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萌生更新是木本植物在原位进行更新的有效手段,使群落具有较强的恢复力。但以往研究侧重于实生更新,森林中木本植物的萌生更新特征及其在森林群落中的地位仍未得到足够理解。基于钱江源国家公园古田山国家级自然保护区内5 hm2亚热带常绿阔叶林样地的群落数据,分析木本植物萌生更新的数量特征,同时对不同分类单元、不同功能类群的萌生能力等进行比较。结果表明:(1)样地内64%的物种、20%的实生个体已经发生萌生更新现象,且萌生茎的数量占样地总个体数量的24%;(2)物种水平与科水平上,萌生能力均表现为显著差异(F=13.11,P0.001;F=27.45,P0.001)。腺蜡瓣花、柳叶蜡梅、宜昌荚蒾、窄基红褐柃、美丽马醉木等物种的萌生能力较强,蜡梅科、忍冬科、木兰科、壳斗科等类群的萌生能力较强;(3)不同垂直结构层次(林冠层、亚乔木层、灌木层)的萌生能力差异显著(F=117.5,P0.001),灌木层物种的萌生能力是林冠层与亚乔木层的1倍左右。不同生活型(常绿组分与落叶组分)的萌生能力差异显著,常绿类群的萌生能力显著高于落叶类群(P0.001)。萌生更新在亚热带常绿阔叶林中具有重要地位,可能是物种多样性维持、群落更新与演替的机制之一。灌木物种与常绿物种有着较强的萌生能力,暗示着萌生可能是植物适应荫蔽环境的生态策略之一。  相似文献   

萌生更新是植物进行自我更新的重要方式之一。为了阐明喀斯特常绿落叶阔叶林植物的萌生特征,基于木论25 hm2动态监测样地的调查数据,分析了木本植物萌生更新数量特征、不同生活型植物萌生能力的差异、萌生能力与地形因子和萌生能力与物种多样性的关系。研究结果表明:样地具有萌生现象的木本植物共有197种,隶属59个科137个属,分别占样地植物科属种的86.8%、93.7%、91.3%。萌生现象在样地内各物种中普遍存在,滇丁香、长管越南茜、火棘、香叶树等物种的萌生能力较强。不同生活型的植物的萌生能力存在显著差异,常绿树种的萌生能力显著高于落叶树种(P<0.001)。萌生物种丰富度比例及萌生物种个体比例都与群落物种多样性呈显著正相关。萌生能力与土层厚度呈显著负相关,与凹凸度呈显著正相关,此外萌生物种丰富度比例还与海拔呈正相关关系,而萌生物种个体比例与岩石出露率和土壤坡度呈正相关关系。由此可见,作为喀斯特森林群落更新中一种占优势的更新方式,萌生更新在一定程度上能够增加群落物种多样性,萌生能力与地形因子存在一定关联。  相似文献   

以河南省白云山自然保护区温带落叶阔叶林5 hm2样地群落为研究对象,分析该样地木本植物的特征,同时利用点分布格局对样地内萌生能力较强的个体进行空间格局分析.结果显示:该样地内共有木本植物91种17369株;发生萌生现象的有62种2082株,萌生物种占总物种数的68.13%,萌生个体占总个体数的11.99%.样地内所有发...  相似文献   

萌生更新是种子植物更新策略的重要组成部分,对于维持森林群落的稳定性起着重要的作用。本研究以弄岗北热带喀斯特季节性雨林15 hm2动态监测样地第1次普查数据中萌枝(根萌和枝萌)数据为研究对象,采用Torus-translation检验法分析了萌生能力在不同生境类型中的差异性,及其与不同环境因子的关联性。结果表明:样地中有190个物种具有萌生现象,平均每公顷1831株萌生个体;不同生境类型间萌生能力差异明显,总体表现为山顶周围萌生能力较强,山坡周围萌生能力较弱,此外萌生能力的生境关联性还与萌枝的径级大小有关;萌生能力与海拔、凹凸度、坡度和坡向的余弦值呈显著正相关,而与个体胸高断面积之和呈显著负相关。喀斯特季节性雨林中萌生更新较为普遍,其分布格局与环境因子间存在一定关联。为了深入揭示萌生更新格局形成的潜在生态学过程和维持机制,长期动态监测尤为必要。  相似文献   

