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In addition to the CCR5 and CXCR4 chemokine receptors, a subset of primary human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolates can also use the seven-transmembrane-domain receptor APJ as a coreceptor. A previously identified ligand of APJ, apelin, specifically inhibited the entry of primary T-tropic and dualtropic HIV-1 isolates from different clades into cells expressing CD4 and APJ. Analysis of apelin analogues demonstrated that potent and specific antiviral activity was retained by a 13-residue, arginine-rich peptide. Antiviral potency was influenced by the integrity of methionine 75, which contributes to APJ-binding affinity, and by the retention of apelin residues 63 to 65. These studies demonstrate the ability of a small peptide ligand to block the function of APJ as an HIV-1 coreceptor, identify apelin sequences important for the inhibition, and provide new reagents for the investigation of the significance of APJ to HIV-1 infection and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The peptide growth factor apelin is the high affinity ligand for the G-protein-coupled receptor APJ. During embryonic development of mouse and frog, APJ receptor is expressed at high levels in endothelial precursor cells and in nascent vascular structures. Characterization of Xenopus apelin shows that the sequence of the bioactive region of the peptide is perfectly conserved between frogs and mammals. Embryonic expression studies indicate that apelin is expressed in, or immediately adjacent to, a subset of the developing vascular structures, particularly the intersegmental vessels. Experimental inhibition of either apelin or APJ expression, using antisense morpholino oligos, results in elimination or disruption of intersegmental vessels in a majority of embryos. In gain of function experiments, apelin peptide is a potent angiogenic factor when tested using two in vivo angiogenesis assays, the frog embryo and the chicken chorioallantoic membrane. Furthermore, studies using the mouse brain microvascular cell line bEnd.3 show that apelin acts as a mitogenic, chemotactic and anti-apoptotic agent for endothelial cells in culture. Finally, we show that, similar to a number of other angiogenic factors, expression of the apelin gene is increased under conditions of hypoxia. Taken together, these studies indicate that apelin is required for normal vascular development in the frog embryo and has properties consistent with a role during normal and pathological angiogenesis.  相似文献   

The orphan receptor APJ and its recently identified endogenous ligand, apelin, are expressed in the heart. However, their importance in the human cardiovascular system is not known. This study shows that apelin-like immunoreactivity is abundantly present in healthy human heart and plasma. Gel filtration HPLC analysis revealed that atrial and plasma levels of high molecular weight apelin, possibly proapelin, were markedly higher than those of mature apelin-36 itself. As assessed by quantitative RT-PCR analysis, left ventricular apelin mRNA levels were increased 4.7-fold in chronic heart failure (CHF) due to coronary heart disease (p<0.01) and 3.3-fold due to idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (p<0.05), whereas atrial apelin mRNA levels were unchanged. Atrial and plasma apelin-like immunoreactivity as well as atrial and ventricular APJ receptor mRNA levels were significantly decreased in CHF. Our results suggest that a new cardiac regulatory peptide, apelin, and APJ receptor may contribute to the pathophysiology of human CHF.  相似文献   

Characterization of apelin, the ligand for the APJ receptor   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
The apelin peptide was recently discovered and demonstrated to be the endogenous ligand for the G protein-coupled receptor, APJ. A search of the GenBank databases retrieved a rat expressed sequence tag partially encoding the preproapelin sequence. The GenBank search also revealed a human sequence on chromosome Xq25-26.1, containing the gene encoding preproapelin. We have used the rat sequence to screen a rat brain cDNA library to obtain a cDNA encoding the full-length open reading frame of rat preproapelin. This cDNA encoded a protein of 77 amino acids, sharing an identity of 82% with human preproapelin. Northern and in situ hybridization analyses revealed both human and rat apelin and APJ to be expressed in the brain and periphery. Both sequence and mRNA expression distribution analyses revealed similarities between apelin and angiotensin II, suggesting they that share related physiological roles. A synthetic apelin peptide was injected intravenously into male Wistar rats, resulting in immediate lowering of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which persisted for several minutes. Intraperitoneal apelin injections induced an increase in drinking behavior within the first 30 min after injection, with a return to baseline within 1 h.  相似文献   

