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在宁夏及相邻省采到中气门螨58种,其中宁夏及相邻省新记录10种。  相似文献   

白学礼  马立名 《蛛形学报》2010,19(2):104-106
本文是《宁夏中气门螨调查报告》第2报。文中记载中气门螨10科42种,其中宁夏新记录8种。  相似文献   

报道中国革螨16新记录.  相似文献   

在宁夏采得中气门螨21种,其中宁夏新记录8种。并对季氏寄螨Parasitus tichomirovi Davydova进行形态描述。  相似文献   

宁夏及相邻省中气门螨调查报告(蜱螨亚纲)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在宁夏及相邻省采到中气门螨类42种,其中大陆新记录1种,宁夏及相邻省新记录25种.  相似文献   

白学礼 《蛛形学报》2013,(2):96-109
本文报道宁夏中气门螨22科61属238种。其中厉螨科15属63种,寄螨科9属38种,血革螨科2属24种,赫刺螨科1属21种,裂胸螨科6属18种,巨螯螨科2属14种,6科共记录35属178种,占其种类的74.79%,是宁夏中气门螨的主要构成者。  相似文献   

马立名  殷秀琴 《蛛形学报》1999,8(2):106-108
报道中气门地螨股10种螨为中国的新纪录。  相似文献   

记述厚厉螨属1新种:宁夏厚厉螨Pachylaelaps ningxiaensis sp.nov.,模式标本采自宁夏盐池县柳阳堡地区台风蜣螂(Scarabaeus typhon Fischer)体.保存于军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所昆虫标本馆,北京.  相似文献   

报道中气门螨3新记录和3已知种雄螨后若螨描述。  相似文献   

本文报道吉林省革螨新记录4种。1裂胸螨科(Aceosejidae) 1.1巨肛伊虫穴螨(Iphidozercon magnanalis Ma et Yin,1999)雌螨体长494μm,宽287μm。背板覆盖整个背面,边缘稍卷向腹面;板面花纹浓重,凸凹不平,前部与两侧呈网状,网眼形状不规则,中部形成纵带,带上有许多小圆孔;背毛短小光滑。胸板前后缘均凹,胸毛3对。生殖板后部稍膨大,生殖毛在板外。肛板宽大于长,后部宽于前部,前后缘均凸。气门沟前端达到颚基。头盖3突。螯钳动趾2齿。  相似文献   

Together 22,119 individuals and 47 species of mesostigmatic mites, and 485 individuals of fleas belonging to 6 species were obtained from 16 winter nests of mound-building mouse, Mus spicilegus. The most abundant mite species were Laelaps algericus (38.2%), Androlaelaps fahrenholzi (20.9%), Proctolaelaps pygmaeus (16.9%) and Alliphis halleri (8.3%). Ctenophthalmus assimilis (87%) was the highly predominant flea, present in all the positive nests. On the basis of trophic and topic relations, mites were assorted into four ecological groups; parasites had the highest abundance (67% of all individuals). The density peak values of individual ecological mite groups differed the during season. The population peak of the predominant mite species L. algericus was in December, predominance of females was registered throughout the study period. The maximum abundance of fleas was reported in January and May.  相似文献   

在检视大量革螨标本中,发现异形标本4种9例。异形包括骨板变形和刚毛变位两种情况,现分别记述如下,供革螨分类鉴定和形态学研究时参考。1 毒厉螨 Laelaps echidninus Berlese,1887 检视标本1608■■,发现异形4■■。1971年2-10月采于吉林省前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县,寄主为褐家鼠 Rattus noruegicus(Berkenhout)。 标本1:胸板后缘明显凹陷,后凸的骨片消失(图1-2),该处构造与正常标本不同。肛板花纹如图1,后部有一圆锥形构造,向后突出,PA位于其后…  相似文献   

Jen? Kontschán 《ZooKeys》2014,(447):35-45
Three new species of the family Rotundabaloghiidae are discovered and described from Sabah, Malaysia. The unusual Angulobaloghia rutra sp. n. differs from the other known Angulobaloghia Hirschmann, 1979 species in the long anterior process of the female’s genital shield. Rotundabaloghia (Circobaloghia) tobiasi sp. n. has very long and apically pilose dorsal setae and two pairs of bulbiform setae, which are unique in the subgenus Rotundabaloghia (Circobaloghia) Hirschmann, 1975. The long, serrate and curved setae in the big ventral cavity of Depressorotunda (Depressorotunda) serrata sp. n. is a so far unknown character in the subgenus Depressorotunda (Depressorotunda) Kontschán, 2010.  相似文献   

In order to assess the relationship between the oppiid mite species (Acari, Oribatida) collected from Turkey, traditional and geometric morphometric methods were used. We have taken photographs of 128 specimens belonging to 11 species from six subfamilies of Oppiidae. These photographs were digitized and 17 interval measurements were taken for traditional morphometric analysis, and 20 landmarks were recognized on the ventral surface of each specimen for geometric morphometric analysis. The effectiveness to separate taxa was compared between the two morphometric analyses. In both dendrograms Oppia nitens formed a single cluster, Oxyoppia ilicaensis was singled out from the remaining nine species, which were clustered together. Two species, Lauroppia fallax and Rhinoppia obsoleta, clustered together implying a very close relationship.  相似文献   

The fauna of oribatid mites in nests of the bar-bellied pitta, the blue-rumped pitta, and the whiterumped shama was studied at the Dong Nai Biosphere Reserve (South Vietnam). The data on the taxonomic composition, total number of species, dominant species, and their occurrence in nests are presented.  相似文献   

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