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Novel conducting tissues in Lower Devonian plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Elongate cells presumed to comprise water-conducting tissues are described from the central regions of short lengths of two naked, stomatiferous, coalified, axial fossils from Lochkovian (Lower Devonian) fluvial rocks in the Welsh Borderland. In one, a discrete central strand is predominantly composed of uniformly thickened cells that are compared with central tissues in coeval plants, e.g. Aglaophyton , and the hydroids of extant mosses. The other has at least two types of cells with pits of plasmodesmata dimensions that perforate only the inner layer of a bilayered wall. These are compared with liverwort and Takakia hydroids and the coeval S-type tracheids that characterize the Rhyniopsida. The affinities of the two axes remain equivocal. The relevance of plasmodesmata-derived pits to the evolution of diversity in water-conducting elements in early cmbryophytes is discussed.  相似文献   

Xylem in early tracheophytes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

对武汉市7个中心城区和部分远郊城区共26个样点73个样地的苔藓群落进行调查,采集苔藓植物样本共431份。经鉴定调查区内共有苔藓植物20科35属91种,其中狭叶小羽藓(Haplocladium angustifolium(Hampe et C.Muell.)Broth.)和钝叶绢藓(Entodon obtusatus Broth.)等为优势种,分布于其中的24个样点。多样性指数分析结果显示,位于青龙山国家森林公园的α多样性Patrick和Shannon-Wiener指数最高,说明该样点苔藓植物群落的复杂程度高,群落所含信息量大。Patrick指数与环境因子的Pearson相关性分析结果显示,土壤含水率和与主要干道距离是显著影响地面生苔藓植物多样性的环境因子,而显著影响树附生苔藓植物多样性的环境因子仅与距主要干道距离相关。用典范对应分析法(CCA)研究26个样点中苔藓植物的盖度与主要环境因子的关系,结果发现人为干扰程度、草本盖度、与城市主要干道的距离等对地面生和树附生苔藓植物的分布都有显著影响。其中地面生苔藓植物的分布受人为干扰和草本盖度影响最为显著;而树附生苔藓植物的分布受附生树干胸径及与主要干道距离影响最为显著。研究结果表明武汉市区苔藓植物的多样性和分布受人为干扰较大,树附生苔藓对汽车尾气等因素更为敏感。  相似文献   

The Tidikelt region forms an outstanding area for subsurface Lower Devonian stratigraphy in the central Algerian Sahara. Sediments from five boreholes have revealed abundant and diverse assemblages of miospores, acritarchs, chitinozoa, scolecodont and microplant remains. The miospores are moderately well preserved. Three new miospore species (Dibolisporites saharansis nov. sp. Hassan Kermandji, Acinosporites conatus nov. sp. Hassan Kermandji and Scylaspora tidikeltense nov. sp. Hassan Kermandji) are described. Miospore assemblages vary through the regressive and transgressive sequences. Seven miospore assemblage biozones, including six new miospore assemblage biozones (Scylaspora tidikeltense-Perotrilites microbaculatus, Dictyotriletes emsiensis-Emphanisporites spinaeformis, Apiculiretusispora arenorugosa-Camptozonotriletes caperatus, Verrucosisporites polygonalis-Dictyotriletes subgranifer, Emphanisporites annulatus-Geminospora svalbardiae, Hystricosporites microancyreus-Grandispora protea, Calyptosporites velatus-Rhabdosporites langii) are proposed for the Lower and early Middle Devonian rocks of Tidikelt Plateau. The combined use of distinctive, wide distribution cosmopolitan and Gondwanan forms as biozonal and species characteristics permits accurate subdivision, dating and correlation of Tidikelt successions with other similar miospore zones of the Lower Devonian of Europe, Canada and other parts of Gondwana plate. The miospore data provide new explanations to stratigraphic relationships of regional rock units, sedimentary cycles and stratigraphic hiatus. The miospore biozones are proposed as a provincial biozonation, which may also be applied to other Palaeozoic rocks of similar miospore content.  相似文献   