云南哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林树种萌生特征研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
陈沐  房辉  曹敏 《广西植物》2008,28(5):627-632
在云南省哀牢山徐家坝地区选择保存完好的原生林与20多年前受到砍伐的森林两种类型的样地。通过调查其中各树种的更新方式和萌生状况,探讨该地区砍伐林的主要恢复途径、树种的萌生特征。结果表明,在种子萌发、地面萌生和地上萌生三种更新方式中,地上萌生所占的比例最大,尤其是变色锥、木果柯、蒙自连蕊茶等树种。在砍伐林中,<0.5m残桩上的萌枝数量显著高于1~2m以及≥2m高的残桩;萌生位置距地面高度与全株高度之比(以下简称萌高比)<0.1处所具有的萌枝数量显著高于其它位置;而在原生林中,残桩高度对萌枝数量无影响,萌高比<0.1处所具有的萌枝数量显著高于萌高比为0.5~0.9处的。  相似文献   

秦岭山地典型次生林木本植物幼苗更新特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用样方法调查了秦岭山地5种典型次生林--油松林、锐齿栎林、红桦林、云杉林和华山松林幼苗的更新特征.结果表明: 不同次生林木本植物幼苗物种分化明显,除锐齿栎林和华山松林外,其余次生林幼苗物种相似性系数均较低;油松林和锐齿栎林木本植物幼苗数量、物种丰富度指数、Simpson优势度指数及均匀度指数均较高,红桦林均最低;云杉林和华山松林幼苗数量及物种多样性指数基本一致.不同次生林幼苗和幼树所占比例存在明显差异,除红桦林幼树数量的比例较大外,其余林分幼苗的比例较大,为云杉林>油松林>锐齿栎林>华山松林.不同林分幼苗萌生比例差异明显,为华山松林>云杉林>红桦林>锐齿栎林>油松林.锐齿栎林和油松林乔木幼苗比例最高,分别占木本幼苗总种数的68%和51.4%,群落处于演替中期,持续更新能力较强;云杉林、华山松林乔木幼苗比例分别为40%和15%,处于演替后期,更新能力较差;而红桦林中幼苗很难发育成幼树,持续更新能力欠缺.  相似文献   

喀斯特生境与生物多样性的关系及其对人为干扰的响应是喀斯特地区生态恢复的重要内容。该文以云南石林为例对此进行研究。根据喀斯特溶痕与土壤、植物生长发育关系把石林的溶痕生境划分为溶蚀廊道、溶槽、裂隙溶沟、溶坑和溶蚀石堆等5种。依据石林的现有植被与演替特征, 选择了原生林、次生林、灌丛、灌草丛和石漠化草丛5种群落进行调查。在每一个样地中设置10个10 m × 10 m的样方, 采用记名计数样方法分片调查溶痕生境中的木本植物, 并区分更新层的萌生苗与实生苗; 采用Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou指数、Simpson指数、Margalef指数进行生物多样性计算。调查结果显示: (1)溶痕生境的长度、宽度变化较大。溶痕生境结构比例随群落演替而变化, 其原因可能在于所处演替阶段和干扰程度的差异; (2) 在各种溶痕生境中, 随着群落的退化, 实生更新物种数与实生株数大致表现为递减, 在严重退化阶段部分溶痕生境中没有实生苗的分布, 而萌生更新的物种数则以灌丛为峰值向两极减少, 个体数变化较大。计算结果显示: 在各类溶痕生境(溶蚀石堆除外)中, 实生苗的多样性、丰富度、均匀度大致呈现随群落的退化而降低, 优势度增加; 萌生苗多样性、均匀度、丰富度除溶蚀廊道递减的趋势明显外, 其他类型变化较大。不同演替阶段植物更新策略不同。在喀斯特森林生态系统中, 随着群落的退化, 植物更新逐步趋向于营养繁殖, 其部分原因在于特殊的溶痕生境(除溶蚀廊道)能保存一些植物残体, 而这些残体在反复的干扰下不断萌出茎干(采用营养繁殖)以实现物种的持续生态位, 萌生茎干的成熟为生物多样性维持与生态恢复提供繁殖体来源。  相似文献   

