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环境因子对杭州西湖沉积物各形态磷释放的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对西湖沉积物的磷形态、粒径组成、化学组成进行了分析, 模拟研究了上覆水磷含量、光照、pH、温度、水动力条件等不同环境因子对西湖沉积物各形态磷释放的影响。结果表明, 上覆水为蒸馏水时的最大释磷量约为底泥-湖水系统的1.15倍, 且释放形态均以IP中的Fe/Al-P为主。在蔽光条件下的最大TP释放量约为光照条件下最大TP释放量的1.35倍。pH 是影响磷释放的重要因素, 在碱性条件下, 促进Fe/Al-P的释放; 在酸性条件下, 促进Ca-P 的释放。在高温条件下沉积物的释磷量会高于低温条件下的释磷量。沉积物各形态磷的释放量在15h后逐渐趋于平衡扰动状态达到平衡时TP释放量是静态释放平衡状态的1.61倍。研究结果旨在探讨不同环境因子对湖泊沉积物磷迁移转化的生态环境效应, 预测西湖内源磷释放的发展趋势, 为控制沉积物内源污染提供理论基础。  相似文献   

刘静静  董春颖  宋英琦  孙培德 《生态学报》2012,32(24):7932-7939
通过采集北里湖不同季节的柱状芯样,在实验室静态模拟沉积物氨氮(NH+4-N)和可溶解性磷酸盐(PO3-4-P)的释放,同时研究了沉积物间隙水中NH+4-N及PO3-4-P的垂直分布特征.结果表明,沉积物间隙水NH+4-N随深度的增加有上升的趋势,PO3-4-P随深度的增加呈先升后降的趋势.氮、磷营养盐在沉积物—水界面均存在浓度梯度,表明存在自间隙水向上覆水扩散的趋势.沉积物NH+4-N在春季、夏季、秋季、冬季的释放速率分别为0.074 mg·m-2· d-1、0.340mg· m-2· d-1、0.087 mg· m-2· d-1、0.0004 mg·m-2·d-1,pO3-4-P的释放速率则分别为0.340 mg·m-2·d-1、0.518 mg·m-2·d-1、0.094 mg·m-2·d-1、-0.037 mg· m-2·d-1.不同采样点表现出明显的季节和空间差异性,释放速率表现为夏季>春季、秋季>冬季.根据静态模拟出的不同季节下内源氮、磷释放速率计算,全湖内源氮、磷营养盐的贡献分别为0.0037、0.0057t/a.该研究可为北里湖富营养化及内源污染的治理提供基础数据.  相似文献   

富营养化水体沉积物中磷的释放及其影响因素   总被引:71,自引:5,他引:71  
综述了富营养化水体沉积物中磷的化学形态、释放规律及其影响因素。化学形态分为水溶性磷、铝磷、铁磷、钙磷、还原态可溶性磷、闭蓄磷、有机磷等 7种 ,其分布取决于各形态磷的性质。磷释放受 7种因素影响 ,厌氧、高 pH或低 pH值、高温、扰动、生物活动、底泥与水体含磷量的浓度差值以及钙质沉积物组分等因素均能促进沉积物中磷的释放。  相似文献   

武汉东湖沉积物中氮和磷释放试验   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
湖泊沉积物是各种自然过程和人类经济活动下的产物,尤其是城市湖泊日积月累形成了湖泊营养盐的内负荷。    相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2014,38(2):370-374
{{@ convertAbstractHtml(article.abstractinfoCn, "cn")}}    相似文献   

对2002年7月至2003年7月间采集的柘林湾表层沉积物样品中的总磷(TP)、有机磷(OP)及各形态无机磷进行分析。结果表明,各形态磷的空间分布与调查海区沉积物粒径有关,并受沿岸污水排放及近岸养殖排污等人为活动的影响。表层沉积物各形态磷的平面分布基本呈现为湾内(除S1、S7站外)高于湾外的总体趋势。无机磷中以自生磷(Au-P)为主要存在形态,占总磷的47.3%,有机磷(OP)含量次之,占总磷的19.5%,铁结合磷(Fe-P)最低。其中,生物可利用磷(包括Ex-P、Fe-P、OP和部分Au-P)占TP的35.7%~83.0%,在国内外海湾中处于较高水平。  相似文献   

