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It is shown in the preceding paper that neurons with two-dimensional spatio-temporal properties to linear acceleration behave like one-dimensional rate sensors: they encode the component of angular velocity (associated with a rotating linear acceleration vector) that is normal to their response plane. During off-vertical axis rotation (OVAR) otolith-sensitive neurons are activated by the gravity vector as it rotates relative to the head. Unlike one-dimensional linear accelerometer neurons which exhibit equal response magnitudes for both directions of rotation, two-dimensional neurons can be shown to respond with unequal magnitudes to clockwise and counterclockwise off-vertical axis rotations. The magnitudes of the sinusoidal responses of these neurons is not only directionally selective but also proportional to rotational velocity. Thus, responses from such two-dimensional neurons may represent the first step in the computations necessary to generate the steady-state eye velocity during OVAR. An additional step involving a nonlinear operation is necessary to transform the sinusoidally modulated output of these neurons into a signal proportional to sustained eye velocity. Similarly to models of motion detection in the visual system, this transformation is proposed to be achieved through neuronal operations involving mathematical multiplication followed by a leaky integration by the velocity storage mechanism. The proposed model for the generation of maintained eye velocity during OVAR is based on anatomical and physiological properties of vestibular nuclei neurons and capable of predicting the experimentally observed steady-state characteristics of the eye velocity.  相似文献   

Quantitative study of the static and dynamic response properties of some otolith-sensitive neurons has been difficult in the past partly because their responses to different linear acceleration vectors exhibited no null plane and a dependence of phase on stimulus orientation. The theoretical formulation of the response ellipse provides a quantitative way to estimate the spatio-temporal properties of such neurons. Its semi-major axis gives the direction of the polarization vector (i.e., direction of maximal sensitivity) and it estimates the neuronal response for stimulation along that direction. In addition, the semi-minor axis of the ellipse provides an estimate of the neuron's maximal sensitivity in the null plane. In this paper, extracellular recordings from otolith-sensitive vestibular nuclei neurons in decerebrate rats were used to demonstrate the practical application of the method. The experimentally observed gain and phase dependence on the orientation angle of the acceleration vector in a head-horizontal plane was described and satisfactorily fit by the response ellipse model. In addition, the model satisfactorily fits neuronal responses in three-dimensions and unequivocally demonstrates that the response ellipse formulation is the general approach to describe quantitatively the spatial properties of vestibular neurons.  相似文献   

A method is proposed to determine the rigid structure as well as the three dimensional motion of an object from a sequence of orthographically projected images. It is assumed that the velocities as well as the positions of the points attached to the object are observable in the images. The instantaneous rigidity condition wich states that the relative position vector between any two points is orthogonal to the corresponding relative velocity vector is derived from the condition of rigidity. Assuming further that the rotational velocity component is constant throughout the period of observation, each of the projected relative velocity vectors is shown to move along one of the elliptical trajectories, all of which are similar to one another. The orientations of the longer axes are common to every trajectory. Then one can determine the equations of the ellipses by observing only two points in three views or three points in two views. The solution is obtained from a set of linear equations. The length of the longer axis enables one to determine the relative velocity. The instantaneous rigidity condition is then used to obtain the relative position. The special cases where the rotational axis is either perpendicular to or parallel with the image plane are discussed. The above results are discussed in relation to the relevant psychophysical observations as well as theoretical studies.  相似文献   

The effective diffusivity of glucose in porous glass beads was determined using a transient method. Predictions for the intraparticle and surface concentrations were made by an analytical solution of the mass balance. The value of the diffusivity was expected to be lower than the value of the corresponding diffusion coefficient in water, but the opposite was observed. This effect results from intraparticle fluid flow, leading to high values of the apparent effective glucose diffusivity. To measure diffusion only and to prevent any internal convection during the diffusion experiment, the pores of the porous glass beads were filled with Ca-alginate gel. For these glass beads (internal porosity, , equal to 0.56), we found an effective glucose diffusivity of 2.2×10–10 m2/s at 30°C. Using the relationship to effective intraparticle diffusivity (Deff)=effective diffusivity in 1% Ca-alginate beads (Dgel) / (with the tortuosity factor) this gives =1.7. For known and measuring by the method described, the Deff can be calculated for other porous materials or diffusing substances. Knowledge of the exact value of the effective diffusivity is a necessity in bioreactor modelling and was demonstrated by prediction of the residence time distribution profiles in a packed-bed bioreactor containing immobilized yeast cells.  相似文献   

