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Summary Lymphokine production by human melanoma tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) was studied. Uncultured TIL produced interferon (IFN), but not interleukin-2 (IL-2) or IL-4, in response to anti-CD3 mAb or IL-2. In bulk cultures, IL-2-activated TIL displaying autologous tumor-specific cytotoxicity (CTL-TIL) produced IFN in culture with medium alone, whereas IL-2-activated noncytotoxic TIL did not. Addition of anti-CD3 mAb or autologous tumor cells up-regulated IFN production in IL-2-activated TIL from 10 of 12 or 6 of 12 cases respectively. Those from 4 of 12 cases (2 CTL-TIL and 2 noncytotoxic TIL) produced IL-2 in culture with medium alone. At the clonal level, 5 (4 CD4+ and 1 CD8+) of 7 autologous tumor-specific CTL clones derived from TIL and 3 (2 CD4+ and 1 CD8+) of 7 noncytotoxic TIL clones produced IFN in culture with medium alone, which was up-regulated by adding anti-CD3 mAb. Two IFN-producing CTL clones tested produced IL-2 in 4 ×-concentrated supernatants from a 3.5-h culture with medium alone. Furthermore, 2 IFN-producing CTL clones tested expressed mRNA for both IFN and IL-2. IL-2 production and its mRNA expression were up- or down-regulated, respectively, by adding anti-CD3 mAb or autologous tumor cells. IL-4 production was not observed in culture either with medium alone or with IL-2 in any of the cells described above. Anti-CD3 mAb was required for IL-4 production in 3 of 12 IL-2-activated TIL, 2 of 6 CTL clones, and none of 5 noncytotoxic TIL clones. In summary, IFN production was characteristic of melanoma TIL. Some autologous tumor-specific CTL in TIL are suggested to be productive of IL-2 and IFN under unstimulated conditions, both being required for self-activation in an autocrine loop.This work was supported in part by grant CA-47891 from the National Cancer Institute  相似文献   

The first analysis of our clinical trial on interest of using tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) as adjuvant therapy for stage III (regional lymph nodes) melanoma was published in 2002 [5]. The aim of this paper is to update clinical results of 7 years of follow-up after the last treated patient. In the trial conducted between December 1993 and January 1999, patients without any detectable metastases after lymph node excision were randomly assigned to receive either TIL plus interleukin-2 (IL-2) for 2 months, or IL-2 only. The duration of the relapse-free interval was the primary objective. Eighty-eight patients were enrolled in the study. Currently, the last analysis performed in June 2006, after a median follow-up of 114.8 months, did not show change of non-significant extension of the relapse-free interval or overall survival. However, this second analysis strengthens our first hypothesis about the relationship between number of invaded lymph nodes and TIL treatment effectiveness. In the group with only one invaded lymph node, the estimated relapse rate was significantly lower (P adjusted = 0.0219) and the overall survival was increased (P adjusted = 0.0125) in the TIL+IL-2 arm compared with the IL-2 only arm. No differences between the two arms, either with regard to the duration of disease-free survival (P adjusted = 0.38) or overall survival (P adjusted = 0.43), were noted in the group with more than one invaded lymph node, whatever the number of invaded lymph nodes. Treatment was compatible with normal daily activity. This study, with a very long follow up (median of almost 10 years), postulates for the first time relationship between TIL efficiency in stage III melanoma (AJCC) and number of invaded lymph nodes, indicating that tumor burden might be a crucial factor in the production of an effective in vitro expansion of T cells specific for autologous tumor antigen, a finding which could be of value in future vaccine development for the treatment of melanoma.  相似文献   

Cancer-germline genes such as those of the MAGE family are expressed in many tumors and in male germline cells, but are silent in normal tissues. They encode shared tumor-specific antigens that have been used in therapeutic vaccination trials of cancer patients. It was previously demonstrated that MAGE-1 peptide KVLEYVIKV was presented by HLA-A 0201 molecules on the surface of a human breast carcinoma cell line, but no human specific CTL had been isolated so far. Here, we have used HLA-A2/MAGE-1 fluorescent multimers to isolate from blood cells three human CTL clones that recognized the MAGE-1 peptide. These clones killed efficiently HLA-A2 tumor cells expressing MAGE-1, whether or not they were treated with IFN-, suggesting that the MAGE-1 antigen is processed efficiently by both the standard proteasome and the immunoproteasome. These results indicate that the MAGE-1.A2 peptide can be used for antitumoral vaccination.  相似文献   

