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Peripheral and central aspects of trigeminal nociceptive systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three aspects of trigeminal pain are considered: the peripheral mechanisms of pain from teeth and from the cornea, and the role of the trigeminal brainstem nuclei in pain. Pain is probably the only sensation that can be evoked by stimulation of dentin or dental pulp in man. Five nerve-endings enter dentinal tubules from the pulp but do not extend into the outer dentine, which is nevertheless sensitive. In teeth of limited growth in experimental animals, the dental pulp is supplied by A beta, A delta and C fibres and these are associated with two categories of receptor: one responds to cooling and to other stimuli that cause displacement of the contents of the dentinal tubules such as probing and drying the dentine, and the other group responds most vigorously to heating. Some cold sensitive units have A beta fibres and the evidence suggests that stimulation of these is capable of evoking both muscle reflexes and pain and, near threshold, 'pre-pain' sensations. Thermal stimulation of the cornea produces sensations of pain and, with less intense stimuli, irritation, Mechanical stimulation also produces pain but it is not clear whether, below the pain threshold, such stimuli produce touch sensation or some other sensation related to pain. Histologically, the nerve-endings in the corneal epithelium consist of fine, bare processes closely associated with the surface of the epithelial cells. Recordings in experimental animals have shown that many of the receptors respond to several different forms of stimulus and their properties correlate well with those predicted from psychophysical experiments in man. The results of trigeminal tractotomy in man and recordings from the trigeminal brainstem nuclei in anaesthetized animals, have generally indicated that nucleus caudalis is the main relay in the pain pathway from the face and associated structures. Recent observations have, however, shown that tractotomy does not produce complete analgesia of this region and responses to thermal stimulation of teeth and noxious stimulation of other oro-facial tissues have been recorded from the more rostral parts of the brainstem nuclear complex. The surgical procedures employed to set up an animal for stereotaxic recording may induce long-lasting depression in the excitability of neurons in these nuclei, which masks some of their properties. The mechanism of this depression has not been established.  相似文献   

S S Tay  T H Williams  J Y Jew 《Peptides》1989,10(1):113-120
Neurotensin (NT) was demonstrated in the central nucleus of the rat amygdala (CNA) using a modification of the avidin-biotin complex immunohistochemical technique. Electron-dense reaction product (particles were 15-25 nm in diameter) was localized in perikarya, dendrites, axons, and axon terminals. It was found also associated with profiles of rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, microtubules, and small agranular as well as large granular vesicles. In distal dendrites, the reaction product was associated with microtubules, vesicles, and postsynaptic densities. Axon terminals of three types formed synaptic contracts with NT-immunoreactive neurons in the CNA: one was characterized by numerous round or oval agranular vesicles, the second by numerous pleomorphic vesicles, and the third by agranular vesicles that were loosely distributed and pleomorphic. All three types formed symmetric axosomatic and asymmetric axodendritic contacts. NT-immunoreactive axon terminals containing small round agranular vesicles stood out clearly from the intermingling profiles of immunonegative structures. We found numerous glomeruli, each consisting of a central NT-immunoreactive dendrite surrounded by all three types of axon terminals. We observed that some NT-immunoreactive terminals formed symmetric axoaxonal contacts with each other, providing evidence for the presence of local NT-to-NT circuits, whereas many others synapsed with axon terminals devoid of NT immunoreactivity.  相似文献   

Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-amide immunoreactivity (FMRF-NH2-IR) is highly concentrated in the dorsal horn of rat spinal cord, and particularly in nerve terminals of lamina I. In order to establish the location of the cell bodies of the lamina I terminals containing FMRF-NH2-IR, we measured by radioimmunoassay the FMRF-NH2-IR in sensory ganglia and in spinal roots. FMRF-NH2-IR was found in both tissues, and reverse-phase HPLC analysis revealed that both tissues contain the same molecular forms that are also present in the spinal cord. Lumbo-sacral rhizotomy induced a 50% decrease of FMRF-NH2-IR in the lumbar segment of the spinal cord suggesting that at least a portion of the FMRF-NH2-IR present in this tissue is of peripheral origin. Transection of the spinal cord at the midthoracic level induced a 20-50% decrease of FMRF-NH2-IR in the lumbar segment of the spinal cord suggesting also the presence of FMRF-NH2-IR in descending pathways.  相似文献   

In pregnant rats, oral administration of ammonium nitrate, stress with ether and antigenic stimulation were found to induce immune variations, hormonal changes and evince the organism's capacities of detoxification. An activation of the immune system and immunosuppression have been recorded respectively during xenobiotics administration and antigenic stimulation, and during stress. Corticotrophe response occurred on the 6th day of gestation and was more pronounced from the 12th day onwards in animals receiving ammonium nitrate. At the end of the gestation period, however, the corticotrophe response became stable in treated animals. Ammonium nitrate administration seemed to drive a major toxicity effect, clearly observed through increased levels of methemoglobine and coincided with a significant decrease in the level of glutathione, confirming a mechanism of detoxification.  相似文献   

