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Although cytochrome f from the Antarctic psychrophile, Chlamydomonas raudensis UWO 241, exhibits a lower apparent molecular mass (34 kD) than that of the mesophile C. reinhardtii (41 kD) based on SDS-PAGE, both proteins are comparable in calculated molecular mass and show 79% identity in amino acid sequence. The difference in apparent molecular mass was maintained after expression of petA from both Chlamydomonas species in either E. coli or a C. reinhardtii ΔpetA mutant and after substitution of a unique third cysteine-292 to phenylalanine in the psychrophilic cytochrome f. Moreover, the heme of the psychrophilic form of cytochrome f was less stable upon heating than that of the mesophile. In contrast to C. raudensis, a C. reinhardtii ΔpetA mutant transformed with petA from C. raudensis exhibited the ability to undergo state transitions and a capacity for intersystem electron transport comparable to that of C. reinhardtii wild type. However, the C. reinhardtii petA transformants accumulated lower levels of cytochrome b 6 /f complexes and exhibited lower light saturated rates of O2 evolution than C. reinhardtii wild type. We show that the presence of an altered form of cytochrome f in C. raudensis does not account for its inability to undergo state transitions or its impaired capacity for intersystem electron transport as previously suggested. A combined survey of the apparent molecular mass, thermal stability and amino acid sequences of cytochrome f from a broad range of mesophilic species shows unequivocally that the observed differences in cytochrome f structure are not related to psychrophilly. Thus, caution must be exercised in relating differences in amino acid sequence and thermal stability to adaptation to cold environments. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

首次报道中国西藏棘科两物种:符氏直棘Orthonychiurus folsomi(Schffer,1900)和喜马拉雅直棘Orthonychiurus himalayensis(Choudhuri,1958),附详细描述及特征图;编制了中国棘科已知种类分种检索表。研究标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。  相似文献   

In this study, we tried to detect protozoan blood parasites from the liver or blood of 156 Japanese black bears (Ursus thibetanus japonicus) in Iwate Prefecture of Japan by polymerase chain reaction. Two amplicons (approximately 540 bp and 480 bp) were detected by amplification for V4 hyper-variable regions of the 18S rRNA gene. Approximately 540-bp products were obtained in 119 samples (76.3%) and were considered to be DNA of Hepatozoon ursi. Approximately 480-bp products were obtained in 22 samples (14.1%) and were considered to be DNA of Babesia species. The nucleotide sequences (1635 bp) of the 18S rRNA gene of Babesia sp. were very similar (99.3%) to those (AY190123, AY190124) of Babesia sp. detected previously from Ixodes ovatus. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Babesia sp. detected in this study closely related to Babesia sp. derived from raccoons in Japan and the U.S.A. This is the first report of Babesia species detected from Japanese black bears.  相似文献   

Hu Z  Zhao Z  Wu Z  Fan Z  Chen J  Wu J  Li J 《Mitochondrion》2011,11(5):716-721
The efficient expression of exogenous gene in mitochondria of photosynthetic organism has been an insurmountable problem. In this study, the pBsLPNCG was constructed by inserting the egfp gene into a site between TERMINVREP-Left repeats and the cob gene in a fragment of mitochondrial DNA of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC-124 and introduced into the mitochondria of respiratory deficient dum-1 mutation of C. reinhardtii CC-2654. Sequencing and DNA Southern analyses revealed that egfp gene had been integrated into the mitochondrial genome of transgenic algae as expected and no other copy of egfp existed in their nucleic genome. Both the fluorescence detection and Western blot analysis confirmed the presence of eGFP protein in the transgenic algae; it indicated that the egfp gene was successfully expressed in the mitochondria of C. reinhardtii.  相似文献   