Freshly isolated tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) from stage IV melanoma patients were cultured for 2 weeks with low doses of interleukin-2 (IL-2; 120 IU/ml), to select potentially for tumor-specific lymphocytes present in the neoplastic lesion, followed by high doses (6000 IU/ml) to achieve lymphocyte expansion. TIL were serially analyzed for their expansion, phenotype and cytotoxic activity against autologous and allogeneic tumor cells. A preferential lysis of autologous melanoma cells was obtained in long-term cultures of 7/13 cases (54%), while the remaining ones showed a major-histocompatibility-complex-unrestricted, lymphokine-activated-killer(LAK)-like activity at the time of in vivo injection. Sixteen patients with metastatic melanoma were infused with TIL (mean number: 6.8×109, range: 0.35 × 109–20 × 109) and IL-2 (mean dose: 130 × 106 IU, range: 28.8 × 106–231 × 106 IU); 1 complete and 3 partial responses were observed in 12 evaluable patients (response rate 33%). In all responding patients, injected TIL showed an in vitro preferential lysis of autologous tumor cells, while in no cases were TIL with LAK-like activity associated with a clinical response. The mean autologous tumor cytotoxic activity of TIL at the time of in vivo injection was significantly higher in responding patients in comparison to nonresponding ones, suggesting that a marked and preferential cytolysis of autologous tumor cells is associated with the therapeutic efficacy of TIL.  相似文献   

Summary Alteration in interactions between tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) and tumor cells after chemotherapy or immunotherapy was studied in metastatic melanoma patients. Tumors were harvested from surgical specimens 17 days after the end of chemotherapy with cisplatin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine (CVD). Tumors of nonlymph-node metastases from two responders yielded neither TILs nor tumor cells, whereas those from all four nonresponders had both TILs [(1.1–13.8) × 106 cells/g tumor] and tumor cells [(2.8–30.8) × 106 cells/g tumor). Tumors of lymph node metastases from nine patients yielded substantial numbers both of TILs and tumor cells, regardless of different clinical responses, except with one complete responder, whose tumor did not contain tumor cells. The mean increase of TILs from these tumors (n = 14) 3–4 weeks after incubation with 200 U/ml recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) was 2.5-fold, whereas there was a 56-fold increase in TILs from untreated tumors (n = 3). CD3+ T cells predominated in TILs before and after expansion with IL-2. IL-2-activated TILs from five of six tumors tested displayed higher cytotoxicity against autologous tumor cells than against cells from any of three allogeneic tumors. Mean tumor cell numbers (106 cells/trial) obtained by serial needle biopsies for the same tumor in five patients decreased from 1.2 before therapy to 0.25 at day 4 of therapy (interferon alone), and to 0.02 at day 8 (interferon and IL-2). This decrease did not correlate with clinical responses. Yields (× 106 cells/g tumor) of TILs and tumor cells in subcutaneous melanomas obtained by excisional biopsies in one nonresponder under IL-2 therapy were respectively 0.2 and 1.1 before therapy (day 0), 0.1 and <0.01 during (day 7), 0.2 and <0.01 at the end of therapy (day 21), and 0.5 and 0.5 at the time of tumor progression (day 66). Yields of TILs and tumor cells in the other nonresponder were respectively 3 and 26 before (day 0), 16 and 3 during (day 7), and 0.4 and <0.01 at the end of IL-2 therapy (day 17), and 2.5 and 6 at the time of progression (day 62). TILs in these two patients before therapy proliferated well in culture with IL-2 (570-and 720-fold, respectively), and showed higher cytotoxicity against autologous tumor cells, whereas none of those from the five tumors biopsied during or at the end of IL-2 therapy proliferated. TILs at the time of progression showed modest proliferation (54- and 76-fold, respectively) and showed major-histocompatibility-complexnonrestricted cytotoxicity. In summary, a decrease in the number of live tumor cells did not always correlate with clinical response in either therapy. CVD chemotherapy may simply impair IL-2-induced proliferation of TILs. IL-2 therapy may induce transient unresponsiveness of TILs to IL-2.This work was supported in part by grant CA 47 891 from the National Institutes of Health and a grant from the University Cancer Foundation, and Mr Richard Hunton Melanoma Found.  相似文献   

