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In its natural habitat, Microcebus murinus, a small malagasy prosimian primate, is exposed to seasonal shortage of water and resources. During the winter dry season, animals enter a pronounced fattening period with concurrent decrease in behavioural/physiological activities, whereas the breeding season is restricted to the rainy summer months. To determine the role of daylength on metabolic rate and water loss in this nocturnal primate, we measured body mass, oxygen consumption at 25°C (RMR), circadian water loss through urine output (UO) and evaporation (EWL) in eight males exposed to either short days (8L:16D SD) or long days (14L:10D LD), under controlled captive conditions. Exposure to SD led to a ponderal increase (maximal body mass: 125±4 g, N=8), and to significant changes in RMR and water loss, both reaching lowest values after 3 months under SD (0.84±0.04 ml O2 h−1 g−1 and 38±0.3 mg H2O g−1 day−1, respectively). Following exposure to LD, body mass decreased to 77±3 g (N=8), whereas both RMR and water loss, mainly through EWL, significantly increased (P<0.001), the highest value occurring after 2 months (1.51±0.08 ml O2 h.−1 g−1 and 87±7 mgH2O g−1 day−1, respectively). Moreover, independent of daylength, circadian changes in EWL were characterized by significantly reduced values during the diurnal rest. The results demonstrate that daylength variations affect the physiology of this tropical primate, allowing anticipatory adaptation to seasonal environmental constraints.  相似文献   

为比较横断山区同域分布物种大绒鼠(Eothenomys miletus)和高山姬鼠(Apodemus chevrieri)的日节律特征,对两种鼠在24 h中4个时间段(04:00~06:00时、10:00~12:00时、16:00~18:00时和22:00~24:00时)的体温和蒸发失水进行了测定.结果显示,大绒鼠、高...  相似文献   

The seasonal diet and prey selection of the Southern Grey Shrike (Lanius meridionalis) was studied in two different insular habitats: shrub environments of the Canary Islands in coastal and high mountain zones. We measured, in each season, food availability and prey size in order to determine prey size selection of shrikes along an altitudinal gradient. Moreover, we compared the diet patterns observed with those documented on the continent, to determine if Southern Grey Shrikes in the islands’ high mountain zone (which has a continental climate) showed seasonal diet variation similar to those in northern continental areas. We analysed a total of 1,139 shrike pellets collected in 1 year and identified 10,179 prey items. Numerically arthropods (91%), and in terms of biomass lizards (70%) were the main prey consumed by the shrikes. The proportions of the main prey items differed significantly between seasons and habitats. Diet in the coastal areas was less variable than in the high mountain zone. The greater seasonal climatic variation in the high mountain zone was associated with diet patterns similar to those found in some northern continental areas, such as the Iberian Peninsula and southern France. Finally, shrikes selected the largest prey in the high mountain habitat. This suggests that foraging behaviour in this species is related to climatic conditions, as the biggest and most profitable prey were consumed in the most harsh habitats.  相似文献   

