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Ligation of the purinergic receptor, P2X7R, with its agonist ATP has been previously shown to inhibit intracellular infection by chlamydiae and mycobacteria in macrophages. The effect of P2X7R on chlamydial infection had never been investigated in the preferred target cells of chlamydiae, cervical epithelial cells, nor in vaginally infected mice. In this study, we show that treatment of epithelial cells with P2X7R agonists inhibits partially Chlamydia infection in epithelial cells. Chelation of ATP with magnesium or pretreatment with a P2X7R antagonist blocks the inhibitory effects of ATP. Similarly to previous results obtained with macrophages, ATP-mediated inhibition of infection in epithelial cells requires activation of host-cell phospholipase D. Vaginal infection was also more efficient in P2X7R-deficient mice, which also displayed a higher level of acute inflammation in the endocervix, oviduct, and mesosalpingeal tissues than in infected wild-type mice. However, secretion of IL-1beta, which requires P2X7R ligation during infection by other pathogens, was decreased mildly and only at short times of infection. Taken together, these results suggest that P2X7R affects Chlamydia infection by directly inhibiting infection in epithelial cells, rather than through the ability of P2X7R to modulate IL-1beta secretion.  相似文献   

P2X7 receptor-mediated apoptosis of human cervical epithelial cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Normal human ectocervical epithelial (hECE) cells undergo apoptosis in culture. Baseline apoptosis could be increased by shifting cells to serum-free medium and blocked by lowering extracellular calcium. Treatment with the ATPase apyrase attenuated baseline apoptosis, suggesting that extracellular ATP and purinergic mechanisms control the apoptosis. Treatment with ATP and the P2X7 receptor analog 2'-3'-O-(4-benzoylbenzoyl)adenosine 5'-triphosphate (BzATP) increased apoptosis significantly, in a time- and dose-related manner. The threshold of ATP effect was 0.5 µM in hECE cells and 1 µM in CaSki cancer cells. The apoptotic effect of BzATP was additive in part to that of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-, and it could be attenuated by lowering extracellular calcium and by treatment with the caspase-9 inhibitor Leu-Glu-His-Asp-O-methyl-fluoromethylketone (LEHD-FMK). Treatment with BzATP activated caspase-9, and, in contrast to TNF-, it had only a mild effect on caspase-8. Both BzATP and TNF- activated caspase-3, suggesting that BzATP activates predominantly the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. Both hECE and CaSki cells secrete ATP into the extracellular fluid, and mean ATP activity in conditioned medium was 0.5 µM, which is in the range of values that suffice to activate the P2X7 receptor. On the basis of these findings we propose a novel autocrine-paracrine mechanism of cervical cell apoptosis that operates by P2X7 receptor control of cytosolic calcium and utilizes the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. cervix; epithelium; ATP; 2'-3'-O-(4-benzoylbenzoyl)adenosine 5'-triphosphate  相似文献   

Many studies have documented P2X7 receptor functions in cells of mesenchymal origin. P2X7 is also expressed in epithelial cells and its role in these cells remains largely unknown. Our data indicate that P2X7 regulate nuclear pAkt in epithelial cells. We show that low concentration of atorvastatin, a drug inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase and cholesterol metabolism, or the natural agonist extracellular ATP rapidly decreased the level of insulin-induced phosphorylated Akt in the nucleus. This effect was seen within minutes and was inhibited by P2X7 inhibitors. Experiments employing P2X7 siRNA and HEK293 cells heterologously expressing P2X7 and in vivo experiments further supported an involvement of P2X7. These data indicate that extracellular ATP and statins via the P2X7 receptor modulate insulin-induced Akt signaling in epithelial cells.  相似文献   

