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Results of pollenanalytical investigations in the Highlands of Mexico (area of Puebla — Tlaxcala) are presented together with a survey of the last 35 000 years of vegetation history. After 3 pine periods from 35 000 to about 7 000–8 000 B. P., according to high and late Pleistocene condition, the Holocene vegetation history becomes more diversified: periods of alder, pine, fir and mixed oak forests alternate and end in a period of cultivated landscape.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary vegetation history of the Western Isles of Scotland   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The late Quaternary vegetational history of northwest Greece   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  

The palaeoecological sites of Gramousti lake and Rezina marsh, northwest Greece, although only 20 kin apart are at contrasting altitudes of 285 m a.s.1. and 1800 m a.s.1. Altitudinal difference between the two sites is shown to have a significant effect upon the postglacial vegetational history of the region. Rezina marsh is the highest and smallest site to be studied thus far in Greece and provides some of the first evidence for the location of cold‐stage temperate tree refugia. Migration of tree populations is shown to play an insignificant part in the vegetational development of the mountain region, demonstrating the importance of other factors (internal and external) in the diversity of the postglacial woodland.  相似文献   

Abstract The late Quaternary vegetation communities of the south-central highlands of Victoria are reconstructed from analyses of pollen and charcoal, and associated environmental conditions derived from the record of Nothofagus cunninghamii and alpine and sclerophyll taxa preserved in four subalpine Sphagnum bogs. The highest site occurs amid Eucalyptus paudflora woodland, the two intermediate sites are surrounded by Eucalyptus delegatensis forest and the lowest by a mixed forest of E. delegatensis/Eucalyptus regnans. Small pockets of N. cunninghamii occur within the eucalypt forests, and in close proximity to all four sites. Around 32 000 BP the vegetation consisted of a mosaic of alpine feldmark and herbfield, with small scattered groves of Nothofagus and Eucalyptus well below 1100m. Summer temperatures were probably 5°C lower than present with lowest values, probably 7° to 8°C below present, possibly between 17 000 and 13 500 BP, at which time alpine communities reached their greatest extent and much of the Central Highlands was treeless. After ca 13 500 BP herbaceous alpine taxa disappeared and there was an associated movement upslope of Nothofagus and tall open forest taxa to their maximum post-glacial extent, as temperatures and effective precipitation increased, ca 6000 BP. The retraction of cool temperate rainforest and wet sclerophyll or tall open forest towards present day values indicates lower effective precipitation, generally rising temperatures and increased fire hazard. More recently, European activities have increased the stress on the remaining forests. The study of four sites has demonstrated die importance of analysing a number of sites within a given area in order to overcome the limitations imposed by sites which were sub-optimal due to one or more factors including poor preservation, problems of dating, variable sedimentation rates, and the influence of streams which flow close to all sites. While die local environment varies between sites, and some vegetation changes are successional, this study shows that the local records complement one another, to some extent reinforcing die regional picture of vegetation and environmental change.  相似文献   

The pollen diagram from Stracciacappa (Sabatini volcanic complex, Rome) provides a record of vegetational and climatic change spanning the last 60000 years, which is the time since when volcanic activity in the crater came to an end. The chronological framework of the sediment core is set by five AMS and three conventional radiocarbon dates; the mean sedimentation rate obtained by radiocarbon measurements was used to extrapolate the age of the record beyond the reach of 14C dating. The sequence from Stracciacappa provides results of fundamental importance for the understanding of the vegetational changes which occurred during the last pleniglacial period in central Italy, and it can be considered as a reference pollen record for the regional biostratigraphic characterization of this period. The site shows a high climatic sensitivity, particularly highlighted by the development of some pleniglacial oscillations with woodland, which interrupted the succession of steppe and grassland vegetational formations typical of the glacial periods. Unfortunately, due to sedimentation problems and alteration of the top level sediments, the Holocene is only recorded in part. Only for one millennium, from ca. 8300 to 7200 uncalb.p., was a real forest expansion characterized by over 90% arboreal pollen found.  相似文献   

