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Recent studies of responses of cyanobacterial cells to salt stress have revealed that the NaCl-induced decline in the photosynthetic activities of photosystems II and I involves rapid and slow changes. The rapid decreases in the activities of both photosystems, which occur within a few minutes, are reversible and are associated with osmotic effects, which induce the efflux of water from the cytosol through water channels and rapidly increase intracellular concentrations of salts. Slower decreases in activity, which occur within hours, are irreversible and are associated with ionic effects that are due to the influx of Na(+) and Cl(-) ions through K(+)(Na(+)) channels and, probably, Cl(-) channels, with resultant dissociation of extrinsic proteins from photosystems. In combination with light stress, salt stress significantly stimulates photoinhibition by inhibiting repair of photodamaged photosystem II. Tolerance of photosystems to salt stress can be enhanced by genetically engineered increases in the unsaturation of fatty acids in membrane lipids and by intracellular synthesis of compatible solutes, such as glucosylglycerol and glycinebetaine. In this review, we summarize recent progress in research on the effects of salt stress on photosynthesis in cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Photosystem II (PSII), an essential component of oxygenic photosynthesis, is a membrane-bound pigment protein complex found in green plants and cyanobacteria. Whereas the molecular structure of cyanobacterial PSII has been resolved with at least medium resolution [Zouni, A., Witt, H.-T., Kern, J., Fromme, P., Krauss, N., Saenger, W. & Orth, P. (2001) Nature (London) 409, 739-743; Kamiya, N. & Shen, J.R. (2003) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 100, 98-103], the structure of higher plant PSII is only known at low resolution. Therefore Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectroscopy was used to compare PSII from both Thermosynechococcus elongatus and Synechocystis PCC6803 core complexes with PSII-enriched membranes from spinach (BBY). FTIR difference spectra of T. elongatus core complexes are presented for several different intermediates. As the FTIR difference spectra show close similarities among the three species, the structural arrangement of cofactors in PSII and their interactions with the protein microenvironment during photosynthetic charge separation must be very similar in higher plant PSII and cyanobacterial PSII. A structural model of higher plant PSII can therefore be predicted from the structure of cyanobacterial PSII.  相似文献   

Using structural information from recently published crystal structures of photosystems I and II, the processes of excitation energy transfer and electron transfer in oxygenic photosynthesis have been studied in great detail by experimental and theoretical methods. Although both systems share numerous common structural and functional features, efficiency and regulation are differently weighted in the individual processes that are involved in the transformation of light energy into chemical energy in the two complexes.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research - The ubiquitous chlorophyll a (Chl a) pigment absorbs both blue and red light. Yet, in contrast to green algae and higher plants, most cyanobacteria have much lower...  相似文献   

Usisng intact leaves, the extent of the decrease in chlorophyll a fluorescenece caused by the addition of continuous 710 nm light superimposed on modulated (20 Hz) 550 nm light was used to determine the distribution of this absorbed light between photosystems I () and II (). The Fo and Fm levels, which defined the total variable fluorescenece, were taken as equal to those obtained with excess 710 nm light and with saturating blue-green light, respectively.An analogous procedure was used with a photoacoustic detector, saturating white light defining a base line for oxygen yield, the levels with an without 710 nm light being used to define and respectively.The two methods gave similar values for the distribution of light between the two photosystems for the experimental conditions used, averaging 0.55 for a range of Triticum genotypes and Brachypodium sylvaticum grown in high or low light.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis plants with a reduced expression of CHL27 ( chl27 ), an enzyme (EC required for the synthesis of Pchlide, are chlorotic and have a Chl a / b ratio two times higher than wild-type (WT). Knockdown plants transformed with a construct constitutively expressing CHL27 recovered regarding Chl level, a / b ratio and 77K fluorescence. A negative correlation was found between total Chl and Chl a / b ratio in the examined plants. The chl27 plants fail to assemble WT amounts of complete PSI and PSII, leading to an elevated PSII/PSI ratio. The PSI remaining in chl27 is fully functional with a quantum yield higher than for WT. Despite a severe reduction of photosystem II antennae protein (LHCII) and an increased proportion of stroma lammella, the chl27 plants are able to perform state transitions. No major differences were found regarding PSII quantum yield, qN and 1 − qp whereas non-photochemical quenching was decreased by a factor two in chl27 plants. The PSII quantum yield for dark-adapted plants and plants given 10 min recovery after high light treatment were similar for both WT and chl27 showing that chl27 plants are not more susceptible to photoinhibition than WT. Taken together the plant manage to acclimate and to balance the two photosystems well even when it is severely limited in Chl. The way to achieve this differs for the two photosystems: regarding PSI a general reduction of core and antenna subunits occurs with no apparent change in the antenna composition; whereas for PSII there is a preferential loss of antenna proteins.  相似文献   