We examined bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAECs) for the functional expression of P2X receptors, the ATP-gated cation channels. We identified the P2X subtypes present in BAECs using RT-PCR. mRNA was present for only three of seven family members: P2X4, P2X5, and P2X7. We then characterized agonist-activated currents in whole cell and outside-out patch recordings using 2-methyl-thio-ATP (MeSATP) as a P2X4 and P2X5 receptor agonist and 2',3'-O-(4-benzoylbenzoyl)ATP (BzATP) as a P2X7 receptor agonist. MeSATP (10-20 microM) produced current with characteristics of P2X4 receptors. The current was an inwardly rectifying current, reversed near 0 mV, slowly desensitized, was not blocked by suramin (300 microM) or reactive blue (60 microM), and had a single channel conductance of 36 pS. BzATP (10-100 microM), on the other hand, activated a 9-pS channel with sustained activity in the continued presence of the agonist. BzATP-activated current was blocked by reactive blue (60 microM) and by suramin (approximately 50% block at 300 microM). We confirmed, by immunocytochemistry, the presence of P2X4 and P2X7 protein. The agonists failed, however, to induce significant uptake of the large molecule YO-PRO, indicating the lack of pore development that has been demonstrated for P2X7 and P2X4 in response to agonist in some cell types.  相似文献   

P2X4 receptors are adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-gated cation channels present on the plasma membrane (PM) and also within intracellular compartments such as vesicles, vacuoles, lamellar bodies (LBs), and lysosomes. P2X4 receptors in microglia are up-regulated in epilepsy and in neuropathic pain; that is to say, their total and/or PM expression levels increase. However, the mechanisms underlying up-regulation of microglial P2X4 receptors remain unclear, in part because it has not been possible to image P2X4 receptor distribution within, or trafficking between, cellular compartments. Here, we report the generation of pH-sensitive fluorescently tagged P2X4 receptors that permit evaluations of cell surface and total receptor pools. Capitalizing on information gained from zebrafish P2X4.1 crystal structures, we designed a series of mouse P2X4 constructs in which a pH-sensitive green fluorescent protein, superecliptic pHluorin (pHluorin), was inserted into nonconserved regions located within flexible loops of the P2X4 receptor extracellular domain. One of these constructs, in which pHluorin was inserted after lysine 122 (P2X4-pHluorin123), functioned like wild-type P2X4 in terms of its peak ATP-evoked responses, macroscopic kinetics, calcium flux, current–voltage relationship, and sensitivity to ATP. P2X4-pHluorin123 also showed pH-dependent fluorescence changes, and was robustly expressed on the membrane and within intracellular compartments. P2X4-pHluorin123 identified cell surface and intracellular fractions of receptors in HEK-293 cells, hippocampal neurons, C8-B4 microglia, and alveolar type II (ATII) cells. Furthermore, it showed that the subcellular fractions of P2X4-pHluorin123 receptors were cell and compartment specific, for example, being larger in hippocampal neuron somata than in C8-B4 cell somata, and larger in C8-B4 microglial processes than in their somata. In ATII cells, P2X4-pHluorin123 showed that P2X4 receptors were secreted onto the PM when LBs undergo exocytosis. Finally, the use of P2X4-pHluorin123 showed that the modulator ivermectin did not increase the PM fraction of P2X4 receptors and acted allosterically to potentiate P2X4 receptor responses. Collectively, our data suggest that P2X4-pHluorin123 represents a useful optical probe to quantitatively explore P2X4 receptor distribution, trafficking, and up-regulation.  相似文献   

The purinergic P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) is an adenosine triphosphate (ATP) ligand-gated cationic channel receptor. P2X7R is closely associated with various inflammatory, immune, cancer, neurological, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular disorders. P2X7R is an interesting therapeutic target as well as molecular imaging target. This brief digest highlights the radioligands targeting P2X7R recently developed in drug discovery and molecular imaging agent development.  相似文献   

