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Dictyostelium discoideum DNA fragments have been inserted into the chimeric bacterium-yeast plasmid YEp13. Recombinant plasmids were used to transform yeast using a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae deficient in OMP decarboxylase activity. Several clones were selected for growth in uracil-free medium. One clone was further analysed and contains a plasmid with a segment of D. discoideum DNA which complements a yeast ura3 mutation.  相似文献   

High copy number nuclear plasmids are becoming recognized as common genetic components of simple eukaryotes. Like bacterial plasmids, eukaryotic plasmids ensure their persistence in dividing cells by having a partitioning system and a regulated means of amplifying copy number to correct inherent fluctuations in partitioning. By virtue of their small size and autonomy from the chromosomes, eukaryotic plasmids are useful for studying not only features of eukaryotic replicons but many aspects of gene regulation and DNA organization in nucleated cells.  相似文献   

Summary The TFS1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a dosage-dependent suppressor of cdc25 mutations. Overexpression of TFS1 does not alleviate defects of temperature-sensitive adenylyl cyclase (cdc35) or ras2 disruption mutations. The ability of TFS1 to suppress cdc25 is allele specific: the temperature-sensitive cdc25-1 mutation is suppressed efficiently but the cdc25-5 mutation and two disruption mutations are only partially suppressed. TFS1 maps to a previously undefined locus on chromosome XII between RDN1 and CDC42. The DNA sequence of TFS1 contains a single long open reading frame encoding a 219 amino acid polypeptide that is similar in sequence to two mammalian brain proteins. Insertion and deletion mutations in TFS1 are haploviable, indicating that TFS1 is not essential for growth.  相似文献   

Summary Haploid strains of Dictyostelium discoideum carrying radiation-sensitive mutations in both the radA and radC genes are more sensitive to UV light irradiation than the additive sensitivity of the single-mutant haploids. This synergistic interaction indicates that the radA and radC gene products are involved in two different pathways of repair following UV-induced DNA damage. Double-mutant haploids bearing mutations in both the radA and radB genes have the same sensitivity as the radB single mutant indicating that the radA and radB gene products are involved in the same repair pathway.Abbreviations used UV ultraviolet light - PBS phosphate buffered saline - MNNG N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine  相似文献   

Total histones and histone fractions isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromatin were analysed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The presence of the four histone fractions H2a, H2b, H3 and H4 was demonstrated. In addition, yeast chromatin contained a protein similar to histone H1 from mammals in molecular weight, charge and association properties with Triton X-100. However, it had a much lower lysine to arginine ratio, equal to about 3, as compared with H1 histones from higher eukaryotes. The order of electrophoretic mobilities of yeast histone fractions in acidic urea-polyacrylamide gels was similar to that observed for histones from plant sources, i.e. H4>H3>H2a>H2b>H1. Previously undetected protein (protein X) was extracted from yeast chromatin with 5 % HClO4. The properties of this protein are under investigation.  相似文献   

Amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum, strain HL50 were mutagenized with N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, cloned, allowed to form pseudoplasmodia and screened for aberrant positive and negative thermotaxis. Three types of mutants were found. Mutant HO428 exhibits only positive thermotaxis over the entire temperature range (no negative thermotaxis). HO596 and HO813 exhibit weakened positive thermotaxis and normal negative thermotaxis. The weakened positive thermotactic response results in a shift toward warmer temperatures in the transition temperature from negative to positive thermotaxis. Mutant HO209 exhibits weakened positive and negative thermotactic responses and has a transition temperature similar to the ‘wild type’ (HL50). The two types of mutants represented by HO428, HO596 and HO813 support the model that positive and negative thermotaxis have separate pathways for temperature sensing. The type of mutants which contains HO209 suggests that those two pathways converge at some point before the response.  相似文献   

We have isolated mutant strains of the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum, which specifically lack α-mannosidase-1. This enzyme accumulates during the developmental phase of the life cycle. A minor isozyme, α-mannosidase-2, was recognized which accumulates only during culmination and makes up about 10 p. cent of the total activity in fruiting bodies. The minor isozyme has a pH response distinctly different from the major isozyme. Loss of the major isozyme, α-mannosidase-1, does not disrupt the normal sequence of biochemical differentiations.  相似文献   

