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记述采自我国湖南省南丘的皿蛛亚科蜘蛛1新属1新种:芙蓉蛛属Lotusiphantes gen.nov.,南岳芙蓉蛛Lotusiphantes nanyuensis sp.nov.。  相似文献   

本文记述采自新疆的皿蛛科蜘蛛一新届——颚齿蛛属Maxillodens gen.nov.及其一新种——鞭状颚齿蛛M.flageuatus sp.nov。  相似文献   

本文记述了采自湖北、四川、浙江、安徽、福建五省的盖蛛属Neriene一新种:华丽盖蛛Neriene nitens,讨论了新种的斑纹和Tm Ⅰ的地理变异,将新种与其近似种饰斑盖蛛Neriene compta Zhu et Sha作了较为详细的比较。模式标本均保存于白求恩医科大学生物教研室。  相似文献   

记述采自我国湖南省南岳的皿蛛科皿蛛亚科蜘蛛 1新属 1新种 :芙蓉蛛属Lotusiphantesgen .nov .,南岳芙蓉蛛Lotusiphantesnanyuensissp .nov .。  相似文献   

陈建  尹长民 《蛛形学报》1999,8(2):65-67
记述了采自我国云南省的盖蛛属(Neriene)1新种。  相似文献   

本文记述1990年6月间采自吉林省长白山区的疣舟蛛属一新种,并对该种的雌雄蛛形态进行了描述,同时将该新种与其近似种进行了比较。模式标本均保存在白求恩医科大学生物教研室。  相似文献   

中国宁夏盖蛛属一新种:(蜘蛛目:皿蛛科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述蜘蛛目皿蛛科皿蛛亚科盖蛛属一新种——六盘盖蛛,新种Neriene liupanensis。标本采自宁夏六盘山自然保护区。  相似文献   

神农架林区皿蛛科蜘蛛五新种记述(蛛形纲:蜘蛛目)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述在湖北省神农架林区采到的皿蛛科皿蛛亚科蜘蛛5新种:月晕斑皿蛛,新种Lepthyphantes halonatus sp.nov.;山地珍蛛,新种Macrargus alpinus sp.nov。;镰蛛儒蛛,新种Meioneta falcata sp.nov.;沼泽侏儒蛛,新种Meioneta palustris sp.nov.;二叶玲蛛,新种Parameioneta bilobata sp  相似文献   

报道了采自四川的钻头蛛属1新种,螺旋钻头蛛Hylyphantes spirellus sp nov..文中详细描述了该新种的形态特征及其与近似种的比较,并附有特征图.模式标本采于四川冕宁县冶勒自然保护区,存于中国科学院动物研究所.  相似文献   

本文记述近管蛛科近管蛛属1新种:鸟喙状近管蛛,新种Anyphaena rhynchophysa sp.nov.,并提供了该新种彩色特征图.模式标本保存在大理学院生物标本馆.文中测量单位为mm.  相似文献   

本文描述了产于云南省的巨蟹蛛科一新种:双球巨蟹珠,Heteropoda bibulba sp.nov.。本文量度单位:mm。模式标本保存在湖南师范大学生命科学学院。  相似文献   

作者在进行中国广西大明山无脊椎动物资源调查研究时,发现了蜘蛛目蟹蛛科绿蟹蛛属1新种,命名为饼绿蟹蛛Oxytate placentiformis sp.nov..所有标本均保存在河北大学生命科学学院.文中测量单位为mm.饼绿蟹蛛,新种Oxytate placentiformis sp.nov.(图1~6)正模♂,广西南宁大明山自然保护区浣纱瀑布,2011-05-23,王英楠采.鉴别特征 在分布于亚洲大陆的本属种类中,本新种与冲绳绿蟹蛛O.hoshizuna Ono,1978,钳绿蟹蛛O.forcipata Zhang&Yin,1998和小头绿蟹蛛O.capitulata Tang&Li,2009外形和触肢器十分相似,但具有以下不同:本种触肢胫节突长,端部弯曲呈"7"字形,而冲绳绿蟹蛛O.hoshizuna的胫节突末端强烈弯曲呈钩状,钳绿蟹蛛O.forcipata胫节突末端呈钳状,小头绿蟹蛛O.capitulata Tang&Li,2009胫节突末端弯曲呈鸟头状.词源学 本新种以雄蛛背甲的形状而拟定.正模 雄蛛体长7.75:头胸部长2.81,宽2.40; 腹部长5.20,宽1.38.背甲黄褐色,中窝纵向线状,颈沟和放射沟不明显; 背甲圆形,头区轻微隆起.8眼2列,背面观两眼列均后凹,后眼列较宽,前侧眼和后侧眼突出; 前中眼直径0.08,前侧眼直径0.10,后中眼直径0.08,后侧眼直径0.10;前中眼距0.13,前中侧眼距0.10,后中眼距0.10,后中侧眼距0.30; 中眼域梯形,前边大于后边(0.30:0.25).螯肢黄褐色,前后齿堤无齿.颚叶黄色,边缘有浓厚的长毛.胸板淡黄色,长大于宽.步足黄褐色,步足测量:Ⅰ 12.40 (3.83+1.38+3.42+2.60+1.17),Ⅱ 12.60 (3.88+1.38+3.57+2.60+1.17),Ⅲ 6.80 (2.09+0.77+1.79+1.33+0.82),Ⅳ7.05 (2.40+0.71+1.79+1.33+0.82); 足式:2143.腹部十分窄长,淡黄色,被有黑色长毛; 腹部背面前端有2对明显的肌痕,腹部后部有横纹,似分节状.触肢胫节腹突拇指状; 外侧突较长,末端骨化程度高,弯曲呈"7"字形状; 生殖球简单,内侧具亚盾板; 插入器刺状,末端较钝.分布:广西.  相似文献   

