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Intact and decorticated single-celled Ascaris suum eggs were exposed to UV radiation from low-pressure, germicidal lamps at fluences (doses) ranging from 0 to 8,000 J/m2 for intact eggs and from 0 to 500 J/m2 for decorticated eggs. With a UV fluence of 500 J/m2, 0.44-+/-0.20-log inactivation (mean+/-95% confidence interval) (63.7%) of intact eggs was observed, while a fluence of 4,000 J/m2 resulted in 2.23-+/-0.49-log inactivation (99.4%). (The maximum quantifiable inactivation was 2.5 log units.) Thus, according to the methods used here, Ascaris eggs are the most UV-resistant water-related pathogen identified to date. For the range of fluences recommended for disinfecting drinking water and wastewater (200 to 2,000 J/m2), from 0- to 1.5-log inactivation can be expected, although at typical fluences (less than 1,000 J/m2), the inactivation may be less than 1 log. When the eggs were decorticated (the outer egg shell layers were removed with sodium hypochlorite, leaving only the lipoprotein ascaroside layer) before exposure to UV, 1.80-+/-0.32-log reduction (98.4%) was achieved with a fluence of 500 J/m2, suggesting that the outer eggshell layers protected A. suum eggs from inactivation by UV radiation. This protection may have been due to UV absorption by proteins in the outer layers of the 3- to 4-microm-thick eggshell. Stirring alone (without UV exposure) also inactivated some of the Ascaris eggs (approximately 20% after 75 min), which complicated determination of the inactivation caused by UV radiation alone.  相似文献   

Ascaris suum eggs were inactivated in distilled water and digested sludge by butanoic, pentanoic, and hexanoic acids. The fatty acids (short-chain fatty acids [SCFA]) were effective only when protonated and at sufficient concentrations. The conjugate bases were not effective at the concentrations evaluated. Predictions from an inhibition model (50% inhibitory concentration [IC(50)]) based on quantitative structure-activity relationships were congruent with inactivation data.  相似文献   

Various reagents commonly used to enumerate viable helminth eggs from wastewater and sludge were evaluated for their potential to inactivate Ascaris eggs under typical laboratory conditions. Two methods were used to enumerate indigenous Ascaris eggs from sludge samples. All steps in the methods were the same except that in method I a phase extraction step with acid-alcohol (35% ethanol in 0.1 N H2SO4) and diethyl ether was used whereas in method II the extraction step was avoided by pouring the sample through a 38-μm-mesh stainless steel sieve that retained the eggs. The concentration of eggs and their viability were lower in the samples processed by method I than in the samples processed by method II by an average of 48 and 70%, respectively. A second set of experiments was performed using pure solutions of Ascaris suum eggs to elucidate the effect of the individual reagents and relevant combination of reagents on the eggs. The percentages of viable eggs in samples treated with acid-alcohol alone and in combination with diethyl ether or ethyl acetate were 52, 27, and 4%, respectively, whereas in the rest of the samples the viability was about 80%. Neither the acid nor the diethyl ether alone caused any decrease in egg viability. Thus, the observed inactivation was attributed primarily to the 35% ethanol content of the acid-alcohol solution. Inactivation of the eggs was prevented by limiting the direct exposure to the extraction reagents to 30 min and diluting the residual concentration of acid-alcohol in the sample by a factor of 100 before incubation. Also, the viability of the eggs was maintained if the acid-alcohol solution was replaced with an acetoacetic buffer. None of the reagents used for the flotation step of the sample cleaning procedure (ZnSO4, MgSO4, and NaCl) or during incubation (0.1 N H2SO4 and 0.5% formalin) inactivated the Ascaris eggs under the conditions studied.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of several different commercial disinfectants on the embryogenic development of Ascaris suum eggs. A 1-ml aliquot of each disinfectant was mixed with approximately 40,000 decorticated or intact A. suum eggs in sterile tubes. After each treatment time (at 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 30, and 60 min), disinfectants were washed away, and egg suspensions were incubated at 25˚C in distilled water for development of larvae inside. At 3 weeks of incubation after exposure, ethanol, methanol, and chlorohexidin treatments did not affect the larval development of A. suum eggs, regardless of their concentration and treatment time. Among disinfectants tested in this study, 3% cresol, 0.2% sodium hypochlorite and 0.02% sodium hypochlorite delayed but not inactivated the embryonation of decorticated eggs at 3 weeks of incubation, because at 6 weeks of incubation, undeveloped eggs completed embryonation regardless of exposure time, except for 10% povidone iodine. When the albumin layer of A. suum eggs remained intact, however, even the 10% povidone iodine solution took at least 5 min to reasonably inactivate most eggs, but never completely kill them with even 60 min of exposure. This study demonstrated that the treatment of A. suum eggs with many commercially available disinfectants does not affect the embryonation. Although some disinfectants may delay or stop the embryonation of A. suum eggs, they can hardly kill them completely.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of pesticides to parasite eggs, Ascaris suum eggs were incubated with 5 different pesticides (1:1,500-1:2,000 dilutions of 2% emamectin benzoate, 5% spinetoram, 5% indoxacarb, 1% deltamethrin, and 5% flufenoxuron; all v/v) at 20℃ for 6 weeks, and microscopically evaluated the egg survival and development on a weekly basis. The survival rate of A. suum eggs incubated in normal saline (control eggs) was 90±3% at 6 weeks. However, the survival rates of eggs treated with pesticides were 75-85% at this time, thus significantly lower than the control value. Larval development in control eggs commenced at 3 weeks, and 73±3% of eggs had internal larvae at 6 weeks. Larvae were evident in pesticide-treated eggs at 3-4 weeks, and the proportions of eggs carrying larvae at 6 weeks (36±3%-54±3%) were significantly lower than that of the control group. Thus, pesticides tested at levels similar to those used in agricultural practices exhibited low-level ovicidal activity and delayed embryogenesis of A. suum eggs, although some differences were evident among the tested pesticides.  相似文献   