Primary human mammary epithelial (HME) cells were immortalized by stable, constitutive expression of the catalytic subunit of human telomerase. Purinergic receptors were identified by RT-PCR and quantitative RT-PCR from mRNA isolated from primary and immortalized cells grown to confluence on membrane filters. Several subtypes of P2Y receptor mRNA were identified including P2Y(1), P2Y(2), P2Y(4), and P2Y(6) receptors. RT-PCR experiments also revealed expression of A(2b) adenosine receptor mRNA in primary and immortalized cells. Confluent monolayers of HME cells exhibited a basal short-circuit current (I(sc)) that was abolished by amiloride and benzamil. When monolayers were cultured in the presence of hydrocortisone, mRNA expression of Na(+) channel (ENaC) alpha-, beta-, and gamma-subunits increased approximately threefold compared with that in cells grown without hydrocortisone. In addition, basal benzamil-sensitive Na(+) transport was nearly twofold greater in hydrocortisone-treated monolayers. Stimulation with UTP, UDP, or adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (ATPgammaS) produced increases in intracellular calcium concentration that were significantly reduced following pretreatment with the calcium-chelating agent BAPTA-AM. Concentration-response relationships indicated that the rank order of potency for these agonists was UTP > UDP > ATPgammaS. Basolateral stimulation with UTP produced a rapid but transient increase in I(sc) that was significantly reduced if cells were pretreated with BAPTA-AM or benzamil. Moreover, basolateral treatment with either charybdotoxin or clotrimazole significantly inhibited the initial UTP-dependent increase in I(sc) and eliminated the sustained current response. These results indicate that human mammary epithelial cells express multiple P2 receptor subtypes and that Ca(2+) mobilization evoked by P2Y receptor agonists stimulates Na(+) absorption by increasing the activity of Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels located in the basolateral membrane.  相似文献   

Statins have both cholesterol lowering and anti-inflammatory activities, whether mechanisms underlying their activities are independent remains unclear. The ATP-gated P2X(4) receptor is a pro-inflammatory mediator. Here, we investigate the action of fluvastatin and other cholesterol depleting agents on native and recombinant human P2X(4) receptor. Fluvastatin and mβCD suppressed P2X(4)-dependent calcium influx in THP-1 monocytes, without affecting P2Y receptor responses. mβCD or filipin III suppressed the current density of recombinant human P2X(4) receptors. Human P2X(2) was insensitive to cholesterol depletion. Cholesterol depletion had no effect on intrinsic P2X(4) receptor properties as judged by ATP concentration-response relationship, receptor rundown or current decay during agonist occupancy. These data suggest fluvastatin suppresses P2X(4) activity in monocytes through cholesterol depletion and not by modulating intrinsic channel properties.  相似文献   

Pan A  Wu H  Li M  Lu D  He X  Yi X  Yan XX  Li Z 《Purinergic signalling》2012,8(2):245-254
The dorsal root ganglion (DRG) is consisted of neurons that relay multiple types of spinal sensory stimuli to the central nervous system. Several neuroactive molecules may be involved in sensory modulation especially pain processing at the DRG, including the purinergic receptor P2X3 and calcitonin-gene-related peptide (CGRP). P2X3 receptor has been considered a promising pharmaceutical target for the development of new pain medicine. Currently, litter is known about the expression of P2X3 in the human DRG. The present study characterized the localization of P2X3 in prenatal human DRG obtained from fetuses at 4-8 gestational months, by comparing to CGRP expression as well as binding pattern of isolectin-B4 (IB4), a marker of small DRG neurons presumably relevant to nociception. P2X3 immunoreactivity (IR) appeared in most neuron-like perikarya, with their numerical density reduced during the gestational period studied. P2X3 IR was co-labeled very commonly with IB4 binding and infrequently with CGRP IR and was not colocalized with IR for the gliocyte marker glutamine synthetase. Together, the data show an early and broad expression of P2X3 in prenatal human DRG neurons, pointing to a biological role of purinergic signaling during the development of spinal sensory system.  相似文献   

Purinergic receptor stimulation has potential therapeutic effects for cystic fibrosis (CF). Thus, we explored roles for P2Y and P2X receptors in stably increasing [Ca(2+)](i) in human CF (IB3-1) and non-CF (16HBE14o(-)) airway epithelial cells. Cytosolic Ca(2+) was measured by fluorospectrometry using the fluorescent dye Fura-2/AM. Expression of P2X receptor (P2XR) subtypes was assessed by immunoblotting and biotinylation. In IB3-1 cells, ATP and other P2Y agonists caused only a transient increase in [Ca(2+)](i) derived from intracellular stores in a Na(+)-rich environment. In contrast, ATP induced an increase in [Ca(2+)](i) that had transient and sustained components in a Na(+)-free medium; the sustained plateau was potentiated by zinc or increasing extracellular pH. Benzoyl-benzoyl-ATP, a P2XR-selective agonist, increased [Ca(2+)](i) only in Na(+)-free medium, suggesting competition between Na(+) and Ca(2+) through P2XRs. Biochemical evidence showed that the P2X(4) receptor is the major subtype shared by these airway epithelial cells. A role for store-operated Ca(2+) channels, voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels, or Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger in the ATP-induced sustained Ca(2+) signal was ruled out. In conclusion, these data show that epithelial P2X(4) receptors serve as ATP-gated calcium entry channels that induce a sustained increase in [Ca(2+)](i). In airway epithelia, a P2XR-mediated Ca(2+) signal may have therapeutic benefit for CF.  相似文献   