Thermogenic characteristics and evaporative water loss were measured at different temperatures in Tupaia belangeri. The thermal neutral zone (TNZ) of T. belangeri was 30–35 °C. Mean body temperature was 39.76±0.27 °C and mean body mass was 100.86±9.09 g. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) was 1.38±0.03 ml O2/g h. Average minimum thermal conductance (Cm) was 0.13±0.01 ml O2/g h °C. Evaporative water loss in T. belangeri increased when the temperature rose; the maximal evaporative water loss was 3.88±0.41 mg H2O/g h at 37.5 °C. The results may reflect features of small mammals in the sub-tropical plateau region: T. belangeri had high basal metabolic rate and high total thermal conductance, compared with the predicted values based on their body mass whilst their body temperatures are relatively high; T. belangeri has high levels of evaporative water loss and poor water-retention capacity. Evaporative water loss plays an important role in temperature regulation.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in ambient temperature (Ta) require changes in thermoregulatory responses of endotherms. These responses vary according to several factors including taxon and energy constraints. Despite a plethora of studies on chiropteran variations in thermoregulation, few have examined African species. In this study, we used the Wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat (Epomophorus wahlbergi, body mass≈115 g) to determine how the thermoregulatory abilities of an Afrotropical chiropteran respond to seasonal changes in Ta. Mass specific Resting Metabolic Rates (RMRTa) and basal metabolic rate (BMR) were significantly higher in winter than in summer. Furthermore, winter body mass was significantly higher than summer body mass. A broad thermoneutral zone (TNZ) was observed in winter (15–35 °C) compared with summer (25–30 °C). This species exhibited heterothermy (rectal and core body temperature) during the photophase (bats' rest-phase) particularly at lower Tas and had a low tolerance of high Tas. Overall, there was a significant seasonal variation in the thermoregulatory abilities of E. wahlbergi. The relative paucity of data relating to the seasonal thermoregulatory abilities of Afrotropical bats suggest further work is needed for comparison and possible effects of climate change, particularly extreme hot days.  相似文献   

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is thought to be a major hub in the network of physiological mechanisms connecting life history traits. Evaporative water loss (EWL) is a physiological indicator that is widely used to measure water relations in inter- or intraspecific studies of birds in different environments. In this study, we examined the physiological responses of summer-acclimatized Hwamei Garrulax canorus to temperature by measuring their body temperature (Tb), metabolic rate (MR) and EWL at ambient temperatures (Ta) between 5 and 40 °C. Overall, we found that mean body temperature was 42.4 °C and average minimum thermal conductance (C) was 0.15 ml O2 g−1 h−1 °C−1 measured between 5 and 20 °C. The thermal neutral zone (TNZ) was 31.8–35.3 °C and BMR was 181.83 ml O2 h−1. Below the lower critical temperature, MR increased linearly with decreasing Ta according to the relationship: MR (ml O2 h−1)=266.59–2.66 Ta. At Tas above the upper critical temperature, MR increased with Ta according to the relationship: MR (ml O2 h−1)=−271.26+12.85 Ta. EWL increased with Ta according to the relationship: EWL (mg H2O h−1)=−19.16+12.64 Ta and exceeded metabolic water production at Ta>14.0 °C. The high Tb and thermal conductance, low BMR, narrow TNZ, and high evaporative water production/metabolic water production (EWP/MWP) ratio in the Hwamei are consistent with the idea that this species is adapted to warm, mesic climates, where metabolic thermogenesis and water conservation are not strong selective pressures.  相似文献   

The performance of a species can be significantly altered by subtle changes in the physical environmental. The intertidal barnacle Balanus glandula is predominantly an open coast species in the Northeast Pacific. However, B. glandula commonly inhabits estuaries where environmental conditions such as salinity and temperature drastically differ from the open coast. We used survivorship and growth rates as a measure of performance in recently metamorphosed laboratory reared juvenile B. glandula outplanted along an environmental gradient at the mouth, mid-estuarine, and riverine end of the South Slough Estuary, Oregon, USA. Juvenile performance was highly variable over spatial and temporal scales and dependent upon existing environmental conditions. Surprisingly, along this estuarine gradient, juveniles performed better at a mid-estuarine location than at the mouth of the estuary. Typically, the riverine end of the estuary was the least suitable habitat along the estuarine gradient due to high juvenile mortality and a low growth rate. Although seasonally variable, survivorship and growth decreased with height along a vertical intertidal gradient as well. In a reciprocal transplant experiment, populations from both ends of the estuarine gradient displayed similar survivorship and growth rates. Our results demonstrate that the interactions of environmental conditions that vary temporally and spatially along a gradient strongly affect the success of an individual surviving and prospering during the early juvenile period.  相似文献   