Purpose: To study the effect of autologous tumor cell vaccinations on the presence and numbers of circulating CD8+ T cells specific for tumor-associated antigens (TAA) in metastatic melanoma patients. To investigate the correlation between the presence of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) and circulating TAA-specific CD8+ T cells before and after autologous tumor cell vaccination with overall survival. Experimental design: Twenty-five stage III and resected stage IV metastatic melanoma patients were adjuvantly treated with a series of intracutaneously injected autologous tumor cell vaccinations, of which the first two contained BCG as an immunostimulatory adjuvant. Tumor samples and blood samples obtained before and after vaccination of these patients were studied for the presence of TAA-specific T cells using HLA-tetramers and results were correlated with survival. Results: In 5 of 17 (29%) melanoma patients, circulating TAA-specific T cells were detectable prior to immunizations. No significant changes in the frequency and specificity were found during the treatment period in all patients. Presence of circulating TAA-specific T cells was not correlated with survival (log rank, P=0.215). Inside melanoma tissue, TAA-specific TIL could be detected in 75% of 16 available tumor samples. In case of detectable TAA-specific TIL, median survival was 22.5 months compared to median survival of 4.5 months in case of absence of TAA-specific T cells (log rank, P=0.0094). In none of the patients, TAA-specific T cells were found both in tumor tissue and blood at the same time. Conclusions: These data suggest that the presence of TAA-specific TILs forms a prognostic factor, predicting improved survival in advanced-stage melanoma patients. The absence of TAA-specific T cells in the circulation suggests that homing of the tumor-specific T cell population to the tumor site contributes to the effectiveness of antitumor immunity. J.B.A.G. Haanen and A. Baars contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The recent identification of the sequences of the peptides derived from a number of human melanomaassociated antigens has presented opportunities for developing a specific-peptide-based vaccine in this form of cancer. Since antigen-presenting cells (APC) play a crucial role in the induction of the T-cell-mediated immune response, we examined whether or not ex vivo cultured APC, bearing the appropriate MHC restricting elements, when pulsed with a relevant melanoma-specific cytotoxic-T-lymphocyte(CTL)-determined peptide, can present the peptide to the CTL. Here we show that a population of cells, derived from the monocyte/macrophage lineage from peripheral blood and grown in granulocyte/macrophage-colony-stimulating factor, exhibit many essential characteristics of professional APC (dendritic-type morphology with a proportion of the population, the B7 molecule, and high levels of MHC class I and class II molecules, CD11b and CD54 molecules) and are capable of efficiently presenting the nonapeptide, EADPTGHSY, encoded by the melanoma antigen MAGE-1 gene, to the MAGE-1-specific CTL clone, 82/30. These results suggest that this type of autologous ex vivo cultured population of professional APC, when pulsed with the relevant-CTL-determined peptide, can serve as a novel type of candidate vaccine for active specific immunization against HLAA1-positive patients with melanoma expressing the MAGE-1 antigen.This work was supported by a PHS grant CA 61398 and in part by the Lavery Cancer Research Fund  相似文献   