Expression of each of the purinergic receptor subtypes (P2X1–7) was studied by immunohistochemical localization in the apical, lateral and basal plasma membranes of rat uterine epithelial cells during early pregnancy to the time of implantation on Day 6. Labelling for each P2X subtype was seen in the apical, lateral and basal compartments on Days 1 and 3, except for P2X2 which was only observed in the basement membrane. The P2X5 signal was similar in temporal and spatial expression to the other subtypes, but with a greatly reduced intensity. At the time of implantation on Day 6, this pattern altered dramatically. Apical expression markedly increased for most subtypes while the lateral and basal signals were markedly reduced. The exceptions to this pattern were P2X2, which displayed both a strong basal and apical label, and P2X4 which became de-expressed in all areas. We propose that the changing spatial and temporal expression of the P2X receptors is a significant factor in the regulation of events during early pregnancy. They are expressed in the same location as remodelling, apoptosis, and protein activation events prior to implantation on Day 6. These observations suggest an up-regulation of calcium-mediated events, including cytoskeletal alterations, a decrease in luminal pH and transmembrane molecule activation.  相似文献   

Pituitary cells express purinergic receptor-channels (P2XR), the activation of which by ATP is associated with the facilitation of Ca2+ influx. Pharmacological, RT-PCR, and nucleotide sequence analyses confirm the presence of a wild type P2X2aR and a spliced isoform P2X2bR, which lacks a portion of carboxyl terminal amino acids. Wild type and spliced isoform receptors have a similar EC50 for ATP and time-course for activation, but the spliced isoform exhibits rapid and complete desensitization, whereas the wild type channel desensitizes slowly and incompletely. Deletion and insertion studies have revealed that a 6 residue sequence located in carboxyl tail (Arg371-Pro376) is required for sustained Ca2+ influx through wild type receptors. When co-expressed, the wild type and spliced channels form functional heteropolymeric channels. The patterns of Ca2+ signaling in the majority of pituitary cells expressing ATP-gated receptor-channels are highly comparable to those observed in cells co-transfected with P2X2aR and P2X2bR. ATP-induced [Ca2+]i response in pituitary cells is partially inhibited by nifedipine, a blocker of voltage-gated L-type Ca2+ channels, suggesting that P2X2R not only drive Ca2+ into the cell, but also activate voltage-gated Ca2+ entry. Our results indicate that ATP represents a paracrine and (or) autocrine factor in the regulation of Ca2+ signaling, and that its actions are mediated in part by heteropolymeric P2X2R.  相似文献   

Extracellular nucleotides interact with purinergic receptors, which regulate ion transport in a variety of epithelia. With the use of two different human epithelial carcinoma cell lines (HCT8 and Caco-2), we have shown by RT-PCR that the cells express mRNA for P2X1, P2X3, P2X4, P2X5, P2X6, P2X7, P2Y1, P2Y2, P2Y4, P2Y6, P2Y11, and P2Y12 receptors. Protein expression for P2Y1 and P2Y2 receptors was also demonstrated immunohistochemically, and P2X receptor subtype protein was present in the following decreasing order: P2X4 > P2X7 > P2X1 > P2X3 > P2X6 > P2X5 > P2X2. The functional presence of P2X7, P2Y1, P2Y2, and P2Y4 receptors was shown based on the effect of extracellular nucleotides on apoptosis or cell proliferation, and measurement of nucleotide-dependent calcium fluxes using a fluorometric imaging plate reader in the presence of different selective agonists and antagonists. ATP, at high concentrations, induced apoptosis through ligation of P2X7 and P2Y1 receptors; conversely, ATP, at lower concentrations, and UTP stimulated proliferation, probably acting via P2Y2 receptors. We therefore propose that stimulation or dysfunction of purinergic receptors may contribute at least partially to modulation of epithelial carcinoma cell proliferation and apoptosis.  相似文献   