This paper considers steady-state and timedependent characteristics of the response of the hidden-layer neurons in a dynamic model for the neural network trained through supervised learning to perform transformation of input signals into output signals. This transformation is set up so as to correspond to variation in the directions of two-dimensional vectors and is treated as creation by the network of a movement direction in response to a stimulus direction. The input vector is encoded in the state of the input layer at the initial instant of time, and the output vector in the state of the output layer at great values of time. After the network has been trained on examples of the input-output relation, the hidden neurons turn out to be broadly tuned to direction. The corresponding dependence for their activity is approximated with a smooth function, whose maximum allows some preferred direction to be attributed to each neuron. If each hidden neuron is assigned a vector pointing in its preferred direction, then any arbitrarily chosen direction can be characterized by an imaginary neuronal population vector (Georgopoulos et al. 1986) defined as the sum of the vectors of preferred direction for the neurons, with the weights equal to their activities for the chosen direction. It is demonstrated that, although hidden neurons are broadly tuned to direction, the population vector points in a direction congruent with that of the input vector at the initial moment of time and accurately predicts the direction of the output vector at great values of time. In between, the population vector turns continuously from the one direction towards the other. The dynamic and stationary properties of the population vector of the hidden-layer neurons, as obtained within the framework of the model in question, show a close similarity to the experimentally observed (Georgopoulos et al. 1986; Georgopoulos et al. 1989) behaviour of the population vector constructed in the same manner on the ensemble of motor cortex neurons sensitive to a certain type of movement.  相似文献   

We report on the sensitivity of human observers with respect to the detection of transients in otherwise uniformly moving two-dimensional random-dot patterns. The target field is divided into two halfs that each contains a moving random-dot pattern. The patterns in the two halffields are mutually uncorrelated. Parameters are the average velocity and the difference-velocity for the two halfs. These velocities are both vectors that can be varied in magnitude and in their direction with respect to the border of the two halffields. In order to quantify the sensitivity of the visual system to such patterns, we added (linear addition) spatio-temporal white noise (snow) to the pattern. Then the sensitivity is quantified by way of the threshold signal-to-noise ratio necessary to discriminate the composite pattern from a single smoothly uniformly moving pattern. The signal-to-noise ratio specifies the square of the ratio between the signal r.m.s. contrast and the r.m.s. contrast of the masking stimulus (spatio-temporal white noise or snow). The r.m.s. contrast of the complex pattern (signal and noise) is kept invariant. We find that the detection performance is independent of the direction of either the average or difference-velocity with respect to the border, and can be completely described in terms of a minimum requirement for the magnitude of the difference-velocity. The magnitude of the difference-velocity must exceed the magnitude of the average velocity in order to lead to a perceivable transient. In his formulation the Weberlaw for the detection of velocity transients in uniformly moving noise patterns is applicable to both differences in magnitude and direction of the velocities.  相似文献   

Summary In the tectum opticum ofSalamandra salamandra neurons were recorded that showed different selectivity to visual prey stimulus parameters. 21 of 80 neurons responded stronger to rectangles oriented horizontally (wormlike configuration) than to the same patterns oriented vertically. With increasing stimulus velocity, however, these neurons showed non-uniform response characteristics. Although there are partial similarities between behavior and neuronal activity, no response curve of tectal neurons corresponds strictly to response curves of salamander preycapture behavior. So none of the neuron types can be called a prey detector.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Results of this investigation demonstrate that exposure to 17 -estradiol differentially and significantly regulates cortical nerve cell outgrowth depending on the cortical region. Parietal and occipital neurons treated with 1 nM 17 -estradiol showed a greater magnitude of neuronal outgrowth whereas outgrowth of temporal cortex neurons was decreased in the presence of 1 nM 17 -estradiol. Frontal cortex neurons showed a consistent enhancement of neuronal outgrowth that did not reach statistical significance. The dose response profile for 17 -estradiol regulation of the macromorphological features exhibited a bimodal dose response relationship whereas the dose response profile for 17 -estradiol regulation of the micromorphological features exhibited a dose response more characteristic of an inverted V-shaped function. An antagonist to the NMDA receptor antagonist, AP5, abolished the growth promoting effect of 17 -estradiol whereas the nuclear estrogen receptor antagonist ICI 182,780 did not. Lastly, neocortical neurons exposed to 17 -estradiol exhibited greater viability and survival than control neurons over a two week period. These data indicate that 17 -estradiol can enhance the growth and viability of select populations of neocortical neurons and that the growth promoting effects of 17 -estradiol can be blocked by an antagonist to the NMDA glutamate receptor and not by an antagonist to the estrogen nuclear receptor.  相似文献   