Daily rhythms of nonshivering thermogenesis NST were studied in common spiny mice Acomys cahirinus, acclimated to different photoperiod regimes (16L:8D and 8L:16D) at a constant ambient temperature of 26°C. Noradrenaline NA (1.5 mg/kg subcutaneous) was injected at: 06:00, 12:00, 18:00 and 24:00 h (±15 min). NST was measured as the ratio between the maximal oxygen consumption (VO2) as response to NA — VO2NA and VO2 measured at 26°C — VO2 min. Rectal temperatures TbNA and Tb min respectively were recorded at the end of VO2 measurements. Significant variations in Tb min, TbNA, and NST were revealed, under the two different photoperiod regimes. Significant differences in VO2 min, NST, Tb min and TbNA were also recorded within each photoperiod acclimation group. These results suggest that daily and photoperiod depended variations in the brown adipose tissue activity, presumably emerge from amount of unoccupied receptors or changes in the receptors affinity to NA.  相似文献   

Hypoxia elicits a number of compensatory responses in animals, including behavioral hypothermia. The hypothesis that hypoglycemia induces hypothermia in the bullfrog Rana catesbeiana was tested and that this behavioral response would be beneficial. Frogs equipped with a temperature probe were tested in a thermal gradient (10–40°C). Insulin (15 IU kg−1) caused significant reduction of body temperature, from 25.0 to 17.8°C. A non-metabolizable glucose analogue, 2-deoxy-d-glucose (2-DG, 50 mg kg−1),which blocks intracellular glucose utilization, was also injected and caused a similar drop in body temperature, despite an increase in plasma glucose levels. To assess the possible benefits of hypoglycemia-induced hypothermia, the effects of insulin and 2-DG injections were measured on plasma glucose concentration and on oxygen consumption of frogs equilibrated at 10, 20 and 30°C. The plasma glucose was elevated at higher temperatures and so was oxygen consumption. The insulin caused a significant reduction of plasma glucose concentration (about 1.22 μMol ml−1) whereas 2-DG caused a significant increase (about 0.70 μMol ml−1) at 30°C. Both drugs caused a reduction of oxygen consumption (approximately 0.388 and 0.382 ml min−1 kg at 30°C after insulin and 2-DG injection, respectively). No effect of either insulin or 2-DG was observed when the animals were equilibrated at 10°C. In conclusion, hypothermia may be a beneficial response to hypoglycemia in frogs.  相似文献   

Lagidium viscacia inhabits where water and food availability is low. We hypothesize that this rodent should minimize metabolic rate and water loss in order to cope with such extreme environments. We observed that Lagidium viscacia has (1) a comparatively lower basal metabolic rate (67%) and thermal conductance (78%) of predicted; (2) a higher pulmocutaneous evaporation rate which is 36% (mesic) and 63% (xeric); and (3) energetic cost of maintaining the water balance similar to that expected for rodents from xeric environments (2.8 cal/g h). In summary, Lagidium viscacia has physiological traits that favour energy and water economy to cope with such extreme habitats.  相似文献   

Mechanisms behind variation in physiological traits may assist in explaining how certain traits have evolved. The ability of mammals to concentrate urine has been seen as an adaptation to xeric environments. Urine osmolality and relative medullary thickness (RMT) are two indices which indicate urine concentrating powers. In addition, mammals living in xeric regions have lower water turnover rates (WTR) than their mesic counterparts. The RMT, urine concentrating ability (UCA) and WTR of the Black-tailed Tree Rat, Thallomys nigricauda, were investigated at three study sites along an aridity gradient. We investigated the extent to which these traits are influenced by evolutionary adaptation and/or phenotypic flexibility. There was no significant difference in RMT between sites and no difference in osmolalities when site and season were taken into account. In addition, there was no significant effect of site and season on WTR. This suggests that these traits might have a genetic basis, and reflect an evolutionary adaptation. Lack of differences in the renal traits in T. nigricauda across their range may be interpreted as lack of phenotypic flexibility. However, as a consequence of the degree of individual variation in the parameters measured there appears to be phenotypic flexibility with individuals responding to their specific conditions. This has positive implications for the survival of the species in the light of climate change.  相似文献   

