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The polymerase chain reaction with arbitrary primers (RAPD–PCR) was used to study and to evaluate the genetic variation in the hybrid progeny of two Cyprinidae species, common bream Abramis brama L. and roach Rutilus rutilusL. Genetic polymorphism was studied in 20 fishes (young of the current year) obtained in four individual crosses: R. rutilus × R. rutilus (RR), A. brama × A. brama (AA), R. rutilus × A. brama (RA), and A. brama × R. rutilus (AR). Amplification spectra obtained with eight primers contained 288 fragments, 97.6% of which proved to be polymorphic. The proportion of polymorphic fragments was 75.0% in the RR progeny, 58.1% in the AA progeny, 84.9% in the AR progeny, and 77.8% in the RA progeny. Classification analysis in the space of principal components was performed with the first four components, which together accounted for 64% of the total variance of the character under study. The individual contributions of components I, II, III, and IV were 26.8, 16.8, 11.5, and 8.9%, respectively. Fishes of the two pure species and the hybrid progeny (direct and reverse hybrids together) were clearly differentiated in the space of principal components I and II. The best differentiation of the four samples (RR, AA, RA, and AR) was observed in the space of principal components II and IV. Possible causes of high genetic variation in interspecific hybrids are discussed.  相似文献   

Adult roach, bream and their presumed F1 hybrid from an Anglian Water reservoir were identified on the basis of morphological and meristic characteristics. The hybrid was clearly intermediate. Four hybrid breeding crosses were induced to spawn by hypophysis. A bream × roach cross (female named first) failed to produce fertile eggs, whereas F1 hybrid × roach, roach × F1 hybrid and F1 hybrid × F1 hybrid all produced fry. Fertility (defined as survival of eggs to hatching) was high for the F1 hybrid × roach back-cross (56%) but low for the others (<2%), in comparison to the pure species controls (roach 69%, bream 76%). Progeny from these crosses were reared until anal fin rays could be counted. These counts indicated intermediacy between the parents and back-crossed individuals, and similarity between F1 hybrids and their F2 progeny.  相似文献   

Roach, rudd, bream and their natural hybrids of 2 cm standard length or larger can be definitively identified by their enzyme electrophoretic patterns. Zymograms of lactate dehydrogenase and esterases as produced by vertical starch gel electrophoretic analysis of whole fry or adult eye extracts are the most useful in this respect. The lactate dehydrogenase isozymes, containing B sub-units, migrate more anodally in rudd and bream than in roach. Due to the tetrameric structure of lactate dehydrogenase, in hybrid rudd x roach and roach x bream, eleven isozymes can be observed as compared with six in the parental patterns. Esterases show unique patterns for all species and hybrids. With the exception of one fraction in rudd x bream, the esterase patterns of hybrids show summations of the parental phenotypes.  相似文献   

A new species, Gyrodactylus onegensis sp. n., is described from gills of the freshwater sculpin Cottus gobio.  相似文献   

Gyrodactylus longipes n. sp. (Monogenea, Gyrodactylidae) is described from the gills of farmed juvenile gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) from two sites located in Italy and Bosnia-Herzegovina and represents the second species of Gyrodactylus to be described from S. aurata. Gyrodactylus orecchiae Paladini, Cable, Fioravanti, Faria, Di Cave et Shinn, 2009 was the first gyrodactylid to be described from S. aurata, from populations cultured in Albania and Croatia. In the current study, G. longipes was found in a mixed infection with G. orecchiae on fish maintained in Latina Province, Italy, thus extending the reported distribution of the latter throughout the Mediterranean. The morphology of the opisthaptoral hard parts of G. longipes is compared to those of G. orecchiae, using light and scanning electron microscopy. Gyrodactylus longipes is characterised by having larger, elongated ventral bar processes and long, triangular-shaped toe region to their marginal hook sickles which, by comparison, are rhomboid in G. orecchiae. The marginal hook sickles of G. longipes are almost double the size of G. orecchiae which allows for their rapid discrimination from each other in mixed infections. A comparison of the DNA sequence of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer 1 and 2 regions (ITS1 and ITS2) of G. longipes with the corresponding sequence from G. orecchiae and with those available in GenBank, supports the separate species status of G. longipes. Part of this study necessitated an overview of the existing Gyrodactylus fauna from Italy and Bosnia-Herzegovina; a summary from each country is provided here to assist future investigations.  相似文献   