Purinergic receptors (P2XRs) activate and desensitize in response to the binding of extracellular nucleotides in a receptor- and ligand-specific manner, but the structural bases of their ligand preferences and channel kinetics have been incompletely characterized. Here we tested the hypothesis that affinity of agonists for binding domain accounts for a ligand-specific desensitization pattern. We generated chimeras using receptors with variable sensitivity to ATP in order: P2X(4)R > P2X(2a)R = P2X(2b)R P2X(7)R. Chimeras having the ectodomain Ile(66)-Tyr(310) sequence of P2X(2)R and Val(61)-Phe(313) sequence of P2X(7)R in the backbone of P2X(4)R were expressed but were non-functioning channels. P2X(2a) + X(4)R and P2X(2b) + X(4)R chimeras having the Val(66)-Tyr(315) ectodomain sequence of P2X(4)R in the backbones of P2X(2a)R and P2X(2b)R were functional and exhibited increased sensitivity to ligands as compared with both parental receptors. These chimeras also desensitized faster than parental receptors and in a ligand-nonspecific manner. However, like parental P2X(2b)R and P2X(2a)R, chimeric P2X(2b) + X(4)R desensitized more rapidly than P2X(2a) + X(4)R, and the rate of desensitization of P2X(2a)+X(4)R increased by substituting its Arg(371)-Pro(376) intracellular C-terminal sequence with the Glu(376)-Gly(381) sequence of P2X(4)R. These results indicate the relevance of interaction between the ectodomain and flanking regions around the transmembrane domains on ligand potency and receptor activation. Furthermore, the ligand potency positively correlates with the rate of receptor desensitization but does not affect the C-terminal-specific pattern of desensitization.  相似文献   

Multinucleated giant cells (MGC), a hallmark of chronic inflammatory reactions, remain an enigma of cell biology. There is evidence implicating the purinergic P2X7 receptor in the fusion process leading to MGC. To investigate this, we used HEK 293 cells stably transfected with either 1) the full-length rat P2X7 receptor (P2X7 cells), 2) a rat P2X7 receptor lacking the C-terminal domain (P2X7TC), or 3) a mock vector, and rat alveolar macrophages (MA) expressing the native receptor. P2X7 cells cultured in serum-free medium formed increased numbers of MGC and displayed a higher fusion index compared with mock transfectants. Stimulation of P2X7 pore-forming activity in P2X7 cells by polymyxin B (PMB) further increased significantly the formation of MGC. Conversely, blockers of P2X-receptors including oxidized ATP, brilliant blue G, and pyridoxal phosphate-6-azophenyl-2'-4'-disulfonic acid inhibited significantly MGC formation in both unstimulated and PMB-stimulated P2X7-transfected cells. In contrast, cells transfected with the truncated P2X7TC were devoid of pore-forming activity, did not respond to PMB stimulation, and failed to form enhanced numbers of MGC, thus behaving as mock transfectants. As found for P2X7-transfected cells, PMB also potentiated dose-dependently the formation of multinucleated MA by rat alveolar MA. Pretreatment with oxidized ATP abrogated the PMB stimulatory effects. Together, these data demonstrate unequivocally the participation of P2X7 receptor in the process of MGC formation. Our study also provides evidence suggesting that stimulation of the P2X7 receptor pathway in MA may mediate increased formation of MGC during chronic inflammatory reactions.  相似文献   