ADP is the cognate ligand for the orphan G protein-coupled receptor SP1999   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
P2Y receptors are a class of G protein-coupled receptors activated primarily by ATP, UTP, and UDP. Five mammalian P2Y receptors have been cloned so far including P2Y1, P2Y2, P2Y4, P2Y6, and P2Y11. P2Y1, P2Y2, and P2Y6 couple to the activation of phospholipase C, whereas P2Y4 and P2Y11 couple to the activation of both phospholipase C and the adenylyl cyclase pathways. Additional ADP receptors linked to Galpha(i) have been described but have not yet been cloned. SP1999 is an orphan G protein-coupled receptor, which is highly expressed in brain, spinal cord, and blood platelets. In the present study, we demonstrate that SP1999 is a Galpha(i)-coupled receptor that is potently activated by ADP. In an effort to identify ligands for SP1999, fractionated rat spinal cord extracts were assayed for Ca(2+) mobilization activity against Chinese hamster ovary cells transiently transfected with SP1999 and chimeric Galpha subunits (Galpha(q/i)). A substance that selectively activated SP1999-transfected cells was identified and purified through a series of chromatographic steps. Mass spectral analysis of the purified material definitively identified it as ADP. ADP was subsequently shown to inhibit forskolin-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity through selective activation of SP1999 with an EC(50) of 60 nM. Other nucleotides were able to activate SP1999 with a rank order of potency 2-MeS-ATP = 2-MeS-ADP > ADP = adenosine 5'-O-2-(thio)diphosphate > 2-Cl-ATP > adenosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate). Thus, SP1999 is a novel, Galpha(i)-linked receptor for ADP.  相似文献   

Apelin peptides have recently been identified to be the endogenous ligands for the G protein-coupled receptor APJ. However, little is known about the physiological roles of this ligand-receptor pairing. In the present study we investigated the pharmacology of several apelin analogues at the human recombinant APJ receptor using radioligand binding and functional assays. This has led to the identification of key residues in the apelin peptide required for functional potency and binding affinity through structure-activity studies. In particular, we have identified that replacement of leucine in position 5, or arginine in position 2 and 4 of the C-terminal apelin peptide, apelin-13, resulted in significant changes in pharmacology. We also investigated the detailed localization of pre-proapelin and APJ receptor mRNA in a wide range of human, rat and mouse tissues using quantitative RT-PCR, and carried out a detailed immunohistochemical study of the distribution of the APJ receptor in rat brain and spinal cord. Interestingly, the APJ receptor was not only co-localized in white matter with GFAP in the spinal cord, but was also clearly localized on neurones in the brain, suggesting that this receptor and its peptide may be involved in a wide range of biological process yet to be determined.  相似文献   

Bursicon is a neurohumoral agent responsible for tanning and hardening of the cuticle and expansion of the wings during the final phase of insect metamorphosis. Although the hormonal activity was described more than 40 years ago, the molecular nature of bursicon has remained elusive. We identify here Drosophila bioactive bursicon as a heterodimer made of two cystine knot polypeptides. This conclusion was reached in part from the unexpected observation that in the genome of the honey bee, the orthologs of the two Drosophila proteins are predicted to be fused in a single open reading frame. The heterodimeric Drosophila protein displays bursicon bioactivity in freshly enclosed neck-ligated flies and is the natural agonist of the orphan G protein-coupled receptor DLGR2.  相似文献   

On purification, human fibroblast collagenase breaks down into two major forms (Mr22,000 and Mr 27,000) and one minor form (Mr 25,000). The most likely mechanism is autolysis, although the presence of contaminating enzymes cannot be excluded. From N-terminal sequencing studies, the 22,000-Mr fragment contains the active site; differential binding to concanavalin A shows the 25,000-Mr fragment is a glycosylated form of the 22,000-Mr fragment. These low-Mr forms can be separated by Zn2+-chelate chromatography. An activity profile of this column, combined with data from substrate gels, indicates no activity against collagen in the 22,000-Mr and 25,000-Mr forms, but rather, activity casein and gelatin. The 27,000-Mr form has no activity. The 22,000/25,000-Mr form can act as an activator for collagenase in a similar way to that reported for stromelysin. The activity of the 22,000/25,000-Mr form is not inhibited by the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP). The 27,000-Mr C-terminal part of the collagenase molecule therefore appears to be important in maintaining the substrate-specificity of the enzyme, and also plays a role in the binding of TIMP.  相似文献   

To identify possible ligands of the orphan somatostatin-like receptor 1 (SLC-1), rat brain extracts were analyzed by using the functional expression system of Xenopus oocytes injected with cRNAs encoding SLC-1 and G protein-gated inwardly rectifying potassium channels (GIRK). A strong inward current was observed with crude rat brain extracts which upon further purification by cation exchange chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) yielded two peptides with a high agonist activity. Mass spectrometry and partial peptide sequencing revealed that one peptide is identical with the neuropeptide melanin concentrating hormone (MCH), the other represents a truncated version of MCH lacking the three N-terminal amino acid residues. Xenopus oocytes expressing the MCH receptor responded to nM concentrations of synthetic MCH not only by the activation of GIRK-mediated currents but also by the induction of Ca(2+) dependent chloride currents mediated by phospholipase C. This indicates that the MCH receptor can couple either to the G(i)- or G(q)-mediated signal transduction pathway, suggesting that MCH may serve for a number of distinct brain functions including food uptake behavior.  相似文献   