乔木种群循环更新的模型及研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Forest structure and succession in Wolong Nature Reserve is influenced by the understory dwarf bamboo population. However, less is known about how the forest succession affects the dwarf bamboo population. To examine the bamboo ramet population growth of Fargesla nitida (Mltford) Keng f. et Yi and to determine how ramet population structure varies along the succession of coniferous forest, we sampled ramet populations of F. nitida from the following three successional stages: (i) a deciduous broad-leaved (BL) stand; (ii) a mixed broad-leaved coniferous (MI) stand; and (ill) a coniferous (CF) stand. We investigated the population structure, biomass allocation, and morphological characteristics of the bamboo ramet among the three stand types. Clonal ramets, constituting the bamboo population, tended to become short and small with succession. The ramet changed towards having a greater mass investment in leaves, branches and underground roots and rhizomes rather than in the culm. With respect to leaf traits, individual leaf mass and area in the BL stand were markedly bigger than those In both the MI and CF stands, except for no significant difference in specific leaf area. The age distribution showed that the bamboo population approached an older age with succession. The results demonstrate that the ramet population structure of F. nitida is unstable and its growth performance is inhibited by succession.  相似文献   

森林幼苗更新对光环境异质性的响应研究进展   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28  
在分析森林光环境异质性特点的基础上,从幼苗的光合、热耗散、生物量累积和分配、形态特征、萌发和种群动态等方面综述了国内外在森林幼苗更新对光环境异质性响应的研究进展.从森林物种多样性维持、森林演替和植被恢复角度探讨了幼苗更新对光环境异质性不同响应的生态学意义,并对今后该方面研究提出建议.  相似文献   

植物自然更新研究进展   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
李小双  彭明春  党承林 《生态学杂志》2007,26(12):2081-2088
植物自然更新是一个复杂的生态学过程,它对种群的增殖、扩散、延续和群落稳定及演替具有重要的作用,是植被动态研究的热点。目前国内外在这方面的多数研究主要从更新过程中的某一或几个阶段入手,分析各生态因子对更新的影响,或从林窗、火烧、动物等干扰对自然更新影响的角度揭示植被自然更新的机制。本文从植物自然更新方式、干扰对更新的影响及群落的更新等方面进行了总结,并提出了今后该领域的研究建议。  相似文献   

The collateral sprouting of intact sensory axons and the regenertion of damaged ones differ in a number of respects. Regeneration is triggered by axotomy-induced damage, probably involves the loss of a peripheral signal, and appears to occur independently of NGF, while collateral sprouting is evoked and sustained by an increase in a target-driven signal, namely NGF. New findings strengthen the distinction between these two phenomena. Nerve growth factor receptor (NGFR) mRNA is increased in undamaged DRG neurons whose axons are sprouting into denervated skin. This response is related to an increased availablity of target-derived NGF, a proposal supported by a number of findings including increased NGF mRNA in the denervated target. In contrast, we observed little or no change in the NGFR mRNA levels in regenerating neurons, consistent with the observations that NGF does not play a role in this process. However, increases in neuronal GAP-43 mRNA are found during both regeneration and collateral sprouting, a result in keeping with the proposal that GAP-43 is primarily associated with nerve growth, and the observation that GAP-43 expression is not especially influenced by NGF. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Ecology of sprouting in woody plants: the persistence niche   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Many woody plants can resprout and many ecosystems are dominated by resprouters. They persist in situ through disturbance events such as fire, flooding or wind storms. However, the importance of 'persistence' in plant demography has been neglected in favour of 'recruitment'. Thus much research on plant regeneration, conservation and evolution has focused on the importance of safe sites, seed and seedling banks, dispersal and germination with the implied importance of de novo replacement rather than persistence. Recent research shows a growing appreciation for the role of sprouting as a form of persistence in a diversity of ecosystems and tradeoffs between the two regeneration modes.  相似文献   

楸树(Catalpa bungei C.A.Mey.)为紫葳科(Bignoniaceae)梓属(Catalpa Scop.)落叶乔木,生长速度快,其树干通直、材质坚韧,既可观花又能观果,是优质用材、行道树和园林观赏的常用树种之一[1]。近年来,研究者对楸树的耐盐性、品种选育以及繁殖技术等进行研究并获得了一定的成果[2-7]。但是,由于具有自花不育特性,楸树往往只开花不结实[8],且其种子发  相似文献   