The tumor microenvironment modulates cancer growth. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have been identified as key mediators of intercellular communication, but their role in tumor growth is largely unexplored. Here, we demonstrate that EVs from sarcoma patients promote neoangiogenesis via a purinergic X receptor 4 (P2XR4) -dependent mechanism in vitro and in vivo. Using a proteomic approach, we analyzed the protein content of plasma EVs and identified critical activated pathways in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and human progenitor hematopoietic cells (CD34+). We then showed that vessel formation was due to rapid mitochondrial activation, intracellular Ca2+ mobilization, increased extracellular ATP, and trafficking of the lysosomal P2XR4 to the cell membrane, which is required for cell motility and formation of stable branching vascular networks. Cell membrane translocation of P2XR4 was induced by proteins and chemokines contained in EVs (e.g. Del-1 and SDF-1). Del-1 was found expressed in many EVs from sarcoma tumors and several tumor types. P2XR4 blockade reduced EVs-induced vessels in angioreactors, as well as intratumor vascularization in mouse xenografts. Together, these findings identify P2XR4 as a key mediator of EVs-induced tumor angiogenesis via a signaling mediated by mitochondria-lysosome-sensing response in endothelial cells, and indicate a novel target for therapeutic interventions.Subject terms: Cancer microenvironment, Cell polarity  相似文献   

Stimulation of P2X receptors by ATP in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) is proposed to mediate vascular tone. However, understanding of P2X receptor-mediated actions in human blood vessels is limited, and therefore, the current work investigates the role of P2X receptors in freshly isolated small human gastro-omental arteries (HGOAs). Expression of P2X1 and P2X4 receptor subunit messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein was identified in individual HGOA VSMCs using RT-PCR and immunofluorescent analysis and using Western blot in multi-cellular preparations. ATP of 10 μmol/l and αβ-meATP of 10 μmol/l, a selective P2X receptor agonist, evoked robust increases in [Ca2+]i in fluo-3-loaded HGOA VSMCs. Pre-incubation with 1 μmol/l NF279, a selective P2X receptor antagonist, reduced the amplitude of αβ-meATP-induced increase in [Ca2+]i by about 70 %. ATP of 10 μmol/l and αβ-meATP of 10 μmol/l produced similar contractile responses in segments of HGOA, and these contractions were greatly reduced by 2 μmol/l NF449, a selective P2X receptor inhibitor. These data suggest that VSMCs from HGOA express P2X1 and P2X4 receptor subunits with homomeric P2X1 receptors likely serving as the predominant target for extracellular ATP.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11302-014-9415-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Atractylenolide I (Atr-I) was found to sensitize a variety of human cancer cells in previous studies. Purinergic P2X7R plays important role in different cancers. However, whether Atr-I could generate antitumor activity in human cervical cancer cells and P2X7R get involved in this effect remain unclear. In this study, Hela (HPV 18 +) and SiHa (HPV 16 +) cells were treated with different doses of Atr-I. The results indicated that agonist and antagonist of P2X7 receptors, BzATP and JNJ-47965567 (JNJ), could suppress the proliferation of Hela and SiHa cells. Atr-I demonstrated a considerable antitumor effect in both human cervical cancer cells in vitro. Atr-I combined with P2X7R agonist, BzATP, restored Atr-I-induced growth inhibition in Hela cells but not in SiHa cells. However, the combinatorial treatment of P2X7R antagonist JNJ and Atr-I has an additive effect on cell growth inhibition in SiHa cells rather than in Hela cells. It implied that P2X7R would get involved in the anti-human cervical cancer cells effect of Atr-I.  相似文献   

The purpose of these experiments was to determine whether dietary zinc depletion affected protein expression in the hippocampus. Eleven weanling Sprague-Dawley male rats (21 d) were fed the AIN-93G diet containing 1.5 ppm zinc and supplemented with 30 ppm of zinc in the drinking water. After 1 wk, the rats were randomly divided into three groups: control (n=3), pair fed (n=3), and zinc restricted (n=5). All groups consumed the same diet. The zinc-restricted group consumed water containing no zinc. The rats were sacrificed 3 wk later. Chelatable zinc levels in the hippocampus, as measured by N-(6-methoxy-8-quinolyl)-para-toluenesulfonamide (TSQ) staining, were significantly reduced in the zinc-restricted group. Analysis of hippocampal protein expression by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) revealed increased expression of the P2X6 purinergic receptor in the zinc-restricted rats, as determined by MALDI mass spectrometry (MS) and database analysis. The data provided evidence for the dual effects of dietary zinc deficiency on the hippocampus, reducing ionic zinc levels and stimulating protein expression. The role the P2X6 receptor plays in the physiological response of the hippocampus to zinc depletion remains to be determined.  相似文献   

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