Palynological data and pedological investigations including stable isotopes and lignin biomarkers (Glaser et al. in press) from a 4 m core of Lake Rukche (3500 m a.s.l.) enhance our palaeoecological knowledge of the time since the LGM in the Gorkha Himal, Central Nepal. Even before 15000 B.P. forest types became established which prove the existence in Central Nepal of a temperate-humid climate with a considerable amount of winter and spring precipitation from westerly disturbances. Lignin input and pollen data point to a patchy vegetation cover around Lake Rukche with meadow-steppes dominated by Poaceae. Around 15000 B.P. Quercus and Pinus roxburghii dominated the lower altitudes while the vegetation around Lake Rukche was more steppe-like (Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia). Subsequently the climate became warmer and drier as winter and spring precipitation decreased while summer rain remained low. Later on more resource-demanding forests became established under improved temperature and precipitation conditions (Engelhardia). Around Lake Rukche coniferous forests (Abies, Picea) occurred beside meadow-steppes. The transition from the Pleistocene to the Holocene is not recorded. In the Holocene alpine Kobresia-meadows stabilised the soil surface causing sand accumulation to end. During the mid-Holocene (7800–2750 B.P.) humid oak forests with demanding elements (Ilex, Coriaria, Myrsine and Engelhardia) dominated the vegetation cover. A charcoal layer and a marked emergence of fire-induced communities with Pinus roxburghii, Poaceae, Ericaceae and Pteridium are proofs of a first strong anthropogenic change in vegetation which coincided with the climatic deterioration at the onset of the Subatlantic. Since 900 B.P. grazing pressure and the frequency of fires increased, resulting in a replacement of Betula utilis-forests by meadows and woods of Juniperus and Rhododendron. While previous anthropogenic influence increased the biodiversity by promoting replacement communities, recent developments have led to a decrease in biodiversity through loss of natural vegetation communities.  相似文献   

The Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental history from Pacific slopes of the western Andes is reconstructed by pollen analysis of 32 samples from two marine sediment cores from the Panama Basin, eastern equatorial Pacific: core ODP 677B (83°44.2200′ W, 1°12.1440′ N, 3473 m water depth) is 185 cm long and spans the last 39,410 years, core TR 163-38 (81.583° W, 1.337° N, 2200 m water depth) is 103 cm long and covers the last 17,380 years. Six ecological groups were established: mangrove, brackish and fresh water swamps, terra firma lowland forests, broad range taxa, Andean forests, and open vegetation. A good correspondence was found between the changes of these ecological groups in the two cores. The records evidence the continuous presence of all vegetation types during the last 39,410 years and specially the uninterrupted occurrence of tropical rain forest. They record a development from: (1) a cold and humid phase (39,410-28,120 yr cal BP) with moderately high sea levels, (2) the coldest and driest phase in the record (28,120-14,500 yr cal BP) accompanied by the lowest sea levels, (3) a transitional phase when sea level rose and humid conditions dominated, (4) a stage (11,300-5600 yr cal BP) of the highest sea levels and moisture conditions including a drier period ∼7000 yr BP, to (5) a final period (5600 yr cal BP-Present) when sea level reached its present height, humidity persisted, and indicators of disturbance expanded. Peaks in pollen and spore concentration, associated with high river discharge periods, indicate periods of higher precipitation around 33,500, 28,000 and 12,000-9000 yr cal BP. Although main vegetation responses seem to reflect rainfall and moisture variations, a good correspondence was found between δ18O values and percentages of Andean and lowland pollen, suggesting that vegetation also responded to tempearture changes.  相似文献   

The Loky‐Manambato region, located in northern Madagascar, is a biotically rich contact zone between different forest biomes. Local current forest cover is composed of both humid and dry formations, which show elevational stratification. A recent phylogeographical study of a regional dry forest rodent, Eliurus carletoni (subfamily Nesomyinae), found genetic evidence of forest contractions between 18 750 and 7500 years BP, which based on extrapolation of the pollen subfossil record, was thought to be associated with an expansion of local humid forests. Herein, we conduct a genetic test of this hypothesis and focused on populations on two neighbouring massifs of forest‐dependent rodent species, one associated with low‐elevation dry forests (Ecarletoni) and the other with higher elevation humid forests (Eliurus tanala). Using mitochondrial markers and a combination of traditional and coalescent‐based phylogeographical, historical demographic and population genetic methods, we found evidence of historical connections between populations of Etanala. Adjacent populations of Ecarletoni and Etanala exhibit opposite historical demographic patterns, and for both, evidence suggests that historical demographic events occurred within the last 25 000 years BP. These findings strongly support the proposed late Quaternary shifts in the floristic composition of the Loky‐Manambato region.  相似文献   

