticity; thus, there is the potential that BDNF could modify circuits important to eating behavior and energy expenditure. The possibility that "faulty" circuits could be remodeled by BDNF is an exciting concept for new therapies for obesity and eating disorders. In the hypothalamus, BDNF and its receptor, tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB), are extensively expressed in areas associated with feeding and metabolism. Hypothalamic BDNF and TrkB appear to inhibit food intake and increase energy expenditure, leading to negative energy balance. In the hippocampus, the involvement of BDNF in neural plasticity and neurogenesis is important to learning and memory, but less is known about how BDNF participates in energy homeostasis. We review current research about BDNF in specific brain locations related to energy balance, environmental, and behavioral influences on BDNF expression and the possibility that BDNF may influence energy homeostasis via its role in neurogenesis and neural plasticity.  相似文献   

Drosophila species vary in the rates at which females remate and the number of sperm they receive in the laboratory. In species such as D. melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura, in which females receive thousands of sperm and remate infrequently compared with species such as D. hydei and D. nigrospiracula, where females receive only a few hundred sperm and remate many times in a day, wild caught females should produce far more progeny. We tested this prediction by collecting, directly from nature, females of six species whose remating rates and number of sperm received vary from high to low and assessing the proportion of females with sperm and the number of progeny females produce. Over 95% of D. pseudoobscura and D. melanogaster females were inseminated while far fewer of the other species contained any sperm. In addition, D, pseudoobscura females produced progeny for over two weeks, D. melanogaster for over a week, while D. hydei and D. nigrospiracula females ran out of sperm after 1–2 d. These observations suggest extreme sperm limitation in these latter species.  相似文献   



Research on multisensory integration during natural tasks such as reach-to-grasp is still in its infancy. Crossmodal links between vision, proprioception and audition have been identified, but how olfaction contributes to plan and control reach-to-grasp movements has not been decisively shown. We used kinematics to explicitly test the influence of olfactory stimuli on reach-to-grasp movements.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Subjects were requested to reach towards and grasp a small or a large visual target (i.e., precision grip, involving the opposition of index finger and thumb for a small size target and a power grip, involving the flexion of all digits around the object for a large target) in the absence or in the presence of an odour evoking either a small or a large object that if grasped would require a precision grip and a whole hand grasp, respectively. When the type of grasp evoked by the odour did not coincide with that for the visual target, interference effects were evident on the kinematics of hand shaping and the level of synergies amongst fingers decreased. When the visual target and the object evoked by the odour required the same type of grasp, facilitation emerged and the intrinsic relations amongst individual fingers were maintained.


This study demonstrates that olfactory information contains highly detailed information able to elicit the planning for a reach-to-grasp movement suited to interact with the evoked object. The findings offer a substantial contribution to the current debate about the multisensory nature of the sensorimotor transformations underlying grasping.  相似文献   

Ecological stressors are considered to negatively affect biological systems; however, corresponding responses to stressors can be complex, depending on the ecological functions and the number and duration of the stressors. Mounting evidence indicates potential benefits of stressors. Here, we develop an integrative framework to understand stressor-induced benefits by clarifying three categories of mechanisms: seesaw effects, cross-tolerance, and memory effects. These mechanisms operate across various organizational levels (e.g., individual, population, community) and can be extended to an evolutionary context. One remaining challenge is to develop scaling approaches for linking stressor-induced benefits across organizational levels. Our framework provides a novel platform for predicting the consequences of global environmental changes and informing management strategies in conservation and restoration practices.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer (PCa) metabolism appears to be unique in comparison with other types of solid cancers. Normal prostate cells mainly rely on glucose oxidation to provide precursors for the synthesis and secretion of citrate, resulting in an incomplete Krebs cycle and minimal oxidative phosphorylation for energy production. In contrast, during transformation, PCa cells no longer secrete citrate and they reactivate the Krebs cycle as energy source. Moreover, primary PCas do not show increased aerobic glycolysis and therefore they are not efficiently detectable with 18F-FDG-PET. However, increased de novo lipid synthesis, strictly intertwined with deregulation in classical oncogenes and oncosuppressors, is an early event of the disease. Up-regulation and increased activity of lipogenic enzymes (including fatty acid synthase and choline kinase) occurs throughout PCa carcinogenesis and correlates with worse prognosis and poor survival. Thus, lipid precursors such as acetate and choline have been successfully used as alternative tracers for PET imaging. Lipid synthesis intermediates and FA catabolism also emerged as important players in PCa maintenance. Finally, epidemiologic studies suggested that systemic metabolic disorders including obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes as well as hypercaloric and fat-rich diets might increase the risk of PCa. However, how metabolic disorders contribute to PCa development and whether dietary lipids and de novo lipids synthesized intra-tumor are differentially metabolized still remains unclear. In this review, we examine the switch in lipid metabolism supporting the development and progression of PCa and we discuss how we can exploit its lipogenic nature for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Lipid Metabolism in Cancer.  相似文献   

Bioinorganic chemistry remains a vibrant discipline at the interface of chemistry and the biological sciences. Metal ions function in numerous metalloenzymes, are incorporated into pharmaceuticals and imaging agents, and inspire the synthesis of catalysts used to achieve many chemical transformations.  相似文献   