Cell suspensions from 69 human tumor biopsies and malignant effusions depleted of infiltrating T cells were incubated for 10–14 days with mitomycin-C-treated cells of the transformed T cell line MOT as feeder cells. B lymphocytes proliferated and differentiated as indicated by immunoglobulin (Ig) seerction in the culture supernatants (B cell expansion). Ig was present in culture supernatants of tumor cell suspensions incubated without MOT feeder cells (non-expanded cells), but the addition of MOT feeder cells to these cultures invariably resulted in a significant increase in Ig concentration. While IgG, IgA. and IgM isotypes were all detected in supernatants of both expanded- and nonexpanded tumor cell suspensions, the increase in total Ig induced by MOT feeder cells was mainly due to an increase in IgG. Peripheral blood B lymphocytes (PBBL) from 15 cancer patients and 4 healthy individuals were also successfully expanded by the same method. In these it was shown that IgA was the predominant Ig isotype. Using a modified enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, IgG of 25/36 expansions from tumor cell suspensions showed reactivity with autologous tumor targets, and that from 10/13 expansions reacted with allogeneic tumor targets of the same histological diagnosis. No reactivity was found against tumor targets of different histology. IgG of 4/10 expansions of PBBL from cancer patients showed reactivity with allogeneic tumor targets of the same histology, while no reactivity was demonstrated against tumor targets of different histology. IgG of expanded PBBL from healthy individuals showed no reactivity against tumor targets. This method allows detailed study of the specific humoral antitumor immune response of intratumoral and peripheral blood B lymphocytes in cancer.Work supported by grants from the Share and Concern Foundations and grant CA MOPP from the National Institutes of Health, C.J.A.P. is a visiting scientist from the University of Nijmegen, Department of Medical Oncology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, and is supported by a Fulbright Senior Research Grant and grants from the Dutch Cancer Society and the Regional Cancer Center of the East Netherlands (IKO). J.A.M.B. is a visiting scientist from the University of Sao Paolo, Department of Immunology, Brazil, and is supported by grant 90/1844-4 from the FAPESP  相似文献   

 The antigenic peptides encoded by tumor-rejection antigen genes, MAGE-1 and -3, have been identified, and various methods have been utilized for the in vitro induction of MAGE-specific, cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) using synthetic peptides. However, all of these methods are technically demanding and thus have a relatively limited usefulness. We herein report a simple and efficient method for the in vitro induction of specific CTL by using the HLA-A2-restricted MAGE-3 peptide from the PBMC of a healthy donor. CTL responses could thus be efficiently induced from unseparated PBMC by stimulation with freshly isolated, peptide-pulsed PBMC as antigen-presenting cells and by using interleukin-7 and keyhole limpet hemocyanin for the primary culture. The induced CTL could thus recognize and lyse not only HLA-A2 target cells pulsed with the peptide but also HLA-A2 tumor cells expressing MAGE-3, in an HLA-class-I-restricted manner. This simple method may, therefore, become a useful tool for investigating the potential peptides for tumor antigens as well as for developing various immunotherapeutic approaches for human malignant tumors. Received: 15 October 1996 / Accepted: 6 December 1996  相似文献   

The induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) using MAGE peptide has been investigated in order to use MAGE antigens immunotherapeutically. We therefore developed a simplified method for inducing peptide-specific CTL that kill tumor cells expressing MAGE from the PBMC of either healthy donors or even cancer patients. Since the spleen is a major lymphoid organ, we used a simple method to examine the capacity of spleen cells to generate MAGE-specific CTL by in vitro stimulation with MAGE peptide in gastric cancer patients. The CTL responses could thus be induced from unseparated spleen cells in HLA-A2 patients with gastric carcinoma expressing MAGE-3 by stimulating these cells with autologous spleen cells pulsed with HLA-A2-restricted MAGE-3 peptide as antigen-presenting cells and by using keyhole limpet hemocyanin and interleukin-7 for the primary culture. The induced CTL were thus able to lyse HLA-A2-positive carcinoma cells transfected with MAGE-3 and expressing MAGE-3, as well as the target cells pulsed with the peptide, in an HLA-class-I or -A2-restricted manner. Since MAGE-specific CTL could be induced from the spleen cells of gastric cancer patients, the spleen appears to play an important role in either clinical tumor vaccination or the treatment of cancer patients by adoptive immunotherapeutic approaches using the MAGE peptide. Received: 3 December 1998 / Accepted: 30 March 1999  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to assess the capacity of tumor-infiltrating leukocytes (TIL) from human non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) specimens to synthesize type-1 and type-2 cytokines. Methods: TIL were isolated from tumors following digestion with collagenase/DNase and further enriched by ficoll-hypaque gradient centrifugation. Membrane phenotypes and intracellular cytokine protein expression of TIL were assessed by flow cytometry. Results: The majority of TIL expressed the CD3 antigen with a CD4:CD8 ratio of approximately 2:1. Other leukocytes such as macrophages (CD14), B lymphocytes (CD20), and natural killer (NK) cells (CD56) were also found to infiltrate the tumors, but in significantly lower numbers. Owing to the limited recovery of non-CD3+ leukocytes, our analysis of cytokine biosynthesis has focused on T lymphocytes. In the absence of activation, a small percentage of CD3+ TIL synthesized cytokines ( <4%). Following activation with anti-CD3+interleukin-2 (IL-2), CD3+ TIL synthesized predominantly a type-1 cytokine profile; however, the type-2 cytokines, IL-6 and IL-10, were also detected in a small percentage of infiltrating cells. Following activation with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate + ionomycin, CD3+ TIL also expressed more type-1 than type-2 cytokines and in significantly greater numbers of cells. The CD3+CD8+ component of the TIL synthesized only type-1 cytokines, whereas the CD3+CD4+ component synthesized both type-1 and type-2 cytokines. Conclusion: These results show that the majority of the TIL isolated from NSCLC specimens are T lymphocytes with the capacity to synthesize type-1 cytokines. Received: 24 March 1999 / Accepted: 9 September 1999  相似文献   