Xylans are known to be major cellulose-linking polysaccharides in secondary cell walls in higher plants. We used two monoclonal antibodies (LM10 and LM11) for a comparative immunocytochemical analysis of tissue and cell distribution of xylans in a number of taxa representative of all major tracheophyte and bryophyte lineages. The results show that xylans containing the epitopes recognized by LM10 and LM11 are ubiquitous components of secondary cell walls in vascular and mechanical tissues in all present-living tracheophytes. In contrast, among the three bryophyte lineages, LM11 binding was detected in specific cell-wall layers in pseudoelaters and spores in the sporophyte of hornworts, while no binding was observed with either antibody in the gametophyte or sporophyte of liverworts and mosses. The ubiquitous occurrence of xylans containing LM10 and LM11 epitopes in tracheophytes suggests that the appearance of these polysaccharides has been a pivotal event for the evolution of highly efficient vascular and mechanical tissues. LM11 binding in the sporophyte of hornworts, indicating the presence of relatively highly substituted xylans (possibly arabinoxylans), separates these from the other bryophytes and is consistent with recent molecular data indicating a sister relationship of the hornworts with tracheophytes.  相似文献   

Cells and tissues in the vegetative sporophytes of early land plants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The Early Devonian Rhynie chert has been critical in documenting early land plant-fungal interactions. However, complex associations involving several fungi that enter into qualitatively different relationships with a single host plant and even interact with one another have not yet been detailed. Here, we studied petrographic thin sections of the Rhynie chert plant Nothia aphylla. Three fungal endophytes (co)occur in prostrate axes of this plant: narrow hyphae producing clusters of small spores; large spherical spores/zoosporangia; and wide aseptate hyphae that form intercellular vesicles in the cortex. Host responses on attack include bulging of infected rhizoids, formation of encasement layers around intracellular hyphae, and separation of infected from uninfected tissues by secondarily thickened cell walls. A complex simultaneous interaction of N. aphylla with three endophytic fungi was discovered. The host responses indicate that some of the mechanisms causing host responses in extant plants were in place 400 million yr ago. Anatomical and life history features of N. aphylla suggest that this plant may have been particularly susceptible to colonization by fungi.  相似文献   

Background Molecular phylogeny has resolved the liverworts as the earliest-divergent clade of land plants and mosses as the sister group to hornworts plus tracheophytes, with alternative topologies resolving the hornworts as sister to mosses plus tracheophytes less well supported. The tracheophytes plus fossil plants putatively lacking lignified vascular tissue form the polysporangiophyte clade. Scope This paper reviews phylogenetic, developmental, anatomical, genetic and paleontological data with the aim of reconstructing the succession of events that shaped major land plant lineages. Conclusions Fundamental land plant characters primarily evolved in the bryophyte grade, and hence the key to a better understanding of the early evolution of land plants is in bryophytes. The last common ancestor of land plants was probably a leafless axial gametophyte bearing simple unisporangiate sporophytes. Water-conducting tissue, if present, was restricted to the gametophyte and presumably consisted of perforate cells similar to those in the early-divergent bryophytes Haplomitrium and Takakia. Stomata were a sporophyte innovation with the possible ancestral functions of producing a transpiration-driven flow of water and solutes from the parental gametophyte and facilitating spore separation before release. Stomata in mosses, hornworts and polysporangiophytes are viewed as homologous, and hence these three lineages are collectively referred to as the 'stomatophytes'. An indeterminate sporophyte body (the sporophyte shoot) developing from an apical meristem was the key innovation in polysporangiophytes. Poikilohydry is the ancestral condition in land plants; homoiohydry evolved in the sporophyte of polysporangiophytes. Fungal symbiotic associations ancestral to modern arbuscular mycorrhizas evolved in the gametophytic generation before the separation of major present-living lineages. Hydroids are imperforate water-conducting cells specific to advanced mosses. Xylem vascular cells in polysporangiophytes arose either from perforate cells or de novo. Food-conducting cells were a very early innovation in land plant evolution. The inferences presented here await testing by molecular genetics.  相似文献   