Convergence between cells which differ in both spatial and temporal properties create higher order neurons with response properties that are distinctly different from those of the input neurons. The spatial properties of target neurons are not necessarily cosinetuned. In addition, unlike the independence between spatial and temporal properties in cosine-tuned afferent neurons, higher-order target cells generally exhibit a dependence of temporal dynamics on spatial properties. The response properties of target neurons receiving spatio-temporal convergence (STC) from tonic and phasic-tonic or phasic afferents is investigated here by considering a general case where the dynamic input is represented by a fractional, leaky, derivative transfer function. It is shown that, at frequencies below the corner frequency of the dynamic input, the temporal properties of target neurons can be described by leaky differentiators having time constants that are a function of spatial direction. Thus, STC target neurons exhibit tonic temporal response properties during stimulation along some spatial directions (having small time constants) and phasic properties along other directions (having large time constants). Specifically, target neurons encode the complete derivative of the stimulus along certain spatial directions. Thus, STC acts as a directionally specific high-pass filter and produces complete derivatives from fractional, leaky derivative afferent signals. In addition, spatio-temporal transformations can generate novel temporal dynamics in the central nervous system. These observations suggest that spatio-temporal computations might constitute an alternative to parallel, independent spatial and temporal channels.  相似文献   

Summary Previous experiments have shown that during prey-catching behavior (orienting, snapping) in response to a worm-like moving stripe common toads.Bufo bufo (L.) exhibit a contrast-and direction-dependent edge preference. To a black (b) stripe moving against a white (w) background (b/w), they respond (R*) preferably toward the leading (l) rather the trailing (t) edge (R l * > R t * ), thus displaying head preference. If the contrastdirection is reversed (w/b), the stripe's trailing edge is preferred (R l * < R t * ), hence showing tail preference. In the present study, neuronal activities of retinal classes R2 and R3 and tectal classes T5(2) and T7 have been extracellularly recorded in response to leading and trailing edges of a 3 ° × 30 ° stripe simulating a worm and traversing the centers of their excitatory receptive fields (ERF) horizontally at a constant angular velocity in variable movement direction (temporo-nasal or naso-temporal).The behavioral contrast-direction dependent edge preferences are best resembled by the responses (R) of prey-selective class T5(2) neurons (Rl Rt=101 for b/w, 0.31 for w/b) and T7 neurons (RlRt=61 for b/w, 0.41 for w/b); the T7 responses may be dendritic spikes. This property can be traced back to off-responses dominated retinal class R3 neurons (RlRt=61 for b/w, 0.51 for w/b), but not to class R2 (RlRt =1.21 for b/w and 0.91 for w/b). The respective edge preference phenomena are independent of the direction of movement.When stimuli were moved against a stationary black-white structured background, the head preference to the black stripe and the tail preference to the white stripe were maintained in class R3, T5(2), and T7 neurons. If the stripe traversed the ERF together with the structured background in the same direction at the same velocity, the responses of tectal class T5(2) and T7 neurons were strongly inhibited, particularly in the former. Responses of retinal R2 neurons in comparable situations could be reduced by about 50%, while class R3 neurons responded to both the stimulus and the moving background structure.The results support the concept that the prey feature analyzing system in toads applies principles of (i) parallel and (ii) hierarchial information processing. These are (i) divergence of retinal R3 neuronal output contributes to stimulus edge positioning and (in combination with R2 output) area evaluation intectal neurons and to stimulus area evaluation and (in combination with R4 output) sensitivity for moving background structures inpre tectal neurons; (ii) convergence of tectal excitatory and pretectal inhibitory inputs specify the property of prey-selective tectal T5(2) neurons which are known to project to bulbar/spinal motor systems.Abbreviations ERF excitatory receptive field - IRF inhibitory receptive field - N nasal - T temporal - R w response to a worm-like stripe moving in the direction of its longer axis - R A response to an antiworm-like stripe whose longer axis is oriented perpendicular to the direction of movement - R l response to the leading edge of a worm-like moving stripe - R t response to the trailing edge of a worm-like moving stripe - b/w black stimulus against a white background - w/b white stimulus against a black background - sm structured moving background - ss structured stationary background - u minimal structure width of a structured background consisting of rectangular black and white patches in random distribution - HRP horseradish peroxidase  相似文献   