In this study the photoinhibition of photosystems (PS) I and II caused by exposure to high intensity light in oat (Avena sativa, var Prevision) is measured by the emission of chlorophyll fluorescence in intact leaves adapted to darkness. The maximal quantum yield of PS II was lower in plants grown under high light intensity than in plants grown under low intensity, which indicates that PS II is photoinhibited by such conditions. PS I was more stable than PS II in plants exposed to strong light for a moderate time (five photoperiods) since the oxidised plastoquinone pool size under far-red (FR) light was similar in plants grown under high light intensity to plants grown under low intensity, probably as a result of the cyclic electron flow around PS I being stimulated in response to high light intensity. However, over longer times (10 photoperiods) the PS I was photoinhibited, since the oxidised plastoquinone pool size under FR light increased as a consequence of the decrease in PS I activity caused by high light intensity. This practical is intended for advanced students of plant biochemistry and plant physiology.  相似文献   

It has now believed that chloroplasts arose from cyanobacteria, however, during endosymbiosis, the photosynthetic genes in chloroplasts have been reduced. How these changes occurred during plant evolution was the focus of the present study. Beginning with photosystem I (PSI) genes, a homologous comparison of amino acid sequences of 18 subunits of PSI from 10 species of cyanobacteria, chloroplasts in 12 species of eucaryotic algae, and 28 species of plants (including bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnospermae, dicotyledon and monocotyledon) was undertaken. The data showed that 18 genes of PSI can be divided into two groups: Part I including seven genes ( psaA , psaB , psaC , psaI , psaJ , ycf3 and ycf4 ) shared both by cyanobacteria and plant chloroplasts; Part II containing another 11 genes ( psaD , psaE , psaF , psaK , psaL , psaM , btpA , ycf3 7, psaG , psaH and psaN ) appeared to have diversified in different plant groups. Among Part I genes, psaC , psaA and psaB had higher homology in all species of cyanobacteria and chloroplasts. Among Part II genes, only psaG , psaH and psaN emerged in seed plants.  相似文献   

Pre-illumination of cucumber leaf discs at a chilling temperature in low-irradiance white light resulted in accelerated re-reduction of P700(+) [the special Chl pair in the photosystem I (PSI) reaction centre] when the far-red measuring light was turned off. Measurements (in +/- methyl viologen or +/- DCMU conditions) of the re-reduction half time suggest that accelerated re-reduction of P700(+) appeared to be predominantly due to charge recombination and only partly due to reductants sustained by previous cyclic electron flow around PSI. Apparently, charge recombination in PSI was greatly enhanced by inhibition of forward, linear electron flow. Inhibition of PSII electron transport was observed to occur to a lesser extent than that of PSI, but only if the measurement of PSII functionality was free from complications due to downstream accumulation of electrons in pools. We suggest that promotion of controlled charge recombination and cyclic electron flow round PSI during chilling of leaves in the light may partly prevent further damage to both photosystems.  相似文献   

Green plastids prepared from seedlings of Pinus silvestris harvestedafter three weeks of growth in the dark, without exposure tolight, catalyzed photoreductions of methyl viologen and nicotinamide-adeninedinucleotide phosphate, and cyclic photophosphory-lation withN-methylphenazonium methosulfate, but could not catalyze thephotoreduction of 2,4-dichlorophenol indophenol in the absenceand presence of diphenylcarbazide. In dark-grown seedlings ofPinus silvestris, functional photosystem I developed with noexposure to light, but no photosystem II activity was abserved. (Received August 22, 1973; )  相似文献   