Urotensin II (UII) is a neuropeptide with potent cardiovascular effects. Its sequence is strongly conserved among different species and has structural similarity to somatostatin. No receptor for UII has been molecularly identified from any species so far. GPR14 was cloned as an orphan G protein-coupled receptor with similarity to members of the somatostatin/opioid receptor family. We have now demonstrated that GPR14 is a high affinity receptor for UII and designate it UII-R1a. HEK293 cells and COS-7 cells transfected with rat GPR14 showed strong, dose-dependent calcium mobilization in response to fish, frog, and human UII. Radioligand binding analysis showed high affinity binding of UII to membrane preparations isolated from HEK293 cells stably expressing rat GPR14. In situ hybridization analysis showed that GPR14 was expressed in motor neurons of the spinal cord, smooth muscle cells of the bladder, and muscle cells of the heart. The identification of the first receptor for UII will allow better understanding of the physiological and pharmacological roles of UII.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha (HNF4alpha) (NR2A1), an orphan member of the nuclear receptor superfamily, binds DNA exclusively as a homodimer even though it is very similar in amino acid sequence to retinoid X receptor alpha (RXRalpha), which heterodimerizes readily with other receptors. Here, experimental analysis of residues involved in protein dimerization and studies on a reported ligand for HNF4alpha are combined with a structural model of the HNF4alpha ligand-binding domain (LBD) (residues 137 to 384). When K300 (in helix 9) and E327 (in helix 10) of HNF4alpha1 were converted to the analogous residues in RXRalpha (E390 and K417, respectively) the resulting construct did not heterodimerize with the wild-type HNF4alpha, although it was still able to form homodimers and bind DNA. Furthermore, the double mutant did not heterodimerize with RXR or RAR but was still able to dimerize in solution with an HNF4alpha construct truncated at amino acid residue 268. This suggests that the charge compatibility between helices 9 and 10 is necessary, but not sufficient, to determine dimerization partners, and that additional residues in the HNF4alpha LBD are also important in dimerization. The structural model of the HNF4alpha LBD and an amino acid sequence alignment of helices 9 and 10 in various HNF4 and other receptor genes indicates that a K(X)(26)E motif can be used to identify HNF4 genes from other organisms and that a (E/D(X)(26-29)K/R) motif can be used to predict heterodimerization of many, but not all, receptors with RXR. In vitro analysis of another HNF4alpha mutant construct indicates that helix 10 also plays a structural role in the conformational integrity of HNF4alpha. The structural model and experimental analysis indicate that fatty acyl CoA thioesters, the proposed HNF4alpha ligands, are not good candidates for a traditional ligand for HNF4alpha. Finally, these results provide insight into the mechanism of action of naturally occurring mutations in the human HNF4alpha gene found in patients with maturity onset diabetes of the young 1 (MODY1).  相似文献   

BackgroundOlfactory receptors were initially believed to be expressed specifically within the olfactory neurons. However, accumulating genome-scale data has recently demonstrated more extensive expression. There are hundreds of olfactory receptor family members and the realisation of their widespread expression provides an opportunity to reveal new biology. However, existing data is predominantly based on RT-PCR, microarray and RNA-seq approaches and the details of tissue and cell-type specific expression are lacking.ResultsAs a proof of principle, we selected Olfr603 for expression analysis. We generated an antibody against a non-conserved epitope of Olfr603 and characterised its expression in E8.5-E12.5 mouse embryos using immunohistochemistry. This analysis demonstrated a dynamic pattern of expression in diverse cell types within the developing embryo unrelated to the olfactory system. Expression was detected in migrating neural crest, endothelial precursors and vascular endothelium, endocardial cells, smooth muscle, neuroepithelium and within the ocular tissues. This complex distribution does not conform to any apparent germ layer or tissue origin.ConclusionsThis initial characterisation of Olfr603 expression highlights the potential for a broad role for this receptor in the development of many tissues.  相似文献   

A mutation in the nuclear orphan receptor RORalpha results in a severe impairment of cerebellar development by unknown mechanisms. We have shown previously that RORalpha contains a strong constitutive activation domain in its C terminus. We therefore searched for mammalian RORalpha coactivators using the minimal activation domain as bait in a two-hybrid screen. Several known and putative coactivators were isolated, including glucocorticoid receptor-interacting protein-1 (GRIP-1) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-binding protein (PBP/TRAP220/DRIP205). These interactions were confirmed in vitro and require the intact activation domain of RORalpha although different requirements for interaction with GRIP-1 and PBP were detected. Even in the absence of exogenous ligand, RORalpha interacts with a complex or complexes of endogenous proteins, similar to those that bind to ligand-occupied thyroid hormone and vitamin D receptors. Both PBP and GRIP-1 were shown to be present in these complexes. Thus we have identified several potential RORalpha coactivators that, in contrast to the interactions with hormone receptors, interact with RORalpha in yeast, in bacterial extracts, and in mammalian cells in vivo and in vitro in the absence of exogenous ligand. GRIP-1 functioned as a coactivator for the RORalpha both in yeast and in mammalian cells. Thus, GRIP-1 is the first proven coactivator for RORalpha.  相似文献   

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