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Summary The development of the heterophil granulocyte in the bone marrow of the rat is described, and an electron-microscopical analysis of the changes in the cytoplasm as well as in the granule population in several stages of maturation is reported. Three types of granule originate in consecutive stages of heterophil maturation. Granules with an internal fine structure (nucleated granules) are the first to be formed, i.e., in early promyelocytes; azurophil granules are formed in late promyelocytes; and specific granules appear in myelocytes. Quantitative analysis showed that the granule population in mature cells, i.e., about 160 granules per electron micrograph, is composed of roughly 14% nucleated granules, 10% azurophil granules, and 76% specific granules. Three cell stages were observed in mitosis: the early promyelocyte, the late promyelocyte, and the myelocyte. Granule counts in non-dividing cells confirmed the occurrence of mitosis in the late promyelocyte and myelocyte.  相似文献   

Summary The differentiation and maturation of monocytes and neutrophil granulocytes were studied in bone marrow of normal mice by electron microscopy and cytochemical assessment of peroxidatic activity. The granule populations of the mature cells of bone marrow were identified and investigated to obtain a basis for the analysis of the earlier stages of maturation. Mature monocytes and neutrophils showed primary and secondary granules, and mature neutrophils had more of both kinds. The size, shape, and number of primary granules proved to offer the most reliable criteria for distinguishing promonocytes and promyelocytes. The primary granules of monocytes were smaller than those of mature neutrophils and were either spherical (smallest diameter 50–200 nm) or elongate (100×400 nm). Both granules had a homogeneous matrix. The granules of the granulocytes were either spherical (smallest diameter 200–300 nm) or elongate (150–200×300–500 nm), and some of them had a crystalline inclusion.  相似文献   

Summary Vascularization of the pig mesonephros was investigated in embryos 5–8 cm in length. Vascular injections with microfil were cleared and dissected; corrosion casts were studied under the scanning electron microscope (SEM). Perfusion-fixed tissue was used for SEM and transmission electron microscope (TEM) studies, including freeze-fracture specimens.The branches of one mesonephric artery carry up to 15 glomeruli. Several glomeruli occupy the same arterial branch, with very short afferent arterioles proper. The efferent vessels, frequently 2–5, leave the extensive vascular pole opposite the entering arteriole and split into peritubular capillaries radiating towards the superficial veins. These capillaries form vascular regions in the shape of flattened pyramids. Along its course, one nephron is supplied by vessels derived from 4–7 glomeruli. The nephrons have less vascular contact than in the definitive kidney.The ultrastructure of the single mesonephric vessels matches the metanephric counterparts. Epithelioid cells with renin granules are common in afferent arterioles, larger arteries, and efferent vessels. The lobulated glomeruli are up to 750 m long and flattened, showing the usual features of podocytes, mesangial cells, and an attenuated endothelium with fenestrations between 50 and 250 m. It partially retains its own basement membrane. There is no proximal mesangium.Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary An electron microscopic study of aldehyde and osmium fixed normal guinea pig middle ear epithelium was made. Numerous branching microvilli occur between the cilia of the ciliated cells. The granules of the secretory cells are always surrounded by a membrane, and they vary in their content of electron dense substance. Half desmosomes are frequent in basal cells. The squamous epithelial cells of the bulla contain few microvilli and pinocytoric invaginations. In the basal part of the squamous epithelium dilations of the intercellular clefts often occur. The luminal part of the intercellular clefts are closed by multiple tight junctions.  相似文献   