Two specimens of the hybrid Abramis brama × Scardinius erythrophthalmus and a single specimen of the hybrid A. brama × Rutilus rutilus are reported and described from Lake Volvi, Macedonia, Greece. This is the first occurrence of either hybrid in Greek fresh waters.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. A clear difference in the ability lo escape from fish predators exists between members of the Cladocera and Copepoda. The results of our laboratory studies have shown that underyearling roach and bream both found copepods more difficult to capture than cladocerans. However, bream were far more efficient than roach at catching the more elusive copepod prey. The basis for this difference was the greater strike ability of bream, most likely related to its more protrusible mouth. In their natural environment the two species of fish exhibited food resource partitioning with planktonic Cladocera predominating in roach guts and copepods and non-planktonic Cladocera composing the vast majority of the gut contents of bream. Differences in diet are partly due to their contrasting attack abilities. Additional variation may arise because of subtle differences in the timing and location of foraging.  相似文献   

Hybrids between bream, Abramis brama , and roach, Rutilus rutilus , occur in the lower reaches of the River Exe and were positively identified by their meristic features and shape of the pharyngeal bone. The growth of bream and hybrids was determined by back-calculation from scales. Annual checks were laid down in early June. The mean length for age of female bream was significantly larger than that of males for fish 6 years of age and older. This divergence in growth rate was associated with the sexual maturation of the fish. Data for the sexes were combined and compared with the growth rate of hybrids and roach from the same region. Hybrid growth was similar to that of bream for the first 6 years of life but was intermediate between that of the two parent species in the older age groups. Some hybrids with developing gonads were found. A change in the diet of bream from planktonic feeding to a benthophagic habit with age was noted. Detritus, substrate and chironomid larvae formed the bulk of the diet of hybrids.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction with arbitrary primers (RAPD-PCR) was used to study and to evaluate the genetic variation in the hybrid progeny of two Cyprinidae species, common bream Abramis brama and roach Rutilus rutilus. Genetic polymorphism was studied in 20 fishes (young of the current year) obtained in four individual crosses: R. rutilus x R. rutilus (RR), A. brama x A. brama (AA), R. rutilus x A. brama (RA), and A. brama x R. rutilus (AR). Amplification spectra obtained with eight primers contained 288 fragments, 97.6% of which proved to be polymorphic. The proportion of polymorphic fragments was 75.0% in the RR progeny, 58.1% in the AA progeny, 84.9% in the AR progeny, and 77.8% in the RA progeny. Classification analysis in the space of principal components was performed with the first four components, which together accounted for 64% of the total variance of the character under study. The individual contributions of components I, II, III, and IV were 26.8, 16.8, 11.5, and 8.9%, respectively. Fishes of the two pure species and the hybrid progeny (direct and reverse hybrids together) were clearly differentiated in the space of principal components I and II. The best differentiation of the four samples (RR, AA, RA, and AR) was observed in the space of principal components II and IV. Possible causes of high genetic variation in interspecific hybrids are discussed.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of hybridization between bream Abramis brama and roach Rutilus rutilus were studied within the native range of the species in a lake in southern Finland. Through the genetic analysis of A. brama, R. rutilus and putative hybrids, hybridization is shown to have occurred between female A. brama and male R. rutilus. These results match with previous findings from introduced habitats, suggesting that mating between female A. brama and male R. rutilus is the predominant mechanism through which the two species hybridize.  相似文献   

Gyrodactylus gvozdevi n. sp. (Gyrodactylidae: Monogenea) is described from the skin of the freshwater fish Noemacheilus dorsalis (Kessler) (Cobitidae: Cypriniformes) from Kazakhstan. This species is most closely related to G. pseudonemachili Ergens & Bykhovsky, 1967 in the shape and size of the anchors and both the ventral and dorsal bars, but can be distinguished from it by the shape and size of the hookproper of the marginal hooks.  相似文献   

Vertebral abnormalities in common bream Abramis brama (L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vertebral abnormalities in bream Abrama bramis (L.) and lesions of the caudal peduncle are described.  相似文献   

