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Complex Chromosomal Rearrangements (CCRs) are constitutional structural rearrangements involving three or more chromosomes or having more than two breakpoints. CCRs preferentially occur during spermatogenesis and are transmitted in families through oogenesis. Recent investigation showed that CCRs are more complex and more common than initially appreciated. Here 1 present an overview of CCRs, including the important impact of CCRs in fertility, the mechanism of their development, the various meiotic errors that can occur and their consequences. The review also discusses the differential transmission of CCRs in males and females, the incidence of pregnancy outcomes of CCR carriers, genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

HaloTag Interchangeable Labeling Technology (HaloTag) was originally developed for mammalian cell analysis. In this report, the use of HaloTag is demonstrated in plant cells for the first time. This system allows different fluorescent colours to be used to visualize the localization of the non-fluorescent HaloTag protein within living cells. A vector was constructed which expresses the HaloTag protein under the control of the 35S promoter of cauliflower mosaic virus. The functionality of the HaloTag construct was tested in transient assays by (i) transforming tobacco protoplasts and (ii) using biolistic transformation of intact leaf cells of tobacco and poplar plants. Two to fourteen days after transformation, the plant material was incubated with ligands specific for labelling the HaloTag protein, and fluorescence was visualized by confocal laser scanning microscopy. The results demonstrate that HaloTag technology is a flexible system which generates efficient fluorescence in different types of plant cells. The ligand-specific labelling of HaloTag protein was not hampered by the plant cell wall.  相似文献   

B Zheng  A A Mills    A Bradley 《Nucleic acids research》1999,27(11):2354-2360
Gene targeting in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells can be used to generate single gene mutations or defined multi-megabase chromosomal rearrangements when applied with the Cre- loxP recombination system. While single knockouts are essential for uncovering functions of cloned genes, chromosomal rearrangements are great genetic tools for mapping, mutagenesis screens and functional genomics. The conventional approach to generate mice with targeted alterations of the genome requires extensive molecular cloning to build targeting vectors and DNA-based genotyping for stock maintenance. Here we describe the design and construction of a two-library system to facilitate high throughput gene targeting and chromo-somal engineering. The unique feature of these libraries is that once a clone is isolated, it is essentially ready to be used for insertional targeting in ES cells. The two libraries each bear a complementary set of genetic markers tailored so that the vector can be used for Cre- loxP -based chromosome engineering as well as single knockouts. By incorporating mouse coat color markers into the vectors, we illustrate a widely applicable method for stock maintenance of ES cell-derived mice with single gene knockouts or more extensive chromosomal rearrangements.  相似文献   

The combination of gene-targeting techniques in mouse embryonic stem cells and the Cre/loxP site-specific recombination system has resulted in the emergence of chromosomal-engineering technology in mice. This advance has opened up new opportunities for modelling human diseases that are associated with chromosomal rearrangements. It has also led to the generation of visibly marked deletions and balancer chromosomes in mice, which provide essential reagents for maximizing the efficiency of large-scale mutagenesis efforts and which will accelerate the functional annotation of mammalian genomes, including the human genome.  相似文献   

Chromosomal rearrangements occur as a consequence of the erroneous repair of DNA double-stranded breaks, and often underlie disease. The recurrent detection of specific tumorigenic rearrangements suggests that there is a mechanism behind chromosomal partner selection involving the shape of the genome. With the advent of novel high-throughput approaches, detailed genome integrity and folding maps are becoming available. Integrating these data with knowledge of experimentally induced DNA recombination strongly suggests that partner choice in chromosomal rearrangement primarily follows the three-dimensional conformation of the genome. Local rearrangements are favored over distal and interchromosomal rearrangements. This is seen for neutral rearrangements, but not necessarily for rearrangements that drive oncogenesis. The recurrent detection of tumorigenic rearrangements probably reflects their exceptional capacity to confer growth advantage to the rare cells that contain them. The abundant presence of neutral rearrangements suggests that somatic genome variation is also common in healthy tissue.  相似文献   