1 The vegetational and environmental history of the Korean Peninsula has been reconstructed by the use of both macrofossils and pollen data. These data were analysed within the time‐frame between the Permian and the present day. 2 The continuous appearances of presently occurring conifers and dicotyledons since the Cretaceous indicate both the absence of catastrophic environmental changes in the past, and a degree of long‐term climatic continuity. There were, however, climatic fluctuations occurring within the full time‐frame considered. 3 The presence of a relatively rich flora in both the Oligocene and Miocene suggests the existence of a warm climate. The removal of the Tertiary and Quaternary conifers from the Holocene deposits and the continued survival of cryophilous conifers since the later Pleistocene may be due to climatic deterioration. 4 Overall, an analysis on the vegetational history seems to provide information for the better understanding of the present vegetation as well as providing data on environmental change in the region.  相似文献   

The pollen and charcoal record of a 1,500-cm-long lake sediment core from Lagoa Nova allows a reconstruction of vegetation, climate and fire history in the Atlantic lowland of southeastern Brazil. Today the potential vegetation of the study region would be dense and tall semi-deciduous forest, related to a dry season of 4 months and 1,250 mm precipitation per year. The lowermost core section of Lagoa Nova is probably of late Glacial age and contains only few, poorly preserved pollen grains, indicating dry environmental conditions. Pollen preservation was good above 1,005-cm core depth. Extrapolating from four radiocarbon dates, this interval represents about the last 10,000 years. During the early Holocene (until about 8,500 b.p.), the landscape was dominated by savanna of the campo cerrado type (open shrub woodland), with frequent trees of Curatella americana and small areas of gallery forests along the drainage system. Savanna fires, probably natural, were frequent at that time. The palaeovegetation pattern is consistent with a long dry season of about 6 months and annual precipitation lower than today. Then, up to about 7,560 b.p., gallery forests expanded in the valleys, reflecting a shorter dry season of about 5 months and somewhat higher annual rainfall. Fire was less frequent during this wetter period. Between about 7,560 and 6,060 b.p., savanna expanded and gallery forests retreated, indicating a return to drier climatic conditions of probably between 5 and 6 months dry season and lower precipitation. Fire was again frequent, but not as frequent as during the early Holocene. During the mid to late Holocene period between about 6,060 and 2,180 b.p., the valleys were covered by semi-deciduous forest, but on the hills cerrado vegetation continued to grow. The dry season was probably around 5 months and rainfall was higher than in the preceding period. During the following period between about 2,810 and 600 b.p., the open cerrado on the hills changed to closed cerrado, reflecting wetter conditions with a shorter dry season than in the previous period. It was only after about 600 b.p. that dense semi-deciduous forests expanded throughout the study region, indicating the start of modern, wet climatic conditions with an annual dry season of about 4 months. Fire was nearly absent during this period. The reconstructed palaeoenvironment from the Lagoa Nova record is similar to that of Lago do Pires, indicating that changes in past vegetation, climate and fire frequency are regionally consistent in southeastern Brazil.  相似文献   