Howe AT  Bass D  Chao EE  Cavalier-Smith T 《Protist》2011,162(5):710-722
Glissomonadida is an important cercozoan order of predominantly biflagellate gliding bacterivores found largely in soil and freshwater. Their vast diversity is largely undescribed. We studied 23 mostly newly isolated strains by light microscopy and sequenced their 18S rDNA genes; nine represent new species. For two misidentified ATCC 'Heteromita triangularis' strains, we establish novel gliding genera and species: the sandonid Mollimonas lacrima, the only glissomonad forming anterior and posterior pseudopodia, and Dujardina stenomorpha, a strongly flattened member of the new family Dujardinidae. A new strain from Oxfordshire grassland soil is the first reliably identified isolate of the virtually uniflagellate, smooth-gliding glissomonad genus, AllantionSandon, 1924. Phylogenetic analysis and cytological features reveal Allantion to be a member of Allapsidae. Sandona limna and Bodomorpha prolixa from Lake Baikal and Sandona hexamutans from volcanic Costa Rican soil are described as new species. Fifteen glissomonad strains were from grassland beside Lake Baikal. We describe two as new species of Sandona (S. heptamutans and S. octamutans); the others included strains of Sandona and Allapsa species that have already been described; and three were new species of Sandona and Allapsa but these died before being described. We discuss the ecological and evolutionary significance of these new strains.  相似文献   

Girella punctata and Girella leonina are sympatric sister species showing extensive distributional overlap in shallow rocky reefs in the Pacific Ocean south of the Japanese Islands. Differences between the two species in external morphological characters, such as number of pored lateral line scales, colour of opercular flap and shape of caudal fin, are congruent with genetic divergence. Nucleotide identity between the two species in the 3.3 kbp region of partial mitochondrial DNA containing the D-loop region, in 12S and 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and transfer RNA genes is 95%. To estimate divergence time, Bayesian analysis was conducted using a dataset comprising concatenated nucleotide sequences from the two rRNA genes of three girellid and nine other fish species. Using the Elopomorpha – Clupeocephala split (265 million years ago (mya)) as a calibration point, divergence between G. punctata and G. leonina is estimated as having occurred 6.0±1.4 mya. Speciation is suggested to have been caused by geographical isolation associated with formation of the Japanese Islands, which resulted in disjunction of Girella habitat.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium is an important protozoan that causes diarrheal illness in humans and animals. Different species of Cryptosporidium have been reported and it is believed that species characteristics are an important factor to be considered in strategic planning for control. We therefore analyzed oocysts from human and animal isolates of Cryptosporidium by PCR-RFLP to determine strain variation in Isfahan. In total, 642 human fecal samples from children under five years of age, imunocompromised patients, and high-risk persons and 480 randomly selected rectal specimens of cows and calves in Isfahan were examined. Microscopic examination showed that 4.7% (30/642) of human samples and 6.2% (30/480) of animal samples were infected with Cryptosporidium. After identification of the samples infected with the parasite, oocysts were purified and their DNA was extracted. We used PCR-RFLP analysis of a 1750-bp region of the 18S rRNA gene to identify Cryptosporidium species. The human samples were infected with Cryptosporidium parvum II, C. muris, C. wrairi, and a new genotype of Cryptosporidium (GenBank accession no. DQ520951). The cattle samples were identified as C. parvum II, C. muris, C. wrairi, C. serpentis, C. baileyi, and a new genotype of Cryptosporidium (GenBank accession no. DQ520952). We also found a new genotype infecting both human and cattle samples (GenBank accession no. DQ520950). In addition to demonstrating the widespread occurrence of most species of Cryptosporidium, C. parvum, we also observed extensive polymorphism within species. Furthermore, the occurrence of the same species of parasite in both animal and human samples shows the importance of the animal and human cycle. Published in Russian in Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, 2007, Vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 934–939. The article was translated by the authors.  相似文献   

Because the excreted sporocysts and/or oocysts of various species of Sarcocystis may not be discriminated morphologically, we sought to validate a diagnostic technique based on variation in the 18S rDNA sequence. Oocysts and/or sporocysts from three taxa of Sarcocystis were collected from human, feline, and canine definitive hosts that had fed upon meats infected with the muscle cysts of Sarcocystis hominis, Sarcocystis fusiformis and a species of Sarcocystis from water buffalo that could not be distinguished from Sarcocystis cruzi. Using a new collection method employing filter paper, these excreted oocysts and sporocysts were subjected to DNA extraction, as were the corresponding muscle cysts. Methods employing PCR–RFLP and DNA sequencing of a partial 18S rDNA gene (ssrRNA) sequence were then used to successfully distinguish among the three taxa. The same, unique restriction digestion pattern characterizes the tissue cysts and oocysts and/or sporocysts of each parasite taxon. The technique makes possible amplification and identification of species specific gene sequences based on DNA extracted from as few as 7 excreted sporocysts (the equivalent of 3 and 1/2 oocysts) from freshly prepared material, or as few as 50 sporocysts from feces samples that had been stored in potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) for as long as 6 years. This represents the first report using molecular diagnostic procedures to diagnose oocysts of Sarcocystis in faecal samples, describing a valuable new tool for studying the epidemiology of various Sarcocystis species.  相似文献   