Laccases are copper-containing enzymes which oxidize phenolic substrates and transfer the electrons to oxygen. Many filamentous fungi contain several laccase-encoding genes, but their biological roles are mostly not well understood. The main interest in laccases in biotechnology is their potential to be used to detoxify phenolic substances. We report here on a novel application of laccases as a reporter system in fungi. We purified a laccase enzyme from the ligno-cellulolytic ascomycete Stachybotrys chartarum. It oxidized the artificial substrate 2,2'-azino-di-(3-ethylbenzthiazolinsulfonate) (ABTS). The corresponding gene was isolated and expressed in Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus niger, and Trichoderma reesei. Heterologously expressed laccase activity was monitored in colorimetric enzyme assays and on agar plates with ABTS as a substrate. The use of laccase as a reporter was shown in a genetic screen for the isolation of improved T. reesei cellulase production strains. In addition to the laccase from S. charatarum, we tested the application of three laccases from A. nidulans (LccB, LccC, and LccD) as reporters. Whereas LccC oxidized ABTS (Km = 0.3 mM), LccD did not react with ABTS but with DMA/ADBP (3,5-dimethylaniline/4-amino-2,6-dibromophenol). LccB reacted with DMA/ADBP and showed weak activity with ABTS. The different catalytic properties of LccC and LccD allow simultaneous use of these two laccases as reporters in one fungal strain.  相似文献   

J Marc  CL Granger  J Brincat  DD Fisher  Th Kao  AG McCubbin    RJ Cyr 《The Plant cell》1998,10(11):1927-1940
Microtubules influence morphogenesis by forming distinct geometrical arrays in the cell cortex, which in turn affect the deposition of cellulose microfibrils. Although many chemical and physical factors affect microtubule orientation, it is unclear how cortical microtubules in elongating cells maintain their ordered transverse arrays and how they reorganize into new geometries. To visualize these reorientations in living cells, we constructed a microtubule reporter gene by fusing the microtubule binding domain of the mammalian microtubule-associated protein 4 (MAP4) gene with the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene, and transient expression of the recombinant protein in epidermal cells of fava bean was induced. The reporter protein decorates microtubules in vivo and binds to microtubules in vitro. Confocal microscopy and time-course analysis of labeled cortical arrays along the outer epidermal wall revealed the lengthening, shortening, and movement of microtubules; localized microtubule reorientations; and global microtubule reorganizations. The global microtubule orientation in some cells fluctuates about the transverse axis and may be a result of a cyclic self-correcting mechanism to maintain a net transverse orientation during cellular elongation.  相似文献   

Genome architecture catalyzes nonrecurrent chromosomal rearrangements   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
To investigate the potential involvement of genome architecture in nonrecurrent chromosome rearrangements, we analyzed the breakpoints of eight translocations and 18 unusual-sized deletions involving human proximal 17p. Surprisingly, we found that many deletion breakpoints occurred in low-copy repeats (LCRs); 13 were associated with novel large LCR17p structures, and 2 mapped within an LCR sequence (middle SMS-REP) within the Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS) common deletion. Three translocation breakpoints involving 17p11 were found to be located within the centromeric alpha-satellite sequence D17Z1, three within a pericentromeric segment, and one at the distal SMS-REP. Remarkably, our analysis reveals that LCRs constitute >23% of the analyzed genome sequence in proximal 17p--an experimental observation two- to fourfold higher than predictions based on virtual analysis of the genome. Our data demonstrate that higher-order genomic architecture involving LCRs plays a significant role not only in recurrent chromosome rearrangements but also in translocations and unusual-sized deletions involving 17p.  相似文献   

Summary We have used two repeated DNA fragments (3.4 and 2.1 kb) released from Y chromosome DNA by digestion with the restriction endonuclease Hae III to analyze potential Y chromosome/autosome translocations. Two female patients were studied who each had an abnormal chromosome 22 with extra quinacrine fluorescent material on the short arm. The origin of the 22p+ chromosomes was uncertain after standard cytologic examinations. Analysis of one patient's DNA with the Y-specific repeated DNA probes revealed the presence of both the 3.4 and 2.1 kb Y-specific fragments. Thus, in this patient, the additional material was from the Y chromosome. Analysis of the second patient's DNA for Y-specific repeated DNA was negative, indicating that the extra chromosomal segment was not from the long arm of the Y chromosome. These two cases demonstrate that repeated DNA can distinguish between similar appearing aberrant chromosomes and may be useful in karyotypic and prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

The incredible speed of gene cloning and sequencing brought about by the genomic revolution has begun to outpace conventional gene discovery approaches in the pharmaceutical industry. High-throughput approaches for studying gene function in vivo are greatly needed. One potential answer to this challenge is reverse transfection, a high-throughput gene expression method for examining the function of hundreds to thousands of genes in parallel. One limitation of reverse transfection technology is the need for posttransfection processing of the arrays to analyze the activity of the expressed proteins. The authors have investigated the use of a reporter construct cotransfected with other genes of interest to monitor and screen gene function on reverse transfection microarrays. They developed a serum response element (SRE) reporter linked to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) that is cotransfected with target genes on reverse transfection arrays for monitoring mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase signaling by multiple targets in parallel. The authors show that this reporter system is able to detect inhibition of upstream MAP kinase signaling proteins by the MEK inhibitor U0126. The ability to monitor the activity of multiple signaling proteins in a multiwell format suggests the utility of reverse transfection reporter arrays for high-throughput screening applications.  相似文献   