Ong RC  Stopfer M 《Chemical senses》2012,37(5):455-461
Animals can be innately attracted to certain odorants. Because these attractants are particularly salient, they might be expected to induce relatively strong responses throughout the olfactory pathway, helping animals detect the most relevant odors but limiting flexibility to respond to other odors. Alternatively, specific neural wiring might link innately preferred odors to appropriate behaviors without a need for intensity biases. How nonpheromonal attractants are processed by the general olfactory system remains largely unknown. In the moth Manduca sexta, we studied this with a set of innately preferred host plant odors and other, neutral odors. Electroantennogram recordings showed that, as a population, olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) did not respond with greater intensity to host plant odors, and further local field potential recordings showed that no specific amplification of signals induced by host plant odors occurred between the first olfactory center and the second. Moreover, when odorants were mutually diluted to elicit equally intense output from the ORNs, moths were able to learn to associate all tested odorants equally well with food reward. Together, these results suggest that, although nonpheromonal host plant odors activate broadly distributed responses, they may be linked to attractive behaviors mainly through specific wiring in the brain.  相似文献   

In the unstimulated, lightly anesthetized rat, both on- and off-cells exhibit alternating periods of silence and activity lasting from several seconds to a few minutes. In the preceding paper, we showed that the active periods of all cells of the same class are always in phase, whereas the firing of cells of different classes is invariably out of phase. Thus, the pattern of firing of any single on- or off-cell provides a useful indication of the excitability of all on- and off-cells in the rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM). In this study, we measured the latency of the tail flick response (TF) at set intervals while recording from TF-related neurons in RVM, and were able to demonstrate a significant relationship between the spontaneous firing of both on- and off-cells and the latency of the TF response. If noxious heat is applied at a time when an off-cell is spontaneously active (or an on-cell is silent), the TF latency is longer than if the TF trial falls during a period in which the off-cell is silent (or the on-cell is active). This correlation between on- and off-cell firing and changes in TF latency is consistent with a nociceptive modulatory role for either or both cell classes. These findings support the hypothesis that off-cells inhibit and on-cells facilitate spinal nociceptive transmission and reflexes.  相似文献   

The nature of neurone response of substance nigra (SN) to nociceptive stimulation of the cat's peroneal nerve has been studied. The recording of neurone SN firing rate revealed that the majority (71.0%) of the SN neurones responded to the nociceptive repetitive stimulation of the peroneal nerve. But the thresholds of nociceptive activation in SN neurones turned to be very high. As a result of it the number of SN neurones responding to repetitive peroneal stimulation was twice as many as the number of cells responding to single stimulation of the nerve. The intravenous injection of naloxone in dose 1.0 mg/kg changed both excitatory and inhibitory responses in majority (71.4%) of SN neurones responding to repetitive peroneal stimulation. Naloxone did not modify the firing rate of neurones nonresponsive to nociception.  相似文献   

Interdependence among disturbance events, ecosystem properties, and biological invasions often make causal relationships difficult to discern. For example, Phragmites australis invasion in mid-Atlantic salt marshes is often associated with disturbances that create well-drained features as well as with low sulfide concentrations, but explanations of these associations have been elusive. We tested experimentally: 1) that disturbances increasing wetland drainage facilitate Phragmites invasion by altering sulfide concentrations and salinity; 2) that translocation allows plants to spread beyond drainage areas; and 3) that plants can then lower edaphic stress through pressure ventilation of the rhizosphere and promote further expansion. At the invasion front, treatments of 1) severing rhizomes to halt translocation and 2) combined severing with clipping dead culms to limit ventilation of the rhizosphere killed most culms, but did not affect pore water chemistry. In already invaded areas, severing and clipping reduced culm height and panicle production, severing alone and in combination with clipping also raised sulfide and ammonium concentrations in the root zone. There were no treatment effects on plant performance or pore water chemistry along mosquito ditches, where sulfide concentrations were negligible. Small-scale hydrological alterations such as ditches appear to provide suitable sites for the establishment of Phragmites because soils are well-drained and are low in free sulfides. Subsequent expansion into more hostile areas occurs through translocation, with well-drained areas acting as sources for essential substances. Once established, the plant increases rhizosphere oxygenation and lowers sulfide concentrations.  相似文献   