Climatic warming during the last glacial–interglacial transition (LGIT) was punctuated by reversals to glacial‐like conditions. Palaeorecords of ecosystem change can help document the geographical extent of these events and improve our understanding of biotic sensitivity to climatic forcing. To reconstruct ecosystem and climatic variations during the LGIT, we analyzed lake sediments from southwestern Alaska for fossil pollen assemblages, biogenic‐silica content (BSiO2%), and organic‐carbon content (OC%). Betula shrub tundra replaced herb tundra as the dominant vegetation of the region around 13 600 cal BP (cal BP: 14C calibrated calendar years before present), as inferred from an increase of Betula pollen percentages from << 5% to >> 20% with associated decreases in Cyperaceae, Poaceae, and Artemisia. At c. 13 000 cal BP, a decrease of Betula pollen from 28 to << 5% suggests that shrub tundra reverted to herb tundra. Shrub tundra replaced herb tundra to resume as the dominant vegetation at 11 600 cal BP. Higher OC% and BSiO2% values suggest more stable soils and higher aquatic productivity during shrub‐tundra periods than during herb‐tundra periods, although pollen changes lagged behind changes in the biogeochemical indicators before c. 13 000 cal BP. Comparison of our palaeoecological data with the ice‐core dδ18O record from Greenland reveals strikingly similar patterns from the onset through the termination of the Younger Dryas (YD). This similarity supports the hypothesis that, as in the North Atlantic region, pronounced YD climatic oscillations occurred in the North Pacific region. The rapidity and magnitude of ecological changes at the termination of the YD are consistent with greenhouse experiments and historic photographs demonstrating tundra sensitivity to climatic forcing.  相似文献   

The geochronology and taphonomy of internationally important fossil bearing cave deposits were studied, both in the semi-arid Northern Bahia area and the subtropical southeastern Lagoa Santa area of Brazil. Taphonomic analysis suggests that the processes responsible for bone accumulation in the Brazilian caves vary between sites, and taphonomic bias can therefore be significant in causing differences in faunal composition. In the Toca da Boa Vista caves the presence of single articulated skeletons, and the entrance-related distribution indicate that random penetration of animals is the main mechanism of fossil accumulation, a process that biases the assemblage to smaller species, and takes place over extended time periods. In nearby Toca dos Ossos cave transport by runoff in the cave river is predominant, and biases the fauna remains to larger more robust bones and species. Deposition probably also occurred only at times of enhanced runoff giving a more contemporaneous assemblage. Similar processes were responsible for emplacement of the copious fossil remains in the more humid Lagoa Santa area, where terrigenous fossil deposits are found intercalated by massive speleothem calcite layers. In this area runoff under a drier climate probably accounts for the sediment emplacement inside caves. In both areas the mode of emplacement implies bias in the fossil record, resulting in fossil assemblages that do not mirror surface faunas, limiting palaeoenvironmental reconstruction.

Mass spectrometric U-series analysis of speleothem calcite overlaying fossil remains gives minimum ages for fossil deposition. These ages confirm the previous view that many of the deposits derive from the late glacial, but also show that much older material (some > 350,000 yr) is also present. The habitat requirements of critical fossil species such as bats and monkeys strongly suggest that they derive from much wetter periods when forest cover was present in the currently semi-arid Northern Bahia area. Taphonomy exerts a major control on the diversity and mode of emplacement of cave fossil deposits in eastern Brazil and thus detailed sedimentological and hydrological studies coupled with a sound geochronological approach are essential in quantifying the relative importance of each taphonomic processes before faunal and palaeoecological interpretations can be attempted.  相似文献   

Ecological change and adaptation among the Gurungs of the Nepal Himalaya   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Shepherding among the highland Gurungs of Nepal is examined in its historical and contemporary settings. Change from pastoral nomadism augmented by hunting, swidden agriculture, and trade to sedentary rice agriculture augmented by transhumance and migrant labor (soldiery) is considered in terms of adaptive response to change in cultural and physical environments. A brief examination of adaptive strategies in one village is presented to highlight the interplay of ecological, economic, and social variables. Data from Gurungs studies are compared with recent Magar village studies in the Himalaya by John Hitchcock. Through-out the article, a methodological stance is pursued by which many dynamic adaptations, such as those of the Gurungs, can be understood by comparing past and present ecological-cultural processes.This article is based on original research among the Gurungs of northern Lamjung District, Nepal, and on available archival sources. The research was supported by a grant from the U.S. Public Health Service's National Institutes of Health [NIH Grant No. 5-TO1-GMO 1382-07 (BHS)], through the Department of Anthropology, University of Oregon. The author is presently employed as an ethnographic researcher by Abt Associates, Inc., of Cambridge, Massachusetts.This article was prepared in response to the symposium, Cultural Adaptations to Mountain Ecosystems, held at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 28, 1973.  相似文献   