Summary Temperature-sensitive mutants of Escherichia coli that are unable to grow at high temperature can be obtained among those selected for resistance to streptovaricin or rifampicin at low temperature (Yura et al., 1970). One of these mutants (KY5323) that was supposed to carry a single mutation affecting both rifampicin resistance and temperature sensitivity was further investigated. Using purified RNA polymerase preparations obtained from the mutant and the wild type, it was found that the activity for DNA chain elongation is more sensitive to heat treatment than that for RNA chain initiation or DNA binding, and that the mutant enzyme is significantly more labile than the wild-type enzyme with respect to RNA chain elongation, when heat treatment is carried out at high salt concentration. These results, taken together with those of the enzyme reconstitution experiments, strongly suggest that the subunit of the polymerase is directly involved in both RNA chain initiation and elongation reactions. Enzyme reconstitution experiments using isolated subunits derived from the mutant and the wild-type polymerases demonstrate that the alteration of subunit is primarily responsible for both rifampicin resistance and thermolability of the mutant enzyme. In addition, the results suggested the apparent alteration of both and subunits in this mutant. Extensive transduction experiments provided genetic evidence that are consistent with the view that the strain KY5323 carries a second mutation affecting the subunit, beside the primary mutation affecting the subunit. The hypothetical subunit mutation seems to modify quantitatively the rifampicin resistance caused by the subunit mutation.  相似文献   

Phototaxis has been studied in a variety of organisms belonging to all three major taxonomic domains – the bacteria, the archaea and the eukarya. Dictyostelium discoideum is one of a small number of eukaryotic organisms which are amenable to studying the signalling pathways involved in phototaxis. In this study we provide evidence based on protein coimmunoprecipitation for a phototaxis signalling complex in Dictyostelium that includes the proteins RasD, filamin, ErkB, GRP125 and PKB.  相似文献   

We have used [3H]DNA labelling and autoradiography to investigate the localisation of cells in S phase of the cell cycle during the aggregation and slug stages of Dictyostelium discoideum development. Our results indicate that S phase cells occur behind a sharp transverse boundary, which falls just below (or behind) the anterior tip of the aggregate or slug. PAS staining indicates that this is the boundary between the prestalk and prespore regions.  相似文献   

The claim that Ca may be a dispensable element for yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been reexamined. The cells of S. cerevisiae could grow in media which contained no added Ca and were deprived of contaminating Ca2+ by filtration through a Chelex 100 column. Also, the cells were able to grow in the presence of fairly high concentrations of EGTA. The apparent intracellular concentrations of Ca, assessed from the content of radioactive 45Ca in cells preloaded with 45CaCl2, could vary within the range of approx. 2 nM to 2.8 mM, without adversively affecting growth or morphology of the cells. An extremely low affinity for Ca2+ of the system taking up Ca into the cells was corroborated. However, even the Chelex 100-treated media were found in contain 1–5 μM Ca when maintained in glass culture vessels. Also, the ability of the cells to take up Ca from a medium containing surplus of EGTA or EDTA was demonstrated. su14CEDTA, alone or in the presence of Ca, could also be transported into the cells. It has been inferred that Ca must be as essential for yeast as it is for other eucaryotic organisms. The omnipresence of contaminating Ca and peculiarities of the Ca transporting system, combined with an intricate intracellular compartmentation of Ca, would account for the impossibility to prove the importance of Ca for yeast by direct growth studies.  相似文献   