A new species of Chaetopelma Ausserer, 1871 is described from Hatay province, Turkey. Differences between the new species and related species are discussed. The characteristic features of this species are described and illustrated.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:99C21605-5308-4363-8420-02F6151B4457  相似文献   

Lu Chen  Shuqiang Li  Zhe Zhao 《ZooKeys》2015,(541):41-56
One new genus of the spider subfamily Coelotinae, Flexicoelotesgen. n., with five new species is described from southern China: Flexicoeloteshuyunensissp. n. (female), Flexicoelotesjiaohanyanensissp. n. (male and female), Flexicoelotesjinlongyanensissp. n. (male and female), Flexicoelotespingzhaiensissp. n. (female), Flexicoelotesxingwangensissp. n. (male and female).  相似文献   

Nine new species of the genus Stedocys Ono,1995 are described:Stedocys gaolingensis Wu & Lisp.n.(♂♀,Guangxi),S.huangniuensis Wu & Lisp.n.(♀,Guangxi),S.ludiyanensis Wu & Lisp.n.(♂♀,Guangxi),S.matuoensis Wu & Lisp.n.(♀,Guangxi),S.pulianensis Wu & Lisp.n.(♂,Guangxi),S.shilinensis Wu & Lisp.n.(♂♀,Hainan),S.xianrenensis Wu & Lisp.n.(♂♀,Guangxi),S.xiangzhouensis Wu & Li sp.n.(♂♀,Guangxi) from China,and S.zhaoi Wu & Lisp.nov.(♂♀,Kanchanaburi) from Thailand.Diagnoses of nine new species are provided.DNA barcodes for six new species are documented for future use and as proof of molecular differences between these species.  相似文献   

The marine spider genus Paratheuma Bryant, 1940 Bryant, E. B. (1940): Cuban spiders in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 86, 247532. [Google Scholar] is recorded in southwestern Asia for the first time, and a new species, P. enigmatica sp. n. is described from southern and southeastern Iran on the basis of both sexes. Based on morphological and molecular evidence, the genus is transferred from Desidae to Litisedinae, Dictynidae.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:BC5B70CB-E6C9-4624-8BE8-22FF14AF6DC7  相似文献   

A new species of the spider genus Baalzebub Coddington from Brazil, B. acutum sp. nov., is described and illustrated based on 95 specimens collected from caves around the Iron Quadrangle in the state of Minas Gerais. This species is recognized by male palpal bulb with strong and large conductor covering almost entire embolus, and epigyne of females with long and tapered scape, which extends towards the spinners. Baalzebub acutum sp. nov. is the second species recorded from Brazil, the first for Brazilian caves, bringing the total number of species in the genus to seven in the world.  相似文献   

The genus Anthrobia Tellkampf, 1844 is revised and expanded to include two epigean species, Anthrobia acuminata ( Emerton, 1913 ) comb. nov., and A. whiteleyae sp. nov., and two troglobites, the type species A. monmouthia Tellkampf, 1844 , and A. coylei sp. nov. The female of A. acuminata is described for the first time. All four Anthrobia species were added to a phylogenetic analysis of erigonine genera. Analysis of this matrix results in a single most parsimonious tree (length = 915, CI = 0.23, RI = 0.58; uninformative characters excluded: length = 911, CI = 0.23), which places Anthrobia sister to Diplocentria Hull, 1911. Troglobitic Anthrobia and epigean Anthrobia are both monophyletic. In comparison to the epigean species, troglobitic Anthrobia exhibit the following putative adaptations to cave life: loss of eyes, elongation of the legs, and reduction of the tracheal system. The reliability of phylogenetic results indicating monophyly of cave Anthrobia are discussed in light of the fact that potentially cave adaptive synapomorphies support this relationship.  相似文献   

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