Discomfort and pain are the sensations most commonly evoked from viscera. Most nociceptive signals that originate from visceral organs reach the central nervous system (c.n.s.) via afferent fibres in sympathetic nerves, whereas parasympathetic nerves contain mainly those visceral afferent fibres concerned with the non-sensory aspects of visceral afferent function. Noxious stimulation of viscera activates a variety of specific and non-specific receptors, the vast majority of which are connected to unmyelinated afferent fibres. Studies on the mechanisms of visceral sensation can thus provide information on the more general functions of unmyelinated afferent fibres. Specific visceral nociceptors have been found in the heart, lungs, testes and biliary system, whereas noxious stimulation of the gastro-intestinal tract appears to be detected mainly by non-specific visceral receptors that use an intensity-encoding mechanism. Visceral nociceptive messages are conveyed to the spinal cord by relatively few visceral afferent fibres which activate many central neurons by extensive functional divergence through polysynaptic pathways. Impulses in visceral afferent fibres excite spinal cord neurons also driven by somatic inputs from the corresponding dermatome (viscero-somatic neurons). Noxious intensities of visceral stimulation are needed to activate viscero-somatic neurons, most of which can also be excited by noxious stimulation of their somatic receptive fields. The visceral input to some viscero-somatic neurons in the spinal cord can be mediated via long supraspinal loops. Pathways of projection of viscero-somatic neurons include the spino-reticular and spino-thalamic tracts. All these findings give experimental support to the 'convergence-projection' theory of referred visceral pain. Visceral pain is the consequence of the diffuse activation of somato-sensory nociceptive systems in a manner that prevents accurate spatial discrimination or localization of the stimuli. Noxious stimulation of visceral receptors triggers general reactions of alertness and arousal and evokes unpleasant and poorly localized sensory experiences. This type of response may be a feature of sensory systems dominated by unmyelinated afferent inputs.  相似文献   

H Fukurai  J P Alston 《Social biology》1992,39(3-4):257-277
This paper examines the ecological determinants of contemporary Japanese divorce rates on the prefectural level. LISREL and computer-generated graphics are the analytic methods used. The aggregate level of analysis demands the use of the ecological model which posits that demographic changes, economic activities, migration patterns, and the level of urbanization are significant predictors of divorce rate. Our analysis demonstrates that sex ratio, female labor force participation, female in-migration patterns, population increase, and net household income all play a significant role in affecting the divorce rate. Our findings also confirm the well-supported hypothesis that both population density and modernization positively influence modern Japan's divorce rates. The residual analysis also points out that in order to account for the large proportion of the unexplained variance of Japanese divorce, behavioral-related variables and island- or prefecture-specific dimensions need to be included in the ecological model of divorce.  相似文献   



It is extremely important and challenging to identify the sites that are responsible for functional specification or diversification in protein families. In this study, a rigorous comparative benchmarking protocol was employed to provide a reliable evaluation of methods which predict the specificity determining sites. Subsequently, three best performing methods were applied to identify new potential specificity determining sites through ensemble approach and common agreement of their prediction results.  相似文献   

On the basis of empirical Fischer projections, we develop an algebraic approach to the central molecular chirality of tetrahedral molecules. The elements of such an algebra are obtained from the 24 projections which a single chiral tetrahedron can generate in S and R absolute configurations. They constitute a matrix representation of the O4 orthogonal group. According to this representation, given a molecule with n chiral centres, it is possible to define an "index of chirality chi identical with {n, p}", where n is the number of stereogenic centres of the molecule and p the number of permutations observed under rotations and superimpositions of the tetrahedral molecule to its mirror image. The chirality index not only assigns the global chirality of a given tetrahedral chain, but indicates also a way to predict the same property for new compounds, which can be built up consistently.  相似文献   

To investigate the sequence and nature of the peripheral vascular responses during the prodromal period of heat stroke, rats were implanted with Doppler flow probes on the superior mesenteric (SMA), left iliac (LIA) or left renal (LRA), and external caudal (ECA) arteries. Studies were performed in unanesthetized rats (n = 6) exposed to 46 degrees C and in chloralose-anesthetized animals (n = 11) at 40 degrees C. Core (Tc) and tail-skin temperatures, heart rate, and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) were also monitored. In both groups, prolonged (70-150 min) exposure progressively elevated Tc from 37.0 to 44.0 degrees C. MAP rose to a plateau then fell precipitously as Tc exceeded 41.5 degrees C. SMA resistance increased throughout the early stages of heating, with a sharp decline from this elevated level 10-15 min before the precipitous fall in MAP. ECA resistance fell initially but increased in the terminal stage of heating. In unanesthetized animals, LIA resistance progressively declined. In chloralose-anesthetized animals LRA resistance rose progressively, then increased markedly as Tc exceeded 41.5 degrees C. These data support the hypothesis that a selective loss of compensatory splanchnic vasoconstriction may trigger the cascade of events that characterize heat stroke. This differential vascular response was similar in both unanesthetized and anesthetized animals.  相似文献   