Adoptive therapy of cancer has been mostly tested in advanced cancer patients using tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL). Following discouraging results likely due to poor tumor-specificity of TIL and/or high tumor burden, recent studies reiterate the enormous potential of this therapy, particularly in melanoma. We had performed a phase II/III randomised trial on 88 stage III melanoma patients, who received autologous TIL plus IL-2 or IL-2 alone, after complete tumour resection. We reported previously clinical and immunological results supporting the ability of tumor reactive TIL infusion to prevent further development of the melanoma disease and to increase overall survival of patients bearing only one tumor invaded lymph node. The absence of correlation between overall and disease-free survival and the amount of infused tumor-specific TIL suggested that therapeutic efficiency might depend on other parameters such as antigen specificity, function or persistence of TIL. Here we studied the recognition of a panel of 38 shared tumor-associated antigens (TAA) by TIL infused to the patients included in this assay, in order to determine if treatment outcome could correlate with particular antigen specificities of infused TIL. Results show that the infusion of Melan-A/MART-1 reactive TIL appears to be associated with a longer relapse-free survival for HLA-A2 patients. These results further support the relevance of Melan-A/MART-1 antigen as a prime target for immunotherapy protocols in melanoma.  相似文献   

Summary GD3 is expressed in high concentrations on melanoma cells and may serve as a useful target antigen for mAb-mediated immunotherapy. Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against GD3 stimulate cell-mediated immune responses against tumor cells in vitro and this activity may contribute to antitumor effects in patients with melanoma treated with GD3-reactive mAbs. In the present study the effects of GD3-reactive mAbs on autologous tumor cell lysis by a human melanoma-derived tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) population were examined. Unlike results reported for other GD3+ T cells isolated from melanoma patients, the tumor-specific lytic activity of the TIL line was inhibited by incubation with mAbs against GD3. Other melanoma-reactive mAbs, including those against GD2 and the high-molecular-weight melanoma-associated Ag, had no effect on the TIL lytic activity. Overall, these results indicate that mAbs against GD3 may have different effects on T cell/tumor cell interactions.  相似文献   