Summary The middle ear capillaries of the guinea pig have fenestrated endothelium, and the intercellular clefts are closed by tight junctions. Intracardially injected horseradish peroxidase penetrates the fenestrae of the endothelium and gains access to the extra-cellular space beneath the epithelium, and the intercellular clefts of the epithelium.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of formaldehyde-induced fluorescence and acetylcholine-esterase (AChE) activity was histochemically investigated in certain salivary glands of the cow (submandibular gland), guinea pig and hamster (submandibular and sublingual glands). Adrenergic nerves occur around the secretory acini of the bovine, guinea pig and hamster submandibular glands, as well as around those of the hamster sublingual gland. The mucous secretory acini of the guinea pig sublingual gland, however, seem to be devoid of adrenergic nerve supply. Except in the sublingual gland of the hamster, no adrenergic nerves occur in relation to duct cells.The pattern of AChE activity is similar to that of adrenergic nerves. Thus, AChE-positive nerves form a network around secretory acini of all the five glands examined. Furthermore, AChE activity was also observed in nerve fibres in close proximity to striated duct cells.Both adrenergic and AChE-containing fibres were observed around blood vessels of different sizes. Ganglionic cells are occasionally to be seen; they all display AChE-activity. No adrenergic ganglionic cells were observed in any of the glands examined.All glands were also studied in the electron microscope. Interest was focussed on the fine structure of the autonomic nerves with special reference to their contents and type of storage vesicles.The content of noradrenaline was chemically determined in each type of salivary gland studied.This work was supported by grants from the University of Umeå and from the Swedish Society for Medical Research and was also carried out within a research organization supported by the Swedish Medical Research Council (projects B73-04X-712-08C and B73-04X-56-09C). The authors are indebted to Miss Kristina Karlsson and Miss Marianne Borg for valuable technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary With the use of tissue prepared by freeze-substitution and the unlabelled antibody enzyme technique, neurophysin and vasopressin were localized at the ultrastructural level in the posterior pituitary and median eminence of the guinea pig. In the posterior pituitary neurophysin was found in the large neurosecretory granules (1300–1500 Å) of axons, Herring bodies, and nerve terminals. In some of these axons immunoreactive neurophysin was found outside of granules in the axoplasm. By light microscopy neurophysin was found in both the zona interna and zona externa of the median eminence; this was confirmed by electron microscopy. In the zona interna as in the posterior pituitary, neurophysin was localized both inside and outside the large neurosecretory granules. In the zona externa, immunoreactive deposit was primarily located in granules with a diameter of 900–1100 Å in nerve terminals abutting on the primary portal plexus. The distribution of vasopressin paralleled that of neurophysin except that the hormone was rarely extragranular. These results demonstrate for the first time that both neurophysin and vasopressin are present in granules of axons that are in contact with the hypophysial portal vasculature.The authors wish to thank Dr. Alan Robinson for the gifts of antiserum to bovine neurophysin I and for purified bovine neurophysin I; Dr. Ludwig Sternberger for the peroxidase-anti-peroxidase complex; and Dr. Robert Utiger for antiserum to lysine vasopressinSupported in part by U.S. Public Health Service grant RR-00167 to the Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center from the National Institutes of Health. Primate Center publication No. 14-017.Recipient of NIH, NINDS Teacher-Investigator Award NS-1108.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the basilar membrane of the guinea pig cochlea is analysed. Measurements were made of the thickness of fibrillar and homogeneous layers along the cochlea of the width of bundles and spaces between them, and the distribution density of fibrils in the bundles. The analysis of the obtained characteristics has demonstrated that the homogeneous ground substance significantly contributes to the buildup of longitudinal stiffness of the basilar membrane.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the nuclei of epithelial cells of the dorsal lobe of the rat prostate were studied after administration of three different antiandrogenic compounds.The nucleolus appears to undergo a progressive disorganisation with partial fragmentation and dispersion of its normal components. Different types of intranuclear inclusions were found.The various alterations observed were often encountered within the same section. This may indicate that the nuclear alterations occur in the same compartment of the cell, and represent a dysfunction of integrated biochemical events occurring within this compartment.The findings support a view that the stimulatory secretory effect of androgens is mediated via a secretory center, located within the nucleolusassociated chromatin. Within this secretory center, the initial steps of the secretory process, the binding of the DHT receptor complex to DNA is assumed to occur.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the pineal gland of 18 human fetuses (crown-rump lengths 30–178 mm) was investigated.The pineal gland exhibits a pyramidal shape and consists of an anterior and posterior lobe. Only one parenchymal cell type, the pinealocyte, was observed. Few neuroblasts were seen between the pinealocytes and in the extended perivascular space. The pinealocytes possess all the organelles necessary for hormone synthesis. No specific secretory granule could be observed. The organ is abundantly vascularized and richly innervated. The morphology of the capillaries indicates the existence of a blood-brain barrier.The ultrastructure of the human fetal pineal gland suggests that the gland has a secretory function in early intrauterine life. Acknowledgements. The author is grateful to Mrs. Yael Balslev and Miss Inger Ægidius for their able technical assistance. This investigation was supported in part by The Carl and Ellen Hertz's foundation and the Johann and Hanne Weimann foundation.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural localization of peroxidase activity has been studied in the cells of normal human bone marrow using the diaminobenzidine peroxidase technique. Peroxidase activity has been localized within the primary (azurophil) granules of the neutrophilic series as well as in the cytoplasmic granules of eosinophils, basophils and monocytes. Peroxidase activity appears within the cisternal system (nuclear envelope, Golgi complex and rough endoplasmic reticulum) of these cells during the period of peroxidase-containing lysosome production. With the cessation of granulogenesis, peroxidase activity disappears from the cisternal system and does not reappear in subsequent developmental stages. In cells incubated in peroxide-free media, staining of granular components, but not of cisternae, is reduced. The inclusion of catalase in peroxide-free media eliminates all staining. This indicates that an endogenous peroxide is present within the cisternae and granules of these cell types.Supported by Grant No. AM-HE-12084-12 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.Appreciation is expressed to Anita Topson and Barbara Jordan for their technical assistance and to Dr. Arthur Sagone who performed the marrow aspirations.  相似文献   