富营养化湖泊沉积物磷原位控制技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
正湖泊沉积物是指湖泊中沉积的物质,湖泊中大量营养盐富集在沉积物中。水体中各形态的磷通过污水排入、地表径流及水生生物残骸等多种途径输入至湖泊,在温度、上覆水pH、溶解氧及氧化还原电位等环境因素的影响下,经过一系列变化,其中水体中的部分磷在沉积物吸附、化学絮凝、共沉淀等作用下蓄存于湖泊沉积物中,  相似文献   

苦草生长对沉积物中磷迁移转化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
葛绪广  王国祥  陈成忠  王立志 《生态学报》2014,34(20):5802-5811
构建了不同营养盐负荷的沉积物环境"水-苦草-沉积物"生态系统,监测分析了沉积物中总磷(TP)、生物可获得磷及其环境因子的垂直分布及变化,以苦草为例,研究了沉水植物生长对沉积物中磷迁移转化的影响,结果表明:生长期的苦草通过改变沉积物环境因子或自身的生理活动,直接或间接地对沉积物中不同形态磷的迁移转化产生了影响,并随着深度的增加而出现不同的变化。具体表现在,低(L)、中(M)、高(H)营养负荷的沉积物总磷(TP),相对于初始值均有不同程度的下降,但苦草组下降的幅度大,分别比对照组多下降了11.63、18.50和46.25 mg/kg;在垂直方向上均表现出随深度的增加TP呈减少趋势,苦草对沉积物影响的深度随根系的活动范围变化而变化,根系增长最长(比试验初始增加了9.2 cm)的低营养负荷苦草组(LV),可影响到6 cm以下的沉积物;中营养负荷苦草组(MV)、高营养负荷苦草组(HV)根系增加不明显(分别为2.60和2.10 cm),影响深度主要在6 cm以内;检验发现,苦草组与对照组差异显著(P0.05)。交换态磷(Ex-P)、铝磷(Al-P)随深度增加而升高,苦草组小于对照组;铁磷(Fe-P),随深度的增加而降低,苦草组大于对照组,其中,在L、M、H中,苦草组的Ex-P分别比对照组下降了0.065、0.215和1.483 mg/kg,Al-P分别为1.198、2.040和2.390 mg/kg;LV中苦草的影响深度可达到10 cm的深,而MV、HV中主要集中在6 cm以内;苦草组中的Fe-P分别比对照组高8.135、16.689和8.598 mg/kg,在垂直方向上的变化幅度亦大于对照组。检验发现,L中苦草组Ex-P与对照组有极显著差异(P0.01),M、H苦草组与对照组无显著差异(P0.05);L、M、H中Al-P、FeP苦草组与对照组均无显著差异(P0.05)。  相似文献   

应用连续提取法(SMT)和液体磷核磁共振(31PNMR)技术研究了太湖北部梅梁湾沉积物中磷形态和组成的剖面变化。结果表明,铁/铝磷是沉积物中磷的主要形态,约占总磷含量的44.0-54.6%。总磷、无机磷、有机磷和铁/铝磷含量均随沉积深度增加呈降低趋势,至18cm以下略有增加,而钙磷却在柱样下部随沉积深度增加呈累积趋势。31PNMR显示,沉积物磷主要由正磷酸盐(72.0-99.2%)和磷酸单酯(0.8-25.9%)构成,磷酸二酯、膦酸盐和焦磷酸盐的相对含量非常低,分别为1.0%、0.4-1.0%和 0.1%。正磷酸盐含量在沉积物表层9cm内减少了65%,9cm以下波动变化,但总体呈降低趋势。这些特征表明沉积物中磷对梅梁湾上覆水体具有强烈的释放潜力,是太湖富营养化发生的重要因素。  相似文献   

不同固磷方式对巢湖沉积物磷吸附行为的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内源磷负荷将严重阻碍富营养化湖泊的恢复,其控制技术的关键在于有效增强沉积物吸附磷的能力,而相关研究相对较少。研究以典型富营养化湖泊(巢湖)严重污染区域的沉积物为实验对象,系统比较了常规固磷方式(施用CaCl2、FeCl3、AlCl3与曝气)对沉积物磷吸附行为和间隙水溶解态可反应磷(SRP)浓度的影响。结果表明:施用不同剂量的CaCl2之后,沉积物磷最大吸附量和吸附能均无显著变化,间隙水SRP浓度和沉积物磷平衡浓度(EPC0)仅有较小幅度的下降;FeCl3和AlCl3的施用可明显增加沉积物磷的最大吸附量和吸附能,同时有效降低间隙水SRP浓度和EPC0值,即沉积物显示更强的从水中吸附磷的能力。当同处低剂量水平时,铁能更有效地降低沉积物EPC0值;反之,曝气对沉积物最大吸附量和吸附能均无显著影响,却明显提高了间隙水SRP浓度和沉积物EPC0值,进而导致更强的磷释放风险。故建议将适量铁的施用作为富营养化湖泊沉积物修复的有效技术,且慎用曝气处理。  相似文献   