Considerable disagreement exists among immunologists regarding the polymorphic nature of the murine Mls system. An estimate of the capacity of a given putative Mls allelic gene product expressed on a stimulator population to elicit proliferation of H-2-compatible Mls-disparate unprimed T cells may vary widely among different groups of investigators. This laboratory has shown previously that preactivation of B lymphocytes in a splenocyte stimulator population by exposure to goat anti-mouse IgD (GaMD) before irradiation dramatically enhanced the in vitro presentation not only of the strongly stimulatory (and highly cross-reactive) Mlsa and Mlsd, but also the more poorly stimulatory Mlsc specificity. Therefore, by the use of GaMD-treated splenocytes that optimally present the various Mls non-H-2 stimulatory epitopes, we attempted in this study to obtain a clearer understanding of Mls polymorphism by re-examining the conflicting claims associated with the mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) stimulatory capacity of different Mls specificities. Among H-2k responder cells of the Mls null, Mlsa, Mlsb, or Mlsd genotypes, only T cells from Mlsd-bearing CBA/J mice did not respond to Mlsc determinants present on GaMD-treated C3H/HeJ stimulator cells. Crossing CBA/J with an Mlsc-responsive mouse strain yielded an F1 animal in which nonresponsiveness to Mlsc was dominant. Although Mlsa (AKR/J) and Mlsc (C3H/HeJ) parental T cells both proliferated vigorously to Mlsd (CBA/J) stimulator cells, the Mlsa/c (AKR X C3H)F1 T cells responded poorly to GaMD-treated Mlsd stimulator cells. In addition, Mlsd (CBA/J) T cells were nonresponsive to Mlsa (AKR/J), Mlsc (C3H/HeJ), and Mlsa/c (AKR X C3H)F1 GaMD-treated stimulator cells. Because Mlsa (AKR/J) and Mlsc (C3H/HeJ) specificities are mutually stimulatory, at least limited polymorphism must exist in the Mls system. However, because Mlsa/c (AKR X C3H) and Mlsd (CBA/J) specificities are mutually nonstimulatory, T cell proliferation in an Mlsd-defined primary MLR is most likely due to a composite response to Mlsa and Mlsc epitopes present on CBA/J stimulator cells.  相似文献   

Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) is present in the cranial arteries and trigeminal sensory neurons. We therefore examined the alterations in PACAP-like immunoreactivity (PACAP-LI) in a time-dependent manner in two rat models of trigeminovascular system (TS) activation. In one group chemical stimulation (CS) was performed with i.p. nitroglycerol (NTG), and in the other one the trigeminal ganglia (TRG) were subjected to electrical stimulation (ES). The two biologically active forms, PACAP-38 and PACAP-27, were determined by means of radioimmunoassay (RIA) and mass spectrometry (MS) in the plasma, the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the trigeminal nucleus caudalis (TNC), the spinal cord (SC) and the TRG. The tissue concentrations of PACAP-27 were 10 times lower than those of PACAP-38 in the TNC and SC, but about half in the TRG. PACAP-38, but not PACAP-27, was present in the plasma. Neither form could be identified in the CSF. PACAP-38-LI in the plasma, SC and TRG remained unchanged after CS, but it was increased significantly in the TNC 90 and 180 min after NTG injection. In response to ES of the TRG, the level of PACAP-38 in the plasma and the TNC was significantly elevated 90 and 180 min later, but not in the SC or the TRG. The alterations in the levels of PACAP-27 in the tissue homogenates in response to both forms of stimulation were identical to those of PACAP-38. The selective increases in both forms of PACAP in the TNC suggest its important role in the central sensitization involved in migraine-like headache.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum is an apicomplexan parasite which has emerged as an important cause of bovine abortion worldwide. Abortion is usually triggered by reactivation of dormant bradyzoites during pregnancy and subsequent congenital infection of the foetus, where the central nervous system appears to be most frequently affected. We here report on an organotypic tissue culture model for Neospora infection which can be used to study certain aspects of the cerebral phase of neosporosis within the context of a three-dimensionally organised neuronal network. Organotypic slice cultures of rat cortical tissue were infected with N. caninum tachyzoites, and the kinetics of parasite proliferation, as well as the proliferation-inhibitory effect of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), were monitored by either immunofluorescence, transmission electron microscopy, and a quantitative PCR-assay using the LightCycler instrument, respectively. In addition, the neuronal cytoskeletal elements, namely glial acidic protein filaments as well as actin microfilament bundles were shown to be largely colocalising with the pseudocyst periphery. This organotypic culture model for cerebral neosporosis provides a system, which is useful to study the proliferation, ultrastructural characteristics, development, and the interactions of N. caninum within the context of neuronal tissue, which at the same time can be modulated and influenced under controlled conditions, and will be useful in the future to gain more information on the cerebral phase of neosporosis.  相似文献   

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