Combined CD3 and CD28 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) may initiate efficient activation and expansion of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL). In this study we compared phenotypical and functional characteristics of TIL from a group of 17 solid human tumors, stimulated either by high-dose recombinant interleukin 2 (rIL-2, 1000 IU/ml) or by a combination of anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 monoclonal antibodies in the presence of low-dose rIL-2 (10 IU/ml). Compared to activation with high-dose rIL-2, stimulation of TIL with CD3/CD28 mAb induced significantly stronger proliferation and yielded higher levels of cell recovery on day 14. Following the CD3/CD28 protocol, expansion of an almost pure population of CD3+ cells was obtained. Whereas CD4+ cells dominated in the first week of culturing, within 4 weeks the CD8+ population increased to over 90%. The specific capacity to kill autologous tumor cells was not increased as compared to the high-dose rIL-2 protocol, but all cultures showed high cytotoxic T cell activity as measured in a CD3-mAb-mediated redirected kill assay. These studies show that combined CD3 and CD28 mAb are superior to rIL-2 with respect to the initiation of expansion of CD8+ cytolytic TIL from solid tumors. Stimulation with specific tumor antigens at a later stage of culturing may further augment the expansion of tumor-specific cytolytic T cells.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic CD8+ T cells are key effectors in the immunotherapy of malignant and viral diseases. However, autologous T cell responses to tumor antigens presented by self-MHC are usually weak and ineffective. Allo-restricted T cells represent a potent source of tumor-specific T cells for adoptive immunotherapy. This study reports in vivo anti-melanoma efficacy of the pTRP2-specific allo-restricted CTLs expanded from the BALB/c splenocytes by multiple stimulations with aAPCs made by coating H-2Kb-Ig/pTRP2 dimeric complexes, anti-CD28 antibody, 4-1BBL molecules and CD83 molecules to cell-sized latex beads. The induced allo-restricted CTLs exhibited specific lysis against RMA-S cells pulsed with the peptide pTRP2 and H-2Kb+ melanoma cells expressing TRP2, while a murine Lewis lung carcinoma cell line 3LL could not be recognized by the CTLs. The peptide-specific activity was inhibited by anti-H-2Kb monoclonal antibody Y3. Adoptive transfer of the allo-restricted CTLs specific for malignant melanoma expanded by the aAPCs can mediate effective anti-melanoma response in vivo. These results suggested that the specific allo-restricted CTLs expanded by aAPCs coated with an MHC-Ig/peptide complex, anti-CD28 antibody, 4-1BBL and CD83 could be a potential option of specific immunotherapy for patients with malignant melanoma. X.-l. Lu and X.-b. Jiang have contributed equally to this work. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

HLA multimers are now widely used to stain and sort CD8 T lymphocytes specific for epitopes from viral or tumoral antigens presented in an HLA class I context. However, the transfer of this technology to a clinical setting to obtain clinical grade CD8 T lymphocytes that may be used in adoptive cell transfer (ACT) is hindered by two main obstacles: the first obstacle is the use of streptavidin or derived products that are not available in clinical grade to multimerize HLA/peptide monomers and the second is the reported high degree of apoptosis that eventually occurs when T cell receptors are crosslinked by HLA multimers. In the present report, we describe new HLA multimers composed of immunomagnetic beads covalently coupled to a mAb specific for the AviTag peptide and coated with HLA/peptide monomers bearing the non biotinylated AviTag at the COOH terminus of the HLA heavy chain. Thus, all the components of this new reagent can be obtained in clinical grade. We compared these new multimers with the previously described multimers made with streptavidin beads coated with biotinylated HLA/peptide monomers, in terms of sorting efficiency, recovery of functional T cells, apoptosis and activation. We provide evidence that the new multimers could very efficiently sort pure populations of T lymphocytes specific for three different melanoma antigens (Melan-A, gp100 and NA17-A) after a single peptide stimulation of melanoma patients’ PBMC. The recovered specific T cells were cytotoxic against the relevant melanoma cell-lines and, in most cases, produced cytokines. In addition, in marked contrast with streptavidin-based multimers, our new multimers induced very little apoptosis or activation after binding specific T lymphocytes. Altogether, these new multimers fulfill all the necessary requirements to select clinical grade T lymphocytes and should facilitate the development of ACT protocols in cancer patients.  相似文献   