Dr. Andreas May 《Facies》1992,26(1):103-116
Summary The prevailing sandy/silty lower part of the Middle Devonian in the northwestern Sauerland includes two coral limestone horizons, which contain a rich fauna of corals, stromatoporoids, and calcareous algae. The Ihmert-Formation is subdvided into three parts. The older coral limestone horizon is the Grünewiese-Member of the Ihmert-Formation (uppermost Eifelian), the younger is in the Bredenbruch-Member of the Unterhonsel-Formation (lower Lower Givetian). Conclusions about the environmental constraints are drawn from the sedimentology and the fossil content of the coral limestones. Predominant biostromes are built between storm wave base and normal wave base. Only the few bioherms grew above the normal wave base. These coral limestones were deposited in a tropical or subtropical normal marine environment in the shallow euphotic zone. Among the reef-builders epoecism is very frequent, and until now this phenomenon has not been investigated in detail. Fragile rugose and tabulate corals lived as commensals with stromatoporoids. Some other aspects of paleoecology are concisely presented.  相似文献   

Summary The deep-red lenses of the Pragian Slivenec Limestone have been extensively quarried for ornamental purposes since the XIIth century. Petrographic microscope observations indicate that the hematite stainings of the limestone follow ten different patterns. They range from massive non-directional filling of cavities to mineralized films and microstromatolites. Numerous ironrich endolithes are observed. Some could be derived from bacterial or lichen perforations and some related to ferric bacteria. Infiltration along welded calcite crystals, regular mineralized films and microstromatolites suggest a ferric bacterial origin for the pigment. This is confirmed by scanning microscope examinations of polished sections, that show hematite concentrations along micrometric filamentous sheaths.  相似文献   

不同植物构成的人工湿地对生活污水中氮的去除效应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
测定由不同植物构成的人工湿地的氨态氮、硝态氮和亚硝态氮含量,对比不同植物对生活污水中氮的去除效率.结果表明,与不种植物的人工湿地相比,由风车草[Cyperus alternifolius L. ssp. flabelliformis (Rottb.) Kiikenth.]、香根草[Vertiveria zizanioides (Linn.) Nash]、芦苇(Phragmitas communis Trin.)和美人蕉(Canna indica Linn.)构成的人工湿地对氨态氮去除率分别提高6%、8%、11%和14%;对硝态氮去除率分别提高5%、6%、13%和9%;对亚硝态氮去除率分别提高5%、7%、10%和7%,说明种植芦苇和美人蕉的人工湿地对生活污水中的氮具有较好的去除效果.  相似文献   

How the colonization of terrestrial environments by early land plants over 400 Ma influenced rock weathering, the biogeochemical cycling of carbon and phosphorus, and climate in the Palaeozoic is uncertain. Here we show experimentally that mineral weathering by liverworts—an extant lineage of early land plants—partnering arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, like those in 410 Ma-old early land plant fossils, amplified calcium weathering from basalt grains threefold to sevenfold, relative to plant-free controls. Phosphate weathering by mycorrhizal liverworts was amplified 9–13-fold over plant-free controls, compared with fivefold to sevenfold amplification by liverworts lacking fungal symbionts. Etching and trenching of phyllosilicate minerals increased with AM fungal network size and atmospheric CO2 concentration. Integration of grain-scale weathering rates over the depths of liverwort rhizoids and mycelia (0.1 m), or tree roots and mycelia (0.75 m), indicate early land plants with shallow anchorage systems were probably at least 10-fold less effective at enhancing the total weathering flux than later-evolving trees. This work challenges the suggestion that early land plants significantly enhanced total weathering and land-to-ocean fluxes of calcium and phosphorus, which have been proposed as a trigger for transient dramatic atmospheric CO2 sequestration and glaciations in the Ordovician.  相似文献   