The receptive fields of complex neurons within area 18 of the cerebral cortex of the cat were determined by a computer-assisted method using a moving light bar substantially shorter than the long diameter of the receptive field as a visual stimulus. The visual cells repeatedly generated nerve impulses when the stimulus crossed well-defined active points within their receptive fields. Outside of these active points, the cells remained silent. It is suggested that the receptive fields are formed by a discontinuous accumulation of such active points. When the electrical activities of two neighbouring visual neurons are recorded simultaneously, their active points do not coincide. In addition, some active points were located outside the most prominent excitatory part of the receptive field of the studied cells. Individual visual cells typically differ in the number and distribution of active points. Since these cells best respond to a stimulus moving in a certain direction, it is suggested that they may act as direction of movement and/or velocity detectors. Alternate firing of a number of neighboring cells connected to a distributed pattern of peripheral receptors may form a system which is able to code for velocity and direction of the moving stimulus.  相似文献   

When drifting bars or gratings are used as visual stimuli, information about orientation specificity (which has a period of 180°) and direction specificity (which has a period of 360°) is inherently confounded in the response of visual cortical neurons, which have long been known to be selective for both the orientation of the stimulus and the direction of its movement. It is essential to unconfound or separate these two components of the response as they may respectively contribute to form and motion perception, two of the main streams of information processing in the mammalian brain. Wörgötter and Eysel (1987) recently proposed the Fourier transform technique as a method of unconfounding the two components, but their analysis was incomplete. Here we formally develop the mathematical tools for this method to calculate the peak angles, bandwidths, and relative strengths, the three most important elements of a tuning curve, of both the orientational and the directional components, based on the experimentally-recorded neuron's response polar-plot. It will be shown that, in the 1-D Fourier decomposition of the polar-plot along its angular dimension, (1) the odd harmonics contain only the directional component, while the even harmonics are contributed to by both the orientational and the directional components; (2) the phases and the amplitudes of all the harmonics are related, respectively, to the peak angle and the bandwidth of the individual component. The basic assumption used here is that the two components are linearly additive; this in turn is immediately testable by the method itself.  相似文献   

Ipsilateral retino-tecto-tectal (IRTT) units were recorded extracellularly in the rostral optic tectum of the frog (Rana esculenta). The activity of 79 superficial units (II type) was quantified in response to black disks of various sizes, moved vertically at various angular velocities and against a white background. The contrast ¦C¦ was constant during the experiments. Neuronal activity was analysed by two methods, yielding identical results:
(1)  I1 units responded transiently to moving and movement gated stationary stimuli; these units did not seem to be directionally sensitive nor responsive to changes in background illumination. Fifty-three % of units had a low spontaneous activity.
(2)  A power function relating mean firing frequency (¯R) and angular velocity (v) was established in the majority (78%) of units. The exponent and the constantk were 0.44–0.8 and 8.9–20, respectively.
(3)  The relationship between¯R and stimulus diameter (D) was best expressed by a logarithmic function. The maximum response occurred forD= 2–4. The optimal stimulus diameter was found to be independent of stimulus velocity.
(4)  When stimulated repetitively under steady conditions, I1 units showed about 10% fluctuations in mean response, which seemed to increase with stimulus diameter.
The results show that qualitatively and quantitatively, the properties of I1 units are very similar to R1–R2 (sustained) ganglion cells.  相似文献   