L. Gao  Q. Wei  F. Fu 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4):1175-1183
Macroalgal blooms have occurred worldwide frequently in coastal areas in recent decades, which dramatically modify phosphorus (P) cycle in water column and the sediments. Rongcheng Swan Lake Wetland, a coastal wetland in China, is suffering from extensive macroalgal blooms. In order to verify the influence of macroalgal growth on sediment P release, the sediments and filamentous Chaetomorpha spp. were incubated in the laboratory to investigate the changes of water quality parameters, P levels in overlying water, and sediments during the growth period. In addition, algal biomass and tissue P concentration were determined. In general, Chaetomorpha biomasses were much higher in high P treatments than in low P treatments. Compared with algae+low P water treatment, the addition of sediments increased the algal growth rate and P accumulation amount. During the algal growth, water pH increased greatly, which showed significant correlation with algal biomass in treatments with high P (P < 0.05). P fractions in the sediments showed that Fe/Al–P and organic P concentrations declined during the algal growth, and great changes were observed in algae+low P water+sediment treatment for both. As a whole, the sediments can supply P for Chaetomorpha growth when water P level was low, and the probable mechanism was the release of Fe/Al–P at high pH condition induced by intensive Chaetomorpha blooms.  相似文献   

Phosphorus release rates from profundal sediments of Lake Constance (Obersee) have been determined in D.O., pH regulated sediment-water systems. Above 10% O2 saturation (> 1.2 ppm D. O.) and with pH as in situ, no net release could be found. Sedimentations of diatom sludge (Asterionella formosa) and carbonate-phosphate coprecipitate (CaCO3.CaHPO4) increased the release to 0.5 mg × m–2 × d–1 which, however, will not be relevant to the P balance in Obersee. The annual phosphorus accumulation in profundal Obersee and Ueberlingersee is, therefore, observed as due to sinking of phosphorus-bound detritus during the stagnation period.The experimental work was carried out at the Limnological Institute of the University of Freiburg/Breisgau (West Germany) and has been supported by the Industrieverband Körperpflege und Waschmittel e.V. and the Gernan Research Council (DFG)The experimental work was carried out at the Limnological Institute of the University of Freiburg/Breisgau (West Germany) and has been supported by the Industrieverband Körperpflege und Waschmittel e.V. and the Gernan Research Council (DFG)  相似文献   

湖泊底泥磷释放影响因素显著性试验分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过底泥正交模拟实验分析认为,温度、溶解氧、pH值和水动力均是影响双龙湖底泥磷释放的显著因素,各因素水平间有显著差异;影响因素显著性排序从大到小依次为溶解氧、温度、pH值、水动力;提高双龙湖水体的溶解氧水平是降低底泥磷释放的有效手段.  相似文献   

Jensen  H. S.  Kristensen  P.  Jeppesen  E.  Skytthe  A. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,235(1):731-743
Analysis of Danish lakes showed that both mean winter and mean summer concentrations of lake water total phosphorus in the trophogenic zone correlated negatively with the total iron to total phosphorus ratio (Fe:P) in surface sediments. No correlation was found between the water total phosphorus concentration and either the sediment phosphorus concentration alone or with sediment calcium concentration. The increase in total phosphorus from winter to summer, which is partly a function of net internal P-loading, was lowest in lakes with high Fe:P ratios in the surface sediment.A study of aerobic sediments from fifteen lakes, selected as representative of Danish lakes with respect to the sediment Fe and phosphorus content, showed that the release of soluble reactive phosphorus was negatively correlated with the surface sediment Fe:P ratio. Analysis of phosphate adsorption properties of surface sediment from 12 lakes revealed that the capability of aerobic sediments to buffer phosphate concentration correlated with the Fe:P ratio while the maximum adsorption capacity correlated with total iron. Thus, the Fe:P ratio may provide a measure of free sorption sites for orthophosphate ions on iron hydroxyoxide surfaces.The results indicate that provided the Fe:P ratio is above 15 (by weight) it may be possible to control internal P-loading by keeping the surface sediment oxidized. Since the Fe:P ratio is easy to measure, it may be a useful tool in the management of shallow lakes.  相似文献   