Summary Compositional variations and grain-size properties of both carbonate constituents and conodonts as an alternative component group were used for interpreting the processes governing the deposition of upper Famennian and middle Tournaisian calciturbidites in Moravia, Czech Republic. Both the composition and grain-size properties of conodont element associations showed to be markedly dependant on facies type of their host sediment. Upper Devonian calciturbidite successions deposited on flanks of wide, Moravian-Silesian carbonate platform are composed mainly of echinoderm-and peloid-rich wacke/packstones and intraclastic float/rudstones (fine-grained calciturbidites, “normal” calciturbidites with Tab Bouma sequences, debris-flow breccias) with abundance of shelf-and shelf margin conodont taxa and epipelagic and “mesopelagic” conodonts. Upper Devonian calciturbidites deposited on slopes of volcanic sea-mounts are composed of echinoderm-and peloid-rich wacke/packstones and float/rudstones with increased proportion of intraclasts and volcanigenic lithoclasts (fine-grained calciturbidites, normal calciturbidites), yeilding abundant conodont associations with higher proportion of “mesopelagic” taxa compared to the platform-flank examples. Middle Tournaisian calciturbidite succession composed of crinoid-, peloid-, intraclast-and lithoclast-rich lime mudstones, wacke/packstones and float/rudstones (normal calciturbidites and debris-flow breccias) yielded conodont element associations rich in shelt-and shelf-margin taxa, “mesopelagic” conodonts and reworked Middle-and Upper Devonian conodonts. In general, the ratio of shelf-and shelf margin conodont taxa to “mesopelagic” taxa is distinctly lower in finegrained calciturbidites than it is in normal calciturbidites and debris-flow breccias. Grain-size properties (mean grain size and sorting) and percentage of fragmented conodont elements, too, are markedly dependant on the facies type: in fine-grained calciturbidites the values of mean grain-size and fragmentation are low and the sorting is good to very good whereas in normal calciturbidites and debris-flow breccias the values of mean grain-size and fragmentation are distinctly higher and the sorting is poorer. The interdependence of facies type and composition and grain-size properties of conodont element associations in gravity-flow deposits is explained as resultant from hydrodynamic sorting during turbidity current flow and final deposition of the bed. Compositional variations observed in our sections may thus be attributed to facies variability (coarsening-and thickening-upward trends) rather than to sea-level fluctuations (highstand shedding of carbonate platforms). On the other hand, significant enrichment in reworked conodont taxa in middle Tournaisian normal calciturbidites compared to scarcity and/or absence of such conodonts in essentially identical facies of upper Famennian age indicate sea-level to be the major control governing such compositional variations, with low relative sea-level stand in middle Tournaisian and high relative sea-level stand in upper Famennian. Thorough analysis of conodont evolution, palaeoecology and taphonomy, with emphasis on understanding the processes of deposition of their host rock, are recommended for any biostratigraphic and biofacies study to be done in carbonate sediments deposited under strong hydrodynamic regimes, such as calciturbidites, temperstites, debris-flow deposits, shelf-edge oolitic sands, tidal-channel facies etc.  相似文献   