We describe two new species and redescribe one in the polychaete genus Amphicorina Claparède, 1864 (Sabellidae) from Hokkaido, Japan. Amphicorina ascidicolasp. n. differs from its 38 congeners chiefly in the reduction of the collar, but also in having three pairs of radioles, one pair of ventral radiolar appendages, a bifurcate ventral lobe on the anterior peristomial ring, six abdominal chaetigers, and a large anterior tooth on the abdominal uncini. Amphicorina ezoensissp. n. has a crenulated collar, three pairs of radioles, and more than eight (12) abdominal chaetigers; Amphicorina ezoensis shares these character states with Amphicorina anneae (Rouse, 1994), Amphicorina eimeri (Langerhans, 1880), and Amphicorina persinosa (Ben-Eliahu, 1975), but differs from them in having two pairs of ventral radiolar appendages and a non-oblique collar. Amphicorina mobilis (Rouse, 1990) was previously known only from the type locality (New South Wales, Australia), but we identify our Japanese material as conspecific on the basis of morphological and molecular similarity.  相似文献   

Molecular techniques, based on clone library of 18S rRNA gene, were employed to ascertain the diversity of microeukaryotic organisms in sediments from the East Sea. A total of 261 clones were recovered from surface sediments. Most of the clone sequences (90%) were affiliated with protists, dominated by Ciliates (18%) and Dinoflagellates (19%) of Alveolates, phototrophic Stramenopiles (11%), and Cercozoa (20%). Many of the clones were related to uncultivated eukaryotes clones retrieved from anoxic environments with several highly divergent 18S rRNA gene sequences. However, no clones were related to cultivated obligate anaerobic protists. Protistan communities between subsurface layers of 1 and 9 cm shared 23% of total phylotypes which comprised 64% of total clones retrieved. Analysis of diversity indices and rarefaction curve showed that the protistan community within the 1 cm layer exhibited higher diversity than the 9 cm layer. Our results imply that diverse protists remain to be uncovered within marine benthic environments.  相似文献   

Antisense technology was applied to the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtiito probe the function of a novel nuclear gene encoding a chloroplast-envelope localized sulfate permease (SulP; GenBank Accession Numbers AF467891 and AF481828). Analysis showed that antiSulP transformants are impaired in sulfate uptake, a consequence of repression in the SulP gene expression. Antisense antiSulP transformants exhibited a sulfur-deprivation phenotype, strong induction of arylsulfatase activity, and global induction of sulfate assimilation gene expression. In sealed cultures, opposite to the wild-type control, antiSulP strains photo-evolved H2, underlining the notion of sulfate uptake limitation by the chloroplast, a slow-down in the rate of oxygen evolution, establishment of anaerobiosis due to internal respiration and spontaneous expression of the [Fe]-hydrogenase in these strains. It is concluded that antiSulP strains are promising as tools to limit the supply of sulfates to the chloroplast, leading to a down-regulation of H2O-oxidation and O2-evolution activity, to the constitutive expression of the [Fe]-hydrogenase and continuous H2-photoproduction in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.Thus, antisulPstrains might permit a study of the biochemistry of H2 metabolism in this green alga under constitutive anaerobic oxygenic photosynthesis conditions.  相似文献   