A sudden increase in adenylate cyclase activity occurs during the chemotaxis and aggregation of Dictyostelium discoideum. Preincubation of extracts from the pre-aggregation stage, in which adenylate cyclase activity was low, with post-aggregation stages, in which the increase in activity occurred, resulted in the demonstration of a heat-stable inhibitor of adenylate cyclase (ACI) that was present only during the early stages of development. Cellular fractionation studies showed that ACI was present in both the 100 000 g pellet and supernatant fractions. The inhibitor was not inactivated by proteases or protease inhibitors. A heat-treated preparation of the inhibitor was dialysable. The effect of ACI was dependent upon a pre-incubation treatment, with notable inhibition occurring only after a 20 min pre-incubation period. The apparent inhibition was not artifactual, due to the degradation of the substrate, ATP, or to the loss of the reaction product, cAMP. Additionally, the inhibitor was specific for adenylate cyclase, as it had no effect on the activity of several other enzymes, including cAMP phosphodiesterase.  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequences of five of the six centromeres of the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis were determined. Mutual comparison of these sequences led to the following consensus: a short highly conserved box (5-ATCACGTGA-3) flanked by an AT-rich (±90%) stretch of ± 160 by followed by another conserved box (5-TNNTTTATGTTTCCGAAAATTAATAT-3).These three elements were named K1CDEI, K1CDEII, and K1CDEIII respectively, by analogy with the situation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In addition, a second 100 by AT-rich (±90%) element, named K1CDE0, was found ± 150 by upstream of K1CDEI. The sequences of both K1CDEI and K1CDEIII are highly conserved between K. lactis and S. cerevisiae; however, centromeres of K. lactis do not function in S. cerevisiae and vice versa. The most obvious differences between the centromeres of the two yeast species are the length of the AT-rich CDEII, which is 161–164 by in K. lactis versus 78–86 by in S. cerevisiae and the presence in K. lactis of K1CDEO, which is not found in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

A mutant allele of RAS1 that dominantly interferes with the wild-type Ras function in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was discovered during screening of mutants that suppress an ira2 disruption mutation. A single amino acid substitution, serine for glycine at position 22, was found to cause the mutant phenotype. The inhibitory effect of the RAS1 Ser22 gene could be overcome either by overexpression of CDC25 or by the ira2 disruption mutation. These results suggest that the RAS1Ser22 gene product interferes with the normal interaction of Ras with Cdc25 by forming a dead-end complex between Ras1Ser22 and Cdc25 proteins.  相似文献   

Differentiating cells of D. discoideum in suspension bind ConA. The proportion of the bound lectin which is competitively removed by methyl-α- mannopyranoside decreases with the time of exposure. Ferritin conjugated ConA is seen to bind both to the cell surface and to be taken into the cells, the proportion of the ConA inside the cells increasing with time. The surface bound ConA is removed by washing with methyl-α- mannopyranoside while the endocytosed ConA appears unaffected. It is suggested that much of the [125I]ConA, uncompetable by methyl-α- mannopyranoside in our and other binding studies, may be this intracellular ConA.  相似文献   

Summary A forward mutation system has been developed to obtain rapidly clonable mutants at the URA3 locus in yeast by means of selection for 5-fluoroorotic acid resistance. We have used this system to determine base changes in 35 spontaneous and 34 ultraviolet radiation-induced ura3 base substitution mutants. Other mutants (frameshift, deletion, duplication, replacement) were detected as well. Evidence is reported which suggests cyclobutane dimers are the principal mutagenic lesions induced by UV radiation in stationary phase cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Since most of the induced lesions are at 5-TT-3 sites, the results suggest that the A-rule, preferential insertion of adenine residues opposite poorly pairing sites in DNA, does not apply for yeast cells irradiated in stationary phase, whereas the spontaneous mutation data indicate that the A-rule applies for cells in logarithmic phase. Most of the spontaneous mutations are transversions. UV-induced transitions and transversions occur at approximately equal frequencies.  相似文献   

 We studied illegitimate recombination by transforming yeast with a single-stranded (ss) non-replicative plasmid. Plasmid pCW12, containing the ARG4gene, was used for transformation of yeast strains deleted for the ARG4, either in native (circular) form or after linearization within the vector sequence by the restriction enzyme ScaI. Both circular and linearized ss plasmids were shown to be much more efficient in illegitimate integration than their double-stranded (ds) counterparts and more than two-thirds of the transformants analysed contained multiple tandem integrations of the plasmid. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of genomic DNA revealed significant changes in the karyotype of some transformants. Plasmid DNA was frequently detected on more than one chromosome and on mitotically unstable, autonomously replicating elements. Our results show that the introduction of nonhomologous ss DNA into yeast cells can lead to different types of alterations in the yeast genome. Received: 9 February 1996/Accepted: 7 July 1996  相似文献   

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