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Molecular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offers the potential to image some events at the cellular and subcellular level and many significant advances have recently been witnessed in this field. The introduction of targeted MR contrast agents has enabled the imaging of sparsely expressed biological targets in vivo. Furthermore, high-throughput screens of nanoparticle libraries have identified nanoparticles that act as novel contrast agents and which can be targeted with enhanced diagnostic specificity and range. Another class of magnetic nanoparticles have also been designed to image dynamic events; these act as 'switches' and could be used in vitro, and potentially in vivo, as biosensors. Other specialized MR probes have been developed to image enzyme activity in vivo. Lastly, the use of chemical exchange and off-resonance techniques have been developed, adding another dimension to the broad capabilities of molecular MRI and offering the potential of multispectral imaging. These and other advances in molecular MRI offer great promise for the future and have significant potential for clinical translation.  相似文献   

Brain imaging methods allow a non-invasive assessment of both structural and functional connectivity. However, the mechanism of how functional connectivity arises in a structured network of interacting neural populations is as yet poorly understood. Here we use a modeling approach to explore the way in which functional correlations arise from underlying structural connections taking into account inhomogeneities in the interactions between the brain regions of interest. The local dynamics of a neural population is assumed to be of phase-oscillator type. The considered structural connectivity patterns describe long-range anatomical connections between interacting neural elements. We find a dependence of the simulated functional connectivity patterns on the parameters governing the dynamics. We calculate graph-theoretic measures of the functional network topology obtained from numerical simulations. The effect of structural inhomogeneities in the coupling term on the observed network state is quantified by examining the relation between simulated and empirical functional connectivity. Importantly, we show that simulated and empirical functional connectivity agree for a narrow range of coupling strengths. We conclude that identification of functional connectivity during rest requires an analysis of the network dynamics.  相似文献   

Nanotherapy has emerged as an improved anticancer therapeutic strategy to circumvent the harmful side effects of chemotherapy. It has been proven to be beneficial to offer multiple advantages, including their capacity to carry different therapeutic agents, longer circulation time and increased therapeutic index with reduced toxicity. Over time, nanotherapy evolved in terms of their designing strategies like geometry, size, composition or chemistry to circumvent the biological barriers. Multifunctional nanoscale materials are widely used as molecular transporter for delivering therapeutics and imaging agents. Nanomedicine involving multi-component chemotherapeutic drug-based combination therapy has been found to be an improved promising approach to increase the efficacy of cancer treatment. Next-generation nanomedicine has also utilized and combined immunotherapy to increase its therapeutic efficacy. It helps in targeting tumor immune response sparing the healthy systemic immune function. In this review, we have summarized the progress of nanotechnology in terms of nanoparticle designing and targeting cancer. We have also discussed its further applications in combination therapy and cancer immunotherapy. Integrating patient-specific proteomics and biomarker based information and harnessing clinically safe nanotechnology, the development of precision nanomedicine could revolutionize the effective cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Spectral and coherent analysis of biolectrical brain activity was performed in 560 pregnant women in gestational dynamics and in the early post-natal period. According to the theory and the experiments, it can be concluded that the occurrence of one-fetus pregnancy is accompanied by formation of gestational dominanta (constellation of nervous centers) with its central units in the limbicodiencephalic and neocortical structures. Neocortical representation is formed within the frontal and central areas of the hemisphere contralateral to location of the placenta. Electrographic evidence in support of these ideas was found.  相似文献   

Sleep and Biological Rhythms - Psychophysiological insomnia (PI) is a clinical condition characterized by sleep-related disturbing cognitive activity and biased self-related information processing....  相似文献   