The technique of X-ray cinematography was used to study pharyngeal movements in Abramis brama (L.). The theoretical and practical problems in X-ray cinematography of feeding fish are discussed, as well as criteria for the selection of images suited for detailed measurements.
Respiration and filter-feeding on Daphnia pulex (length c . 1 mm) show different gill arch movement patterns in bream. Slits between gill-arches are kept smaller during filter-feeding. In addition, during filter-feeding, this inter-arch distance decreases considerably in a posterior direction. The hypothesis that particle retention occurs on the slits formed between adjacent gillarches and their gill-rakers is not supported by the present results.  相似文献   

W. Mark  W. Wieser  C. Hohenauer 《Oecologia》1989,78(3):330-337
Summary The aim of this study was to assess the effects of developmental events, occurring in fish during the first weeks after hatching, on the quantity and quality of the ingested food and on growth. The investigation was carried out with the larvae and juveniles of Rutilus rutilus, the single cyprinid species occurring in an oligotrophic subalpine lake in Tirol, Austria. Comparison between availability of prey in the water and gut contents suggests that the selection of food by the young fish is strongly influenced by developmental processes. For example, the prevalence of indigestible phytoplankton in the gut of young larvae can be taken as a sign of the not yet fully developed sensory and locomotory capacities of the young fish (El-Fiky et al. 1987). Furthermore, quantitative and qualitative changes in the gut contents correlate strongly with changes in the form and relative length of the gut, but reflect only weakly the availability of prey in the water. In the Seefelder See population of R. rutilus the switch from a phytoplankton to a cladoceran dominated diet is accompanied by an increase in relative growth rate by nearly one order of magnitude (Wieser et al. 1988).  相似文献   

The young roach Rutilus rutilus (L.) (Cyprinidae) displays lateralized behavior when facing a barrier through which a simulated bigger fish was visible. The asymmetry consists in a significant tendency to detour a barrier rightwards in the presence of a dummy fish. However, asymmetry is insignificant without the model. A comparison with the available literature shows that the roach has the same direction of this lateral bias as some other shoaling cyprinid fishes, which also preferentially turn to the right in the presence of a dummy fish. This seems to be a characteristic of cyprinids, as opposed to species of some other families displaying a leftward bias or a lack of asymmetry. The results of the study testify to the hypothesis that behavioral lateralization is associated with the taxonomic status of fishes. Currently, it is unclear whether the asymmetry found in roach in a detour test is due to the preferential use of the lateral fields of the right and left eyes as in some other fishes, or if it is a result of motor lateralization, which becomes evident in the presence of an unfamiliar and potentially dangerous object.  相似文献   

A new species of Gyrodactylus was described on the body surface of zebrafish (Danio rerio) in China. Basing on morphological characteristics and ITS sequence, we identified the parasite as a new member of the Gyrodactylus-wageneri group. Morphologically, Gyrodactylus sp. nov. is greatly similar to “G. zebrae”, another species parasitic on zebrafish: both have moderately stout hamulus, marginal hook sickle with a prominent heel and toe, as well as a curved blade. However, distinct haptoral shape differences were detected between these two species. The dorsal bar is straight in Gyrodactylus sp. nov. but strongly curved in “G. zebrae”, and the sickle shaft in Gyrodactylus sp. nov. is approximately perpendicular to the base, but in “G. zebrae” it is slanted downwards. The ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 sequence also indicate that Gyrodactylus sp. nov. exhibits the highest similarity to “G. zebrae”: 95.7% sequence identity suggests interspecific differentiation. Phylogenetic analysis of the ITS1-ITS2 sequence showed that Gyrodactylus sp. nov. formed a sister clade with “G. zebrae”, and exhibited a relatively close phylogenetic relationship with G. kobayashii, G. gurleyi, and G. longoacuminatus, all of which parasitise on goldfish, Carassius auratus. To test the susceptibility of zebrafish and goldfish to the Gyrodactylus sp. nov., ten gyrodactylids were inoculated to the caudal fin of zebrafish and goldfish. The gyrodactylids exhibited the ability to attach themselves to the goldfish, and some gyrodactylids reproduced a few days after the inoculation. On day 9, however, the mean abundance sharply decreased to zero on goldfish and increased to more than 30 on zebrafish. The result suggested that golfish is an unsuitable host for Gyrodactylus sp. nov. Therefore, on the basis of morphology, molecular sequence similarity, and host susceptibility, we conclude that the gyrodactylid found on the zebrafish is a new species, which we named Gyrodactylus banmae.  相似文献   

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