Summary LH-RH was localized at the ultrastructural level in axons and nerve terminals of the median eminence of the male guinea pig. LH-RH positive neuronal profiles were most concentrated in the medial-dorsal aspect of the infundibular stalk and in the post-infundibular median eminence at the level immediately following separation of the stalk from the base of the brain. LH-RH containing axon profiles were most abundant in the palisade zone; nerve terminals in contact with the hypophysial portal vasculature were relatively rare. The hormone was present within granules that measured 900–1,200 Å in axons of the palisade zone and 400–800 Å in nerve terminals abutting on the portal plexus. The differently sized granules represent heterogeneous populations.Supported in part by U.S. Public Health Service grant HD-09636 from the National Institutes of Health and RR-00167 to the Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center from the National Institutes of Health. Primate Center Publication No. 15-031The authors wish to thank Dr. Sandy Sorrentino, Jr. for the gift of antiserum to LH-RH and Dr. Ludwig Sternberger for the peroxidase.antiperoxidase complex  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the nuclei of epithelial cells of the dorsal lobe of the rat prostate were studied 2, 3, 5, 7 and 21 days after castration. The nucleolus appears to undergo a progressive disorganisation with partial fragmentation and dispersion of its normal components.Changes in the nucleoplasm were primarily reflected by a condensation of chromatin, particularly along the nuclear membrane and adjacent to the nucleolus. Later, different types of intranuclear inclusions were observed.After 21 days, the nuclei were characterized by an irregular outline with large indentation. Within the nucleoplasm aggregates of coarse granular chromatin were found. No cell necrosis was observed, indicating that androgen deprivation results in a remodeling of the cell to a less active state with marked cellular alterations and cessation of secretion, but apparently with some of their basic functions still intact.Injections of testosterone completely reverse the castrated-induced alterations.The changes observed are assumed to be due to the withdrawal of the androgenic stimulus, with a direct influence on the secretory function of the cell. The findings support the view that the stimulating secretory effect of androgen is mediated via an intranuclear androgen receptor, probably located in the nucleolus-associated-chromatin. It is also proposed that the secretory function of the epithelial cells of the prostatic complex, initiated by androgens, may be regulated by an intranuclear secretory center.  相似文献   

Summary The high affinity of granulocytes of guinea pig and man to glass surfaces is modified by serum. Native serum contains both an adherence-promoting activity, which is related to complement, and components which reduce the adhesiveness of granulocytes. These components are stable at 56°C for 30 min and are tightly bound to the glass surface. -Lipoproteins are candidates for this adherence reducing ability of serum. Adherence promotion by native serum is mediated by coating the glass surface with C3b/C3bi. Human granulocytes from the peripheral blood adhered to glass surfaces coated by native human or guinea pig serum with C3b/C3bi to almost the same extent as in the presence of native serum, but on guinea pig granulocytes elicited in the peritoneal cavity, a cell surface metalloproteinase degraded the C3b/C3bi, thus reducing the adhesiveness of these cells. This proteinase was inhibited by MgEDTA, DTT, and 1,10-phenanthroline, whereby the high adhesiveness of granulocytes was restored to C3b/C3bi-coated glass.Abbreviations BA benzamidine hydrochloride - BTS Bacillus thuringiensis subtoxicus - DTT dithiothreitol - EAC -amino-caproic acid - gp guinea pig - LDL low density lipoproteins - SEM scanning electron microscopy  相似文献   

