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Growth of the Escherichia coli cell surface.   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Phage T6 was used as a label to follow the growth of the outer membrane in a strain of Escherichia coli temperature sensitive for the production of the T6 receptor. Extension of the surface takes place at the cell poles. Small cells extend at only one pole, whereas larger cells grow from both poles. The change from unipolar to bipolar growth appears to depend on the attainment of a particular cell size and not on completion of chromosome replication.  相似文献   

Given the critical roles of inflammation and programmed cell death in fighting infection, it is not surprising that many bacterial pathogens have evolved strategies to inactivate these defences. The causative agent of infant diarrhoea, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), is an extracellular, intestinal pathogen that blocks both inflammation and programmed cell death. EPEC attaches to enterocytes, remains in the gut lumen and utilizes a type III secretion system (T3SS) to inject multiple virulence effector proteins directly into the infected cell, many of which subvert host antimicrobial processes through the disruption of signalling pathways. Recently, T3SS effector proteins from EPEC have been identified that inhibit death receptor‐induced apoptosis. Here we review the mechanisms used by EPEC T3SS effectors to manipulate apoptosis and promote host cell survival and discuss the role of these activities during infection.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, a leading agent of infantile diarrhea worldwide, adheres to tissue culture cells in a pattern called "localized adherence." Localized adherence is associated with bundle-forming pili encoded by the plasmid bfpA gene, the product of which is homologous with the major structural subunit proteins of type IV fimbriae in other bacteria. Several of these proteins have been shown to be processed from a precursor by a specific prepilin peptidase. We cloned restriction fragments downstream of the bfpA gene into an E. coli-Pseudomonas aeruginosa shuttle vector and mobilized them into a P. aeruginosa prepilin peptidase (pilD) mutant. A plasmid containing a 1.3-kb PstI-BamHI fragment was able to complement the pilD mutation, as demonstrated by restoration of sensitivity to the pilus-specific bacteriophage PO4. The DNA sequence of this fragment revealed an open reading frame, designated bfpP, the predicted product of which is homologous to other prepilin peptidases, including TcpJ of Vibrio cholerae (30% identical amino acids), PulO of Klebsiella oxytoca (29%), and PilD of P. aeruginosa (28%). A bfpA::TnphoA mutant complemented with a bfpA-containing DNA fragment only partially processes the BfpA protein. When complemented with a larger fragment containing bfpP as well as bfpA, the mutant expresses the fully processed BfpA protein. P. aeruginosa PAK, but not a pilD mutant of PAK, expresses mature BfpA protein when the bfpA gene is mobilized into this strain. Thus, as in other type IV fimbria systems, enteropathogenic E. coli utilizes a specific prepilin peptidase to process the major subunit of the bundle-forming pilus. This prepilin petidase contains sequence and reciprocal functional homologies with the PilD protein of P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

In order to further characterize cellular invasion by enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), we compared invasion of HEp-2 cells by EPEC and enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC). We used a gentamicin HEp-2 cell assay and measured bacterial recovery under conditions of varying incubation time and temperature, and in the presence or absence of inhibitors of cellular microfilaments and microtubules. We found that, unlike EIEC, EPEC did not rapidly multiply within HEp-2 cell but invaded well at 32 degrees C. While microfilament inhibitors reduced invasion by both EIEC and EPEC, microtubule inhibitors reduced invasion by EPEC only. These results suggest that EPEC and EIEC differ in their mechanisms of epithelial cell invasion.  相似文献   