Chaetosphaeria tortuosa is described as the newly discovered teleomorph of Menispora tortuosa, based on specimens from Canada and the Czech Republic, and single spore isolations from both morphs. The fungus produces superficial, more or less globose, papillate, dark brown to black smooth perithecia (200–)220–250 × (220–)230–260 μm. The asci are unitunicate, 8-spored, cylindrical-fusiform, (110–)120–133(–145) × 12–14 with a distinct apical, nonamyloid annulus 1–1.5 μm high, 3.5–4 μm wide. The ascospores are fusiform, 19–24 × 5–6 μm, hyaline, 3-septate, smooth, and 2-seriate in the ascus. The morphology of the teleomorph and anamorph are similar to that of C. ovoidea (anamorph: M. glauca), differing in dimensions of asci and ascospores, and in the disposition and morphology of the phialides of the anamorphs. The generic concept and phylogeny of Menispora is briefly discussed, and a key to the 11 species currently accepted in the genus is provided.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA) sequences were analysed within Tarentola mauritanica and other selected species of Tarentola. Several highly genetically distinct lineages occur in North Africa, revealing phylogroups in southern and central Morocco, northern Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya. A single haplotype characterizes populations across Spain, Portugal, Italy, Menorca, Crete, and Tunisia raising the possibility of an anthropogenic introduction followed by rapid population expansion throughout southern Europe. T. mauritanica is paraphyletic with respect to T. angustimentalis, a Canary islands endemic. The high genetic diversity observed across North Africa suggests T. mauritanica may represent a species complex.  相似文献   

S. cilicica Siehe andS. morrisii Meikle are two little known sibling species of theScilla siberica alliance with previously difficult taxonomy, especially with regard to specific delimitation and geographic distribution. Quantitative C-band karyotyping and DNA content determinations were performed in four provenances, including the type localities. Both species (2n = 12) differ strikingly in their banding patterns despite of similar DNA content. Karyotype diversification involved changes in eu- and heterochromatin quantities and resulted in some changes of chromosome form. Despite this, actual phylogenetic relatedness is indicated by a chromosomal marker (NOR-position) of rare occurrence in the alliance. Karyological results and circumstantial evidence from the literature suggest thatS. morrisii is an endemic, exclusive to Cyprus as a member of theS. siberica alliance.S. cilicica seems to be restricted to continental S. Anatolia opposite to Cyprus. Its occurrence on Cyprus is questionable.The authors dedicate this paper respectfully to emer. O. Univ.-Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of his 90th birthday.  相似文献   

王丽娜  余正  田野  张文静  杨军 《生态学报》2015,35(18):6183-6188
瘤棘砂壳虫是东亚特有的原生动物,广泛分布于长江与珠江中下游以及福建地区的湖泊和水库,作为水生态系统的捕食者,在维持水生态系统的结构与功能方面发挥着重要作用。利用18S rRNA基因PCR扩增和克隆文库测序等分子生物学技术方法,从基因水平研究瘤棘砂壳虫的食物组成。结果表明:所获得的46条序列在97%相似度水平含有11类OTUs(Operational taxonomic units,操作分类单元),其中包括轮虫6个,桡足类5个,说明瘤棘砂壳虫的捕食类群以轮虫和桡足类为主,同时也证明单细胞生物可以直接以多细胞的后生动物为食。此外,通过克隆文库测序技术分析原生动物的食物组成比例,不仅是一种方便、高效、快速,重复性高的方法,同时也为分析原生动物的生态功能提供了一种新的视角。  相似文献   

Nineteen bacteria isolates recovered from shellfish samples (mussels and oysters) showed a new and specific 16S rDNA-RFLP pattern with an Arcobacter identification method designed to recognize all species described up to 2008. These results suggested that they could belong to a new species. ERIC-PCR revealed that the 19 isolates belonged to 3 different strains. The sequence of the 16S rRNA gene of a representative strain (F98-3T) showed 97.6% similarity with the closest species Arcobacter marinus followed by Arcobacter halophilus (95.6%) and Arcobacter mytili (94.7%). The phylogenetic analysis with the16S rRNA, rpoB, gyrB and hsp60 genes placed the shellfish strains within the same cluster as the three species mentioned (also isolated from saline habitats) but they formed an independent phylogenetic line. The DDH results between strain F98-3T and A. marinus (54.8% ± 1.05), confirmed that it represents a new species. Several biochemical tests differentiated the shellfish isolates from all other Arcobacter species. Although the new species was different from A. mytili, they shared not only the same habitat (mussels) but also the characteristic of being so far the only Arcobacter species that are simultaneously negative for urea and indoxyl acetate hydrolysis. All results supported the classification of the shellfish strains as a new species, for which the name Arcobacter molluscorum sp. nov. with the type strain F98-3T is proposed (=CECT 7696T = LMG 25693T).  相似文献   