A microsystem is described which enables one to correlate secretion from tissue samples with fluorometric recordings of functional parameters and with freezestop measurements of metabolite levels. Small pieces of tissue are placed on nylon gratings or membrane filters and are perifused with different media sequentially while monitoring the tissue fluorescence or collecting the perifusate containing the secretory products. By rapidly pushing a special perifusion chamber into Freon 12 kept at its melting point, the tissue is chilled to −20°C in less than 2 sec. The system has been used to study insulin release and metabolism of isolated pancreatic islets.  相似文献   

The maize transposable element Activator (Ac) has been shown to be active in a number of dicots, including Arabidopsis thaliana, whose small genome and short generation time have favored its wide adoption as a model organism for molecular genetic approaches to plant physiology and development. Using the Ac element and several bacterial and plant marker genes, we have devised a versatile system for identifying plants in which a transposon has excised and reinserted elsewhere in the genome. The transposons have been designed to facilitate the identification of insertions downstream of promoters and in the vicinity of enhancers by the inclusion of a β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene either lacking a promoter or having a minimal promoter sequence. The system permits the transposon and the source of transposase to be maintained either stably in separate plants or in the same plant. Plants in which transposition is occurring can be identified by the frequent somatic activation of the GUS gene. The herbicide chlorsulfuron is used as a selective agent to identify progeny plants in which the transposon has excised from its original insertion site within a chlorsulfuron-resistant acetolactate synthase gene. Additional selectable markers permit the identification of plants containing a transposed element, but lacking transposase. Here we describe our initial characterization of the system and demonstrate its reliability and efficiency in identifying plants with transposed elements.  相似文献   

Two paracentric inversions in the mouse, In(1)1 Rk and In(2)5 Rk, have been studied in surface microspreads of spermatocytes from heterozygotes. At zytogene, synaptic initiation occurs independently in three regions: within the inversion, and without, on either side. Synaptonemal complex (SC) formation is restricted to homologous regions, resulting in inversion loops in all early pachytene spermatocytes. An adjusting phase then occurs during pachytene in which the inversion loop is reduced by desynapsis of homologously synapsed SC, followed immediately by non-homologous synapsis with the alternate pairing partner, progressing from the ends toward the middle. Adjustment occurs during the first half of pachytene, but is not closely synchronized with sub-stage. It is complete by late pachytene, the loop having been eliminated in all cases and replaced by straight SCs in which the inverted region is heterosynapsed. Synapsis in the adjustment phase is evidently permitted only after the homosynaptic phase, and is indifferent to homology. It may lead to heterosynapsis, as in the inversion region, or to synapsis of homologous regions not synapsed at zytogene. The anaphase bridge frequency, a measure of crossing over within the inversion, is about 34% for both inversions studied, indicating that such crossovers do not block adjustment, that crossing over probably occurs before or during the adjustment period, and that there is some crossover suppression. The last could be the consequence of blocking by desynapsis/heterosynapsis. Synaptic adjustment appears to be a general phenomenon that occurs to varying extents in different forms. A hypothetical scheme for two phases of synapsis is proposed: at zytogene, a basic propensity for indifferent SC formation is limited by a restricting condition to synapsis between homologous regions. Subsequently, the restriction is lifted, whereupon synaptic instability is resolved by desynapsis, followed by resynapsis that is indifferent to homology, but that results in a topologically more stable structure.  相似文献   

There is an assumption of parsimony with regard to the number of chromosomes involved in rearrangements and to the number of breaks within those chromosomes. Highly complex chromosome rearrangements are thought to be relatively rare, with the risk for phenotypic abnormalities increasing as the number of chromosomes and chromosomal breaks involved in the rearrangement increases. We report here five cases of de novo complex chromosome rearrangements, each with a minimum of four breaks. Deletions were found in four cases, and in at least one case, a number of genes or potential genes might have been disrupted. This study highlights the importance of the detailed delineation of complex rearrangements, beginning with high-resolution chromosome analysis, and emphasizes the utility of fluorescence in situ hybridization in combination with the data available from the Human Genome Project as a means to delineate such rearrangements.Electronic database information: URLs for the data in this article are as follows:  相似文献   

A versatile buffered scintillation system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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