In experiments on 3 dogs it was shown that instrumental defensive conditioned reflex (CR) to electrical stimulation of the hippocampus is generalized within the limbic system (LS). The rate of generalization depended on the place of testing stimuli in LS. Stimulation of the medial parts of LS at the stage of stabilized initial reflex did not produce the generalized CRs, while they appeared distinctly in response to stimulation of the lateral parts of LS. In the process of elaboration of heterogeneous CRs (defensive and alimentary) to electrical stimulation of the hippocampus, generalized conditioned reactions from some brain structures appeared in both situations to the same degree while from other structures--with considerable differences. These data point to a possible participation in the genesis of the generalized CRs both of signal and reinforcing brain mechanisms.  相似文献   

In healthy subjects, in a state of relative rest, with different individual profiles of asymmetry (20 right-handed and 10 left-handed subjects), a greater conjunction of electrical brain processes (estimated by mean EEG coherence levels) has been found in the dominant hemisphere as compared to the subdominant one, more distinctly expressed in the right-handed subjects. The maximum degree of interhemispheric asymmetry of the EEG coherence is observed in the posterior associative cortical areas. Specific interhemispheric theta-range differences are revealed as compared with other EEG frequency bands. Greater values are obtained of the correlation of the EEG symmetrical hemispheres points in the whole frequency band and in alpha- and beta-ranges in the right-handed subjects than in the left-handed ones.  相似文献   

1. Temporary rivers and streams are among the most common and most hydrologically dynamic freshwater ecosystems. The number of temporary rivers and the severity of flow intermittence may be increasing in regions affected by climatic drying trends or water abstraction. Despite their abundance, temporary rivers have been historically neglected by ecologists. A recent increase in temporary‐river research needs to be supported by new models that generate hypotheses and stimulate further research. In this article, we present three conceptual models that address spatial and temporal patterns in temporary‐river biodiversity and biogeochemistry. 2. Temporary rivers are characterised by the repeated onset and cessation of flow, and by complex hydrological dynamics in the longitudinal dimension. Longitudinal dynamics, such as advancing and retreating wetted fronts, hydrological connections and disconnections, and gradients in flow permanence, influence biotic communities and nutrient and organic matter processing. 3. The first conceptual model concerns connectivity between habitat patches. Variable connectivity suggests that the metacommunity and metapopulation concepts are applicable in temporary rivers. We predict that aggregations of local communities in the isolated water bodies of temporary rivers function as metacommunities. These metacommunities may become longitudinally nested due to interspecific differences in dispersal and mortality. The metapopulation concept applies to some temporary river species, but not all. In stable metapopulations, rates of local extinction are balanced by recolonisation. However, extinction and recolonisation in many temporary‐river species are decoupled by frequent disturbances, and populations of these species are usually expanding or contracting. 4. The second conceptual model predicts that large‐scale biodiversity varies as a function of aquatic and terrestrial patch dynamics and water‐level fluctuations. Habitat mosaics in temporary rivers change in composition and configuration in response to inundation and drying, and these changes elicit a range of biotic responses. In the model, aquatic biodiversity initially increases directly with water level due to increasing abundance of aquatic patches. When most of the channel is inundated and most aquatic patches are connected, further increases in aquatic habitat and connectivity cause aquatic biodiversity to decline due to community homogenisation and reduced habitat diversity. The predicted responses of terrestrial biodiversity to changes in water level are the inverse of aquatic biodiversity responses. 5. The third conceptual model represents temporary rivers as longitudinal, punctuated biogeochemical reactors. Advancing fronts carry water, solutes and particulate organic matter downstream; subsequent flow recessions and drying result in deposition of transported material in reserves such as pools and bar tops. Material processing is rapid during inundated periods and slower during dry periods. The efficiency of material processing is predicted to increase with the number of cycles of transport, deposition and processing that occur down the length of a temporary river. 6. We end with a call for conservation and resource management that addresses the unique properties of temporary rivers. Primary objectives for effective temporary river management are preservation or restoration of aquatic‐terrestrial habitat mosaics, preservation or restoration of natural flow intermittence, and identification of flow requirements for highly valued species and processes.  相似文献   

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