In most photosynthetic organisms, inorganic arsenic taken up into the cells inhibits photosynthesis and cellular growth. In a green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, 0.5 mM arsenate inhibited photosynthesis almost completely within 30 min. However, in cells acclimated with a sublethal concentration (0.05 to 0.1 mM) of Cd, the inhibition of photosynthesis at 30 min after the addition of arsenate was relieved by more than 50%. The concentrations of arsenic incorporated into the cells were not significantly different between the Cd-acclimated and the non-acclimated cells. The Cd-acclimated cells accumulated Cd and synthesized phytochelatin (PC) peptides, which are known to play an important role in detoxification of heavy metals in plants. By the addition of an inhibitor of glutathione (an intermediate in the PC biosynthetic pathway) biosynthesis, buthionine sulfoximine, cells lost not only Cd tolerance but also arsenate tolerance. These results suggest that glutathione and/or PCs synthesized in Cd-acclimated cells are involved in mechanisms of arsenate tolerance. The authors contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Immobilization of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in alginate increases its photorespiration rate. In the immobilized cells, the photorespiratory enzyme, phosphoglycolate phosphatase, was 75% higher than in freely suspended cells. Thus, the immobilized cells produced glycolate at twice the rate than in freely suspended cells when treated with aminooxyacetate (a transaminase inhibitor). With immobilized cells in a batch reactor, 270mol glycolatemg–1 Chl was produced after 12h.Revisions requested 27 October 2004; Revisions received 13 December 2004  相似文献   

为了更好地了解拟诺卡氏菌属(Nocardiopsis)各物种间的系统发育关系,该属现有有效描述种的gyrB,sodrpoB基因的部分序列被测定,结合16S rRNA基因,对拟诺卡氏菌属进行了系统发育重建。研究发现拟诺卡氏菌属gyrB,sodrpoB基因的平均相似性分别为87.7%、87.3%和94.1%,而16S rRNA基因的平均相似性则达到96.65%,3个看家基因均比16S rRNA具有更高的分歧度。比较基于不同基因的系统树发现,由gyrB基因得到的系统树拓扑结构与16S rRNA得到的结构在亚群上基本一致。因此,gyrB基因在拟诺卡氏菌属的系统分类上比16S rRNA基因更具优越性。  相似文献   

The protozoan infrakingdom Alveolata comprises the phyla Ciliophora and Miozoa. The name Myzozoa—sucking life—is introduced here to replace Miozoa (protalveolates, dinoflagellates, Sporozoa, apicomonads) as both subphyla (Dinozoa, Apicomplexa) are commonly or ancestrally myzocytotic feeders. We studied ultrastructurally two contrasting myzocytotic flagellates: Colpodella tetrahymenae sp. n. (predatory on Tetrahymena), with an inner membrane complex like Sporozoa, and Voromonas (=Colpodella) pontica gen. et comb. nov., with discrete cortical alveoli like Dinozoa; we also sequenced 18S rDNA of both of these flagellates and of two highly divergent isolates of Oxyrrhis. Phylogenetic analysis shows early divergence between Colpodella, Voromonas and Alphamonas edax and supports the independent origin of dinoflagellates, Perkinsea and Apicomplexa (Sporozoa, Apicomonadea) from myzocytotic protalveolate flagellates. Oxyrrhis is probably a highly modified dinoflagellate, not a protalveolate with primitive chromatin and ciliary organization. The rapid basal radiation of Myzozoa is poorly resolved; the predatory colpodellids sensu stricto are probably sisters of Sporozoa. We discuss early cellular diversification of Myzozoa (=Miozoa) and revise its classification, establishing a new class Myzomonadea for Voromonas, Alphamonas and Chilovora (=Bodo) perforans gen. et comb. nov., three new peridinean subclasses (Oxyrrhia, Gonaulacoidia, Suessioidia), and five new orders: Acrocoelida for Acrocoelus; Voromonadida for Voromonas and Alphamonas; Chilovorida for Chilovora; Rastromonadida for Rastromonas and Parvilucifera; and Algovorida for Algovora, a new genus for Colpodella turpis and Colpodella pugnax sensu Simpson and Patterson. We suggest that the flattened inner membrane complex of Apicomplexa evolved in association with trichocyst loss by fusion of already flattened myzomonad cortical alveoli as an adaptation for actomyosin-based host penetration and gliding motility.  相似文献   

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