The influence of temperature on the development and embryonation of Ascaris suum eggs was studied using coarse sand medium in an environmental chamber with 50% humidity. The time required for development and embryonation of eggs was examined under 3 different temperature conditions, 5℃, 25℃, and 35℃. A. suum eggs did not develop over 1 month at the temperature of 5℃. However, other temperature conditions, 25℃ and 35℃, induced egg development to the 8-cell-stage at days 5-6 after incubation. All eggs examined developed to the 8-cell stage at day 6 after incubation in the sand medium at 25℃. The higher temperature, 35℃, slightly accelerated the A. suum egg development compared to 25℃, and the development to the 8-cell stage occurred within day 5 after incubation. The formation of larvae in A. suum eggs at temperatures of 35℃ and 25℃ appeared at days 17 and 19 after incubation, respectively. These findings show that 35℃ condition shortens the time for the development of A. suum eggs to the 8-cell-stage in comparison to 25℃, and suggest the possibility of accelerated transmission of this parasite, resulting from global warming and ecosystem changes.  相似文献   

Sustainable management of toilet waste must prevent disease transmission but allow reuse of plant nutrients. Inactivation of uterus-derived Ascaris suum eggs was studied in relation to ammonia in source-separated urine without additives and in human feces to which urea had been added, in order to evaluate ammonia-based sanitation for production of safe fertilizers from human excreta. Urine was used concentrated or diluted 1:1 and 1:3 with tap water at 4, 14, 24, and 34°C. Fecal material, with and without ash, was treated with 1% or 2% (wt/wt) urea at 24 and 34°C. At 34°C eggs were inactivated in less than 10 days in urine and in amended feces. At 24°C only feces with 2% (wt/wt) urea or 1% (wt/wt) urea at high pH (10) inactivated all eggs within 1 month, and no inactivation was observed after 75 days in urine diluted 1:3 (18 ± 11 mM NH3). At temperatures of ≥24°C, NH3 proved to be an efficient sanitizing agent in urine and feces at concentrations of ≥60 mM. Treating fecal material at 34°C can give a 6-log10 egg inactivation within 1 month, whereas at 24°C 6 months of treatment is necessary for the same level of egg inactivation. At temperatures of 14°C and below, inactivation rates were low, with viable eggs after 6 months even in concentrated urine.  相似文献   

Because Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts are very resistant to conventional water treatment processes, including chemical disinfection, we determined the kinetics and extent of their inactivation by monochromatic, low-pressure (LP), mercury vapor lamp UV radiation and their subsequent potential for DNA repair of UV damage. A UV collimated-beam apparatus was used to expose suspensions of purified C. parvum oocysts in phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.3, at 25°C to various doses of monochromatic LP UV. C. parvum infectivity reductions were rapid, approximately first order, and at a dose of 3 mJ/cm2 (=30 J/m2), the reduction reached the cell culture assay detection limit of ~3 log10. At UV doses of 1.2 and 3 mJ/cm2, the log10 reductions of C. parvum oocyst infectivity were not significantly different for control oocysts and those exposed to dark or light repair conditions for UV-induced DNA damage. These results indicate that C. parvum oocysts are very sensitive to inactivation by low doses of monochromatic LP UV radiation and that there is no phenotypic evidence of either light or dark repair of UV-induced DNA damage.  相似文献   