Fluorimetric, photoacoustic, polarographic and absorbance techniques were used to measure in situ various functional aspects of the photochemical apparatus of photosynthesis in intact pea leaves (Pisum sativum L.) after short exposures to a high temperature of 40 ° C. The results indicated (i) that the in-vivo responses of the two photosystems to high-temperature pretreatments were markedly different and in some respects opposite, with photosystem (PS) II activity being inhibited (or down-regulated) and PSI function being stimulated; and (ii) that light strongly interacts with the response of the photosystems, acting as an efficient protector of the photochemical activity against its inactivation by heat. When imposed in the dark, heat provoked a drastic inhibition of photosynthetic oxygen evolution and photochemical energy storage, correlated with a marked loss of variable PSII-chlorophyll fluorescence emission. None of the above changes were observed in leaves which were illuminated during heating. This photoprotection was saturated at rather low light fluence rates (around 10 W · m–2). Heat stress in darkness appeared to increase the capacity for cyclic electron flow around PSI, as indicated by the enhanced photochemical energy storage in far-red light and the faster decay of P 700 + (oxidized reaction center of PSI) monitored upon sudded interruption of the far-red light. The presence of light during heat stress reduced somewhat this PSI-driven cyclic electron transport. It was also observed that heat stress in darkness resulted in the progressive closure of the PSI reaction centers in leaves under steady illumination whereas PSII traps remained largely open, possibly reflecting the adjustment of the photochemical efficiency of undamaged PSI to the reduced rate of photochemistry in PSII.Abbreviations B1 and B2 fraction of closed PSI and PSII reaction centers, respectively - ES photoacoustically measured energy storage - Fo, Fm and Fs initial, maximal and steady-state levels of chlorophyll fluorescence - P700 reaction center of PSI - PS (I, II) photosystem (I, II) - V = (Fs – Fo)/(Fm – Fo) relative variable chlorophyll fluorescence We wish to thank Professor R. Lannoye (ULB, Brussels) for the use of this photoacoustic spectrometer and Mrs. M. Eyletters for her help.  相似文献   

The photochemical reflectance index (PRI) is regarded as a promising proxy to track the dynamics of photosynthetic light use efficiency (LUE) via remote sensing. The implementation of this approach requires the relationship between PRI and LUE to scale not only in space but also in time. The short-term relationship between PRI and LUE is well known and is based on the regulative process of non-photochemical quenching (NPQ), but at the seasonal timescale the mechanisms behind the relationship remain unclear. We examined to what extent sustained forms of NPQ, photoinhibition of reaction centres, seasonal changes in leaf pigment concentrations, or adjustments in the capacity of alternative energy sinks affect the seasonal relationship between PRI and LUE during the year in needles of boreal Scots pine. PRI and NPQ were highly correlated during most of the year but decoupled in early spring when the foliage was deeply downregulated. This phenomenon was attributed to differences in the physiological mechanisms controlling the seasonal dynamics of PRI and NPQ. Seasonal adjustments in the pool size of the xanthophyll cycle pigments, on a chlorophyll basis, controlled the dynamics of PRI, whereas the xanthophyll de-epoxidation status and other xanthophyll-independent mechanisms controlled the dynamics of NPQ at the seasonal timescale. We conclude that the PRI leads to an underestimation of NPQ, and consequently overestimation of LUE, under conditions of severe stress in overwintering Scots pine, and most likely also in species experiencing severe drought. This severe stress-induced decoupling may challenge the implementation of the PRI approach.  相似文献   

Thomas Roach  Anja Krieger-Liszkay 《BBA》2012,1817(12):2158-2165
The PsbS protein is recognised in higher plants as an important component in dissipating excess light energy via its regulation of non-photochemical quenching. We investigated photosynthetic responses in the arabidopsis npq4 mutant, which lacks PsbS, and in a mutant over-expressing PsbS (oePsbS). Growth under low light led to npq4 and wild-type plants being visibly indistinguishable, but induced a phenotype in oePsbS plants, which were smaller and had shorter flowering spikes. Here we report that chloroplasts from npq4 generated more singlet oxygen (1O2) than those from oePsbS. This accompanied a higher extent of photosystem II photoinhibition of leaves from npq4 plants. In contrast, oePsbS was more damaged by high light than npq4 and the wild-type at the level of photosystem I. The plastoquinone pool, as measured by thermoluminescence, was more oxidised in the oePsbS than in npq4, whilst the amount of photo-oxidisable P700, as probed with actinic light or saturating flashes, was higher in oePsbS compared to wild-type and npq4. Taken together, this indicates that the level of PsbS has a regulatory role in cyclic electron flow. Overall, we show that under high light oePsbS plants were more protected from 1O2 at the level of photosystem II, whereas lack of cyclic electron flow rendered them susceptible to damage at photosystem I. Cyclic electron flow is concluded to be essential for protecting photosystem I from high light stress.  相似文献   

Light absorption and use efficiency (LAUE mol mol−1, daily gross photosynthesis per daily incident light) of each leaf depends on several factors, including the degree of light saturation. It is often discussed that upper canopy leaves exposed to direct sunlight are fully light-saturated. However, we found that upper leaves of three temperate species, a heliophytic perennial herb Helianthus tuberosus, a pioneer tree Alnus japonica, and a late-successional tree Fagus crenata, were not fully light-saturated even under full sunlight. Geometrical analysis of the photosynthetic light response curves revealed that all the curves of the leaves from different canopy positions, as well as from the different species, can be considered as different parts of a single non-rectangular hyperbola. The analysis consistently explained how those leaves were not fully light-saturated. Light use optimization models, called big leaf models, predicted that the degree of light saturation and LAUE are both independent of light environment. From these, we hypothesized that the upper leaves should not be fully light-saturated even under direct sunlight, but instead should share the light limitation with the shaded lower-canopy leaves, so as to utilize strong sunlight efficiently. Supporting this prediction, within a canopy of H. tuberosus, both the degree of light saturation and LAUE were independent of light environment within a canopy, resulting in proportionality between the daily photosynthesis and the daily incident light among the leaves.  相似文献   