Sedimentary phosphorus fractions and phosphorus release from the sediments were studied in Lake Ladoga at altogether 46 sampling sites, representing the full range of sediment types encountered in the lake. Determination of P fractions and physico-chemical analyses were made of surface sediment cores (10–20 cm long, each sampled at 3–4 levels) and in the overlying water. The range of total phosphorus per dry weight of sediment was 0.2–3.3 mg g–1, and that of inorganic P 0.1–2.5 mg g–1. The levels of interstitial soluble phosphorus, range 2–613 µg 1–1 for total P and 1–315 µg 1–1 for inorganic P, were higher than those of dissolved P concentrations in the overlying water. Diffusive fluxes of phosphate from sediment to the overlying water were estimated using three independent methods. The estimated range was 4–914 µg P m–2 d–1; the mean value for the whole bottom area, 0.1 mg P m–2 d–1, is lower than previously published estimates. The estimated annual contribution of sedimentary inorganic P flux to Lake Ladoga water is equal to 620 tons of P per year, which amounts to more than 10% of the estimated external P load into the lake. 68% of the total diffusive flux emanates from deep water sediments, which are not exposed to seasonal variation of conditions. In deep lakes, such as Lake Ladoga, phosphorus release from the sediments is controlled primarily by diffusive mechanisms. Wave action and currents as well as bioturbation are probably of importance mainly in shallow near-shore areas. Phosphorus release by gas ebullition and macrophytes is considered negligible.  相似文献   

Columnar sediment samples were collected from five representative river inflow areas of Dianchi Lake, China. The vertical distribution of each form of P were tested. Results showed that the concentration of TP in the sediments from areas A, B, C, D and E in the order of D > B > A > C > E, and the average concentration of D, B, A, C and E were 2991, 2064, 1308, 879, and 759 mg?kg?1, respectively. The concentration of Ex-P, Fe/Al-P, Ca-P and Org-P all decreased with increasing depth. The release of Ex-P was significantly related to TP whereas the Fe/Al-P was not significantly related to TP in the samples from areas polluted by domestic sewage. However, the release of Ex-P and Fe/Al-P were both significantly related to TP in the samples from areas polluted by phosphate mining and phosphate fertilizer application. The results of equilibrium P concentration (EPC0) analysis showed that P in the sediments of areas A, D and E were the source of P in Dianchi Lake, and the P in the sediments of areas B and C were in relative equilibrium with the overlying water.  相似文献   

太湖春季沉积物间隙水中磷的分布特征及界面释放的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对太湖春季不同湖区水体和沉积物间隙水中磷的分布特征研究,探讨了间隙水中磷的释放对上覆水环境的影响。结果表明,颗粒态磷(PP)和溶解态有机磷(DOP)是太湖水体中主要的磷形态,占总磷的58%~95%。不同湖区沉积物间隙水磷的剖面变化可能与生态特征及水动力引起的沉积物-水界面的扰动强度密切相关。湖心和西部沿岸沉积物扰动强烈,致使间隙水中磷含量向上逐渐降底,而梅梁湾和贡湖间隙水磷的垂向变化不大。东太湖和竺山湖沉积物界面间隙水中磷含量偏高,可能是由于表层沉积物的有氧环境使Fe2+被氧化固定下来,并促进了总磷(TP)和溶解态活性磷(DRP)的扩散释放。总体而言,间隙水中各形态磷具有向上覆水体释放的趋势,其中DRP的扩散潜力最大,竺山湖沉积物-水界面DRP扩散通量高达11.42mg.m-2.d-1,表明春季浮游植物的复苏生长对DRP的迫切需求。  相似文献   

Boström  Bengt  Pettersson  Kurt 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):415-429
The phosphorus release from surface sediments of eight lakes, mainly shallow lakes in agricultural areas, was studied in laboratory batch experiments with additions of acetate and/ or nitrate. The lake sediments could be separated into three categories. Some sediments did not release phosphorus under any conditions. The second category showed a high phosphorus release rate when acetate was added, in order to stimulate bacterial activity and oxygen consumption. The addition of nitrate, only, stabilized the redox conditions and prevented phosphorus release. This pattern followed the classical theories of Einsele and Mortimer. The third sediment category released phosphorus up to some level which remained constant throughout the experiment, and was independent of acetate and/or nitrate additions.Several extraction procedures and adsorption-desorption experiments were performed in order to characterize the sediment phosphorus and thus explain the different behaviours of the three sediment categories.  相似文献   

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