Porphobilinogen deaminase, the polymerase that catalyses the synthesis of preuroporphyrinogen, the linear tetrapyrrole precursor of uroporphyrinogen III, has been crystallized from sodium acetate buffer with polyethylene glycol 6000 as precipitant. The crystals are orthorhombic and the space group is P2(1)2(1)2, with unit cell dimensions a = 88.01 A, b = 75.86 A, c = 50.53 A and alpha = beta = gamma = 90 degrees, indicating a single molecule of 34 kDa in the asymmetric unit. The crystals grow to dimensions of 1 mm x 2 mm x 0.5 mm within two weeks in the dark and are stable in the X-ray beam for at least 40 hours. Diffraction data beyond 1.7 A resolution, observed with a synchrotron radiation source, indicate that a high resolution structure analysis is feasible.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), like many bacterial pathogens, employ a type III secretion system to deliver effector proteins across the bacterial cell. In EPEC, four proteins are known to be exported by a type III secretion system_EspA, EspB and EspD required for subversion of host cell signal transduction pathways and a translocated intimin receptor (Tir) protein (formerly Hp90) which is tyrosine-phosphorylated following transfer to the host cell to become a receptor for intimin-mediated intimate attachment and 'attaching and effacing' (A/E) lesion formation. The structural basis for protein translocation has yet to be fully elucidated for any type III secretion system. Here, we describe a novel EspA-containing filamentous organelle that is present on the bacterial surface during the early stage of A/E lesion formation, forms a physical bridge between the bacterium and the infected eukaryotic cell surface and is required for the translocation of EspB into infected epithelial cells.  相似文献   

We present the first large scale proteomic analysis of a human cellular response to a pathogen. Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) is an enteric human pathogen responsible for much childhood morbidity and mortality worldwide. EPEC uses a type III secretion system (TTSS) to inject bacterial proteins into the cytosol of intestinal epithelial cells, resulting in diarrhea. We analyzed the host response to TTSS-delivered EPEC effector proteins by infecting polarized intestinal epithelial monolayers with either wild-type or TTSS-deficient EPEC. Host proteins were isolated and subjected to quantitative profiling using isotope-coded affinity tagging (ICAT) combined with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. We identified over 2000 unique proteins from infected Caco-2 monolayers, of which approximately 13% are expressed differentially in the presence of TTSS-delivered EPEC effector proteins. We validated these data in silico and through immunoblotting and immunofluorescence microscopy. The identified changes extend cytoskeletal observations made in less relevant cell types and generate testable hypotheses with regard to host proteins potentially involved in EPEC-induced diarrhea. These data provide a framework for future biochemical analyses of host-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

This review covers enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) infections, focusing on differences in their virulence factors and regulation. While Shiga-toxin expression from integrated bacteriophages sets EHEC apart from EPEC, EHEC infections often originate from asymptomatic carriage in ruminants whereas human EPEC are considered to be overt pathogens and more host-restricted. In part, these differences reflect variation in adhesin repertoire, type III-secreted effectors and the way in which these factors are regulated.  相似文献   