昆虫肢体再生的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
王孟卿  彩万志 《昆虫知识》2004,41(2):127-131
文中就发生断肢再生的昆虫类群、出现虫态、再生的类型、再生能力、影响再生的因素、再生的生物学意义几个方面进行了综述 ,特别对猎蝽科昆虫的肢体再生有关方面做了介绍  相似文献   

常绿阔叶林植被动态研究进展   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
丁圣彦  宋永昌 《生态学报》2004,24(8):1765-1775
常绿阔叶林是亚热带地区的地带性植被,是亚热带陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,几十年来,中国的植物学家、生态学家对常绿阔叶林的区系成分、物种组成、外貌和结构、动态以及作为生态系统成员的功能等方面进行了大量的研究,积累了丰富的资料,取得了大量的研究成果,同时也在四川缙云山、浙江天童山、广东省鼎湖山和黑石顶、云南哀牢山、福建武夷山逐步形成了中国各具区域特色的常绿阔叶林研究基地,为常绿阔叶林的研究作出了突出的贡献。在常绿阔叶林的演替方面,研究内容从研究常绿阔叶林群落演替的过程、群落组成变化、结构动态及模型逐步向生态系统物质循环和能量流动发展,但对常绿阔叶林主要优势种动态、生理生态和群落演替机理等方面深入不够。在常绿阔叶林的更新动态研究方面,不但进行了通过研究种子雨和种子库的动态、种子的萌发、幼树生长的时空动态研究群落的更新,而且还通过研究林窗的形成、特征及其在森林动态中的作用来研究群落的更新,还进一步通过对常绿阔叶林主要树种更新植株的生理生态特性的研究来解释群落更新的原因。在常绿阔叶林退化和恢复重建研究方面,研究了常绿阔叶林各种退化生态系统的特征和恢复过程等,并将已有的理论和技术应用于退化生态系统的恢复和重建。即是以前人研究的成果为基础,从群落的演替、更新、退化和恢复等方面对我国多年来常绿阔叶林植被动态的研究作一总结。根据国内外的研究趋势提出了常绿阔叶林的动态方面急需开展3s技术在常绿阔叶林上的应用研究、常绿阔叶林的退化的生理生态机制、常绿阔叶林起源与系统发育、常绿阔叶的林保护与恢复生态学、常绿阔叶林重要物种的生理生态学和种群生物学、常绿阔叶林生态服务功能与区域可持续发展模式以及常绿阔叶林生态系统对全球变化的作用与响应机制等方面的研究。  相似文献   

Abstract Sprouting vigour is determined by the plant amount of reserves and intrinsic growth rate of plants. While the first factor has been well studied, the second is far less understood. Although a higher growth rate would imply a higher sprouting vigour, fast‐growing species may have less below‐ground reserves, and thus, a lower sprouting potential. The relative importance of both opposite effects was little explored in the literature. To analyse the influence of growth rate on sprouting vigour, one growth season after a fire we measured plant height of the old (pre‐fire) and new (post‐fire) tissue in 194 individuals of 14 woody species from a woodland in central Argentina. We calculated a mean value of pre‐ and post‐fire height for each species, and obtained from a database potential height at maturity, wood density (WD) and specific leaf area (SLA), as surrogates of intrinsic growth rate. We performed a forward stepwise multiple regression using WD and SLA, together with mean pre‐fire height or potential height as independent variables, and mean post‐fire height (as an indicator of resprout vigour) as the dependent variable. Interactions were also tested. Pre‐fire height, WD and their interaction term were the variables that best explained post‐fire height. We also analysed the relationship between pre‐ and post‐fire size for each species independently by fitting hyperbolic functions. Then we correlated both parameters of the functions to species characteristics (WD, SLA, potential height and mean pre‐fire height). Both parameters of the hyperbolic functions were significantly correlated only with WD, but not with the other species characteristics. All results together indicate that species with low WD (i.e. high potential growth rate) regrow more vigorously than species with high WD when pre‐fire individuals were tall. In contrast, when pre‐fire individuals were small, WD had no influence on sprout vigour. A trade‐off between allocation of biomass to underground reserves and shoot growth seems to be responsible for the patterns obtained. For small individuals, below‐ground reserves seem to play a more important role than inherent growth rate (here measured through WD) in determining the sprouting vigour, while for large individuals, growth rate seems more important than reserves.  相似文献   

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