The ecological metaphor of industrial ecology is a proven conceptual tool, having spawned an entire field of interdisciplinary research that explores the intimate linkages between industry and its underlying natural systems. Besides its name and a number of borrowed concepts, however, industrial ecology has no formal relationship with the ecological sciences. This study explores the potential for further interdisciplinary collaboration by testing whether some of the same quantitative analysis techniques used in community ecology research can have meaning in an industrial context. Specifically, we applied the ecological concepts of connectance and diversity to an analysis of Burnside Industrial Park in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Our results demonstrate that these ecological tools show promise for use in industrial ecology. We discuss the meaning of connectance and diversity concepts in an industrial context and suggest next steps for future studies. We hope that this research will help to lay the groundwork of an ecologically inspired tool kit for analyzing industrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Ormenese S  Havelange A  Deltour R  Bernier G 《Planta》2000,211(3):370-375
 The frequency of plasmodesmata increases in the shoot apical meristem of plants of Sinapis alba L. induced to flower by exposure to a single long day. This increase is observed within all cell layers (L1, L2, L3) as well as at the interfaces between these layers, and it occurs in both the central and peripheral zones of the shoot apical meristem. The extra plasmodesmata are formed only transiently, from 28 to 48 h after the start of the long day, and acropetally since they are detectable in L3 4 h before they are seen in L1 and L2. These observations indicate that (i) in the Sinapis shoot apical meristem at floral transition, there is an unfolding of a single field with increased plasmodesmatal connectivity, and (ii) this event is an early effect of the arrival at this meristem of the floral stimulus of leaf origin. Since (i) the wave of increased frequency of plasmodesmata is 12 h later than the wave of increased mitotic frequency (A. Jacqmard et al. 1998, Plant cell proliferation and its regulation in growth and development, pp. 67–78; Wiley), and (ii) the increase in frequency of plasmodesmata is observed in all cell walls, including in walls not deriving from recent divisions (periclinal walls separating the cell layers), it is concluded that the extra plasmodesmata seen at floral transition do not arise in the forming cell plate during mitosis and are thus of secondary origin. Received: 4 October 1999 / Accepted: 23 December 1999  相似文献   

For both Mullus barbatus and M. surmuletus , the relationship between sagitta area (O), sulcus acusticus area (S) throughout postlarval growth was characterized by their negative allometric growth. The adjusted mean S: O ratio differed between the two species. This may be associated with the difference in size and shape of the sagittae, a difference in somatic growth, and differences in food and spatial niches. The inner ear of Mullus cannot be considered as specialized and the interaction of stimuli detected by the sensory barbels and the inner ear together could be a compensatory mechanism that helps in the food search.  相似文献   

Abstract. Experiments were carried out on Pinus radiata (D. Don) trees grown as cuttings from clonal parent stock. Some of these trees were about 0.4 m high while others were about 5 m high; all were grown in containers. The stem diameters at the tops and at the bottoms of the large trees, rates of photosynthesis, and needle water potentials were measured both when the trees were well watered and as they dehydrated after water was withheld. The water potentials of well-watered plants was highest in the small trees and lowest at the top of the large trees. When water was withheld, photosynthesis was in most cases unaffected by a small reduction in water potential, but the rate of photosynthesis fell as water potentials declined further. The stems of the large trees expanded at a constant rate when the trees were well watered and for part of the dehydration period, while subsequent stem shrinkage and the fall in photosynthesis both occurred at approximately the same time.
Water potentials increased little in the 24 h after rewatering, and significant rates of photosynthesis were not measured until 2 or 3 d later while renewed stem expansion was not measured until 2 d after rewatering.
Water deficits reduced the lumen diameter of newly matured stem tracheids, but increased the thickness of their walls. After 1 month of water potentials of about −2.4 MPa, tracheid lumen diameter and wall thickness were both much reduced, and this reduction continued in tracheids maturing shortly after rewatering.  相似文献   

The Poales (which include the grasses) and Asparagales [which include onion (Allium cepa L.) and other Allium species] are the two most economically important monocot orders. Enormous genomic resources have been developed for the grasses; however, their applicability to other major monocot groups, such as the Asparagales, is unclear. Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from onion that showed significant similarities (80% similarity over at least 70% of the sequence) to single positions in the rice genome were selected. One hundred new genetic markers developed from these ESTs were added to the intraspecific map derived from the BYG15-23×AC43 segregating family, producing 14 linkage groups encompassing 1,907 cM at LOD 4. Onion linkage groups were assigned to chromosomes using alien addition lines of Allium fistulosum L. carrying single onion chromosomes. Visual comparisons of genetic linkage in onion with physical linkage in rice revealed scant colinearity; however, short regions of colinearity could be identified. Our results demonstrate that the grasses may not be appropriate genomic models for other major monocot groups such as the Asparagales; this will make it necessary to develop genomic resources for these important plants. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

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