We investigated the CN-induced apoptosis of guard cells in epidermal peels isolated from pea (Pisum sativum L.) leaves. This process was considerably stimulated by illumination and suppressed by the herbicides DCMU (an inhibitor of the electron transfer between quinones QA and QB in PS II) and methyl viologen (an electron acceptor from PS I). These data favor the conclusion drawn by us earlier that chloroplasts are involved in the apoptosis of guard cells. Pea mutants with impaired PS I (Chl-5), PS II (Chl-I), and PS II + PS I (Xa-17) were tested. Their lesions were confirmed by the ESR spectra of Signal I (oxidized PS I reaction centers) and Signal II (oxidized tyrosine residue YD in PS II). Destruction of nuclei (a symptom of apoptosis) and their consecutive disappearance in guard cells were brought about by CN in all the three mutants and in the normal pea plants. These results indicate that the light-induced enhancement of apoptosis of guard cells and its removal by DCMU are associated with PS II function. The effect of methyl viologen preventing CN-induced apoptosis in wild-type plants was removed or considerably decreased upon the impairment of the PS II and/or PS I activity.  相似文献   

Increasing photosynthetic efficiency is crucial to increasing biomass production to meet the growing demands for food and energy. Previous theoretical arithmetic analysis suggests that the light reactions and dark reactions are imperfectly coupled due to shortage of ATP supply, or accumulation of NADPH. Here we hypothesized that solely increasing NADPH consumption might improve the coupling of light reactions and dark reactions, thereby increasing the photosynthetic efficiency and biomass production. To test this hypothesis, an NADPH consumption pathway was constructed in cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. The resulting extra NADPH-consuming mutant grew much faster and achieved a higher biomass concentration. Analyses of photosynthesis characteristics showed the activities of photosystem II and photosystem I and the light saturation point of the NADPH-consuming mutant all significantly increased. Thus, we demonstrated that introducing extra NADPH consumption ability is a promising strategy to increase photosynthetic efficiency and to enable utilization of high-intensity lights.  相似文献   

Some cyanobacteria remodel their photosynthetic apparatus by a process known as Far-Red Light Photoacclimation (FaRLiP). Specific subunits of the phycobilisome (PBS), photosystem I (PSI), and photosystem II (PSII) complexes produced in visible light are replaced by paralogous subunits encoded within a conserved FaRLiP gene cluster when cells are grown in far-red light (FRL; λ = 700–800 nm). FRL-PSII complexes from the FaRLiP cyanobacterium, Synechococcus sp. PCC 7335, were purified and shown to contain Chl a, Chl d, Chl f, and pheophytin a, while FRL-PSI complexes contained only Chl a and Chl f. The spectroscopic properties of purified photosynthetic complexes from Synechococcus sp. PCC 7335 were determined individually, and energy transfer kinetics among PBS, PSII, and PSI were analyzed by time-resolved fluorescence (TRF) spectroscopy. Direct energy transfer from PSII to PSI was observed in cells (and thylakoids) grown in red light (RL), and possible routes of energy transfer in both RL- and FRL-grown cells were inferred. Three structural arrangements for RL-PSI were observed by atomic force microscopy of thylakoid membranes, but only arrays of trimeric FRL-PSI were observed in thylakoids from FRL-grown cells. Cells grown in FRL synthesized the FRL-specific complexes but also continued to synthesize some PBS and PSII complexes identical to those produced in RL. Although the light-harvesting efficiency of photosynthetic complexes produced in FRL might be lower in white light than the complexes produced in cells acclimated to white light, the FRL-complexes provide cells with the flexibility to utilize both visible and FRL to support oxygenic photosynthesis.This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Light harvesting, edited by Dr. Roberta Croce.  相似文献   

The effect of such flavonoid as quercetin and its oxidized from on electron transfer was studied in subchloroplast preparations of the Photosystem II (PS(2) and Photosystem I (PS(1)). Quercetin and its oxidized form are shown to inhibit the electron transfer in the PS(2) acceptor and donor sites, respectively. They also function as an electron donor or and electron acceptor in PS(1)), respectively  相似文献   

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