Oksanen  A.  Eriksen  L.  Roepstorff  A.  Ilsøe  B.  Nansen  P.  Lind  P. 《Acta veterinaria Scandinavica》1990,31(4):393-398
Ascaris suum eggs were collected from pig faeces or dissected from worms obtained from the same pigs. Eggs from the two sources were allowed to embryonate in 0.1 N H2SO4, in 1 % buffered formalin or in tap water. The embryonation of the sulphuric acid and water cultures occurred at the same speed, while the formalin cultures developed slightly more slowly. By experimental inoculation of helminthfree pigs and subsequent counting of white spots in the livers and larvae in the lungs day 7 p. i., the infectivity of eggs dissected from worm uteri and embryonated in sulphuric acid (a normal laboratory procedure) was compared with that of eggs collected from faeces and embryonated in water (i.e. more naturally developed eggs). The results suggest that the two types of eggs were equally infective. For this reason the common practice of using Ascaris eggs dissected from worms for experimental infections might be acceptable.  相似文献   

Reaction of the phosphofructokinase from Ascaris suum with the reagent, diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC), results in the loss of enzymatic activity. Treatment of the inactivated enzyme with hydroxylamine brings about the recovery of almost 80% of the original activity suggesting that the modified residues are histidines. Further evidence for the modification of histidines is that concomitant with the loss of activity, there is a change in A242 nm that corresponds to the derivatization of 5-6 histidines per subunit. There is no change in A278 nm during the derivatization process, thereby ruling out the modification of tyrosines by DEPC. Analyses of the first order inactivation rate constant for DEPC derivatization at different pH values resulted in the determination of a pKa of 6.4 +/- 0.1 for the group on the enzyme that reacts with DEPC. Derivatization of the enzyme with DEPC in the presence of fructose 6-phosphate (Fru-6-P) protected the enzyme against inactivation by 80%. ATP or MgATP gave no protection against DEPC inactivation. When the Fru-6-P-protected enzyme was further reacted with DEPC in the absence of Fru-6-P, a total of 2 histidines were modified per subunit, and the derivatization of one of these could be correlated with activity loss. When the phosphofructokinase that had been derivatized by DEPC in the presence of Fru-6-P was assayed, it was found that it no longer exhibited allosteric properties and appeared to be desensitized to ATP inhibition. This loss of ATP inhibition could be correlated with the modification of 2 histidines per subunit by DEPC. The first order rate constant for desensitization was determined at different pH values and a pKa value of 7.0 +/- 0.2 was obtained for the group(s) responsible for the desensitization. Regulatory studies with the desensitized enzyme revealed that the enzyme was not stimulated by AMP, NH4+, K+, phosphate, sulfate, or hexose bisphosphates. It is concluded that histidine may be involved both in the active site and the ATP inhibitory site of the ascarid phosphofructokinase.  相似文献   

Ascaris suum eggs are inactivated by composting conditions; however, it is difficult to find functional changes in heat-treated A. suum eggs. Here, unembryonated A. suum eggs were incubated at 20℃, 50℃, and 70℃ in vitro, and the gene expression levels related to viability, such as eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (IF4E), phosphofructokinase 1 (PFK1), and thioredoxin 1 (TRX1), and to apoptosis, such as apoptosis-inducing factor 1 (AIF1) and cell death protein 6 (CDP6), were evaluated by real-time quantitative RT-PCR. No prominent morphological alterations were noted in the eggs at 20℃ until day 10. In contrast, the eggs developed rapidly, and embryonated eggs and hatched larvae began to die, starting on day 2 at 50℃ and day 1 at 70℃. At 20℃, IF4E, PFK1, and TRX1 mRNA expression was significantly increased from days 2-4; however, AIF1 and CDP6 mRNA expression was not changed significantly. IF4E, PFK1, and TRX1 mRNA expression was markedly decreased from day 2 at 50℃ and 70℃, whereas AIF1 and CDP6 mRNA expression was significantly increased. The expressions of HSP70 and HSP90 were detected for 9-10 days at 20℃, for 3-5 days at 50℃, and for 2 days at 70℃. Taken together, incremental heat increases were associated with the rapid development of A. suum eggs, decreased expression of genes related to viability, and earlier expression of apoptosis-related genes, and finally these changes of viability- and apoptosis-related genes of A. suum eggs were associated with survival of the eggs under temperature stress.  相似文献   