bfp, the structural gene of the major repeating bundle-forming pilus (BFP) subunit, was cloned from the enteroadherent factor (EAF) plasmid of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) strain B171 (0111:NM). The bfp open reading frame encoded a 193-amlno-acid protein; comparison of this sequence with the biochemically determined N-terminal amino acid sequence showed that the mature pilin protein is comprised of 180 amino acids, that this sequence is similar to other members of the type IV pilin family, and that it is preceded by a 13-amino-acid signal peptide. Expression of the cloned bfp structural gene in an EPEC strain that had been cured of the EAF plasmid yielded a 21000 dalton protein that co-migrated with the BFP precursor protein. Thus, other genes, probably carried by the EAF plasmid, are required for the maturation of the bfp product and for the production of extracellular pilus filaments. Use of bfp as a hybridization probe showed that homologous sequences are present in all tested EPEC strains and in 13 of 16 tested Salmonelia serotypes. Fifty per cent of these bfp probe-sensitive salmonellae exhibited the localized-adherence (LA) phenotype when incubated with tissue culture cell monolayers, a trait previously associated with EAF plasmid-containing EPEC strains. Scanning electron micrographs of a bfp probe-positive, LA-positive Salmonella dublin strain showed that it grows as adherent colonies on infected monolayers and that within these colonies, BFP-like fibres form inter-bacterial linkages. For EAF plasmid-containing EPEC strains and for severai Salmonella serotypes, BFP expression may lead to the development of adherent colonies on epithelial surfaces early in the infective process.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) express rope-like bundles of filaments, termed bundle-forming pili (BFP) (J. A. Girón, A. S. Y. Ho, and G. K. Schoolnik, Science 254:710-713, 1991). Expression of BFP is associated with localized adherence to HEp-2 cells and the presence of the EPEC adherence factor plasmid. In this study, we describe the identification of rod-like fimbriae and fibrillae expressed simultaneously on the bacterial surface of three prototype EPEC strains. Upon fimbrial extraction from EPEC B171 (O111:NM), three fimbrial subunits with masses of 16.5, 15.5, and 14.7 kDa were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Their N-terminal amino acid sequence showed homology with F9 and F7(2) fimbriae of uropathogenic E. coli and F1845 of diffuse-adhering E. coli, respectively. The mixture of fimbrial subunits (called FB171) exhibited mannose-resistant agglutination of human erythrocytes only, and this activity was not inhibited by alpha-D-Gal(1-4)-beta-Gal disaccharide or any other described receptor analogs for P, S, F, M, G, and Dr hemagglutinins of uropathogenic E. coli, which suggests a different receptor specificity. Hemagglutination was inhibited by extracellular matrix glycoproteins, i.e., collagen type IV, laminin, and fibronectin, and to a lesser extent by gangliosides, fetuin, and asialofetuin. Scanning electron microscopic studies performed on clusters of bacteria adhering to HEp-2 cells revealed the presence of structures resembling BFP and rod-like fimbriae linking bacteria to bacteria and bacteria to the eukaryotic cell membrane. We suggest a role of these surface appendages in the interaction of EPEC with eukaryotic cells as well as in the overall pathogenesis of intestinal disease caused by EPEC.  相似文献   

The cell surface hydrophobicity of three strains of Escherichia coli cultured in liquid medium and on solid medium was measured using various methods including adsorption to pxylene, partition of cells in a polyethylene glycol/dextran (PEG/DEX) two phase system and contact angle measurements. The percentage adsorbed to pxylene ranged from 1.6% to 67% and the percentage of cells in polyethylene glycol phase ranged from 19% to 64%. The contact angle data of less than 40 degrees C revealed a hydrophylic character of the E. coli strains studied here. No relations were found between paraxylene/water partitioning, PEG/DEX partioning and water contact angles. The linear correlation coefficients between the results of the three hydrophobicity assays and the elemental concentration ratios obtained by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were calculated. A linear correlation was found between the contact angles and the O/C ratios (r=0.91) and the N/C ratios (0.67). The adsorption to pxylene correlates better with N/C ratios (0.88) but does not correlate with O/C ratios (0.46). However, this test correlates with N/P ratios (0.79). No relation was obtained between partition in PEG/DEX system and any elemental concentration ratios. The surface composition determined by XPS was converted into a molecular composition in terms of proteins, polysaccharides, and hydrocarbon-like compounds. The proteins/polysaccharides and the hydrocarbons/polysaccharides seems to determine the contact angle of E. coli but not the adsorption to paraxylene or partition in the PEG/DEX system.  相似文献   

Genotypic and phenotypic virulence markers of the different categories of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli were investigated in 76 strains of the enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) serogroup O125. The most frequent serotype found was O125ac:H21. None of the serotypes behaved as EPEC, i.e. carried the eaeA, bfpA, and EAF DNA sequences simultaneously and presented localized adherence to HeLa cells. All strains of O125ac:H6 were atypical EPEC since they carried eaeA only, and presented an indefinite pattern of adherence. All strains of O125ab:H9, O125ac:H9, O125?:H16, and O125ab:H21 and 79% of the O125ac:H21 strains were enteroaggregative E. coli, since they carried a specific DNA sequence and presented the typical aggregative adherence pattern.  相似文献   

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