Direct intratumoral injection of interleukin-2 (IL-2) was evaluated in a murine model. Balb/c mice received 5 × 104 Line 1 alveolar carcinoma cells (L1C2) by subcutaneous injection. On the third day following tumor implantation, mice received injections of IL-2 (5 × 103–5 × 104 units) or diluent twice daily, either by i. p. or intratumoral injection, 5 days/week for 3 weeks. Intratumoral injection of 5 × 104 units IL-2 significantly reduced tumor volume (P <0.05 versus control), increased median survival time (P = 0.0001), and resulted in a 23.5% cure rate (P = 0.008). There were no long-term survivors in the other treatment groups. Both tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) and splenic lymphocytes isolated directly from IL-2-treated mice demonstrated enhanced cytolytic activity compared to diluent-treated controls. To determine whether non-T-cell-mediated antitumor responses were active in our model, intratumoral immunotherapy was evaluated in athymic Balb/cnu/nu mice. In order to decrease the recruitment of lymphocyte precursors, nude mice were splenectomized and received cyclophosphamide prior to tumor injection and IL-2 therapy. Intratumoral IL-2 immunotherapy also significantly decreased tumor volume in these immunodeficient mice (P <0.02), but did not lead to long-term survival. We conclude that both TIL and splenic lymphocytes are activated in vivo in response to intratumoral IL-2 immunotherapy, suggesting that intratumoral therapy with IL-2 activates both local and systemic antitumor responses.Supported by the Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program of the University of California, the Cancer Research Coordinating Committee, the Jonsson Cancer Center Foundation, and Veterans Administration Medical Research Funds  相似文献   

Summary Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) were grown in the presence of interleukin-2 from 19 colon carcinoma specimens, including 1 primary lesion and 18 metastatic lesions. These cultures showed a median proliferation of 606-fold (range 13-fold to 28 000-fold) over 49 culture days (range 26–76 days). By phenotype, mature cultures were 69%–99% CD3+ (mean 93%) and contained mixed populations of CD4+ and CD8+ cells (CD4>CD8 in 10 of 19 cultures). Fresh cryopreserved colon tumors were not lysed by autologous TIL in short-term51Cr-release assays, and were poorly lysed by lymphokine-activated killer cells. Ten TIL cultures were assayed for cytokine secretion in response to autologous and allogeneic tumors during a 6- to 24-h coincubation. Culture supernatants were tested by ELISA for the presence of granulocyte/macrophage-colony-stimulating factor, interferon , and tumor necrosis factor . Of 10 TIL, 4 secreted at least two of these cytokines specifically in response to autologous and/or HLA-matched fresh allogeneic colon carcinomas, but not to melanomas or HLA-unmatched colon carcinomas. Cytokine secretion was mediated by both CD4+ and CD8+ TIL, and could be inhibited by mAb directed against the appropriate class of MHC antigen. These data provide evidence for specific, MHC-restricted immune recognition of human colon carcinomas by T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

We characterized tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) from ascites of patients with ovarian or pancreatic cancer in which the human tumor necrosis factor (TNF) gene was successfully transduced with retrovirus vector. The TNF-gene-transduced TIL (TNF-TIL) from these patients showed a higher level of TNF production and higher cytotoxic activity against K562 and Daudi cells than did neomycin-phosphotransferase-gene-transduced TIL (neo-TIL). Of these TIL preparations, only that from pancreatic cancer was further characterized since it was collected in a relatively large amount. In spite of the fact that the autologous tumor cells showed resistance to soluble TNF, the TNF-TIL clearly demonstrated enhanced cytotoxicity against them as compared with neo-TIL. The enhanced cytotoxicity was ascribed to autocrine effects of secreted TNF on TIL, which included augmentation of adhesion molecule (CD2 and CD11a) and interleukin-2 receptor expression, and elevation of production of interferon , lymphotoxin and granulocyte/macrophage-colonystimulating factor and its paracrine effect on target cells to facilitate them to be more susceptible to TIL.  相似文献   

E-rosette formation by human lymphocytes incubated with sheep red blood cells (sRBC) is inhibited by morphine. We studied the ability of the opiate antagonists naloxone and Tyr-MIF-1 (Tyr-Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2) to block this action. Active E-rosette formation by lymphocytes incubated with morphine was reduced from the control of 35.7±1.7% to 23.7±1.5% (p<0.001). Similarly, total E-rosette formation was reduced by morphine from the control of 65.8±1.3% to 53.2±2.9% (p<0.001). These effects were blocked by co-incubation of the lymphocytes with either Tyr-MIF-1 or naloxone (p<0.05). Tyr-MIF-1 was active (p<0.05) at concentrations as dilute as 10−13M. These results indicate that the neuropeptide Tyr-MIF-1 exerts an antiopiate effect at the human T-lymphocyte.  相似文献   

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