为了解澜沧江流域北部中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana)的分布,探究中华蜜蜂的食源和营养生态位沿海拔梯度的变化特征,调查了澜沧江流域北部各海拔区域中华蜜蜂的种群分布,运用蜂蜜孢粉学(melissopalynology)分析了各海拔区域中华蜜蜂蜂蜜中花粉的组成特征和变化规律,并综合分析了海拔、中华蜜蜂营养生态位和蜂蜜中花粉的相关性,探讨了自然环境与中华蜜蜂的分布,海拔梯度与蜜粉源植物、中华蜜蜂的食源和营养生态位的关系。结果表明:澜沧江流域北部中华蜜蜂的食源种类丰富,中华蜜蜂种群主要分布于2200—2800 m海拔区域。不同海拔区域中华蜜蜂采食花粉的种类和数量不同,中华蜜蜂种群分布多的海拔区域,蜂蜜中花粉的种类较多,但花粉数量相对少。随着海拔梯度升高,中华蜜蜂蜂蜜中花粉的数量表现为先降后增,而花粉的种类则表现为先增后降。不同海拔区域的中华蜜蜂营养生态位存在差异,推测各海拔区域蜜粉源植物分布、中华蜜蜂种内和种间授粉昆虫及食草动物等竞争因素不同,但各海拔梯度间的变化差异不显著。海拔与中华蜜蜂营养生态位呈正相关(r=0.051),相关性不显著;海拔与蜂蜜中花粉数量呈正相关(r=0.047),与蜂蜜中花粉种类呈正相关(r=0.144),相关性都不显著;中华蜜蜂营养生态位与蜂蜜中花粉的种类呈负相关(r=-0.305),相关性显著(P!0.05);与花粉的数量呈负相关(r=-0.064),相关性不显著。蜂蜜中花粉的数量与种类呈正相关(r=-0.303),且相关性显著(P!0.05)。  相似文献   

Snails from a heated zone of Par Pond of the U.S. Savannah River Plant were compared with conspecifies from an unheated area of the same reservoir. The heated area averaged 5°C warmer and was thermally more variabic than the control area. This situation has existed for about twenty years. Variation in metabolic response to temperature was observed according to season and heated vs unheated area. A laboratory rearing experiment indicated that part of the observed variation was environmetally induced.

Life cycle and growth rates were similar in the two collection areas. Three generations were produced annually in both areas and spawning was synchronous except that the summer spawning period was shorter in the heated area. Live weights expressed relative to shell size were also similar, and decreased in both areas during summer.

It appears from these results that metabolic compensation for temperature can serve as an indicator of general thermal adaptability, but only if the degree of environmental plasticity is known for the species.  相似文献   

面对全球变化,准确掌握陆地森林生态系统生物地球化学循环过程及其影响因素,有助于维持生态系统多功能性与稳定性,实现增汇并延长碳汇服务,持续增进并改善人民福祉。为了探究贺兰山山地森林生态系统优势建群种青海云杉(Picea crassifolia)林土壤生态化学计量特征对海拔的生态响应及其影响因素,从土壤、林分、地形影响因素的角度出发,采用冗余分析(Redundancy analysis, RDA)和方差分解分析(Variance partitioning analysis, VPA)阐明影响其非根和根围土壤生态化学计量特征空间变异的关键因素。结果表明:(1)贺兰山青海云杉林非根和根围土壤C、N养分含量均维持在较高水平,高海拔区域青海云杉生长受土壤P限制高;相较非根土壤,根围土壤虽养分含量较低,但具有较高的养分周转能力,如有机质分解与矿化、固持P的潜力等。(2)随海拔变化,非根和根围土壤养分及其生态化学计量比变化趋势不同,非根土除了全氮(TN)含量外其他养分含量及化学计量比在不同海拔间均差异显著(P<0.05),根围土全磷(TP)、碳磷比(C/P)具有显著性差异(P>0.05)。...  相似文献   

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