Research was performed on the intracellular activity of 150 neurons belonging to area 17 of the binocular region of the chipmunk visual cortex, showing that 65% were directionally selective and tuned (to varying degrees) to the angle of boundaries between contrasting areas and a light bar; 18% were not tuned to the direction and angle of stimulus movement, while 17% were only activated by general illumination of the receptive field. Of 39 directionally tuned neurons tested in relation to moving and stationary stimuli, 16 responded to stimulus movement only, 13 reacted to presentation of stationary bars with prolonged tonic activation, seven with a brief phasic response, and three with a phasic-tonic response. All phasic neurons were more intensively activated at higher rates of movement than tonic cells. The article considers whether an analogy may be drawn between fast (phasic) and slow (or tonic) neurons with Y- and X-systems respectively.A. N. Severtsov Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 365–374, May–June 1988.  相似文献   

The content of crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) in single cultured neurons of the crab Cardisoma carnifex was determined by a sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), using purified CHH (1–50 pg) of the crab Carcinus maenas as standard. The somata were dissociated from the group of 150 peptidergic neurons that form the X-organ—sinus gland neuroendocrine system. As previously reported, the neurons show immediate regenerative outgrowth in defined culture conditions, and develop, generally, into one of two morphological types: cells that produce broad, lamelliform growth cones (veils), and others that are characterized by branching of neurites. In this study, all but one of 64 veiling cells taken after various times in culture up to 12 days contained CHH. They could be readily categorized as having high (>33 pg; mean 86±5, S.E., n=47) or low (33pg; mean 22±2.5; n=17) Carcinus CHH equivalents. Thus, CHH is associated with neurons showing veiling outgrowth, but veiling neurons with low CHH form a distinct, but not morphologically distinguishable group. They may contain an isoform of CHH with limited cross-reactivity. In 24 branching neurons assayed, Carcinus CHH equivalents averaged 7.2±2 pg. This figure includes 14 neurons in which CHH was undetectable, and one that had 40 pg of Carcinus CHH equivalents. There was no significant change of the hormone content in cells of either type during 6 days of culturing.  相似文献   

From recent theoretical work (Poggio and Reichardt, 1981), high frequency oscillations are expected in the angular trajectory of houseflies tracking a moving target if the target's retinal position controls the flight torque by means of a stronger optomotor response to progressive than to regressive motion. Experiments designed to test this conjecture have shown that (a) asymptotic non-decaying oscillations are found in the torque of female houseflies tracking targets moving at constant angular velocity; (b) the magnitude of the oscillations grows monotonically with mean retinal excentricity of the target; (c) the period of the oscillation is around 180–200 ms. The experimental findings are consistent with the hypothesis that a progressive-regressive mechanism plays a significant role in the tracking behaviour of female houseflies. From this phenomenological point of view a flicker mechanism that is active only for nonzero motion is equivalent to a progressive-regressive system. The relatively long period of the oscillation requires more complex reaction dynamics than a pure single dead-time delay. As a specific example we show that a model where the reaction to progressive motion is sticky, holding for a longish time after the ending of the stimulus, is consistent with the experimental data.  相似文献   

The visual fixation response of the mealworm beetle Tenebrio molitor, elicited by black stripes upon a bright background is studied in an arena and by means of the Y-maze technique. In the arena the distribution n() of the beetle's angular position is measured at different distances from the centre, which is also the starting point. If the black stripe is narrow, the maximum of n() coincides with the centre of the stripe (centre-fixation Figure 1a). If one half of the panorama is black, the distribution n() has two maxima, which are near the borders between the black and white regions (edge-fixation Figure 1b). In the Y-maze experiments the beetle is tethered, but its head is free to move. The black stripes elicit turning tendencies F(), the strength of which depends upon the angular distance between the centre of the stripe and the animal's body axis. If the black stripe is narrow, the stable zero crossing of F() lies at =0, in agreement with the centre fixation in the arena (Fig. 3). If the stripe is 180° wide, two stable zero crossings are obtained near the border lines between the black and white regions, provided that the panorama is rotated around the animal with an angular velocity w larger than about 0.08°/s (Fig. 4). Below this value of w only one stable zero crossing at =0 exists (Fig. 6). Thus the tethered beetle's response underlies a transition between centre resp. edge fixation at a critical angular velocity of the drum. Some implications of this surprising phenomenon with respect to the mechanism of fixation and negative phototaxis are discussed but at present it is considered primarily a challenge for further investigation.Supported in part by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