Electrorotation is a non-invasive technique that is capable of detecting changes in the morphology and physicochemical properties of microorganisms. The first detailed electrorotation study of the egg (ovum) of a parasitic nematode, namely Ascaris suum is described to show that electrorotation can rapidly differentiate between fertilized and non-fertilized eggs. Support for this conclusion is by optical microscopy of egg morphology, and also from modelling of the electrorotational response. Modelling was used to determine differences in the dielectric properties of the unfertilized and fertilized eggs, and also to investigate specific differences in the spectra of fertilized eggs only, potentially reflecting embryogenesis. The potential of electrorotation as an investigative tool is shown, as undamaged eggs can be subjected to further non-destructive and destructive techniques, which could provide further insight into parasite biology and epidemiology.  相似文献   

Little information regarding the effectiveness of UV radiation on the inactivation of caliciviruses and enteric adenoviruses is available. Analysis of human calicivirus resistance to disinfectants is hampered by the lack of animal or cell culture methods that can determine the viruses' infectivity. The inactivation kinetics of enteric adenovirus type 40 (AD40), coliphage MS-2, and feline calicivirus (FCV), closely related to the human caliciviruses based on nucleic acid organization and capsid architecture, were determined after exposure to low-pressure UV radiation in buffered demand-free (BDF) water at room temperature. In addition, UV disinfection experiments were also carried out in treated groundwater with FCV and AD40. AD40 was more resistant than either FCV or coliphage MS-2 in both BDF water and groundwater. The doses of UV required to achieve 99% inactivation of AD40, coliphage MS-2, and FCV in BDF water were 109, 55, and 16 mJ/cm2, respectively. The doses of UV required to achieve 99% inactivation of AD40, coliphage MS-2, and FCV in groundwater were slightly lower than those in BDF water. FCV was inactivated by 99% by 13 mJ/cm2 in treated groundwater. A dose of 103 mJ/cm2 was required for 99% inactivation of AD40 in treated groundwater. The results of this study indicate that if FCV is an adequate surrogate for human caliciviruses, then their inactivation by UV radiation is similar to those of other single-stranded RNA enteric viruses, such as poliovirus. In addition, AD40 appears to be more resistant to UV disinfection than previously reported.  相似文献   

Three strains of Helicobacter pylori were exposed to UV light from a low-pressure source to determine log inactivation versus applied fluence. Results indicate that H. pylori is readily inactivated at UV fluences typically used in water treatment regimens. Greater than 4-log10 inactivation was demonstrated on all three strains at fluences of less than 8 mJ cm−2.  相似文献   

In Ascaris suum chitin is formed in the zygote immediately after oocyte fertilization, and its synthesis is completed in the eggs from the distal half of the uterus. Incorporation of radiocarbon [14C] glucose into chitin of the eggshell was 40-fold higher than incorporation of [14C] glucosamine. The same rank order also holds for the incorporation of label from these isotopes into the glycogen of the ovaries. A large part of the radiolabel was incorporated first into oocyte glycogen and only after fertilization was it incorporated into eggshell chitin. Actinomycin D inhibited chitin synthesis in the eggs from the distal half of the uterus and it significantly reduced incorporation of radiocarbon from glucose into chitin.  相似文献   

In Ascaris suum, muscle glycogen is synthesized during host feeding intervals and degraded during nonfeeding intervals. Glycogen accumulation is up to 12-fold greater than that observed in mammalian muscle. Previous studies have established that many aspects of the parasite glycogen metabolism are comparable with the host, but a novel form of glycogen synthase designated GSII also occurs in the parasite. In this report glycogenin has been identified as the core protein in both mature glycogen and the GSII complex. Digestion of GSII complex glycogen generates discreet intermediates that may correspond to a proglycogen pool, whereas digestion of mature glycogen does not generate these intermediates. Because both GSII complex glycogen and mature glycogen serve as GSII substrates, the GSII complex likely represents an intermediate between glycogenin and mature glycogen. The regulation of glycogenin synthesis or the regulation of GSII activity that converts glycogenin to proglycogen, or both, may account for high levels of polysaccharide accumulation that are essential for A. suum survival.  相似文献   

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