Across angiosperms, variable rates of molecular substitution are linked with life-history attributes associated with woody and herbaceous growth forms. As the number of generations per unit time is correlated with molecular substitution rates, it is expected that rates of phenotypic evolution would also be influenced by differences in generation times. Here, we make the first broad-scale comparison of growth-form-dependent rates of niche evolution. We examined the climatic niches of species on large time-calibrated phylogenies of five angiosperm clades and found that woody lineages have accumulated fewer changes per million years in climatic niche space than related herbaceous lineages. Also, climate space explored by woody lineages is consistently smaller than sister lineages composed mainly of herbaceous taxa. This pattern is probably linked to differences in the rate of climatic niche evolution. These results have implications for niche conservatism; in particular, the role of niche conservatism in the distribution of plant biodiversity. The consistent differences in the rate of climatic niche evolution also emphasize the need to incorporate models of phenotypic evolution that allow for rate heterogeneity when examining large datasets.  相似文献   

The dramatic climate fluctuations of the late Quaternary have influenced the diversity and composition of macroorganism communities, but how they structure belowground microbial communities is less well known. Fungi constitute an important component of soil microorganism communities. They play an important role in biodiversity maintenance, community assembly, and ecosystem functioning, and differ from many macroorganisms in many traits. Here, we examined soil fungal communities in Chinese temperate, subtropical, and tropic forests using Illumina MiSeq sequencing of the fungal ITS1 region. The relative effect of late Quaternary climate change and contemporary environment (plant, soil, current climate, and geographic distance) on the soil fungal community was analyzed. The richness of the total fungal community, along with saprotrophic, ectomycorrhizal (EM), and pathogenic fungal communities, was influenced primarily by the contemporary environment (plant and/or soil) but not by late Quaternary climate change. Late Quaternary climate change acted in concert with the contemporary environment to shape total, saprotrophic, EM, and pathogenic fungal community compositions and with a stronger effect in temperate forest than in tropic–subtropical forest ecosystems. Some contemporary environmental factors influencing total, saprotrophic, EM, and pathogenic fungal communities in temperate and tropic–subtropical forests were different. We demonstrate that late Quaternary climate change can help to explain current soil fungal community composition and argue that climatic legacies can help to predict soil fungal responses to climate change.  相似文献   

Current climatic trends involve both increasing temperatures and climatic variability, with extreme events becoming more frequent. Increasing concern on extreme climatic events has triggered research on vegetation shifts. However, evidences of vegetation shifts resulting from these events are still relatively rare. Empirical evidence supports the existence of stabilizing processes minimizing and counteracting the effects of these events, reinforcing community resilience. We propose a demographic framework to understand this inertia to change based on the balance between adult mortality induced by the event and enhanced recruitment or adult survival after the event. The stabilizing processes potentially contributing to this compensation include attenuation of the adult mortality caused by the event, due to site quality variability, to tolerance, phenotypic variability, and plasticity at population level, and to facilitative interactions. Mortality compensation may also occur by increasing future survival due to beneficial effect on growth and survival of the new conditions derived from global warming and increased climatic variability, to lowered competition resulting from reduced density in affected stands, or to antagonistic release when pathogens or predators are vulnerable to the event or the ongoing climatic conditions. Finally, mortality compensation may appear by enhanced recruitment due to release of competition with established vegetation, for instance as a consequence of gap openings after event‐caused mortality, or to the new conditions, which may be more favorable for seedling establishment, or to enhanced mutualistic interactions (pollination, dispersal). There are important challenges imposed by the need of long‐term studies, but a research agenda focused on potentially stabilizing processes is well suited to understand the variety of responses, including lack of sudden changes and community inertia that are frequently observed in vegetation under extreme events. This understanding is crucial for the establishment of sound management strategies and actions addressed to improve ecosystem resilience under climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

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