As a dynamical model for motor cortical activity during hand movement we consider an artificial neural network that consists of extensively interconnected neuron-like units and performs the neuronal population vector operations. Local geometrical parameters of a desired curve are introduced into the network as an external input. The output of the model is a time-dependent direction and length of the neuronal population vector which is calculated as a sum of the activity of directionally tuned neurons in the ensemble. The main feature of the model is that dynamical behavior of the neuronal population vector is the result of connections between directionally tuned neurons rather than being imposed externally. The dynamics is governed by a system of coupled nonlinear differential equations. Connections between neurons are assigned in the simplest and most common way so as to fulfill basic requirements stemming from experimental findings concerning the directional tuning of individual neurons and the stabilization of the neuronal population vector, as well as from previous theoretical studies. The dynamical behavior of the model reveals a close similarity with the experimentally observed dynamics of the neuronal population vector. Specifically, in the framework of the model it is possible to describe a geometrical curve in terms of the time series of the population vector. A correlation between the dynamical behavior of the direction and the length of the population vector entails a dependence of the neural velocity on the curvature of the tracing trajectory that corresponds well to the experimentally measured covariation between tangential velocity and curvature in drawing tasks.On leave of absencefrom the Institute of Molecular Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.  相似文献   

Visually evoked torque and lift responses in fixed flying houseflies Musca domestica, were measured under open loop conditions. The visual stimuli were: a) Vertical stripes (60°×5°), moving horizontally in a range±30°. b) Horizontal stripes (60°×5°), moving vertically in a range±30°. c) Vertical stripes (30°×5°), moving horizontally in a range±55° in five different planes relative to the equatorial plane (=0) of the fly's eye. d) Horizontal stripes (30°×5°), moving vertically in a range±45° in seven different planes (=-45°,-30°,-15°, 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°) relative to the symmetry line (=0) between the two compound eyes. e) Periodic gratings displayed by two projectors at each side of the test animals (the middle part was situated at =±50°). The stimulated area was roughly 52°×80° (2000 ommatidia). This stimulus was used only in lift experiments. The results are: 1) The preferred direction of the direction sensitive torque response corresponds with the z-direction (Braitenberg, 1971). 2) The direction sensitive torque response is elicited by stimulating above and below the equatorial plane. 3) The direction insensitive torque response is only elicited by stimulating close to and below the equatorial plane. 4) The preferred direction of the direction sensitive lift response has an angle tilted about 30° to the back relative to the vertical axis in the region described in e). 5) The magnitude of the direction sensitive lift response varies considerably over . 6) The w/ dependence of the direction sensitive lift response corresponds qualitatively to the known w/ dependence of the direction sensitive torque responses. 7) The direction insensitive lift response has its maximum at =±15° and decreases with increasing . 8) The findings reported in 3) and 8) indicate the existence of a two-dimensional potential from which the attraction towards a stripe in the two considered degrees of freedom can be derived. Implications for the visually induced orientation behaviour and connections with electrophysiological experiments are discussed.  相似文献   

Development of a complex response evokedin vivo in the neurons of lamina II of the spinal cord gray matter in cats by single electrical stimulation of primary afferents was simulated using mathematical models of these neurons, including the electrically excitable soma and axon and passive equivalent nonuniform dendrite. The intracellular response consisted of an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) with an action potential (AP) followed by a two-component hyperpolarization determined by the afterprocesses of hyperpolarization. The fast early hyperpolarization component appeared at the threshold stimulation of the most fast-conducting fibers; with an increase in the stimulation intensity it became superimposed on a slow later component. The direction of the early component changed after the hyperpolarizing shift of the membrane potential by 10 to 20 mV with respect to the resting level of –60÷–70 mV. The later component was abolished but not reversed even by the 50-mV shifts (to the –120-mV level). Simulation experiments showed that observedin vivo hyperpolarization-induced modification of the complex response is determined principally by a local interaction of electrotonus with synatic processes and does not depend on the behavior of the usual potential-activated sodium and potassium conductances in the soma. Inhibitory chloride synapses located on the soma and close to it represent the main source of fast early hyperpolarization, while distal dendritic potassium synapses are responsible for its late phase.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 382–390, September–October, 1994.  相似文献   

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