Plant association with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi is usually regarded as mutualistic. However, this positive effect could disappear if the benefit of the fungal-plant association changes with colonization density. In order to test the conditionality of this interaction, we evaluated plant performance and tolerance to defoliation across five levels of commercial AM fungal inoculum concentrations. Additionally, we evaluated if plant performance and tolerance were similarly affected by a whole soil community collected under a native congener. Along the gradient of inoculation, plant performance exhibited a peak at intermediate inoculum concentration, indicating the presence of an optimum level of AM fungal concentration that maximized AM fungal benefit. Root colonization by fungal hyphae increased linearly across the experimental inoculation gradient. Paralleling root colonization, plant tolerance to defoliation decreased linearly along the inoculum gradient. Plant performance was similar under the whole soil and commercial treatments. Our results show a negative correlation between tolerance to defoliation and AM fungal inoculum concentration, indicating that AM fungi colonization could constrain the evolution of plant tolerance to herbivory.Key words: compensation, defences, ecological interactions, herbivory, multitrophic interactions, mycorrhizal fungi, toleranceArbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi occur in all ecosystems of the world and associate with the roots of about 70% of all vascular plants.1 This association is typically regarded as mutualistic, because there is a bidirectional transfer of nutrients between the host plant and its fungal partners. Carbon compounds are passed from the plant to the fungus and, in return, there is a transfer of mineral nutrients, principally nitrate and phosphate.2 However, this association also entails costs. The amount of carbon allocated to AM fungi is estimated to range from 4% to 20% of a plant''s total carbon budget.2 Throughout the literature, there are examples of the conditionality of this relationship exemplified by a continuum of the effects of AM fungal colonization on hosts from positive, through null to negative.35 Moreover, it has been suggested that the benefit of a plant associating with fungal symbionts depends not only on the identity of AM fungi4 and plant genotypes6 but also on hyphal colonization density in roots.7 In a recent greenhouse study, we examined components of the conditionality of plant interactions with soil biota.8 We were interested in knowing how the performance and tolerance to defoliation of the annual plant Datura stramonium varied along a concentration gradient of commercial AM fungal inoculum containing four Glomus species (Mycorrhizal Applications, Grants Pass, OR USA).We found a curvilinear relationship between AM fungal inoculum concentration and plant performance, as predicted by previous models.7 The quadratic decelerating function between inoculum concentration and plant performance indicates an optimum level of AM fungal concentration (1/24th total pot volume) that maximizes AM fungal benefit (Fig. 1A). This result suggests that, in D. stramonium, positive associations between AM fungi and plant fitness may not be proportional and, that at high colonization densities, mycorrhizae may have detrimental effects, perhaps by competing with plants for nutrients, or by interfering with other essential interactions.4,5 We also found, from root examination, that hyphal colonization of roots increased linearly with AM fungi inoculum concentration. Moreover, we found that tolerance to herbivory decreased linearly with increasing AM fungal inoculum concentration (r2 = −0.40; F1,27 = 5.89; p = 0.0222; Fig. 1B), suggesting that, in our system, at high densities, mycorrhizae may become parasitic and may compete for resources (e.g., carbon) with the induced host plant response to leaf damage.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Effect of a gradient in AM fungi inoculum concentration on D. stramonium performance. (A) Non-linear relation between seed production and inoculum concentration. In general, plants achieved their maximal performance at an inoculum concentration of 1/24th total pot volume. (B) Tolerance to defoliation decreased linearly with inoculum concentration. Tolerance was calculated as the difference in standardized seed production between related damaged and undamaged genetically related plants corresponding to six genetic full-sib families.In order to know whether the effects we found in the greenhouse using commercial inoculum could be expected in the field, we addressed whether or not D. stramonium performance and tolerance were similarly influenced by whole soil field communities; including AM fungi, pathogens, root herbivores, etc. Unfortunately, D. stramonium is not native to the area where this research was undertaken, so we collected soil immediately below plants of a native congener Datura wrightii, a perennial herb that grows at the Putah Creek Reserve (UC, Davis). Pots were inoculated at a 1/12th total pot volume with this live soil and plants were grown concurrently with those in the previous experiment. We compared plant performance and tolerance under the live soil treatment and the last level of the commercial AMF inoculum gradient (both inoculated at a 1/12th total pot volume). Results indicated no differences in foliar area (F1,94 = 1.18; p = 0.2782), root mass (F1,94 = 0.99; p = 0.3222), flowering day (χ2 = 0.31; p = 0.5804) and fitness (χ2 = 0.03; p = 0.8691). Moreover, root colonization levels were (F1,94 = 0.75; p = 0.3877) in both 1/12th volume vs. live soil, as well as in the 0 AMF and sterilized soil (F1,94 = 2.56; p = 0.1130). Despite these similarities, plant tolerance did differ significantly between AMF and live soil treatments (F1,94 = 5.49; p = 0.0411), tolerance being greater under the live soil treatment (0.3755 ± 0.0311 tolerance) relative to the 1/12th AM fungal treatment (−0.5744 ± 0.2714 tolerance). This result suggests that the expression of plant tolerance may also depend on the identity of AMF colonizing roots or the number and identities of soil bacteria. We did not know which microbial species were in the soils we collected.We show that, when inoculated over a gradient of abundance, Glomus AM fungal colonization consistently decreased tolerance to herbivory. The presence of mycorrhizae could therefore decrease the adaptive value of traits increasing tolerance. We also show here that though live soil inoculum had similar effects in magnitude and direction to those of commercial AMF incoculum on growth and fitness, live soil biota collected under a congener of D. stramonium increased tolerance to herbivory at the same levels of root colonization. Overall, the results of this study indicate that the interaction between soil biotic components and the response of D. stramonium to leaf damage is highly conditional; and can depend on amounts of root colonization, as well as perhaps identities of AM fungi and bacteria. In both cases, soil biota affected the impact of damage to leaves aboveground. AM fungi may mediate the efficacy of tolerance as a defense, and this effect may be especially important in light of herbivore adaptation, when tolerance may be favored over resistance as a plant defense strategy.10  相似文献   

Paulusma CC  Houwen RH  Williamson PL 《Nature medicine》2011,17(4):413; author reply 413-413; author reply 414

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