Large granular lymphocytes (LGL) comprise a natural defense system in the liver and exert an inhibitory effect on tumor cell metastasis. In order to demonstrate the maturation of LGL in the liver from the morphological aspect, we evaluated electron-microscopically the frequency of 0.2 m vesicles (rod-cored and empty vesicles) and dense granules in LGL from the liver, spleen, and peripheral blood of the rat. Both of these cell organelles are characteristic to LGL and may relate to natural killer-mediated cytolysis. On the average, there were 12.7 of the 0.2 m vesicles and 4.3 rod-cored vesicles (RCV) per cell section in the liver, 6.6 0.2 m vesicles and 1.6 RCV in the spleen, and 8.6 0.2 m vesicles and 0.9 RCV in the peripheral blood. The number of 0.2 m vesicles per cell section ranged from 0 to 19 with the exception of a few higher instances. Therefore, LGL were divided into vesicle-rich(>9 0.2 m vesicles per cell section) and vesicle-poor (<8 per cell section) populations. Hepatic LGL consisted mainly of a vesicle-rich population while splenic LGL consisted mainly of a vesicle-poor population, and peripheral blood contained equal proportions of both populations. In addition to diversity with regard to the number of 0.2 m vesicles, LGL obtained from various organs also displayed heterogeneity in the number and size of dense granules. Since the number of dense granules per cell section usually ranged from 1 to 13, LGL were diveded into 2 populations, i.e., LGL with many (>7 per cell section) granules and those with a few(<6 per cell section) granules. Specifically, splenic LGL had a few small (average diameter, less than 400 nm) dense granules, while sections of LGL from the liver and peripheral blood displayed many small dense granules and a few large (>400 nm) ones, respectively, in addition to the populations seen in the spleen. Thus, the present study has demonstrateda difference in the distribution of 0.2 m vesicles in LGL based on the tissue of origin. The present study has revealed the difference in the distribution of 0.2 m vesicles of LGL by tissue and indicated that immature LGL are predominant in the spleen, while hepatic LGL are generally more mature as defined by the number of vesicles. These data suggest that the microenvironment of the liver may contribute to the increased expression of these vesicles in LGL.  相似文献   

Summary In the guinea pig myometrium, the adrenergic nerves selectively demonstrated at the ultrastructural level after treatment with 5-OH-DA, show varying degree of degeneration during pregnancy. The changes are more extensive in a late gestational stage (40–45 days) than in an early one (20–25 days), and are particularly evident in the uterus overlying the conceptus as compared to the regions between the fetuses. Scattered degenerative changes were also observed in myometrial specimens from virgin animals, but probably reflect the normal continuous turnover of axons.  相似文献   

Summary It is generally accepted that variations in membrane cholesterol content affect the fluidity of the bilayer, thus altering its permeability. In the biological membranes, in physiological conditions, a high cholesterol content rigidifies the bilayer decreasing its permeability, a lower cholesterol content induces the opposite effect by increasing the permeability. Since differences in the epithelial permeability for short chain fatty acids have previously been demonstrated in the proximal and distal colon of the guinea pig, these two regions were investigated to establish whether differences in membrane cholesterol content of the absorbing cells can be demonstrated. Freeze-fracture replicas of filipin-treated colonic tissue were used. The results show that in the proximal colon the density of filipin cholesterol complexes located on the luminal plasma membrane of the columnar absorbing cells was significantly higher (about twice) than in the distal colon. Therefore the lower amount of cholesterol present in the membrane of the absorbing cells in the distal colon indicates a greater fluidity of the membranes of the epithelial cells in this region. Such fluidity could be correlated to the higher absorption rates of shortchain fatty acids characteristic of this region.  相似文献   

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